
1. 资本账户必须开放。
2. 储备货币国应该有能力向全球提供流动性,作为其他国家的外汇储备。对于美元来讲,当前美国是通过经常账户赤字来输出流动性的。
3. 储备货币国必须提供具有深度和流动性的债务市场,以及可以对冲资本风险的工具,比如期货和互换市场。
4. 储备货币国应该具有健康和资本充足的银行板块,能够接受来自外国央行的大规模存款流入,并愿意对外放贷。这一点非常重要,因为储备货币通常被用作参照货币,或直接作为外国投资的融资货币。
5. 储备货币国必须具备可靠的、被国际社会认可的法律框架。
人民币贬值搅动市场 金银反弹能否延续存疑
同时,本周焦点数据??美国7月零售表现超预期强劲,也对扳回9月加息预期带来动力,这同样令贵金属多头有着落袋为安的需求。数据显示,美国7月零售销售月率增长0.6%,至4464.8亿美元,与市场预期相符,为七个 中表现首次达到预期中值,前值下降0.3%。7月核心零售销售增长0.4%,也预期好转。
Logic Advisors联席创始人Bill O’Neill表示,市场对中国的担忧减退,因此金银有所下跌。不过,也有分析认为,金银周四走低,是因交易员重新关注美国,当日美国零售销售数据反弹,暗示美国经济在第三季初稳步扩张,支撑美联储加息的可能性。
原油价格再创新低 对贵金属是敌是友
分析 称,没有任何前景表明油价会很快复苏,一些分析师指出,油价可能很快会跌破40美元/桶,而就在一年前这还被认为是一个不可想象的关口。另一些分析师表示,随着跌穿更多技术水准,市场自此可能出现一连串的抛单,令油价进一步深跌。
自6月底,油价已经下挫近三分之一,在多家炼厂出现故障影响原油需求后,本周油价续跌。英国石油公司BP PLC’s 在印第安纳州Whiting日产能达41.35万桶的炼厂被迫关闭三分之二的产能以维修泄漏,这可能要持续一个多月。该炼厂产能为美国中西部最大。
美联储纪要再袭市场 或为加息进程指点迷津
美联储将在9月初观察美国就 报告和8月的通胀数据确认他们是否在9月加息。
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近三月收益:17.83%|购买起点:1000.00元起人民币国际化需要中国增储黄金日 13:16
  中国人民币国际化是中国全面开放的最主要标志之一。特别是在十八届三中全会之后,全面深改革的总体要求,将促使人民币国际化的步伐将更大更快,这就要求必须在人民币国际化的基础建设上加快脚步。除利率市场化之外,更重要的就是中国黄金储备的大幅度增加!  人民币也是标准的信用货币,是遵照发行国家法律规定,强制流通且不以任何贵金属为基础的独立发挥货币职能的货币。但在世界范围内,某一国的国家法律还无法得到其它各国的统一认可。因此,货币的国际化就必须要为货币赋予"特殊安全性"。黄金自然成为首选。  黄金是世界各国政府、企业、个人公认的财富资产,它不受时间和空间的限制,甚至有"世界元"之称。当一国的货币在国际贸易收支和资本流动中,发挥价值转移及存储的指定工具作用时,其发行国的综合实力以及财富资产结构,就成为获得市场公认最重要参考指标。  当前中国,外汇储备总量接近4万亿美元,这为人民币国际化储备了丰厚的财富资产基础。然而,在外储结构中,多以各国政府债券、金融债券、股权等为主,黄金在外储中国占比很小。而除黄金之外的其它外储项目,受到信用风险、汇率风险、经营风险等的极大威胁!  这种威胁的长期存在,必然会对人民币国际化设置障碍,影响全世界对人民币的认可和信任的程度。因此,在中国外储结构中,必须增加黄金占比,用最安全的、国际公认的财富资产来弥补中国外储结构的缺陷,以达到人民币在全世界范围的更高级别的认可和信任。  中国外汇储备结构中增加黄金占比是必然,更是中国黄金市场繁荣发展的充分理由。中国如何在增加黄金储备的同时,又避免对国际金价造成直接影响呢?答案就是建立充分市场化的中国黄金市场。为全球黄金买卖提供自由、便利的通道,吸引全球黄金于中国市场交易!  《修成才:人民币国际化需要中国增储黄金》,只有建立充分市场化的中国黄金市场,才能真正实现国际黄金交易中心由欧美向亚洲的转移,更为中国争取国际黄金定价权创造有力条件。同时,也为中国外汇储备结构的调整创造更多机会,化解中国国际采购中国的价格被动,更为人民币国际化提供坚实的信用保障。  西汉志,修成才(101)以上内容仅供参考,据此入市风险自负【西汉志】11/15
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【俄罗斯《今日俄罗斯》】人民币能成为成为世界主要储备货币 - 调查
Yuan can become dominant world reserve currency& survey
人民币能成为成为世界主要储备货币 - 调查
Reuters / Kacper Pempel
路透社/ Kacper Pempel
The Chinese yuan can overtake the dollar as the leading internationalreserve currency, a new poll of institutional investors indicates.
