saps ii评分是新加坡什么公司

新加坡影艺研究会诚邀世界各地摄影家热烈参加第廿四届国际艺术摄影展览。本影展是根据美国摄影学会(PSA)及国际影艺联盟(FIAP)所订沙龙规章办理。入选作品可申请列入美国摄影学会摄影家名录和星级以及世界摄影联盟皇冠等的计分。入选作品也受FIAP及FAPA影衔所承认。日程收件截止日期日评审日期-2日成绩通知日期日目录发布日期日展览日期-6日奖牌寄出日期日摘要国际摄影艺术展览开放给各界摄影爱好者,但主办方(新加坡影艺研究会)有权拒绝违规的参赛作品。参赛的图像将不会被一起呈现出来,相反地,全部4张图像将以提交的先后,顺序分布在该组的四轮中评选。参赛作品必须是参赛者本人用胶片或数码拍摄的照片(通过光感测物体的图像拍摄)。参赛者所提交作品被视为本人原创(不允许使用别名)并且参赛者必须同意主办方将其作品的部分或是全部处理并免费用于影展宣传或是与影展相关的各种媒体展示。其中包括降低分辨率展示在影展官网上面。注:参赛者若反对其图像被复制或使用,将散失获奖资格,入选作品也不被展出,并可能被主办方取消参赛资格。主办方不承担任何误用版权图像的责任,这些图像可能被以电子方式或其他方式更改。“自然”、“旅游”和“新闻” 等的内容必须受个别组别条规的限制。所有提交的参赛作品必须是数码文件。[我们只接受数码图像,不接受照片或幻灯片]。每个图像必须有一个独特的标题。作者的头衔或身份不得在图像的任何地方出现。一旦一张图像在PSA认可的展览中被接受,该图像或类似的“在相机中”或“复制”该图像的副本:1.不得以不同媒体、格式或名称在该展览的同一星级组别重新参加2.不得参加其他PSA认可的展览,包括翻译成另一种语文而重新命名。参赛图像不能没有标题,也不可用“无题”或以相机捕捉文件名称为标题。参赛规则无论在评审前、期间或之后裁定参赛者所提交参赛作品中有一幅或多幅图像不符合上述参赛规则,包括所述的定义,则主办有权将该作品从展览中删除,并取消所有获得的奖项,参加费也可能被没收。为确保图像符合参赛规则和定义,主办方可对图像进行检查,以确保:a)图像是参赛者的原作,b)图像符合本展览的所有规则及定义。这可能包括要求参赛者在设定的日期前提供被质疑图象的原始图像和完整的 EXIF 数据。未能在设定的日期内提供相关数据将被视为违反了参赛规则和定义而参赛资格也被取消。这些图像可能被提交给PSA,以便进一步调查是否违反道德操守。PSA保留调查所有违反规则的投诉或怀疑的权利,必要时实施制裁,取消违反PSA规则的图象,并将参赛者的姓名列入展览制裁名单中,并与FIAP分享这种调查。参赛者都被视为同意上述条款。组别(共五组,全数码)A. 彩色公开组(FIAP,GPU,FAPA和PSA彩色投影认可)B. 黑白公开组(FIAP,GPU,FAPA和PSA黑白投影认可)C. 彩色创意组(FIAP,GPU,FAPA和PSA彩色投影认可)D. 自然组,彩色/黑白(FIAP,GPU,FAPA和PSA自然组认可)E. 旅游,彩色/黑白(FIAP, GPU,FAPA和PSA旅游组认可)提交作品□ 这次比赛是按照FIAP(国际影艺联盟)和PSA(美国摄影学会)的规则进行的。□ 仅通过参加此FIAP认可的展览,参赛者接受FIAP有权对提交的图像进行调查,以确定这些图像是否符合FIAP的规定和定义,即使该参与者不是FIAP的成员;FIAP将可通过其认为适当的手段包括要求提交图像的原始文件;任何拒绝合作或未能提供足够的证据的参赛者,将受到FIAP 的制裁;违规参赛者的姓名将被公布。建议将EXIF 数据保留在提交的文件中,以便于最终的调查。□ 入选作品可申请列入PSA摄影家名录及星级和GPU皇冠计分。入选作品也受FIAP及FAPA名衔所承认。□ 每位参赛者可参加全部5个组别,每组可提交最多4张作品。□ 全部作品必须以JPEG格式提交。图像宽不可超过1920像素,高不可超过1080像素。作品的文件以4MB为限。□ 参赛者同组的4张图像将分开4轮评审。□ 评审将用分辨率为
像素的全高清电视屏幕进行。□ 请使用sRGB色彩空间,因为它会提供更好的质量。□任何曾经获得入选新加坡影艺研究会主办的国际艺术摄影展览的作品,一律不准再次提交。□ 在本展览先前的CPID认可组别入选的图像,不得再此参加本次的PID彩色组别。□ 迟交的作品将不予以评审。□ 同一张作品不能同时参加其他组别。□ 所有入选作品均应符合所有认可组织的入选规则,以最严格的定义为准。□ 评审团的评选结果将是最终决定,任何有关投诉一概不予以处理。文件命名文件名称必须是用罗马拼音字母。任何其他字符或符号都不能使用。图像标题不能用“无题”,也不能用相机所提供的文件名称或仅含数目字的名称。作品提交□参赛者必须上网把作品提交交到下列邮箱,投稿请注明“2018新加坡影艺国际赛”□凡在截止日期后还未缴费的作品当自动弃权,不予以评审。□参赛费请通过微信支付微信:(紫瓶咖啡) (小魏 紫瓶咖啡)参赛费用1or2sections1或2组3sections3组4or5sections4或5组所有人US$20(CNY120)US$30(CNY180)US$40(CNY240)彩色定义满足一般规则的任何图像都可参加彩色公开组。自然或旅游主题,或单色的图像若提交到这一组,将以其图案的价值评审。过度修改的图像应提交创意组。黑白(单色)只有当图像给人没有颜色的印象(即只包含灰色的阴影,其中可以包括纯黑色和纯白色),或者它给人的印象是一幅灰度图像,在整个图像中都是一种色调,它才被认为是单色图像。(例如棕褐色、红色、金色等)。灰度或多色图像被修改或给人的印象是局部着色、多重着色或斑点着色的图像,不符合单色的定义,应被归类为彩色作品,这类作品需要在PSA和FIAP 认可的沙龙的目录中彩色复制。彩色创意这个创作部分没有限制主题。这一部分允许摄影师自由通过广泛的图像处理和图像组合来探索摄影艺术的可能性,但摄影内容必须占主导地位。参赛者也可以通过不同手段如数码来改变图像,并可加入自创的美术或数码图像,只要摄影内容占主导地位。附加内容或图层必须是参赛者原创作品。完全以电子方式创建的图像(完全没有摄影元素)则不被接受。这组仅接受彩色图像。自然(彩色/黑白)自然摄影就是运用摄影技法,以一种令观赏者容易辨识的方式忠实展现自然历史中的所有分支物种,但所谓的自然历史范畴不包括人类和考古题材。□ 一张图片的故事性与内容性在评审中的比重将大大超过该图片本身的技术质量。□ 人为元素不得出现,除非拍摄诸如谷仓猫头鹰或谷仓鹳这类已经适应了被人类所改变了的环境的生物,或是这些人为元素出现在拍摄某种自然力量诸如飓风或是海啸时。□ 允许在野生动物身上出现雷达项圈和科研用标签、带子等。□ 如作品中有人工杂交培育的植物或动物、安装好的标本、明显的摆拍、以及对原作进行任何形式的篡改均视为不合格作品。□除剪裁图片外,通过后期技术添加、挪移、替换或去除任何原始图片中的元素,均不允许。□ 在不改变原作所包含的自然故事、图片内容以及原始景物内容的条件下,那些可以增强照片表现力的手段可以被使用。这些手段包括:HDR(高动态范围图像)、景深合成、减淡/加深技术。□ 那些可以去除相机所造成的影响及元素的手段亦被允许,诸如:去除尘点、数字噪声、胶片划痕的技术。□不允许接片/拼合照片。□所有调整必须力求接近自然原貌。□彩色作品可转换为灰度单色/黑白作品。□无论是直接拍摄的或是间接转换的红外线作品自然组都不予接受。□参加自然主题并符合上述自然摄影定义的摄影作品可以以自然风光、地质构造、气候现象、现存的有机体作为主要的题材/摄影主题。包括那些在人为控制环境中拍摄的照片,诸如拍摄那些处在动物园、游乐农场、植物园、水族馆等封闭的由人类提供食物的处所中的动物。旅游(彩色/黑白)旅游摄影必须能体现出时间与地点,当地地貌,当地住民,或者在自然状态中的当地文化。