
12月新政盘点:沪版保险“国十条”出炉 再生育申请规定实施
  一眨眼,2014年已走到了最后一个月。回顾整个2014年,各项政策相继出台,涉及民生的面面,与上海市民生活息息相关。东方网上海频道的小编们也从下半年开始,相继推出每月新政盘点,为大家整理最新消息,成为市民关注的热点。  12月份我们将继续这一优良传统,新政盘点又和大家“不见不散”啦!到底有哪些政策在十二月实施?对这些新政你又了解多少?请跟随东方网小编一起关注起来。  上海范围  沪版保险"国十条"出炉 2020年上海目标:保险密度:7300元/人  备受关注的《上海市人民政府贯彻〈国务院关于加快发展现代保险服务业的若干意见〉的实施意见》(又被成为上海版保险“国十条”)获市政府批准通过,将于今年12月1日起实施。根据实施意见,到2020年要基本建成与上海经济社会发展相适应的现代保险服务体系,发展成为国际保险中心。包括个人税收递延型商业、住房反向抵押养老保险等与市民生活息息相关的保险试点也将加速推动。  小编点评:  根据上海版保险“国十条”的规划,到2020年,上海地区的保险深度(收入/国内生产总值)达到6%,保险密度(保费收入/总人口)达到7300元/人。而全国保险深度达到5%,保险密度达到3500元/人。对比来看,上海保险深度超过全国水准,保险密度更是超过全国标准的两倍。  其中值得关注的是,个税递延型养老保险将试点,这也意味着人在税前买入养老,可以在领取保险金时再缴纳个人所得税,对投保人而言具备一定的税收优惠。  上海“再生育申请规定”12月起实施 弄虚作假者将严处  上海市卫生早前发布消息称,《上海市再生育子女申请办理规定》(以下简称《规定》)于12月1日起实施。  根据《规定》,要求安排再生育一个子女的夫妻,到其中一方户籍地或者本市户籍人户分离人员办理了现居住地登记的乡、镇人民政府或者街道办事处提交再生育子女申请表,并按照本规定要求提供相应材料  。(包括:身份证明、户籍证明、婚姻状况证明、已有子女状况的声明),夫妻中的独生子女一方应当提供证明本人是独生子女的有关材料。  《规定》明确,区(县)卫生和计划生育行政管理部门自收到乡、镇人民政府或者街道办事处报送的受理意见和全部申请材料之日起十个工作日内审查完毕。对符合条件的,发给再生育子女告知书;对不符合条件的,应当书面通知申请人,并说明理由。  此次《规定》中,增加了四种“独生子女”情况:  1、本人14周岁前被收养,养父母无其他子女的;  2、由社会福利机构抚养成人且没有兄弟姐妹的;  3、夫妇只生育一个子女,该子女以及该夫妇依法收养的查找不到生父母和兄弟姐妹的弃婴或儿童;  4、只生育一个子女的夫妇离异后,该子女经法院判决或协议由一方抚养并长期共同生活,且抚养方未再婚或再婚后未再生育的。  新政进一步扩大了“独生子女”的范围,让再生育受益人群范围增广。除此之外,新政对弄虚作假者的处理也相应加强,更有法可依。  上海电商管理新标12月1日将实行  市质监局发布《电子商务服务平台入驻商户管理规范》地方标准,该标准将于今年12月1日起实施。本市将通过标准化的手段,对电子商务平台入驻商户全行业的准入和退出机制,来保证商品的质量,保护消费者权益。    “双十一”之后即将迎来“双十二”……这些原本普通的日子,被电商们演变成一个个“剁手日”。“激情”后归淡,各种问题却不断浮现。  越来越多的平台如、当当网、1号店等知名网站转向了开放平台、吸引商户入驻、收取管理费和等模式来盈利。在这种模式下,平台运营商无法通过实物商品的检验来保证平台上经营的商品质量,只能通过对入驻商户的经营资质、商品资质等审核来解决这一问题。  此次电商管理新标的出台,无疑加强了对电子商务服务平台的管理和监督,将消费者切身利益放在了首位。同时,也为市场运作增添了标准,给市民百姓网上购物增加了保障。  :  上海电商管理新标12月1日实行  新安全生产法12月1日施行 特别重大事故最高罚2000万  新修订的《安全生产法》将从12月1日起施行。新法增加完善15项规定,创新建立10项法律制度,强化10项法律规定。  新法把加强事前预防、强化隐患排查治理作为一项重要内容,建立预防安全生产事故制度;总结近年来的试点经验,通过引入保险机制,促进安全生产,鼓励生产经营单位投保安全生产责任保险;新法还加大了对安全生产违法行为的责任追究力度。    新修订的《安全生产法》按照两个责任主体、四个事故等级,规定了对生产经营单位及其主要负责人的八项处罚,并大幅提高了对事故责任单位的罚款金额。  一般事故罚款20万元至50万元,较大事故50万元至100万元,重大事故100万元至500万元,特别重大事故500万元至1000万元;特别重大事故、情节特别严重的,罚款1000万元至2000万元。  安全生产一直是老生常谈的问题,可也最容易被企业和个人所轻视。以往,处罚成本低也是让用人单位对安全生产掉以轻心的一个方面。此次《安全生产法》修订后,提高了处罚力度,最高罚款可能达2000万,想必这样的“紧箍咒”,一定能让企业和个人不再“得过且过”了。    新《安全生产法》实施三大亮点 念紧安全“紧箍咒”  新安全生产法施行 特别重大事故最高罚2000万  上海酒类产销管理行政处罚裁量规则12月施行  为贯彻国务院关于加强法治政府建设、规范和监督行政执法部门依法合理行使行政处罚裁量权、提高依法行政水平,根据市政府《关于本市建立行政处罚裁量基准制度的指导意见》(沪府发〔2013〕32号)的要求,市商务委在执法实践较多、社会关注度较高的酒类流通领域,结合全市酒类执法实践,制定并发布了《上海市商务委员会关于行政处罚裁量基准的适用规则》(沪商公贸〔号)。  酒类流通行政处罚裁量基准的制定以合法性、适当性、可操作性为原则,采用划分裁量阶次模式对《条例》规定的具有裁量权的行政处罚条文进行了细化和量化。裁量基准明确了酒类流通行政处罚裁量的基本原则,适用主体和范围,从重、从轻、减轻处罚的情形,规定了执法单位须建立完善集体讨论、说明理由、评议考核工作制度等内容,并对“无批发、零售许可证经验酒类商品”、“未依法变更注销”、“涂伪转卖许可证”、“批发零售假冒伪劣酒类商品”等7项违法行为,按照各自违法情节的不同,一一对应地分档次具体,列明了处罚裁量的基准。  