中美经济关系乱如麻,特朗普 中美关系 挑战该怎么办

In the world according to President Trump, trade deficits are among the clearest indication that Americans have become habitual chumps in the global marketplace. The United States sells fewer goods and services than it buys from the rest of the planet, and this is supposedly evidence that Americans are getting rolled.
This is the central assumption behind Mr. Trump&s repeated vow to take a meat cleaver to the North American Free Trade Agreement, redrawing the terms of commerce with Mexico. This is the spirit in which he has promised to confront China over its systematic job-killing machine, beginning later this week as he greets the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
特朗普反复发誓,要把北美自由贸易协定(North American Free Trade Agreement)大卸八块,重新制定与墨西哥的贸易条款,其背后的核心假定正是这种观点。他承诺挑战中国那种令美国工作机会减少的系统性机制。这种思维,就从本周晚些时候在佛罗里达州马阿拉歌庄园会见中国国家主席习近平开始。
But Mr. Trump&s portrayal of trade deficits entails crucial departures from economic reality.
In his accounting, international trade is a zero-sum affair, as if every country were jockeying for a share of forever limited amounts of business. An auto part made in Mexico and later included in a finished vehicle destined for a suburban driveway in California represents jobs hijacked from the Midwestern factory that should have employed American hands to build everything.
Trade is not zero-sum. Expanded trade has historically tended to support economic growth, which generates more spoils to be divvied up for all.
American factories have increased production over the years, in part by drawing on a global supply chain to get what they need. A construction machinery plant in Illinois may buy ball bearings from China, glass displays from South Korea, computer chips from Malaysia and other parts from Mexico, some of them forged with American-made steel.
Obsessing over the balance of trade with any single country misses all of that. It also distracts from the force that, by many accounts, is the real threat to employment: automation. The decisive problem facing American workers is that making more products has not translated into sufficient numbers of new jobs, leaving millions of people searching for full-time work at wages high enough to pay the bills.
Economists generally dismiss bilateral trade deficits as essentially meaningless, for reasons easily recognizable in the rest of everyday life. Most people surely run lopsided trade deficits with their dentists, handing these professionals their dollars without expecting them to purchase anything in return.
One may assume that successful dentists will distribute their profits throughout the economy & on marketing, accounting, laundry and streaming music services. One way or another, these dollars generate jobs and income for other people. So it is with countries.
China&s trade surplus with the United States, which reached $347 billion last year, does in part reflect dubious Chinese practices, including lavishing state credit on favored exporters and flooding world markets with low-cost goods to keep its laborers employed.
Yet even if China were a paragon of fair trading practices, it would almost certainly run a surplus with the United States. Despite tremendous economic advances, China remains a relatively low-income country, home to hundreds of millions of people who cannot afford the more sophisticated fruits of the American economy. Though wages have risen in recent years, China&s fundamental advantage still involves making goods cheaply.
Trade imbalances with the world are a more complex matter, one that is subject to genuine debate among economists. But the story is different for every country, depending on its size, the maturity of its economy, the sorts of goods and services it tends to export, and the reason for the imbalance in trade at any moment in time.
In the case of the United States, trade deficits with the world have been a feature of economic life for more than three decades, a sweep of time that has seen economic booms, the worst downturn since the Great Depression and plenty of events in between.
&Trade deficits aren&t a good barometer,& said Chad P. Bown, a trade expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington.
&贸易逆差不是一个好指标,&华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)的贸易政策专家查德&P&鲍恩(Chad P.?Bown)说。
Fluctuations reflect a host of factors that have little to do with the fairness of trade terms. As the government on Tuesday reported that the American trade deficit contracted by nearly 10 percent in February, analysts noted that exports from the United States had been aided by a recent weakening in the value of the dollar, which makes American goods cheaper on world markets.
The only thing one can say with certainty is that the deficit reflects how Americans have consumed more than they have been willing to save, purchasing from foreigners who have in turn invested in the United States. To the degree that this is a problem & and opinions vary & most economists suggest that it is best addressed with tax policies and incentives to save, rather than by impeding trade.
The American trade deficit with the world contracted sharply in 2008 and 2009, but this was not the result of a sudden resumption of old-school saving. It reflected a cratering of consumer spending in the midst of the Great Recession. Calling that progress would be like applauding a nation gripped by famine for limiting its intake of saturated fats.
美国与世界各国的贸易逆差曾在2008年和2009年大幅缩小,但这不是老派的储蓄习惯突然恢复的结果。它背后反映的是大衰退(Great Recession)之下消费支出的减少。称它为进步,就好像称赞一个陷入饥荒的国家限制饱和脂肪的摄入量。
But if trade deficits do not lend themselves to certain conclusions in the realm of economic policy, they have served as highly useful political fodder. Politicians use trade deficits & money departing the nation! & as a handy, if flawed, explanation for why paychecks are inadequate.
