不实耕地的概念自然质量等指数 不实耕地的概念利用等指数 不实耕地的概念经济等指数分别的概念是什么?

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张玉臻, 孔祥斌, 刘炎, 张蚌蚌, 张青璞, 王峰, 李立强, 魏利利.基于标准样地的省级耕地质量监测样地布设方法——以内蒙古自治区为例[J]. 资源科学, ):
ZHANG Yuzhen, KONG Xiangbin, LIU Yan, ZHANG Bangbang, ZHANG Qingpu, WANG Feng, LI Liqiang, WEI Lili.Layout method of monitoring samples of cultivated land at the provincial level based on standard plots in Inner Mongolia[J]. Resources Science,): &&
1. 中国农业大学资源与环境学院,北京 100193
2. 国土资源部农用地质量与监测重点实验室,北京 100193
3. 国土资源部咨询研究中心,北京 100035
4. 内蒙古自治区土地整治中心,呼和浩特 010020
基金: 国土资源部公益性行业科研专项课题()
doi: 10.18402/resci.
Layout method of monitoring samples of cultivated land at the provincial level based on standard plots in Inner Mongolia
ZHANG Yuzhen1,2,
KONG Xiangbin1,2,
ZHANG Bangbang1,2,
ZHANG Qingpu1,2,
WANG Feng3,
LI Liqiang4,
1.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences ,China Agricultural University,Bejing 100193,China
2. Key Laboratory for Farmland Quality,Monitoring and Control,National Ministry of Land and Resources,Beijing 100193,China
3. Consulting and Research Center Ministry of Land and Resources,Beijing 100035,China
4. Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center,The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Huhehaote 010020,China
Food security depends on the quality and quantity of arable land. The implementation of dynamic balance of total amount of arable land has made a significant impact to the quantity of farmland,but less regarding the quality of cultivated land protection. Farmland quality monitoring includes three levels:national,provincial and county levels. At present,domestic research mostly focusses at the county scale and national level,and provincial level research for Inner Mongolia is lacking. Here we propose optimization of the quantity and quality of standard samples,and form a technical method for monitoring sample layout at the provincial level. Inner Mongolia setting 144 provincial standard samples,we verify standard sample number and spatial distribution using the nearest neighbor index and area representative index. The results show that the spatial distribution of the original standard samples is uniform,but the distribution of number does not meet monitoring requirements. The theoretical numbers of monitoring samples are 194 using the geo-statistical method. Based on ‘secondary zones-soil types-landscapes-land use status’ combined with the distribution of land resource potential,we analyze limiting factors of land use and divide the area into 14 monitoring zones. According to the principles of one monitoring sample in different monitoring partitions in one farmland gradation at least and area index,the number of monitoring samples is revised to 219,made up of 124 original standard samples and 95 new samples. Layout of provincial monitoring samples based on our method minimizes the cost to meet the requirements of provincial arable land quality monitoring and can build arable land quality monitoring systems at the provincial scale in line with spatial variability of farmland quality. This approach provides a scientific basis for the national implementation of cultivated land quality monitoring.
standard farmland;
provincial scale;
cultivated land quality;
monitoring sample;
monitoring partion;
Inner Mongolia
1 引言国土资源部第二次土地资源调查成果表明, “ 18亿亩耕地红线” 政策虽然守住了耕地数量, 但是耕地质量严重下降[]。尽管, 中国实现了粮食产量的12年连续增产, 但是投入强度的增加起到很大作用[, , ]。2012年80%的粮食增产来源于粮食单产的增加[]。依靠“ 大水、大肥” 等外源物质投入实现的持续增产, 不仅导致了资源的耗竭[, ], 也造成了巨大的生态和环境问题, 并严重影响了粮食产量的可持续增加[], 威胁中国的粮食安全[]。中国的粮食保产、增产必须走依靠耕地质量提升的路径上来[, ], 因此, 实时掌握耕地质量状况是保障粮食安全[]的重中之重。如何依据中国第一轮全国农用地分等成果[], 以最小的投入成本来实施耕地质量监测[], 是建设全国耕地质量监测体系、实时掌握中国耕地质量动态迫切需要解决的技术问题。国内外围绕耕地质量监测方法开展了大量研究, 美国建立了国家资源清单, 对耕地数量、质量及生产能力变化情况进行长期定位监测[, ]。欧盟采用网格法[], 加拿大利用“ 监测区-监测样点” 的方法[]分别对全国的资源实施监测。国内学者围绕耕地质量监测工作亦开展了大量研究, 标准样地是优质耕地的代表且具备耕地质量的气候、地貌、土壤、利用等全要素特征, 因此标准样地成为耕地质量监测样地的首要选择。在国家层面上, 张蚌蚌等从数量、质量、空间三个层次对标准样地作为耕地质量监测样地的代表性进行了探讨[]。何江华等、伍育鹏等论述了基于标准样地进行耕地质量监测的可行性[, ]。郭力娜等、吴克宁等从国家层面上探讨了基于标准样地的耕地质量等别监测点的设置方法[, , ]。