酒类流通行政处罚裁量基准作为市商务委行政规范性文件已于今年11月12日印发公布,并将于日起实施。    “上海所有的大型餐饮企业几乎都被查出过假酒。”上海市酒类专卖管理局局长卢荣华早在2010年10月就这样告诉过全国政协提案委“尽快制定酒类管理法规”重点提案调研组。有着8年酒类管理工作经历的他深谙酒类的问题。  12.15起,上海将实施酒类管理行政处罚裁量规则及基准表。规定8种从重及4种从轻减轻处罚情形;生产销售假冒伪劣酒类产品处违法所得1-5倍罚款,严重者或被吊销许可证。违法成本的进一步提高,势必能将违法行为扼杀在摇篮中。  全国范围:  12月起火车票预售期延至60天  据中国铁路总公司:12月1日,预售期由20天延长至30天;12月2日至6日,预售期每天再比上一日延长6天;12月6日起,延长至60天;12月7日,提前60天开始发售2015年春运车票。车站窗口等其他售票方式仍按错后两天的原则执行。  另外,11月28日起铁路部门调整互联网、电话订票起售时间。放票时间点从16个调整为21个,即8:00至18:00期间,每个整点和半点均有新票起售,同时C、D、G字头列车不再单独起售,起售时间与车站保持一致。    虽然铁路部门声称,此次延长预售期是为了更方便旅客购票,把售票的和出行的高峰错开,不过此项“便民”之举却引起广大旅客一片吐槽声。有人大呼,:“春运票更难抢了!”  将火车票预售期延长至60天,与民航购票方式“接轨”,但是火车票预售期暂时不能与机票预售相提并论。虽然高铁网络不断完善,但是铁路在春运期间依然是一票难求,预售期就算提前到半年,估计也仍有很多旅客买不到春运的车票。小编在这里只想问,单纯的提前,真的能解决问题吗?  《家庭寄养管理办法》12月1日起正式实施  寄养,有别于收养,是一种并不建立正式亲子关系的养育方式。民政部日前出台的《家庭寄养管理办法》,即将于12月1日正式实施,不但扩大了寄养儿童的范围,也提高了寄养家庭的准入门槛。  据了解,民政部门要与寄养家庭签订寄养协议。孩子被寄养后,由于身体原因或到了该上学、该接受培训的年龄,或有人愿意收养,可能会随时解除寄养关系。    此项新规一经提出,寄养儿童范围的扩大立刻引起社会各界关注。尤其是将“对流浪乞讨等生活无着未成年人承担临时监护责任的未成年人救助保护机构开展家庭寄养”,是首次将流浪儿童纳入家庭寄养的范围。  寄养家庭准入门槛相应提高,要求寄养家庭在居住条件、收入水平、健康状况、道德品行、主要照料人年龄等方面应当具备的条件。每个家庭寄养儿童不超过二人,且该家庭无未满六岁的儿童。  卖假药毒害孕产妇婴幼儿从重处罚  《“两高”关于办理危害药品安全刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》12月1日起实施,明确了生产、销售假药、劣药应当酌情从重处罚的情形。  从重处罚的包括生产、销售的假药以孕产妇、婴幼儿、儿童或者危重病人为主要使用对象;生产、销售的假药属于麻醉药品、精神药品、医疗用毒性药品、放射性药品、避孕药品、血液制品、疫苗生产;销售的假药属于注射剂药品、急救药品、医疗机构;医疗机构工作人员生产、销售假药;在自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件、社会安全事件等突发事件期间生产、销售用于应对突发事件的假药等情形。    此次两高的“解释”中,针对生产、销售假药以孕产妇、婴幼儿、儿童或者危重病人为主要使用对象的等7种情形应当酌情从重处罚,对相关弱势群体的重点保护,更体现了国家打击制假售假、传播假药的决心。  儿童牙刷有国标 严格限制有害元素  日起,我国将告别没有专门适应于儿童牙刷生产标准的时代,从卫生要求、安全要求、规格尺寸、毛束强度、磨毛、饰件和外挂等方面,对儿童牙刷作出了详细规范。    “牙口好,胃口才好!”看似微不足道的一个牙刷问题,却折射出相关部门的良苦用心。  国标对儿童牙刷中有害元素要求更加严格。有害元素限量在以前砷、镉、铬、铅、汞5种的基础上,又增加了锑、钡、硒3种。平形毛型牙刷刷毛单丝顶端轮廓合格率在原有大于等于50%的基础上提高到大于等于70%,这意味着执行此项标准的儿童牙刷刷毛更柔和,不太容易损伤到儿童的口腔和牙齿。  今后,对下一代的关怀,我们也可以具体到一把牙刷上去。
11/12 07:5010/14 21:12
To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:
This past year our registered shareholders increased from about
1900 to about 2900. Most of this growth resulted from our merger
with Blue Chip Stamps, but there also was an acceleration in the
pace of “natural” increase that has raised us from the 1000 level a
few years ago.
With so many new shareholders, it’s appropriate to summarize the
major business principles we follow that pertain to the
manager-owner relationship:
Although our form is&corporate, our attitude is
partnership. Charlie Munger and I think of our shareholders as
owner-partners, and of ourselves as managing partners. (Because of
the size of our shareholdings we also are, for better or worse,
controlling partners.) We do not view the company itself as the