Back in the 1980s, it was Japan that played the boogeyman in the American political conversation, the goliath believed to be gobbling up American prosperity with every Sony Walkman it sent toward American shores. More recently, China has assumed that role.
Now, with Mr. Trump in the White House, much of human civilization has seemingly been cast as the predator class & Germany, Mexico, China, willfully fleecing Americans through a series of trade deals extended by a Washington elite too clueless to fight them.
Liberalized trade has proved punishing for lower-skilled factory laborers clustered in the American South and Midwest. Entire industrial communities have been upended by joblessness, mass foreclosure and attendant ills like substance abuse, domestic violence and depression.
But trade has proved a boon to bankers, executives and multinational corporations that harness low-wage labor in distant lands to make their products. Much of Walmart&s business model was built on a reliance on Chinese factories. American consumers have grown accustomed to low prices for clothing, shoes and other goods.
None of this action gets captured in narrow obsessions over trade deficits.
&Trump hugely mis-frames it,& said Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, who is a persistent critic of trade deals. &We have U.S. companies that are hugely profiting by having access to low-cost labor in China. Portraying that China won and we lost is 180 degrees wrong. Factory laborers are the losers.&
&特朗普极大地扭曲了对它的理解,&华盛顿经济与政策研究中心(Center for Economic and Policy Research)联席主任、贸易协议的持续批判者迪安&贝克(Dean Baker)说。&我们也有美国企业通过使用中国的低成本劳动力获利巨丰。将情况描述成中国赢了、我们输了,完全是错误的。工厂工人才是其中的受害者。&
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页面更新时间 :中美经济关系乱如麻,特朗普该怎么办_纽约时报中文网_VOA英语网
The United States and China are locked in a mutually dependent, frequently dysfunctional economic partnership. The world&s biggest and second-biggest economies are like a married couple that complain about each other constantly yet can&t even contemplate a divorce.
The marriage enters a new phase Thursday, as President Xi Jinping of China visits for two days of meetings at the Florida estate of a president who made China a punching bag on the campaign trail.
The question is whether President Trump can turn his bellicose language into concrete gains for American companies and workers. A look at the economics of the relationship between the nations, and conversations with former officials with battle scars from past negotiations, shows a path for getting a better deal.
That path to success may not include the kind of flashy, headline-generating announcements that the Trump administration has tended to celebrate.
It&s not about the currency (for now)
In February, Mr. Trump called China the &grand champions at manipulation of currency.& During the campaign, too, he frequently assailed China for artificially reducing the value of the renminbi to favor its companies versus American and other competitors.
It is a view that is outdated. For years, China did intervene in financial markets to depress the value of its currency. But now it is intervening to keep the yuan from falling & actually doing the opposite of what Mr. Trump alleged. Economists generally think that the Chinese currency is close to the levels that would be set by purely market forces.
That doesn&t mean currencies shouldn&t come up at Mar-a-Lago. This moment of relative peace between the countries on currency policy could be the ideal time to develop an understanding for the future.
&I think currency is still an issue, but it doesn&t make sense to discuss it under the rubric of manipulation,& said Brad Setser, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. &China is m it&s just that it&s managing it right now in a way that is relatively advantageous to the United States. That understanding of how China intends to manage its currency in the future remains a top-order issue.&
&我认为货币仍然是一个问题,但以操纵为主题进行讨论没有意义,&外交关系协会(Council on Foreign Relations)资深研究员布拉德&塞策(Brad Setser)说。&中国正在管控货币,但它眼下管控货币的方式相对而言对美国有利。弄清中国打算在未来如何管控本国货币,仍然是重要事项。&
In other words, Mr. Trump could use this moment not to beat China over the head about what happened in the past, or where things stand today, but to develop an agreement on what it will do in the future, if a day comes when market forces start pushing the yuan upward.
Focus on the causes of the trade deficit, not the number
Mr. Trump has similarly assailed the United States trade deficit with China and other countries, often characterizing it as a scorecard, evidence that China is winning at trade and the United States losing, to the tune of $310 billion a year.
The reality is more nuanced. The persistent trade deficit is indeed problematic, but that&s because of the factors that drive it and the imbalances they cause to build. Simply targeting a lower trade deficit could well leave both American and Chinese workers worse off, if carried out the wrong way. For example, a trade war that significantly reduces American imports from China while also reducing American exports to China would reduce the trade deficit but would mean lower incomes and fewer jobs in both countries.
