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[1]   Che G.C., Li J.Q., Jiang H., Dong C. Liu G.D., Jia S.L., Zhao Z.X.; Metal-insulator transition and possible superconductivity in Pb2.2Cu0.8Sr3.1La1.5Cu1.5Oy with hex-agonal structure; Mat. Res. I 3 (.
[2]   Che G.C., Liu G.D., Wu F., Chen H., Jia S.L., Dong C., Zhao Z.X.; A new supercon-ducting series Cu0.5Ba0.5SrBaR0.6Ca0.4Cu2O7; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[3]   Chen H.Y., Wang Q.H., Dai Y, Lin C., Ni Y.M., Zhang Y.Z.; Magnetic interaction between Cu ions in LaxSr14-x Cu24 O41; Physica C; 337 (.
[4]   Chen K., Chen L., Yang T., Wang J.P., Wu P.J., Zheng D.N. and Zhao Z.X.; High-Tc SQUID magnetometer with grain boundary junctions and its application in non-destructive evaluation; Physica C; 329 (.
[5]   Chen K., Tian Y.J., Chen L., Yang T., Zheng D.N. and Zhao Z.X.; High-Tc SQUID magnetometer and planar gradiometer and their applications in non-destructive evaluation; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[6]   Chen L., Che G.C., Li H., Dong C., Zhou F., Huang Y.Z., Zhao Z.X.; Superconductivity of Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y by electrochemical oxidation; Chin. Phys. Lett.; 17 (.
[7]   Chen L., Dong C., Huang Y.Z., Zhou F., Che G.C., Zhao Z.X.; Superconducting phase with Tc of 17K in La2CuO4+d; Solid State Commun.; 114 (.
[8]   Chen L., Huang Y.Z., Zhou F., Che G.C., Zhao Z.X.; Electrochemical oxidation of La2CuO4 single crystals; Chin. Phys.; 9 (.
[9]   de Marneffe J.F., Zhang Y.Z., and Deltour R.; Investigation of the low field irreversibility line in Bi2Sr2Ca1CuO8+d thin films; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[10]   Dong C., Chen L., Che G.C., Wu F., Chen H., Zhou F., Huang Y.Z. and Zhao Z.X.; High temperature X-ray diffraction investigations of La2CuO4+d; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[11]   Dong C., Langford J.I.; LAPODS: a computer program for refinement of lattice parameters using optimal regression; J. Appl. Cryst.; 33 (.
[12]   Dong X.L., Zhao B.R., P.S. Luo, Zhao Z.X., Ni Y.M., Xu B., Wu F., Chen H., Zhao L.H.; Phase separation induced ferromagnetic correlation in Cu-rich La2CuO4.003 sample; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[13]   Guo S.Q., Wen H.H., Zhen D.N., Zhao B.R., Wu F. and Ni Y.M.; The physical origin of huge errors in superconductive magnetic hysteresis loops; Physica C ; 341-348 (.
[14]   Guo S.Q.,Wen H.H.,Zhen D.N.,Zhao B.R.,Wu F.,Ni Y.M.; The physical origin of huge errors in superconductive magnetic hysteresis loops; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[15]   Hao Z., Liu B.T., Lin Y., Xu B., Wu F., Tao H.J., Zhu B.Y., Zhao Z.X., Zhao B.R.; Large-area ferroelectricity of epitaxial Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3/YBa2Cu3O7-d heterostructures; Supercond. Sci. Technol.; 13 (.
[16]   Hao Z., Zhao B.R., Zhu B.Y., Ni Y.M., Zhao Z.X.; Magnetic field induced superconductor-insulator transition and abnormal Hall effect in Y0.5Pr0.5Ba2Cu3O7-d thin films; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[17]   Li J.Q., Chen L, Zhao Z.X., and Matsui Y.; Short-range-oxygen order and superconducting phase separation in La2CuO4+X; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[18]   Li K.Q., Yao Y.S., Cao D.H., Che G.C., Jia S.L., Ni Y.M., Dong C. and Zhao Z.X.; High pressure synthesis of Ca-doped Pr-123 superconductors; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[19]   Li L.; Ferrolectric/superconductors heterostructures; Mater. Sci. Eng. R; 248 (2000) 1.
[20]   Li P., Yang W.L., Tan P.H., Wen H.H., Zhao Z.X.; Ramen-forbidden mode and oxygen ordering in Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+y single crystals annealed in oxygen; Phys. Rev. B; 61 (.
