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2015年度最新广播电视大学(电大)期末考试《各科》考试真题汇总【最新】.doc 40页
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2. 说明科普说明文的特点和题材选择。
(1)传播广泛,深入人心(4分); (2)融科学性、知识性于生动性、趣味性之中(4分); (3)言
写作科普说明文最先需要解决的是题材的选择,(1)选择自己最熟悉或比较熟悉的题材(4分); (2)选择多数人关心、寻求&答案&的题
3. 学生写作个性的培养要注意哪些方面?
培养学生写作个性,很重要的一点就是教师不能代替学生思考。 如果教师善于引导,
叶圣陶先生说“阅读是吸收,写作是倾吐,倾吐能否合乎于法度,显然与吸收有密切的联系。”可见阅读与写作之间有着密不可分的关系,只要我们找到两者的结合点,舞好两柄“利剑”,相信就能“双剑合璧,威力剧增。”能有效的提高学生的综合素养。如何使阅读为写作服务呢?我认为有以下几点。 一、多读,积累素材对于阅读能够带给写作的益处,著名学者张中行先生从表达与内容的角度分成四点来阐释: 其一,“多读,熟了,笔未着纸,可用的多种表达方式早已蜂拥而至,你自然可以随手拈来,不费思索就顺理成章。这是多读作用的初步,因而笔能达意。”其二,“进一步,多读,熟悉各种表达方式,领会不同笔调的短长轻重,融会贯通,还可以推陈出新,把意思表达得更圆通,更生动。”其三,“吸收‘思想’(包括各种知识)”。其四,学“思路”,即条理。“多读,熟了,积蓄在两方面增多,既有内容可写,又熟悉如何表达,作文的困难自然就没有了。”对于小学生来说,吸收快,多读了,接触好的文章多了,自然而然地可用的语句就多了,写起来便得心应手;读的更多时,就更加熟悉各种表达方式,还可以锦上添花,把意思表达得更圆满,更生动。这也是古人说的“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”。二、从读学写,在积累上下功夫从习作角度看,习作教学虽然和阅读教学有着明显的不同,但二者关系紧密,阅读是写作的基础,写作是学习运用语言。运用语言,不仅要积累语言,还应了解和掌握一些语言的规律。因此,阅读教学还应该在学生的阅读过程中,以课文为例,教给学生一些有关语言方面的知识以及写作的规律和方法,使学生了解作者是怎样写的,为什么要这样写,从中体会到为了表达一定的内容,作者是怎样准确、生动、鲜明地使用语言的,做到读写结合,从读中学写。而这些,就不是其他课程所必须承担的任务。三、读写结合型的写作训练1、写读后笔记 。写读后笔记是学生的练笔过程、思维过程,也是学生生活素材积累、词语积累的一个重要手段。阅读之后,让学生或就着作品蕴含的思想内容联系生活实际写读后感,或摘录好词好句,或体会文章写法。写好后,定时对学生的阅读笔记进行检查,将几篇写得较好的笔记当众读给大家听,让大家有个学习的榜样,也是对写得好的学生的一种鼓励。在教室的学习园地中每周贴几篇好的笔记,让学生看,被选中的学生受到鼓励,其他学生受到启发。这样读写结合,学生逐步养成了写读后笔记的习惯,作文能力也不断提高。 2、仿写。分全仿和点仿。全仿既从整体上模仿范文作文,如学完《三味书屋》后,可安排学生以《我的书房》和《我们的教室》等题,要求学习原文,按空间顺序描写和介绍,并展开合情合理的想像。这样,便 把读与写有机结合起来了,达到了篇与篇
09-01-10 &匿名提问
试卷代号:1027 Administrator lmxi 2 22 T08:02:00Z T08:02:00Z 6
xdr 94 22 2 7.8 磅 0 2 试卷代号:1027中央广播电视大学学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考试英语专业高级英语写作试题 2008年1月 注 意 事 项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of TWO sections. These are: Section I: Listening Test (20 points, 35 minutes) Section II: Reading and Writing Test (80 points, 85 minutes) The total marks for this examination are I00 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 2 hours (120 minutes). Section I: Listening Test [-20 points] Instructions: ■ The Listening Test will take approximately 35 minutes. ■ There are TWO parts to tile test and you will hear each part twice. ■ There will be a pause of 30 seconds before each part to allow you to look at your questions. ■ There will be a pause of 30 seconds after each part to allow you to check your answers. ■ You can first write your answers on this test paper. After the recordings, you will have about I0 minutes to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. ■ ALL ANSWERS MUST APPEAR ON THE ANSWER SHEET. Part 1: Questions 1--,5 are based on this part. (10 points) Directions: You will hear a conversation between two students, Rite and Mary. Mary is a Spanish girl studying economics in England. Tile British girl Rite is her classmate. They are talking about the differences in family life between the two countries. Listen to the conversation and then judge whether Statements 1--5 are true or false. Write T for True and F for False on the Answer Sheet. 1. There are more nuclear families in England while in Spain there are more extended families. 2. In Spain an elderly relative is taken care of by his/her family. 3. Unexpected visitors are not welcome in Spain. 4. Mary was impressed by the way the Englishman is so fond of his home, family, garden and pets. 5-_ Mary did not enjoy living in with an English fanily as an au pair girl. Part 2: Questions 6--10 are based on this part. (10 points) Directions: You are going to listen to a lecture by Mr. Green on the pleasures and problems TV has brought to us. Listen to the lecture and fill in the missing information in the gaps numbered 6--10. Note: You must write down the exact word you hear. Only one word is necessary for each blank. Pleasures of TV: ● Its fun to watch TV, and its easy. ● The people on TV will make you laugh and cry. They will 6 ________ you and excite you. ● In some places, it is 7 ________ to go to school by watching television.Three areas of public concerns about TV: ● One area is 8 __________. This area has to do with what kinds of shows are on, and