ranch dressingg code有哪些

之前在知乎上看到一个回答用一张图片里从上到下若干画出来的人物表达了不同dressing code的区别,里面还有几个穿法是在正装外套里穿毛衣看起来也非常有气质。可惜没有点赞找了两小时也没找到,想再看一次那张图片或者有别的图片来简单解释一下不同dressing code之前的区别,从最正式到最休闲,感激不尽!
老早讲究的时候,formal指white tie,semi formal指black tie。后来可能就乱来了,现在有很多场合formal意思穿个套装就可以了,现在哪儿能随便有white tie活动啊。什么什么casual的就更加没谱了,随意,别太失礼就行。具体white/black tie怎么整直接google就有。
澳村商法专业在读西方宴会的Dressing Code - 福步新人 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& 西方宴会的Dressing Code
UID 920044
阅读权限 25
西方宴会的Dressing Code
I. White Tie/Ultra-formal
II. Black Tie/Formal
女士穿晚礼服(Evening gown),低胸露肩的那种,相配的小包和鞋子。项链、耳环等首饰的真假无所谓,但是要闪亮,戴手镯而不是手表。妆要浓一些,许多知识分子在宴会场所化淡妆或者根本不化妆,那脸在灯光下惨淡的没法看,而且不化妆是十分失礼的一件事,比穿了不合适服装还要让人不舒服。中国女士可用面料好的剪裁得体的旗袍或改良旗袍代替晚礼服,穿旗袍时,头发挽起来配上头饰效果会比清汤挂面好很多。
III. Black Tie Optional/Creative Black Tie
女士可以是晚礼服、不拖地的四分之三长礼服或者是考究的晚宴两件套(dressy separates),配备参考Formal。
IV. Semi-formal
V. Cocktail
VI. Dressy Casual
VII. Business Casual
比Dressy Casual再随便一些,但是不能穿牛仔裤。
VIII. Casual/Informal
IX. Smart&Casual
男女都要穿有领的上衣,如polo tee或衬衫,可以是短袖。可以穿牛仔裤。
UID 928632
积分 54993
阅读权限 80
UID 920044
阅读权限 25
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Powered by D1scuz! && 2001-Dressing Etiquette
Dressing Etiquette
Dressing etiquette is the way we communicate with our clothing and dress. Dressing elegant has much to do with dressing appropriately for the occasion. Learn the secret language of clothing etiquette.
Dressing / Clothing Etiquette - this is for all who wants to dress elegant.
Long gone were the days of 'one size fits all'. Before the wide variety of clothing, gentlemen wore suits everywhere and ladies wore dresses.
Now with the enormous clothing options, how does one figure out when and where are jeans and a tee shirt appropriate? Where do dresses have their place? Thus, the greater need for the knowledge of
clothing etiquette.
Of course, that goes without saying, if you want to be dress elegant, you'll have employ , and be aware of the
for the occasion, whether it is stated explicitly or not.
Now, now, what to wear?
Clothes have a secret language of their own.
They communicate more than we realize. That is why big time movies stars pay ten of thousands of dollars for top stylists to dress them and organize their wardrobe.
They need to be dressed in a certain way to send out a certain message - to their fans, the media and the many directors who could send them potential jobs and scripts.
While most of us won't suffer by having our picture splashed in magazines all over in the 'worst dressed list', being
inappropriately dressed may just harm you on more ways than one. Sending the wrong message about yourself could jeopardize your chances
of desired friendships, love, career. Good impressions count. Sadly, though you may have a heart of gold, most people won't stick around long enough to find out.
Sometimes, people just don't have the time.
Have you noticed people who hang out together dress similarly or at least appreciates their style. If you would like to socialize with
a more elegant crowd...yes, that's right - you've got to speak the same clothing language (or dress etiquette) as them.
i.e. In short - dress like them.
First Question of Dressing Etiquette
What is the Occasion?
Knowing what is appropriate to wear requires as much good taste as it is to dress elegantly.
(Let's assume your grooming is already immaculate and you have
and poise.)
Note the difference, knowing what is appropriate to wear is NOT THE SAME as knowing how to dress elegantly. You may turn up in a white ball gown
at your friend's wedding and look elegantly but what you have done - is in very bad taste.
The real mistake in dress etiquette is wearing the wrong outfit for the occasion. Appropriateness and adherence to the dress code
are keys to having good .
The real obvious examples are like the previously mentioned, wearing the wrong shoes - e.g. heels to go on a hike? (what?), revealing clothes in a conservative country or culture,
wearing white or black to a wedding, too revealing for anyone else to look without blushing, pajamas to the grocery store etc.
In general, the rule of thumb guide to be in good taste, you try not to draw any negative attention to yourself (or any attention at all, for that matter).
Also, remember that day time clothes are different from evening clothes. Similarly, evening clothes are worn in the evening and never in the day.
A simple guide to day time dressing: Wear light-coloured clothes such as whites, beige, pastel, or bright colours (if your complexion deems fit). Dark colours are too harsh.
Also wear only natural looking make up, with minimal jewelry, unless you have a glamourous day event. Low to medium heels are appropriate.
A simple guide to evening dressing:
You can afford to go a little more formal. Or not, it is your choice. Black, of course is always welcomed, along with darker, richer colours. Those who practice strict etiquette
only wear diamonds at night. It is definitely more tasteful to wear glitter and high heels in the evening but scale your amount of glitz to the type of event.
Going from Day to Night
Dressing Etiquette Tip: Making an Outfit Work From Day to Night
Since we do not always have the luxury of a change of clothes from day clothes to evening clothes, especially when the circumstances
warrant it, we have to learn how to make an outfit go from day to night.
If you have an cocktail event after work, you could wear a cocktail dress inside and wear a blouse or cardin over it. You could pair it off with
an executive jacket. If your dresscode at work is more professional, stick to little back dresses or structured dresses in navy or cream.
After work, can safety tuck away that outer layer and you can put on accessories such as pearls, or chandelier earrings. Dab on some eyeliner and red lipstick that you've tucked away in your purse
and you're good to go.
Common Pitfalls of Dressing Etiquette
In our increasingly casual society, there is a greater need for , especially after all the stories
we've heard on
- the alarming things people wear.
Wearing casual wear to the office
Wearing beach wear in the city
Not dressing in one's Sunday's Best at Church
Wearing bright and colour clothes at a funeral
Wearing entirely black outfits at weddings
Wearing flipflops everywhere.
Ignoring the specific
of an event.
Stick to the Dress code
Dressing etiquette also means we honour the dress code, whether it is obviously stated.
Here is the list of events where its dress code is supposed to be 'commonly understood' and may not list a dress code officially.
(apart from the ones written on the invite, no black, no upstaging the bride etc etc.)
A Note Of Caution for Designers / Logos Lover
Dressing Etiquette : For Those Who Love Designers or Logos
Be careful not to be a victim of fashion.
No matter how important you are, or your friends are, never attempt to dazzle with the overuse of clothes, shoes, bags emblazed with designer logos.
Many believe that the more expensive and designer their clothes are, the more elegant. Most of what is in fashion is not a .
While most big fashion houses must be commended by their elegant designs, they cannot control how their items will be used.
Keep the use of 'logo designer items' minimal or subtle.
The goal here of dress etiquette is to NOT impress.
Thank you for reading 'Dressing Etiquette'!
Go back to
- how to never memorize a rule of etiquette again!
Tags: clothing etiquette, dressing etiquette, dress etiquette, clothing and dress, dressing elegant, professional dress
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