余述琼等从二级区尺度上探讨了耕地质量监测样点的布控方法[]。在县域尺度上, 王佳宁等、孙亚彬等、相慧等进行耕地质量等别监测样点布控方法的研究[, , ]。刘霈珈等有效整合了农用地分等和土地质量地球化学评估两项成果, 探讨了划分耕地质量监测分区与监测类型的应用思路[]。综上, 县级尺度上监测样地布设方法的研究已经比较完善, 也有不少专家从国家层面对耕地质量监测进行了探讨, 但目前缺乏省级尺度上的耕地质量监测研究。从管理角度来讲, 省级耕地质量监测工作是连接国家与标准耕作二级区、县域之间耕地质量监测重要环节, 采取何种方法构建省级耕地质量监测样地布设方法, 形成国家汇总、省级对监测工作进行总控、县级实施的三级联动机制, 是急需解决的问题。因此, 本文从省级尺度上, 采用地统计学方法在对省级标准样地进行数量优化和空间代表性优化的基础上, 尝试构建省级监测样地布设方法。2 研究区概况及数据来源2.1 研究区概况内蒙古自治区位于中国北部边疆, 地处90° 12′ E-126° 04′ E, 37° 24′ W-53° 23′ W, 国境线长4200km。包括12个市盟, 下设101个县级行政单位。土地面积118.30万km2, 约占全国土地总面积的25%, 其中耕地面积约740.17万hm2, 占自治区总面积的6.26%。耕地利用受热量条件制约, 属于一年一熟区。按照农用地分等规程[]中确定的耕作制度分区, 共覆盖了3个一级区, 7个二级区。境内太阳辐射强烈, 光强资源丰富, 年均日照时数在h之间, 农业地区日照百分率均在70%以上, 年均气温-2~6℃, 年均降水量50~450mm。热量低、温差大、降水量少等自然条件对耕地资源的有效利用产生重大影响。土壤类型分布呈东西部变化明显, 最东为黑土壤地带, 向西依次为暗棕壤地带、黑钙土地带、栗钙土地带、棕壤土地带、黑垆土地带、灰钙土地带、风沙土地带和灰棕漠土地带。地形地貌以内蒙古高原为主; 东有大兴安岭, 南有阴山、贺南山。2.2 数据来源标准样地的设置是根据农用地分等的成果, 按照“ 分等单元-多因素评价-耕地等别-县级标准样地-省级标准样地-国家级标准样地” 层层优选而确定[]。本研究所需的数据包括:①国土资源部土地整治中心提供的内蒙古自治区农用地分等成果, 其中包括省级及国家级标准样地空间分布等数据[]; ②中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心获取的全国DEM、全国土壤类型图(http://www.resdc.cn); ③《中国土地资源图集》中的中国土地潜力分区图[]。3 研究方法本文以内蒙古自治区省级标准样地布设情况为出发点, 分析省级标准样地直接作为省级监测样地的合理性; 采用地统计学方法确定合理的监测样地数量, 按照“ 等别-监测分区” 以及优先选择标准样地原则, 在省域内布设监测样地, 并对其空间和数量上的代表性进行验证分析(图1)。图1Figure 1 图1 基于标准样地的监测样地布设方法Figure 1 Monitoring samples layout method based on standard sample3.1 空间代表性检验方法最邻近点指数D是用来描述点状事物在空间上的分布特征[]。标准样地在区域内可近似看作点要素, 本文采用该指数定量分析内蒙古自治区标准样地的空间分布特征。计算公式为: d?=1m∑i=1mdi(1) dE=12m/A(2) D=d?/dE(3)式中
di为区域内点i到其最邻近点的距离; m为区域内点总数;
dE为理论最邻近平均距离; A为区域耕地面积。D为最邻近点指数, 当D=1时, 点状分布为随机型; 当D> 1时, 点状要素趋均匀分布; 当D< 1时, 点状要素趋于凝聚分布; 计算各二级区最邻近点指数, 并判别其结构类型。3.2 数量代表性检验方法采用面积代表性指数[]用来反映监测样地数量比例与耕地面积比例的分布趋势。计算公式为: K=p1-p2max(p1,p2)p1≠0且p2≠00p1=0且p2=0(4)式中K为监测点代表性指数, 范围为
p2为耕地面积比例。指数K越小(K越接近0), 说明监测样地的数量比例与耕地面积分布趋势越一致, 越能反映耕地质量水平; 指数K越大(K越接近1, 若
p1> p2, 则表明监测样地的数量过多, 浪费资源; 若
p1< p2, 则表明监测样地数量不足, 需要增加监测样地数量), 监测样地不能较好的反映区域内的耕地质量水平。3.3 监测样地数量确定方法采用地统计学方法, 通过简单随机抽样公式来计算样地数量[, ]。计算公式为: nclassic=n01+n0/N,n0=uαSqY?2(5)式中
n0为原始抽取样本量; N为样本总量;
uα为标准正态分布的双侧分位数; S为总体标准差;
Y?为总体均值; q为相对误差用以表示精度的要求。此公式适用于样本量有限且抽取的样本不放回的情况。一般取置信水平95%,
uα值为1.96。以耕地等别指数作为样本数据, 计算简单随机抽样所需样本数的范围。本研究中将耕地作为样本, 而耕地在空间上具有相互作用和相互影响, 因此, 在简单随机抽样的基础上, 通过耕地属性的空间自相关关系对样本量进行调整, 用以确定样本量, 采用如下公式计算[]: n=nclassic1-r(6)式中
r通过ArcGIS软件空间分析功能计算而得到[]。通过以上方法分别对耕地质量自然指数、利用指数、经济指数进行分析计算确定样本量。3.4 耕地质量监测分区划分方法耕地质量监测分区是全省范围监测样点布设的基础。本文根据气候条件、地形地貌条件、土地利用主要限制因素等指标对内蒙古自治区全域耕地进行宏观上的分区; 首先选择耕作制度二级区作为区域气候条件以及地形地貌条件的差异分区, 然后结合《中国土地资源图集》中的中国土地潜力分区图, 综合考虑土地利用限制因素:土壤类型、海拔高度及土地利用现状等因素, 运用ArcGIS空间叠加分析工具划分耕地质量监测分区。(1)耕作制度二级区。依据农用地分等规程, 耕作制度一级区主要反映水热条件与大的地形地貌差异; 二级区是在一级区基础上的进一步细分。经过对自治区耕作制度二级区的地形地貌和气候的代表性分析后, 本文选择耕作制度二级区作为内蒙古自治区的气候、地形地貌分区。内蒙古自治区包括大小兴安岭山地区、松嫩平原区、辽吉西蒙东南冀北山地区、后山坝上高原区、河套银川平原区、内蒙古草原区、阿拉善高原区7个二级区(图2)。图2Figure 2 图2 标准样地在耕作制度二级区的分布Figure 2 Spatial distribution in secondary zone of national standard sample plot(2)土壤类型、海拔高度DEM、土地利用现状。综合考虑影响耕地质量的主要因素, 如土壤类型和海拔高度, 并结合土地利用现状, 分析内蒙古自治区耕地利用条件的限制因素。(3)《中国土地资源图集》中的中国土地潜力分区图。本文引入中国1
∶100万土地资源图编制工作思想, 对内蒙古自治区耕地利用主要限制因素进行识别。根据《中国土地资源图集》中的中国土地潜力分区图, 将内蒙古自治区划分5个土地资源潜力区:东北区、内蒙古干旱区、华北-辽南区、西北干旱区、黄土高原区。汇总5个土地资源潜力区土地利用限制因素诊断成果, 土地利用限制主导因素包括盐碱限制、土层限制、水分限制、土质限制、水分与排水限制、坡度限制、温度限制以及侵蚀限制等。(4)将上述分区进行空间叠加, 形成监测分区; 再将面积较小的分区进行临近区的归并, 得到内蒙古自治区最终耕地质量监测分区。3.5 省级耕地质量监测样地数量修订及空间布设方法(1)监测样地数量修正。采用各耕地等别内的耕地面积比例修正监测样地数量, 计算公式为: hp=MpM×n(7) rp=max(hp,yp)(8)式中p为耕地等别, 取值为7~15等;
Mp为p等地面积; M为耕地总面积;
rp为p等地内修正后的监测样地数量。(2)监测样地空间位置确定。按照&#x0201c; 耕地等别-监测分区&#x0201d; 的顺序, 将监测分区图与省级标准样地空间分布图、农用地分等数据进行叠加, 以耕地等别内监测样地数量修正值
rp为总量限制, 根据监测样地优先选取标准样地的原则, 优先选择监测分区内的标准样地作为监测样地, 然后在剩余的耕地分等单元中根据&#x0201c; 异质性&#x0201d; 原则, 将分等单元转化为点, 作为监测样地, 确定监测样地的最终空间位置。4 结果分析4.1 内蒙古自治区标准样地代表性分析4.1.1 内蒙古自治区标准样地空间代表性分析本文假设内蒙古自治区省级标准样地为点状要素, 在省内7个标准耕作制度二级区内均有分布(图2)。内蒙古自治区共有144个省级标准样地, 主要分布在辽吉西蒙东南冀北山地区、后山坝上高原区以及河套银川平原区, 在松嫩平原区的分布较少, 只有1个标准样地。按照最邻近点指数计算原理和标准样地分布类型标准, 得出各二级区内最邻近点指数及空间结构类型()。由可知, 内蒙古自治区的最邻近点指数D为3.56, 大于1, 表明省级标准样地在内蒙古自治区内呈均匀分布; 除松嫩平原区外, 其他标准耕作制度二级区的最邻近点指数D也均大于1, 说明标准样地在相应的二级区亦呈均匀分布; 其中阿拉善高原区的最邻近点指数相对较高, 主要是由于区域内耕地分布相对零散导致的; 松嫩平原区因只有一个标准样地, 无法计算最邻近点指数。通过对标准样地的空间分布分析, 得到内蒙古自治区省级标准样地在空间上呈均匀性分布, 表明在省级标准样地的基础上进一步优化后再布设的省级监测样地, 可以反映全省耕地质量水平, 同时也表明基于省级标准样地布设省级监测样地这一方法的可行性。表1Table 1表1(Table 1)
