
《幸福爱人》角色遭吐槽 最矫揉造作灰姑娘任慕妍
&&& 作者:&& 来源:新华娱乐
关键词: 毛林林;幸福爱人
   近日,网络上掀起了一轮关于湖南卫视热播剧《幸福爱人》中各种女性角色的大讨论。剧中的女性角色纷纷被冠以各种称号,唐艺昕被封为“最矫揉造作灰姑娘”,毛林林更是获封“最命硬女反派”,就连昔日金马影后杨贵媚也没有逃过网友的毒舌,获得了“最想用砖头呼死的角色”。   最矫揉造作灰姑娘―任慕妍(唐艺昕饰演)   她是个伤痕累累的女人,与瀚宇的相爱注定是一场人生的磨难。不停地被人陷害,失去了丈夫、孩子、亲人,独剩自己在角落舔舐伤口,伤心绝望的她最终变得千疮百孔。有网友表示“任慕妍简直就是史上‘最矫揉造作的灰姑娘’,重生归来的她依然与瀚宇纠缠不清,女强人的雷厉风行和心狠手辣,完全没有展现,完全是善良到脑残。”   最命硬的女反派―范昀(毛林林饰演)   她是一个为爱疯狂的女人,为了瀚宇,她无所不用其极。她是一个对爱始终如一的女人,在这条路上她拼命地抢夺,夺人夫、夺人女,甚至还残忍到夺人命,她的执着令所有人遍体鳞伤。同时毛林林饰演的范昀也被封为“最命硬女反派”,剧中的她不管是出任何事故,依然是一副“我自岿然不动”的样子,永远能够坚持到最后。   最悲催“负二代”―胡茵(孙骁骁饰演)   她的世界太单纯,从来只有好人和坏人,朋友和敌人之分。然而经历了风风雨雨后,她才明白这个世界并不是非黑即白,原来还有更多的色彩。孙骁骁饰演的胡茵从一个被幸福包围的千金小姐到意外失去母亲、爱情遭遇背叛的悲催“负二代”,心灰意冷的她不得不远离这些纷扰,再次回归的她带着一份自我和成熟,更加明白了人生百态。   最傲娇女王范儿―杨桂华(胡彩虹饰演)   她处心积虑地算计,从赶走瀚宇母亲的时候就一直在觊觎着乔伊斯董事长的位置。总是保持着一副傲娇女王范儿的她,利用程昕想要把控一切。但莉莲的回归吗,却让她陷入了恐惧,曾经的阴谋是否会渐渐败露?   最想用砖头呼死的角色―林淑元(杨贵媚饰演)   年轻时的她因门第关系被迫与相爱的人分开,中年的她再次与范父在一起,只为了给慕妍一个完美家庭。但再婚的她却没有迎来本该属于她的幸福,婆婆的刁难嫌弃,范昀的威胁,一场车祸更使她成为了心智不成熟的病人。昔日金马影后杨贵媚在剧中饰演慕妍母亲林淑元,有观众直言“每天看到淑元的疯疯癫癫,真心想用砖头呼死她”。也许这也算对演技的另类褒奖吧,只有将角色塑造的惟妙惟肖,才会令观众产生这这种激动的情感共鸣。   最倒霉消失的角色―张永敏(田淼饰演)   她是张家最严厉的家长,为了瀚宇和乔伊斯操碎了心。一心想要范昀成为张家少奶奶,却没有想到自己最终就是因为她而意外死亡。同时张永敏这个角色也被网友吐槽为“最倒霉的角色”,被自己最相信的人所害,一次摔倒直接终结生命,正所谓“编剧要角色死,任何理由都能够使她消失。”   最卧薪尝胆隐忍女――利莲(周丹薇饰演)   她是一名女版“勾践”,多年的卧薪尝胆,使她变得越来越强大。她收养立威,让他成为自己的复仇工具,她拯救慕妍,更是别有心意。渐渐露出真面目的她,最终的目标又将是什么?看似戏份不重的利莲,却牵扯着每一个人,成为了贯穿全剧的一条暗线。
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>> 浏览文章灰姑娘之吻第5-6集剧情介绍
