寻找新的利益经济增长点 英文文怎么说

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英文翻译business growth point&&&& professiona ...&&&& build- ...&&&&drop&&&& point of growth&&&&growth engine eeconomic growth point&&&&profit growth point&&&&new sources of economic growth&&&&new point for source new point for/ sources of economic g ...&&&&actively cultivate new points of economic growth&&&&foster new growth
to tanew sources of economic growth&&&&looking for the new economic increase method by developing the urban building
...&&&&growing point◇生长点培养 api growing point culture&&&& build- charging
增长才干 enhance one's abiliti ...&&&&corpus&&&&marginal growing-point&&&&apical growing point&&&&intercalary growth point&&&&zero vegetation point&&&&api growing point culture&&&&growi growingtipsoftheplant&&&&the growi thegrowingtipsoftheplant&&&&long service increment&&&&growing point&&&&a little longer over ears&&&&locat locationofgrowingpoint
例句与用法Its broader plan is to build a new internet - advertising business to replace the revenues from its declining internetaccess side它的主要计划是要建立互联网广告业务为新的业务增长点以取代日渐衰微的互联网接入方面的服务。 Today , while there are hot competitions in telecommunication markets , personal access system ( pas ) , being a new service improvement point , has grown up and play a role in personal communication area在电信市场激烈竞争的今天,无线市话作为新的业务增长点异军突起,在个人通信领域占有一席之地。 As market competition increased , it is very crucial for companies to search for new growth opportunities . as to mobile network operators , sms will no doubt bring them huge growing potentials随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,寻找新的业务增长点成为众多公司的当务之急,对于移动运营商而言,短消息服务无疑是最有潜力的增长点。 Phs ( personal handyphone system ) is the most important operation of lanzhou telecom . it has predominance in moving market competition . at the same time , phs is confronted with a good many questions and compressive stresses无线市话? ? phs ( personalhandyphonesystem )业务是目前兰州电信公司主要的业务增长点,是具有一定竞争优势的业务,但同时又面临着诸多问题。 Come with the powerful cell phone , the development trend of the entertainment market based on the cell phone is very obvious . the entertainment market based on the cell phone will follow the pc entertainment market to be the new important business increase point随着手机性能的不断提高,手机休闲娱乐应用的市场发展趋势己经逐渐明朗,手机休闲娱乐应用将成为pc休闲娱乐应用之后又一重要业务增长点。 And a specialization team in system integration also supplies an indispensable support for integer network plan and enforcement of telecom carrier . the more important thing is that system integration itself has gradually become a new service increasing - point of telecom industry在系统集成方面的专业化人才队伍更为电信运营商整体网络规划和实施提供了不可缺少的有力支撑,更为重要的是,系统集成本身也已逐步成为电信业新的业务增长点。 So it should optimize the network that has hold , making use of the network resources effectively and improving the ratio of using . at the same time , it needs to wash out the outdated business properly , run after the new techniques and look for the new operation rising dot湖南电信公司拥有庞大网络,品牌、技术和人才优势,应优化已有的网络,有效地利用现有网络资源,提高网络利用率,适时淘汰过时的业务,积极跟踪新技术,寻找新的业务增长点。 