表1 二级区最邻近点指数及空间结构类型
Table 1 Nearest point index spatial structure types in secondary zone二级区名称二级区代称最邻近点指数D空间结构类型面积/万hm2标准样地数量/个阿拉善高原区ALS6.21均匀型2.734大小兴安岭山地区DXXAL4.64均匀型110.5914河套银川平原区HTYC2.38均匀型90.5323后山坝上高原区HSBS4.76均匀型144.9340辽吉西蒙东南冀北山地区LJXM2.99均匀型257.9145内蒙古草原区NMG4.70均匀型109.7417松嫩平原区SN--23.741全省-3.56均匀型740.37144注:为了图表标注简单明了, 本文采用以各二级区名称的首字母组成的代称来命名二级区名称的方式, 、图3和图6雷同。
表1 二级区最邻近点指数及空间结构类型
Table 1 Nearest point index spatial structure types in secondary zone4.1.2 内蒙古自治区标准样地数量代表性分析按照面积代表性指数, 对二级区内各耕地质量等别内标准样地的代表性情况进行分析(图3, )。由可得, 内蒙古耕地总面积为740.17万hm2, 主要分布在7~15等别, 其中12~15等地占了94.57%, 7~11等地占了5.43%; 相应省级标准样地在各质量等别内均有分布, 其中80.56%的省级标准样地分布在12~15等地, 19.44%分布在7~11等地。图3Figure 3 图3 标准样地数量与耕地面积匹配程度Figure 3 Matching degree of number of standard sample and cultivated land area 注:二级区名称见。表2Table 2表2(Table 2)
表2 内蒙古自治区耕地面积及省级标准样地数量分布
Table 2 Distribution of provincial standard sample in Inner Mongolia (万hm2, 个)二级区7等8等9等10等11等12等13等14等15等合计面积数量面积数量面积数量面积数量面积数量面积数量面积数量面积数量面积数量样本总数阿拉善高原区----0.31-1.0620.9620.40-------4大小兴安岭山地区----------0.76-5.52228.5475.81814河套银川平原区0.13-0.3722.16210.20322.15422.18610.0428.89214.41223后山坝上高原区0.0220.04-0.0620.1620.8947.04111.16527.861297.71240辽吉西蒙东南冀北山地区----0.2120.13-1.17117.40322.301347.70141691245内蒙古草原区--0.15-0.02-0-0.03-1.94328.30215.60363.7917松嫩平原区------------0.01-7.31-16.6211总计0.1520.5622.76611.50725.201149.701377.30241363543744144注:二级区名称见。
表2 内蒙古自治区耕地面积及省级标准样地数量分布
Table 2 Distribution of provincial standard sample in Inner Mongolia (万hm2, 个)由图3b可以得到, 只有12~15等别的标准样地代表性指数小于0.5, 7~11等别的标准样地代表性指数大于0.5, 且7~11等别的标准样地代表指数均接近1, 表明若直接选择标准样地作为监测样地进行耕地质量监测, 代表性较差, 不能较好反映7~11等别上的耕地质量情况; 同样在二级区尺度上, 对标准样地的代表性进行检验, 由图3a可得, 除阿拉善高原区以及松嫩平原区标准样地代表性指数接近1以外, 其余标准耕作制度二级区的代表性指数均小于0.4, 表明阿拉善高原区以及松嫩平原区的省级标准样地数量代表性较差。其中, 松嫩平原区标准样地比例小于耕地面积比例, 存在监测样地不足问题, 阿拉善高原区标准样地比例大于耕地面积比例, 存在样地冗余问题, 下一步的监测样地布设过程中需要考虑对其进行重点优化。4.2 省级监测样地数量确定采用空间抽样法, 对内蒙古自治区4121个省级分等图斑对应的耕地质量自然等指数、利用等指数和经济等指数分别进行统计分析(参见公式(5)、公式(6)), 确定监测样地的数量()。表3Table 3表3(Table 3)
表3 监测样地数量优化
Table 3 Quantitative opimization of monitoring sample依据不同耕地质量等指数确定样本量自然等指数利用等指数经济等指数总样本量/个4 1214 1214 121标准差519263278均值1 303.7610.9572.5 ua1.961.961.96相对误差/%555 n0243.53284.80362.34传统简单随机抽样样本229.94266.39333.05MORAN&#x02019; s I0.710.590.42显著性区间/%&#x0003E; 99&#x0003E; 99&#x0003E; 99校正后监测样地数量(取整)/个67110194
表3 监测样地数量优化
Table 3 Quantitative opimization of monitoring sample耕地质量监测样地, 要反映耕地的自然条件、土地利用以及投入-产出情况。由知, 依据自然等指数、利用等指数以及经济等指数统计分析确定的监测样地数量依次为:67、110和194, 为了反映内蒙古自治区耕地质量全要素特征, 本文初步采用经济等指数确定的监测样地数量, 即全域内至少初步布设194个省级监测样地。原农用地分等时设置的标准样地数量并不能满足监测样地数量要求, 需要在标准样地的数量上进行增加以满足需要。4.3 省级监测样地空间分布4.3.1 耕地质量监测分区的划分在耕作制度二级区基础上综合内蒙古自治区土壤分布图、DEM数据、土地利用现状数据, 同时借鉴1
∶100万土地资源图中土地利用限制主导因素诊断成果, 对内蒙古自治区土地利用限制主导因素进行识别, 最终划分为14个监测控制分区(见图4)。对于监测分区的命名, 本文采用&#x0201c; 标准耕作制度分区和土地利用限制因素&#x0201d; 相结合的方式, 依次为:I 阿拉善高原-多限制因素区II 东北及松嫩平原-较少限制区III 东北-坡度限制区IV 河套银川平原-坡度与侵蚀限制区V 河套银川平原-盐碱限制区VI 后山坝上高原-坡度侵蚀限制区VII 后山坝上高原-水分限制区VIII 后山坝上高原-土质限制区IX 辽吉西蒙东南冀北山地-坡度与土质限制区X 辽吉西蒙东南冀北山地-轻微土质限制区XI 内蒙古草原-多种限制因素区XII 内蒙古草原-水分土质限制区XIII 内蒙古草原-水分限制区XIV 内蒙古草原-土质限制区图4Figure 4 图4 内蒙古自治区监测分区分布Figure 4 Distribution of monitoring zone in Inner Mongolia4.3.2 省级监测样地布控根据面积比例分配法, 计算得到各质量等别上的理论监测样地数量, 综合考虑等别内各监测分区上均有监测样地分布的原则(参见公式(7)、公式(8)), 继续修正各质量等别内的监测样地数量。由可以得到, 修正后的监测样地数量主要分布在7-11等别内, 这与4.1.2中标准样地数量代表性分析结果相对应; 修正后得到7-15等别上的监测样地数量分别为2、5、6、11、11、14、20、35、115, 共计219个(见)。表4Table 4表4(Table 4)
表4 监测样地数量修正
Table 4 Adjusted number of monitoring samples耕地等别监测分区数量 yp/个耕地面积/万hm2面积比例/%合理数量 hp/个修正数量 rp/个720.150.0202850.560.0805962.760.3716101111.501.55311111125.203.40711121449.706.711314131477.3010.4420201414136.0018.3735351514437.0059.04115115总计14740.17100.00194219
表4 监测样地数量修正
Table 4 Adjusted number of monitoring samples接下来是对监测样地空间位置的确定, 在&#x0201c; 耕地等别-监测分区&#x0201d; 的基础上, 以各耕地质量等别上修正后的监测样地数量为总量控制, 根据监测样地&#x0201c; 优先选择省级标准样地&#x0201d; 以及&#x0201c; 各监测分区至少有一个监测样地&#x0201d; 的原则, 将各监测分区内空间位置合理的标准样地优先确定为监测样地, 然后将剩余的分等图斑依据&#x0201c; 异质性&#x0201d; 原则转换为点, 并作为监测样地, 直到满足等别内的监测样地数量为止, 最终确定内蒙古自治区省级监测样地中保留标准样地124个, 剔除因土地利用方式发生改变以及空间位置重复性的标准样地20个, 新增监测样地95个, 合计监测样地219个(见、图5)。图5Figure 5 图5 监测样地空间分布Figure 5 Spatial distribution of monitoring sample表5Table 5表5(Table 5)