ultimate owner of our business assets but, instead, view the
company as a conduit through which our shareholders own the
&In line with this owner-orientation, our
directors are all major shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. In the
case of at least four of the five, over 50% of family net worth is
represented by holdings of Berkshire. We eat our own cooking.
&Our long-term economic goal (subject to some
qualifications mentioned later) is to maximize the average annual
rate of gain in intrinsic business value on a per-share basis. We
do not measure the economic significance or performance of
B we measure by per-share progress. We are
certain that the rate of per-share progress will diminish in the
future - a greatly enlarged capital base will see to that. But we
will be disappointed if our rate does not exceed that of the
average large American corporation.
&Our preference would be to reach this goal by
directly owning a diversified group of businesses that generate
cash and consistently earn above-average returns on capital. Our
second choice is to own parts of similar businesses, attained
primarily through purchases of marketable common stocks by our
insurance subsidiaries. The price and availability of businesses
and the need for insurance capital determine any given year’s
capital allocation.
Because of this two-pronged approach to business ownership and
because of the limitations of conventional accounting, consolidated
reported earnings may reveal relatively little about our true
economic performance. Charlie and I, both as owners and managers,
virtually ignore such consolidated numbers. However, we will also
report to you the earnings of each major business we control,
numbers we consider of great importance. These figures, along with
other information we will supply about the individual businesses,
should generally aid you in making judgments about them。
&Insurance Group
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&Accounting consequences do not influence our
operating or capital-allocation decisions. When acquisition costs
are similar, we much prefer to purchase $2 of earnings that is not
reportable by us under standard accounting principles than to
purchase $1 of earnings that is reportable. This is precisely the
choice that often faces us since entire businesses (whose earnings
will be fully reportable) frequently sell for double the pro-rata
price of small portions (whose earnings will be largely
unreportable). In aggregate and over time, we expect the unreported
earnings to be fully reflected in our intrinsic business value
through capital gains.
