
PlanIt! – 超过 100 种功能,风光摄影师必备,帮你在正确的时间拍出好照片
PlanIt! 解决了风光摄影师,或者说,青小蛙(哦不,青小蛙只是个风光片拍照爱好者)在出门旅游前,对拍照做一些计划,比如在哪里拍照,什么时候拍照。
因为我们知道,每天的最佳拍照时间是不固定的,需要根据太阳和星星月亮来觉得,比如青小蛙介绍过的 ,根据日落时间来提醒你一天当中最好的拍摄时间。
而 PlanIt! 就强大太多了,无论哪个方面,比如旅行,城市,自然,夜景,星空,银河,星轨,延时,都能帮你找到最好的拍摄时机。
Planit! 可以查询到任意一天任何地点的日出日落时间、月出月落、曙暮光开始结束时间、黄金时段、蓝色时段,甚至太阳和月亮,还有星星、星座、银河、星云的位置。
另外还有星轨计算器和延时摄影计算器功能,曝光自动计算,ND 滤镜计算器。
PlanIt!这个应用实际上就是一个虚拟的相机。平时您拍风光照片都是到一个机位,放下相机和三脚架,调整相机焦距、方向、仰角来改变构图。最后关键的瞬间就是等待最佳光线。往往没有等到好光失望而归的情况应该不在少数。 而使用这个应用,您就可以坐在家里,提前计划刚才提到的这些步骤,添加需要的一些标记,在应用内的取景框模式下调整好构图,然后调整时间看太阳、月亮、银河、星星等等的位置,决定最佳的时间再去该机位去拍。如果配合天气的应用,该应用可以大大提高您拍摄的成功率。
可以给个精选,适合专业摄影师和爱好者们,这是一款华人开发的应用。,iOS 版本价格 40 元,,Android 用户可以从
或者 安装。
emmm……我还是呆在家里吧。︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿
: win7 表示好软件!日03:09:34: 去任务管理器把 aria2 终止掉,重新运行: 这个可能和aria2没什么关系: 推荐rescueTime: 推荐使用windows自带命令:robocopy,带参数 /mir: 别说了,有一堆的工具我还是会止不住刷啊: 这个怎么用啊,我弄了半天都不会
传说中的小众软件 让你的手机应用与众不同。
商业网站、微信公众号 或其他未授权媒体不得复制、转载、使用本站内容。【摄影漫谈】之二:PlanIt!摄影计划神器简介和视频教程
本专栏【摄影漫谈】后续部分内容预告《都2017年了,你还在用渐变灰滤镜拍风光片?你Out了!- 单张大光比光线条件下出片流程》《都2017年了,你还只知道在黄金时段拍风光片?你Out了!》《大灯泡镜头用后置式中灰滤镜评测》《什么是ISO不变性?》《适马12-24mm f/4 ART镜头评测》《旅游者的视角和摄影师的视角》《曝光合成流程》我开始在美篇上开设一个专栏【摄影漫谈】来读者分享我在风光摄影从器材到理念到技术的各种心得和经验。这个专栏的内容将同步在我的公众号里推出。 感谢冰雪聪明的梦中画美女为这个专栏取了这个贴切的名字。 前言胡亦鸣 (云漫)我发表的图文和出版的书籍有幸受到千千万万的读者的关注和喜爱。 我知道大家关注我的原因不仅仅是我的作品、我的为人、和我的风光摄影理念。 作为一个拥有多家设备的,不折不扣的器材党,很多读者也信任我在器材方面的观点和建议 (换句话说,我其实知道我自己毒害了一大批人。) 我也会努力不让大家失望,会不断给大家带来公允地,对风光摄影有实际指导意义的意见、评测和教程。 器材不仅仅是指镜头、机身和三脚架等硬件。 软件早就是最重要的器材之一。而在当今这个时代,它更加包括了智能手机上的各种应用程序(Apps)。这些应用已经成为风光摄影师的最有力助手之一。在我的《极致之美 - 云漫的风光摄影手记》一书里,我强烈推荐了PlanIt! Pro这个软件。下面一段话引自我的书中:对风光摄影师来说,熟悉日出日落、月升月落的时间和方位;了解银河在不同季节,不同地点,不同时刻在天空中的形态和位置;查找某一天的月相;知道拍摄点的地理位置和太阳/月亮/银河直接的关系;掌握潮水涨落时间等是基本功。以前我们要花时间查阅大量资料,还需要对拍摄地点的情况非常熟悉,才能对这切有深入了解。现在一个天文星历手机应用程序就可以轻松地帮我们查到这一切,并提前几天甚至几个月做好周密的拍摄计划。市场上有好几个类似产品,我个人认为最好的一个是PlanIt! Pro。这是一款由美国华裔摄影爱好者乔文杰先生开发的软件。