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Iggy Development History
This change log includes the Iggy development history. Release 1.2.56 - August 17, 2017
bugfix: Textfield selection didn't work correctly if parent or ancestor had a scrollRect with a non-0 offset
bugfix: (AS3) fixed functions hitTestPoint, hitTestObject, localToGlobal, globalToLocal, and properties localX, localY, and pixelBounds to correctly account for scrollRect`s in ancestors
Release 1.2.55 - July 25, 2017
bugfix: htmlText HTML tags weren't being compared case insensitively, meaning only lower-case tags worked
bugfix: REMOVED_FROM_STAGE event wasn't being generated properly
Release 1.2.54 - July 11, 2017
bugfix: Fixed IggyLibraryFlushAll, which previously generated a warning and did nothing
Release 1.2.53 - June 8, 2017
platform: Use October 2016 XDK for Xbox One
bugfix: fix mouse-based text selection in TextField when scrollY is non-zero
Release 1.2.52 - March 15, 2017
bugfix: Loadtime translation callback wasn't being called for textfield strings in .iggy files
Release 1.2.51 - Feb 2, 2017
bugfix: Fix garbage collection bug in vector&& initialization
bugfix: Fix converting utf16 surrogate pairs to utf8
Release 1.2.50 - October 19, 2016
bugfix: Font character fonts w/ multiple separate shapes could render wrong in the vector path
bugfix: Avoid possible crash if an exception is thrown in the constructor of a nested DisplayObject
Release 1.2.49 - July 21, 2016
bugfix: (AS3) multiplication of integer-valued Numbers could wrap at 32-bit instead of using double as specified
Release 1.2.48 - June 29, 2016
platform: Use PS4 3.500 SDK
enhancement: iggyplay can dump memory stats
bugfix: match Flash: trailing newline accounted in textHeight for input textfields but not dynamic textfields
bugfix: (AS3) fix case where certain strings were improperly initialized, could lead to crash
Release 1.2.47 - January 15, 2016
optimization: speed up rasterization of fonts in bitmap cache
enhancement: allow fonts embedded in SWF to be used as fallback font
enhancement: added IggyGDrawCleanup function which you should run before destroying GDraw context
bugfix: fix iggyconvert64 corrupting text in static textfields
bugfix: fix several mishandled characters in Japanese line-breaking
bugfix: fix handling of certain TrueType fonts which use an obscure part of the specification
bugfix: (PS4) fix broken sRGB handling when baking textures into iggytex format
bugfix: avoid crash if no fallback font is installed (on path that should be unreachable)
bugfix: (PS4 GDraw) explicitly reset setIndexOffset
bugfix: (OpenGL GDraw) avoid warning on some OpenGL platforms
Release 1.2.46 - October 28, 2015
bugfix: (AS3) TypeError in function parameters unbalanced an internal stack and could crash
bugfix: better mouse selection when dragging outside single-line textfields
bugfix: fix incorrectly-reversed compositing order of nested ColorTransforms
bugfix: fix leak of internal object handles used for finalizers/weak-refs
bugfix: fix leak of per-file mutex introduced in 1.2.44
bugfix: fix crash bug with installed truetype fonts rendered as vectors introduced in 1.2.44
bugfix: fix handling of Flash-10 specific fields when using .iggy files
bugfix: (AS3) fix lost Timer events due to garbage collection
Release 1.2.45 - September 18, 2015
platform: Build with Xbox One June 2015 XDK
enhancement: added IggyValueRefGetGlobal to allow accesses AS3 classes
enhancement: (AS3) allow System.gc()
bugfix: fix utf8 texture substitution callback
bugfix: utf8 translation callbacks are 0-terminated as specified in docs (utf16 callbacks aren't)
bugfix: (iggyperfmon) prevent flashing after disabling
Release 1.2.44 - September 8, 2015
This version changes the interface between GDraw & I you will get a compile error in
GDraw if you don't update it.
platform: Use PS4 2.500 SDK
enhancement: (iggyconvert) add "--anyversion" option to iggyconvert that disables Flash version check
enhancement: increase performance of font rasterizer by 35%
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug where flushing/destroying an Iggy wouldn't free cached gradient GDraw texture handles
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug where clear on a Graphics object wouldn't free cached gradient GDraw texture handles
bugfix: (AS3) fix potential crash if you add more graphics without calling clear to a Graphics object that's already been rendered
bugfix: (AS3) fix race condition when rendering one Iggy while ticking another Iggy when the latter has a Graphics object, which could cause crashes in GDraw, the graphics library (e.g. D3D), or Iggy
bugfix: (AS3) fix theoretical race condition when rendering one Iggy while ticking another Iggy even if the latter has no Graphics
this could lead to arbitrary crashes in e this race was probably not possible in practice since it's never been observed,
but I couldn't prove it wasn't possible so I fixed it anyway
bugfix: (OpenGL gdraw) fix texture coordinate problem when rendering to rendertargets
bugfix: fix bug where AS3 classes defined in IggyLibrary files used from multiple Iggy players could cause crashes
Release 1.2.43 - July 29, 2015
enhancement: TextField.height for empty textfields is 0 if IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_textfield_html_newlines is 1.2.43 or earlier
bugfix: (AS3) fix DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint to handle scrollRect in descendents
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug in getObjectsUnderPoint and iggyGetObjectsUnderPoint where an object disabled by setHittestProperties truncates the list prematurely
Release 1.2.42 - July 22, 2015
bugfix: (AS3) fix DisplayObjectContainer.getObjectsUnderPoint to handle textfields and bitmaps
bugfix: (OpenGL) fix issue with deleting uninitialized renderbuffer handles
Release 1.2.41 - May 27, 2015
enhancement: added IggyPlayerEnableMouseProcessing for disabling mouse processing entirely
enhancement: parse 'visible' elements of SWF 11 files and produce warning about lack of support
bugfix: (iOS) avoid problem with reference to ___sincos_stret when targeting old OS versions
bugfix: (PS4) support SDK 2.500
bugfix: (AS3) avoid crash if changing textfield text from AS3 then using no-longer-relevant undo/redo
Release 1.2.40 - April 22, 2015
enhancement: added IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_forbid_dispatching_new_listeners to revert following bugfix to previous behavior
bugfix: (AS3) Change EventDispatcher.addEventListener behavior when adding a listener to an EventDispatcher that is currently in the middle of dispatching the same event to more closely match Flash by not calling the newly added listener in certain (undocumented) circumstances
bugfix: (AS3) fix hit-testing of 3D objects
Release 1.2.39 - April 10, 2015
enhancement: added IggyLibraryMakeFontsGlobal that allows font importing from library files without specifying import-for-runtime-sharing
bugfix: (AS3) fix Array.join delimiter GC perfectly-timed garbage collection could relocate Array.join delimiter (only if not a string constant) without its knowledge, causing garbage characters in the output
bugfix: (AS3) support interface inheritence ("extends")
Release 1.2.38 - March 11, 2015
bugfix: fix certain platforms where loading a SWF that uses Vector&& would produce a VerificationError
bugfix: avoid crash if a parameter to ExternalInterface.call or return value from IggyPlayerCallMethodRS or IggyPlayerCallFunctionRS is of type EventDispatcher but not DisplayObject
bugfix: change return value of IggyValueGetTypeRS to IGGY_DATATYPE_object if object is of type EventDispatcher but not DisplayObject
bugfix: correctly allow alpha-fading of opaque bitmaps encoded in SWF as non-JPEG
bugfix: (AS3) throw exception on invalid name in getDefinitionByName instead of returning null
bugfix: (AS3) change behavior of Timer.start after Timer.stop to match Flash (now resets the timer, used to pause/continue)
Release 1.2.37 - February 3, 2015
Position of all textfields will shift slightly in this release.
The new behavior is closer to Flash's behavior more than half
the time, but mostly important fixes a bug with certain fonts.
Generally it adds a tiny bit of extra space at the left and right
centered text shouldn't change substantially.