[21]   Li S.X., Tao H.J., Xuan Y., Zhao B.R., Zhao Z.X.; High-T-c superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d tunnel junction with Zn counterelectrode; Appl. Phys. Lett.; 76 (.
[22]   Li S.X., Tao H.J., Xuan Y., Zhao B.R., Zhao Z.X.; Power law behavior of the zero bias tunneling conductance: The new evidence for d-wave symmetry; Chin. Phys. Lett.; 17 (.
[23]   Li S.X., Tao H.J., Xuan Y., Zhao B.R., Zhao Z.X.; Tunneling spectroscopy of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 + /Zn junctions; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[24]   Li S.X., Xuan Y., Tao H.J., Yang W.L., Wen H.H., Zhao B.R., Zhao Z.X.; Andreev reflection in point-contact tunneling spectroscopy on Bi2Sr1.94La0.06CuO6+d single crystals; Physica C; 338 (.
[25]   Peng H.B., Zhang X.X., Xie Z., Tao H.J., Xu B., Liu H., Zhao B.R.; Exchange biasing and low-field magnetoresistance in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3/La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 bilayers; Phys. Rev. B; 61 (.
[26]   Rosseel K., Vanacken J., Trappeniers L., Wen H.H., Boon W., Herlach F., Moshchalkov V.V., Bruynseraede Y.; Vortex dynamics studies in pulsed magnetic fields; Physica C; 337 (.
[27]   Sha J.J., Yao Z.W., Yu J.N., Yu G., Luo J.H., Wen H.H., Yang W.L., Li S.L.; Study on the technology and property for Y2BaCuO5 particles artificial doping to obtain single-crystal domain melt-textured YBCO bulk superconductor; Acta Physica S 49 (.
[28]   Shaw M., Wen H.H., Zhao Z.X.; In-plane charge transportation in pseudogap regime of high-Tc superconductors; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[29]   Shaw M., Zhang G.M. and Zhao Z.X.; Behavior of magnetic impurities in d-wave superconductors; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[30]   Shaw M., Wen H.H. and Zhao Z.X.; In-plane charge transportation in pseudo-gap regime of high-TC superconductors; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[31]   Sun Y.P., Song W.H., Zhao B., Du J.J., Wen H.H., Zhao Z.X., Ku H.C.; Improved flux pinning and anomalous magnetization peak in heavily overdoped Bi2-xPbxSr2CaCu2-yCryO8+d single crystals; Appl. Phys. Lett.; 76 (.
[32]   Tao H.J., Li S.X., Xuan Y., Yang W.L., Wen H.H., Zhao B.R., Zhao Z.X.; Point-contact tunneling on Bi2Sr1.94La0.06CuO6+d single crystals; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[33]   Tian Y.J., T.S. Wang, Chen K., Qi H.H., Chen L., Zheng D.N., S. Linzen, Schmidl F. and Seidel P.; Flip-chip-type high-Tc gradiometer for biomagnetic measurements in unshielded environment; Sci. China Ser. A; 43 (2000) 82.
[34]   Wen H.H.; Macroscopic phase separation in high-temperature superconductors; Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of A 97 (.
[35]   Wen H.H., Chen X. H., Yang W.L., Zhao Z.X.; Same superconducting criticality for underdoped and overdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 single crystals; Phys. Rev. Lett.; 85 (.
[36]   Wen H.H., Chen X.H., Yang W.L., Ni Y.M., and Zhao Z.X.; Large distinction between underdoped and overdoped La2-xSrxCuO4 single crystals as observde from magnetic and transport measurement: A possible, A evidence for macroscopic phase separation in overdoped high temperature superconductors; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[37]   Wen H.H., Li S.L., Zhao Z.X.; Anomalous magnetization transition accompanying the irreversibility line in high-temperature superconductors; Phys. Rev. B; 62 (.
[38]   Wen H.H., Yang W.L., and Zhao Z.X.; Macroscopic phase separation in overdoped high temperature superconductors; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[39]   Yang W.L., Wen H.H., Li P., Xiong J. W., Chen H., Wu F., Dong C., Ni Y.M., and Zhao Z.X.; Macroscopic phase separation in extremely hole-underdoped Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+y single crystals; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[40]   Yang W.L., Wen H.H., Zhao Z.X.; Discrete superconducting transition temperatures and pronounced T-c depression related to the 1/8 problem in Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+d single crystals; Phys. Rev. B; 62 (.
[41]   Yang W.L., Wen H.H., Zhao Z.X.; Giant dissipation peak and current effect of in-plane resistance in Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+y single crystals under magnetic fields; Phys. Rev. B; 62 (.
