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专科生兄弟连java培训,入职区块链技术公司,如今月薪15K& 近年来,随着互联网行业的不断发展、进步,互联网行业的工作人员需求量也越来越高。因各种互联网行业的培训机构也“应运”而生,并且还在蓬勃的发展中,在这些互联网行业的培训机构中,兄弟连Java培训则属于领导品牌,并且经过11年的发展,技术性、经验性、权威性都有着很大的提升。毕业于北京师范大学的专科生小李,通过在兄弟连培训Java,毕业就职于区块链技术公司,如今已经成为了一位月薪15K的资深工程师&  专科出身做酒店管理,求突破选兄弟连培训学Java技术&  小李是北京邮电大学毕业的专科生,学的国际贸易专业。毕业后小李在北京一家酒店做酒店管理,工作普通平淡。随着工作做多了,小李渐渐发现这份工作不符合自己的期望。北京消费高,自己这点工资根本不够。&  但小李又考虑到自己只有大专学历,没有什么技能经验,于是她决定学一门技术,找一份更好的工作。经过多方打听和对比,小李看中了兄弟连培训,一家做IT职业教育的大企业。听了兄弟连培训试听课以后,小李发现兄弟连培训的课程都很优质,根据企业招聘一线需求来设计课程,教学生的都是实用技能,小李觉得在兄弟连培训能学到真技术,于是她加入了兄弟连培训Java。&  努力付出收获Java技能,入职区块链技术公司如今月薪15K&  小李满怀期待地开始了兄弟连培训的学习。兄弟连培训的教学品质果然如口碑一样好,课程采取分级教学模式,小李和同班级的同学们都是差不多的计算机水平,老师针对大家的水平教授知识,不用担心学不懂或者跟不上等问题。授课老师不仅能力出色,经验丰富,而且尽职尽责。最让小李印象深刻的是,兄弟连培训的老师都非常有人情味,很关系学生的学习情况。&  小李说,“授课老师讲课讲得很细,用实际商业案例和项目来讲授,每讲完一节会总结,每天下课之前都会强调,我们回去要多动手练习代码;老师还组织我们做知识回顾,每个人都要展示,确保我们真的学到了东西。&  兄弟连培训的Java课程通过不同的项目来配合学习,学生通过训练项目提升实操能力,也增加了经验技能。通过四个月持续高强度的学习,小李掌握了扎实的Java技能。临近毕业,人才服务团队有老师组织学生模拟面试,引导学生参加双选会。&  最终,小李入职区块链技术公司,如今已成为月薪15K的资深工程师,而且还在杭州买房结婚。因为兄弟连培训,小李成功突破学历限制,实现高薪就业,过上了幸福的人生。&  据了解,随着互联网行业的高速发展,我国目前的Java工程师仍然供不应求,Java人才缺口数量达到42.5万,并且还在以每年20%的速度增长。由此可见,在就业难问题上,互联网行业是一个很好的突破口,而对于没有技术的人群而言,兄弟连培训则成为了一个很好的突破口。
区块链的热度指数一直在飙升,它是一种潜在的变革性技术,是对互联网技术的升级和补充。它通过数学密码学解决了人与人之间价值交互的信任及公平性问题,长期来看区块链技术还是被看好的。那区块链有哪些应用场景呢?首先,区块链的三种应用的部署类型。私有链:多用在大型企业内部,较为隐私,不存在信任风险问题。企业的私有链项目主要用在审计和跟踪。联盟链:单一云服务的联盟链部署方式,形式较为简单,信任风险较低。每个参与方不用担心自己数据存在哪,自己产生的数据只有自己看到,其他参与者的数据只有通过对方授权的密钥才能看到,数据隐私安全且去中心化。公有链:全球化、开放对等、分布式共识架构,信任风险较大(比如比特币被盗事件)。例如比特币、莱特币这样的货币网络,只要你愿意参与这个交易,你就可以成为这个网络里的一分子。&其次,来说一说应用行业。目前的应用主要集中在金融、共享经济、物联网等行业。2017年2月,美国国会宣布成立区块链决策委员会,将针对区块链技术和数字货币完善相关的公共政策。2017年4月美国期货和期权交易所 CME集团宣布正在测试基于区块链的黄金期货平台。纳斯达克已开始利用区块链技术进行私有股权发行交易。我国央行表示将区块链技术作为数字货币的可选技术。日前,万达网络与银联、京东金融联合完成区块链跨境应用试验。......&一、金融业区块链金融,其实是区块链技术在金融领域的应用。应用此技术可以解决交易中的信任和安全问题,区块链技术成为了金融业未来升级的一个可选的方向,通过区块链,交易双方可在无需借助第三方信用中介的条件下开展经济活动,从而降低资产能够在全球范围内转移的成本。目前我国区块链金融应用典型成果包括:央行区块链数字票据交易平台、百度金融发行国内首单基于区块链的ABS、微众银行贷款清算、中国银联积分兑换。以积分兑换为例,传统的,消费者兑换积分之后取走商品,但商户需要在银行证明用户积分、结算之后才能最终完成交易。而区块链可以把所有的信用完美地链接起来,原来依赖第三方实现的信任过程、成本都可以去掉,交易即结算。&二、物联网一家叫做现代数字资产公司(Hdac,Hyundai Digital Asset Company)的新公司为物联网目前的问题创建了区块链解决方案。公司将区块链技术用于迅速高效的通讯,处理身份、认证和数据存储。这个系统还在比特币和以太坊区块链之间搭建通道,在两个系统间处理支付。而且Hdac系统采用了双链系统,也就是一个公有链和一个私有链,目的就是增加交易速度和交易量。也就是说这个平台同时适用于物联网设备和工业网络。&三、供应链管理区块链技术最具普遍应用性的方面之一就是它使得交易更加安全,监管更加透明。简单来说,供应链就是一系列交易节点,它连接着产品从供应端到销售端或终端的全过程。从生产到销售,产品历经了供应链的多个环节,有了区块链技术,交易就会被永久性、去中心化地记录,这降低了时间延误、成本和人工错误。许多区块链初创公司涌入这一领域:Provenance正在为原材料和产品建立一个可追溯系统,Fluent提供了一个全球供应链借贷平台,Skuchain为B2B交易和供应链金融市场创造了一些基于区块链的产品。&四、医疗行业一直以来,医疗机构都要忍受无法在各平台上安全地共享数据。数据提供商之间更好的数据合作意味着更精确的诊断,更有效的治疗,以及提升医疗系统提供经济划算的医疗服务的整体能力。区块链技术可以让医院、患者和医疗利益链上的各方在区块链网络里共享数据,而不必担忧数据的安全性和完整性。布萌区块链在之前上了一个健康链,可以说是国内首家医疗行业的应用。患者可以在健康链入网医疗机构的自助终端下载电子检验检查报告单。报告单保存在布萌区块链内,支持个人发送电子健康档案给医生进行共享调阅,实现医疗数据共享、可信、不可篡改。&五、信息问题说到信息,人们关心的大致可以分为安全和追溯也就是防伪的问题。而区块链技术正在推动一场信息安全技术变革。让信息防篡改、可追溯源头。唯链就是一个打信息问题的平台,从奢侈品到食品、农业、物流等等信息追溯源头,但是他们的合作方是匿名的,真实性就要你们自己来看了。&六、保险行业区块链是一个“共识机制”的思路,实现了信息网络向价值网络进化的历程,符合保险发展的客观需求,不管是从数据本身还是技术层面,区块链保险都能更好的满足现代化保险的全面需求,符合深化发展的保险需求。区块链信息透明的特点满足了知情权和选择权,因此区块链保险通过透明化保险条例,资金去向,更好的呈现简单意义的保险条规,保障需求客户的透明化选择,更好的落实保险的知情权和选择权,也更能促进底层保险模式的创新和迭代。布萌区块链早在16年初就和阳光保险达成了合作,这个也是一项石锤了。&七、公益项目福利救助的分配、捐赠众筹等等是另一个区块链技术可以应用的领域,区块链可以帮助公共管理更加简单、安全。布萌线上就有一个资助性质的众筹平台,就是众托帮,加入布萌也是为了让每一笔捐助都真实可考,但不得不说这也为公益的发展提供了很大的帮助。