You can disable the new behavior if your existing content relies
on the old behavior.
enhancement: added IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_improved_textfield_width to revert following bugfixes to previous behavior
bugfix: adjust left, right, center justification to differently account for space at beginning and end of line for better font compatibility
bugfix: (AS3) change TextField.autosize to do the same thing
bugfix: (AS3) change value reported by TextField.textWidth to be consistent with above for better Flash compatibility
bugfix: (AS3) rewrite behavior of TextField.autoSize to better match Flash semantics depending on what order you set x, width, and autoSize
bugfix: (not controlled by IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_improved_textfield_width) apply leading properly to textfields which start with an image
source: improve linux build compatibility: correct case for #includes
Release 1.2.36 - January 21, 2015
bugfix: (AS3) (WiiU, Vita) fix Date.getTime() and Date.setTime() on WiiU
Release 1.2.35 - January 12, 2015
platform: Support 64-bit iOS
platform: Use PS4 2.000 SDK
enhancement: added IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_textfield_html_newlines to revert following bugfix to previous behavior
bugfix: (AS3) change handling of &br&, &p&, &/p& tags & their interactions to more closely match Flash (&p& must be closed to work correctly)
bugfix: (AS3) change handling of SimpleButton children so you can copy from one state to another
bugfix: (AS3) fix getting/setting rotation when one axis is scaled negatively
bugfix: fast text filter effects were getting incorrectly clipped to edge of textfield
bugfix: autosized text fields include empty line at bottom, same as Flash
bugfix: correctly support 16-bit mousewheel values instead of only 8-bit
bugfix: (D3D10/11) support more than 8 masks per frame
bugfix: (PS4) support more than 8 masks per frame
bugfix: (OpenGL) clear depth & stencil buffer automatically instead of making user do it (consistent with other platforms)
Release 1.2.34 - October 1, 2014
platform: Use PS4 1.700 SDK
bugfix: (AS3) clamp Bitmap.alpha value identically to Flash (was already clamped for Sprite/MovieClip)
bugfix: (AS3) fix comparing NaNs to non-NaNs on x64 platforms
bugfix: (AS3) fix DisplayObject.rotation when scaleX or scaleY is negative
bugfix: (AS3) fix DisplayObject.rotation snapping to integers when close
bugfix: remove dependency on rrCore.h from iggyperfmon.h
bugfix: (Mac) fix vertex array object handling in GL core gdraw
bugfix: (Vita) enable fast text filter effects
bugfix: (X360) fix examples broken by 1.2.33 radtypeschange
bugfix: (Windows) fix using mp3 decoder when compiling with VC
broken by 1.2.33 radtypes change
enhancement: (PS4) enable Iggy's limited 3D capabilities
source: improve linux build compatibility, mostly correct case for #includes
Release 1.2.33 - August 30, 2014
platform: The original Wii is no longer supported.
platform: (Mac) GL Core 3.2 profile now officially supported with separate Core GDraw
change: Iggy now uses "radtypes.h" instead of "rrCore.h". You may want to update other RAD products as well.
bugfix: (AS3) fix random crash bug when doing 'new Vector&T&()'
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug that produced garbage when querying scaleX,scaleY,scaleZ
bugfix: (AS3) fix infrequent garbage matrix produced by Matrix3D.clone (gc bug)
bugfix: (AS3) fix inability to pass arrays through ExternalInterface.call
bugfix: (3D) fix bug when 3D object had both 2D and 3D ancestors in certain configurations
bugfix: (3D) support blends & filter effects in 3D (inefficiently for now)
bugfix: (source) include Xbox One shadergen source
enhancement: (Vita) fixed gdraw warnings
Release 1.2.32 - August 1, 2014
bugfix: (AS3) fix TextField.y accessor for certain textfields created from timeline
bugfix: (AS3) allow accessing super.foo when foo is a variable rather than a getter
bugfix: (AS3) fix behavior of DisplayObject.x`/`y`/`z after setting Transform.matrix3D
source: add missing header file broken in 1.2.28
source: avoid a couple warnings
Release 1.2.31 - July 9, 2014
platform: Update Xbox One to use new monolithic API, fix broken example project
bugfix: fix fast text filter effects to obey textfield clipping (broken in 1.2.30)
bugfix: fix broken font fallback handling when SWF file contains empty fonts
bugfix: (3D) apply 2D transformations from ancestors to 3D objects
bugfix: (AS3) fix 'z' getter (broken in 1.2.30)
Release 1.2.30 - June 20, 2014
enhancement: Added IggyFontSetFallbackFontUTF8/UTF16 to set a font which is used if any other fonts are missing characters.
platform: (Mac) Experimental GDraw for using core GL instead of legacy GL
bugfix: fix various issues with textfield mouse selection, most visibly clicking on centered single-line text
bugfix: fix fast text filter effects to respect ColorTransform e.g. alpha (broke in 1.2.29)
bugfix: (AS3) fix certain uses of TextFormat to not incorrectly set the font size to 12
bugfix: (3D) fixes to scrollrects & textfield clipping
bugfix: (3D) explicitly make blend modes and filter modes be no-ops instead of breaking weirdly
bugfix: (3D) fixes to handling of 2D properties like rotation/scaleX/scaleY in 3D
Release 1.2.29 - May 27, 2014
enhancement: Iggy now silently accepts SWF files with Flash versions up to 10.3 (but still only targets compatibility with Flash 9)
enhancement: can apply multiple fast text filter effects to a single textfield (though they behave differently from Flash)
enhancement: added IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_fast_text_effects to revert following bugfix to previous behavior
bugfix: fixed bug where direction of dropshadow fast text effects was wrong for any direction but 45 and 135 degrees
enhancement: (D3D10/11) add limited subset of Flash 3D
Release 1.2.28 - May 1, 2014
platform: added support for PS Vita
platform: added support for armv7s on iOS
enhancement: added IggyValueRef system (see Using IggyValueRefs for more detail)
enhancement: added IGGY_CONFIGURE_BOOL_SuppressAntialiasingOnAll9SliceBitmaps to suppress Iggy edge-antialiasing on bitmaps inside 9-slice scaled objects
documentation: added thorough documentation about Communication between C++ and AS3
bugfix: avoid crashing if Input textfield has an inline image
bugfix: correctly handle out-of-memory during IggyPlayerInitializeAndTickRS
bugfix: (AS3) Function.apply allows undefined for second parameter
bugfix: (PS4) fixed iggyconvert to not produce corrupted iggytex files
bugfix: (mac) fixed broken gdraw
bugfix: (ios) fixed broken sample code
Release 1.2.27 - April 15, 2014
bugfix: avoid crashing if Input textfield has an inline image
bugfix: (ios) fix broken gles shader file
Release 1.2.26 - April 8, 2014
platform: WinRT support
bugfix: (D3D9) Set correct value for ZFUNC when partially-clearing stencil
bugfix: (Mac) Replace calls to glClear() with custom shader to reduce driver overhead
bugfix: avoid stack smash if textfield HTML tag name is too long
Release 1.2.25 - March 28, 2014
platform: Use Xbox One March SDK
bugfix: fix crash bug caused by incorrect garbage collection handling of IggyLibrary files with certain kinds of AS3 code in them
bugfix: don't define _WINDOWS on Xbox One
Release 1.2.24 - March 10, 2014
bugfix: fix bug where ADDED_TO_STAGE messages weren't sent for most objects
Release 1.2.23 - March 7, 2014
enhancement: add IGGY_CONFIGURE_BOOL_SuppressAntialiasingOnAllBitmaps to suppress Iggy edge-antialiasing on all shapes with bitmap fills, not just simple rectangles (useful when 9-sliced diced bitmaps aren't detected properly); also iggyplay accepts --nobitmapaa to enable it
bugfix: fix bug where text could overlap itself if one character was defined as extremely wide in the font
bugfix: (X360) fix edge artifacts when applying filter effects and insufficient EDRAM memory is available
Release 1.2.22 - January 30, 2014
bugfix: fix incorrect mouse hit-testing when masking using AS3 DisplayObject.mask property
Release 1.2.21 - January 27, 2014
