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> Thinkbox Sequoia 1.1rc 31 Mac/Lnx
Thinkbox Sequoia 1.1rc 31 (Mac/Lnx) | 58 / 56 MB
SEQUOIA is a Stand-Alone Application for Point Cloud Processing and Meshing.
SEQUOIA reads industry-standard Point Data formats, including CSV E57, .LAS, .LAZ, .PLY, .PRT, .PTG, .PTS, .PTX, .XYZ.
SEQUOIA provides tools for batch-conversion of large number of source Point Data files into supported output formats
SEQUOIA provides an integrated DEADLINE submitter for performing conversion on the network or on the Cloud.
The following concepts lie in the foundation of the system:
Asynchronous: SEQUOIA handles user interaction and data processing asynchronously to ensure interactivity even during heavy calculations.
Multi-Threaded: SEQUOIA was designed from the ground up to take advantage of modern multi-processor systems.
Multi-Document: SEQUOIA lets you work on multiple documents at the same time, even side-by-side.
Auto-Caching: Data like the results of a meshing calculation will be cached automatically and can be accessed at a later point if the same parameters are specified by the user without additional processing.
Out-Of-Core: Data processing can be performed successfully even if the system memory does not allow all data to be loaded at once.
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> Magix Sequoia 13 ISO
Magix Sequoia 13 ISO | 7.87 GB
Sequoia - the Broadcast Audio Workstation for an efficient production process.
Yet another milestone in the development of professional software solutions for audio production, broadcasting and mastering. Magix Sequoia 13 sets new standards in the field of high-definition DAWs and offers comprehensive loudness functions based on EBU R128, ITU-R BS.1771, extensive improvements to the Spectral Cleaning feature, flexible plug-in routing, a realtime AAC, MP3 preview plug-in and continuing development to achieve the highest possible levels of flexibility, performance and efficiency.
Save valuable time when working with radio productions by integrating seamlessly with content management systems like DAVID DigAS and SCISYS dira!Highlander. In terms of user management and administrator functions, Sequoia is suitable for integration with networks and large production environments. For advanced classic productions, Sequoia offers unique features like Multi-synchronous Cut and Source Destination Cut. Mastering engineers can rely on highly professional effects, sophisticated workflows and distribution according to industry standards.
Free plug-in routing: New reordering dialog for Plugins, including the built in plugins will now be able to be rearranged just like VSTs
Encoder Preview (MP3, AAC) plug-in: A new MP3, AAC plugin that goes on the master buss and allows you to listen to you output at any codec
BWAV files include all ISRC coding
64 bit version: All video formats, supported by the 32 bit version, are now also supported by the 64 bit version
Improved spectral cleaning editor
The most Loudness capabilities of any DAW for metering and analyzing and reporting
Supported Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows Vista 7, 8, 8.1
32-bit and 64-bit systems
Minimum System Requirements