[42]   Zhang Y.Z., Deltour R., and Zhao X.Z.; Experimental evidence for vortex decoupling in a superconducting Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+d thin film; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[43]   Zhang Y.Z., Deltour R., de Marneffe J.F., Wen H.H., Qin Y.L., Li L., Zhao Z.X., Jansen L., and Wyder P.; Resistive upper critical magnetic field of a superconducting Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+d thin film grown on a vicinal substrate; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[44]   Zhang Y.Z., Deltour R., J.F. de Marneffe, Qin Y.L., Li L., Zhao Z.X., Jansen A.G.M., and Wyder P.; Magnetoresistance properties of Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+d films grown on vicinal substrates; Phys. Rev. B; 61 (.
[45]   Zhang Y.Z., Deltour R., Lin J. J., Wen H.H., Qin Y. L., Dong C., Li L., Zhao Z.X.; Vortex characteristics in a superconducting Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+dthin film; Phys. Rev. B; 62 (.
[46]   Zhang Y.Z., Deltour R., Zhao X.Z.; Coulomb-gas scaling law for superconducting Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+d thin films in magnetic fields; Phys. Rev. Lett.; 85 (.
[47]   Zhang Y.Z., Qin Y. L., Deltour R., Tao H.J., Li L., and Zhao Z.X.; Anisotropic properties of Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+d films grown on vicinal SrTiO3 substrate; J. S 13 (.
[48]   Zhao Z.X., Li K.Q., Che G.C., Honma T. and Hor P.H.; Superconductivity in Ca-doped Pr-123 system; Physica C; 341-348 (
[49]   Zheng D.N., Ingle N.J.C. and Campbell A.M.; Irreversibility fields of superconduct-ing niobium alloys; Phys. Rev. B; 61 (.
[50]   Zheng D.N., Li J.Q., Lin C.T., Yan S.L., Fang L., Ni Y.M. and Zhao Z.X.; Upper critical field and irreversibility field of over-doped Tl2Ba2CuO6+d superconductors; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[51]   Zheng D.N., Zhao Z.X. and Campbell A.M.; Determination of Irreversibility Fields and Superconducting Parameters in BaPb0.75Bi0.25O3 ; Phys. Rev. B; 61 (.
[52]   Zhu B.Y., Zhao B.R., Zhao Z.X., Van Look L., Moshchalkov V.V.; Asymmetric pinning in superconductors with interpenetrating arrays of weak and strong pinning centers; Physica C; 341-348 (.
[1]   Chen X., Wang Y. J., Liang B.Q., Tang Y.J., Zhao H.W., and Xiao J.Q.; Perpendicular anisotropy in the amorphous TbCo/Si multilayers; J. Appl. Phys.; 88 (.
[2]   Chen X., Wang Z.H., Li R.W., Shen B.G., Zhan W.S., Sun J.R., Chen J.S., Yan C.H.; The magnetic and transport properties of Fe doped La0.5Ca0.5MnO3; J. Appl. Phys.; 87 (.
[3]   Chun X.M., Jie Q.H., Qin L.F., Ibrahim K., Yan L.W., Cheng W.S.; Pb surfactant-assisted Co growth on Cu (111); Chin. Phys. Lett.; 17 (.
[4]   Chun X.M., Jie Q.H., Qin L.F., Ibrahim K., Yan L.W., Cheng W.S.; Surface Alloying of Submonolayer Pb Cu (111) Studied by Photomission; Chin. Phys. Lett.; 17 (2000) 49.
[5]   Dai W., Shen B.G., Hu F.X., Gao Z.G.; Physical topics in studies of magnetic refrigerants; Bulletin of National Natural Science Foundation of C 14 (.
[6]   Dai W., Shen B.G., Li D.X., Gao Z.X.; Application of high-energy Nd-Fe-B magnets in the ma J. Magn. Magn. Mater.; 218 (2000) 25.
[7]   Dai W., Shen B.G., Li D.X., Gao Z.X.; New magnetic refrigeration materials for temperature range from 165K to 235K; J. Alloys C 311 (2000) 22.
[8]   Gu B.X., Shen B.G., Zhai H.R.; Critical phenomena of amorphous Nd4 (Fe0.75 Cr0.25)77.5 B18.5 J. Magn. Magn. Mater.; 210 (.
