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1. influence
[U] ~ (on sth) power
action of natural
forces 影响力; 作用: the influence of the moon (on the tides), of the
climate (on agricultural production), etc 月球(对潮汐)的作用﹑
(a) [sing] ~ (on sb/sth) (exercising of) power to
affect sb's actions, character or beliefs through example, fear,
admiration, etc 感化(力); 影响(力); 支配(力): the influence of parents on
their children 父母对子女的影响 * have a good, bad, beneficial,
harmful, civilizing, pernicious, etc influence on sb's behaviour,
character, etc 对某人行为﹑ 性格等有良好的﹑ 恶劣的﹑ 有利的﹑ 有害的﹑ 感化性的﹑ 邪恶的...影响 *
a young ruler under the influence of his chief minister
受总理大臣左右的年轻统治者 * escape sb's influence 避开某人的势力范围. (b)
[C] ~ (on sb/sth) person, fact, etc that exercises such
power 有影响的人或事物: Those so-called friends of hers are a bad
influence on her. 她那些所谓的朋友对她的影响很坏. * Religion has been an
influence for good in her life. 宗教信仰一直引导她向善. * We are
subject to many influences. 我们都受着多方的影响. * The influences at
work in this case (ie factors causing it to develop in a
particular way) are hard to disentangle.
[U] ~ (over sb/sth) power to control sb's behaviour 支配力;
控制力: His parents no longer have any real influence over him.
[U] ~ (with sb) ability to obtain favourable treatment from
sb, usu by means of acquaintance, status, wealth, etc 权力; 势力; 权势:
use one's influence (with sb) 利用(与某人的关系的)影响力 * She has
great influence with the manager and could no doubt help you.
她对经理很有影响力, 无疑能帮你忙.
(idm 习语) under the `influence (of `alcohol) (fml or
joc 文或谑) (showing signs of) having had too much to drink 酒喝得太多;
有点醉: be charged with driving under the influence
& influence v
1 [Tn] have an effect or influence on (sb/sth); cause
(sb/sth) to act, behave, think, etc in a particular way
影响(某人[某事物]); 对(某人[某事物])起作用: the
belief of astrologers that planets influence human character
星相家认为星体能影响人的性格的信念 * I don't want to influence you either way, so
I won't tell you my opinion. 我不想对你有任何影响, 所以我不告诉你我的看法. * It's
clear that her painting has been influenced by Picasso.
2 [Cn.t] cause or persuade (sb) to do sth 支配或左右(某人)做某事:
What influenced you to behave like that? 你是受了什麽支配而那样做的?
2. for ,better (or) for `worse in both good and bad
fortune 同甘共苦, 祸福与共. for ,better or `worse whether the result
is good or bad 不管是好是坏; 不管结果如何: It's been done, and, for better
or worse, we can't change it now. 事已至此, 无论是好是坏, 已无法改变.
3. disorder n
[U] conf lack of order 混乱; 凌乱; 无秩序: with
one's papers, thoughts, financial affairs in (complete)
disorder 证件﹑ 思绪﹑ 财务(完全)乱七八糟地 * Everyone began shouting at
once and the meeting broke up in disorder. 大家一下子全都喊叫起来,
(a) [U] disturbance of public order 骚乱: The capital is
calm, but continuing disorder has been reported elsewhere.
首都一片平静, 然而据报道在别的地方仍有持续的骚乱. (b) [C] riot 动乱; 暴乱: The
announcement led to violent civil disorders.
[C, U] disturbance of the normal working of the body or mind
(身体或精神)不适, 疾病: He's suffering from severe mental disorder.
他患有严重的精神病. * a disorder of the bowels 闹肚子.
& disorder v [Tn] disturb the order of (sth)
弄乱(某物): disorder sb's papers, files, etc 把某人的证件﹑ 档案等弄乱.
disordered adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] suffering from lack
of order or control 错乱的; 失调的: a disordered imagination, flow of
words 精神错乱﹑ 语无伦次 * He led a disordered life and died in
poverty. 他生活毫无规律, 於贫困中死去.
disorderly adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]
1 untidy 凌乱的; 无秩序的: a disorderly heap of clothes
2 (of people or behaviour) showing a lack of self-
disturbing public order (指人或行为)不能律己的, 妨碍治安的: a disorderly mob,
demonstration, meeting, etc 扰乱社会秩序的暴民﹑ 示威活动﹑ 集会等 * (law
律) a disorderly house, ie where prostitution or illegal
gambling is carried on 妓院(或非法赌场).