中国区块链行业发展迅速1.区块链技术创新加速技术创新是区块链行业深入发展的核心驱动力,中国区块链行业的技术创新正在经历着一个明显加速的过程。以年中国及美国区块链领域公开专利数量为例,从总体趋势来看,不论是中国还是美国区块链相关专利公开数量呈明显上升趋势,其中,美国公开专利数量从2014年的150件增加到2017年前7个月的390件,中国公开专利数量从2014年的2件增加到2017年前7个月的428件,中国区块链专利公开数量增速超过美国。2.区块链融资增长迅猛年7月全球区块链领域私募投资金额总体呈现增长趋势,由于ICO的兴起,2017年全球区块链领域私募股权投资金额较2016年下降,但相对2014年增长幅度明显,其中美国在该领域私募股权融资金额从2014年的2.12亿美元,增加到亿美元,增长幅度达85.84%,而在此期间,中国区块链领域私募股权融资金额金额从0.16亿美元增长到0.76亿美元,增长达3.75倍,虽然中国私募股权融资规模小于美国,但增长速度明显高于美国。3.区块链应用范围广阔得益于区块链技术的持续创新,以及中国庞大的互联网消费群体,区块链应用在中国也呈现出多元广泛、积极活跃的特点。年7月,中国区块链领域私募股权投资共计投向挖矿、钱包、虚拟货币、基础设施、底层技术、交易所、相关服务、区块链应用8个领域,中国区块链产业链可谓基本成型。从占比最高的区块链应用来看,私募股权投资领域又可分为数据服务、金融、认证确权、文化娱乐等10个领域,其中数据服务、金融和认证确权三个领域占比较高,三项累计占比达79%。4.区块链行业组织竞相成立区块链技术的创新和应用落地离不开行业生态的构建和完善。自2015年12月至2017年末,中国成立区块链相关的行业协会 / 联盟近20个,中国区块链应用研究中心,GBBC中国中心,中关村区块链联盟、中国电子学会区块链专委会、中国信通院可信区块链联盟等一大批区块链专业组织为行业机构和不同背景的人员提供了一个专业领域的交流及合作平台,对于中国区块链行业的长期、健康发展发挥极有益的作用。在区块链技术的教育和培训方面,中国各地区相关高校也在积极开展,开设相关科目、课程,以多种形式的教育培训项目,为中国区块链行业创新发展输送人才。例如,清华大学iCenter、同济大学金融科技研究院、北邮在线区块链教育与研究中心等。其他各种区块链培训也在蓬勃发展,其中,由中国区块链应用研究中心联合 GBBC 组织的区块链应用培训目前已为中国区块链行业培训认证了近千名专业人才。中国区块链行业发展面临挑战1.清退非法数字货币交易所中国政府对于比特币一直持有谨慎的态度。早在2013年12月,中国人民银行等五部委就发布了《关于防范比 特币风险的通知》,明确规定了比特币的性质,防范可能存在的过度投机炒作的风险、逃汇风险、洗钱风险以及涉嫌类证券的违规行为等隐患。因此,中国各比特币交易平台均未获得省级金融办的批准。日,受到ICO的影响,中国人民银行等七部委于发布《关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》,在叫停ICO的同时,也对各数字资产交易平台提出了停业整顿的要求 :“代币融资交易平台不得从事法定货币与代币、虚拟货币相互之间的兑换业务 , 不得买卖或作为中央对手方买卖代币或虚拟货币 , 不得为代币或虚拟货币提供定价、信息中介等服务。”2.叫停非法ICO活动截至2017年上半年,中国 ICO 市场已初具规模,募资金额达到26亿元人民币。但与此同时,缺少政府监管的ICO活动催生了大量良莠不齐的ICO项目,存在发行方缺乏明晰的规范、投资者缺乏适当性管理、投资者非理性行为引发市场泡沫和不法之徒借机诈骗洗钱等隐患。2017年9月,中国人 民银行联合七部委发布《关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》,定义 ICO 为非法活动,全面叫停 ICO。然而,监管政策针对ICO融资模式的叫停,并非对区块链在初创企业融资应用的否定,也并非对区块链及数字货币等金融科技的否定。短期来看,ICO有关行业的创新企业融资可能导致融资放缓,但从长远看来,此次监管收紧能够及时防止资金流向非法集资项目和传销诈骗项目,警示普通投资者审慎投资,防范市场过热引发金融风险。3.政府监管重安全和稳定国务院设立了金融稳定发展委员会,强化人民银行宏观审慎管理和系统性风险防范职责。中国的监管机构一方面及时地预见风险,处置风险,叫停比特币和ICO代币的集中交易,降低数字资产市场风险,维护国家金融的稳定和安全。另一方面监管者也明确表示,当前的一些监管措施并不是否定数字货币,更不是否定与之相关的技术,而是对其已经引发的金融乱象进行治理,对可能出现的金融风险加以防范。在风险防范的同时,业界也广泛呼吁防止矫枉过正的现象,对于正常的学术研究和理性探讨,应该给予足够的空间,同时积极应对交易所关闭后,大量交易转入场外交易、地下交易的新形势、新问题。中国区块链行业前景积极乐观1.创业者积极参与,90后大量入场互联网已经颠覆了世界,区块链却要颠覆互联网。可以说区块链已然成为一个最大的风口。对于区块链这一最新领域,成长在数字社会的80、90后有着超越其它时代人的认知能力,这一认知能力又转化为 “认知红利”。位于北京的互联网金融博物馆(the Museum of FinTech)每季度评比金融科技与区块链创新企业,超过 200 家公司的区块链创业者都是90后。一批90后区块链创业者甚至投资人正在广泛的参与全球竞争,迎接属于他们的时代到来。事实上,全球区块链创业和数字货币的交易总量的重要来源都是中国的创业者。2.财富效应引起广泛关注近年来,以比特币为代表的全球加密数字资产的规模不断扩大,据 CoinMarketCap. 网站统计的数据,截至日,全球数字资产总市值已经触及6000亿美元。而日,这个数字才仅有177亿美元。不到一年的时间里,规模扩大近3300%,财富聚集效应引起了各方密切关注。区块链和数字货币已经成为中国大众的主流关注点和日常用语,私人和机构的资产配置也在转向这一领域。传统机构和国企机构间接入场。几年前,区块链技术还是极客世界中“自由”的代名词;如今,巨头已经纷纷宣布涉足这一领域。 中国平安,成为国内首家加入R3区块链联盟的机构,目前已在资产交易和征信两个场景中上线了区块链技术;万向集团成立了万向区块链实验室;中国银联与IBM合作,预研“使用区块链技术的跨行积分兑换系统”。百度与Circle达成战略合作;阿里系的蚂蚁金服将打造基于区块链技术的公益平台;腾讯加入可信区块链联盟,中食、中粮等传统国企与太一云合作推进中国食品链; 国家版权局与版权交易中心联盟联合发布了中国版权链,点融与富士康合作研发区块链供应链金融平台,其它众多上市公司、大型金融机构也纷纷推出区块链发展计划。与其它创业公司相比,国企、行业巨头拥有更雄厚的资金和研究团队,也有更丰富的、可供区块链技术落地的场景。3.基金投资蔚然成风着力金融科技领域的投资机构,对区块链技术持续关注。资本市场的玩家,有场景、有资金,但他们更多是要将区块链技术进行改造,真正实现降低信任成本和交易成本。在去年的第一季度,全球区块链创业公司累计获得VC投资15.7亿美元,而在过去的三年时间中(2014 年-2016 年 ),全球区块链创业企业总计获得投资金额接近150亿美金。据数据公司CB Insights于近日发布的一份报告,谷歌和高盛是当前全球投资区块链公司最活跃的两家机构投资者。