旅游照片没有地域限制。人物或是物体的特写作品必须具有可辨识的环境交代。除对图片可做稍加剪裁外,绝不允许通过任何后期技术添加、重置、替换或去除任何原始图片中的任何元素。允许采用技术加强照片效果,而不改变照片内容。所有调整必须力求接近自然。但为了制作黑白照片,对原片的颜色进行移除或修改是允许的。包括红外线在内的特殊光线作品不被接受。评审委员会彩色1.Mr GhoPeng Tjin(吴平进)&.(Singapore)GMPSA,HonFPSS,FPSEA,FWIEP,EFIAP,ARPS,APSS,APAS,ASCPS,ABLPC,APSP,HonEPAS,HonEYMCAPS,Hon ESCC,HonECPA,Hon EHKCC,HonEPSSM,EP.PSM,EP.HKSC,SE.HKCPAC,SE.SCPS, MEPSP,TopOneExhibitorPSA,DiamondStar.2. Mr GohWeeSeng, Eric(吳偉承)&.(Singapore)PBM,HonFSCPS,HonFPSM,HonFSCC,HonFPSP,Hon FSAFRAPC,HonFPSJ,APSA,ARPS,EFIAP,EPSNY,FSCPS,FPSNY,FBLCC,FPST,FPSP,ASAFRAPC,ADCC,APSC,ESFIAP,SE.SCPS,AEPSP,APSS,Galaxy5exhibitor,PPSA,SingaporeYouthAward(1993).3. Mr HengZeekek (邢诒格)&.(Singapore)GMPSA,EFIAP/b,GPUCR5,SAWIEP,APAS,GMSUPHK,HON.FUPHK,HON.AdvisorUPHK,PSAWho'sWhoTop10 Exhibitor-2013(PPD-MB&PPD-CB)&2014(PID-C,PID-M,PTD,PTD-P,PJD &PJD-P)4. MrDavid,Daduan Deng(邓大端) &.(China)Hon.FPSNY,Hon.Advisor PSNY,Hon.ChairmanGDYPA美国摄影学会PSA中国区首席国际代表,美国摄影学会PSA(中国)主席,美国摄影学会 PSA红宝石奖,PSA国际摄影大赛评委,APSA荣街(国际杰出贡献奖得主),国际摄影PSA。FlAP金奖得主,德国国际超级巡回赛GMC授予“摄影教父”。5. Mr TanLipSeng(陈立诚)&.(Singapore)Hon.PSA,MPSA,FRPS,SingaporeCulturalMedallionAward.黑白(单色)1. Mr Tay PuayKoon(郑培群)&.(Singapore)HonFPAS,HonFPSM,HonFPVS,HonEPAS,HonSFAPA,PPSA,AFIAP,FPSM,APAS,PSA5Stars.2. MrFooTeeJun(符诗云)&.(Singapore)HonFPSS,HonFSCPS,HonFPSM,HonFSAFRAPC,HonFSEAPS,APST,ARPS,APSS,MHFCBA,HonFPSP,EFIAP,HonEYMCAPC,HonFSCC,SingaporeCulturalMedallionAward.3. MrOng SweeHuat(王世发)&.(Singapore)HonFPAS,PSAAGALAXY,EFIAP,FPSM,SEHKCPAC,ECPA,HONFHKPC,HONEHKCC,HONEYMCAPS,MHFPR,MHPCBA,PPSA.4. MrCLChan(陈漢洲)&.(Thailand)Hon PresidentFAPA,HonFPAS,HonSFAPA,HonFPSS,HonFSCPS,HonFPSM,HonFPVS5. Mr VuongQuocKim(王国金)&.(Vietnam)HonFMPC,EPAS,EUAPA, ESPCS, EHKCC, EPPSMEPSSM.彩色创意1. Mr RasmonoSudarjo(邵亮明)&.(Indonesia)F.PSNY,EE.PSNY,A.RPS,A.PST,A.CPA,A.NCPA,A.35mm PS,SE.A.35mmPS,A.HKCC A.PSEA,A.FPSI1Star Exhibitor,Hon.E.FPSI,PSA4StarsExhibitor2. Mr GohKimHui(吳金辉)&.(Singapore)HonFPSS,HonEFIAP,AFIAP,FPSNY,HonFPSM,HonFPSNJ,HonFSCPS,HonFKCC,HonFSAFRAPC.3. Mr LamSunHong(林新康)&.(Singapore)ARPS,PSA4Stars,FPSLA,FPAS,AFIAP,HonSFAPA,HonPAS,APAS,ASCPS,APSP4. Mr YeoYeowKwang(姚耀光)&.(Singapore)FRPS,FPAS,HonFPAS,FSCPS,PPSA,PSAGalaxy,HonSFAPA.5. MsWongBeowLeng(黄妙玲)&.(Singapore)HonFSCPS,EFIAP,ARPS,APSS,PSA5Stars..旅游(彩色/黑白)1.MsGhoLay Tin(吴丽珍)&.(Singapore)GMPSA,EFIAP,FPSEA,ARPS,APSS,APAS,ASCPS,SESCPS,ABLPC,PSAGalaxy..2.Mr Kok NgiamHock(郭然学)&.(Singapore)Hon FPAS,APAS,ARPS,PSA Top-10,PSA5Stars..3.Mr Wang KuSan(王古山)&.(Taiwan)HonFPST,FPSTH,FPSC,FPSNY,FPST4.Mr TanKengLian(陈庆联)&.(Singapore)5.Mr JackGohKokLeong(吴国良)&.(Singapore)EFIAP,PPSA,GPUCR2,GPUAphrodite,ESPSS,APSS,APSNJ,ASCPS,Hon.ESCPS,Hon.FSAP,Hon.FPSNJ,Hon.AUPHK,PSAWho'sWhoTop10Exhibitor-2015(PTD-P).自然(彩色/黑白)1.MrChua,Raymond(蔡承材)&.(Singapore)HonFSCPS, Hon FSAFRAPC,HonFPSP,HonFSCC,HonFPSM, HonFPSJ,HonFOCPSG, HonOPBSC,ESFIAP,EFIAP,FSCPS, FPSNY,ARPS, ACPA,APSP,ASEAPS,ASAFRAPC,APST,APAS,JPCPBSC, MEPSP,Hon EPSNY,HonEHKCC,HonEPAS,Hon EUAPA,ADCC,PPSA, PSA5STAR(PPD).2.Mr TeoYong Kang (张荣刚)&.(Singapore)FSCPS,FRPS, FPSM,FPSP,FRPST,FSEAPS, FPSNY,FPVS,ACPA,APSS,APSK,JPCPBSC,AEPSP,ADCC, SAWIEP,ABLPC,MEPSP, SESCPS,HonFSCPS, HonFBSC,HonFPSP,HonFPSM,HonFPSS, HonWIEP,HonECPA,HonESCPS,HonEPAS,HonEPSNY, Hon ECYMCAPSHK,Hon WIEP, MBSC,EFIAP,ESFIAP,MFIAP, PSADiamondStar(PPD),EPSA.3.Mr Kheng Fook Ling, Tony(邢福凌)&.