
1999年10月公共英语(北京)- 公共英语真题- 公共英语真题-英语-学路网
日期: 7:33:56 来源:互联网
&&&&&&&&&& I. Choose the correct answer and write it on the Answer Sheet by blackening the corresponding letter Only one answer is correct. (20 points) 我是1985年10月入伍1999年7月退伍的陕西籍志愿兵国家有补...我们的目的是如实的向党和政府反映问题,我们既不会扰乱社会治安,也不会破坏公共秩...2、按失业、下岗军转干部待遇,从二00四年九月份起补发基本生活费(按所在地上年度...防抓取,学路网提供内容。  选择正确的答案并答题纸上相应的字母涂满。每题只能选择一个答案。 男孩,日12时出生,将来的命运如何?木(比劫、印枭)。八字重量:【4两5钱】年0.8两、月0.9两、日1.8两、时1.0两。袁...★寅亥宫,木星之垣也,以木为主。其为人也,宜习法律,防抓取,学路网提供内容。  1. Susan and I often __, but we're good friends. 为什么快船和湖人共用一个斯台普斯?最大容量2万人,也是NBA唯一的两支队共用的球馆。位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶中心城区的多功能体育中心,洛杉矶会议中心附近。日开始动工修建,1999年10防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. discuss B. disagree  C. dislike D. dismiss 各位大师,我是日(农历)下午4点35分出生的,近十年运气日~日:维持屋里春风满,织锦机中夜月寒。...十神为伤官:其表象范围大多与理想追求、爱好特长、防抓取,学路网提供内容。  2. He is happy with the price and __ to pay. 有关国庆节,1949年10月一日~~的资料1984年,国庆35周年,举行了盛大的国庆阅兵和群众庆祝游行。在此后的十几年间,均采用其他形式庆祝国庆,未再举行国庆阅兵式和群众庆祝游行。日防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. will B. willing  C. unwilling D. willingly 日世界人口达到70亿,据60亿人口多少年1804年世界人口只有10亿,1927年增长到20亿,1960年达到30亿,1975年达到40亿,1987年上升到50亿,防抓取,学路网提供内容。  3. Scientists know that the combination of extreme heat and pressure changes carbon __diamonds 1999年到底发生了什么神秘事件答:上个世纪末的世界末日事件,相信大多数人还是记忆尤新的,法国预言家诺查丹玛斯说在日上帝要惩罚人类,将会制造大灾难使人类灭亡。而70年代日本人五岛勉防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. for B. as  C.into D. from 1999年发生了什么大事答:1月22日――纳粹大屠杀幸存者与瑞士一些银行达成协议,银行支付12.5亿美元,作为战後未归还大屠杀时期资产的赔偿。1999年2月日一二三四五六112防抓取,学路网提供内容。  4. As __ as we don't lose heart, we'll find a way to overcome the difficulty. 1999年今年多大答:看你是生日是什么时候?,如果生日在春节前,现在就是周岁16,虚岁18。如果生日在春节后但是现在已经过了就是周岁16,虚岁17.如果生日在春节后,但是还没到现在就是周岁15,虚岁1防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. Long B. far  C. soon D. much 1999年的十大新闻答:以时间先后顺序欧元正式启动1月1日,欧元作为欧盟国家的统一货币正式启动,欧盟15个成员国中的11国首批加入欧元区。这标志着酝酿多年的欧洲经济与货币联盟正式建成,欧洲一体化进程进防抓取,学路网提供内容。  5 . We expressed the hope__ they would come and visit China again. 1999年出生的明星有谁答:吴磊林浩黄诗阳林妙可王俊凯徐黄丽防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. which B. in which  C. that D. in that 1999年出生的今年几岁问:日出生的今年几岁了?警察局给办理身份证是按过了年算一岁...答:你好:1999年出生的几年14岁。望采纳防抓取,学路网提供内容。  6. A good song lends comfort to people ___ they feel less lonely. 1999年是什么年问:1999年是什么年答:己卯年…兔年防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. when B. unless  C. in that D. so that 年中国谁当主席答:江泽民防抓取,学路网提供内容。  7. Our government always ___ attention to the well-being of the people. 公元1999年距今多少年答:计算公元年份用本年年份减去所求年份就行了,因为没用公元零年,要计算公元前的话,用本年年份直接加上所求年份就行了防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A.plays B. passes  C. pays D. places 日语中年份的读法,如1999年。答:せんきゅうひゃくきゅうじゅうねん就像读数学数字那么读就行了防抓取,学路网提供内容。  8. The day will come___ we will be from air pollution. 