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Machine vision algorithms for semiconductor wafer inspection: a project with Inspex | (1998) | Chen |
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Proceedings Paper
Author(s): ; Tzu-Hung
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Paper Abstract
With increased demand for reliable and automated semiconductor wafer inspection, machine vision techniques are much needed for defect extraction and identification and pre- and post-processing operations. The wavelet-based approach is emphasized in this paper for its capability to meet different needs in wafer inspection. The algorithms involved are illustrated by using a number of wafer inspection images.
Paper Details
Date Published: 6 October 1998PDF: 8 pagesProc. SPIE 3521, Machine Vision Systems for Inspection and Metrology VII,
(6 October 1998); doi: Show Author Affiliations, Univ. of Massachusetts/Dartmouth (United States)Tzu-Hung
Cheng, Univ. of Massachusetts/Dartmouth (United States)Wo-Tak
Wu, Inspex, Inc. (United States)Shawn
Driscoll, Inspex, Inc. (United States)Published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3521: ; ; Susan Snell Solomon, Editor(s)Spexin expression in the carotid body
By&Porzionato A, Rucinski M, Sarasin G, Macchi V, Stecco C, Sfriso M, Malendowicz
L and De Caro R
Year: 2011
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