灰姑娘之吻第5集剧情介绍  胡菌主动挽留陈圆圆在咖啡厅工作  任慕妍回到住处与童立威聊天,多年以前,童立威的上司搭救了任慕妍,从此以后任慕妍与童立威成了同一阵线的朋友,二人正在谋划着如何夺取乔伊司的大权。  在谈话过程中,童立威谈起了张瀚宇,张瀚宇多年以来一直对任慕妍念念不忘,当年任慕妍跳海自杀之后,张瀚宇在一棵树上挂了一块木牌,木牌上写着一些纪念任慕妍流产孩子的文字,任慕妍来到树下缅怀没有出世的孩子,抚摸着挂在树上的一双小鞋子,任慕妍悲痛欲绝失声痛哭。  张瀚宇因为任慕妍死而复生心事重重,虽然他已经跟范昀结婚育有一女,但他的心中依然没有放下任慕妍。  吃完早餐张瀚宇离家出门,杨桂华并不知道张瀚宇心情失落的原因,直到范昀透露任慕妍依然活在世上,杨桂华才明白张瀚宇为何忽然变得心事重重。  张瀚宇来到树林中缅怀任慕妍流产的孩子,任慕妍正在树下痛哭,一见张瀚宇到来,任慕妍赶紧背对张瀚宇擦拭了一下眼泪。  范昀与奶奶坐在房中谈话,范奶奶叮嘱范昀好好照顾张瀚宇,祖孙二人坐在沙发上聊天的时候,任母悄悄走过来煽了范昀一耳光,范昀挨了任母一耳光又气又恼,范奶奶起身来到任母身边,大声呼喊保姆过来带走任母。  范昀来到服装店工作,二个店员重新摆放了一些衣物,范昀对重新摆好的衣物不满意,面色严厉训斥二个员工没有时尚细胞不懂得摆放衣物。  幼儿园放学,小朋友们发出欢呼声离开学校,唯独豆豆一人站在教室门口没有离去,幼儿园老师见豆豆的家人没有来,赶紧掏出手机拔打电话给张瀚宇,张瀚宇正在办公室工作,得知女儿依然待在学校中,张瀚宇赶紧挂掉电话赶到幼儿园接走女儿。  父女二人来到餐厅吃面,豆豆闷闷不乐一声不吭,张瀚宇吃了几口面见豆豆不说话,只得放下筷子查看豆豆的画册。  豆豆因为张瀚宇与范昀吵架不开心,张瀚宇心知不能让豆豆了解内情,谎称之前跟范昀没有吵架,在张瀚宇的哄骗下,豆豆转忧为喜露出了笑容。  陈圆圆在胡菌的劝说下回咖啡厅工作,童立威来找胡菌的时候,陈圆圆替胡菌拉住了童立威。  童立威离去不久,张瀚宇与任慕妍先后来到咖啡厅,胡菌见任慕妍到来,脸上升起怒火指责任慕妍害死了她的母亲,任慕妍一本正经看着胡菌,当场保证自己绝对没有害死胡菌的母亲。  虽然任慕妍极力辩解,胡菌却依然认定任慕妍害死了她的母亲,任慕妍不想再跟胡菌争吵,一脸无奈转身离去。灰姑娘之吻第6集剧情介绍  童立威与胡菌关系僵硬  任慕妍来到胡菌经营的咖啡厅,胡菌正跟张瀚宇聊天,眼见杀母仇人出现,胡菌怒气冲天要求任慕妍离开咖啡厅,当年胡母与任慕妍在公司天台谈话,任慕妍离去不久,胡母疾病复发死在当场,胡菌将所有责任归结到了任慕妍身上,多年以来一直将任慕妍当成杀母仇人,虽然警察已经证明了任慕妍的清白,胡菌依然认定是任慕妍杀害了她的母亲。  任慕妍见胡菌产生误会,只得极力进行解释,胡菌不愿意听任慕妍解释,怒气冲天要求任慕妍离开咖啡厅,任慕妍见胡菌始终把她当成敌人,无奈之下只得离开咖啡厅。  陈圆圆是任慕妍的好朋友,眼见任慕妍被胡菌赶走,陈圆圆勃然大怒与胡菌吵了起来,胡菌正在气头上不肯听陈圆圆的话,陈圆圆只得将任慕妍当年因为孩子流产跳海自杀的经过说了一遍,胡菌听完陈圆圆的话吃惊不心,本来她以为任慕妍过得非常好,听完陈圆圆的话,胡菌对任慕妍产生了一丝同情。  陈雪是范家的保姆,任母见陈雪忽然变得愁眉不展,心中升起好奇心与陈雪谈话,陈雪没有理睬任母,坐在一边心事重重不想说话。  晚上,范奶奶躺在床上睡觉的时候,一个黑影走进了房间里面,范奶奶从睡梦中惊醒过来,险些以为有小偷溜进家中,直到看清了任母,范奶奶才长长松了口气,眼见任母披头散发站在床边,范奶奶只觉头皮发麻赶紧呼喊陈雪,陈雪闻声走进房中带走了任母。  多年以来,任慕妍一直在寻找父亲任易,为了尽快找到父亲,任慕妍来到警局向一个民警询问父亲的去向,时隔多年,民警依然没有找到任易。  任慕妍来乔伊斯公司与程昕谈业务,范昀见任慕妍出现在公司中,脸上升起怒气盘问张瀚宇为何让任慕妍来公司,程昕见范昀总是把任慕妍当成仇人,脸上升起不悦提醒范昀不要得罪任慕妍,任慕妍已经是乔伊斯的一个非常重要的合作对象,如果范昀得罪了任慕妍,乔伊斯将会蒙受巨大经济损失。  童立威来咖啡厅喝咖啡,他的目的其实是想接近胡菌,陈圆圆虽然与胡菌站在同一阵线对童立威没有一丝好感,但还是转身离去端来了一杯咖啡招待童立威。  范昀非常担心任慕妍会破坏她的生活,多年以前,任慕妍一次又一次破坏范昀追求张瀚宇,如今范昀虽然如愿以偿与张瀚宇结婚,但她还是非常担心任慕妍破坏她的生活,经过一番思虑,范昀暗暗在心中发誓绝对不会让任慕妍破坏她的生活。