memory: add no-inline directive to avoid 50KB+ stack usage due to clang aggressively inlining leaf function that used 5KB of stack into a recursive function
bugfix: avoid crash when changing text format of textfield containing inline images
bugfix: (AS3) fix removeChildAt to return the removed child
bugfix: fix display bug if 9slice object was directly contained in 9slice object
bugfix: (X360) fix bug in scissor-rect handling that affected filter effects
Release 1.2.20 - December 16, 2013
enhancement: can specify fallback character to use for missing characters in TTF fonts
enhancement: control-left and control-right move by words in TextField
bugfix: added IggySetFontCachingCalculationBuffer to support screens displaying more than 2000 characters
bugfix: TextField.getTextFormat now works correctly for empty textfield / empty region
bugfix: defensively avoid potential infinite-loop when trying to move focus with keyboard
bugfix: TextField created with new() incorrectly had selectable set to false, now true
source: rework Telemetry handling for better source releases
Release 1.2.19 - November 26, 2013
bugfix: fix scaling bug when non-uniformly scaled text that's provided by app as bitmaps
bugfix: fix crash bug in japanese line-breaking algorithm when embedded images are used
bugfix: (AS3) fix crash if there's a reference to vector&Foo& where Foo is undefined
Release 1.2.18 - October 21, 2013
enhancement: support '&nbsp' in htmlText, and make U+00A0 use the same path and no longer be a breaking-space
enhancement: add counts of AS3 DisplayObjects (MovieClips) to garbage collector monitoring callback data
performance: sped up garbage collector if you have a lot of off-stage DisplayObjects
performance: don't render objects which have their alpha set to 0
bugfix: respect bold/italic font settings specified on textfield property page (previously only used bold/italic from htmlText or TextFormat)
documentation: small clarifications to installed fonts, gdraw resource management
enhancement: (GDraw) change unused-variable macro on VS2010+ to avoid warnings when compiling GDraw
Release 1.2.17 - September 18, 2013
bugfix: fix cursor flashing to work correctly when using IggyPlayerDrawTilesStart
bugfix: fix bug introduced in 1.2.16 when setting DisplayObject.width/height if child of object is scaled to 0 width/height
Release 1.2.16b - September 13, 2013
bugfix: fix IggySetTextCursorFlash (was just forcing cursor on when called)
Release 1.2.16 - September 11, 2013
Avoid using .iggy files from iggyconvert from 1.2.13 through 1.2.15; the handling
of bitmaps/textures were incorrect in those versions, and are incompatible with
this version.
change: (PS3/PS4) add "lib" prefix to library file
performance: minor improvement for rendering non-9slice shapes
documentation: fix a few minor errors and missing options in the docs
enhancement: Added IggySetTextCursorFlash to allow configuring textfield cursor blink speed
bugfix: prevent keyboard focus change with tab from focusing on hidden mc's/textfields
bugfix: don't crash when setting IggySetIndirectFontMaxCount if there are currently no indirections
bugfix: (AS3) fix GC crash bug with DisplayObject.filters getter
bugfix: (XBone/Win64) fix broken IggyMakeEventKey on Xbox One and win64
bugfix: fix bug where cursor wasn't drawn in empty textfields with no border or background
bugfix: fix bug in setting DisplayObject.width/height when object was previously scaled to 0 width and height
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug in .iggy file format for bitmaps on little-endian platforms introduced in 1.2.13
bugfix: make textfield cursor blink speed frame-rate independent
bugfix: (gdraw) fix unused variable warnings in gdraw_shared and gdraw_ps3gcm
bugfix: (iggyperfmon) fix 'unnamed union field' warning in code using iggyperfmon.h
bugfix: (iggyplayer) Fix output for --texsub
bugfix: Fix linker dependency bug in PS4 project file
bugfix: Add missing icon files to XBone example project to allow deployment
bugfix: (AS3) fix performance bug in String.toLower
Release 1.2.15 - August 14, 2013
bugfix: Fix bug introduced in 1.2.14 which broke setting ValuePath of root with an explicit field name
bugfix: avoid link collision with Miles Sound System for function rrCompareUtf8toUTF16
platform: Use PS4 SDK 1.000
Release 1.2.14 - August 12, 2013
enhancement: Allow returning a value from ExternalFunction.call by using IggyPlayerCallbackResultPath
enhancement: Added IggySetLanguage
bugfix: (D3D9 gdraw) fix a bug in partial-stencil-buffer clear code from 1.2.12
bugfix: Word-wrapping of East Asian languages is more consistent with Flash (use IggySetLanguage to enable)
bugfix: Fix very rare bug in Iggy vector graphics processing of objects with holes
bugfix: Fix totally broken generation of mouse double-click events
bugfix: (AS3) Fix mouseX/mouseY values when queried on objects contained in an object with a scrollRect
Release 1.2.13 - July 25, 2013
change: changed PS4 & Xbox One iggyconvert platform names from sekrit1/sekrit2 to 'xbone' and 'ps4'
enhancement: Iggy will load Flash 10 files. Vector&& is supported, but not much else.
enhancement: change API of IggyPlayerSetFocusRS to allow passing in the keyboard character that will propagate to focus events
enhancement: added IggyPlayerForceMipmaps to force mipmaps to be created when a bitmap is first converted to a texture
performance: Spread out performance load caused if multiple bitmaps are gradually scaled down and need mipmaps at the same time
bugfix: (D3D9 gdraw) support partial-stencil-buffer clears so more than 8 masks work correctly even when certain ones are nested
bugfix: (WiiU gdraw) fix issue where additive color (e.g. "tint") on one object would extremely rarely be applied to another object as well
bugfix: (AS3) fix occasional crash caused by using new Array(a,b,c,...etc..) with certain kinds of a,b,c
bugfix: (AS3) fix occasional crash caused by using initialized-object syntax like { "foo":3, "bar":"baz" } with certain kinds of values
bugfix: fix small leak when non-cached vertex buffers were created (fairly rare); note memory was already eventually freed by IggyPlayerDestroy
bugfix: allow uninstalling the translation callback by setting it to NULL
bugfix: MOUSE_LEAVE is supposed to be a non-bubbling event, but was handled incorrectly
bugfix: fix crash bug in triangulator caused by degenerate input (shapes with a non-zero but extremely tiny width or height)
bugfix: fix bug in hit-test logic when using Graphics class to create overlapping shapes with different fills
bugfix: fix graphics bug with masking when the masked object uses Graphics starting with a lineTo/curveTo without an initial moveTo
bugfix: fix hit testing of objects with hitArea when the hitArea object is in an object with a scrollRect
source: various improvements for compiling from source
platform: Use July 2013 Xbox One SDK
platform: Use PS4 SDK 0.930
Release 1.2.12 - May 23, 2013
Source code to Iggy is now available on request.
platform: Use 2.08.13 SDK on WiiU
enhancement: Iggy can now play audio to multiple devices at once
enhancement: allow IggyPlayerPause to stop voices instead of pausing them
bugfix: fix "Method was not a function" error message in IggyPlayerCallMethodRS
bugfix: (AS3) Fix bad matrix returned by Matrix.invert for degenerate matrices
bugfix: remove duplicate rrisnan() function that conflicted when linking with Granny
bugfix: iggyconvert properly aligns PS3 textures
bugfix: fix crash in iggyconvert when using texture replacement
bugfix: fix crash during shutdown when installed fonts were freed before calling shutdown
bugfix: allow clicking on an underlying object when clicking on an object that's masked away
bugfix: fix several thread-unsafe lazy initializations, most of which were very unlikely to happen
source: try to avoid some static-analysis warnings from certain compilers
source: fix assertion problem when loading an .iggy file in a debug build
Version 1.2.9 of Iggy replaced the error handling in Iggy.
If you're upgrading from a version before 1.2.9, see Notes on upgrading from versions prior to 1.2.9.