表5 监测分区内监测样地分布
Table 5 Distribution of monitoring sample in monitoring zone监测控制区编号名称面积比例/%实际样本量/个保留标准样地/个新增监测样地/个J-01阿拉善高原-多限制因素区0.12440J-02东北及松嫩平原-较少限制区7.3515411J-03东北-坡度限制区8.02231013J-04河套银川平原-坡度与侵蚀限制区5.501292J-05河套银川平原-盐碱限制区7.5313103J-06后山坝上高原-坡度侵蚀限制区10.80231112J-07后山坝上高原-水分限制区10.351091J-08后山坝上高原-土质限制区1.4913103J-09辽吉西蒙东南冀北山地-坡度与土质限制区24.70542629J-10辽吉西蒙东南冀北山地-轻微土质限制区13.1018108J-11内蒙古草原-水分土质限制区8.7218117J-12内蒙古草原-土质限制区0.86853J-13内蒙古草原-水分限制区0.37532J-14内蒙古草原-多种限制因素区1.09321总计-10021912495
表5 监测分区内监测样地分布
Table 5 Distribution of monitoring sample in monitoring zone4.4 省级监测样地代表性分析经过标准样地的数量修正和空间位置布设后, 最终确定内蒙古自治区监测样地数量为219个, 其中包括标准样地124个, 新增监测样地95个。在耕作制度二级区内, 对最终布设的监测样地的代表性进一步验证分析, 除阿拉善高原区以外, 其他二级区监测样地代表性指数均小于0.2, 说明监测样地的代表性较好。分析阿拉善高原区监测样地代表性指数偏高的原因, 发现阿拉善高原区耕地面积为2.73万hm2, 耕地质量等别为9~12等, 为保证各等别耕地内均有监测样地分布, 需要的监测样地数量较多, 从而导致监测样地数量与耕地面积趋势不一致(见图6)。表6Table 6表6(Table 6)
表6 J-O4 监测样地属性
Table 6 The attribute of monitoring sample in J-O4监测分区类别监测样地序号标准样地序号利用等别河套银川平原标准样地JCYD-89SJ-12314坡度与侵蚀JCYD-90SJ-12412限制区JCYD-91GJJ-1258JCYD-96GJJ-12813JCYD-99GJJ-13612JCYD-100SJ-13711JCYD-101SJ-13812JCYD-104GJJ-8410JCYD-108SJ-12913新增监测JCYD-103-14样地JCYD-146-15JCYD-147-15
表6 J-O4 监测样地属性
Table 6 The attribute of monitoring sample in J-O4图6Figure 6 图6 二级区内监测样地代表性指数K注:二级区名称见。Figure 6 The representative index K of monitoring sample in secondary zone最终对各监测分区的监测样地的属性信息进行整理归类, 并分类编号, 结果如所示。(随机选择监测控制区J-04河套银川平原坡度与侵蚀限制区为例)。5 结论与讨论5.1 结论本文提出了以省级标准样地为基础, 采用地统计学理论确定省级监测样地的数量和空间分布的方法, 对完善中国耕地质量监测体系具有一定借鉴作用。(1)提出了以省级标准样地为基础, 对其空间分布和数量进行优化后, 合理布设监测样地的方法。采用最邻近点指数和面积代表性指数对标准样地的空间分布和数量进行验证分析, 得到内蒙古自治区标准样地在空间上整体呈均匀性分布, 充分说明了以标准样地为基础, 进一步优化选择省级监测样地的合理性; 但是, 省级标准样地在数量上并不能满足要求。(2)采用地统计学方法, 确定省级监测样地的理论数量为194个。在监测样地的布设中, 按照&#x0201c; 等别-监测分区&#x0201d; 的控制顺序和优先选择标准样地的原则, 最终确定监测样地数量为219个, 其中包括标准样地124个, 新增监测样地95个。监测样地在各二级区、各耕地质量等别上均有分布, 且与耕地面积分布趋势一致, 可以反映自治区全域耕地质量情况。5.2 讨论(1)目前国内研究多集中在县级、国家级监测样地布设方法上, 较少在省级层面探讨监测样地布设; 本文通过对省级标准样地在数量和代表性上的分析, 提出了省级耕地质量监测样地的布设方法。一方面可以避免县域监测样地数量冗余的问题, 有效提高耕地质量监测效率; 另一方面, 可以加强国家对省级耕地质量监测工作的宏观把控。(2)从2015年起, 国土资源部全面开展全国耕地质量等别年度更新评价与年度监测工作, 但是, 当前侧重点是对土地整治和灾毁等突变因素引起的耕地质量变化进行更新评价, 以及对有机质含量和盐渍化程度等渐变因素的监测, 尚未建立起一套 &#x0201c; 由固定监测样地和随机监测样地&#x0201d; 组成的监测网络体系, 本研究可以为下一步构建一套完整的耕地质量监测网络提供方法参考。(3)本文的研究不足是所采用的最邻近点指数在确定标准样地的空间分布的均匀性时, 无法对样地数量以及样地之间的距离作出判断; 面积代表性指数在确定样地数量时, 无法判断样地空间分布是否合理, 因此两种方法必须结合应用, 才能弥补相互的不足。在确定了监测样地的数量后, 对监测样地布设的过程中, 要充分考虑图斑的&#x0201c; 异质性&#x0201d; 原则, 这一步在实际的操作过程中缺乏相应的技术规范, 存在一定的主观倾向, 这是今后在研究中需要探讨的问题。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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王劲峰, 廖一兰, 刘鑫. 空间数据分析教程[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010. [Wang J F, Liao Y L, Liu X. A Course in Spatial Data Analysis[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2010. ]
姜成晟, 王劲峰, 曹志冬.
地理空间抽样理论研究综述[J]. [Jiang C S, Wang J F, Cao Z D.
A review of geo-spatial sampling theory[J].
王迪, 陈仲新, 周清波, 等.
冬小麦种植面积空间抽样样本布局的优化设计[J]. [Wang D, Chen Z X, Zhou Q B,
et al. Optimization of samples layout in spatial sampling schemes for estimating winter wheat planting acreage[J].
李连发, 王劲峰, 姜成晟. 空间抽样与统计[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2009. [Li L F, Wang J F, Jiang C S. Spatial Sampling and
Statistics[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2009. ]
魏晓峰, 吴健平.
基于ArcGIS的空间自相关分析模块的开发与应用[J]. [Wei X F, Wu J P.
The development and
application of spatial auto-correlation based on ArcGIS[J].
石玉林, 岳燕珍, 石竹筠. 中国土地资源图集[M]. 北京: 中国大地出版社, 2006. [Shi Y L, Yue Y Z, Shi Z Y. China Land
Re-sources Atlas[M]. Beijing: China Land
Press, 2006. ]
... 政策虽然守住了耕地数量,但是耕地质量严重下降[1] ...
肖建英, 谭术魁.
中国粮食产量省级尺度下的空间分异规律[J]. [Xiao J Y, Tan S K.
Regularity of the spatial variation of grain yield at provincial scale in China[J].