灰姑娘之吻第5-6集英文剧情Cinderellas kiss plot 5 sets is introduced
Hu bacteria active work to retain is round in the coffee shop
Chatting with TongLiWei Ren Muyan home. Many years ago, deliver the Ren Muyan TongLiWei boss, henceforth Ren Muyan and TongLiWei became the front of the same friends, they are plotting how to seize power joy division.
In the process of conversation, TongLiWei talked about nate yu, nate yu over the years has been to Ren Muyan, jump into the sea when the Ren Muyan suicide, nate yu in a tree to hang a piece ofre, on some memorablere Ren Muyan abortion child text, Ren Muyan came to honor not born children under the tree, stroked the hanging in a tree of a pair of little shoes, Ren Muyan sad crying.
Nate yu because Ren Muyan back from the dead worry a lot, though he has had a woman to marry Fan Yun, but his heart is still not put down Ren Muyan.
Left home after breakfast nate woo, gui-hua Yang does not know the reason why nate yu mood is lost, until Fan Yun revealed Ren Muyan still live in this world, gui-hua Yang didnt understand why nate yu suddenly become preoccupied.
Honor Ren Muyan abortion child nate yu came to the woods, Ren Muyan is crying under the tree, a see nate yu, Ren Muyan hurriedly back to nate yu to wipe the tears.
Fan Yun talk to grandma sat in the room, take good care of nate yu fei grandma told Fan Yun, between two people sit on the couch and chat of time, as the mother quietly approached the fan Fan Yun a slap and Fan Yun got anger and wrath as a mother of a box on the ear, van grandma got up and came to the mothers side, with a loud voice comes and takes the nanny as a mother.