Release 1.2.11 - April 9, 2013
optimize: don't do filter/blend effect processing on empty textfields without background/border
change: changed mousewheel delta value in IggyMakeEventMouseWheel to 16-bit (from 8-bit)
bugfix: improve line-break/word-wrapping logic to better match Flash for CJK and hyphenated words
bugfix: always add text leading to empty lines
bugfix: (AS3) fix String.split delimiter GC perfectly-timed garbage collection could relocate String.split delimiter without its knowledge, causing incorrect splitting or crash
bugfix: (AS3) fix TextArea focus issues etc by making keyFocusChange and mouseFocusChange events cancelable, so preventDefault() works
bugfix: (AS3) don't use Flash 10 definitions if file is Flash 9, e.g. allow user code to add a 'z' variable to DisplayObjects that doesn't conflict with Flash 10 'z' getter/setter
bugfix: fix error messages which include numbers to display the numbers correctly
bugfix: fix false positive warning in debug leak checker about "iggy/seekqueue"
Release 1.2.10 - March 18, 2013
bugfix: fixed a small number of error-handling paths which, instead of failing
and sending IGGY_RESULT_Error_Create errors, would instead crash dereferencing NULL.
bugfix: fixed IggyPlayerCallFunctionRS to send an error callback if the called
function throws an uncaught exception
bugfix: (AS3) fixed TextField.getLineText to not crash if the line contains an image
bugfix: (AS3) fixed AS3 to not hang if you try to coerce a Function to a Number
change: reverted the .iggy file format changes in 1.2.9; .iggy files from 1.2.8 and earlier will still work
Release 1.2.9 - March 11, 2013
This version of Iggy totally replaces the error handling in Iggy
to something which should make it significantly easier to detect and fix
programming errors. For rationale and general info, see Iggy error handling.
Changing the error handling introduces numerous API changes. We are
not providing a deprecation path or back- the API changes
will introduce compile errors that you will need to fix. You will not
need any new API calls, and the changes should all be straightforward.
See Notes on upgrading from versions prior to 1.2.9.
change: Many API changes due to new error handling system
bugfix: Fix crash that could occur if multiple libraries defined the same name
change: Iggy file format has changed (This change was reverted in 1.2.10)
Release 1.2.8 - February 28, 2013
A minor update to the previous release, to avoid a long delay on this bugfix.
bugfix: Fix a crash which only manifests if you "new Shape" while rendering with Iggy's antialiasing disabled
Release 1.2.7 - February 27, 2013
enhancement: allow spaces in binpath used by iggyconvert
bugfix: fix crash introduced in 1.2.6 if using &img& in htmlText (fix increases memory usage by the 8KB that 1.2.6 tried to save)
bugfix: Allow font-size changes to affect empty lines
bugfix: (X360) Fix loading of textures from .iggytex files broken in 1.2.6
bugfix: (D3D10/11 GDraw) Better handling of NULL mallocs
change: (D3D10/11 GDraw) DISCARD dynamic buffers once a frame, to avoid exercise less common driver path
bugfix: (X360 GDraw) fix calculations involving D3D Width/Height that could cause spurious assertions and incorrect calculations if sizes were not EDRAM tile multiples
Release 1.2.6 - February 13, 2013
Major changes:
vector graphics are faster
optional simplified filters for text effects
several scale9grid fixes
several AS3 fixes
Full list:
platforms: added new GDraw for new devkit hardware/SDK on secret platform
performance: reduce vector-shape filled graphics batch count (drawprims) by 50%, but increases vector-shape vertex-buffer memory use by estimated 5-10%.
performance: added IggyFastTextFilterEffects to provide faster (but reduced functionality) path for text drop-shadows etc.
performance: (WiiU) optimized special blend modes to remove a copy
performance: doubled the maximum number of bitmap characters that can be drawn in one batch from 128 to 256
enhancement: IggyPlayerPause can pause audio playback (API function prototype change)
enhancement: new convenience functions for mapping controllers to Iggy Perfmon API on PS3/Wii U/secret platform
enhancement: (WiiU) sample app for GamePad display (DRC)
enhancement: iggyplay32/64 can generate a dummy texture when setTextureForBitmap is called
bugfix: Iggy Perfmon has correct controller button names for PS3/Wii U/secret platform
bugfix: correctly handle scale9grid/9slice that shrinks on one axis and grows on another
bugfix: correctly handle textfields inside scale9grid objects
bugfix: apply color effects/ColorTransform to TextField border/background
bugfix: allow AS3 variable set/get from inside custom draw callback
bugfix: (AS3) TextField.getCharBoundaries returns correct results, even for characters off edge of textfield
bugfix: (AS3) don't spuriously fail other constructors if a constructor throws an exception
bugfix: (AS3) fix incorrect handling of subclass of Array (previously, instances would end up as plain Arrays)
bugfix: (AS3) added support for "tabstops" attribute in &textformat& tag (TextFormat.tabStops was already supported)
bugfix: (AS3) define methods in IEventDispatcher properly so in rare case where AS3 compiler specifies it as the source it can be found
bugfix: (AS3) make interfaces which extend other interfaces additionally define the extended interface's methods with the new correct source
bugfix: don't leak AS3 stack if a function call fails at startup (e.g. typechecking failure)
bugfix: (GL GDraw) implemented thrashing detection
bugfix: (D3D10/11 GDraw) separate dynamic index and vertex buffers for D3D11 Level 9 compatibility
bugfix: (D3D10/11 GDraw) do error checking for dynamic vertex buffer allocation failing
memory: Iggy frees memory to application slightly more aggressively, like it did before 1.2.3
memory: reduce memory usage by 8KB per Iggy
change: textures used for gradients no longer get mipmaps: fixes a one-pixel glitch in default skin of Button, slightly faster uploads, may save texture memory on some platforms
Release 1.2.5 - January 23, 2013
This release fixes two major bugs introduced in 1.2.3 and 1.2.4: a texture handle leak
when using texture substitution and an audio click with mp3/adpcm playback.
platforms: initial release for "sekrit1" platform
platforms: initial release for "sekrit2" platform
enhancement: (GDraw) Minor cleanups to gdraw_shared.inl
enhancement: Improve tesselation of curved wide lines if the width is very large
bugfix: fix texture substitution to cache by name properly (was broken by changes in 1.2.3)
bugfix: fix audio click at beginning of mp3/adpcm sounds (was broken by changes in 1.2.4)
bugfix: add missing reentrancy checking to IggyPlayerTickRS
bugfix: (AS3) fix memory-leak of MovieClips with RENDER or ENTER_FRAME event listeners
bugfix: fix glitch in wide-line rendering if two successive lines went in nearly same direction
bugfix: (AS3) fix memory corruption on 64-bit platforms that only occurred if you used
very large integer constants in AS3 code (bigger than 2^29)
bugfix: (GDraw) OpenGL gdraw must default glDepthMask to true so depth clears work
bugfix: (iggyperfmon) fix button names for PS3
compatibility: (AS3) getDefinitionByName now accepts "foo.bar.baz" as well as old "foo.bar::baz"
Release 1.2.4 - December 12, 2012
enhancement: IggyFlushInstalledFonts allows changing gdraw ResourceMemory when using installed fonts
enhancement: .iggy files can be loaded in-place in memory
bugfix: if .iggy file load is not in-place, memory containing .iggy file is not modified
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug in AS3 property 'delete' which was exposed by changes in memory manager in 1.2.3
bugfix: (AS3) allow Math.min and Math.max to take more than two parameters (also less than two)
bugfix: (AS3) fix alpha scaling of gradients set by calling AS3 Graphics functions
bugfix: fix broken position handling for gradient/bitmap linestyles
bugfix: fix incorrect positioning of some DisplayObjectContainers nested inside scale9grid objects
bugfix: fix click artifacts when doing extreme sample-rate conversions for mp3 and ADPCM
bugfix: installed truetype fonts now use vertical font metrics that are more likely to be consistent with Flash's
bugfix: (PS3) Fix assert in ResetAllResourceMemory
Release 1.2.3 - November 29, 2012
This release includes a rewrite of Iggy's internal memory manager. The new
code is much cleaner and may be slightly faster. Enabling the debug leak
tracker no longer requires additional memory overhead. However, as this
code is new, it might have bugs, so keep an eye out for excessive memory
usage or leaking.