(Singapore)HonFPAS,APAS,MEPSP, PSA4Stars.4.Mr MichaelEe (余春芙)&.(Singapore)FPSS,PPSA,MFIAP.5. Mr RickyPS Teoh&.(Malaysia)Hon.F.PSP,Hon.F.SPP,Hon.F.PSM,Hon.F.FIP,Hon.F.SAPS,Hon.F.FAPA,ME.PSP,ME.FIP.F.PSP,FSPP,FFIP,F.BLPC,ARPS, AFIP,APSC,AICS,ASCPS,PSA3Star,Who'sWhoTop10.奖项入选作品可申请列入PSA摄影家名录及星级和GPU皇冠等计分。入选作品也受FIAP及FAPA影衔所承认。每组奖项PSA奖项1金牌,1银牌,1铜牌3HonourableMentions 3勋条FIAP奖项1金牌,1银牌,1铜牌2HonourableMentions 2勋条GPU奖项FAPA奖项金牌,1银牌,1铜牌影艺研究会奖项全场最佳FIAPBluePinwith“LimKwong Ling Prize”US$1,000 FIAP蓝带及林光霖奖1000美元Morethan125awardsforall5sections.五组的奖牌超过125个Hon.EPAS荣衔凡是在本会主办的国际艺术摄影展览的同一组中,连续三届入选9帧作品者,可以申请本会的Hon.EPAS荣衔。
华人摄影网获得新加坡影艺研究会在国内认可征稿通道之一,华人摄影网统一组织摄影家及摄影爱好者投稿,所有参赛者按照征稿启事投稿缴纳相关费用,华人摄影网不收取任何代理费用,参赛投稿1/2组费用为20美金(人民币120元),3组为30美金(人民币180元),4-5组为40美金(人民币240元)投稿费用可以微信支付,微信:(紫瓶咖啡) /
(小魏 紫瓶咖啡)投稿邮箱:,投稿请注明“2018新加坡影艺国际赛”欢迎广大会员积极参加!如有问题可电话直接咨询。&&&END&&&分享您的好摄之途,分享您的好摄之品特别声明:本文为网易自媒体平台“网易号”作者上传并发布,仅代表该作者观点。网易仅提供信息发布平台。
重大事件及时推送 阅读更流畅年6月大学英语四级翻译练习题:唐朝
  大学英语四级翻译目前考察的方向多偏向于社会经济、文化等方面,日常复习中我们也要提前储备一些常考话题材料。下面聚培训为大家整理了英语四级翻译练习题库,希望对大家的备考有帮助。  2018年6月大学英语四级翻译练习题库  英语四级翻译练习题:唐朝  唐朝是中国历史上一个重要的朝代,也是公认的中国最强盛的时代之一。618年由李渊建立,都城为长安。唐朝早期和中期的统治开明、经济繁荣、社会安定。它在政治、经济、文化、外交等方面都取得了很高的成就,是当时的世界强国之一。唐朝乐于接纳各个民族与宗教,与其他民族进行交流融合,吸收它们独特的文化。唐朝与亚洲和欧洲国家均有频繁往来,很多国家的政治体制与文化等都深受唐朝的影响。  范文:  Tang Dynasty, an important dynasty in China's history, is universally
acknowledged as one of the most powerful and prosperous dynasties in China. It
was founded by Li Yuan in the year of 618 with its capital in Chang'an. The
early and middle periods of Tang Dynasty witnessed enlightened politics, a
flourishing economy and a stable society. It made great achievement in the
aspects of politics, economy, culture and diplomacy etc., making it one of the
world powers. Ready to embrace diverse nationalities and religions, Tang Dynasty
was integrated with other nationalities, and absorbed their distinctive
cultures. Tang Dynasty communicated frequently with countries in Asia and
Europe, thus many countries, political system and cultures etc. were deeply
influenced by Tang Dynasty.  翻译详解:  1.第一句由两个分句构成,为了避免译文累赘,翻译时可将第二个分句作为主干,第一个分句&中国历史上一个重要的朝代&译作同位语,即an important
dynasty in China's history,也可翻译为定语从句。  2.第三句&唐朝早期和中期的统治开明…&,可将&唐朝早期和中期&作为主语,增译谓语witness,表示&见证…的发生&。在翻译&统治开明、经济繁荣、社会安定&这类四字短语的时候,可以采用名词短语的形式,
更加符合英语的表达习惯。  3.翻译&它在政治、经济、文化…世界强国之一&这一句时,可将&取得了很高的成就&作为主干,&是当时的世界强国之一&则处理为现在分词短语making
it..作状语的形式。  4.最后一句由两个分句组成,细读之后可以发现两个分句有内在的因果关系,因此用thus连接;&很多国家的政治…影响&可采用被动语态。
  2018年6月大学英语四级阅读200篇汇总  The fridge is considered necessary. It has been so since the 1960s when
packaged food list appeared with the label: "Store in the refrigerator."  In my fridgeless Fifties childhood, 1 was fed well and healthy. The milkman
came every day, the grocer, the butcher (肉商), the baker, and the ice-cream man
delivered two or three times each week. The Sunday meatwould last until
Wednesday and surplus(剩余的) bread and milk became all kinds of cakes. Nothing was
wasted, and we were never troubled by rotten food. Thirty years on food
deliveries have ceased, fresh vegetables are almost unobtainable in the
country.  The invention of the fridge contributed comparatively little to the art of
food preservation. Many well-tried techniques already existed -- natural
cooling, drying, smoking, salting, sugaring, bottling...  What refrigeration did promote was marketing --- marketing hardware and