防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. when B. what  C. why D. where 苹果周二才放出iOS11beta8更新,仅隔三天又发布了iOS11beta9开发者版本和公测版beta8,这也是苹果的iOSbeta系统第一次“破8迎9”,意不意外惊不惊喜?!一周内发布两个测试版更新防抓取,学路网提供内容。  9. So fast --- light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. \n\n1988年,金星获美国亚细亚文化基金会和美国舞蹈节奖学金,赴纽约学习现代舞。17岁荣获全国首届“桃李杯”舞蹈大赛少年组第一名,在全国第二届舞蹈比赛中获“最佳优秀演员奖”。20岁中国舞蹈演员受国防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A.as B. that  C. does D. what 谢谢邀请。其实孩子懂事与否得看情况而定吧?其实现在物质生活条件好了,加上独生子女多了,家里都是小皇帝,小公主,所以被大人宠着,少了很多接触外界的机会,也就少了很多处理突发事件的机会和次数,这样在被保护防抓取,学路网提供内容。  10. It is because he was ill he didn' t go to school. 人们发现有吸烟习惯的人比不吸烟的同龄人要老上好几岁,差距大的甚至有十岁以上!这是因为吸烟不仅危害身体健康,还能让皮肤加速衰老。那么戒烟是否等于美容呢,我们先来看看为什么吸烟会让皮肤衰老。香烟的主要成分防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. so B. that  C. why D. which 1.三星S8+参考价格:6388元起屏幕大小:6.2英寸三星S8+是三星前不久推出的一款重磅安卓旗舰机,主打全面屏、顶配、安全等特性。外观上,三星S8+采用双面3D玻璃机身+金属中框设计,拥有黑、灰、防抓取,学路网提供内容。  11. if we the l0 o' clock train, we might get there by lunchtime. “你只是朕的一个妃子,不要太看大自己”,这话从叶向真嘴里说出来我一点都不意外,对,我只是一个妃子,或者说是一个妾,不是他的皇后,但他把这话说出来我还是心寒的,老子不干了!“叶向真,老子不干了!”我想了防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. catch B. caught  C. take D. watched 孩子看见喜欢的东西,价格比网站贵很多,不论是书还是其它东西,都应该根据自家的钱袋子来作决定。没办法,经济基础决定上层建筑啊。尽量将孩子哭闹的情绪扼杀于摇篮之中,否则孩子闹,买还是不买,都是互相伤害。与防抓取,学路网提供内容。  12. I going to the cinema to watching TV at home. 2016年8月,一条消息刷爆了广西玉林人的朋友圈刘涛来玉林考驾照了!等等,你说的是那个刘涛吗?《琅琊榜》里的霓凰郡主,《欢乐颂》里的安迪姐?没错,就是她↓↓↓“霓凰郡主”你真的来了?!网传照片显示,刘防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. pick B. choose  C. select D.prefer 凯尔特人对阵奇才,不仅是东部两支青年军的较量,同时也是东部最强控卫之间的比拼,沃尔和小托马斯究竟谁是东部最强控卫,这个系列赛就将得出结果,最终沃尔全场贡献40分13助攻3盖帽,而托马斯贡献53分4篮板防抓取,学路网提供内容。  13. one of the two dictionaries is , the other is my colleague' s. 首先,富士X100F并不是微单,而它与索尼A7也并不是同一类机器。索尼A7首款可换镜头无反相机,主要特点是全画幅传感器以及可换镜头。即便是放在现时来看,A7的画质和性能其实都并不落后,这很大程度上是归防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. my B. myself  C. mine D. mine's 感觉题主问的有一点偏差。新闻摄影的重点并不是摄影,而是新闻。新闻在前,摄影在后。也就是说,你所拍摄的图片是围绕新闻事件来的。然而新闻事件场景、体裁十分丰富。不知道题主主要是从事哪一块的新闻活动。体育赛防抓取,学路网提供内容。  14. Practice is the to any skill. 从孩子降生的那一刻起,孩子就成了父母的宝贝,成长过程中的点点滴滴对于他们来说都是很珍贵的。尤其是孩子的健康,除了疾病外,身高体重也是父母关注的问题,孩子在18周岁之前是生长发育的关键阶段,规律饮食,营防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. key B. tip  C. end D. aim 今天,我们来聊聊大连蛇岛!大连蛇岛在旅顺口区西北部的渤海中,距陆地最近处7海里。岛长约1500米,宽约800米,总面积约1.2平方公里。主峰海拔216.9米,四面多悬崖峭壁,唯东南角有一片卵石滩。岛上防抓取,学路网提供内容。  15. It to me that l had already bought her a gift. 随着时代的发展,智能手机的配置越来越高,性能越来越强,人们对手机的要求已经从参数方面转到了使用体验上,音乐正是人们喜爱的手机功能之一。例如说:联想乐檬X3、中兴AXON天机7、VIVOX9Plus等等防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. switched B. reminded  C. returned D. occurred 1、朗朗和李云迪商业包装是很成功的,然并卵,这是古典音乐界,一个人商业成功的前题,他的演奏必须是世界超一流的,注意不是一流,是超一流,什么是超一流?我给你说说。2、现场演奏来看,朗朗的综合实力是当今世防抓取,学路网提供内容。  16 listening to what the teacher says in class less work later. 浮钓草鱼技巧和方法:1.池塘浮钓草鱼。可分为手竿钓边阳矶竿钓远两种方法。①手竿钓边法。割一大捆池塘喂鱼的青草撒在岸边的水中做窝。