change: rewrote internal
minor API change in allocator callback functions
enhancement: iggyconvert config file can specify replacement image files with replace command
enhancement: font names can be indirected so multiple names can use same font using IggyFontSetIndirectUTF8 etc
enhancement: add UTF8 texture susbtitution callback IggySetTextureSubstitutionCallbacksUTF8
enhancement: AS3 texture substitution call can request specific width/height
bugfix: (AS3) improved compatibility of TextField.getCharBoundaries
bugfix: (gdraw) fix bug with WrappedTextures introduced in 1.2.2
bugfix: support Flash binding bitmap images to Bitmap rather than BitmapData classes (Flex components)
bugfix: fix bug when using Sprite.startDrag with a null Rectangle
bugfix: tweaked textfield clipping for better Flash compatibility
bugfix: fix handling of italics/bold fonts for installed fonts (previously couldn't have multiple variants of same font)
bugfix: fix crash bug which occurred in certain conditions if garbage collection was triggered during gotoAndPlay() called from timer event
Release 1.2.2 - November 12, 2012
This release fixes a number of small bugs and improves one aspect
of memory usage. We recommend updating GDraw as well, as the
rewritten system included here may fix some bugs.
change: (gdraw) rewrite handle caching logic to be much more explicit, less likely to have bugs
memory: 40% reduction in memory used to store classes and bytecode functions in AS3 virtual machine
enhancement: increase maximum simultaneous substituted textures from 256 to 2048
enhancement: ampersands in htmlText which are not part of valid escapes behave same as Flash
bugfix: (Windows) add missing OpenGL GDraw files
bugfix: (iggyperfmon) fix crash bug when using substituted textures
bugfix: (AS3) when setting negative scaleX, make scaleX negative instead of multiplying scale by -1
bugfix: (AS3) reading stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight return current size set by IggyPlayerSetStageSize.
(Use stage.fullscreenWidth/fullscreenHeight to read the value set by IggyPlayerSetDisplaySize.)
documentation: full documentation for htmlText supported/unsupported/extra features
Release 1.2.1 - November 1, 2012
bugfix: (WiiU) add missing Wii U GDraw files
bugfix: fix bug introduced in 1.2.0 which caused Iggy to not generate mipmaps most of the time
Release 1.2.0 - October 29, 2012
This release introduces the Iggy File Format, which allows files to
load faster and use native textures.
We made significant change to the GDraw implementations, including changes
to the internal API and, on some platforms, to the public API. The iOS gdraw
has been renamed to be iOS specific.
enhancement: The Iggy File Format on all platforms except iOS
enhancement: output Wii U DRC audio using IggyPlayerSetAudioDevice
enhancement: OpenGL support in Windows using gdraw_wgl.c
change: significant, incompatible changes to all GDraw implementations
change: rewrote parts of incremental GC related to MovieClips (there were no observed bugs in the old system, but it didn't have an unambiguous invariant)
bugfix: avoid possible but never-seen rare crash due to GC-mishandling of rarely-used MovieClip cases
bugfix: (WiiU) avoid possible but never-seen rare crash in GC from computing Event.toString, MouseEvent.toString, etc
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug where hasOwnProperty, isPropertyOf, and propertyIsEnumerable threw errors when called on objects defined using "obj = { x:a, y:b }" notation.
bugfix: fix scale9/9slice objects compositing incorrectly if filters or blend modes were applied to them
bugfix: fix bug in handling of conditional non-pow-2 textures
bugfix: (gdraw) fix some incorrect handling of errors if resources could not be created
change: (gdraw) more consistent error reporting
optimization: (PS3/WiiU gdraw) remove unnecessary GPU flushing during GDraw shutdown
Release 1.1.20 - October 5, 2012
change: (WiiU) Use SDK 2.07.03p5
change: renamed iggyplayer.exe to iggyplay32.exe, and added iggyplay64.exe to Windows SDK
change: (iOS) wrapped texture API requires you to specify if texture has mipmaps or not
enhancement: (PS3 gdraw) minor performance improvement
bugfix: (PS3 gdraw) obey the minimum texture pitch requirement -- this is very important
bugfix: fix bug in horizontal positioning of characters from some TrueType fonts
bugfix: (AS3) String.split() should produce an empty string at the end if there is a trailing delimiter
bugfix: (AS3) StaticText objects had incorrect bounding boxes
bugfix: unlikely to be noticable, mouse coordinates weren't properly affected by IggyPlayerSetDisplaySize until after next Draw
Release 1.1.19 - September 24, 2012
change: (WiiU) Use SDK 2.07.03p4
bugfix: allow passing IGGY_DATATYPE_null to IggyPlayerCallMethodRS and IggyPlayerCallFunctionRS
bugfix: fix date handling in Wii U to avoid overflow
Release 1.1.18 - September 12, 2012
change: (WiiU) Use SDK 2.07.03p1
change: make some API functions const-correct
enhancement: IggyAudioUseDefault to reduce #ifdefs when initializing Iggy
enhancement: reduce stack usage in iggyperfmon tree recursion
bugfix: certain textures weren't freed properly on flush
bugfix: fix possible hang if calling SoundChannel.stop() on an already-stopped sound
Release 1.1.17 - August 27, 2012
bugfix: fix a "hitArea" case where the original content could incorrectly still be hit tested (broken in 1.1.15 rewrite)
bugfix: (AS3) fix crash when accessing root.currentLabels if root has no scenes
bugfix: fix crash if a timeline object can't be created because a library import is missing
bugfix: make thread-safe multiple simultaneous calls to IggyLibraryCreate
bugfix: (GDraw) remove incorrect assert(t-&gdraw_managed) from gdraw_shared.inl
bugfix: (GDraw D3D9) explicitly set default values for D3DRS_BLENDOP, D3DRS_SEPARATEALPHABLENDENABLE
Release 1.1.16 - August 15, 2012
bugfix: fix debug-build link error "unresolved g_fp_rrDisplayAssertion"
Release 1.1.15 - August 13, 2012
bugfix: (AS3) rewrite "hitArea" versus "mouseEnabled" behavior to match Flash
bugfix: (AS3) correctly initialize AS3 strings encoding frame labels/scene names to avoid crashes if used as dictionary property names
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug where value of dropTarget wasn't correctly protected from garbage collection
bugfix: disable tmMessage calls in IGGY_TELEMETRY_normal mode
bugfix: fix rare bug in triangulator for vector shapes
bugfix: (AS3) make Timer.start() work like Flash: expired Timer will run exactly once
bugfix: (GDraw) prevent non-gdraw-managed textures from ever going onto LRU list
bugfix: generate distinct error code if import library doesn't contain required symbol
bugfix: iggyplayer prints error codes
Release 1.1.14 - July 26, 2012
change: (WiiU) Use SDK 2.06
bugfix: (AS3) make hit tests using "hitArea" respect "mouseEnabled"
bugfix: fix bug with executing code in prototypes
bugfix: (X360 GDraw) add additional disownshaders call
Release 1.1.13 - June 21, 2012
This release offers support for the "fl.transitions" package, and
fixes a number of unrelated bugs.
enhancement: Added support for fl.transitions, i.e. Flash's Tween and Transition classes
enhancement: Added IggyTween class, a mostly-compatible but better-behaved version of Tween
change: (WiiU) Use SDK 2.05
bugfix: (graphics) prevent excessive JPEG artifacts in transparent bitmaps
bugfix: (AS3) fix getDefinitionByName so it works with names of built-in classes
bugfix: (AS3) change setters for many DisplayObject properties to change NaNs to 0s for greater Flash compatibility
bugfix: (SWF parsing) fix incorrect handling when shape morph data in SWF is truncated
bugfix: (gdraw, all platforms) fixed a bug where WrappedTextures could be incorrectly freed by the LRU cache manager
change: rewrote garbage collector's old-heap management to improve allocation performance in bad cases
Release 1.1.12 - May 10, 2012
This fixes a few bugs in the Actionscript interface to vertical scrolling of TextFields.
bugfix: fixed TextField.maxScrollV to more closely imitate Flash (previously allowed scrolling in empty space at bottom)
bugfix: fixed TextField.bottomScrollV to account for scrolling
bugfix: implemented IggySetDoubleClickTime (previously documented as IggyPlayerSetDoubleClickTime)
bugfix: (ps3 gdraw) explicitly call SetTransferLocation so if game has set it it doesn't mess up Iggy
Release 1.1.11 - May 7, 2012
This is version 1.1.11 of Iggy. Because we massively refactored all the top-level
API functions, there may be bugs in some of them that we missed in our testing.