国内清华启迪、万向集团、复星集团等多家投资机构都已经发起了区块链创投基金。4.早期领袖机构的坚守底线,守法合规中国区块链应用研究中心于日曾举办ICO专题恳谈会,召集了十余家在京区块链机构负责人,非常明确表达了呼吁监管介入,控制市场风险的意见。北京金融局党组书记局长霍学文发表了重要讲话,要求中心所属理事机构和北京地区的相关机构不参与任何ICO的发行和交易,严格自律,遵守相关法律。这次会议获得业界广泛认可和传播。日,中国人民银行及七部委发布的关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告。中国区块链应用研究中心全体理事共同发声,赞同监管部门的相关决定,并发表自律声明,全体理事进行了联署,在政府清理过程中,高度配合,没有出现重大的风险事件,彰显了中国区块链应用研究中心早期行业成员维护大局的担当。5.各地政府特别沿海地区高度鼓励区块链国务院印发《“十三五”国家信息化规划》,区块链与大数据、人工智能、机器深度学习等新 技术,成为国家布局重点。中国人民银行印发了《中国金融业信息技术 “十三五” 发展规 划》,明确提出积极推进区块链、人工智能等新技术应用研究,去年 10 月,工信部发布《中国区块链技术和应用发展白皮书》,这是首个落地的区块链官方指导文件。央行正在进行的国家数字货币试点,区块链也是其实现的技术之一。各地政府,特别是沿海地区纷纷成立区块链实验地、研究院。目前,深圳、杭州、广州、贵阳、赣州等地政府都在积极建立区块链发展专区,给予特别扶植政策。这些超过500万人 口的城市大力推动区块链创新将建立一个个市场高地,开拓中国未来的空间。结语此刻,全世界的目光聚焦达沃斯区块链论坛,我们期待能够借此机会,集世界各国之力,探索创建全球区块链发展标准和政策指引,创造合理监管环境,合资合作,建立共识与规则,积极引导中国以及世界各国建立积极有效的区块链政策监管环境,加速区块链在更广的范围内应用落地,并邀请各界继续关注和参与中国市场。 2018年4月,我们将在北京举办一次全球区块链创新企业的大会,邀请全球顶级区块链企业领袖来中国推广,与中国企业家对话,讨论全球市场的区块链应用。中国区块链应用研究中心正式邀请各位到会,我们将为各位提供最好的进入中国市场的途径,发现最好的合作伙伴。我们也期待各国行业监管者也能同时莅临北京,与中国行业监管者对话,讨论建立全球监管的框架规则,为建立一个安全、透明和便利的区块链创业环境做出努力。中国区块链应用研究中心发布CHINA BLOCKCHAIN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 201801 China's blockchain industry is growing rapidlyAccelerated blockchain technological innovationTechnological innovation is the core driving force for the further development of the blockchain industry, and that process in China is undergoing a remarkable accelera- tion. Taking the number of public patents in the blockchain sector in China and the United States between 2014 and 2017 as an example: The number of public pat- ents have both shown an upward trend, with the number in the United States increased from 150 in 2014 to 390 in the first seven months of 2017, and that in China grew from 2 in 2014 to 428 in the same period this year, and China has out- paced the United States towards the increase.&Booming blockchain financingIn general, global private equity investment in blockchain sector showed an upward trend in . Due to the rise of ICO, the global private equity investment in blockchain sector declined in 2017 compared with that of 2016, but the growth rate is remarkable compared with three years ago. Private equity financing in this area increased from US$212 million in 2014 to US$394 million in 2016, a growth rate of 85.84 percent. In the meantime, the amount of private-sector financing in China’ s blockchain sector increased from US$16 million to US$ 76 million, an increase of 3.75 times. Although the scale of private equity financing in China is smaller than that of the United States, its growth rate is obviously higher.&Blockchain’s wide range of applicationThanks to continuous innovation in blockchain technology and China's huge Internet consumer base, blockchain applications in China are also characterized by a wide range of diverse activities. In the period from 2014 to July 2017, private sector equity investment in blockchain sector have gone to eight areas including mining, wallet, virtual currency, infrastructure, underlying technologies, exchanges, related services and blockchain applications, both in the industry chain’ s upper level like mining and virtual currency, and middle level of wallet and exchanges, as well as underlying technologies, industry infrastructure and related services like technological consult- ing and professional media services. Based on the above, the blockchain industrial chain in China is shaped. Looking at the investment amount distribution, the block- chain applications, mining, and exchanges accounted for a higher proportion, with the three sectors taking up to 79 percent of the total capital.