electricity, marketing soft drinks, marketing dead bodies of animals around the
world in search of a good price.  Consequently, most of the world's fridges are to be found, not in the
tropics where they might prove useful, but in the rich countries with mild
temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary. Every winter,
millions of fridges hum away continuously, and at vast expense, busily
maintaining an artificially-cooled space inside an artificially-heated house --
while outside, nature provides the desired temperature free of charge.  The fridge's effect upon the environment has been evident, while its
contribution to human happiness has been not important. If you don't believe me,
try it yourself, invest in a food cabinet and mm off your fridge next winter.
You may not eat the hamburgers(汉堡包), but at least you'll get rid of that
terrible hum.  练习题:  Choose correct answers to the question:  1.The statement "In my fridgeless fifties childhood, I was fed well and
healthily." suggests that______.  A.the author was well-fed and healthy even without a fridge in his
fifties.  B.the author was not accustomed to fridges even in his fifties.  C.there was no fridge in the author's home in the 1950s.  D.the fridge was in its early stage of development in the 1950s.  2.Why does the author say that nothing was wasted before the invention of
fridges?  A.People would not buy more food than was necessary.  B.Food was delivered to people two or three times a week.  C.Food was sold fresh and did not get rotten easily.  D.People had effective ways to preserve their food.  3.Who benefited the least from fridges according to the author?  A. Inventors.  B. Consumers.  C. Manufacturers.  D. Travelling salesmen.  4.Which of the following phrases in the fifth paragraph indicates the
fridge's negative effect on the environment?  A.&Hum away continuously&.  B.&Climatically almost unnecessary&.  C.&Artificially-cooled space&.  D.&With mild temperatures&.  5.What is the author's overall attitude toward fridges?  A. Neutral.  B. Critical.  C. Objective.  D. Compromising.  1.[C] 句意理解题。由句中的childhood可知,fifties指的应该是50年代,而不可能是50多岁,据此可排除A、B;fridgeless是合成词,由词根fridge"冰箱&和表示否定的后缀-less组成,由可推断其意为&无冰箱的",故C正确。  2.[D] 事实细节题。在第2段中,说到&不会浪费东西&前,作者指出把吃剩的面包和牛奶做成蛋糕,以防止浪费,故D正确。A、C在文中并未提及,排除;B所述并非不浪费食物的原因,也可排除。  3.[B]
观点态度题。综观全文,作者对认为冰箱不是必备品,最后一段更明确指出,它对人类幸福的贡献微不足道,故可推断,消费者从冰箱中获益最少,故B正确。  4.[A] 词义理解题。A中的hum指"发出嗡嗡声",表明冰箱产生的嗓音,是对环境的负面作用,故正确。B、D只是指出冰箱在实际上没有必要使用的地区却被广泛使用;C仅说明冰箱是对人工加热房间的影响,并不能说明其对环境的影响,故排除。  5.[B]
  大学英语四级翻译目前考察的方向多偏向于社会经济、文化等方面,日常复习中我们也要提前储备一些常考话题材料。下面聚培训为大家整理了英语四级翻译练习题库,希望对大家的备考有帮助。  英语四级翻译练习题:泥人张  &泥人张&是中国北方流传的一种民间彩塑,深得当地百姓喜爱。它创始于清代(the Qing
Dynasty)末年,至今已有180多年的历史。&泥人张&的创始人叫张明山,生于天津,家境贫寒,从小跟父亲以捏泥人(clayfigure)为业。张明山的泥人,有民间故事中的人物,也有小说、戏曲中的角色,有现实生活中的劳动人民,有正面人物,还有反面人物。因此,他的作品具有浓厚的趣味性。  参考翻译:  The &Clay Figure Zhang&  The &Clay Figure Zhang& is a kind of folk painted sculpture which is
popular in NorthernChina, and deeply appreciated by local people. Its appearance
can be dated back to late QingDynasty, having a history of more than 180 years
until now. The &Clay Figure Zhang& wasfounded by Zhang Mingshan, who was born in
Tianjin. He had been living his life by makingclay figures with his father since