Let us know ASAP if anything is broken.
enhancement: Iggy API functions check for incorrect multithreaded usage and trigger a warning
callback (and returns an appropriate error code). This doesn't make it multithread safe, just makes
it clear if you're using it simultaneously from multiple threads.
change: The error code "IGGY_RESULT_Error_ReentrantFromCallback" has been renamed
to "IGGY_RESULT_Error_ReentrantFromCallbackOrThread"
enhancement: added IggyForceBitmapSmoothing() function to force bitmap smoothing regardless of Flash settings
enhancement: added command-line option for iggyplayer to override the stage size
bugfix: fix IggyPlayerSetStageSize
bugfix: (d3d9 gdraw) explicitly clear depth bias so if game has set it it doesn't mess up Iggy
bugfix: fix typo in win32_user_input_ime.cpp
Release 1.1.10 - April 26, 2012
This is version 1.1.10 of Iggy. It finishes fixing a bug introduced in 1.1.8,
and fixes a few other bugs.
bugfix: one more fix so text cursor is only displayed if textfield is both an input textfield and selectable=true
bugfix: fix crash involving multiple Iggys and "...args"
enhancement: added IGGY_CONFIGURE_BOOL_NeverDelayGotoProcessing to allow disabling deferred gotoAndPlay/Stop processing (but inconsistent with Flash)
Release 1.1.9 - April 24, 2012
This is version 1.1.9 of Iggy. It fixes a bug introduced in 1.1.8
and a few other bugs with textfields.
bugfix: text cursor is only displayed if textfield is both an input textfield and selectable=true
bugfix: cursor movement keys are ignored if input textfield is selectable=false (matches Flash behavior)
bugfix: initial text cursor position after setting text is at beginning not end of text
enhancement: added IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_textfield_autoscroll to revert following bugfix to previous behavior
bugfix: automatic horizontal scrolling of single-line textfields works even when not focused
bugfix: mouse selection of horizontally-scrolled text works correctly
Release 1.1.8 - April 20, 2012
This is version 1.1.8 of Iggy. It fixes a number of bugs.
enhancement: added new flags events which report whether any event handlers were run
bugfix: changed mousewheel event to only report true if an event handler was run
bugfix: allow mouse click-to-focus on textfields with tabEnabled=false
bugfix: allow mouse click-to-focus on non-input textfields
bugfix: tabbing to a textfield selects all the text in the textfield
bugfix: only show textfield selections in textfield with keyboard focus
bugfix: respect TextField.maxChars
bugfix: fix interaction between dragging mouse in textfield and AS3 changing selection
bugfix: fix rare bug in left-aligned text due to uninitialized variable
bugfix: fix bug with hitArea clip having alpha=0 always failing to hittest
bugfix: fix bug where stencil bits for masks could get reused incorrectly
bugfix: fix bug where textfield selection dragging could occur without mouse move events
Release 1.1.7 - March 19, 2012
This is version 1.1.7 of Iggy. It fixes a number of miscellaneous bugs.
enhancement: Add more information to debug leak check output (changes API)
bugfix: Fix memory leak when using AS3 Graphics class (leaked data was always freed when you Destroyed the Iggy,
so this was only significant if you were constantly creating new graphics)
bugfix: Add missing BitmapFilterQuality class used by Gradient filters
bugfix: Fix broken cursor interaction & selection display for centered and right-aligned text
bugfix: Fix slightly-incorrect selection display for left-aligned text
bugfix: Fix incorrect check that prevented some Iggy get/set functions from working during callbacks
bugfix: Fix bug in leak checker that caused crashes if freeing block from different context it was created in
bugfix: (GDraw D3D9) Allocate zbuffer if rendering to rendertarget that's larger than passed-in target
Release 1.1.6 - February 29, 2012
This is version 1.1.6 of Iggy. It adds a new feature for 3d UI display
and fixes several bugs with editable textfields.
enhancement: Added IggyFunctions.setDepth and IggyPlayerSetFaux3DStage
for adding simulated 3D depth to user interfaces
enhancement: Added support for connecting Flash textfields
to platform cut & paste API by means of IggyPlayerCopyUTF8, IggyPlayerPasteUTF8, and IggyPlayerCut
bugfix: support insert mode in textfields
bugfix: up/down arrow keys in single-line textfields now move left/right, like Windows
bugfix: fix some bugs when cursor was after last character of single-line textfields (e.g. Home key didn't work)
bugfix: cursor on empty line with centering/right-justify displays correctly
bugfix: fix performance bug in textfield
bugfix: fix bug where mouseEnable=false and mouseChildren=false caused an object to be entirely culled from mouse-testing
bugfix: (GDraw) fix blend mode shaders applying an additive ColorTransform
Release 1.1.5 - February 8, 2012
This is version 1.1.5 of Iggy. It fixes a bug introduced in 1.1.4.
Note that if you're upgrading from version 1.1.1 or earlier,
versions since 1.1.2 fix a bug in the handling of bilinear texture
filtering for bitmaps, which may result in all of your
previously-bilerped bitmaps becoming nearest-neighbor sampled.
If you don't want your artists to have to fix the content, use
IggyConfigureVersionedBehavior to re-enable the old behavior.
bugfix: Fix bug when processing AS3 classes from indirectly-referenced library.
enhancement: Change error when desroying a library with dependencies
(IGGY_RESULT_Error_LibraryFileStillInUseCantBeClosed) to a warning
(IGGY_RESULT_Warning_DependenciesStillExist), and still destroy the library.
Attempting to use dependent files will cause a crash. (The old behavior was
likely to lead to "leaking" the library handle and memory but no obvious
failure if the return value wasn't checked.)
Release 1.1.4 - January 31, 2012
This is version 1.1.4 of Iggy. It adds a new performance
monitoring library and a number of bugfixes.
enhancement: Added Iggy Perfmon library for in-game performance
monitoring of Iggy
enhancement: Allow custom draw callback to have mask applied to
it by providing scissor rect and stencil test information
bugfix: Fix crash bug when drawing certain shapes scaled to 0 and certain morphing shapes
bugfix: Fix bug when rendering bitmap fonts scaled to 0
bugfix: TextField.restrict = null disables restriction instead of restricting to 'l','n', and 'u'
bugfix: Allow negative leading in text fields
bugfix: Fix bug where changing leading mid-line affected current line instead of next line
bugfix: Match Flash behavior if leading is set multiple times on one line
bugfix: (X360 GDraw) Initialize texture fence handle
Release 1.1.3 - January 12, 2012
This is version 1.1.3 of Iggy. It adds one minor feature.
enhancement: IggyFunctions.setObjectAntialiasingEnable allows
fine-grained control over antialiasing on a per-Shape basis
bugfix: Render non-antialiased lines correctly
Release 1.1.2 - January 11, 2012
This is version 1.1.2 of Iggy. It adds support for IME in Windows,
and includes a number of bugfixes.
Note that this version fixes a bug in the handling of bilinear
texture filtering for bitmaps, which may result in all of your
previously-bilerped bitmaps becoming nearest-neighbor sampled.