Fan Yun came to work in a clothing store, two staff to put some clothes, Fan Yun to reset the clothes are not satisfied, was severely reprimanded two employees not put clothes fashion cells do not understand.
Loud cheers from the school, nursery school, children only doug a person standing at the door of the classroom did not leave, the kindergarten teacher see dougs family did not come, hurriedly take out a cellular phone call nate yu, nate yu are working in office, learned that her daughter still stay in school, nate yu hang up the phone quickly rushed to the kindergarten daughter away.
Father and daughter two people came to the restaurant to eat noodles, doug blue without saying a word, nate yu had several meeting with doug dont talk, doug had to put down the chopsticks to view the picture album.
Doug because nate yu and Fan Yun unhappy quarrel, nate yu know cant let people familiar with doug, quarrel with Fan Yun not before that, under the trick of nate yu, doug unto them with a smile.
Cafe work next time round in hu bacteria of persuasion, TongLiWei for bacteria, hu round for the bacteria pull TongLiWei hu.
TongLiWei leave soon, nate yu and Ren Muyan successively came to the cafe, see Ren Muyan arrival, hu face rising anger means responsibility MuYan killed her mother, Ren Muyan serious look at hu, on the spot that he never kill bacteria hus mother.
Although Ren Muyan against hu bacteria is still considered Ren Muyan killed her mother, Ren Muyan dont want to quarrel with hu bacteria, a face of helpless turned away.
Cinderellas kiss plot 6 sets is introduced
TongLiWei relation with were stiff
Ren Muyan came to operation of the cafe, hu hu bacterium is chatting with nate yu, see the mother kill enemy appears, hu bacteria require Ren Muyan angry leave the coffee shop, the mother and hu Ren Muyan tiantai conversations in the company, Ren Muyan leave soon, mother died on the spot disease recurrence, hu hu to put all the blame Ren Muyan body, over the years has been to kill mother Ren Muyan as an enemy, although police have proven Ren Muyan innocence, were still considered Ren Muyan killed her mother.
Ren Muyan see hu bacteria produce misunderstanding, they explain, were reluctant to let MuYan explanation, angry requirements Ren Muyan leave the coffee shop, see hu Ren Muyan bacterium always take her as an enemy, but under had to leave the coffee shop.
Round is a good friend, Ren Muyan saw Ren Muyan being chased away by hu bacteria, round flew into a rage and noisy up, hu hu bacteria sun-bleached refused to listen to your round, round to Ren Muyan that commit suicide to jump into the sea because the child abortion after said again, hu listened to what is round surprised not heart, originally she thought Ren Muyan live very good, listening is round, hu bacteria on Ren Muyan sympathy.
Old snow is the nanny van home, let mother see old snow becomes when you are sad, suddenly heart rising curiosity talk with old snow, old snow ignored as a mother, sitting on the side worry dont want to speak.
Evening, grandma lie on the bed, a shadow figure walked into the room, grandma van startled from sleep and nearly thought a thief slipped into the home, until I see the mother, van grandma going to breathe a sigh of relief, long seen as a mother with standing in bedside, merely fan grandma scalp hurriedly shouts old snow, Chen Xuewen walked into the room away as a mother.
Over the years, Ren Muyan has been looking for father, ren yi, as soon as possible in order to find father, Ren Muyan came to the police station to a policeman and asked for his fathers whereabouts, years later, police still didnt find it easily.
Ren Muyan to Joyce and Cheng Xin talk about business, see Fan Yun Ren Muyan appeared in the company, face rising anger questioned why let Ren Muyan nate yu company, see Cheng Xin Fan Yun always take Ren Muyan as an enemy, the face rises displeasure remind Fan Yun dont offend Ren Muyan, Ren Muyan Joyce is a very important partner, if Fan Yun sinned against Ren Muyan, Joyce will be huge economic losses.
TongLiWei cafe to drink coffee, his purpose is want to close to hu, round though, and were standing in the same front to TongLiWei without a favor, but still turned away a cup of coffee to entertain TongLiWei.