3 (idm 习语) drunk and disorderly =& .
disorderliness n [U].
4. alter &v
[I, Tn] (cause sth/sb to) change in character,
position, size, shape, etc (使某事物[某人])改变; 更改, 变更, 修改,
改(性质﹑ 位置, 大小﹑ 形状等): I didn't recognize him because he had
altered so much. 我没认出他来, 因为他变了许多. * She had to alter her
clothes after losing weight. 她瘦了以後, 衣服也得修改了. * The plane
altered course. 飞机更改了航线. * That alters things, ie makes
the situation different. 那就使情况发生变化. [Tn] (euph 婉 esp
US) remove the testicles or ovaries of (an animal) 阉割;
给(雄性动物)去势; 给(雌性动物)割去卵巢.& alterable adj that can be
altered 可改变的; 可修改的.
alteration n
1 [U] making a change 改变; 更改; 变更; 修改: How much
alteration will be necessary? 需要改多少?
2 [C] act or result of changing 改变; 更改; 变更; 修改: We are
making a few alterations to the house. 我们对房子进行了一些改建.
5. infectious adj
(of a disease) caused by bacteria, etc that are passed on from one
person to another (指疾病)传染的, 感染的: Flu is highly infectious.
[usu pred 通常作表语] (of a person) in danger of infecting others (with
a disease) (指人)能传染他人(疾病): While you have this rash you are still
infectious. 身上还有这种疹子, 就仍然有传染性.
(fig approv 比喻, 褒) quickl likely to
spread to others 有感染力的; 易传播给他人的: infectious enthusiasm
有感染力的热情 * an infectious laugh 有感染作用的笑声. &
infectiously adv: laugh infectiously 笑得富有感染力.
infect v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn,] ~ sb/sth (with sth) 1 cause sb/s
contaminate sb/sth 使某人[某物]传染﹑ 感染;
污染某人[某事物]: The laboratory animals had been
infected with the bacteria. 实验室的动物都已受到这种细菌的感染. * an infected
wound 受到感染的伤口 * Clean the infected area with
disinfectant. 把受感染的部分用消毒剂消毒. * Police have sealed off
infected areas of the country. 警方已将全国各感染区封锁了.
(fig derog 比喻, 贬) fill (sb's mind) with undesirable ideas
用坏思想感染(某人的思想): a mind infected with racial prejudice
(fig approv 比喻, 褒) fill (sb's mind or spirit) with happy and
positive ideas or feelings 用快乐的﹑ 好的思想感情感染(某人的心灵): Her cheerful
spirits and bubbling laughter infected the whole class, ie They
became happy too. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班.
infection n
[U] ~ (with sth) (a) becoming ill through contact
with bacteria, etc 传染; 感染; 侵染: be exposed to infection
处於受感染范围 * the infection of the body with bacteria
身体受细菌侵染.(b) (fig derog 比喻, 贬) filling the mind with
undesirableideas 头脑中充斥着坏思想: the infection of young people with
dangerous ideologies 危险的思想意识对年轻人的影响.
[C] disease caused by a micro-organism 传染病: spread/pass on an
infection 传播[传染]某种病 * People catch all kinds
of infections in the winter. 冬天人们易患多种传染病. * an airborne/a
waterborne infection 由空气[水]传播的传染病.
6. have (got) something, nothing, a lot, etc to do with
sb/sth be connected or concerned to a specified extent with
sb/sth 与某人[某事物]在所述程度上有联系或有关系: Her job has
something to do with computers. 她的工作与计算机有些关系. * Hard work
has a lot to do with (ie has contributed greatly towards)
her success. 她获得的成功是和她的努力分不开的. * `How much do you earn?'
`What's it got to do with you?' ‘你挣多少钱?’‘这跟你有什麽关系?’ * We
don't have very much to do with our neighbours, ie don't meet
them socially. 我们与邻居没什麽往来.