The authors of the survey, conducted by theEconomist Intelligence Unit and commissioned by State Street financial services, polled 200 senior executives at institutional investors withknowledge of their exposure to yuan assets. Half of the respondents werefrom the firms headquartered in mainland China(including Hong Kong and Taiwan)and the other half were based elsewhere.
The report accompanying the survey points outthat by the end of 2013, the yuan has risen to become the second-most-usedtrade financing currency and ninth-most-used currency for payments globally.
A majority & 53 percent of respondents saidthat they believe the yuan will one day surpass the dollar as the top currencyin international holdings of foreign-exchange reserves. In China 62percent expressed this opinion, compared to 43 percent of respondents outsidethe country.
Last May International Monetary Fund analysisshowed that the dollar had slumped to a 15-year low, heightening concerns thatit may lose that status as global reserve.
Chinese officials are diligently working onsustaining their national currency, promoting it beyond the frontier. InOctober 2013, the government of Chinaagreed a pilot program to create a UKbased yuan hub that allows London investors tobuy up to $13.1 billion (80 billion yuan) of stocks, bonds and money marketinstruments directly, avoiding Hong Kongtransactions.
The move gave the yuan a firmer footprint in Europe and helped to overcome the euro in December,becoming the second most widely used currency in global trade.
Only 11 percent of respondents have said thatthey do not expect the yuan to become a major reserve currency, a split between16 outside China and six onshore, according to the poll. Among the former, themost often cited reasons are that the yuan will never enjoy enough liquidityacross all asset classes to offer a viable option as a reserve currency, andthat people will not trust the yuan as a store of value, the survey says.
The very few pessimists from China-headquarteredinstitutions, meanwhile, say that people would be &concerned about future policiesof the Chinese government and opposition from other economic powers, such asthe US, the EU and Japan.&
But the consensus is that one day it will be ayuan world, according to the survey.
&As China's economic influence grows,the global importance of the renminbi (yuan) will become magnified. Indeed,while for decades it has been a 'greenback world', dominated by the US dollaras the world's primary reserve currency, many think a 'redback world', in whichthe renminbi enjoys premier status, is increasingly a possibility,& thesurvey&s authors concluded.
Barber Danny 28.02.
It&s time for the US to be put in it&splace, Why can the government borrow money for it&s people then give it away tokillers??? It is only paper junk it for gold
Warmonger 28.02.
So, it is time for china to start designingand printing the yuan paper money in equal sizes but just different values. Myfirst time handled the yuan paper money, I thought those mini cent prints werekids game money.
rdider 28.02.
Gonzogal 28.02.
This is exactly what the US is affraid of...the US dollar isn&t worth thepaper it is written on and if the Yuan overtakes the dollar the USeconomy will go down in flames. One of the reasons the USG is trying to get China involved in conflict by its &Pivot toAsia&.
回复Gonzogal &这正是美国政府害怕的&&美元的价值远不及美钞纸面上的价值,如果人民币超越美元,美国经济将被毁灭。这就是美国试图通过&以亚洲轴心&(的政策)使中国卷入冲突之中的其中一个原因&
Nothing for the US to be afraid of, thiswill set the balance back to when the US was an exporting country andmanufacturing goods in the '50s rather than be a consumer for cheap imports. China will be able to buy more US product at a cheaper rate. Therewill always be the transitory period.
rdider 28.02.