&Rival blockchain institutions set upBlockchain innovation and technological application cannot be independent from the construction and improvement of industry ecology. Since December 2015 to the end of 2017, China has set up nearly 20 blockchain-related industry associations including China Blockchain Application Research Center, GBBC China Center, Zhongguancun Blockchain Alliance, China Institute of Electronics Blockchain Special Committee, and CAICT Trusted Blockchain Alliance. They provided a platform for exchange and cooperation for professionals from diverse industries and back- ground, and have contributed to the long-term and healthy development of China's blockchain industry.In terms of education and training, Chinese colleges have explored seting up cours- es and training programs to cultivate the talents for the innovative development of blockchain industry, such as the iCenter of Tsinghua University, Institute of Fintech at Tongji University, online blockchain education and research center at Beijing Univer- sity of Post and Telecommunication. In addition, Various blockchain trainings are also booming. Among them, the blockchain application training jointly provided by China Blockchain Application Research Center and GBBC has trained nearly certified 1,000 professionals so far.&02 China's blockchain industry faces challengesClear illegal digital currency exchangeThe Chinese government has always held a cautious attitude toward Bitcoin. Back to December 2013, the People's Bank of China and five ministries issued the Notice on Prevention of Bitcoin Risk, which clearly defined the nature of Bitcoin and tried to prevent risks of excessive speculation, exchange evasion, money laundering, and suspected viola- tions of securities rules. Therefore, none of the Bitcoin exchanges in China has been approved by the provincial Minis- try of Finance.On September 4, 2017, due to the ICO impact, the People's Bank of China and other seven ministries issued "Notice on preventing financing risks of issued tokens", and proposed suspension of every digital asset trading platform: "Tokens financing and trading platform shall not engage in statutory currency and tokens, virtual currency exchange, buy or sell tokens and virtual currencies, nor serve as a central counterparty. No pricing and agency services for tokens or virtual currencies shall be provided. "&Eliminate illegal ICO activitiesUntil the first half of 2017, the value of Chinese ICO market has reached 2.6 billion yuan. Meanwhile, however, the lack of government regulatory brought ICO activities with various qualities. There were no clear norms for issuers, proper management of investors and irrational behavior might cause market bubbles and fraud. Thus, People’ s Bank of China jointly with seven other minis- tries halted the ICO activities