childhood because of the poverty of his family. Zhang's clayfigures are based on
the figures in folk stories together with characters in novels andtraditional
Chinese operas and working people in real life. Those figures can be positive
ornegative. Therefore, his works are of great interestingness.  1.民间彩塑:翻译为 folk painted sculpture。folk 意为&民间的&;painted sculpture意为&彩塑&。  2.家境贫寒:即家庭贫困,可译为poverty of one's family或poor family。  3.戏曲:此处虽未具体点明是哪个戏曲,但讲的肯定是中国戏曲,故译为 traditional Chinese operas。  4.劳动人民:翻译为working people,不要生硬地译为labour people。  5.具有浓厚的趣味性:翻译为be of great interestingness。
  聚培训为备考英语四级的同学整理了英语四级词汇讲解及考点归纳,希望可以为大家带来帮助,一起来学习一下吧。  英语四级词汇讲解丨考点归纳:often  Often,older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological
clock.  英语四级译文:  年迈的父母经常能够听见另一种生物钟的嘀嗒声。  四级词汇讲解:  本句是一个简单句。副词often置于句首的作用是强调。  原句中的ticking为名词,指&(钟表等)发出的嘀嗒声&;tick为其动词形式,指&(钟表等)发出嘀嗒声&。如:  Meanwhile the minutes kept ticking away.同时,时间一分一分地过去。  biological clock意为&生物钟&。  英语四级考点归纳:  与often一样表示事情发生频率的副词还有always和usually,三者含义相近却不完全相同:  ※ often强调经常性,除了可以译为&经常&外,还可以译为&往往&。如:  In the past some people often thought Chinese medicine
unscientific.过去,有些人常认为中药不科学。  ※ always强调语气,偏重于表示&永远;在任何时候;没有例外&。如:  You can always rely on him to think of a way out.你可以依靠他,他永远有办法。  ※ usually意为&通常&,指&按照惯例&。如:  I'm not usually so late.我平常并不会这么晚来。
  2018年6月大学英语四级阅读200篇汇总  Singapore Issues Casino License  新加坡首个赌场开张  Singapore's first casino won regulatory approval to open, paving the way
for the debut of gambling in the squeaky clean city-state as early as next
week's Lunar New Year holiday.  新加坡监管当局批准该国首个赌场开门营业。博彩业最早将于农历新年期间在这个一尘不染的城市国家登台亮相。  The opening of the casino by Malaysian gambling company Genting Singapore
PLC---ahead of Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s much-delayed showpiece project in
Singapore's downtown---would bring a formal end to the Singapore government's
decades-long opposition to gambling.  该赌场由马来西亚博彩上市公司——新加坡绅士经营,拉斯维加斯金沙集团 (Las Vegas Sands
Corp.)在新加坡市中心的示范项目严重滞后,未能抢得先机。意味着新加坡政府数十年来反对赌博的政策正式结束。  It also establishes an important new front for the growth of the booming
casino industry in Asia, roping in new gamblers even as it seeks to take
business away from Macau and smaller gambling operations in Malaysia, Cambodia,
the philippines and elsewhere.  新加坡此举为亚洲蓬勃发展的博彩产业建立了重要的新阵地,不但能吸引新的赌客,还力图从澳门以及马来西亚、柬埔寨、菲律宾等其他地方的小赌场吸引生意。  It comes as the city-state seeks to find a competitive edge amid a nascent
boom in outbound tourism and business travel from China, India and the rest of
the region.  来自中国、印度及该地区其他地方的出境游和商务旅行客流不断壮大,新加坡力求通过此举在该新兴市场中保持竞争优势。  But bringing casinos to Singapore also raises a number of sticky questions
for the cautious government, which is barring under-21s from entering a casino,
proscribing automatic-teller machines from the casino floor and blacklisting
anyone deemed to have gambling problems. Authorities are also trying to dissuade
Singaporeans and permanent residents from gambling by forcing them to pay a
US$70 entry fee to casinos---a levy from which tourists are exempt.  但允许赌场进入新加坡也给谨慎的新加坡政府带来了一些难题。政府禁止21岁以下人士进入赌场,不允许在赌场内放置自动柜员机,并将据称有赌博问题的人士列入黑名单。当局要求,新加坡公民及永久居民进入赌场时需缴纳每人70美元的入场费,以试图劝阻其远离赌场。外国游客无需缴纳这笔费用。  Singapore's Casino Regulatory Authority posted a notice announcing the
approval of the license Saturday. While the approval was expected, its timing