草窝做好后,不要急于在此处垂钓,过一两个小时后,回到窝点附近观察,发现有防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. mean B. means  C. meant D. meaning 唐寅千春亦秋霜(唐寅春树秋霜图原名春山伴侣图轴此图绘春山吐翠、流泉飞溅的山谷内,两位文士盘坐于临溪的矶石上寻幽晤谈的情景。图中高岭回耸,枯树新枝,绽发嫩芽,透露出春的消息。谷口悬泉如练,汇入溪流,跳珠防抓取,学路网提供内容。  17. Exercise, fresh air, and sleep are to our health. 首先幼儿园看动画片很常见啊!我女儿在的幼儿园有人让孩子们看动画片,每次放学接她的时候他们总是在看动画片,而且我女儿看的还挺入神,不止一次的我去接她,不管是老师还是我叫她的名字她都听不见呢,看动画片入迷防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. enough B- efficient  C. essential D. external 小圆点是什么东西呢?汽车牌照第一个字母后头的小圆点是用稀土金属做好镶上去的,别小看这个小圆点,它可是有大用处的。它主要是由氧化钛、稀土金属、稀土金属有机配合物等掺杂压制而成。小圆点有三个作用:1、它是防抓取,学路网提供内容。  18. My papers seem to be everywhere where they ought to be. 大茶壶按字面意思来讲就是茶壶:茶壶,是一种泡茶和斟茶用的带嘴器皿。它是茶具的一种,主要用来泡茶。茶壶由壶盖、壶身、壶底、圈足四部分组成,壶盖有孔、钮、座、盖等细部。壶身有口、延(唇墙)、嘴、流、腹、肩防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. except B. besides  C. beside D. in addition to 这其实涉及到性教育的问题。通常,三四岁之后,我们就不建议异性父母跟孩子一起洗澡了。正如八九岁男孩跟着妈妈进女澡堂一样,生活中很多父母要么对孩子的性教育不以为然,要么是羞于启齿,结果就是让孩子懵懂地去摸防抓取,学路网提供内容。  19. If you want to save money, you should no buy the watch. 城市家庭大多都是在楼房中居住,大家在选择伴侣犬时主要会担心一下几点:▲边牧会喜欢乱叫扰民吗?这点完全可以放心边牧的吠叫程度很低,一般不喜欢乱叫的,而且经过早教幼训的凌云伴侣都市伴侣犬的边牧边牧宝宝已经防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. necessary B. expensive  C. convenient D. impossible 要知道母亲的形象,对孩子有多大的影响。首先必须先定义,母亲的形象,包含哪些方面?1、职业形象2、性格品行3、行为举止4、穿着打扮5、语言谈吐。母亲的这些形象都会对孩子孩子都会产生影响。一、职业形象对孩防抓取,学路网提供内容。  2O. Good reading habits are no only an important study skill for the student, an important life skill for anyone . 1.吴倩《择天记》在《择天记》中,很多人喜欢灵气满满的落落,而对女主吐槽颇多。还有,《何以笙箫默》中,也是感觉抢了唐嫣风头啊。2.靳东《伪装者》在《伪装者》中,大家喜欢明台,但是观众喜欢大哥啊。而且为防抓取,学路网提供内容。  A. as well as B. and also  C. rather than D. but also 题主你好!首先我认为你之所以问这个问题,在于有一件很重要的事没弄明白,那就是父母帮你带孩子并不是他们的义务,不是他们“应该”做的,他们帮着带孙子,是出于情分,出于对自己孩子辛苦带娃的心疼,出于对孙子的防抓取,学路网提供内容。  Ⅱ. For each blank in the following passage, choose one from the four choices given that is mot suitable and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. (10 points) 张杰能压轴演唱。表示很多人认可了他的实力,他在华语乐坛也有着一定的地位。虽说张杰被很多人诟病长得不好看,穿着土,靠女人等等,但是没有人能够否认他的实力和唱功。他基本可以驾驭各个音段。先说高音,绝对是他的一大杀器,他在我是歌手多次秀过他的高音,即使到f5阶段还能游刃有余。同样唱的了底音,不过他的低音不多,因为他声音清亮,中高音才是他的强项。最后,假声真声转换自如,有人说张杰唱歌没有感情,那么请你多去防抓取,学路网提供内容。  在每个空白所给出的四个答案中,选择一个最合适的,并将答题纸上的相应字母涂满。 农村人有没有必要去城市买一套房子,我个人认为是没必要的,原因有以下几点:第一、农村空气质量好,适合人生活。去城市里去工业污染、汽车污染、雾霾等,会让人得很多疾病。你想一下,假如在城市买一套房,虽然面子防抓取,学路网提供内容。  learning goes on by adding new facts or skills to 1 the learner has. Each new fact or skill is easier to add than any that was learned before it. Thus the mere one knows about a subject the easier 2 to learn new things about it. 兔子肠胃很脆弱的,看你家兔子有多大,一般健康的兔子都会吃东西和喝水的。兔子三个月以前不能喂蔬菜,不然很容易拉肚子而死。三个月后也不能把蔬菜水果当主食。而且兔子当宠物养的话要健康喂养,我头条号里有篇关于养兔子的文章你可以去看看,如果有什么问题也可以问我。防抓取,学路网提供内容。  