stp hello timeTimeSkin开店有什么要求

想开店 求lalabobo hellokitty it b+ab系列的货源_百度知道Q现在就请我们的设计君代表,来介绍一下这次的设计,先打个招呼吧!大家好,我是设计师君。Q够简洁的开场白,来说说大家关心的新品包装设计吧,这次的设计思路是怎样的?设计思路肯定要遵循HELLOTIMESKIN的品牌理念,自然、独立、简洁。外包装的改变很少,只是由之前的色块变成现在的线条,为了更凸显我们这个产品的理念---简洁。Q果然简洁是你一贯的风格,这次改变最大的是我们的整体产品的视觉效果,这次灵感来源自哪里?我的设计灵感来源,概括来说是来自生活。我每天遇到的人和事都可以成为我设计的灵感,而我又是一个很喜欢旅游的人,我相信遇到的世界越大,灵感的来源就会更丰富。当然,现在的工作很忙碌,可能没有足够的时间支持我经常出去,这时候我更多会选择阅读来增加设计灵感。Q我们看到这次的包装设计有一个波浪的元素,像是日本元素图案,这个元素灵感是来自你的旅游吗?我去年的确有一次日本的旅行,日本给我最大的感触就是整洁、肃穆,但是这种肃穆并不是表面上的法相庄严,而是人与自然的和谐相处,这是我喜欢的一种状态。波浪的元素其实更多的是对产品理念和产品本身的暗合,美是流动的,就像是自然界中的水,而HELLOTIMESKIN的产品很多都是液态的,有些本身成分就含有天然活泉水,这些都是我设计的灵感。Q为什么选用黑白主题?简约就是美,simple but good。简约可以摒弃一切多余的设计元素,更加突出产品的内在品格和张力。但是简约并不等同于简单,就像钢琴只有黑白两色键,但它仍然是乐器之王。Q总结一下与之前包装的最大不同不同是多方面的,比如更加显著的产品系列划分;品牌标识的精细化;图片元素的加入,可以更加直观的讲述产品故事。这些改变的目的都是为了增加包装设计的延续性。{ 本公众号所有图文版权均归作者所有,转载请说明出处 }长按以下二维码关注本公众号HelloTimeSkin(gh_53da040ee55a) 
在插画师Maori Sakai的笔下,美好时节被一笔一笔地记录在线描的笔触里。长袖外衣下的那份安全感、雨天在家中阅读的那份小确幸,属于秋天的放松、惬意跟慵懒都如此深入人心。为了你们这些成天买买买,完了剁手剁手再剁手的少女们,TIME君真是没少操心。光是一个化妆品收纳,我们就得分成两期来说。点击上方蓝字关注 ?扫码即可购买198RMBHELLOTIMESKIN让时光
更自在{ 本订阅号所有图文版经过“半个世纪”的日夜操劳,我们可爱的设计师君们终于有时间坐下来跟我们谈谈这次蓄谋已久的新品包装设计。gh_53da040ee55aHELLOTIMESKIN品牌代理专用平台热门文章最新文章gh_53da040ee55aHELLOTIMESKIN品牌代理专用平台– Prepared by Siddhant Ahuja
I was trying to install OpenCV 2.3 on my Windows 7 64-bit machine and i kept getting the error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)
I tried chasing the problem down using freely available program Dependency Walker and it looked like my executable project was x86 whereas all the dll files it was loading up were x64. So after many tries including re-building OpenCV using CMake, changing dll links to x86, etc., i finally figured out how to solve this problem, which i have presented as a tutorial below.
This tutorial assumes that you have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional.
If you are a student you can get it for free at .
This tutorial contains the following:
How to download and install the OpenCV library
How to manually change the system path to include the bin file
How to create a project
How to configure Visual Studio to use OpenCV
A sample program that displays a video from a camera
Downloading and Installing OpenCV
OpenCV is a computer vision library written mainly in C that focuses on real time video processing.
It is open source or free to the public.
Select the
file and download it.
Go the folder where you downloaded the executable file in Step 2 and select “Run as Administrator”.
The executable file is essentially an archive of files with an extractor built in. It will ask you to select the location where you would like it to extract all its contents. Select: C:\Program Files\ as the path and click Extract. It will create a folder called OpenCV2.3 with the path: C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3
Manually Changing the System Path to Include the Bin File
To access the system path in Vista go to Control Panel\System and Security\System and on the left hand side select Advanced system settings this should bring up the Systems Properties dialogue.
Click on the Advanced tab and then the Environment Variables button.
This will bring up the Environment Variables dialogue.
In the System Variables box select Path and then Edit
When modifying the path know that it is sensitive to all characters including spaces.
To add the new bin, type a semicolon directly after the text that is there without adding in a space.
Next add the path to the bin file.
The path is the same as where you chose to install OpenCV back in step 4 of Downloading and Installing OpenCV section plus \bin. For example if you chose to install OpenCV in:
C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3
For 64 bit Windows, add the following to the system path:
;C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\bin\;C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\bin\
Make sure to restart your computer so the changes can take effect.
Creating a Project
Click File → New →Project
In the “Installed Templates”
box choose Visual C++ → Win32
On the right choose Win32 Console Application
Enter a name for the project and click OK
Click finish in the dialogue box which appears
Configuring Visual Studio
Click Project → Properties to access the properties dialog
In the left box click on Configuration Properties and on the top right click on Configuration Manager
In the Configuration Manager dialog box that opens up, under Active Solution Platform combo box select New.
In the New Solution Platform dialog box that opens up, under Type or select the new platform, select x64, copy settings from Win32 and make sure that Create new project platforms is selected. Click OK.
You will notice that the in the Configuration Manager dialog box x64 platform has now been selected. Click Close.
In the left box choose Configuration Properties → C++ → General
In the right box, next to Additional Include Directories type the following text:
C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\include\%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
IMPORTANT note that all these paths assume that you installed in the default location, if you installed in
for example Program Files (x86) instead of Program Files, make sure you change these paths to reflect that.
Next in the felt box choose Configuration Properties → Linker → Input
In the right box, next to Additional Dependencies type the following text:
"C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\lib\opencv_core230d.lib";"C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\lib\opencv_highgui230d.lib";"C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\lib\opencv_video230d.lib";"C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\lib\opencv_ml230d.lib";"C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\lib\opencv_legacy230d.lib";"C:\Program Files\OpenCV2.3\build\x64\vc10\lib\opencv_imgproc230d.lib";%(AdditionalDependencies)
IMPORTANT note that all these paths assume that you installed in the default location, if you installed in
for example Program Files (x86) instead of Program Files, make sure you change these paths to reflect that.
Click Apply then OK
Sample Program
This program will capture video from a camera and display it.
Press escape to stop capturing and displaying frames.
It may be necessary to change the number in this line of code to select the camera source:
CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(1); // capture from video device #1
If you do not know the video device number just try 0, then 1,
2 or else -1. Copy and paste the following code:
#include &stdafx.h&
#include &highgui.h&
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
// allocate memory for an image
IplImage *
// capture from video device #1
CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(1);
// create a window to display the images
cvNamedWindow(&mainWin&, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// position the window
cvMoveWindow(&mainWin&, 5, 5);
// retrieve the captured frame
// show the image in the window
cvShowImage(&mainWin&, img );
// wait 10 ms for a key to be pressed
// escape key terminates program
if(c == 27)
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Date : July 18, 2011
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