7. constitution
[C] (system of) laws and principles according to which a state is
governed 宪法(的体制): Britain has an unwritten constitution,
and the United States has a written constitution. 英国有不成文的宪法,
(a) [U] (fml 文) action or manner of constituting
1, 3, 4) 组织﹑ 建立﹑ 任命﹑ 授权的举动或方式: the constitution of an advisory
group 谘询小组的组成. (b) [C] (fml 文) general structure
of a thing 事物的一般结构: the constitution of the solar spectrum
[C] condition of a person's body with regard to health, strength,
etc 人的健康﹑ 体力等状况; 体质; 体格: a robust/weak constitution
强壮的[虚弱的]体质 * Only people with a strong
constitution should go climbing. 只有身体强健的人才可以去登山.
8. inherit &v [Tn,] ~ sth (from sb) 1 receive (property, a title, etc) as
a result of the death of the previous owner 继承(财产﹑ 头衔等): a
youngman inheriting an estate, a title, etc (from his father)
继承(父亲的)地产﹑ 头衔等的年轻人 * She inherited a little money from her
grandfather. 她从祖父处继承了一小笔钱财.
derive (qualities, etc) from an ancestor 因遗传而获(特性等): She
inherited her mother's good looks and her father's bad temper.
(fig 比喻) receive (sth) from a predecessor 从前任接过(某事物):
This government has inherited many problems from the previous
one. 上届政府遗留给本届政府很多问题.
& inheritance &n
1 [U] ~ (of sth) (from sb/sth) inheriting (sth from
sb) 继承; 遗传: The title passes by inheritance to the eldest
son. 这头衔按世袭传给长子. * (fig 比喻) the inheritance of good
looks from one's parents 得自父母遗传的美貌 * [attrib 作定语]
inheritance tax 遗产税.
2 [C] ~ (from sb) what is inherited 继承或遗传之物; 遗产; 遗赠物:
When she was 21 she came into (ie received) her
inheritance. 她21岁时获得遗产. * (fig 比喻) a bitter dispute
which left an inheritance of ill-feeling 留下恶感的激烈争辩.
inheritor n person who inherits 继承人.
9. make sure (of sth/that...) (a) find out whether
sth is definitely so 把某事物弄清楚; 核实或查明某事物: I think the door's
locked, but I'd better go and make sure (it is). 我想门已经锁了,
但我最好还是去查看一下. (b) do sth to ensure that sth happens
设法确保出现某事物: arrangements to make sure that the visit goes
well 为使参观得以顺利进行而做的安排.
10. anticipate
[Tn, Tf, Tg, Tsg] expect (sth) 期望, 预料(某事物): Do you anticipate
(meeting) any trouble? 你预料会有麻烦吗? * We anticipate that demand
is likely to increase. 我们预料需求可能增加.
[Tn, Tf, Tw] see (what is going to happen or what needs to be done)
and act accordingly 预见到(要发生的事或需要做的事)而采取措施: She anticipates all
her mother's needs. 她预见到母亲的一切需要而事先做好安排. * Anticipating that
it would soon be dark, they all took torches. 他们预见到天快黑了,
就都带上了手电筒. * A good general can anticipate what the enemy will
do. 善战的将领能预知敌军动向而作好战斗部署.
[Tn, Tsg] (fml 文) do (sth) before it ca
forestall (sb/sth) 先(於别人而)做(某事); 抢先於(某人[某事物]):
When Scott reached the South Pole he found Amundsen had
anticipated him. 当斯科特抵达南极的时候, 发现阿蒙森比他到得更早. * Earlier
explorers probably anticipated Columbus's discovery of America.
早期的探险家可能在哥伦布之前已发现美洲. * We anticipated their (making a) complaint
by writing a full report. 我们没等他们(提出)投诉而抢先写好了一份详尽的报告.
[Tn, Tsg] (fml 文) deal with or use (sth) before the right or
natural time 预先处理或提前使用(某事物): anticipate one's income, ie
spend money before receiving it 提前使用进款. & anticipatory
&adj (fml 文): anticipatory
precautions 预先的防范.
11. suffer &v
[I, Ipr] ~ (from/with/for sth) feel pain, discomfort, great
sorrow, etc 感到疼痛﹑ 不适﹑ 悲伤等; 受苦; 吃苦头: Do you suffer from (ie
often have) headaches? 你常头痛吗? * She's suffering from loss
of memory. 她患有遗忘症. * He suffers terribly with (ie is
pained by) his feet. 他的脚痛得不得了. * He made a rash decision
now he's suffering for it. 他做决定太仓促--现在可吃到苦头了. * Think how
much the parents of the kidnapped boy must have suffered.
那个男孩儿给拐走了, 想想看他父母得多伤心哪.