研究目的:对年中国31个省(自治区、直辖 市)粮食产量的空间自相关性、集聚性进行考察和分析,发现中国粮食生产的空间分布及变化规律。研究方法:GIS技术与空间计量分析方法。研究结果:(1) 观测期内中国粮食产量存在显著的空间自相关关系。(2)中部地区一直存在粮食产量“高-高”空间关联性,围绕安徽、山东等省形成显著的粮食高产集聚区。西 北地区存在“低-低”空间关联模式,新疆附近为显著低产集聚区。粮食产量显著离散的主要分布在四川、海南等省附近。研究结论:观测期内,地区间粮食产量的 增减会对粮食产量的空间集聚、离散趋势产生一定影响,但粮食产量重心变动并不显著;为保障中国粮食产量,需要增加对粮食主产区耕地的保护与投入力度,同时 不断改善其他宜农地区的耕作环境。
... 尽管,中国实现了粮食产量的12年连续增产,但是投入强度的增加起到很大作用[2,3,4] ...
陈秧分, 李先德.
中国粮食产量变化的时空格局与影响因素[J]. [Chen Y F, Li X D.
Spatial-temporal characteristics and
influencing factors of grain yield change in China[J].
Abstract: Despite high attention to the stability and increase of grain production and market supply by Chinese government, grain yield in China has been undergoing a great fluctuation during the past decades, which could be a big challenge to national food security. This paper thus analyzes the spatial-temporal characteristics and influence factors of grain yield change in China since 1990 from the aspect of evolution stages and main types. Statistical indicators and spatial econometric models for panel data are introduced, which are supported by Geodata, ArcGIS, and Matlab software. It shows that the growing process of Chinese grain yield has three stages, namely stage , , and
respectively. Meanwhile, provinces in China can be categorized into three sets according to different supply-demand relationships, which are provinces with surplus grain (PGSG), provinces with balanced grain supply and demand (PBGSD), and provinces with insufficient grain supply (PIGS). The three separate types vary every year, with different provinces included each other. Roughly speaking, the grain production status of eastern provinces, central provinces, western provinces, and northeastern provinces is decreased, weakened, enhanced and strengthened respectively. In 2011, the PGSG, the PBGSD, and the PIGS distribute mainly at North, Middle, and South China respectively. Among all the factors that influence grain yield, the land factor has a significant positive impact, changing from strong to weak. It indicates grain production in China is increasingly dependent upon factors that contribute to per unit yield, such as technical progress, capital investment, etc. The labor factor brings an effect from positive significant to insignificant then negative significant, reflecting the change of agricultural surplus labor, rural labor structure, etc. The impact of different types of capital input varies as follows. Definitely, agricultural infrastructure investment, represented by irrigation facilities, has a strong positive effect. As a kind of labor saving capital investment, the total power of agricultural machinery brings about 'positive to negative and positive again' the chemical fertilizer input, as a representative of agricultural materials, follows the law of diminishing returns to scale. Besides agricultural production factors, agricultural structure adjustment, non-agricultural industry development, and random error factors of neighboring provinces also influence the actual yield. As to the three separate types, the driving mechanism of grain yield change differs significantly, including the impact of agricultural production factors and that of macro environment. It is the mutual result of both internal law such as diminishing marginal returns and scale effect and external factors such as government regulation. Taking into account the above different driving mechanism, it will be meaningful to promote the regional division of grain production among the PGSG, the PBGSD, and the PIGS, to protect a large-scale arable land resource with a special priority to the project of arable land consolidation and protection in PGSG, to change the focal point of financial support and land consolidation to improve the efficiency of agricultural infrastructure, to solve the scarcity of agricultural labor by measures such as the cognizance of agricultural producers, and to promote agricultural mechanization with an emphasis to plain agricultural area, and which in all will help stabilize and increase grain yield in China.