completely in September 2017.However, regulatory halt of ICO is not a denial of the blockchain application in startups financing, nor a negative reflection of blockchain, digital currencies and other Fintech. In the short term, innovative corporate finance in the ICO sector may result in a slowdown. However, in the long run, this regulatory tightening will promptly prevent funds from flowing into illicit fund-raising projects and pyramid schemes frauds and alert ordinary investors to avoid prudent investment, as well as prevent market overheating which usually generate financial risks.&Government regulation emphasizes safety and stabilityThe State Council has set up a Financial Stability Development Committee to strength- en macro prudential management and prevent systematic risk. On the one hand, Chi- na's regulators are anticipating risks and try to dispose them in a timely manner, halting the centralized trading of bitcoin and ICO tokens, reducing the risk of digital asset mar- kets and safeguarding the stability and security of national finance. On the other hand, regulators also made it clear that some of the current regulatory measures are not denying digital currency, not to deny the related technology, but to manage the financial chaos that it has triggered and to prevent possible financial risks. It does not represent a ban on all Bitcoin transactions through halting Bitcoin bidding in China. Transactions between individuals are allowed, and the blockchain technology it relies on is still encouraged. At the same time, the industry has also called up not to overcorrect. For normal academic research and rational discussions, sufficient space should be given. Moreover, it should actively respond to the closure of exchanges which may lead a large number of transactions into over-the-counter transactions and underground transactions.&03 The prospect of China's blockchain industryis positive and optimisticEntrepreneurs actively participate with millennials admissionThe Internet has subverted the world, but the blockchain is going to subvert the Internet. It is said that blockchain has been on the cusp. For a new area like blockchain, millennials has the advanced cognitive ability than other age groups, which can be transformed into "cognitive bonus". Beijing-based Internet banking Museum (the Museum of FinTech) awarded block- chain technology and innovation companies each quarter, and more than 200 of them has a founder born after 1990. These young entrepreneurs and investors are deeply engaging in the global competition and are ready to embrace their era. In fact, Chinese entrepreneurs make up a large amount of the blockchain startup founders. They are also key sources of digital currency trading worldwide.