If you don't want your artists to have to fix the content, use
IggyConfigureVersionedBehavior to re-enable the old behavior.
enhancement: Windows IME support for East Asian languages (see tutorials)
enhancement: Can attach an arbitrary "user data" pointer to each Iggy
enhancement: Can specify filename and an internal name for each Iggy (will be used in Iggy Explorer etc.)
enhancement: Added IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_bitmap_smoothing control to allow old bitmap smoothing behavior
enhancement: (AS3) implement TextField.getLineMetrics, read-only implemenetation of TextLineMetrics class
bugfix: fix bug where Bitmap.smoothing value was always passed to GDraw inverted (so bitmaps marked for not smoothing would get bilinear filtering, and bitmaps marked as smoothing would get nearest neighbor sampling)
bugfix: fix bug where a textfield in a scrollRect could prevent the scrollRect clipping from working
bugfix: (AS3) obey dragBounds parameter of TextField.startDrag
bugfix: (AS3) don't throw exception when gotoAndPlay-ing a label that doesn't exist (Flash does some of the time, Iggy used to always)
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug where &font face& in htmlText was sometimes ignored
bugfix: (AS3) fix bug in Event.clone that should never have worked
bugfix: (AS3) fix conversion of empty string to number which was incorrect in certain code paths (discovered by testing http://stackoverflow.com/a/1998224)
bugfix: fix yet another bug where moving/animating MovieClips with special blends would lose the blend mode
bugfix: avoid a potential crash in the font substitution path
bugfix: fix rare crash when running a DisplayObject constructor during construction of another DisplayObject in certain circumstances
bugfix: fix memory trash when parsing BinaryData objects defined in SWF file
bugfix: when attaching to Iggy Explorer, any other Iggy attached to the explorer automatically detaches (second attempt)
enhancement: (WiiU) Added support for blend modes
enhancement: Support rendering quads as well as triangles (good for text) -- some platforms had this in earlier builds, but wasn't in changelog
optimization: (X360) Improved performance of swizzling on moderate-to-large textures, typical 3x (up to 12x on mid-sized)
change: (X360) simplifications to blend mode logic
bugfix: Use fewer depth values so linearly-spaced depth values are still unique in an FP depth buffer
bugfix: (X360) change blend mode 1:1 render to point sample to avoid interpolator precision inaccuracy on non-pow-2 textures
bugfix: (X360) allow specifying Iggy tile origin arbitrarily, rather than requiring it match Resolve alignment constraints
bugfix: (X360) fix possible memory corruption that would only occur after running out of render target memory
bugfix: (X360) fix clamping render area to tile bounds (avoids D3D debug error)
bugfix: (PS3) expand render target borders to two pixels instead of one to avoid +-1 nondeterminism at edges
bugfix: (PS3) clip render area to tile bounds, then add padding
bugfix: (WiiU) fix coarse mipmaps (which are swizzled differently from fine ones)
bugfix: (WiiU) fix broken anti-aliasing vertex shader
Release 1.1.1 - November 28, 2011
This is version 1.1.1 of Iggy. It fixes bugs in the last release.
The APIs for performing font replacement introduced in 1.1.0 were
inadequate and have been enhanced.
enhancement: Support for .ttc files using new ttc_index parameter in TrueType font installer
enhancement: Can now specify that font replacements are bold and/or italic
bugfix: Fix memory corruption when freeing vertex buffers used for font-replacement (vector path)
bugfix: Fix text flow for empty characters like space character in truetype fonts
bugfix: Fix rare bug in TrueType decoding of certain glyphs
bugfix: Fix cursor height on empty line of textfield
bugfix: Fix bugs in undo/redo buffers for textfields
bugfix: Fix rare crash bug in handling of Event cloning
bugfix: Fix bug in classes created for shared library SWFs when multiple IggyPlayers use the SWF
Release 1.1.0 - November 21, 2011
This is version 1.1.0 of Iggy. It adds a major new feature and new platforms.
All GDra make sure you copy the gdraw files.
Direct3D 11
bugfix: Direct3D 10 now has an example file
Support rendering text from TrueType font files
Support rendering text from arbitrary vector shapes
Support rendering text from bitmap fonts or custom rasterization
See Using Fonts in Iggy.
bugfix: (AS3) when calling defaultTextFormat, null TextFormat fields should have no effect on current format
bugfix: (AS3) when calling setTextFormat, null TextFormat.align field should have no effect on current format
bugfix: avoid crash when clearing Graphics object with empty graphics
bugfix: fix bug where moving/animating MovieClips with special blends would lose the blend mode
bugfix: when attaching to Iggy Explorer, any other Iggy attached to the explorer automatically detaches
bugfix: avoid rare crash when user allocator returned insufficiently-aligned memory
bugfix: don't crash if attached to an Iggy Explorer and there's an embedded image in a textfield
enhancement: all symbols exported by statically-linked Iggy libs begin with "Iggy", "iggy_", "as3vm_", or "rr".
bugfix: fix shader bug when dynamically setting alpha of MovieClip with a special blend mode (e.g. Overlay)
bugfix: (D3D10) correctly free all D3D objects on shutdown
optimization: (D3D10) faster rectangle clears
optimization: (PS3,Wii) slightly faster texture swizzling
enhancement: (D3D9,D3D10,X360) fix as many warnings as possible since we don't control compiler settings
enhancement: if user passes incorrectly-aligned resource blocks, align them
enhancement: various cleanups to simplify having more platforms
Release 1.0.26 - October 27, 2011
This is version 1.0.26 of Iggy. It fixes a number of bugs and adds compatibility
with the latest update of Telemetry.
update: Recompile against latest Telemetry
enhancement: Return error code when installing Telemetry so you can detect version mismatch
change: (gdraw) Significant refactoring of shared file gdraw_shared.inl, affects all gdraw implementations
bugfix: (crash) Avoid rare crash caused by library-defined static AS3 objects being allocated from wrong heap (introduced in 1.0.15)
bugfix: (graphics) Fix bug where shape morphs didn't work as masks
bugfix: (AS3) Avoid "undefined class/interface" errors caused if compiler generates "multinames" for inter-class references
bugfix: (AS3) fix incorrectly handled case when gotoAndPlay/Stop was called with a label and a scene
bugfix: (AS3) Zero previously uninitialized mousewheel-value in non-mousewheel MouseEvents
bugfix: (API) Allow calling getters like ".parent" in ValuePaths in CallMethod/CallFunction
bugfix: (API) Fix missing space in certain error messages in the AS3 loader
bugfix: (iggyplayer) Reset D3D device if lost
bugfix: (D3D10 gdraw) Fix scissor rect caching bug
Release 1.0.25 - October 17, 2011
This is version 1.0.25 of Iggy. It fixes a number of bugs and adds some minor features.
Textfields created from the timeline will appear in a slightly different
location which should be more consistent with Flash. If this causes problems
you can get the old behavior by calling IggyConfigureVersionedBehavior.
enhancement: added IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_textfield_position to override improved textfield positioning described below
enhancement: (iggyplayer) added -b, -q, and -Q flags for suppressing iggyplayer output
enhancement: (Windows) specify path to the mp3 DLL
enhancement: (gdraw) don't generate spurious Thrashing warning during shutdown
enhancement: support "&sbr/&" htmlText tag generated by Flash CS5.5
memory: (PS3 gdraw) Fix one 128KB block never being freed on shutdown (one time only)
bugfix: fix bug with texture substitution requesting the same name repeatedly introduced in 1.0.18
(resulting in mutliple callbacks and leaked handles)
bugfix: fix cases where classes in indirectly-referenced libraries used the wrong definition of the class
bugfix: improve textfield positioning relative to F use IggyConfigureVersionedBehavior to get the old behavior
bugfix: fix case where textfield cursor was sometimes invisible when below a blank line
bugfix: fix Timer.reset() to reset the time not just the timer count
bugfix: fix bug in handling user-installed allocators that return misaligned pointers
bugfix: fix rare crash when processing the AS3 exception on a failed property get
bugfix: fix crash when doing debug leak-checking and using texture substitution
bugfix: (X360) fix Xbox 360 Telemetry support
bugfix: (X360 gdraw) on shutdown wait for GPU before returning so user won't
overwrite vertices/textures (consistent with gdraw on other platforms)
bugfix: (D3D10 gdraw) fix double-free of cache handle arrays on certain code paths
Release 1.0.24 - October 4, 2011
This is version 1.0.24 of Iggy. It is a minor update.