Fan Yun were worried Ren Muyan would destroy her life, many years ago, Ren Muyan again and again to destroy the Fan Yun pursue nate yu, now although Fan Yun to marry nate yu, but she was very worried about Ren Muyan destroy her life, after some thought, Fan Yun secretly in the heart swear never let Ren Muyan destroy her life.您当前位置: >>
>> 浏览文章灰姑娘之吻第1-2集剧情介绍
灰姑娘之吻第1集剧情介绍  张瀚宇与范昀育有一女  五年前,任慕妍因为孩子流产从桥上跳到海中自杀,张瀚宇当时非常焦急,不顾一切跳进海中追寻任慕妍,茫茫海水围住了张瀚宇,张瀚宇飘浮在水中不知何去何从,过了没多久,张瀚宇从梦中苏醒过来,脸上带着惊恐回想之前梦到的情景。  程昕来到公司开会,五年以来公司的一个项目始终处于停滞状态,程昕勃然大怒当众教训下属,下属们大多数都不敢说话,只有一个男下属建议程昕应该任用原来创建项目的员工,只有这样才能顺利完成项目。  五年了,任母依然处于呆傻状态跟个小孩一样,范奶奶对任母不讨其烦,任母无敌的骚扰范奶奶,吵得范奶奶每天不得安宁,范父见任母总是骚扰范奶奶,只得每次将任母带离母亲身边。  张瀚宇与范昀生下了一个女儿,女儿的名字叫豆豆,豆豆的年龄大约在五岁左右,范昀下班的时候带着豆豆零食吃,豆豆天真可爱让范昀心情非常好。  张瀚宇虽然与范昀生下了一个女儿,但两人的夫妻关系依然不冷不冷,每天回到家中张瀚宇很少跟范昀谈心,很多时候独自坐在房中看书册,范昀离开房间的时候一脸无奈向张瀚宇看过来,心中非常希望张瀚宇能跟她谈谈心,张瀚宇的心中一直没有放下任慕妍,每天晚上坐在房间里面,一个人的时候,张瀚宇的脑海中总是浮现出任慕妍的相貌。  程昕也在思念着任慕妍,杨桂华见程昕因为任慕妍意志消沉,心中升起怒气数落程昕,程昕见杨桂华数落他,只得暂时打消思念任慕妍,一脸痛恨指责杨桂华把他当成棋子对待。&&  胡菌从国外归来,童立威来到机场等待胡菌,胡菌从一边悄悄探出头看到了童立威,为了躲避童立威,胡菌戴上墨镜悄悄从另一个方向离开了机场。  回到生活多年的家,胡菌百感交集站在屋中,胡父见胡菌归来,惊喜激动从一边走了过来,胡菌已经跟父亲五年没有相见,父女二人激动惊喜紧紧搂在一起。  胡菌来张家看望范昀,范昀感概万分看着胡菌,笑称胡菌变得跟原来不太一样,胡菌的思想确实发生了转变,五年的时间让她变成了一个成熟稳重的女人。  五年前,胡菌与童立威感情破裂出国,五年后,胡菌回国虽然不像原来那样幼稚纯洁,但内心中依然对童立威保留一丝情意。  童立威并不知道胡菌来到他的公司外面,胡菌站在公司外面见童立威与几个工作人员走出来,赶紧闪到一边避开童立威,童立威没有看到胡菌,与几个工作人员径直从公司大楼中走了出来。&灰姑娘之吻第2集剧情介绍  范昀意外发现任慕妍  清早,张瀚宇尚在睡梦中,女儿豆豆生性顽皮好动,眼见父亲张瀚宇依然躺在床上不想起床,豆豆爬到床上坐在张瀚宇身边模拟骑马的动作,张瀚宇被豆豆的动作惊醒过来,眼见女儿顽皮地上床捣蛋,张瀚宇计上心来与女儿嘻戏打闹。  五年以来,程昕一直在研发一个项目,当年负责项目的人是任慕妍,任慕妍离开公司之后,这个项目一直处于停滞状态,即便程昕花费大量物资和人力研发项目,项目依然处处没有获得成功进展非常缓慢,眼见时间一点一点过去项目依然没有进展,程昕将公司高层全部召集到办公室开会,在开会过程中,程昕怒气冲天数落所有人办事不力。张瀚宇与程昕一向是死对头,程昕怒气冲天的举动没有吓住张瀚宇,张瀚宇非常平静的坐在椅子上一声不吭,完全不想跟程昕讨论项目的事情。  程昕下班跟童立威见面,童立威与程昕谈论一些私事,二人谈话的时候张瀚宇从一边走了过来,眼见童立威与程昕关系亲密私下议事,张瀚宇脸上升起警疑看着童立威。  回到公司,张瀚宇脑海中想起多年以前与童立威在一起谈话的情景,当时张瀚宇事业处于低谷期将所有人当成敌人看待,就连曾经救过张瀚宇的童立威也没有幸免,如今见到童立威与程昕私下议事,张瀚宇开始怀疑童立威与程昕关系非同一般。  豆豆出门来花店买花,任慕妍在花店工作见豆豆来买花,赶紧上前引导豆豆买到了满意的鲜花。  张瀚宇经常办慈善活动,与范昀结婚多年,他也时不时的办一些慈善活动,一次办完一个慈善活动,张瀚宇开车外出办事,范昀留在商场中接受记者采访,记者们对范昀与张瀚宇的感情关系充满好奇,要求范昀如实透露与张瀚宇的夫妻生活,范昀与张瀚宇虽然不再像原来那样水火不容,但二人依然没有达到彼此交心的地点。  接受完记者采访,范昀打了一个电话给张瀚宇,挂掉电话之后,范昀在不经意间看到了任慕妍,虽然已经跟任慕妍有五年没有相见,再加上任慕妍改变了外形,但范昀还是一眼就看到了任慕妍,任慕妍显然没有看到范昀,行色匆匆离开商场来到一所教室中,教室里面摆放着一台钢琴,多年以前,张瀚宇曾经与任慕妍来教室中玩乐,当时张瀚宇还坐到钢琴旁边弹奏乐曲给任慕妍听,回想多年以前的往事,任慕妍百感交集在教室中追忆更多的往事。教室里面的所有物品都承载着任慕妍与张瀚宇的往事,黑板如此,桌椅板凳也是如此。