when they are on. ● A second area of concern is 9______________ ● The third, and perhaps most important, adults are 10___________ This is the end of the Listening TestSection li: Reading and Writing Test [80 points]Instructions: ■ There are THREE parts to the test. ■ The test will take approximately 85 minutes. ■ There will be NO extra time for you to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. Therefore you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task.Part 1. Reading (30 points)Questions 11--15 are based on the following task. (10 points)Sequencing:The following sentences go together to form a paragraph, but they are in the wrong order. Read the sentences carefully and put them in the right order. Write the correct letter of your choice(A-E) in the proper box and then transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. A. We practised at three different levels of genera lisation, a summary of the main idea, a summary for an abstract, and a more extended summary suitable for general review of an article. B. The last activity was on writing summaries. C. In so doing we saw that you cannot judge a summary by its length. Whether it is too long or too short or just the right length all depends on what it is wanted for. D. Then we concentrated on the purpose of summary and the amount of detail to be included. E. First, we looked at a list of dos and donts in summary writing. Question 11 12 13 14 15 Sentence 1 2 3 4 5 Correct Order Questions 16--19 are based on the following task. (10 points)Identifying the topic sentences..Read the following description of culture and customs of western countries. The topicsentence for each paragraph is omitted. Choose the correct topic sentence for each paragraphfrom the list of A-E provided. Put your answer in the proper box and then transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. 16 And except in the biggest cities, which are tourist attractions in themselves, the central areas are losing commerce to the suburbs. In suburban areas shopping centers are being established, each having a group of perhaps fifty shops ar and the main unit of the shopping center is usually the supermarket. Modern American women are accustomed to buying all their food in weekly visits to the supermarket, bringing it home in the car and storing it in the deep-freeze. 17 Making things, mending things, and working on the car, everything to make it as pleasant as possible. There is a strong desire to spend much free time at home when the home is well-equipped, comfor even the private swimming pool is no longer reserved for the very rich. 18 Parties for children and for grown-ups are constantly occupying the leisure hours, usuallywith something to drink. In their suburbs Americans are extremely friendly and hospitable. They are also very interested in each other, and when a new family moves into a suburban house the neighbors will be calling at once to see if they can help in any way. The problem of personal social barriers has been overcome very much more successfully than in any part of Europe. 19 In it, a familys home is not an isolated island, but a part of a group homes. Moreover, most find their homes more satisfying because they still have plenty of contacts outside the rural neighborhood. Most go to work in another place, so that the suburban home is only part of their environment. A. Once an American has reached his home he is interested in working to improve it. B. Americans invite their friends to their home more than most people in Europe. C. While more and more people are working in big cities, more prefer to live in suburbs. D. Suburbs are becoming the main business places. E. The new suburb recreates the sense of community of the old country village. Question 16 17 18 19 Paragraph 1 2 3 4 Correct Answer Question 20: Writing a summary (10 points)Summarize the above passage (i. e., the passage in Questions 16-19) ill your own words. Your summary should be 70 to 80 words. Write your summary on the Answer Sheet.Part 2. Writing a Letter (20 points)Question 21: Writing a Letter of