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& 实战:跨境电商如何与买家沟通物流状态
  (中国电子商务研究中心讯)在跨境交易中大多数卖家使用邮政挂号小包、各类专线E邮宝等方式,这类的方式没有一个承诺的交货期,因此相信卖家朋友们收到无数的类似:&Where is my order&、&I haven&t received my order&这类物流引起的交易纠纷,今天小编摘取了论坛热帖与大家分享一些实用有效的沟通模版,希望可以帮助到大家。  邮政包裹一般常见状态中,我们常常看到以下几种:  包裹查无信息&NOT FOUND&(当包裹还未上网,官网未更新)  包裹正在运输中&Transit&(当包裹还在运输中时)  包裹到达待取&Pick Up&(当包裹显示已经到达目的地国家)  包裹投递成功&Delivered&(当包裹显示投妥,而收件人声称未收到时)  包裹运输过久&Expired&(大部分为时效延误/目的地国家不能查到投妥/官网不更新状态等)  包裹可能异常&Alert&(大部分为退件/海关单号/损坏/丢失等问题)  当您查过单号以后,根据查询到的包裹状态,跟买家取得联系。  Not found:  Dear valued customer:  Hello! We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your orderwith tracking number RCHK(示例单号)and I amhappy to assist today.  As per tracking result powered by 17track.net, I&m very sorry to inform youthat your item is still lack of tracking information right now. If you got atracking result as &Not found& it's telling you that your trackinginformation is unavailable, it doesn't mean that we haven't been mailed youritem.  (Note: There may be a delay between scanning events and the availability oftracking information related to those scanning events. The tracking informationmay not appear online immediately. Normally it takes a few days after theitem(s) have been sent for tracking details to be available from the shippingcarrier.  Therefore, please hold on for a few more days and try to check your order sometime later?  Thanks for your business again!  Have a nice day!  Best regards, store 888  Transit:  Dear valued customer:  Hello! We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your orderwith tracking number RCHK(示例单号)and I amhappy to assist today.  Here is a link for you to ref your package status in transportation:这里复制17track查询完的结果链接就可以了。  As per current tracking result, your shipment has been shipped and dispatchedby the shipping carrier of (HK Post) registered airmail on date   It is still during normal shipping period and it hasn't arrived in yourdestination country as (country name) yet. We would be very thankful if youcould be more patient with this overseas shipment. From our experience, forthis kind of mail type, the shipping time is highly depend on the postalcarrier and local customs/taxes, etc. It usually takes a few weeks from ourorigin country to overseas destination countries after dispatching.  Therefore,please hold on for a few more days and we would very grateful if you can waitfor your order patiently.  Thanks for your business again!  Have a nice day!  Best regards, store 888  Pick up:  到达待取或者到达目的地国家都行!到达待取可能是第一次投递失败或者是到达投递点!注意修改!  Dear valued customer:  Hello! We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your orderwith tracking number RCHK(示例单号)and I ampleased to assist today.  Here is a link for you to ref your package status in transportation:这里复制17track查询完的结果链接就可以了。  We are glad to inform you, as per current tracking result, yourpackage is ready to pick up/has been arrived in your country.  Please contact the shipping carrier as [USPS] to get instruction of where topick up your order/schedule a redelivery process. Please contact with them bythe below information and I hope you will receive your package in shortly.  Carrier name: USPS(示例邮政运营商)  Helpline: 1-800-222-1811(示例邮政运营商帮助热线)  Generally, The carrier has collection deadline, So, we&d advise you contact thecarrier at once so your order won&t be return back to us.  I truly wish you will be satisfied with your purchase and we are lookingforward you will confirm your order as soon as your got the item. Of course, ifyou like the item, please leave us a positive feedback.  Thanks for your business again!  Have a nice day!  Best regards, store 888  Delivered:  查询结果签收,而收件人声称未收到件的情况非常多哦,注意一下。  Dear valued customer:  Hello! We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your orderwith tracking number RJCN(示例单号)and I am pleased to assist today.  Number: RJCN  Status: Delivered ( 30 Days )  Destination: United States   16:01 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Delivered, Your item was delivered at 4:01pm on September 29, 2014 in PHOENIX, AZ 85031.   