[Tn] experience or undergo (sth unpleasant) 经历或遭受(不愉快之事): suffer
pain, torture, defeat 遭受痛苦﹑ 折磨﹑ 失败 * We suffered huge losses
in the financial crisis. 我们在金融危机中损失惨重.
[I] lose quality 变坏; 变差; 变糟: Your studies will
suffer if you play too much football. 你要是总踢足球, 功课就糟了. * Her
business suffered (eg made less profit) when she was
ill. 她患病时, 生意受到了影响.
[Tn] (fml 文) tolerate (sth); stand 忍受, 容忍(某事物); 经得起: How
can you suffer such insolence? 你怎能忍受这样的侮辱呢?
(idm 习语) not/never suffer `fools gladly not be patient with
people whom one considers to be foolish 对自己认为很笨的人缺乏耐心: an
arrogant, impatient woman who doesn't suffer fools gladly
不愿与笨人为伍的高傲而无耐性的女子.& sufferer& n
person who suffers 受苦者; 受难者; 受害者; 患病者: arthritis sufferers
suffering& n
1 [U] pain of body or mind (肉体或内心的)痛苦: There is so much
suffering in this world. 这个世界上多灾多难.
2 sufferings [pl] feelings of pain, unhappiness, etc
痛苦﹑ 不幸等的感觉; 苦恼; 折磨: the sufferings of the starving refugees
12. make `sense (a) have an understandable meaning
有意义; 有道理; 讲得通: What you say makes no sense. 你说的话没有道理. *
These words are jumbled up and don't make sense.
这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通. (b) be sensible 是明智的; 是合情理的: It doesn't
make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are
just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可. * It would make sense
to leave early. 还是早点儿走好. make sense of sth understand
sth difficult or apparently meaningless 理解或弄懂困难的或似无法理解的事物: Can
you make sense of this poem? 你看得懂这首诗吗?
13. preventive &(also
preventative) adj (a) preventing or intendedto
precautionary 预防(性)的; 防备的: preventive measures
预防性措施. (b) (of medicine) preventing or intended to prevent
prophylactic (医学上)预防疾病的, 预防性的: research into preventive
medicine, ie ways of preventing disease 研究防治学.
& preventive (also preventative) n thing
(esp a medicine) used or designed to prevent sth 预防物; 预防性措施;
prevent v [Tn,, Tsg] ~
sb/sth (from doing sth) stop or hinder sb/sth
阻止或妨碍某人[某事物]: prevent the spread of a disease/a
disease from spreading 防止某种疾病的蔓延 * Nobody can prevent us/our
getting married. 谁也阻止不了我们结婚. * Your prompt action prevented
a serious accident. 你由於动作敏捷而防止了一次严重事故.
& preventable adj that can be prevented 可防止的;
可预防的: preventable accidents, deaths, diseases, etc 可避免的事故﹑
死亡﹑ 疾病等.
14. reduce &v
[Tn,] ~ sth (from sth) (to/by sb) make sth smaller in
size, number, degree, price, etc 缩减(体积﹑ 数量﹑ 程度﹑ 价格等); 减小; 减少; 减低;
降低: reduce volume, quantity, pressure, speed 缩小体积﹑ 减少数量﹑
降低压力﹑ 减低速度 * increase profits by reducing costs 降低成本以增加利润 *
reduce one's weight from 98 to 92 kilos/by 6 kilos
把体重从98公斤减少到92公斤[减少6公斤] * Antibiotics will reduce
the swelling. 使用抗菌素能消肿. * This shirt was greatly/drastically
reduced in the sale. 这种衬衣在大减价时降价很多.
[I] (infml 口 esp US) lose
(有意识地)减轻体重; 节食.
[] ~ sb (from sth) to sth make sb lower in rank or
demote sb 降低某人的级别或地位; 降职: reduce a sergeant to the
ranks, ie make him an ordinary soldier 把一名中士降为士兵 * The
reform has reduced us to servants of the State.
[] ~ sb/sth (from sth) to sth bring sb/sth into a
specified (usu worse) state or condition
使某人[某事物]陷入某种(通常指更坏的)状态或状况中: be reduced to begging,
borrowing 沦落到得要饭﹑ 借债 * reduce sb to tears, silence, despair,
obedience 使某人流泪﹑ 沉默﹑ 绝望﹑ 顺从 * reduce the chaos in one's
office to some form of order 改变办公室的混乱状况, 使之有些条理 * Overwork
has reduced him to a physical wreck. 他过度劳累而损害了健康. * The fire
reduced the house to ashes. 这场火灾把那所房子化为灰烬.