Note that this version does not support Telemetry on Xbox 360. It will be back
in the next version.
bugfix: (X360) Allow linking on Xbox 360 without Telemetry library
bugfix: fix rare SWF-parsing problem with vacuous bitmap filltypes in Flash
bugfix: fix bug with AS3 classes referenced by libraries not explicitly loaded by primary SWF
Release 1.0.23 - September 27, 2011
This is version 1.0.23 of Iggy. It fixes a number of bugs, especially compatibility
with older hardware under D3D9.
All GDraws have been updated and need to be replaced.
enhancement: Additional Telemetry markup during IggyPlayerCreate, Initialize
enhancement: Improve error messages reported during AS3 function verification
enhancement: Allow &img& tag in htmlText to be xml-style &img/&
bugfix: If hardware lacks non-pow2-mipmaps, don't request non-pow2-mipmaps from GDraw
bugfix: IggySetTextfieldTranslationFunctionUTF16 wasn't linkable.
bugfix: Detect overly-large AS3 functions at start of function processing to avoid a crash
bugfix: Fix certain cases where vertex buffers for dynamically-created Graphics weren't freed properly
bugfix: Allow user-allocator to return arbitrarily-aligned memory
bugfix: Fix handling of per-iggy-file allocator when closing without leak debugging
enhancement: (3DS) texture substitution support
enhancement: Change texture substitution logic to use an explicit flag to avoid bugs
memory: Slightly reduce memory usage by not allocating minimal placeholder memory for substituted textures
bugfix: (D3D9) Workaround an issue with GeForce 7000-series hardware
bugfix: (D3D10) Include missing file
bugfix: change rrAssert() to assert()
bugfix: (X360) 360_basic_flash_playback demo doesn't use native resolution since it can't run at 1080p due to EDRAM
Release 1.0.22 - August 31, 2011
This is version 1.0.22 of Iggy. It fixes a number of bugs.
enhancement: Use IGGY_VERSIONED_BEHAVIOR_movieclip_gotoand to suppress the bugfixes
below regarding gotoAndPlay/Stop
(these bugfixes improve compatibility with Flash, but you might be relying on the old behavior)
enhancement: support TextField.displayAsPassword
enhancement: API functions that accept strings accept length=-1 to mean nul-termianted
bugfix: reduce memory and improve performance by not creating an (unused) AS3 VM for IggyLibrarys
bugfix: add missing computation of IGGY_FOCUS_CHANGE_TookFocus / IGGY_FOCUS_CHANGE_LostFocus
bugfix: (AS3) Run correct framescript after certain gotoAndPlay/gotoAndStop calls
bugfix: (AS3) Run missing framescripts after certain gotoAndPlay/gotoAndStop calls made during event processing
bugfix: Fix initialization error for SWF with no AS3 code
bugfix: Don't crash when computing TextField.text for text with an &img& tag
bugfix: Correctly handle running out of memory when constructing initial AS3 floating point value during SetFloat/CallMethod APIs
bugfix: Fix handling of scenes/currentLabels for movieclips defined in IggyLibrarys
bugfix: Change IggyPlayerDrawTilesStart/End so that GDraw rendering state isn't set outside
Iggy functions (for example, this fixes the tiled rendering example on the Xbox 360, which relies
on being able to call D3D rendering functions between tiles)
bugfix: (3DS) Fix incorrect fence-value initialization
Release 1.0.21 - August 15, 2011
This is version 1.0.21 of Iggy. It is a minor fix for the Xbox 360.
bugfix: (X360 gdraw) fix incorrect mipmap generation
for certain non-power-of-two textures
Release 1.0.20 - August 13, 2011
This is version 1.0.20 of Iggy. It is a minor fix.
bugfix: back out visible=false optimization from 1.0.19 that
causes problems with invisible SimpleButtons and invisible hitAreas
bugfix: (X360,PS3,Wii gdraw) fix premature
allocation failures when using texture substitution
which could lead to missing textures and trigger asserts
Release 1.0.19 - August 10, 2011
This is version 1.0.19 of Iggy. It fixes several major stability issues.
This version expands the function table provided by GDraw to Iggy
defined in gdraw.h. Thus you must update both the per-platform
GDraw source and gdraw.h to use the new Iggy library.
optimization: sound mixer pauses if no open Iggy files
optimization: faster processing of objects with visible=false in IggyPlayerDraw
bugfix: (AS3) fix occasional crash in garbage collector caused by allocating strings longer than 124 characters
bugfix: fix crash when out-of-memory while building shape defined in library
bugfix: fix link problem with Bink 1.99h and later
bugfix: (AS3) Function.apply accepts 'null' as argument array
bugfix: (X360) fix problem if defragment triggered when allocating font cache
bugfix: (X360, PS3, Wii) fix texture substitution block-leak
Release 1.0.18 - July 29, 2011
This is version 1.0.18 of Iggy. It fixes several bugs.
bugfix: fix hang involving texture subsitutions exposed in 1.0.17
bugfix: other fixes to texture substitution management/tracking
bugfix: fix bug with AS3 timer events triggering very fast if frame rate is lower than SWF frame rate
Release 1.0.17 - July 27, 2011
This is version 1.0.17 of Iggy. This release is a bug-fixing release.
This version fixes a major bug in console GDraws, and a rare
bug in all GDraws. Please make sure you update your GDraw.
enhancement: added support for TextField.restrict
bugfix: IggyPlayerFlushAll preserves mapping from Bitmaps to texture substitutions but forces the textures to free
bugfix: IggyPlayerDestroy destroys mapping from Bitmaps to texture substitutions but leaves the texture alone if there are outstanding references
bugfix: other fixes to texture substitution management/tracking
bugfix: "change" event generated when editing textfield
bugfix: improve handling of textfield cursor display in presence of empty lines
bugfix: improve handling of textfield in single-line mode
bugfix: fix incorrect textfield cursor movement with keyboard up/down
bugfix: keyboard events for untranslatable keycodes get charcode=keycode
bugfix: (AS3) Capabilities.version etc. have "WII" and "N3DS" cases
bugfix: (Win) fix compile error in win32_custom_graphics.cpp
enhancement: (Wii) undocumented "slow sync mode" for testing fence integration problems, interface will change in later versions
enhancement: remove dependency on assert.h
enhancement: (D3D9/X360) suppress warnings when built at warning level 4
bugfix: (Wii/PS3/X360) fix assert/WaitOnFence problem with freed resources under load
bugfix: (Wii) fix logic error in simulating 32-bit fence from 16-bit fence
bugfix: (X360) fix possible assert from using logic that assumes fences increase
bugfix: fix GDraw error in handling rare case when Iggy created the same resource twice while drawing one object
Release 1.0.16 - July 18, 2011
This is version 1.0.16 of Iggy. This release is a bug-fixing release.
enhancement: added support for letter spacing (e.g. TextFormat.letterSpacing)
bugfix: remove CallFunction/CallMethod gotoAndPlay changes from 1.0.15, to be restored and fixed at a later date
bugfix: added missing handlers for out-of-memory conditions in some API functions
bugfix: fix crash bug in leak-checker in out-of-memory condition
bugfix: fix memory leak in triangulator for empty shapes
bugfix: fix potential memory leak when calling IggyPlayerFlushAll()
bugfix: (Wii,PS3,X360) fixed memory management error (probably harmless) with wrapped textures
Release 1.0.15 - July 14, 2011
This is version 1.0.15 of Iggy. This release is primarily a bug-fixing
enhancement: (AS3) new APIs for controlling garbage collector memory usage and performance: IggyPlayerConfigureGCBehavior and IggyPlayerGCSizes.
enhancement: (AS3) flush m


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