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本帖最后由 wanghaidong918 于
13:36 编辑
经济的衰落之路  20世纪初期,赶超,成为世界第一经济强国,是奉行规模经济的结果,其特征是以大批量生产为基础的gdp增长。具有代表性的例证是,美国率先使用生产流水线,大批量生产普及型汽车,英国一直在小批量地生产豪华汽车。然而,美国模式的发展轨迹应了一句老话:成也萧何,败也萧何。规模经济必须由大规模投资来支撑,大规模生产必须有大规模消费相呼应。与消费相适应,出现了大型零售机构,如百货公司和连锁式超级市场。  20世纪30年代,由于需求不足,供给过剩,发生了历史上最惨重的经济衰退。于是,当时的美国总统罗斯福以扩大财政开支刺激需求,促进消费和投资,美国经济得以复苏,但扩大了美国模式的高消费和高投资的固有逻辑过高的资源消耗和偏低的储蓄率。20世纪70年代,发生了震撼世界经济的两大事件:一是石油价格暴涨,引发了世界经济大衰退;二是美元与黄金脱钩,原因是美国出现了巨额贸易赤字和财政赤字。这两大事件凸显了规模经济模式固有逻辑的弊病,美国经济从此走向下坡路。面对石油价格暴涨,采取了两大措施:使用节约能源的新技术;发展服务业,抑制能源消耗较高的制造业;比较成功地减少了能源消耗。因此,近年来,国际石油价格一路飙升,美国却能处惊不变。面对巨额贸易赤字和财政赤字,经济一直在动荡中前行。20世纪80年代,美国经历了严重经济衰退之后,制造业出现衰落局面。同时,美国制造业公司把生产转移到海外。制造业失去了在经济增长中的主导地位。为此,美国ZF一直为寻找新的经济发展方向煞费苦心。克林顿ZF想把互联网作为新的经济增长点。结果吹出一个网络泡沫。大量资金投向互联网,没有收益。2000年,美国股票暴跌,经济陷入衰退。克林顿失算了。小布什上台后,面对同样的困惑:美国经济靠什么增长?制造业靠不住,互联网也靠不住。于是,发展房地产。2007年,爆发了由房地产泡沫导致的次贷危机,引发全面金融危机,经济衰退再一次降临。奥巴马接了小布什的烂摊子走马上任。除了为抢救金融业花了大把银子,他还有什么“锦囊妙计”?上台伊始,奥巴马提出发展互联网。此时的互联网已经不是彼时的互联网,而是进化到物联网阶段。物联网可以把物质实体连接在一起,制成品自然在连接之列。那么,制造业的振兴可以借物联网的一臂之力。他提出了投资基础设施的政策。建设基础设施需要钢铁,需要水泥。这明明是在为制造业创造市场需求。他还有一个鼓励企业设备投资的减税计划,为制造业提供优厚政策待遇的意图已经十分明显。同时,ZF开始实施医疗保健改革计划。财政赤字不减反增。奥巴马只能沿袭前几届ZF的宏观经济扩张政策。美国经济的困局表明,规模经济模式不能再继续下去了。未来十年将是有产者和无产者展开经济战的十年,令美国从内部土崩瓦解的三种意识形态之间的斗争也绝无妥协余地。“贫富差距”、贪婪、权利和敌意都如此根深蒂固,根本不可能妥协。只有像1929年那样出现大灾大难,资本主义和民主制统统崩溃,经济坠入地狱,美国才不得不进行彻底改革。看看今后十年都会发生些什么吧:2011年:华尔街超级富豪统治华盛顿
过去三十年,所谓的民主国家美国一直控制在保守派手中,从里根(Reagan)到奥巴马都是如此。在这种背景下,连“进步的”的联邦最高法院(SupremeCourt)去年也做出一件让美国人神经崩溃的事。最高法院推翻了长期以来一致沿用的判例,让富有老板掌控下无生命的公司拥有与有生命的公民同等的权利。在笔者当年就读的弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)的宪法课堂上,这项裁定会被判为不及格。
美国“超级富豪阴谋”从中产阶级纳税人手中榨取了数千亿美元。超级富豪可不管全球每年剧增1亿人口要消耗多少稀缺的大宗商品,他们只是将其视为通过自由市场全球化致富的工具,而根本不考虑全球人口攀升到100亿会酿成怎样的悲剧。所有这一切都需要耗费更多地球上有限的、不可再生的资源。环保人士比尔?麦吉本(Bill McKibbenc)曾警告称,“再不行动起来就迟了。科学证实,地球已经开始遭到破坏。”。假如我们现在对环保人士的警告充耳不闻,未来会遭报应。人类无法拯救地球。
当年五角大楼预计2020年爆发第三次世界大战时,凯文?菲利普斯(Kevin Phillips)也曾在《财富与民主》(Wealth andDemocracy)一书中警告称,“多数强国在经济实力达到顶峰时会变得不可一世,不惜以巨大的代价发动世界大战,结果耗费大量资源,背负巨额债务,最终玩火自焚。”《巨人:美利坚帝国的兴衰》(Colossus: The Rise and Fallof The American Empire)一书作者、金融史学家尼尔?弗格森(Niall Ferguson)也警告称,认为政治进程呈季节性和周期性是在自欺欺人。
弗格森问道,“假如历史进程不是周期性、缓慢渐变的,而是不规律的呢?假如社会的衰亡无须经过很多世纪,而是突然发生,让人措手不及的呢”?”贾德?戴蒙(Jared Diamond)在《大崩溃》 (Collapse) 一书中警告称,“最让人不安的历史事实是,有那么多文明都曾呈现出急转直下的衰落势头。确实,一个社会可能在其人口、财富和实力达到顶点后就开始走向衰亡了。”但共和党新党首对历史教训却视而不见。