We rarely use much debt and, when we do, we attempt to structure
it on a long-term fixed rate basis. We will reject interesting
opportunities rather than over-leverage our balance sheet. This
conservatism has penalized our results but it is the only behavior
that leaves us comfortable, considering our fiduciary obligations
to policyholders, depositors, lenders and the many equity holders
who have committed unusually large portions of their net worth to
A managerial “wish list” will not be filled at shareholder
expense. We will not diversify by purchasing entire businesses at
control prices that ignore long-term economic consequences to our
shareholders. We will only do with your money what we would do with
our own, weighing fully the values you can obtain by diversifying
your own portfolios through direct purchases in the stock
We feel noble intentions should be checked periodically against
results. We test the wisdom of retaining earnings by assessing
whether retention, over time, delivers shareholders at least $1 of
market value for each $1 retained. To date, this test has been met.
We will continue to apply it on a five-year rolling basis. As our
net worth grows, it is more difficult to use retained earnings
&We will issue common stock only when we
receive as much in business value as we give. This rule applies to
all forms of issuance - not only mergers or public stock offerings,
but stock for-debt swaps, stock options, and convertible securities
as well. We will not sell small portions of your company - and that
is what the issuance of shares amounts to - on a basis inconsistent
with the value of the entire enterprise.
You should be fully aware of one attitude Charlie and I share
that hurts our financial performance: regardless of price, we have
no interest at all in selling any good businesses that Berkshire
owns, and are very reluctant to sell sub-par businesses as long as
we expect them to generate at least some cash and as long as we
feel good about their managers and labor relations. We hope not to
repeat the capital-allocation mistakes that led us into such
sub-par businesses. And we react with great caution to suggestions
that our poor businesses can be restored to satisfactory
profitability by major capital expenditures. (The projections will
be dazzling - the advocates will be sincere - but, in the end,
major additional investment in a terrible industry usually is about
as rewarding as struggling in quicksand.) Nevertheless, gin rummy
managerial behavior (discard your least promising business at each
turn) is not our style. We would rather have our overall results
penalized a bit than engage in it.
&We will be candid in our reporting to you,
emphasizing the pluses and minuses important in appraising business
value. Our guideline is to tell you the business facts that we
would want to know if our positions were reversed. We owe you no
less. Moreover, as a company with a major communications business,
it would be inexcusable for us to apply lesser standards of
accuracy, balance and incisiveness when reporting on ourselves than
we would expect our news people to apply when reporting on others.
We also believe candor benefits us as managers: the CEO who
misleads others in public may eventually mislead himself in
&Despite our policy of candor, we will discuss
our activities in marketable securities only to the extent legally
required. Good investment ideas are rare, valuable and subject to
competitive appropriation just as good product or business
acquisition ideas are. Therefore, we normally will not talk about
our investment ideas. This ban extends even to securities we have
sold (because we may purchase them again) and to stocks we are
incorrectly rumored to be buying. If we deny those reports but say
“no comment” on other occasions, the no-comments become
That completes the catechism, and we can now move on to the high
point of 1983 - the acquisition of a majority interest in Nebraska
Furniture Mart and our association with Rose Blumkin and her
结束教条主义,现在我们就转到1983年的重点---购并Nebraska 家具商场的主要股权以及我们与Rose
Nebraska Furniture Mart
Last year, in discussing how managers with bright, but
adrenalin-soaked minds scramble after foolish acquisitions, I
quoted Pascal: “It has struck me that all the misfortunes of men
spring from the single cause that they are unable to stay quietly
in one room.” Even Pascal would have left the room for Mrs.
Blumkin. About 67 years ago Mrs. Blumkin, then 23, talked her way
past a border guard to leave Russia for America. She had no formal
education, not even at the grammar school level, and knew no
English. After some years in this country, she learned the language
when her older daughter taught her, every evening, the words she
had learned in school during the day.
In 1937, after many years of selling used clothing, Mrs. Blumkin
had saved $500 with which to realize her dream of opening a
furniture store. Upon seeing the American Furniture Mart in Chicago
- then the center of the nation’s wholesale furniture activity -
she decided to christen her dream Nebraska Furniture Mart.She met
every obstacle you would expect (and a few you would’t) when a
business endowed with only $500 and no locational or product
advantage goes up against rich, long-entrenched competition. At one
early point, when her tiny resources ran out, “Mrs. B” (a personal
trademark now as well recognized in Greater Omaha as Coca-Cola or
Sanka) coped in a way not taught at business schools: she simply
sold the furniture and appliances from her home in order to pay
creditors precisely as promised.
Omaha retailers began to recognize that Mrs. B would offer
customers far better deals than they had been giving, and they
pressured furniture and carpet manufacturers not to sell to her.