Processor: 1.5 GHz or higher
RAM: 2 GB RAM (32-bit), 4GB RAM (64-bit)
Hard Drive Space: 1 GB for minimum installation
Graphics Card: Resolution 1024 x 768 pixels
Sound card: Onboard (ASIO-enabled sound card recommended)
Drive: DVD-ROM drive
Optional: CD DVD burner, MIDI interface
Supported import formats
Disc: CD-A, DVD-A, CD DVD-Data
Audio: WAV, Broadcast WAV, AAC, AIFF, DDP, FLAC, MP3, MPEG, MUS, OGG, SD2, WMA
MIDI Standard Formats: MID, GM, GS, XG
Photo: JPEG, BMP
Video: DV-AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, HDV HD1, HDV HD2, MXF, MXV, DVCPRO1, AVC-Intra1, QuickTime, WMV(HD)
Supported export formats
Disc: CD-A, DVD-A, CD DVD-Data
Audio: WAV, Broadcast WAV, AAC, AIFF, DDP, FLAC, MP32, MPEG, MUS, OGG, WMA
MIDI Standard Formats: MID
Video: DV-AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, HDV HD1, HDV HD2, MXV, QuickTime
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超级计算机Top500榜:Linux压倒Win系统占93.8%自2012年11月第40届Top500榜单发布,从数据上分析,软件商Linux系统成为超算中绝对领先的平台,全球超算中已有93.8%使用Linux系统,Windows仅仅3个超算机采用。与之对应的是,硬件方面,Intel芯片占据75.8%,六核、八核成为主流,协处理器与加速器应用进入普及。超算TOP500中Linux已占93.8%(来源top500.org数据制作)从top500.org网站数据了解,在这500台机器中,有469台(93.8%)使用的是Linux系统,而只有3台超级计算机(132位,165位和183位)使用的是Windows。性能与效率分析Titan超算具体配置新一届TOP500 HPC霸主,美国能源橡树岭国家实验室的Titan,系统却更换为最新的Cray XK7计算系统。在Linpack基准测试中,其560,640个处理器,其中包括261,632的NVIDIA K20x内核加速器。而通过这261,632个Nvidia K20x加速器,可以达到17.59 petaflops。而在能耗方面,总计耗费8.21兆瓦,交付2143 megaflops/每瓦特。英特尔成最强劲&芯&榜眼是IBM Sequoia(红杉),基于IBM BlueGene/Q系统,1,572,864内核,Sequoia也是达到了百万内核的第一系统。第三到五名分别是位于日本&京&(K Computer)系统,基于BlueGene/Q system系统以及同样基于BlueGene/Q system,的JUQUEEN系统。IBM Sequoia(红杉)超算Intel芯片强劲从地理上看,美国在全球超算TOP 500中占有的席位最多,差不多占据近50%的份额。除此以外,亚洲中有124个系统,欧洲占据105个系统。芯片技术应用情况硬件方面,英特尔芯片最强。其提供的处理器在TOP 500榜单中占据了75.8%的份额。84%的系统使用6核或者更多的处理器,46%以上使用8核或更多。其中有62%系统中使用了加速器或协处理器技术。更多信息请访问:
/ ,编ekojvn发布ivnmcb 了解详情。[新闻]未来OS X系统命名再次曝光!Sequoia、Mojave等【macbookpro吧】_百度贴吧
[新闻]未来OS X系统命名再次曝光!Sequoia、Mojave等收藏
从 OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion 升级至 OS X 10.9 后,苹果为桌面操作系统选择了全新命名规则,之前的 OS X 系统名称都是大型猫科动物,而从 OS X 10.9之后则是各种加利福尼亚州的知名景点。Craig Federighi 在2013年 WWDC 上提到,这些景点可以为公司员工带来灵感。OS X 10.9的名称为 Mavericks,这是苹果的第一个选择,Mavericks 是知名冲浪地点。苹果即将在下周一公布 OS X 10.10,这款新操作系统的命名又会是什么呢?早在今年4月,国外网站发现了很多与苹果相互关联的空壳公司,这些空壳公司注册了很多加州地点相关的名称,包括 Yosemite、Redwood 和 Mammoth,这些都有可能成为未来 OS X 的名称。 今天,又有网站发现了与苹果相关的商标申请。这些商标在日在特里尼达和多巴哥完成申请,这里也是苹果最喜欢的专利申请国 家之一。这次的专利中包含了四个景点相关的名字,这意味着未来 OS X 系统可能被称为OS X Sequoia、 OS X Mojave、 OS X Sonoma和 OS X Ventura。Sonoma 和 Ventura是加利福尼亚州两个大城市,Sonoma市最出名的就是沙滩,而Ventura市最出名的是葡萄园。Mojave 指的可能是 Mojave 沙漠,而Sequoia可能是 Sequoia国 家公园,这里的巨型红杉树非常出名。这些名字都代表着加州知名地点,很符合苹果 OS X 命名规则。目前,我们知道的苹果注册的商标包括:Yosemite、Redwood、Mammoth、California、Big Sur、Pacific、Diablo、Miramar、Rincon、El Cap、Redtail、Condor、Grizzly、Farallon、Tiburon、Monterey、Skyline、Shasta、Sierra、Mojave、Sequoia、Ventura 和 Sonoma。这些名字都有可能是未来 OS X 系统的命名。当然,目前还无法知道 OS X 10.10的名字,不过刚刚在 Moscone 中心挂起的 iOS 8宣传横幅背景是湛蓝的海洋。除了 OS X 命名外,苹果还申请了 Apple Watch 和 Watch 这样的商标。OS X 10.10 将在下周一正式公布,届时我们将了解其真正的名字。
就是OS X Yosemite了
OS X Beijing
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OS X Diablo III
这文章好神奇 开始说的是和苹果公司有关 后面就直接说是苹果公司注册的 这意淫的功力逆天
OS X Dongguan


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