... 尽管,中国实现了粮食产量的12年连续增产,但是投入强度的增加起到很大作用[2,3,4] ...
刘会玉, 林振山, 张明阳.
基于EMD的我国粮食产量波动及其成因多尺度分析[J]. [Liu H Y, Lin Z S, Zhang M Y.
Analysis on the fluctuation of grain output in China and
its causes at multi-time scale based on empirical mode decomposition method[J].
Grain security is a very important issue which has a significant influence on the social stability of both a country and a region.Meanwhile,the fluctuation of grain output has a close relation with grain security.Thereby,the researches on the periods,amplitudes and characteristics of the fluctuation of grain output and its causes are propitious to reduce the intensity of the fluctuation,to eliminate unfavorable factors,and further to keep the stability of grain output to insure grain security.Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) is a powerful method for analyzing the nonlinear and non-stationary time series.Different from the traditional method in doing integral transformation to signal,it decomposes signal into several intrinsic mode functions (IMFs),which contain and extrude the local characters of signal.So the characteristic information of the original signal can be well held by analyzing the IMFs.Therefore,EMD method was introduced to study the fluctuation of grain production in China and its causes at multi-time scale,and the data have been decomposed into two IMFS and a residual trend term.The conclusions are drawn :1)The fluctuations of grain output have 3-year and 9-year time scales.Hereinto,fluctuation of the 9-year time scale is more prominent.Shown from the residual trend term,the grain output has increased continually since 1949,but stagnated after 1996. 2)We have decomposed the data of per capita grain yield and cultivated land by EMD.We found that per capita grain yield is the control factor of the 3-year fluctuation of grain output while cultivated land is the main influencing factor of the 9-year fluctuation of grain yield,moreover,the national policy and natural disasters also influence the 9-year fluctuation of grain yield to a certain degree.Therefore,in order to eliminate the short-term unfavorable factors,we must improve the foundation of grain production,add the investment in science and technology and enhance the ability of disaster prevention so as to stabilize per capita grain yield.With regarded the elimination of the long-term unfavorable factors,we should control the decrease in cultivated land.3)Analysis on the periodic fluctuation of the two time scales revealed that the grain output will decrease in the recent 2~3 years,but it will soon reverse to increase for a long time.Meanwhile,the amplitudes of the oscillation of grain output is increasing,which indicates that it is possible for the grain output to increase or decrease with big amplitudes.So it is urgent to take measures to guarantee the grain security in the case of crop failure.
... 尽管,中国实现了粮食产量的12年连续增产,但是投入强度的增加起到很大作用[2,3,4] ...
... 2012年80%的粮食增产来源于粮食单产的增加[5] ...
... 等外源物质投入实现的持续增产,不仅导致了资源的耗竭[6,7],也造成了巨大的生态和环境问题,并严重影响了粮食产量的可持续增加[8],威胁中国的粮食安全[9] ...
... 等外源物质投入实现的持续增产,不仅导致了资源的耗竭[6,7],也造成了巨大的生态和环境问题,并严重影响了粮食产量的可持续增加[8],威胁中国的粮食安全[9] ...
... 等外源物质投入实现的持续增产,不仅导致了资源的耗竭[6,7],也造成了巨大的生态和环境问题,并严重影响了粮食产量的可持续增加[8],威胁中国的粮食安全[9] ...
孙宏岭, 韩国山.
我国粮食安全的主要指标与保障途径研究[J]. [Sun H L, Han G S.
The main indicators and
guarantee of food security in China[J].
... 等外源物质投入实现的持续增产,不仅导致了资源的耗竭[6,7],也造成了巨大的生态和环境问题,并严重影响了粮食产量的可持续增加[8],威胁中国的粮食安全[9] ...
付国珍, 摆万奇.
耕地质量评价研究进展及发展趋势[J]. [Fu G Z, Bai W Q.
Advances and
prospects of evaluating cultivated land
With increasing impacts from climate change and human activity,cultivated land is playing a prominent role in promoting food security and ecological protection. However,China&#x02019;s cultivated land faces various conflicts,such as inadequate food supply versus increased cultivated land abandonment,cultivated land protection versus compensating cultivated land loss using inferior land,and agricultural product safety versus soil pollution. Therefore,a new framework and methodology to evaluate cultivated land quality are urgently required. Here,we present concept evolution and connotation expansion of cultivated land quality in three phases from emphasizing fertility to comprehensively considering physical and socio-economic impacts. We summarize the advantages and disadvantages of main methods evaluating cultivated land quality based on agricultural productivity,productive potential,suitability,soil and environmental quality,sustainability,and gradation and classification on land. Advances in evaluating cultivated land quality that involve agricultural production assessment,cultivated land resource inventory,soil and environmental health surveys at national scales,comparison of background differences,analysis of spatial and temporal patterns,analysis of influencing mechanisms at regional scales,and cultivated land improvement,monitoring sensitive indices at the plot scale,are reviewed. Finally,aiming for connotation expansion of cultivated land quality,lack of dynamic evaluation and universal standards,four directions for China&#x02019;s cultivated land quality evaluation are proposed,which include new fields of evaluation,comprehensive evaluation combined with views of farmers,construction of network monitoring spatial and temporal dynamics,and standardized evaluation based on GIS and RS. This overview will be helpful to the theoretical and practical development of cultivated land quality evaluation.
... 中国的粮食保产、增产必须走依靠耕地质量提升的路径上来[10,11],因此,实时掌握耕地质量状况是保障粮食安全[12]的重中之重 ...