was unclear. Lim Kok Thay, chairman of Genting Singapore's Resorts World Sentosa
said in a statement that he was "happy to have received the casino license."  新加坡赌场管制局在网上发布通知,宣布营业执照已于周六获批。尽管外界预计执照将获批准,但时间并不确定。云顶新加坡公司旗下的圣淘沙名胜世界董事长林国泰在声明中说非常高兴获得赌场执照。  While largely a formality, Singapore regulators said they wouldn't grant a
gambling license to either of the city's two resort operators until a certain
proportion of the broader property is finished. Last month, Genting opened four
luxury hotels at its project and has been giving private tours of its casino
floor, which has been fitted out in anticipation of the license approval.  尽管主要是形式上的要求,新加坡监管机构称在当地两个休闲场所运营商的相关地产建设进度达到确定比例之前,他们不会为其颁发赌场执照。上个月,云顶公司该项目中的4家豪华酒店开业,赌场也装备齐全,开始允许私人参观。  The company has long hoped to launch its casino operations ahead of the
Chinese New Year holiday, which begins on Feb. 14 and is a time when many people
in the region will be traveling or on holiday. The company has booked Stefanie
Sun, the city's best-known homegrown pop singer, for Feb. 16.  该公司一直希望赌场能在中国农历新年假期之前开门营业。中国农历新年假期开始于2月14日,届时该地区将会有许多人出门旅行或度假。该公司已经预订了新加坡最著名的流行歌手孙燕姿于2月16日作为嘉宾到场。  The centerpiece of Resorts World's family-oriented attractions, a large
Universal Studios theme park, is also expected to open.  该名胜世界的中心区是一个吸引家庭游玩的大型环球影城主题公园也即将开业。  The timing of gambling's arrival in Singapore could prove to be lucky, both
for Singapore and for the global gambling industry. Growth prospects remain
uncertain in Las Vegas and across the US, while policy uncertainties continue to
hover over Macau, the Chinese enclave that delivered most of the industry's
revenue growth since 2002.  对新加坡及全球的博彩业而言,该国开放博彩业的时机极佳:拉斯维加斯及全美的增长前景仍不明朗,政策不确定性问题继续困扰中国澳门。自2002年以来,整个博彩业的收入增长大多来自于澳门。  In this environment, Singapore's casinos could open a big untapped market
in Southeast Asia---a fast-growing region of 600 million people---and in doing
so help Asia further eclipse the US-based gambling industry.  在此背景下,新加坡的赌场将能够在东南亚这一具有6亿人口且经济快速增长的地区打开一个巨大的未开发市场,这有助于亚洲进一步赶超美国的博彩业。  句型讲解:  1. It also establishes an important new front for the growth of the booming
casino industry in Asia, roping in new gamblers even as it seeks to take
business away from Macau and smaller gambling operations in Malaysia, Cambodia.
the Philippines and elsewhere.  本句是一个复合句,主句是It also…in Asia, roping in...elsewhere 现在分词短语作伴随状语。其中even
as引导时间状语从句,意为&正巧在……的时候,正如&。  语法重点:分词短语作状语,时间状语从句  2. But bringing casinos to Singapore also raises a number of sticky
questions for the cautious government, which is barring under-21s from entering
a casino proscribing automatic-teller machines from the casino floor and
blacklisting anyone deemed to have gambling problems.  本句是一个复合句,主句是 But bringing casinos... cautious government,其中 bringing
casinos to Singapore是动名词短语作主语。 which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰government,作从句的主语,其中 barring, proscribing... floor和
blacklisting...problems是三个并列的谓语结构。在blacklisting...problems短语中, deemed to have
gambling problems是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰anyone。  语法重点:动名词短语作主语,分词短语作定语,定语从句  3. Growth prospects remain uncertain in Las Vegas and across the US, while
policy uncertainties continue to hover over Macau, the Chinese enclave that
