为什么阿里巴巴为什么成功商品图片都是not foundbad

HTTP Status Code Errors
HTTP Status Code Errors
How To Fix 4xx (Client) and 5xx (Server) HTTP Status Code Errors
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(the 4xx and 5xx varieties) appear when there is some kind of error loading a web page. HTTP status codes are standard types of errors so you could see them in any browser, like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.
Common 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes are listed below with helpful tips to help you get past them and on to the web page you were looking for.
Note: HTTP status codes that begin with 1, 2, and 3 also exist but are not errors and aren't usually seen. If you're interested, you can see them all listed .
400 Error.
The 400 Bad Request HTTP status code means that the request you sent to the website server (for example, a request to load a web page) was somehow malformed.
Since the server couldn't understand the request, it couldn't process it and instead gave you the 400 error.
401 Error.
The 401 Unauthorized HTTP status code means that the page you were trying to access can not be loaded until you first log on with a valid username and password.
If you've just logged on and received the 401 error, it means that the credentials you entered were invalid. Invalid credentials could mean that you don't have an account with the web site, your username was entered incorrectly, or your password was incorrect.
403 Error.
The 403 Forbidden HTTP status code means that accessing the page or resource you were trying to reach is absolutely forbidden.
In other words, a 403 error means that you don't have access to whatever you're trying to view.
404 Error.
The 404 Not Found HTTP status code means that the page you were trying to reach could not be found on the web site's server. This is the most popular HTTP status code that you will probably see.
The 404 error will often appear as The page cannot be found.
408 Error.
The 408 Request Timeout HTTP status code indicates that the request you sent to the website server (like a request to load a web page) timed out.
In other words, a 408 error means that connecting to the web site took longer than the website's server was prepared to wait.
500 Error.
500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code meaning something went wrong on the web site's server but the server could not be more specific on what the exact problem was.
The 500 Internal Server Error message is the most common "server-side" error you'll see.
502 Error.
The 502 Bad Gateway HTTP status code means that one server received an invalid response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser.
In other words, the 502 error is an issue between two different servers on the Internet that aren't communicating properly.
503 Error.
The 503 Service Unavailable HTTP status code means the web site's server is simply not available at the moment.
503 errors are usually due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
504 Error.
The 504 Gateway Timeout HTTP status code means that one server did not receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser.
This usually means that the other server is down or not working properly.
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HTTP Status Code Errors阿里巴巴中国站和淘宝网会员帐号体系、《阿里巴巴服务条款》升级,完成登录后两边同时登录成功。
2,你联系的技巧可能差了; 不要忽视技巧的作用,在很多时候,技巧之是否使用、或是否灵活使用在促使外商尽快回复中甚至起着决定性的作用,例如,不少外商明说不愿与中间商谈,而你却仍以外贸公司的名义联系客户,客户当然不会回你!
8,有些询盘联系的人太多; 对本网公开发布的,理论上每一个会员都可联系,对有些热门商品,联系的会员会更多,你得到回复的可能相对自然降低,这时你又为何不想想是否有必要升级成为本网的高级别会员以得到本网线下转发的独家外商询盘及其它的增值服务从而大大提高外商的回复率?
方法: 经常听到给客户发EMAIL,客户不回信,现在做一个测试.
把不回信的客户的EMAIL贴出来, 然后把你写的EMAIL也贴出来
看看通过其他EMAIL... 能不能回信.
如果客户不回信, 你就提醒REMINDER-1     REMINDER-2
  REMINDER-N 发了他不回 再把邮件修改下 再加个报价单--或者其他内容的 给他
只要他有这方面的需求他一定会找你的! 打个电话过去问问是不是没有收到邮件?
how are you?
have you received our quotation of XX, how do you find them? Pls
get back to me your response so that we can discuss and prompte our
business asap. Thks for your cooperation in advance
my quotation of digital photo frame you might have received and
considerated. could you kindly advise your comments at your earlier
if the products isnot your are&
expecting,pls advise me your details requirement, i will re-offer
i am of service at any time!
Wish you have a nice day!
May I ask whether you have received my quotation?Now I am sending
it again,if you have any other ideas.Please feel free to contact
me.We will do much better if you can give any advices to us.
I am waiting for your reply ASAP.
You know Time is money, so I don’t want waster each other
I just want to know did you get our price list and what is your
opinion about it.
Several week past , no news from you, I think you and me are all
serious about this business. Wish youcan understand mydifficult
Any comments by return will be much appreciated!
Hi &&&& Thank you for your kind reply.
We understand your situation. If we am one importer , we also do it
like you. Yeh, Import or international trade is a professional,
careful and need to take seriously the matter, we must not act in
choose long-term partners is same to it, You and I both need
an efficient, honest, serious prudent andworth Trusted partner. You
know, because of Asymmetric Information ,We can not clear know each
other.So sometimes we not only consider Prcie, but also we need
consider Quality, Delivery Date,after_service,Product future and so
My suggestion:
1〉 If you have China business partner,you can let them help
you visit our factoryor you can send your engineer or purchase
manager visit our real factory.
2〉 Buy 1 or 2 sets as Sample from all your supplier,test it.
and compare with them ,then choose the best business partner We
think you and me are all seriousabout this business.
By the way, If the Angola costumer decide it,We will give you some
commission or discount.From the price list, you will find that
compare with quality,our price are already very favorable. Anyway,
that can be discussed. Thanks and waiting for your good
Dear ***, my
intention is not wasting the time both of us. If You understand my
unprompt reply as waisting Your time, then I want to apologize. Let
me explain the situation in finding new partners. We contact them
mostly during the season or in time which is so close to next
season that the producing of new collection is almost impossible.
This was laso this case, for summer 2009 we have alreade placed
orders in September. So I have contacted You as potentional partner
in the future. I have asked for quotation which U have sent to me.
If my acting was wrongly understood, I need to apologize. Anyway,
Yr MOQ is too big for us at the moment. We only have 30 shops so
far, but we grow. As the price is only for outsole (do not include
printings and strap), I can’t say anything for the moment.
I will save Yr contact data and will come to U in the future. Best
regards, *******
category manager
From:*** Sent: Wednesday, December 10,
PM To: ****
Subject: **** Importance: High Dear ***** You know Time is money,
so I don’t want waster each other money. I just want to know did
you get our price list and what is your opinion about it. By the
way ,that price only for outsole , not including the outsole print
color and the strap, it’s not eva sandals. the total price will
depend on ur request. Several week past , no news from you, I think
you and me are all serious about this business. Wish youcan
understand mydifficult situation Any comments by return will be
much appreciated! B.regards, **** ------------------------------
Hi*** Sorry for the late reply, in this month we are busy to
prepare for the Christmas promotion , so we will temporary hold on
this project. We will let you know if any update. Thank you very
much! Best Regards,
*** From: ****
Sent: Wednesday, December 10,
Subject: Re: ******
Importance: High Dear ***,
Several week past , no further infromation from you. I think you
and me are all serious about this business. Wish youcan understand
mydifficult situation.Any comments by return will be much
Best regards,
或是有电话直接打个电话过去! 总结:


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