Although memory is important, study is not a 3 of memory only. Arithmetic problems for instance, are mainly practice in using numbers in ways already 4 Reading, spelling, and writing are skill subjects 5 and require. They are also tool subjects 6 which the learner can increase his knowledge. The sciences, language arts, and social studies are skill subjects only 7 . they the give the learner practice in understanding relationships 8 ideas and events, or cause and effect. 鲜嫩爽滑的鲜虾琼山豆腐,真是太好吃了!一、材料准备:用料:鸡蛋清3个,干瑶柱,虾仁,带子各适量二、具体做法:1、干瑶柱洗净,用250ML热水浸软,拆丝代用2、浸瑶柱的水放凉用以稀释蛋青之用蛋青打散后加入瑶柱丝和放凉之瑶柱水,一起搅拌均匀3、用盐和味精调味(瑶柱水已有微咸)用筛子滤去泡泡4、盖碟大火蒸10分钟至熟5、取出撒葱花,浇适量滚油,把腌好味的虾仁、带子用油泡熟,覆盖表面即成,吃时可加入少许生抽以增鲜味废话说了这么多,咱们的美味终于要出锅装盘了,一阵阵香气袭来,真是在挑战人们的味蕾啊,一不小心口水就会留下来哦。防抓取,学路网提供内容。  Some facts and skids are learned by 9 activities. Some are learned by watching what others do or by reading about what happened. 10 every case one learns faster if he has a background of information from experience or study .   (1) A. that B. which C. those D. these   (2) A. there is B. he has C. that is D.it is   (3) A. matter B. work C. lot D role   (4) A. learned B. being learned C. to be learned D. to have learned   (5) A. yet B. too C. eiti1er D. however   (6) A. as a result of B. by means of' C. in regard to D. in addition to   (7) A. in turn B. in case C. in part D. in place   (8) A. in B. out of C. for D. between   (9) A. taking part in B. taking advantage of  C. keeping up with D. giving rise to   (10)A. For B. On C. In D. At   III. Red the following passage and choose the correct answer to each question by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. (20 points)   阅读下列短文,选择每题的正确答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母填满。   Hobbies -- Using Leisure for Pleasure   In all history, when men have had free time they have turned to a hobby for pleasure. The cavemen were our first known creative hobbyists. In the free time they had after the hunting and fighting that were necessary to keep them alive, some turned to drawing. They drew and scratched on the walls of their caves crude pictures of the animals they knew and the battles they had fought.   From the dawn of history to the pmt day men have left records of the fun they have had "riding a hobby" .   Gorge Washington was one of the first busy hobbyists in American history. As a youngster he was interested in mathematics, This interest led to his early years as a surveyor. His early gricultural experiments added to his success as a farmer. He found time to design furniture that added beauty to his home at Mount Vernon. His study of evening skies with a primitive telescope increased his knowledge of his own world. He also made a collection of varieties of tea. All these interests added to his enjoyment of living.   