But by various strategies she obtained merchandise and cut prices
sharply. Mrs. B was then hauled into court for violation of Fair
Trade laws. She not only won all the cases, but received invaluable
publicity. At the end of one case, after demonstrating to the court
that she could profitably sell carpet at a huge discount from the
prevailing price, she sold the judge $1400 worth of carpet. Today
Nebraska Furniture Mart generates over $100 million of sales
annually out of one 200,000 square-foot store. No other home
furnishings store in the country comes close to that volume. That
single store also sells more furniture, carpets, and appliances
than do all Omaha competitors combined.
One question I always ask myself in appraising a business is how
I would like, assuming I had ample capital and skilled personnel,
to compete with it. I’d rather wrestle grizzlies than compete with
Mrs. B and her progeny. They buy brilliantly, they operate at
expense ratios competitors don’t even dream about, and they then
pass on to their customers much of the savings. It’s the ideal
business - one built upon exceptional value to the customer that in
turn translates into exceptional economics for its owners.
Mrs. B is wise as well as smart and, for far-sighted family
reasons, was willing to sell the business last year. I had admired
both the family and the business for decades, and a deal was
quickly made. But Mrs. B, now 90, is not one to go home and risk,
as she puts it, “losing her marbles”. She remains Chairman and is
on the sales floor seven days a week. Carpet sales are her
specialty. She personally sells quantities that would be a good
departmental total for other carpet retailers. We purchased 90% of
the business - leaving 10% with members of the family who are
involved in management - and have optioned 10% to certain key young
family managers.
And what managers they are. Geneticists should do handsprings
over the Blumkin family. Louie Blumkin, Mrs. B’s son, has been
President of Nebraska Furniture Mart for many years and is widely
regarded as the shrewdest buyer of furniture and appliances in the
country. Louie says he had the best teacher, and Mrs. B says she
had the best student. They’re both right. Louie and his three sons
all have the Blumkin business ability, work ethic, and, most
important, character. On top of that, they are really nice people.
We are delighted to be in partnership with them.
他们是多好的管理层。遗传学家应好好研究Blumkin家族。Louie Blumkin , B太太的儿子担任Nebraska
During 1983 our book value increased from $737.43 per share to
$975.83 per share, or by 32%. We never take the one-year figure
very seriously. After all, why should the time required for a
planet to circle the sun synchronize precisely with the time
required for business actions to pay off? Instead, we recommend not
less than a five-year test as a rough yardstick of economic
performance. Red lights should start flashing if the five-year
average annual gain falls much below the return on equity earned
over the period by American industry in aggregate. (Watch out for
our explanation if that occurs as Goethe observed, “When ideas
fail, words come in very handy.”)
During the 19-year tenure of present management, book value has
grown from $19.46 per share to $975.83, or 22.6% compounded
annually. Considering our present size, nothing close to this rate
of return can be sustained. Those who believe otherwise should
pursue a career in sales, but avoid one in mathematics. We report
our progress in terms of book value because in our case (though
not, by any means, in all cases) it is a conservative but
reasonably adequate proxy for growth in intrinsic business value -
the measurement that really counts. Book value’s virtue as a
score-keeping measure is that it is easy to calculate and doesn’t
involve the subjective (but important) judgments employed in
calculation of intrinsic business value. It is important to
understand, however, that the two terms - book value and intrinsic
business value - have very different meanings.
Book value is an accounting concept, recording the accumulated
financial input from both contributed capital and retained
earnings. Intrinsic business value is an economic concept,
estimating future cash output discounted to present value. Book
value tells you
intrinsic business value
estimates what can be taken out.
An analogy will suggest the difference. Assume you spend
identical amounts putting each of two children through college. The
book value (measured by financial input) of each child’s education
would be the same. But the present value of the future payoff (the
intrinsic business value) might vary enormously - from zero to many
times the cost of the education. So, also, do businesses having
equal financial input end up with wide variations in value.
At Berkshire, at the beginning of fiscal 1965 when the present
management took over, the $19.46 per share book value considerably
overstated intrinsic business value. All of that book value
consisted of textile assets that could not earn, on average,
anything close to an appropriate rate of return. In the terms of
our analogy, the investment in textile assets resembled investment
in a largely-wasted education. Now, however, our intrinsic business
value considerably exceeds book value. There are two major
Standard accounting principles require that common stocks held by
our insurance subsidiaries be stated on our books at market value,
but that other stocks we own be carried at the lower of aggregate
cost or market. At the end of 1983, the market value of this latter
group exceeded carrying value by $70 million pre-tax, or about $50
million after tax. This excess belongs in our intrinsic business
value, but is not included in the calculation of book value
(2) More important, we own several businesses that possess
economic Goodwill (which is properly includable in intrinsic
business value) far larger than the accounting Goodwill that is
carried on our balance sheet and reflected in book value. Goodwill,
both economic and accounting, is an arcane subject and requires
more explanation than is appropriate here. The appendix that
follows this letter - “Goodwill and its Amortization: The Rules and
The Realities” - explains why economic and accounting Goodwill can,
and usually do, differ enormously.