它不但涵盖了著名的TPE(The Photographer’s Ephemeris)、Stellarium的常用星历软件功能,提供了日月星辰的位置,而且还能告诉你在地球上那个位置的某一时刻会有物体挡住我们感兴趣的天体。它提供了一个类似取景窗一般的画面,可以直观地看到某时某地太阳,月亮或银河在画面中的位置,以及它们和地面景物之间的关系。此外它还提供了潮汐高度信息,以及其它和风光摄影有关的各种功能。这个功能强大的软件使用起来自然复杂。由于作者是华人,它不但提供了中文界面,乔文杰先生还专门制作了详细的汉语视频教程。本文的题图就是这个软件的初始屏幕,大家可以看到它的极为丰富的功能。这个软件在谷歌和苹果的应用商店里都可以找到。目前在北美的华人风光摄影人里,特别是那些喜欢拍摄星野风光的摄影师群里里,这个应用已经基本是人手一份了。 为了帮助大家更好地使用这个利器,我们有幸请到这个软件的作者乔文杰先生为专门为本公众号的读者写了下面的软件简介,并录制了视频教程。 下面是乔先生的文字和视频。PlanIt! for Photographers 简介乔文杰PlanIt! for Photographers (摄影计划神器)是一个专门为风光摄影师提前计划做的一个手机应用,在Apple的App
Store和Android的Play Store都可以找到。Planit就是Plan the
Shot的意思。虽然目前有类似TPE或者PhotoPills的手机应用可以告诉你日出日落时间位置,可是到了真正用的时候,你就傻了,一看前面有座山挡住了太阳。“哪位能告诉太阳什么时候会升到前面这个山上面啊?”一问周围的摄影师,没人知道。等太阳一出来,发现构图不好,大家就匆匆跑来跑去来调整构图而错过最佳拍摄时机。我当时就是有这样的疑问,经过几次失败的拍摄经历,才想到自己写手机应用来解决这些风光摄影师经常会遇到的问题。开始手机应用的功能很简单,不过我想到啥功能就加啥功能,几年下来,这个手机应用功能越来越多。不单是常见的太阳月亮位置完全可以算出来,还包括银河位置、星星位置和星轨模拟、曝光和ND滤镜计算、光度计、景深计算、光线角度、阴影长度,延时摄影模拟,彩虹位置的预测和潮水高度的预测和搜索等等风光摄影师常用的功能。最为独特的是大家可以将相机设定到地球上的任何位置,设到过去或者将来的任何时间,PlanIt会在模拟取景框画出来那个时刻太阳、月亮、星星和银河位置以及地面轮廓,帮助您足不出户就可以轻松完成构思。该应用推出后在风光摄影师里面引起了很大的反响。我也听说一些以前用其他类似手机应用的已经很熟了的摄影师在经历几次失败教训后,纷纷转到使用Planit,由此可见Planit的准确性和独特性。风光摄影绝非易事。为了拍到好的照片,风光摄影师经常要风餐露宿,还要上雪山,下冰湖。如果你没有事先计划好,很有可能白忙了一场。《繁星之路》,美国俄勒冈州火山口湖国家公园, 佳能5D Mark II,EF16-35mm f/2.8L II, 多张竖拍接片和曝光合成。 拍摄时间:pin日比如云漫大师这一张用多张16mm镜头竖接片而得到的美国火山口湖的银河照片,就是拍在寒冷的冬夜
(5月的高山上,积雪依然有几米厚)。为了拍摄到这张作品,他夜晚独自在高山雪地里露营。可是他用其他手机应用误判了银河的高度,结果第一天夜里两点起床后,发现时间已经太晚,银河已经很高,所以不得不又多露营了一夜,才拍到这张照片。如果用PlanIt,可以设定一个焦距,然后模拟出银河在该焦距下的实际形状。另外还可以快速的通过事件卡片功能看到当晚的几个银河形态的时间,就很难出现误判的情况。Planit软件里的火山口湖的拍摄机位和拍摄方向显示。这里使用了全景照片拼图功能模拟。Planit软件里的虚拟取景器功能。软件预测的当时的银河和地面景物的位置和实际拍摄完全一致Planit软件精确地计算出我拍摄的那两天前后可以拍摄这样构图的时间 您今年也想去这个地方拍摄和这个形状完全相同的银河拱桥?Planit软件精确地计算出今年前几个月可以这样拍的时间和日期。 这里还演示了过滤功能:这些夜晚都在周末(上班族只有周末有空啊),而且没有月光的干扰。 《星空璀璨》,美国犹他州教堂谷, 佳能5D Mark II,EF17-40 mm
