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3秒自动关闭窗口&&&financial statement 在 证券 分类中
&&&&The Research of the Related Quality between Financial Statement Analysis and Security Investment
&&&&Furthermore, this study also analyzes the phenomena of earnings management under the special ownership structure in China's securities market, including external audit, the functions of CPA, internal ownership structure and its relations with financial statement underestimation, and the market analysis on venture capitals newly released by Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
&&&&本研究亦应用代理理论(Agency Theory),分析中国股市特殊股权结构下盈余管理的现象包括外部审计,注册会计师的功能,内部股权结构与财务报表失真的关系以及深圳证券交易所新推出的创业版市场分析。
&&&&With the development of market economics and establishment of capital market, security investment comes out. And it is the establishment and development of capital market that contacts financial statement analysis with security investment.
&&&&Therefore, using basic analytic methods, especially the methods of financial statement analysis, to guide decision of security investment, a lot of investors, especially individual investors, not only efficiently escape being controlled by banker and managing personal asset efficiently, but also can promote the healthy development of capital market and stability of society in order to improve welfare of the whole society.
&&&&On the basis of the above, the paper focuses on contributing factors and counter measures for the weak related quality between financial statement analysis and security investment.
&&&&基于此,本论文试图从财务管理、经济学、投资学和数理统计学的有关理论出发,采用理论分析和案例分析相结合的研究方法,对财务报表分析与证券投资存在弱相关性的原因进行深入分析,并在此基础上提出了改进的建议。 全文共分六章:
&&&&Financial Statement,Abnormal Return and Investor Protection——an empirical study based on China stock market
&&&&The Analysis of the Institutional Factors on the Financial Statement Fraud in Our Country's Listed Corporations
&&&&This paper can be divided into three chapters. The first chapter discusses accounting information disclosure system from the point of view of economics and the angel of financial statement analysis.
&&&&第一篇 对会计信息披露制度进行经济学思考和通过对财务年报的分析,研究会计信息披露。
&&&&In order to get better idea of financial structure optimization, the writer studied the financial statement of lots of listed corporation, and made a model to discuss which factors influence the financial structure and how to make it better.
&&&&The fourth part establishes a comprehensive evaluation model match with macro-microeconomic environment of objective dynamic weight . The financial indexes of SSE 50 listed companies are supplied from financial statement of 2004. And the financial indexes are choused with the total index methods of the coefficient variation and Wang-model.
&&&&The results demonstrate that using the last year's financial statement, this thesis's models could forecast the ST stock corporations this year. EVA、 the assets reward ratio、 income from main operation、 assets、 net assets、 net cash flow from operating activities/sales- net income/cost of sale plus financial cost plus overhead cost plus marketing cost are distinct explanative financial index.
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The concept of profit quality is very important in the financial statement analysis of the listed securities companies.The improving of domestic securities market and the multiplying of the listed securities companies make it very important to supervise and analyse the profit quality of the listed securities companies.In the article,the author makes a comprehensive appraisal of the influence factors on profit quality and its relationship with the three major financial statements,and ... &&&&&&&&&&&&利润质量这一概念 ,在上市公司财务会计报告分析中十分重要。随着我国证券市场不断完善 ,上市公司数量日益增多 ,对上市公司利润质量进行监控和分析非常重要。文章对利润质量的影响因素 ,以及它与三大财务报表的关系作综合性评价 ,并应用AHP法(即层次分析法)对如何提高利润质量作了实证分析。&&&&&&&& The credit rating system is not perfect in China. The credit rate coming from the current credit rating method is inaccurate and the rate is not real time. Firstly, this paper reviews the credit measurement method of KMV, and poposes that “Distance to Default” is a good method to analyze credit status of Chinese listed companies. Then, the paper
selects 15 listed companies, analyzes their “Distance to Default” using their stock prices and their financial statement data, and compares their credi... &&&&&&&&&&&&借鉴 KMV公司信用计量方法 ,提出可以用该方法中的“违约距离”对我国上市公司的信用状况进行分析。选取了 1 5家上市公司 ,使用其股票价格历史数据和财务报表数据计算各家公司的“违约距离”,从而对它们的信用状况进行比较。最后指出“违约距离”在公司信用状况分析应用中需进一步开展的工作&&&&&&&& Researches were carried out on the role of the financial statement in the stock choice by qualitative and quantitative methods from solvent ratios and hedging and proliferating ratios.The theory firstly analyses the role of the financial statement in the stock choice,and then according to the qualitative analysis,turns the financial ratios and their stability into the probability of the stock choice by fuzzy mathematics.The theory overcomes the deficiency of the old theory and ... &&&&&&&&&&&&利用财务报表中的盈利性比率和保值增值率,结合定性和定量分析方法对财务报表进行了研究。此理论首先从定性分析出发,然后再利用模糊数学这一手段对这些比率进行定量化研究,将财务比率和财务比率的稳定性转化成为股票选择的可能程度值。此理论克服了现存理论的某些缺陷,为机构投资者利用财务比率选择股票提供了理论依据。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社More Info: "Financial Statement analysis"
A Practitioner’s Guide
Third Edition
Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Fridson and Fernando Alvarez. All rights reservedLoading PreviewFinancial Statement Analysis413 PagesSign upBefore we can start your download,please take a moment to join our communityof 17,729,813 academic researchers.&&Connect&&Connect&&Sign up with emailBy signing up, you agree to our&Download PDFs forover 5.1 Million papers Share your paperswith other researchersSee analytics on yourprofile & papersFollow other peoplein your field
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