[9]   Gu B.X., Shen B.G., Zhai H.R.; Magnetic properties of amorphous Nd4(Fe1-xSix)77.5B18.5
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[10]   Gu Q., Shen J.L.; Order-disorder transitions in bilayer Heisenberg models on the triangular lattice; Phys. Rev. B; 62 (.
[11]   Gu Q., Shen J.L.; Studies of the exactly dimerized bilayer Heisenberg model via strong coupling expansions; Eur. Phys. J. B.; 18 (2000) 63.
[12]   Guo H.Q., Kronmüller H., Dragon T., Cheng Z.H., Shen B.G.; Formation and evolution of the transverse anisotropy with nanocrystallization in amorphous Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9; Phys. Rev. B; 62 (.
[13]   He L.H., Tang Y.J., Chen X., Liang B.Q., Li J., Wang Y.J., Chen L.Y.  ; Interface structure effects on the Kerr rotation in Co/Pt multilayers; Phys. Status solidi. A; 181 (.
[14]   Hu B., Zhang D.G., Li B.Z.; Quantum tunneling and quantum-classical transitions in large spin systems; Phys. Rev. B; 61 (.
[15]   Hu F.X., Shen B.G., and Sun J.R.; Magnetic entropy change in Ni51.5Mn22.7Ga25.8 alloy; Appl. Phys. Lett.; 76 (.
[16]   Hu F.X., Shen B.G., Sun J.R., and Zhang X.X.; Great magnetic entropy change in La(Fe,M)13 (M = Si, Al) with Co doping; Chin. Phys.; 9 (.
[17]   Hu F.X., Shen B.G., Sun J.R., Cheng Z.H., and Zhang X.X.; Magnetic entropy change in La(Fe0.98Co0.02)11.7Al1.3; J. Phys.: Condens. Mat.; 12 (2000) L691.
[18]   Ji T.H., Zhao J.G. et al.; Synthesis of Co-B/resin nanoparticles and heat-treatment effect on their magnetic properties; J. Magn. Magn. Mate.; 212 (.
[19]   Jian M.R., Chin T.S., Tsai J.L., Zhang H.W., Shen B.G.; Structure and magnetic properties of textured Nd(Fe,Ti)12Nx J. Magn. Magn. Mater.; 209 (.
[20]   Jin Y.H., Kou S.P., Liang J.Q., Li B.Z.; Deviation of coherent state caused by dissipation; Mod. Phys. Lett. B; 14 (.
[21]   Jin Y.H., Nie Y.H., Li Z.J., Liang J.Q., and Pu F.C.; Quantum phase interference in magnetic molecular clusters; Mod. Phys. Lett. B; 14 (.
[22]   Jin Y.H., Nie Y.H., Liang J.Q., Chen Z.D., Xie W.F. and Pu F.C.; Tunneling splitting in biaxial spin particles as a function of applied magnetic field; Phys. Rev. B; 62 (.
[23]   Li B.H., Yu W.X., Wan X., Zhang J., Shen B.G.; Colossal magnetoresistance effects and magnetic properties of La0.7Sr0.3MxMn1-xO3 (M = Cr, Fe); Acta Physica S 49 (.
[24]   Li G.H., Yang T., Hu Q., and Lai W.Y.; Exchange coupling in NiFe/NiMn study by pseudo-Hall effect; Appl. Phys. Lett.; 77 (.
[25]   Li R.W., Sun J.R., Wang Z.H., and Shen B.G.; Lattice effects arising from doping at Mn-site in La0.5Ca0.5MnO3; J. Appl. Phys.; 88 (.
[26]   Li R.W., Sun J.R., Wang Z.H., Chen X., Zhang S.Y., and Shen B.G.; Enhancement of ferromagnetic cluster induced by magnetic field in the phase-separated La0.5Ca0.5MnO3; Chin. Phys.; 9 (.
[27]   Li R.W., Sun J.R., Wang Z.H., Zhang S.Y. and Shen B.G.; Magnetic and transport properties of Sn-doped La0.5Ca0.5MnO3; J. Phys. D; 33 (.
[28]   Li R.W., Sun J.R., Wang Z.H., Zhang S.Y., Tang N., Shen B.G.; Effects of the relative proportion of ferromagnetic and change-ordered phases on the metal-insulator transition temperature in La0.5Ca0.5Mn1-xGexO3; J. Appl. Phys.; 88 (.
[29]   Li R.W., Wang Z.H., Chen X., Sun J.R., and Shen B.G.; Magnetic properties and magnetoresistance of the perovskites La2/3Ca1/3Mn1-xTixO3; J. Appl. Phys.; 87 (.
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