Valley。在地形图上,这两个大石头清晰可见,云漫的构思就是希望银河可以直的出现在两个石头中间。通过PlanIt的模拟,很容易就可以确定在哪个机位,有哪些晚上可以拍到,以及每个晚上月亮的情况。有时候你甚至可以根据银河的不同高度,提前构思附近几个机位的多个构图,利用时间差,一夜完成多张不同构图的银河照片,起到事半功倍的效果。从安全方面考虑,黑夜里面在这样极其荒凉的地方到处乱撞本来就不安全。所以事先确定了地点,在PlanIt加上标记,然后夜里根据GPS直接走到预定机位会安全很多。Planit软件里的虚拟取景器预测的银河和地面景物的位置Planit软件里的拍摄机位和拍摄方向显示这个应用还可以用来算光的方向以及是否会被阻挡。大家知道,风光摄影其实就是一个用自然光的艺术。就算在同一个地点,有没有光拍出来照片区别非常大。前段时间云漫不远万里飞到智利的巴塔哥尼亚山一带。他这次旅行的一个重要目的是拍摄著名的三塔山日出。到达那个点非常不容易,需要背负40磅的露营和摄影器材,走19公里的山路,登高1100多米。那天凌晨云漫从半山腰的营地出发, 希望可以拍到日照三塔的壮观景色。之前公园管理员告诉他那里的日出会非常漂亮。 可是日出之时,让他失望的是,花了如此高的代价上山,可放眼看过去,周边的所有的山头都被金红色的朝阳点亮了,唯独他想拍摄的三塔却一直在阴影中!他在现场初步判断出来是因为他左手边的山档住了太阳,可是那个山并不是很大。回来后让我来确认一下。果然不出所料,真是这个不大的山真好挡住了光。也是赶巧了,只有十二月份才会出现这样被挡住的情况,偏偏他在出发之前忘记查一下了 (不仅如此,连公园管理处的人和营地管理员也都告诉他能看到日照三塔)。大家可以用光线和阴影这个功能看到太阳光是否在某个时刻照到某个地点。那天清晨,周围的山峰全部被照亮,包括前面这个小山包。可是比这个小山包高的多的三塔(画面中间红色箭头指向的三座尖峰)偏偏出乎意料地处于阴影中。 拍摄机位和环境地图软件显示画面左边的山峰会挡住初升到阳光Planit显示三月份或者其他大部分月份都不会出现这样的阳光被遮挡的情况。被遮挡的时间概率很小,只是在12月。这大概是公园管理处的很多人都没想到这点的原因。 三月份就不会出现这样的阳光被遮挡的情况&PlanIt! for Photographers 视频教材这个软件的功能及其丰富,因此使用起来也相当复杂。 下面的教学视频(腾讯视频)为大家展示了如何使用这个软件的关键功能。 海外的读者可以直接看YouTube的视频,速度更快。链接是:教程结束欢迎访问我的个人作品网站: www.majestic-nature.com欢迎长按并扫描下面的二维码来订阅本公众号《云漫风光摄影》。我会时常在这里和大家分享我的摄影作品,拍摄心得,前后期技术,和摄影行程。
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请填写产品满意度It’s all about Planning for Landscape Photography!
This is the only planning app you need for landscape photography.
Everything you need for your landscape photography planning, from golden hour, to blue hour, to milky way, to star-trails, to timelapse, to eclipses, to seascape, and more. Everything, I mean everything.
The app that you can depend because all information provided in the app are accurate as long as you use it correctly. The position of celestial object is accurate up to 0.1°.
Just imagine you are using the app is your camera, you can place it at anywhere on the earth, set the time to anytime in the past or future, and see the corresponding information while you are still at home.
How does it work?