Today hobbies are more important than ever. We have more leisure than we have ever had in the Past. The shorter workweek and the fact that we will live longer than our parents and grandparents give us this new leisure. Throughout our lives each of us will have thousands of be house after studying and working. Interesting hobbies can be the best answer to the question of how to use these home. The early choice of hath indoor and outdoor hobbies can make the difference between wasting a big Part of our lives and enjoying full, creative lives.   The hobby you choose be one that will keep you interested all your life. On the other hand it may be one that you win outgrow all it mp be necessary to choose another. for hobbies lead directly to jobs, others just to continuous Pleasure.   Hobby activity is possible in almost every field. There are creative-art hobbies, science hobbies and nature hobbies that attract many people. Collecting, photography, and sports are also very popular hobbies. Some other people may find their pleasure in cooking, gardening, raising pets, or model building- Whatever the bobby -- it is good if it keeps you busy and happy.   1 . A hobby is in one's free time.   A. an interesting occupation B. a regular business   C. a Part-time job D. a harmful activity   2. One of the hobbies we knew the cavemen had was .   A. hunting B. fighting  C. drawing D. riding   3. "the dawn Of history" in Paragraph I refers to .   A. the time to history began   B. an unknown period of time in man's history   C. the time before man has a written history   D. the time after man has written down his history   4. Which of he following is not mentioned in Paragraph 2 as George Washington's hobby?   A. Doing agricultural experiments B. Designing furniture   C. Watching evening skies D. Collecting postage stamps   5 .George Washington's early interest in helped him know his own world better__  A. mathematics B. farming  C. astronomy D. tea collection   6. George Washington had his early hobbies because__.   A. he wanted to work as a surveyor   B. he thought he may later become a farmer   C. he enjoyed those activities in his life   D. he had nothing else to do in his free time   7. According to the Passage, the major reason for hobbies to play an important role today is that   A. we have to work harder in the modem world   B. we have more free time than ever before   C. we are more interested in the world around us   D. we have a wider mp of interest in our life   8. Which of the following statements is true according to the Passage?   A. Primitive people have left no records of their hobbies.   B.You don' t hay to choose a hobby since that makes no difference.   C. When you have chose a hobby, you will never change your interest   D. Some hobbies may waste a great deal of our time   9. A good hobby must be one that   A. will keep you interested all your life   B. leads directly to jobs   C. keeps you busy and happy   D.requires little money and much effort   10. Which of the following belongs to creative-art hobbies?   