Barber Danny 28.02.
It`s time for the US to be put in it`splace,&&
回复Barber Danny&是时候让美国回归她原本的位置了。&&&
Not even China will back their currency ingold. It only makes sense for countries that can't exceed their money supplybecause their productivity is limited.
The gold standard acts as a limit oneconomic growth. Because a gold standard requires that money be backed in themetal, then the scarcity of the metal constrains the ability of the economy toproduce more capital and grow.
rogirl 28.02.
The yuan is already the dominant worldcurrency, but it just hasn&t been announced publicly yet. The yuan is arespected currency that has real value, backed not only by gold but by a strongChinese economy.
hezzy 28.02.
The best reserve currency would be to havea global one, interlocked to a number of dominant currencies. Let gold playsome part, as a final settlement for Casino wall street, that would give themdifficulties to manipulate markets. Nationalise all CentralBanks and let thestates issue interest free money to build infrastructure, finance R&D, etc.Interest free money should be available to entrepeneurs, not parasite bankers -now it is the other way around.
Andrew 28.02.
rdider 28.02.
Nothing for the US to be afraid of,&&
Don't quite agree. It's about to be anenormous impact on the FRS' hegemony of emitting its valueless reserve currencyout of thin air.
Kiza 28.02.
Gonzogal 28.02.
This is exactly what the US is afraid of.....and if Yuan overtakes thedollar the USeconomy will go down in flames. One of the reasons the USG is trying to get China involved in conflict by its &Pivot toAsia&.
回复Gonzogal &这就是美国害怕的&&&
You have put it all in a nutshell. China iscollecting gold and will back up Yuan the way US used to when it did not have agangster' Gov. Return zillions of US$ now sitting in foreign countries and theUS is kaput, literally the end of the US. WW3 is not out of the question - donot underestimate the gangsters, banksters and govsters!
Alex 28.02.
Chinaobtained all it's wealth by hard work, not scam and fraud. Their currency hasreal future.
Rafasa Arandas 28.02.
The hatred some people here have for the U.S.is unimaginable. Why do you guys love China so much, has it really donethat much good for your families?
Luke James Critcher 28.02.
Rafasa Arandas 28.02.
The hatred some people here have for the U.S.is unimaginable. &&
回复RafasaArandas &这里的人们对于美国的憎恨真是不可理解。&&&
My opinion...
A certain group of the world's populationsee a hatred of the US...mainly for the corrupt government. And, compared to China,Americahas very little cultural history, apart from the Native Americans that live andkeep their traditions.
Just as the discovery of Australia started, so did America... With an invasion. And,such it is today with the USand their armies invading other lands.
Kiza 28.02.
Rafasa Arandas 28.02.
Yes, China has done nothing for myfamily and that is exactly the point. Just look at how many families around theworld the US does somethingfor: Venezuela, Ukraine, Iraq,Syria...., cannot even list the countries in the space available. China leaves people's families alone, it is the USgangsters who pillage globally. If China ever becomes a similar globalgangster country, we will wish her the same. Clear?
Andrew 28.02.
Rafasa Arandas 28.02.
The hatred some people here have for the U.S. isunimaginable. &&
回复RafasaArandas &这里的人们对于美国的憎恨真是不可理解。&&&
Well, actually the majority ofnon-alimentary goods we buy are made in China. Besides, do not put anequality sign between the American people and its corrupt ZIO-government!
Andrej Rehak 28.02.
The time of US hegemony and dollar is coming toan end. Time is running out for dollar.
Colleen Seal Adams28.02.
How ironic. American government andcorporations doing business with a currency that depicts the face of theChairman. Mao has the last laugh.
rdider 28.02.
Alex 28.02.
Chinaobtained all it's wealth by hard work, not scam and fraud. Their currency hasreal future.
Take a look at the Yuan's history...itsbeen riddled with manipulation to keep the Yuan low when China wants to dumpmanufacturing around the world, while they have been raising it as of latebecause of their huge bubble they created. They can't even keep occupancy inthe mega buildings and malls they built in the last 3 years.
rdider 28.02.