You can live a full and rewarding life without ever thinking
about Goodwill and its amortization. But students of investment and
management should understand the nuances of the subject. My own
thinking has changed drastically from 35 years ago when I was
taught to favor tangible assets and to shun businesses whose value
depended largely upon economic Goodwill. This bias caused me to
make many important business mistakes of omission, although
relatively few of commission.
Keynes identified my problem: “The difficulty lies not in the
new ideas but in escaping from the old ones.” My escape was long
delayed, in part because most of what I had been taught by the same
teacher had been (and continues to be) so extraordinarily valuable.
Ultimately, business experience, direct and vicarious, produced my
present strong preference for businesses that possess large amounts
of enduring Goodwill and that utilize a minimum of tangible
I recommend the Appendix to those who are comfortable with
accounting terminology and who have an interest in understanding
the business aspects of Goodwill. Whether or not you wish to tackle
the Appendix, you should be aware that Charlie and I believe that
Berkshire possesses very significant economic Goodwill value above
that reflected in our book value.
1983 Sources of Reported Earnings
The table below shows the sources of Berkshire’s reported
earnings.& In 1982, Berkshire owned about 60% of
Blue Chip Stamps whereas, in 1983, our ownership was 60% throughout
the first six months and 100% thereafter.& In
turn, Berkshire’s net interest in Wesco was 48% during 1982 and the
first six months of 1983, and 80% for the balance of
1983.& Because of these changed ownership
percentages, the first two columns of the table provide the best
measure of underlying business performance.
All of the significant gains and losses attributable to unusual
sales of assets by any of the business entities are aggregated with
securities transactions on the line near the bottom of the table,
and are not included in operating earnings. (We regard any annual
figure for realized capital gains or losses as meaningless, but we
regard the aggregate realized and unrealized capital gains over a
period of years as very important.) Furthermore, amortization of
Goodwill is not charged against the specific businesses but, for
reasons outlined in the Appendix, is set forth as a separate
Earnings Before Income
&&&Net Earnings
Berkshire Share
1983&& 1982&
$(11,345 )
伯克希尔-Waumbec 纺织业
(2) 1982 和 1983的数据不可比较,因为大部分资产在合并中进行过转移。
For a discussion of the businesses owned by Wesco, please read
Charlie Munger’s report on pages 46-51.& Charlie
replaced Louie Vincenti as Chairman of Wesco late in 1983 when
forced Louie’s retirement at age 77.& In some
instances, “health” is a euphemism, but in Louie’s case nothing but
health would cause us to consider his retirement.&
Louie is a marvelous man and has been a marvelous manager.
The special GEICO distribution reported in the table arose when
that company made a tender offer for a portion of its stock, buying
both from us and other shareholders.& At GEICO’s
we tendered a quantity of shares that kept our ownership
percentage the same after the transaction as
&&nature of our sale permitted us
to treat the proceeds as a dividend.& Unlike
individuals, corporations net considerably more when earnings are
derived from dividends rather than from capital gains, since the
effective Federal income tax rate on dividends is 6.9% versus 28%
on capital gains.
Even with this special item added in, our total dividends from
GEICO in 1983 were considerably less than our share of GEICO’s
earnings.& Thus it is perfectly appropriate, from
both an accounting and economic standpoint, to include the
redemption proceeds in our reported earnings.& It
is because the item is large and unusual that we call your
attention to it.
The table showing you our sources of earnings includes dividends
from those non-controlled companies whose marketable equity
securities we own.& But the table does not include
earnings those companies have retained that are applicable to our
ownership.& In aggregate and over time we expect
those undistributed earnings to be reflected in market prices and
to increase our intrinsic business value on a dollar-for-dollar
basis, just as if those earnings had been under our control and
reported as part of our profits.& That does not
mean we expect all of our holdings some will
disappoint us, others will deliver pleasant
surprises.& To date our experience has been better
than we originally anticipated, In aggregate, we have received far
more than a dollar of market value gain for every dollar of
earnings retained.
The following table shows our 1983 yearend net holdings in
marketable equities.& All numbers represent 100%
of Berkshire’s holdings, and 80% of Wesco’s
holdings.& The portion attributable to minority
shareholders of Wesco has been excluded.