A. Cooking B. Playing cards  C. Collecting ancient coins D. Painting   IV. fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms Write your answers on the Answer Sheet . (10 points)   用所给动词的适当形式填空。答案写在答题纸上。(本大题10分)   1. We will go to the Great Wall if it (be) fine tomorrow-   2. In 1995, a strong earthquake (take) place in Japan.   3. By the end of last year they (heat) 26,000patients.   4. The People's Republic of China (found) in l949.   5. (design) by a pop of experts, the bridge was quite a success.   6. I happened (meet) him in the street yesterday.   7. He enjoyed (take) the children out for long walks.   8. Do you know the man (stand) at the entrance?   9. If I (not see) it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.   10. No decision (make) so far.   V. Translate the following sentences into English. Write them on the Answer Sheet. (20points)   1.计算机的使用已大大地改变了人们的生活方式和工作方式。   2.在回家的路上我遇上了雨,结果我感冒了。   3.你们有人愿意和我一起去颐和园吗?   4.直到昨天上午才有人告诉我,计划改变了。   5.他如果早听医生的劝告,现在就不会病得这么厉害了。   VI- Translate the five sentences underlined in the following Passage into Chinese. Write them on the Answer Sheet. (20points)   将下列短文中划线的五个句子译成汉语。译文写在答题纸上。(本大题20分)   0ne reason so many of us are disappointed and worried today is that we are using our heads toomuch and our hands too little. (1)Nature provides us with hands and when a man lets them grow useless and clumsy(笨拙),he is trying to oppose nature.   The trouble with that man, with millions of men and women like him, is that he is trying to live with only his brain functioning.   Three years ago a lawyer I know began to feel that he was going stale .He knew something was   missing in his life, but he didn' t know what. On impulse (冲动) one day he decided to make a small table for his living room. (2 )Newer before had he made anything with his hands ,but he ordered lumber(木料)and tools, He worked till midnight the first night.   "A curious thing happened to me, lf he told me. (3)”As that table, clumsy though it was, began to take shape under my hands ,I was actually creating something.”   That lawyer has now rigged up (装配) a carpenter's shop in his basement and Puts in five or sit hours a week down there.   (4)”When I’m working in my shop,” he told me the other day, “I lose all thoughts of worry and responsibility ,and my mind clears up link the air after a storm."   That feeling isn' t silly at all. Psychologically, it's absolutely sound. Every creator feels the identical sense of self-expression and satisfaction in his work, whether it is a kitchen chair or a Gothic cathedral' (5 )The importance lies in what you put into your work yourself ? not what the world thinks of the result.


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