&Wealth effect has aroused attentionIn recent years, the market cap of cryptocurrency, represented by Bitcoin, is booming around the world. According to CoinMakretCap, the global digital asset market cap hit US$600 billion on December 17, 2017, which was only US17.7 billion back to the last day of 2016. In less than a year, the scale has expanded by nearly 3300% and the effect of wealth accumulation has drawn close attention from all parties. Blockchain and other digital currencies have become a mainstream concern and even a daily expression for the Chinese public. Private and institutional asset allocations are also shifting to this area, as well as traditional institutions and state-owned enterprises participate indirectly.In the geek world, Blockchain used to mean " freedom " in the last few years. Today, the giants have announced plans to set foot in this space. Ping An China became the first domestic institution to join the R3 Blockchain Alliance. Currently, blockchain technology has been launched in both the asset trading and cre Wanxiang Group has set up Wanxiang Blockchain L China UnionPay Collaborated with IBM to pre-research " Interdepartmental Redemption System Using Block- chain Technology "; Baidu and Circle reached a s Ali's Ant Financial will create a commonweal platform based on b Tencent joined the Trust Blockchain A China Food, COFCO and other traditional state-owned enterprises tried to promote China's food chain with Pacific C The Copyright Bureau and the Copyright Exchange Center jointly released the China Copyright C Point Financial and Foxconn R&D share a Block Supply Chain Finance Platform. Many other listed companies and large financial institutions also launched the blockchain development plan. Compared with other startups, state-owned enterprises and industry giants have more funds, more stuff and more diverse application scenarios for blockchain technology.&Fund investment has become commonFocused on financial institutions in the Fintech, the blockchain technology continues attract attention. Capital market players have application scenarios and funds, but they are more cling to blockchain technology transformation, a real reduction of credibility costs and trans- action costs. In the first quarter of last year, the global blockchain startups obtained a total VC investment of US$1.57 billion, while in the past three years (), the global blockchain startups received a total investment of nearly US$15 billion. According to a recently released report by data company CB Insights, Google and Goldman Sachs are the two most active institutional investors in the current global investment in blockchain. Domes- tic Tsinghua inspiration, Wanxiang Group, Fosun Group and many other investment agencies have already launched their blockchain venture capital funds.&Early leading firms adhere to the bottom line, abide by the lawOn August 16, 2017, China Blockchain Application Research Center held ICO symposiums and convened more than 10 heads of blockchain institutions in Beijing. They clearly expressed their opinions on regulatory intervention and market risk control. Huo Xuewen, party secretary of the Beijing Financial Bureau, delivered an important speech demanding that the governing bodies affiliated with the center and the relevant institutions in Beijing not to participate in the issuance and trading of any ICO and strictly practice self-discipline and compliance under relevant laws. The conference was widely recognized and disseminated by the industry.On September 4, 2017, the People's Bank of China and other seven ministries issued "Notice on preventing financing risks of issued tokens". All board members of China Blockchain Applica- tion Research Center made their speeches to endorse the relevant decisions of regulatory authorities and issued self-declaration, and all board members conducted a joint affair. During the process of government clearance, they were highly coordinated and no major risk events occurred, highlighting their responsibilities as earily industry members.