Handy & Harman公司
R. J. 雷诺斯工业
(a) 韦斯科公司在这些公司中持有股权。
Based upon present holdings and present dividend rates &excluding
any special items such as the GEICO proportional redemption last
year - we would expect reported dividends from this group to be
approximately $39 million in 1984.& We can also
make a very rough guess about the earnings this group will retain
that will be attributable to our ownership: these may total about
$65 million for the year.& These retained earnings
could well have no immediate effect on market prices of the
securities.&Over time, however, we feel they will
have real meaning.
In addition to the figures already supplied, information regarding
the businesses we control appears in Management’s Discussion on
pages 40-44.& The most significant of these are
Buffalo Evening News, See’s, and the Insurance Group, to which we
will give some special attention here.
Buffalo Evening News
First, a clarification: our corporate name is Buffalo Evening News,
Inc. but the name of the newspaper, since we began a morning
edition a little over a year ago, is Buffalo News.
In 1983 the News somewhat exceeded its targeted profit margin of
10% after tax.& Two factors were responsible: (1)
a state income tax cost that was subnormal because of a large loss
carry-forward, now fully utilized, and (2) a large drop in the
per-ton cost of newsprint (an unanticipated fluke that will be
reversed in 1984).
Although our profit margins in 1983 were about average for
newspapers such as the News, the paper’s performance, nevertheless,
was a significant achievement considering the economic and
retailing environment in Buffalo.
Buffalo has a concentration of heavy industry, a segment of the
economy that was hit particularly hard by the recent recession and
that has lagged the recovery.& As Buffalo
consumers have suffered, so also have the paper’s retailing
customers.&Their numbers have shrunk over the past
few years and many of those surviving have cut their linage.
Within this environment the News has one exceptional strength: its
acceptance by the public, a matter measured by the paper’s
“penetration ratio” - the percentage of households within the
community purchasing the paper each day.& Our
ratio is superb: for the six months ended September 30, 1983 the
News stood number one in weekday penetration among the 100
papers in the United States (the ranking is based on “city zone”
numbers compiled by the Audit Bureau of Circulations).
In interpreting the standings, it is important to note that many
large cities have two papers, and that in such cases the
penetration of either paper is necessarily lower than if there were
a single paper, as in Buffalo.& Nevertheless, the
list of the 100 largest papers includes many that have a city to
themselves.& Among these, the News is at the top
nationally, far ahead of many of the country’s best-known
Among Sunday editions of these same large dailies, the News ranks
number three in penetration - ten to twenty percentage points ahead
of many well-known papers.& It was not always this
way in Buffalo. Below we show Sunday circulation in Buffalo in the
years prior to 1977 compared with the present
period.& In that earlier period the Sunday paper
was the Courier-Express (the News was not then publishing a Sunday
paper).& Now, of course, it is the News.
We believe a paper’s penetration ratio to be the best measure of
the strength of its franchise.& Papers with
unusually high penetration in the geographical area that is of
prime interest to major local retailers, and with relatively little
circulation elsewhere, are exceptionally efficient buys for those
retailers.& Low-penetration papers have a far less
compelling message to present to advertisers.
In our opinion, three factors largely account for the unusual
acceptance of the News in the community.& Among
these, points 2 and 3 also may explain the popularity of the Sunday
News compared to that of the Sunday Courier-Express when it was the
sole Sunday paper:
(1) The first point has nothing to do with merits of the
News.& Both emigration and immigration are
relatively low in Buffalo. A stable population is more interested
and involved in the activities of its community than is a shifting
population - and, as a result, is more interested in the content of
the local daily paper.&Increase the movement in
and out of a city and penetration ratios will fall.
(2) The News has a reputation for editorial quality and integrity
that was honed by our longtime editor, the legendary Alfred
Kirchhofer, and that has been preserved and extended by Murray
Light.& This reputation was enormously important
to our success in establishing a Sunday paper against entrenched
competition.& And without a Sunday edition, the
News would not have survived in the long run.
(3) The News lives up to its name - it delivers a very unusual
amount of news. During 1983, our “news hole” (editorial material -
not ads) amounted to 50% of the newspaper’s content (excluding
preprinted inserts).&Among papers that dominate
their markets and that are of comparable or larger size, we know of
only one whose news hole percentage exceeds that of the
News.& Comprehensive figures are not available,
but a sampling indicates an average percentage in the high
30s.& In other words, page&for
page, our mix gives readers over 25% more news than the typical
paper.& This news-rich mixture is by
intent.&Some publishers, pushing for higher profit
margins, have cut their news holes during the past
decade.& We have maintained ours and will continue
to do so.& Properly written and edited, a full
serving of news makes our paper more valuable to the reader and
contributes to our unusual penetration ratio.