显而易见,父权制(从古至今男人主导世界文化、政治和经济)已经失败了,它把世界带到了毁灭的边缘。为什么男性统治者会失败呢?投资管理公司GMO(资产管理规模达1,080亿美元)的负责人杰瑞米?格兰瑟姆(Jeremy Grantham)曾预见到了2008年金融危机,现在又发出新的警告,称男性领导者的管理风格偏情绪化,“缺乏耐心……只关注本季度要做的事情或者年度预算”。他认为,“应该有更多具有历史眼光,考虑更周全、右脑更发达的人”来担任领导者”。然而,“我们现在的领袖是一群只考虑眼前的左脑发达者”,所以“每次发生无历史经验可循的小概率复杂事件时,他们必然处理不好”,2000年、2008年、2012年、2016年和2020年都如此。格兰瑟姆的研究显示,在即将到来的后资本主义美国时代,女性领导者将自然而然地脱颍而出。其中一项原因是,男性的大脑构造决定了他们是短视的破坏者。更重要的原因是,女性大脑的进化决定了她们天生就更擅长从长远角度考虑问题。脑科学研究者告诉我们,75%的男性属于短线左脑思考者,75%的女性显示出较强的右脑思考特征,能够进行前瞻性思考,她们更擅于考虑未来和宏观图景,能认识到未来的结果,她们是维护和平的人,而不是战争游戏玩家。
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lou zhu shenyan, 。。。。。。。。
http://blog.163.com/xuesefeie87 官方博客 非加转载,皆为原创。
本文作者Paul B. Farrell曾担任摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的投资银行家,他着有“The Millionaire Code”、“The Winning Portfolio”等书。现为行为经济学专栏作家。
A year-by-year look at a decade
By Paul B. Farrell, MarketWatch
Aug. 8, 2011,
So here’s an update of my 10 annual predictions, a year-by-year look at a decade of economic battles between the haves and have-nots, with no room for compromise between the three ideologies destroying our nation from within. The “wealth gap,” the greed, the entitlements, the hostilities are now so entrenched, compromise is impossible. Only a catastrophic 1929-style collapse of capitalism, democracy and a descent into economic hell will force America to restructure. Here’s how it will unfold in the coming 10 years:
2011: Wall Street’s super-rich control Washington
Thanks to the conservative takeover of America’s so-called democracy over the past three decades, from Reagan to Obama, our activist Supreme Court delivered the coup de grace into America’s psyche last year, overturning long-established precedent giving rich owners of zombie corporations the same rights as live citizens. That decision would have gotten a failing grade in my constitutional-law class back at the University of Virginia.
2012: Super-rich solidify absolute power over our political system
That bizarre Supreme Court decision legalized political bribery. Now, billions pass through lobbyists to politicians with one goal: a promise that every politician vote in line with their ideology. Wealth rules. America is no longer a democracy, not even a plutocracy. Today our middle class is in a rapid trickle down into Third World status, while the rich get richer and the “gap” between the super-rich and the rest steadily widens. It is now irrelevant who wins the 2012 race, because money corrupts and Obama is already a puppet of this system favoring lobbyists and wealthy donors.