The PlanIt! app is just like a virtual camera. Instead of actually going to a location to place your real camera, you can place the camera pin on the map to simulate going to that location. You can add markers to the map to create your own scene and visualize it in the virtual viewfinders. You can also adjust the time slider to change to any time in the past or in the future to see the Sun, the Moon, the stars, or the Milky Way moving over the map or in the viewfinder.
Camera Tools
Camera location, main subject, camera azimuth and elevation angle, focal length, aperture, depth of field, hyperfocal distance, panorama. You can set pretty much every settings about your camera virtually in this app.
By adding markers to the map, you can simulate any compositions in your mind. Creativity is the only limitation. This is what makes the PlanIt! powerful because everything is in your own hands.
Nothing is more familiar to a photographer than the camera's viewfinder. Now you can use the PlanIt! to see a simulated viewfinder. It can be viewfinder of VR, AR, Picture or Streetview with ephemeris overlays.
Powered by Google Search, you can search many interesting locations on the earth. The same search text box accepts coordinates as well. You can save the locations as marker files and share them with friends.
Over 100 features available in this app.
Video Tutorials
Here are some video tutorials. We will create more in the future.
User Guides
If you prefer to read help files instead of watching the video tutorials, here are nine user guides in PDF format.
Please find some screenshots in the app.
Arthur Fentaman
A must have app for anyone interested in landscape photography and for astrophotographers. Shows the position and height of all solar system objects, stars, milkyway centre relative to the local surrounding areas.
Find a nearby dark site using the light pollution layer, and even simulate the scene through the viewfinder at a future date and time. What shutter speed do I need to prevent star trails? How long an exposure to get complete star trails? Will the moon appear behind that hill? All of this is answered!
I wish I'd found this years ago!
Michael Mason
Really stupendous - has so much functionality. This has what you need to plan a landscape shoot. Gives info on where sun/moon will be at any time (particularly rise, set, full moon) in relation to your object. Includes other celestial bodies as well. Using Google maps it also shows terrain shapes/obstacles to aid your precise planning,
Sam Poitevent
Amazing - Dec 2016 Update is Phenomenal! Wow, it looks like it does everything! How will reality match up to the plan remains to be seen as I just installed the app but I've already got several shooting sessions planned out for upcoming vacations thanks to this app - Milky way, sunrise/sunset, etc.
Very very handy. Takes all of the guesswork out of positioning, timing, useful scenario based camera settings, etc.
Be sure to watch YouTube tutorials, then it will all click.
Jing Wee Lim
This is the BEST. I specialized in moon alignment with landmark and this is the only app that helps me confidently plan ahead,
accurately pinpoint the target and achieve the exact view I want to shoot
every month without fail.
Great app, makes me want to do more photography So many good features, hard to go over one by one. The easy way of sliding the time and seeing the view changes is the most impressive. It even adjusts the view based on lense focal length. I heard from a friend about this app, and it replaces all the silly small sunrise sunset, tide apps I used before. This is an all in one app. Great work, worth much more than the price charged.
Haydn Huston
Absolutely brilliant! Over the years I've accumulated several different apps with the aims of aiding my landscape photography. I didn't think it was even possible to bring them all together but this app without doubt has managed and exceeded my expectations by far. Literally everything is there you could hope for. It's intuitive and all put together perfectly, it also has great explanations and advice within the app for clarification. It's a properly put together app and beyond any doubt definitely worth the price. I'm amazed!
KILLER APP for landscape photography. Good planning is half of landscape photography. And above all, nightscape shots. I usually find myself using some combinations of dark site map + moon phase calendar + panoramio. You get the idea. It can be time consuming and hard to keep track of so many balls juggled in the air. PlanIt! not only gives you those functions, but also visualizes it, which is a HUGE DEAL! Planning and exercising the shots are never this easy by playing with an interactive view. What you see is what you will get. Nailed it!
Christian Scheitel
Great Just about everything you could wish for to schedule photos! Of course there are one or the other thing to look forward to the next update, but basically I think currently the best app of its kind! Price / okay, provided it is developed! THX! Chris 05/10/2015 PS .: Was two weeks in Tuscany and have your app know really. the best that there is in the market !!!! Super manual! Please continue! THX GUYS! 6.16 Great work your updates !! Worth every penny! THX again
Bill Mathe
Amazing App... I have used a lot of other photography planning apps and this is by far the most complete the most accurate the most exact and the most all in one app and tool I've ever used... It does take a little bit of time to get to know the tool...there can be some frustrating moments because the tool is so complex... but it is well worth taking the time to learn how to use it
just like you would with like any other professional tool
Nigel elliott
Why didn't I get this app earlier! Such a good app! So much info for planning a shot. Wish I'd got it last week. Went out at night thinking a MW shot.... Looked up, full moon, went to the place I had in mind, MW was behind me. Failed, and disappointed. Now I'm never going unplanned again.