灰姑娘之吻第1-2集英文剧情Cinderellas kiss plot 1 set is introduced
Nate yu and Fan Yun had one girl
Five years ago, because Ren Muyan miscarriage suicide to jump from the bridge of the sea, nate yu was very anxious and desperate jumped into the sea after Ren Muyan, the vast sea surrounded nate yu, nate yu floating in the water I dont know where to go, it didnt take long, nate yu wake up from a dream, with a fear of recalling the dream scenario.
Cheng Xin came to the company the meeting, the five years since the company of a project is always at a standstill, Cheng Xin flew into a rage in public lesson subordinates, staff most all dare not speak, only one male subordinates xin should build agenda when originally create project of employees, only in this way can complete the project smoothly.
For five years, as the mother is still in a state of DaiSha like a child, grandma van to let mother dont win the vexed, let female invincible harassment van, grandma had a van grandma every day no peace, Fan Fu see mother always harass van grandma, only every time will take away from her mother as a mother.
Nate yu and Fan Yun gave birth to a daughter, the daughters name is doug, aged about five or so, doug Fan Yun work with doug snacks eat, doug sweet innocence make Fan Yun mood is very good.
Nate yu with Fan Yun gave birth to a daughter, but the relationship is still not cold not cold, every day back home rarely talk with Fan Yun nate yu, a lot of time sitting in a room reading books, Fan Yun left the room when a face of helpless to nate yu see come over, very much like nate yu to talk with her in the heart, nate yus heart has not put down Ren Muyan, sitting in the room every night, a persons time, nate yu mind always emerge as MuYan appearance.