Alex 28.02.
Chinaobtained all it's wealth by working hard at SCAMMING and FRAUD. Their currencyhas real future.
Fixed that for you. Look at items on ebay.All knockoffs made in Chinafrom stolen designs and intellectual property originated from the US.
Bond 28.02.
Some years ago US Fed Chairman predictedthat the Yuan would replace the dollar as an international trading currencygiven the USdebts.
Everything depends on the oil price asexpressed in US dollars and the willingness of Chinato hold any more USgovernment debt: One trillion USD at the moment.
The US would be a beneficiary of a morestable currency with les as a speculative vehicle for theoffshore hedge funds.
USD equals 1,40 euros: S/B 1,20
British Pound equals USD 1,70: S/B 1,40
Therefore the USD grossly overvalued...evenif the Quantitative Easing is a disaster waiting to happen.
1美元= 1,40欧元:S / B1,20
1英镑= 1.70美元:S / B1,40
rdider 28.02.
Article is also biased that the survey isbased on opinions - 100 headquartered in mainland China and 100 outside of it - aspublished by State Streetand the Economist Intelligence Unit.
the 100 based in China will always root for theirhome team.
ToniL 28.02.
Andrej Rehak 28.02.
The time of US hegemony and dollar is coming toan end. Time is running out for dollar.
引用Andrej Rehak&美国霸权和美元的时代即将结束。美元的时间已经不多了。&
Making way for another, more obnoxioussuperpower.
Mark 28.02.
I import goods from China for a living. I have asked mypartners in Chinato bill me in Yuan from now on instead of the US Dolor.
free-world-logic 28.02.
They could.... after they stop peggingtheir currency to the dollar and buying millions of US Treasury Bonds daily tokeep the artificially low value on their money.
lucy suarez 28.02.
Continuing buying chinese goods is not asmart idea at some point you gonna finish working for them for least money thanthey get right now, you will see it.
Mike Littlefield 28.02.
And their money is prettier, too.
joezhifu 01.03.
Agree as buying necessary and unnecessarythings or food. Eat Macs and drink coke and see what happens. When Vietnam sells cheaper than China than we will all be buyingfrom them. Its us that is the problem.
Bond 01.03.
China with 1,4 billion people and 100 cities with over one million peoplein each city will overtake the USAby 2020 in GDP. However their per capita wealth is much lower than the USA orthe EU.
Their biggest problems are ENERGY;POLLUTION and Muslim separatists in western China. Worth recalling that the USSR invaded Afghanistanin 1979 because they did not want extremist groups on their border spreadingtheir peculiar ideas to a European based Russia.
Someone forget to tell the CIA....who armedthe jihadist terrorists in order to defeat the USSRin Afghanistan.USforeign policy reads like a recipe for disaster.
Љубав 01.03.
[quote name='Andrew' time='28.02.']
we do not hate america. the fact is that americaowes to china 70&100 tn dollar?!!! this is 1000 dollar per a chinese capita,dude. and there are maaaaany chinese, believe me, both in china and in usa.chinese people are hardworking, honest, peaceful, humain, mind their own businessand always keep their word/promise. even americans should like them! :)
我们并不憎恨美国。事实上是美国欠中国0.7~1万亿美元(注:感觉原文数字意义不明且貌似有误,于是自主纠正)?!!老兄,这也就是说(美国欠)每个中国人1000美元。而且,相信我,无论是在中国还是在美国,中国人都非常非常的多。中国人民勤劳,诚实,爱好和平,humain(注:原文似乎有错,这里应该想说&有人性&?),关心他们自己的事业,并且总是信守承诺。即使是美国人也应该喜欢(他们)! :)
Љубав 01.03.
and this mess about ukraine, even syria, had not a lot to do with strategicpositioning, politics, weapons etc. this is a set up. provocation to engage big(successful) countries into a serious conflict. usa needs a big war to get out ofthe *hit they've been creating for decades. sober and benevolent nations shouldact together in order to prevent a global chaos that would save america, read:annul their debt meter!!! but bring misery to the rest of the world!
Niranjan Shrestha 01.03.
Its very good news.


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