... 中国的粮食保产、增产必须走依靠耕地质量提升的路径上来[10,11],因此,实时掌握耕地质量状况是保障粮食安全[12]的重中之重 ...
雷勋平, 吴杨, 叶松, 等.
基于熵权可拓决策模型的区域粮食安全预警[J]. [Lei X P, Wu Y, Ye S,
et al. Regional grain security pre-warning based on entropy weight extension decision model[J].
Evaluating grain security state quantitatively and determining the index weight objectively are important for regional grain security. Considering the factors about grain supply and demand, an index system of grain security pre-warning was established, and a regional grain security pre-warning model based on entropy weight and extensional theory was built. The model was applied to the grain security pre-warning analysis of Anhui province in recent 11 years (). The results showed that the grain security situation could be divided into three states: heavy warning (), moderate warning () and security state (). The change of grain security degree of pre-warning was consistent with the fluctuation of single pre-warning index, and comprehensive security degree gradually increased. The model proposed improves the capacity of grain security pre-warning, quantitative evaluating grain security state and gives a new way for implementing grain security supervision.
定量评价区域粮食安全及客观的预警指标权重选取对于区域粮食安全至关重要。该文考虑影响粮食供给和需求等因素构建区域粮食安全预警指标体系,结合熵权和可拓学理论,建立基于熵权可拓决策模型的区域粮食安全预警模型,并对安徽省近11 a(年)的粮食安全进行预警分析。研究结果表明:安徽省粮食安全状况可以分为3个阶段,分别是重警阶段(年)、中警阶段(年)和安全阶段(年);粮食安全预警安全度变化与单项预警指标值波动基本一致,综合安全度逐渐提高。该文建立的粮食安全预警模型能够提高区域粮食安全预警能力、定量评价粮食安全状态并有效预警,为实施粮食安全过程监管提供了新思路和方法。
... 中国的粮食保产、增产必须走依靠耕地质量提升的路径上来[10,11],因此,实时掌握耕地质量状况是保障粮食安全[12]的重中之重 ...
王洪波, 郧文聚, 吴次芳, 等.
基于农用地分等的耕地产能监测体系研究[J]. [Wang H B, Yun W J, Wu C F,
et al. Farmland
productivity monitoring system based on farmland
... 如何依据中国第一轮全国农用地分等成果[13],以最小的投入成本来实施耕地质量监测[14],是建设全国耕地质量监测体系、实时掌握中国耕地质量动态迫切需要解决的技术问题 ...
祝锦霞, 徐保根, 章琳云.
基于半方差函数与等别的耕地质量监测样点优化布设方法[J]. [Zhu J X, Xu B G, Zhang L Y.
Optimization layout method of monitoring sample points of cultivated land
quality based on semi-variance analysis and
grade combination[J].
... 如何依据中国第一轮全国农用地分等成果[13],以最小的投入成本来实施耕地质量监测[14],是建设全国耕地质量监测体系、实时掌握中国耕地质量动态迫切需要解决的技术问题 ...
... 国内外围绕耕地质量监测方法开展了大量研究,美国建立了国家资源清单,对耕地数量、质量及生产能力变化情况进行长期定位监测[15,16] ...
... 国内外围绕耕地质量监测方法开展了大量研究,美国建立了国家资源清单,对耕地数量、质量及生产能力变化情况进行长期定位监测[15,16] ...
... 欧盟采用网格法[17],加拿大利用#cod#x0201c ...
... 的方法[18]分别对全国的资源实施监测 ...
张蚌蚌, 孔祥斌, 相慧, 等.
中国西部区国家级标准样地分布特征及代表性[J]. [Zhang B B, Kong X B, Xiang H,
et al. Distribution characteristics and
representative test of national stand ard farmland
in Western China[J].
Abstract: To deeply understand the quantity, quality, spatial distribution characteristics and the representative of cultivated land of national standard farmland in western China at macro scale, it is very important to set up and improve the monitoring system of cultivated land quality in the whole country. This paper, based on the database of farmland classification and national standard farmland in western China (12 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions), gives a analysis of the quantitative distribution characteristic of national standard farmland of the western region in gradation (quality) and on a secondary zone of the standard farming system. The paper then analyzes the spatial distribution features of standard farmland based on GIS and conducts inspection, definition and statistical tests for the representative of national standard farmland. Results show that: (1) In the view of quantitative distribution characteristics, national standard farmlands of the western China were distributed across all the gradations 4-15, but exhibited great differences in each gradation, such as more than half of them concentrated in 8-12 gradation. The distribution of national standard farmland in the 4, 5, 14, and 15 grades was less. Furthermore, national standard farmlands of the western China are unevenly distributed in the secondary zone and have not covered 28 secondary zones of the standard farming system. Therefore, there exists cultivated land but no national standard farmland in five secondary zones such as Daxing'an Mountains region and so on. (2) From the spatial distribution characteristics, national standard farmland is uniformly distributed on the whole, but there is a significant spatial difference and there exist excessive concentration phenomena in six secondary zones. Thus, the data presented suggest that we should adjust and optimize the monitoring sample plot layout of national standard farmland in western China, according to a comprehensive analysis of the testing results and the distribution characteristics.
... 在国家层面上,张蚌蚌等从数量、质量、空间三个层次对标准样地作为耕地质量监测样地的代表性进行了探讨[19] ...
... 本研究所需的数据包括:①国土资源部土地整治中心提供的内蒙古自治区农用地分等成果,其中包括省级及国家级标准样地空间分布等数据[19] ...
何江华, 周明中.
基于标准样地的耕地质量监测研究[J]. [He J H, Zhou M Z.
Research on monitoring of cultivated land
quality based on stand ard plot[J].
... 何江华等、伍育鹏等论述了基于标准样地进行耕地质量监测的可行性[20,21] ...
伍育鹏, 郧文聚, 李武艳.
用标准样地进行耕地质量动态监测与预警探讨[J]. [Wu Y P, Yun W J, Li W Y.
Research on stand ard-plot based monitoring and
early-warning of arable land
... 何江华等、伍育鹏等论述了基于标准样地进行耕地质量监测的可行性[20,21] ...
郭力娜, 张凤荣, 马仁会, 等.
基于标准样地的国家级农用地等别质量监测点设置方法探讨-以冀豫鄂三省为例[J]. [Guo L N, Zhang F R, Ma R H,
et al. Methods for setting up farmland
grade monitoring points from stand ard plots in Hebei, Henan and
Hubei Provinces[J].