Chengdu telecom , the most important telecommunication hub in the southwestern china , has encountered many problems such as redundant personnel , shortage of new business that can grow very fast , low productivity , and rigid operation mechanism that cannot respond to the ever - changing competition , due to the fierce competition , delayed reform and restructuring , and poor administration and management systems这些问题的解答已是迫在眉睫。作为西南地区重要通信枢纽? ?成都电信,面对纷繁复杂的激烈竞争态势,由于改革和重组到位晚、机制和管理体制相对滞后,面临着人员多、负担重、业务增长点缺乏、劳动生产率低、经营机制不够灵活,难以适应瞬息万变的市场竞争形势等诸多难题。 Information technology facilitates the new business growth of financial industry in terms of the application of electronic products . how to process the daily business of the banks by using information technology quickly and accurately , shorten the time of business operation , keep customer primitive information , and carry on electronic authentication , becomes the research subject of bank automation . automatic processing of bank checks is usually composed of four steps在金融电子化的趋势下,信息技术手段已成为金融行业新的业务增长点,如何快捷、准确、高效地实现银行日常业务的信息化,缩短每笔业务的操作时间,保存客户原始信息,并对其进行电子认证,成为银行自动化的研究课题。 As wireless communications technology is evolving at a tremendous pace , and wireless communications market is expanding continually , wireless communications business unit will catch chance , integrate all resources and make arduous efforts to make wireless communications become one of the fastest growing products in shanghai telecom and become important component of core competitiveness of shanghai telecom in new century无线通信技术的发展一日千里,无线通信的市场也在不断扩大,上海电信无线通信部将抓住时机整合力量,使无线业务成为上海电信在新世纪里最耀眼的业务增长点,成为上海电信核心竞争力的重要组成部分。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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商业银行关注绿色金融 寻找到新的利益增长点
主&持&人:梁千里 嘉宾:殷红
  和讯网:因为咱们这次绿色金融论坛有很多的专家学者发表了他们的意见,谈到了绿色金融,您对绿色金融的未来怎么看?  殷红:工商银行在绿色金融的问题上非常重视,一方面是因为工商银行是全国乃至全球最大的商业银行,所以,首先它肩负的社会责任比较重,它对自己的定位是既要做好自己的绿色表现,同时也要在行业内起到一个表率的作用。所以,工商银行非常重视,长期以来对绿色金融体系已经有一个架构。  未来会进一步完善和推进绿色金融战略。实际上在推进绿色金融战略的过程中,不仅是履行社会责任的方面,从商业银行的角度看,它对商业银行有一个内生的动力。它的动力主要来源于两个方面:一是寻找新的业务增长点,支持绿色的产业,绿色的领域,绿色区域的发展。  二是防范环境与社会风险。比如说高耗能、高污染和高资源耗费的行业企业面临的风险越来越大。我们通过绿色的考量和环境的评价,可以筛选出高风险的企业,我们在这方面进行选择性的支持,退出和风险的防范。  和讯网:因为我听到很多关于风险防范包括企业的一些要求,我大概都比较了解。但我想问的是,企业都是逐利的,绿色金融对于企业来说利益点在哪里?您能谈一下吗?  殷红:其实对于企业来说,它自己也在寻找绿色发展的道路。因为随着企业,如果它的环境成本越来越高,它的竞争力未来会越来越下降。所以,它的成本和收益是促进它要不断的改进技术,减少它的排放,越来越绿色化,对于企业来说也有这样一个动力。  和讯网:看得出您对于绿色金融是非常有信心的。  殷红:对。  和讯网:非常感谢您接受我们这次的访问。谢谢。
英文翻译: point of growth
To the point
Analyze point by point
T the issue of
T to the point
orientation point
FPU:Float Point Unit
Extra Points per Segment
Aa focal point.
SuburBan point of view
关键词:  我们养猪就是为了给消费者提供猪肉,养猪行业发展到今天,已经不是你能够提供给屠宰生猪就行了,你所养的猪还必须安全、绿色健康,味道美。在生猪养殖业中,消费者的需求是不断变化的,因此说抓住了消费者的需求就是抓住了市场的需求这句话是相当有道理的。  我们能够感觉到在生猪养殖这条道路上,我们的脚步变得越来越沉重,因为压力太大了,养猪的人太多了,竞争太激烈了。我们不能再做着你有、我有、大家有的产品,我们应该做自己有而别人没有的东西。  未来的生猪养殖户们:生猪养殖业已经到了寻找新的利益增长点的时刻了。  有人说今年生猪养殖业的大洗牌来势凶猛而且纯粹,自然的、人为的已经筛除了一部分群体,如果我们不做好足够的准备就会被市场无情淘汰。  我们的利益增长点在哪里?产品、价格、服务还是技术?就像那句话说的,选择这么多,总有一款适合你。混迹猪市江湖这么多年,相信你总会找到一种方式增加自己的利益与价值。我们一直在说要不遗余力的寻找价值、创造利益,其实不就是为了在猪市沉浮中寻找自己的一席之地吗?  本文为搜猪网原创,转载请注明出处。(审核编辑: 钱涛)分享我来说两句(人参与评论)加载更多【销售】今日山东仔猪价格行情152612月13日评: 国内猪价缓步下滑 18042发改委:环保投入占新建养猪场总投资13833江西省瘦肉型肉猪12534【6周评】冯永辉:猪价同比下跌已近1246513日屠宰日评:节后供需两低 结算11436消费低迷,猪价难涨!环保政策磨刀霍8767网友:猪价跌到8.50/斤也差不多7588环保,禁养,限养,未来养猪人的出路71192月14日评: 市场供需博弈 猪价686102月13日生猪日报:国内猪价缓步下559


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