2013: Pentagon’s global commodity wars accelerate
During the Bush presidency, Fortune analyzed a classified Pentagon report predicting “climate could change radically and fast. That would be the mother of all national-security issues.” Billions of new people spread unrest worldwide as “massive droughts turn farmland into dust bowls and forests to ashes.” Also, “by 2020 there is little doubt that something drastic is happening ... an old
warfare defining human life.” Trapped in denial, political leaders will chose war over cooperation.
2014: Global population exploding, rapidly wasting resources
America’s “conspiracy of the super-rich” drains trillions from middle-class taxpayers. They see global population growth exploding by 100 million annually not as a drain on scarce commodities, but as tool to get richer through free-market globalization, ignoring the tragedies triggered as the population climbs to 10 billion, all demanding more of the world’s limited, nonrenewable resources, demanding payback for our failures to heed warnings of environmentalists like Bill McKibben: “It might be too late. The science is settled, the damage has already begun.” We can’t save the planet.
2015: ‘Gilded Age’ explodes America’s ‘Global Empire’
Around the time of the Pentagon’s prediction of WWIII in 2020, Kevin Phillips warned in “Wealth and Democracy”: “Most great nations, at the peak of their economic power, become arrogant and wage great world wars at great cost, wasting vast resources, taking on huge debt and ultimately burning themselves out.” Similarly, financial historian Niall Ferguson, author of “Colossus: The Rise and Fall of The American Empire,” warned that we deceive ourselves, thinking “about the political process in seasonal, cyclical terms.”
2016: Reaganomics self- crashes come
“But what if history is not cyclical and slow-moving but arrhythmic?” asks Ferguson. “What if collapse does not arrive over a number of centuries but comes suddenly,” too rapid to respond in time? The new GOP president ignores the lessons of history, like Jared Diamond’s warnings in “Collapse”: “One of the disturbing facts of history is that so many civilizations share a sharp curve of decline. Indeed, a society’s demise may begin only a decade or two after it reaches its peak in population, wealth and power.”
2017. Middle-class revolution: Buffett’s ‘rich class’ loses
The seeds were planted years ago. Warren Buffett saw the revolution coming: “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” After the 2016 presidential election, political rage explodes into a new civil war. The income “gap” pops a bubble, there’s economic collapse and riots spread against another bailout of our “too-greedy-to-fail” banks. New depression ignites class rebellion.
2018. The Fed and Wall Street collapse, Glass-Steagall reinstated
Diamond says he’s a “cautious optimist:” Leaders need “the courage to practice long-term thinking, make bold, courageous, anticipatory decisions at a time when problems have become perceptible but before they reach crisis proportions.” They delay, fail to act boldly. This crisis triggers a cultural revolution. History tells us most leaders act by short-term self-interest, not long-term public interests, especially politicians funded by billionaires who can’t see past quarterly earnings, year-end bonuses, the next election.
2019: Global commodity wars spread, killing millions, wasting trillions
More than half our federal budget goes to the Pentagon’s war machine, limiting America’s fiscal and monetary policies. In this context, new commodity wars are ignited by an accelerating global population against a decline in the world’s scarce resources. That also forces a total rethinking of the balance between spending to protect against external enemies and a rapid deterioration of domestic programs: employment, education, health care, retirement.
2020. America’s first woman president, patriarchal dominance ends
It is clear that patriarchy — male dominance of world culture, politics and economics throughout history — has failed, bringing the world to the brink of total destruction. Why do male leaders fail? Jeremy Grantham’s firm GMO manages $108 billion. He predicted the 2008 meltdown and now warns: Male leaders are emotional, “impatient ... management types who focus on what they are doing this quarter or this annual budget.” Leadership “requires more people with a historical perspective who are more thoughtful and more right-brained.” Yet “we end up with an army of left-brained immediate doers,” which guarantees that “every time we get an outlying, obscure event that has never happened before in history, they are always to miss it,” as in ,
and in 2020.
In the coming post-capitalism America, Grantham’s research suggests that women leaders will naturally emerge not just because the male brain is a short-term saboteur. The bigger reason is that women’s brains have evolved naturally as superior long-term thinkers. Brain researchers tell us 75% of men are short-term left-brain thinkers, while 75% of women tend to have strong right-brain traits as forward-thinkers, more aware of the future, the big picture, with a sense of future consequences, peacemakers rather than gamer-players.
Bottom line: These 10 predictions deserve serious consideration, so invest wisely, defensively and never listen to the happy talk from males across Wall Street, Washington or from the super-rich.


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