delivered most of the industry's revenue growth since 2002.  本句是一个复合句,主句是 Growth prospects remain uncertain in Las Vegas and across the
US。 while引导时间状语从句,其中the Chinese enclave是Macau的同位语。后面that引导定语从句,修饰Macau。  语法重点:时间状语从句,同位语,定语从句
  2018年6月大学英语四级阅读200篇汇总  Three Kinds of Fatigue  Fatigue is one of the most common complaints brought to doctors, friends,
and relatives. You'd think in this era of labor-saving devices and convenient
transportation that few people would have reason to be so tired. But probably
more people complain of fatigue today than in the days when hay was baled by
hand and laundry scrubbed on a washboard.  The causes of modern-day fatigue are diverse and only rarely related to
excessive physical exertion. The relatively few people who do heavy labor all
day long almost never complain about being tired, perhaps because they expect to
be. Today, physicians report, tiredness is more likely a consequence of
under-exertion than of wearing yourself down with over-activity. In fact,
increased physical activity is often prescribed as a cure for lowering
energy.  Physical. This is the well-known result of overworking your muscles to the
point where metabolic (新成代谢的) waste products—carbon dioxide and lactic acid
(乳酸)—accumulate in our blood and reduce your strength. Your muscles can't
continue to work efficiently in a bath of these chemicals. Physical fatigue is
usually a pleasant tiredness, such as that which you might experience after
playing a hard set of tennis, chopping wood, or climbing a mountain. The cure is
simple and fast: You rest, giving your body a chance to get rid of accumulated
wastes and restore muscle fuel.  Pathological (病理的). Here fatigue is a warning sign or consequence of some
underlying physical disorder, perhaps the common cold or flu or something more
serious like diabetes or cancer. Usually other symptoms besides fatigue are
present that suggest the true cause.  Even after an illness has passed, you're likely to feel dragged out for a
week or more. Take your fatigue as a signal to go slow while your body has a
chance to recover fully even if all you had was a cold. Pushing yourself to
resume full activity too soon could lead to a relapse (旧病复发) and almost
certainly will prolong our period of fatigue.  Even though illness is not frequent cause of prolonged fatigue, it's very
important that it not be overlooked. Therefore, anyone who feels drained of
energy for weeks on end should have a thorough physical check-up. But even if
nothing shows up as a result of the various medical tests, that doesn't mean
there's nothing wrong with you.  Psychological. Emotional problems and conflicts, especially depression and
anxiety, are by far the most common causes of prolonged fatigue. Fatigue may
represent a defence mechanism that prevents you from having to face the true
cause of your depression, such as the fact that you hate your job. It is also
your body's safety mechanism for expressing repressed emotional conflicts, such
as feeling trapped in an ungrateful role or an unhappy marriage. When such
feelings are not expressed openly, they often come out as physical symptoms,
with fatigue as one of the most common manifestations. "Many people who are
extremely fatigued don't even know they're depressed," Dr. Bulette says.