Monitoring techniques for land resources are becoming more and more mature. However, applications are primarily subject to monitoring land use type, land desertification, and soil improvement. The monitoring of agricultural land quality has been rarely studied. How to make best of existing methods and techniques to rationally establish agricultural land quality monitoring system is one of the goals in land precise management, which would also benefit agricultural land quality management communique system. Standard plots were used for quality grading for typical farmland. Studying monitoring system based on standard plots and farmland grade outputs are of utmost significance to improving farmland grading monitoring system. It comes to the conclusion that the standard plots above the provincial level can well satisfy the requirement for monitoring points for quality grading of national lands for agricultural use because of their merits in universality and representativeness. In the present work, we investigated the standard plots across three provinces, i.e. Hebei, Henan and Hubei, because the work on establishing farmland grades there has already been completed. Due to being located in main grain producers in the central and eastern regions in China, the three provinces may provide reference for similar studies on other main grain producers. We selected national level agricultural land quality monitoring points from provincial standard plots. There were basically three steps to set up monitoring points. First, the grid method and landscape diversity index method were employed to create monitoring sample belts for quality grading of lands for agricultural use over the three provinces. Second, standard plots were identified with the stratified sampling method to be monitoring points. Third, 48 samples of standard plots of good representativeness from one vertical and three horizontal belts were identified to be the national monitoring points for quality grading of lands for agricultural use. It was found that national monitoring points for quality grading of lands for agricultural use should generally represent the entire structure and information of regional lands for agricultural use. Additionally, the number of monitoring points should be reasonable and well distributed in order to both ensure monitoring accuracy and reduce redundancy in data in an effective, efficient and economic manner.
... 郭力娜等、吴克宁等从国家层面上探讨了基于标准样地的耕地质量等别监测点的设置方法[22,23,24] ...
吴克宁, 焦雪瑾, 梁思源, 等.
基于标准样地国家级汇总的耕地质量动态监测点构架研究[J]. [Wu K N, Jiao X J, Liang S Y,
et al. Framework of the arable-land
quality dynamic monitoring sites through national gathering of stand ard farmland [J].
The study areas are limited in the following nine provinces of central China. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanxi, Henan, Anhui, Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi, and the main data sources are based on the results of provincial gathering of arable land classification. It is the first time that the results of national gathering of standard farmland, and the arable-land quality dynamic monitoring have been combined. Moreover, this paper puts forward the preliminary discussion about the arable-land quality dynamic monitoring sites selection based on the national gathering of standard farmland establishes the database of the central nine provinces gathering of standard farmland, and analyzes the distribution of standard farmland, according to different grades and different secondary regions. On these bases, after selecting the arable-land quality dynamic monitoring sites on standard farmland, the authors provide some referential advice for the system of standard farmland.
... 郭力娜等、吴克宁等从国家层面上探讨了基于标准样地的耕地质量等别监测点的设置方法[22,23,24] ...
郭力娜, 马仁会, 徐东瑞, 等.
农用地等别质量监测带布设方法探讨-以冀豫鄂三省为例[J]. [ Guo L N, Ma R H, Xu D R,
et al. Methods of setting up farmland
grade monitoring belts in Hebei, Henan and
... 郭力娜等、吴克宁等从国家层面上探讨了基于标准样地的耕地质量等别监测点的设置方法[22,23,24] ...
余述琼, 张蚌蚌, 相慧, 等.
基于因素组合的耕地质量等级监测样点布控方法[J]. [Yu S Q,
Zhang B B Xiang H,
et al. Layout method for monitoring sample point of arable land
quality level based on combination of factors[J].
... 余述琼等从二级区尺度上探讨了耕地质量监测样点的布控方法[25] ...
... 2 数量代表性检验方法采用面积代表性指数[25]用来反映监测样地数量比例与耕地面积比例的分布趋势 ...
王佳宁, 孔祥斌, 张青璞, 等.
基于农用地分等的县级耕地质量等级监测指标选取方法-以内蒙古达拉特旗为例[J]. [Wang J N, Kong X B, Zhang Q P,
et al. Factors selection method for monitoring the cultivated land
level based on farmland
grading: In Dalate County[J].
... 在县域尺度上,王佳宁等、孙亚彬等、相慧等进行耕地质量等别监测样点布控方法的研究[26,27,28] ...
孙亚彬, 吴克宁, 胡晓涛, 等.
基于潜力指数组合的耕地质量等级监测布点方法[J]. [Sun Y B, Wu K N, Hu X T,
et al. Layout method for monitoring quality level of arable land
based on combination of potential index[J].
The quantity and quality of arable land is important to our country's food security and the long-term stability of the community. Farmland quality monitoring is an important measure to implement the farmland protection policy. Monitoring changes in farmland quality is needed. This study focuses on 1) monitoring the work as a fledgling local technical reserve, 2) financing difficulties, 3) how to choose the optimization and the least amount of monitoring points, and 4) controlling arable land quality level. Daxing District, Beijing serves as a study area to investigate the layout method of monitoring points for farmland quality level monitoring. A theoretical model named “Agricultural land natural level- Dominant factor” is established by dividing the monitoring control areas according to the main soil characteristics that affect the quality of cultivated land, Then, the “Agricultural land natural level- Dominant factor” theoretical model is used to subdivide monitoring control areas to emplace the monitoring points. The core idea of “Agricultural land natural level- Dominant factor” is that by combining the enhancement potential index of the natural level, the content of organic matter, the topsoil texture, the profile form and the degree of salinity into full factorial permutations, then the combination type of the enhancement potential index of the natural level can be obtained. The enhancement potential index of the natural level of each grading factors can most directly reflect the impact of its related grading unit natural level movements. On one hand, it reflects both the degree of restricting and reflects the potential to increase degree and quality. On the other hand, it points out the high standard of basic farmland for future direction of land remediation for soil characteristics.Daxing District is divided into six monitoring and control areas and 39 potential index combination types of improving agricultural land natural level. Combining 39 types of the potential index of improving agricultural land natural levels results in eight types of “Agricultural land natural level- Dominant factor”. Based on this, 58 monitoring sample points are laid. On the basis of the division of monitoring and control areas, monitoring sample points were laid according to the main soil characteristic that affects the quality of cultivated land. This has application value in researching the process of laying the monitoring sample points in the farmland quality level monitoring. This theoretical model can significantly improve the accuracy of the monitoring samples and ensure the representativeness of monitoring sample points and the integrity of cultivated land quality monitoring information. There are some inadequacies in the research process that need to be further explored. For instance, the article has insufficient consideration to the agricultural conditions of the study area facilities. At the same time, Daxing District is in the plain area, the geological conditions here are relatively uniform and the quality of cultivated land is also relatively concentrated, whether the research method in this article is universally applicable needs to be verified in the more geologically and geomorphologically complex areas.


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