Jordan Fisher
Best photo app on the market!! I love doing night photography specifically photos of the milky way and this app is 2nd to none. On top of that the developer is one of the nicest and most helpful people I've come across. He helped me get to know the app better and now this is the only app I use for my photography. Top notch 10 stars would be given if I could. Help him out and buy the paid version it's worth it!
Jonathan Pugh
Innovative and stunning I'm yet to get out and take real photos as a result of using this app, but the possibilities it is enabling are amazing. This app does so much. The potential is limitless. It works beautifully on my phone and the video tutorials have been very helpful.
A Must Have for any Photographer!! If you are a photographer, do yourself a favor and buy this app ASAP. This app is a must have, and is hands down better than the other ephemeris apps I've used. Bortle Dark Sky info, Sun, Moon, and the Milky Way azimuth, angle, rise and set times. The ability to save your photography plan for later viewing. This app has it all. My only regret is not buying this sooner!!! Do yourself a favor and click the "buy" button right now!!
Donald Endicott
Exceptional tool for archaeoastronomy! After only a day of use, I can see this is going to be a very useful planning tool.
I have watched the tutorial and am still learning the interfaces.
Certainly more complex than TPE and a bit like a Swiss Army Knife as far as flexibility and applicability to a host of activities.
I do archaeoastronomy documentation in addition to photography and have found the VR view a very useful new tool in my kit. Update:
Through experimentation, I discovered the skyline horizon is very dependent on where the scene icon is placed.
This makes perfect sense in complex terrain with many layers of mountain ridges.
The elevation profile determined from Google Map is analogous to an x-ray slice of a cat scan.
After finding the true obstructing ridgeline (8 km vs 10 km distant), PlanIt! was spot on in comparison to timing and perspective in reference photos I previously took from the same location.
This is an exceptional product which I highly recommend.
??inn D. L?ve
Far exceeds expectations I live in a country with extreme changes in available sunlight, and varying even further in fjords and yet more in the north.
In these circumstances it is of extreme importance to know exactly at what time the sun is at a given location, this is where the PlanIt! comes in.
So far the use has been straightforward and the accuracy, usability and applicability has proven to be far deeper than I had ever imagined. So much so that this is the first, and only, rated review I have given.
Frequently asked questions
Please see below some commonly asked questions
Virtual Reality Viewfinder or VR in short is one of the main features that none of other apps have. It is much more accurate than the Augmented Reality. Many users switched to the PlanIt! because other apps are not accurate enough.
All ephemeris calculations don't need Internet. The Internet is only required to download the map. If you anticipate going offline, you can browse the map for that region so that the map will be cached. You may also download the offline elevation data for the region following the instructions on the user guide.
Yes, the PlanIt! works anywhere on the Earth. You can set the camera pin to a place to see ephemeris information for that location. You can plan for any locations even at home. That's why it is called PlanIt - to plan the shot for anywhere and at anytime.
While the main purpose of the PlanIt! is to plan beforehand, you can use it on site as well to check the plan or adjust the plan based on what you actually see. The AR feature can also be used on site. There are also many tools such as exposure and nd calculator, DoF, panorama calculator etc. that can be used on site.
It depends. The celestial object position (azimuth and elevation angle) is accurate up to 0.1°. The elevation provided by Google is up to 30m resolution in U.S. and 90m outside U.S. There are also other factors that could affect the accuracy of the planning, such as the map accuracy which could affect the placement of the markers.
The app supports iOS and Android natively. If you need a big screen, you can use iPad or Android Tablets. You can also use a mirror software such as Vysor to mirror an Android screen to a computer so that you can a big screen to work on. A 3rd alternative is to use an Android emulators such as Bluestacks to run the Android version of the app.
Not at the moment, but that's something we plan to support in the future.
Get in Touch
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Located in the beautiful San Diego, we are a group of enthusiastic landscape photographers and professional app developers along with many supportive users around the world. We are determined to bring the best app for our fellow landscape photographers.
10621 Amberglades Ln, San Diego, CA 92130 USA
@ 2017 PlanIt Photo Inc. all right reserved.


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