15. evident &adj
~ (to sb) (that...) obvious (to the eye or mind); clear 明显的;
明白的; 清楚的: It must be evident to all of you that he has made a
mistake. 你们一定很清楚, 他犯了错误. * He looked at his children with
evident pride. 他看着自己的孩子, 充满自豪.
& evidently adv it appears that 明显地;
显然: Evidently he has decided to leave. 显然他已决定要离开.
16. assume &v
[Tn, Tf, Tnt] accept (sth) as true before there is proof 假定; 假设;
设想; 以为: We cannot assume anything in this case.
在这种情形下我们无法作任何揣测. * I am assuming that the present situation is
going to continue. 我认为目前的情况将会继续下去. * We must assume him to
be innocent until he is proved guilty. 尚未证实他有罪, 就得假定他是清白的. *
We can all leave together assuming (that) the others aren't
late. 我们大家可以一起走--假定其他人不耽搁的话.
[Tn] put on or display (sth) pretend 装作; 装出; 假装: assume
ignorance, indifference, an air of concern, etc 假装不知情﹑ 装作不在乎﹑
假意关心等 * The look of innocence she assumed had us all fooled.
[Tn] begin to act in or exercise (sth); take on 开始从事;
承担; 担任; 呈: assume office 就职 * He assumes his new
responsibilities next month. 他下月承担新任务. * The problem is
beginning to assume massive proportions, ie become very great.
& assumed adj [attrib 作定语] false 假装的;
假的: living under an assumed name 使用假名字活着.
17. individual
[attrib 作定语] (esp after each 尤用於each之後) separate
单独的; 个别的: Each individual person is responsible for his own
arrangements. 每人均须对自己的计画负责.
[usu attrib 通常作定语] (a) of or for one person 一个人的; 供一个人用的:
food served in individual portions 按一人一份儿供给的食物 * It is
difficult for a teacher to give individual attention to children in
a large class. 教师在人数多的班上很难对各个学生都照顾到. (b) by or from one
person 靠个人的; 来自个人的: an individual effort, contribution, etc
个人的努力﹑ 贡献等. Cf 参看 .
[usu attrib 通常作定语] characteristic of a single person, animal, plant
particular (人﹑ 动植物或事物)独特的, 特有的: an individual style of
dress 个人的衣着风格 * (approv 褒) He writes in a very
individual way, ie an original way, not derived or imitative
他的写作方法别具一格(有独创方式, 不沿袭或模仿他人).
& individual n
1 single human being 个人: the rights of an/the individual
compared with those of society as a whole
2 (infml 口) person of the specified sort 有某种特点的人:
a pleasant, unpleasant, etc individual 和蔼可亲的﹑ 讨人厌的...人 *
What a strange individual! 多怪的家伙!
3 (approv or derog 褒或贬) unusual or eccentric person
不寻常的或古怪的人: He's quite an individual! 他是个十足的怪人!
individually& adv one by
one 分别地; 各个地; 各自地: speak to each member of a group
individually 对组里每个人逐个地说.
18. vary &v (pt,
pp varied)
[I, Ipr] ~ (in sth) be different in size, volume, strength,
etc (体积﹑ 容积﹑ 力量等)呈现不同: These fish vary in weight from 3 lb to 5
lb. 这些鱼的重量从3磅到5磅不等. * Opinions vary on this point.
对这一点看法各异. * The results of the experiment varied wildly.
[I, Ipr] ~ (with sth); ~ (from sth to sth) change,
esp according to some factor 改变, 变动, 变化(尤指伴随某种因素而产生): Our
routine never varies. 我们的常规从无变化. * Prices vary with the
seasons. 物价随季节而变动. * Her mood varied from optimism to
extreme depression.她的情绪由乐观一变而为极度消沉. * work with varying
degrees of enthusiasm 工作积极性有所不同.
[Tn] make sth different by introducing changes 使某事物有变化; 改变某事物:
vary a programme, route 更改程序﹑ 路线 * varying the pace/speed
at which you work 改变你的工作节奏[速度].
variation &n
[C, U] ~ (in/of sth) (degree of) varying or being variant
变化, 变动, 变异(的程度): Prices have not shown much variation this
year. 今年物价没显出多大变化. * Currency exchange rates are always
subject to variation. 货币兑换率是经常变的. * The dial records very
slight variations in pressure. 刻度盘显示出压力有微小变化.