"They're so busy distracting themselves or just worrying about being tired that
they don't recognize their depression. "  There is a great deal you can do on your own to deal with both severe
prolonged fatigue and those periodic washed-out feelings. Vitamins and
tranquilizers (镇静剂 ) are almost never the right answer, sleeping pills and
alcohol are counterproductive, and caffeine is at best a temporary solution that
can backfire with abuse and cause life-disrupting symptoms of anxiety. Instead,
you might try: Diet  If you eat a small breakfast or none at all, you're likely to experience
mid-morning fatigue, the result of a drop in blood sugar, which your body and
brain depend on for energy. For peak energy in the morning, be sure to eat a
proper breakfast, low in sugar and fairly high in protein, which will provide a
steady supply of blood sugar throughout the morning. Coffee and a doughnut are
almost worse than nothing, providing a brief boost and then letting you down
with a thud. Exercise  Contrary to what you may think, exercise enhances, rather than saps,
energy. Regular conditioning exercises, such as jogging, cycling, or swimming,
help you to resist fatigue by increasing your body's ability to handle more of a
work load. You get tired less quickly because your capability is greater.  Exercise also has a well-recognized tranquilizing effect, which helps you
work in a more relaxed fashion and be less dragged down by the tensions of your
day. At the end of a day exercise can relieve accumulated tensions, give you
more energy in the evening, and help you sleep more restfully.  Sleep  If you know you're tired because you haven't been getting enough sleep, the
solution is simple: Get to bed earlier. There's no right amount of sleep for
everyone, and generally sleep requirements decline with age. Find the amount
that suits you best, and aim for it. Insomnia(失眠) and other sleep disorders
should not be treated with sleeping pills, alcohol, or tranquilizers, which can
actually make the problem worse.  Know yourself  Try to schedule your most difficult jobs for the time of day when you're at
your peak. Some are "morning people" who tire by mid- others do their
best work in the evening. Don't overextend yourself, trying to climb the ladder
of success at a record pace or to meet everyone's demands or expectations.
Decide what you want to do and what you can handle comfortably, and learn to say
no to additional requests. Recognize your energy cycles and plan accordingly.
Many women have a low point premenstrually, during which time extra sleep may be
needed and demanding activities are particularly exhausting. , Take breaks  No matter how interesting or demanding you work, you'll be able to do it
with more vigor if now and again you stop, stretch, and change the scenery.
Instead of coffee and a sweet roll on your break, try meditation, yoga,
callisthenics(健美操) , or a brisk walk. Even running up and down the staircase can
provide refreshment from a sedentary(久坐的) job. If your job is physically
demanding, relax in a quiet place for a while. The do-something-different rule
also "getting away from it all" for a week or two or longer
can be highly revitalizing, helping you to put things in perspective and
enabling you to take your job more in stride upon your return.  1. According to the passage, it is hard for people to find causes of
tiredness when they are leading a comfortable and convenient life.  2. Causes of certain types of fatigue are discussed and some suggestions
are put forward in the passage.  3. Most people don't want to talk about their unhappy feelings with
others.  4. Physical fatigue is good because it brings us a lot of pleasure.  5. Psychological fatigue is the likely response of our body to emotional
problems and conflicts.  6. Coffee and a doughnut make the satisfying breakfast as they provide
people with the desired energy.  7. When you have a prolonged fatigue, it is necessary to have a thorough
physical check-  up even if there is nothing wrong with you.  8. No matter how interesting or demanding your work, you need to______.  9. From the passage, it can be seen that the author's attitudes towards the
approach to dealing with modern-fatigue is______.  10. According to physicians' report, tiredness more probably results
from______.  答案:1. N 2. Y 3. NG 4. N 5. Y 6. N 7. N 8. take breaks 9. positive 10.
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