Despite the strength of the News’ franchise, gains in ROP linage
(advertising printed within the newspaper pages as contrasted to
preprinted inserts) are going to be very difficult to
achieve.& We had an enormous gain in preprints
during 1983: lines rose from 9.3 million to 16.4 million, revenues
from $3.6 million to $8.1 million.& These gains
are consistent with national trends, but exaggerated in our case by
business we picked up when the Courier-Express closed.
On balance, the shift from ROP to preprints has negative
economic implications for us.& Profitability on
preprints is less and the business is more subject to competition
from alternative means of delivery.& Furthermore,
a reduction in ROP linage means less absolute space devoted to news
(since the news hole percentage remains constant), thereby reducing
the utility of the paper to the reader.
Stan Lipsey became Publisher of the Buffalo News at midyear upon
the retirement of Henry Urban.& Henry never
flinched during the dark days of litigation and losses following
our introduction of the Sunday paper - an introduction whose wisdom
was questioned by many in the newspaper business, including some
within our own building.& Henry is admired by the
Buffalo business community, he’s admired by all who worked for him,
and he is admired by Charlie and me.& Stan worked
with Henry for several years, and has worked for Berkshire Hathaway
since 1969.& He has been personally involved in
all nuts-and-bolts aspects of the newspaper business from editorial
to circulation.& We couldn’t do better.
See’s Candy Shops
The financial results at See’s continue to be
exceptional.&The business possesses a valuable and
solid consumer franchise and a manager equally valuable and
In recent years See’s has encountered two important problems, at
least one of which is well on its way toward
solution.& That problem concerns costs, except
those for raw materials.& We have enjoyed a break
on raw material costs in recent years though so, of course, have
our competitors.& One of these days we will get a
nasty surprise in the opposite direction.& In
effect, raw material costs are largely beyond our control since we
will, as a matter of course, buy the finest ingredients that we
can, regardless of changes in their price levels.&
We regard product quality as sacred.
But other kinds of costs are more controllable, and it is in this
area that we have had problems.& On a per-pound
basis, our costs (not including those for raw materials) have
increased in the last few years at a rate significantly greater
than the increase in the general price level.& It
is vital to our competitive position and profit potential that we
reverse this trend.
In recent months much better control over costs has been attained
and we feel certain that our rate of growth in these costs in 1984
will be below the rate of inflation.& This
confidence arises out of our long experience with the managerial
talents of Chuck Huggins.& We put Chuck in charge
the day we took over, and his record has been simply extraordinary,
as shown by the following table:
& 52-53 周&&
1983 (53周)
1982 ..............
1981 ..............
1980 ..............
1979 ..............
1978 ..............
1977 ..............
1976 (53 周)
1975 ..............
1974 ..............
1973 ..............
1972 ..............
The other problem we face, as the table suggests, is our recent
inability to achieve meaningful gains in pounds
sold.& The industry has the same
problem.& But for many years we outperformed the
industry in this respect and now we are not.
The poundage volume in our retail stores has been virtually
unchanged each year for the past four, despite small increases
every year in the number of shops (and in distribution expense as
well)???.& Of course, dollar volume has increased
because we have raised prices significantly.& But
we regard the most important measure of retail trends to be units
sold per store rather than dollar volume.& On a
same-store basis (counting only shops open throughout both years)
with all figures adjusted to a 52-week year, poundage was down .8
of 1% during 1983.& This small decline was our
best same-store performance since 1979; the cumulative decline
since then has been about 8%.& Quantity-order
volume, about 25% of our total, has plateaued in recent years
following very large poundage gains throughout the 1970s.
We are not sure to what extent this flat volume - both in the
retail shop area and the quantity order area - is due to our
pricing policies and to what extent it is due to static industry
volume, the recession, and the extraordinary share of market we
already enjoy in our primary marketing area.& Our
price increase for 1984 is much more modest than has been the case
in the past few years, and we hope that next year we can report
better volume figures to you.& But we have no
basis to forecast these.
Despite the volume problem, See’s strengths are many and
important.&In our primary marketing area, the
West, our candy is preferred by an enormous margin to that of any
competitor.& In fact, we believe most lovers of
chocolate prefer it to candy costing two or three times as much.
(In candy, as in stocks, price
price is what
you give, value is what you get.) The quality of customer service
in our shops & operated throughout the country by us and not by
franchisees is every bit as good as the product.&
Cheerful, helpful personnel are as much a trademark of See’s as is
the logo on the box.& That’s no small achievement
in a business that requires us to hire about 2000 seasonal
workers.& We know of no comparably-sized
organization that betters the quality of customer service delivered
by Chuck Huggins and his associates.
Because we have raised prices so modestly in 1984, we expect See’s
profits this year to be about the same as in 1983.


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