
城隍庙名吃 英文介绍不少于100个单词_爱帮知道
城隍庙名吃 英文介绍不少于100个单词
STAR程 08:16:58浏览次数:821次
crab-brown flaky pastrythe flaky pastry is crispy, delicious, aromatic and as brown as the color of a cooked crab. the fillings include green onions, pork, crab meat, shrimp, sugar, mashed beans, jujube paste.mashed date flaky pastryit is a kind of fried food cooked with pastry cover and black mashed dates inside. it is very popular among the tourists from hong kong, macao and japan for its golden color, cute figure, crispy pastry and delicious stuffing.fried mantou (a kind of fried paste with stuffing inside)in shanghai, people usually call baozi (bread) to be mantou, so fried mantou , in fact, is fried baozi. the semi-fermented paste is fried on the saucepan with spraying water several times during cooking. you’d better taste it in hot because at that time, the bottom is golden-colored and crispy, while the rest part is white and soft. the wonderful stuffing mixing fresh meat with sesame or scallion is especially wonderful. cold noodle with saucefor the summer in shanghai, cold noodle is usually one of the most popular foods. the making procedure is: boil the noodle after steaming, then make it cool, at last add some sauces.8.2.5 yangchun noodle (plain noodle)there is a custom for the local people that the october in lunar calend hence the number of ten refers to spring. in the old days, the noodle was just worth ten wen (the money unit in ancient times), that’s why the noodle was called yangchun noodle-“chun” means spring in chinese.yangchun noodle is smooth and tasty, mixed the fresh and delicious dried shrimps with scented scallion oil. it is said that in 1945, a businessman with the surname chen stirred the noodle with special scallion oil which was made in the typical way of his hometown. it was so unique that it is popular until now.flour ball with fruits stuffingit is a kind of sticky rice ball with fruits stuffing which is cooked by sweet fermented-rice. it is very special and delicious.leisha dumplingit is the glutinous-rice dumpling covering ground adzuki bean. it is said that at the end of qing dynasty, an old lady called lei made a living by the glutinous-rice dumpling stall in shanghai. in order to make the dumpling convenient to store and carry for attracting more customers, she tried so many ways. and finally she found covering ground adzuki bean is an effective way.sponge cake made by lard and fruitsit is steamed by the mixed powder of glutinous-rice and rice with adzuki bean and fruits. the cake is so soft and sweet, and has various tastes with different fruits. thus it is the popular food for welcoming the new year.fried chop rice cakethe chop, with a piece of rice cake, is fried and cooked. there are two makings in sha the representatives are shuguang restaurant and xian laide cake store which have been famous for their chop rice cakes since 1930s; although the making procedures are different.fresh meat flour doughthe typical flour dough has the ingredients of diced chicken and meat, mixing with the delicious soup. because of the ear-like figure, it got the name “mao’er” meaning the ears of cat. but here i’d like to recommend an unique one in qiao jiashan restaurant of shanghai. the special things are the hand-made flour piece and the meat or bean paste stuffing.escargots pickled with distillers' grains or in winethe median size escargots are boiled with the distillers' grains or in wine. the escargot is fresh, the seasoning is appetizing. once you have a taste, you will never forget it. gaoqiao cakethe ingredients used for this shortcake are wheat flour, lard, sugar, red beans and osmanthus. it is a rich and easily crumbled pastry, and has become one of the four renowned pastries from the gaoqiao bakery. all the products from this bakery can be bought at its retail department at the corner of huaihai zhong road and ruijin road.solidified pear syrup of town god's templethe history of solidified pear syrup can date back to 1300 years ago. there were stores sailing solidified pear syrup in shanghai’s town god’s temple more than 100 years ago. and the fame of it was spread all over the world from then on. the solidified pear syrup can be divided into one for healing effect and one for taste. the first one can relieve cough and asthma, as well as stimulate the appetite by so many medicinal herbs, such as almond, the root of balloon flower, tuckahoe, tuber pinellas etc. while the one for taste is boiled with sugar plus herbs, for example amomum villosum, hawthorn, clove and so on.tips: now it is the monopoly of shanghai solidified pear syrup shop in yuyuan garden commerce city.cream spiced beanscream spiced beans are made by the local green broad beans with the ingredients such as fennel, cinnamon bark, salt, sugar, cream etc. it tastes slight sweet and delicate flavor, which is good for stimulating the appetite. Old Town God Temple Snack Street 老城隍庙小吃街 (lǎo chéng huáng miào xiǎo chī jiē) Located in Huangpu District, the Old Town God Temple Snack Street is about ten minutes' walk away from the South Bund Area. It is an ideal dining place during your compact sightseeing schedule. The Old Town God Temple area deserves the name of 'Shanghai Snack Kingdom'. It is a time-honored and the largest snack street featuring the most famous restaurants and eateries in Shanghai. In accordance with the architectural style of the nearby ancient Yuyuan Garden, restaurants in the Old Town God Temple Snack Street are all constructed following a style of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In addition, a snack plaza of thousands of square meters is included. You can almost find all the Shanghai snacks here, including Nanxiang Steamed Stuffed Buns, Crab-Yellow Pastries, Fried Stuffed Buns, Chop Rice Cakes, Vegetable Stuffed Buns, and Cream Spiced Beans. Various snacks of other areas in China are also available. Recommended Restaurants: Shanghai Classical Hotel 上海老饭店 (shàng hǎi lǎo fàn diàn) Location: No.242, Fuyou Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Authentic Shanghai Benbang cuisines. Lu Bo Lang绿波廊 (lǜ bō láng) Location: No. 131, Yuyuan Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Shanghai Haipai cuisines and snacks. Shanghai De Xing Guan 上海德兴馆 (shàng hǎi dé xīng guǎn) Location: No.18, Bailing Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Shanghai B various kinds of nutritious and restorative soup. Chunfeng Songyue Vegetarian Restaurant 春风松月楼 (chūn fēng sōng yuè lóu) Location: No.23, Bailing Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Vegetable Stuffed Bun and various vegetarian cuisines. Nanxiang Mantou Restaurant 南翔馒头店 (nán xiáng mán tou diàn) Location: No. 85, Yuyuan Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Nanxiang Steamed Stuffed Bun.