&The special provincial coastal areas are highly encouraged to develop blockchainThe State Council issued "13th Five-Year Plan" for National Information Strategy. Blockchain, together with big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other new deep learning technology, has become national focus. Also, the People's Bank of China released the "13th Five-Year Plan" for China's Fintech, which clearly aimed to promote blockchain and AI. In the last October, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued "China Blockchain Tech- nology and Application Development White Paper", which is the first official guideline for block- chain landing. The ongoing national digital currency pilot by the central bank also means that blockchain is one of the technologies it has implemented.Local governments, especially the coastal areas, have set up blockchain experimental and research institutes. At present, the governments of Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Gui- yang and Ganzhou are all actively setting up blockchain development zones which are given special support policies. These cities, with a population of more than 5 million each, vigorously promote the blockchain innovation and will create market heights to open up China's future.&ConclusionAt the moment, the world is focusing its attention on the Davos Blockchain Forum. We look forward to taking this opportunity to gather the power of all countries in the world to explore and create global blockchain development standards and policies, making a sound regulatory environment and establishing joint-venture cooperation to build con- sensus and rules. It is expected to actively guide China and other countries to establish a positive and effective regulatory environment for blockchain policies, speed up block- chain application in a broader context, and invite all sectors to keep their eye on and participate in the Chinese market.In April 2018, we will hold a conference in Beijing for blockchain innovation companies worldwide, and we will invite leaders of the world's top blockchain companies to pro- mote and communicate with Chinese entrepreneurs to discuss blockchain applications on a global scale. China Blockchain Application Research Center would like to give you a formal invitation to the meeting. We would provide you with the best routes to enter the Chinese market and find the best partners for you. We also welcome industry supervisors from all over the world to come to Beijing at the same time to hold dialogues with Chinese industry regulators and discuss the framework rules to form a global regulatory framework so as to make efforts for establishing a safe, transparent and convenient blockchain startup environment.&
&2016 Chukong Technologies,Inc.


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