14:51 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Notice Left (No Authorized RecipientAvailable)   07:42 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Out for Delivery   07:32 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Sorting Complete   04:23 PHOENIX, AZ 85043, Departed USPS Facility   04:21 PHOENIX, AZ 85031, Arrived at Unit   21:42 PHOENIX, AZ 85043, Arrived at USPS Facility   02:26 KEARNY, NJ 07032, Departed USPS Facility   17:24 KEARNY, NJ 07032, Arrived at USPS Facility   17:24 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment  ======================================  Powered by 17track.net  As per current tracking result, I found the tracking result indicate that yourpackage has been delivered successfully. If you haven&t received your package,I&d advise you contact with the shipping carrier directly to verify more deliveredinformation such as&Delivered address and signature name&.  Due to privacypolicy, the carrier may not display the addressee&s name online, though theywould keep them at their interior system.  And I&m 100% positive that I have shipped your order to your designatedshipping address as the following:  在此处可以确认一下收件人的地址及邮编等资料;  Before you contact with the shipping carrier, May I advise you check with yourfamilies, roommates, and neighbors,etc. See if anyone have signed the item foryou.  Carrier name: USPS(示例邮政运营商)  Helpline: 1-800-222-1811(示例邮政运营商帮助热线)I will be here to assist you find your order, keep me posted.  Thanks for your business again!  Have a nice day!  Best regards, store 888  Alert:  退件原因很多,到达目的国家后没有投妥成功的,引起的原因多为关税/或者投递不成功保留过期等;还有一部分原因,可能是由海关问题引起的,没有从中国成功封发出口或者没有办法进入目的地国家。要如何解决要卖家自行编辑邮件~  Dear valued customer:  Hello! We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your orderwith tracking number RCHK(示例单号)and I ampleased to assist today.  We regret to inform you, as per current tracking result, I found the trackingresult indicate that your package is under unusual condition. It was returningback to us. The possible reason for returning will be written on the package(Incorrect/illegible/incomplete address, expi  theaddressee failed the addressee does not reside refused to accept by addressee, etc.) We can inform you furtheronce we received the returned package. Depending on this unusual situation, weare sorry for this shipping incident and any inconvenience it caused. We wouldwilling to resolve this problem by make full refund or replace one and send toyou. (退件问题要具体情况,需要怎么解决要修改)。  Again, please excuse us and let us know which method you are preferable toresolve this unfortunate situation.  Have a nice day!  Best regards, store 888  Expired:  这种状态是指从邮政官方接收到2-3个月内,查无投妥信息,提示买家注意沟通:  Dear valued customer:  Hello! We appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your orderwith tracking number RCHK(示例单号)and I ampleased to assist today.  I&m very sorry to hear that you still haven&t received your order. Under thiscircumstances, I&d advise you contact with the shipping carrier in your countryand verify if they have received your shipment from overseas.  Carrier name: USPS(示例邮政运营商)  Helpline: 1-800-222-1811(示例邮政运营商帮助热线)  And at our side, we will commence a formal investigation into whereabouts ofyour order with our shipping carrier here. But it gonna take some times, couldyou wait for their response as patient as you can?  And we would also like to apologize for this unfortunate situation.We hope the reason for deferring your package reason will be clarified inshortly.  Thanks again for your patience and I will be here to assist you along on thissituation.  Have a nice day!  Best regards, store 888 (来源:雨果网 编选:中国电子商务研究中心)
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中国电子商务研究中心 版权所有高并发场景:下单后定时发短信的问题 - 简书
问题描述:让您做一个电商平台,您如何设置一个在买家下订单后的”第60秒“发短信通知卖家发货,您需要考虑的是 像淘宝一样的大并发量的订单。从广大网友集思广益,有两种主流思路如下:1、具有排序功能的队列2、Redis+定时器思路 1原理:第一种思路也就是大家推荐的延迟队列实现的原理,其就是一个按时间排好序的队列,每次put的时候排序,然后take的时候就计算时间是否过期,如果过期则返回队列第一个元素,否则当前线程阻塞X秒,这个也是JDK 自带 DelayQueue 的思路。详细可看源码
代码实现:待实现后补充思路 2原理:第二种思路需要利用Redis的有序集合,说到使用 Redis 就不得不考虑Score的设计,因为它直接决定你代码的复杂度,你思路的清晰性,在这我并没有采用林中漫步 先生的设计,而是通过精确到秒的时间做Score(去掉毫秒),然后使用线程每一秒扫一次,使用当前时间作为zrangeBysocre命令的Score去查询。详细请看代码。业务场景:按京东一天500万的成交量,一天主要成交时间为8小时,计算得出每秒173个订单,当然实际上订单不能均匀分布在每秒,但我们主要为了论证思想的可行性。代码实现:这里首先我简单的利用Spring Scheduled作为订单的生产者,每一秒制造170个订单,放入Redis,注意Score的生成,为当前时间的后60秒,removeMillis()生成去掉毫秒的时间戳作为Rredis的Zadd方法的 Score(不了解的可以百度下)。
第二步:同样利用Spring Scheduled 一秒钟心跳一次,每次利用当前时间作为Key 从Redis 取数据。
经过测试,没有出现漏单的情况,这只是简单的实现,很多地方可以优化,在实际中用也可能会出现很多问题,需要不断完善,此案例只是提供思路,另外我觉得JDK的 DelayQueue 相对于Redis来说没有那么好,因为Queue毕竟每次取一个,如果同一时间的比较多可能不能符合当前这种时间严谨的需求,另外他是单机的,有时间我去研究下kafka、Rabbit的延迟队列再来补充。终于写完了,因为公司的代码是加密的,所以不能上传源码了(其实也没得什么上的,哈哈),另外本人技术有限难免会有纰漏或者错误,欢迎拍砖,另外希望自己以后能够坚持写技术日志。
涛哥博客 http://www.tiyee.net/
张华伟博客 https://geekweb.me/
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