‘Bing Tang Hu Lu’ or crystalised honey plum stick was the first snack we tried in ChengHuangMiao…. Its taste was not to our expectation though. ‘He Fung Lo’ or Piece and Full Restaurant (direct translation :( ) is the largest eatery in the compound with more than 30 hawker stalls selling all sorts of local foods and drinks. We rushed in with no second thought… :)ChenHuangMiao 5 Look at these hungry devils….. We tried the famous local dim sum, Shanghai ‘Xiao Long Pao’ or Little Dragon Dumpling, but still not the best we’ve had so far.. :( ChenHuangMiao 6自己修改一下吧!
“江苏松江通俗图书馆 汉文50000本,日文约100本,西文约200本,每年7861人,不借出。馆长雷君彦。分新旧两部。旧籍,依经史子集、丛书编次;新籍,依各科学编次,不取资,本年度1500元(年经费相当于当时省级通俗图书馆)。”
评论:闵行区图书馆还不错。就在家附近,现在越来越喜欢这个地方了,特别是一楼的报刊阅览室。1. 免费的2. 不需办理任何证件3. 包包也可以带进去4. 设施...
本馆于 2003 年 5 月加盟上海市中心图书馆,实现市内通借通还 “ 一卡通 ” 和资源共建共享。本馆现为地(市)级一级馆。  现处临时馆址为莘庄七莘路 182 号(报刊阅览区在...
本馆于 2003 年 5 月加盟上海市中心图书馆,实现市内通借通还 “ 一卡通 ” 和资源共建共享。本馆现为地(市)级一级馆。  现处临时馆址为莘庄七莘路 182 号(报刊阅览区在七莘路 326 号)。辟有成人外借区、少儿借阅区、资料阅览区(含电子阅览区、上海风情区、世界风情区、区情资料区)、报刊阅览区、带包自修室、读者活动室和办公区等,每周开放 71 小时。   至 2006 年 10 月,馆藏图书 34 万册。订阅报纸期刊 708 种。以包库或流量计费方式使用清华同方和重庆维普数据库,已购上海地方志数据库、《新民晚报》和《文汇报》 (创刊至 1999 年) 全文数据库等。局域网设多媒体资源库。特色馆藏以地方文献为重。建有电子文献资料库和精品典藏库。   建有“闵行区公共图书馆服务网”, 利用我区已建成的有线宽带城域网,在区图书馆与各社区图书馆之间联网建立信息系统公共平台,并采用集约化管理方法,统一借书证,统一开放时间,统一采购编目,统一标识,规范各馆图书流通和信息服务的流程,实行通借通还,更深入地为广大市民提供文化服务。 12 个镇、街道图书馆先后成为服务网社区分馆,并逐步建立社区服务点。并建有流动图书馆,现下设 25 个驻军部队服务点和 1 个少年管教所服务点,按季度上门换书。   建有以网上服务为主导的闵行区图书馆网 ( www. ) 和以展现地方文化资源为主的闵行文化信息网 ( www. ) ,内容总量为 3GB ,自建数据库有 41MB ,设有英文专栏,连续举办网上 “ 群文在线 ” 系列文化活动。   建有“闵图知识导航站”,专设网上咨询台和阵地咨询台,定期编印《公共信息》、《读书信息》、《新市民家园》等简报,开展参考咨询和文献提供服务。   建有“闵图市民学堂”和“青少年读书俱乐部”,使读者免费进入学习平台,定期举办“学讲上海话”、“地方文史”、 “ 老年上网 ” 、 “ 少年课外阅读 ” 等系列的知识讲座,开展艺术 DV 沙龙、老年摄影沙龙、新市民文学沙龙等读书活动。并建有“绿叶助学志愿队”,开展助学导读活动。   本馆已连续多次荣获闵行区文明单位、区先进集体称号,评为区示范性学习型单位。   本馆新馆大楼建于上海莘城 8 号地块 (即莘庄地铁站南广场南侧、中央公园东侧、都市路西侧) ,工程建设于 2006 年底动工,预计 2008 年落成开放。
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活动?||史上最洋气的“豫园美食节”来了!时间: 09:08:10来源:乐游上海mp媒体号
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I'll have something to do, if after finishing your time, then went back there, I'll take you to eat snacks in Shaanxi
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