Cheng Xin also in thinking about Ren Muyan gui-hua Yang see Cheng Xin because Ren Muyan depression, cursing Cheng Xin rising anger in the heart, see Cheng Xin gui-hua Yang scolded him, had to temporarily dispel Ren Muyan, missing a face of hate accused gui-hua Yang treat him as a pawn.
Were returning from abroad, TongLiWei arrived at the airport waiting for bacteria, hu hu bacteria from side saw TongLiWei slip out, in order to avoid TongLiWei, were put on sunglasses quietly left the airport from another direction.
Back to the home for many years, life feelings were standing in the house, back Hu Fu see hu bacteria and surprise excited from side came along, had with his father five years were not meet, father and daughter two people excited surprise hug tightly together.
Were the changs to visit Fan Yun, Fan Yun feel very looked at hu, laughing said hu bacteria become, like originally not too hu bacteria thought really changed, five years to make her into a mature woman.
Five years ago, hu bacteria and TongLiWei fall to go abroad, five years later, hu bacterium home although not as naive as original purity, but the heart still to reserve TongLiWei cordiality.
TongLiWei outside, did not know were to come into his company were standing outside the company see TongLiWei with several staff to come out, hurriedly flash aside to avoid TongLiWei, TongLiWei didnt see hu, with several staff straight away from the building.
Cinderellas kiss plot 2 sets is introduced
Surprised Fan Yun Ren Muyan
Early in the morning, nate yu is still in his sleep, the daughter doug was naughty and active, nate has seen the father yu is still lying in bed dont want to get up, doug climbed into bed beside nate yu simulation on horseback, nate yu startled by doug action and see the daughter to bed naughty naughty, nate yu meter keen to play play with daughter.
For five years, Cheng Xin has been developing a project, the person in charge of project is Ren Muyan, Ren Muyan after leaving the company, the project has been at a standstill, even Cheng Xin spend a lot of material and manpower development project, project is still everywhere successful progress is very slow, not see the time still no progress bit by bit the past project, Cheng Xin will meet the company top all summoned to the office, in the process of the meeting, criticizing all inferiority Cheng Xin was foaming at the mouth. Nate yu and Cheng Xin has always been bitter rivals, Cheng Xin anger frighten not nate yu, nate yu very quiet sitting in a chair without saying a word, dont want to discuss the project with Cheng Xin thing completely.
Cheng Xin from work to meet TongLiWei TongLiWei and Cheng Xin talk about some personal affairs, when two people talk nate yu from side walked to come over, see the TongLiWei the close relation with Cheng Xin in private, nate looked at TongLiWei yu face rising police suspected.
Back to the company, nate yu mind thinking of many years ago with TongLiWei conversation, then nate yu career is in the trough will see all people as the enemy, once even saved nate yu TongLiWei no escape, now see the TongLiWei and Cheng Xin in private, nate yu began to suspect that TongLiWei extraordinary relationship with Cheng Xin.
Go out to buy a flower flower shop, doug Ren Muyan work see doug at the florist to buy flowers, rushed up and guide doug got satisfactory flowers.
Nate yu often do charity, and Fan Yun married for years, he also from time to time to do some charity activities, once we finish a charity event, nate yu drive errands, Fan Yun told reporters in the mall, the reporters to Fan Yun relationship with nate yu curious, ask Fan Yun truthfully revealed with nate yu of husband and wife life, Fan Yun with nate yu, though not as incompatible as the original, but they still dont meet each other to heart.
Told the reporters, Fan Yun made a phone call to nate yu, hang up the phone, after Fan Yun inadvertently saw the Ren Muyan, although already have five years didnt meet each other with Ren Muyan, plus Ren Muyan changed shape, but saw Ren Muyan Fan Yun or at a glance, Ren Muyan Fan Yun did not see clearly, hurrying to leave the mall in a classroom, there is a piano class, years ago, nate yu once and Ren Muyan to play in the classroom, then nate yu also sat next to a piano playing music to Ren Muyan, going back to the past many years ago, feelings Ren Muyan recall more of the past in the classroom. The inside of the classroom all items bearing the Ren Muyan with nate yu, blackboard, tables and chairs.


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