[C] ~ (on sth) (music 音) repetition of a simple
melody in a different (and usu more complicated) form 变奏; 变奏曲: a
set of variations on a theme by Mozart 以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲 *
piano, orchestral, etc variations 钢琴﹑ 管弦乐等变奏曲 * (fig
比喻) His numerous complaints are all variations on a theme,
ie about the same thing. 他的牢骚说来道去都是一回事儿.
(a) [U] (biology 生) change in structure or form
caused by new conditions, environment, etc 变异; 变种. (b) [U]
(mathematics 数) change in a function, etc due to small
changes in the values of constants 变分; 变差. (c) [C] instance
of such change 变异; 变种; 变分; 变差.
19. guarantee 1 n
(a) ~ (against sth) promise (usu in writing) that
certain conditions agreed to in a transaction will be fulfilled
(交易的)保证, 保证书: The watch comes with a year's guarantee, ie a
promise to repair it free for a year after purchase. 这手表保修一年. *
It's still under guarantee (ie The guarantee is still
valid), so the manufacturer will repair it. 保证书还有效,
所以厂家会给修理的. * provide a guarantee against rust 保不生锈 *
You have our guarantee! 我们给你产品保证! * The Soviets are
demanding certain guarantees about verification before signing the
treaty. 苏联人要求得到有关核实的某些保证後才签约. (b) ~ (of
sth/that...) promise given by one person to another that he
will be responsible for seeing that sth is done (eg payment of a
debt by another person) 担保, 保证(如另一人偿还债务): give a guarantee of
(one's/sb's) good behaviour 对(自己的[某人的])良好品行给予保证.
(c) document, property, etc offered as security for carrying
out the conditions in a guarantee (作为保证物的)契据﹑ 财产等; 抵押品: `What
guarantee can you offer?' `I can offer my house as a
guarantee.' ‘你用什麽做抵押?’‘我可以拿房子抵押.
person who promises to be responsible for seeing that sth is done
保证人; 担保人: Are you willing to be a guarantee of your friend's
good behaviour, ie undertake to make sure that he behaves
himself properly? 你愿担保你朋友品行良好吗? * be sb's guarantee for a
loan from the bank 做某人从银行贷款的保证人.
~ (of sth/that...) (infml 口) thing that makes an
event likely to happen 担保(某事可能发生)的事物: Blue skies are not a
guarantee of continuing fine weather. 蔚蓝的天空不一定担保天气持续晴朗. *
There's no guarantee she won't reject them all, ie She may
well do so. 不能保证她不会全盘否定.
guarantee 2
[Tn, Tf, Tt, Cn.a usu passive 通常用於被动语态, Cn.t usu passive 通常用於被动语态,
Dn.n,] ~ sth (to sb) promise sth with certainty (to
sb) (向某人)担保某事物; 保证: We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of
trains in foggy weather. 我们不能保证火车在雾天正点到达. * I can guarantee
it's true I saw it myself. 我能保证那是真的--我亲眼看见的. * We guarantee
to deliver within a week. 我们保证一周内送到. * This food is
guaranteed additive-free, ie The manufacturer officially
promises that it contains no additives. 该食品保证不含添加剂. * We
guarantee you delivery within one day. 我们担保你在一日内收到.
[Tn, Tf, Tt] undertake to be legally responsible for (sth/doing
sth) 承诺对(某事[做某事])负法律责任; 保证; 担保: guarantee sb's
debts/the payment of sb's debts
为某人的债务作保[担保某人偿还债务] * guarantee that the debts will
be paid 保证付清债务 * guarantee to pay debts 保证还债.
[Tn,] ~ sth (against sth) undertake to pay the cost of
repairs resulting from a fault in (an article which has been
bought) 承担(所购物品)的修理费: a clock guaranteed for one year against
mechanical failure or faulty workmanship
[Tn] make (an event) likely to happen 使(事情)很可能发生: His turning up
will guarantee the success of the meeting. 他一出席, 会议便成功在望.
(idm 习语) be guaranteed to do sth (infml ironic 口, 反语)
be certain to do sth 必定做某事; 准做某事: It's guaranteed to rain when
you want to go out. 你想出门, 天准下雨.


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