The U.S.-China trade imbalance is indeed driven in part by trade barriers that China enacts against American companies, including a 25 percent tariff on imported automobiles and various quotas and restrictions that reduce agricultural imports. If Mr. Trump can persuade China to loosen those restrictions, it might close the trade deficit by increasing American exports & the healthy kind of trade rebalancing.
But the trade gap isn&t driven just by the details of trade arrangements. It is also driven by the flow of capital between countries. To oversimplify, when a company sells more abroad than it buys, it has to do something with that money.
The flip side of a current account deficit, as an economist might put it, is a capital account surplus. China&s trade imbalances are a function not only of its trade practices, but also of its very high levels of savings, which are in turn invested around the world.
For China to change that, it would have to change the very structure of its economy: away from savings and big-ticket infrastructure investments, and toward consumer demand & including for products made both domestically and abroad.
If the Trump administration really wants the trade deficit with China to come down over time, it&s not enough to look at only one side of the international economic ledger & flows of goods & while ignoring the flow of capital.
In practice, this would mean making demands on some issues that might seem like purely domestic concerns only tangentially related to trade. That might include pushing China to allow more troubled state-owned enterprises to fail, so that their accumulated profits might be spread through the Chinese economy instead of funneled toward the purchase of foreign assets. A more generous pension system might spur demand among older Chinese citizens.
If China allowed global financial companies more access to its market, it could both encourage more domestic spending and give a major American industry an opportunity it has long sought.
Use leverage carefully
President Trump prides himself on being a dealmaker, and his negotiating style is to lay out extreme requests in order to work back to agreement. But resetting economic relations with China will prove trickier than any real estate deal.
One of the fundamental realities of the relationship is that while neither side is wholly comfortable with how it works, these are big, powerful countries that can&t be easily swayed by what a country on the other side of the Pacific Ocean wants to happen. The leverage that each side has to deploy is limited & at least so long as neither country is willing to shoot itself in the foot.
So, for example, in trying to get more favorable Chinese treatment of American goods and services, the standard menu of carrots Mr. Trump has to offer for compliance is relatively modest. China wants things like United States membership in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank that it started, and support for its &One Belt, One Road& program to build better transportation infrastructure stretching from Southeast Asia to Europe.
Bigger Chinese goals, like achieving &market economy& status in the World Trade Organization, are likely to be nonstarters unless the country makes major progress on allowing international companies better access to its market.
The United States could conceivably have more negotiating leverage by threatening punitive tariffs or other aggressive measures, as Mr. Trump did during his campaign, but those actions are just as likely to produce a painful blowback from China that damages the United States.
Then there are noneconomic issues, which invariably could shape the contours of economic relationships.
&In the Obama administration, China was a good citizen cooperating with us on Iran sanctions and on climate change, which I think made it hard for the U.S. to contemplate anything that harsh in the trade arena,& said David Dollar, a former Treasury Department official in Beijing and now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. &You could have something similar if the Trump administration wants China to cooperate more on North Korea. That could be hard to turn around and be harsh on them in the economic realm.&
&奥巴马政府执政期间,中国是一个不错的伙伴,曾就制裁伊朗、气候变化问题与我们合作,我想这让当时的美国很难去考虑在贸易领域采取任何严厉的举措,&曾是美国财政部驻华特使、现为布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)资深研究员的杜大伟(David Dollar)说。&如果特朗普政府想让中国在朝鲜问题上更合作,也会面临类似的情况。很难掉过头来在经济领域为难他们。&
Be patient, and don&t get distracted by baubles
Mr. Trump likes to announce big splashy deals, and given that the Chinese are looking for places to invest their capital in the United States, it would be easy enough to find something along those lines to announce.
But in the context of the two giant economies, that kind of thing is small bore. This flawed economic relationship has been building for a long time, and the fixes are unlikely to come overnight.
&Mr. Trump ought to pick the right fights rather than focus on issues that resonate with his political base but which are unlikely to help U.S. economic interest in either the short term or long run,& said Eswar Prasad, an economist at Cornell and author of &Gaining Currency,& a book about China&s role in global finance.
&特朗普应该为正确的目标而战,而不是关注那些能在他的政治大本营里引发共鸣,但不论从短期还是长期来看都对增进美国的经济利益没有帮助的问题,&康奈尔大学(Cornell)经济学家、著有《不断升值的货币》(Gaining Currency)一书的埃斯瓦尔&普拉萨德(Eswar Prasad)说。该书讲的是中国在全球金融领域的角色。
It&s unlikely that the first meeting between the new president and the Chinese leader will resolve issues that have been building for years or even decades. Rather, those who have worked in diplomacy advise looking beyond the current headlines to make progress on lowering Chinese trade barriers, increasing its domestic savings and committing not to return to the days of manipulating its currency lower.
When you&re talking about commerce between two superpowers, things don&t change overnight.
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