CongratulationsSuppose you are Thomas Robbins from Robbins Steel Corporation. You are also President of the Twenty-Five-Year Club. Write a letter congratulating a colleague of yours, Mr. lterb Smith,on his becoming a member of tile Twenty-Five-Year Club upon the completion of 25 years atRobbins Steel Corporation. Base your letter on the following notes: 1) to celebrate Mr. Smith 2) to invite him to join the Club 3) to sing high praise of the Club 4) to express thanks to Mr. Smiths loyalty and faith 5) to inform Mr. Smith: ● to receive a letter of invitation to the annual Club Dinner very soon ● to become a formally-inducted member at the annual Club Dinner ● to hope to see him at the Dinner ● to congratulate him in personNote: 1) Write a correctly laid out letter, which might include the letterhead, date, name and address of recipient, salutation, body of the letter, complementary close, signature, and senders printed name as well as job title. 3 points will be deducted for failing to follow the letter format properly. 2) You should write about 120 words. 3) Write the answer on your Answer Sheet. Part 3. Writing an Exposition (30 points)Question 22:Write an exposition essay on the following topic: The building of a new road Use this plan to describe the process of building a new road. Your reader is not anengineer. 1) The route is planned. 2) Soil samples are taken. 3) The route is cleared and leveled. 4) Thick layers of concrete are put down. 53 The top surface is laid and traffic guides are added. Use any of the extra information given below or any information of your own that you think necessary in describing the process of building a new road. You should write about 150-200 words. Write the answer on your Answer Sheet. ● Hills, small towns and rivers are avoided where possible. Bridges are very expensive. ● Holes are bored into the soil and rock. The strength and wetness of the soil is measured. ● Large bulldozers and scrapers are used. ● A paver is used to spread the concrete evenly. The concrete makes a good. foundation. ● Normally the top surface is tarmac. ● Cats eyes are put in. They guide the driver at night. 试卷代号:1027 中央广播电视大学学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考试 英语专业高级英语写作试题答案及评分标准 Section I: Listening 1-20 points]Part 1. (10 points, 2 points each. ) 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. FPart 2. (10 points, 2 points each. The exact words are required. ) 6. inform 7. possible 8. programming 9. advertising 10. unsophisticatedSection Ⅱ: Reading and Writing 1-80 points]Part 1. Reading (30 points)Questions 11--15:10 points, 2 points each. 11. B 12. E 13. D 14. A 15. C Questions 16-19:10 points, 2.5 points each. 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. E Question 20.. 10 points. ● Check that the main points of the original passage are included. (5 points) ● Check that the information is organized logically. (g points)● Check that the language used is appropriate and accurate. (3 points) An example: Summary As the suburbs grow, shopping centers are being set up. People go to the supermarket for groceries on a weekly basis. Americans like to spend much free time on home improvement on their own -- making things and mending things. They also like to invite their friends to parties. They develop friendly relationships with their neighbors. The suburbs recreate a sense of community of the old village. Part 2. Writing a Letter (20 points) Question 21: ● Check that the content of the letter is relevant and appropriate. (10 points) ● Check that the style of the letter is suitable and the language used is appropriate and accurate: (7 points) ● Check that the layout of the letter is appropriate: the use of paragraphs, space, position of opening and closing expressions, etc. (3 points) ● Both British and American spellings are acceptable. Special attention should be paid to tile formality of the language.An example:Dear Mr. Smith, I consider it a distinct privilege to congratulate you on the completion of 25 years atRobbins Steel Corporation and to invite you to become a member of the Twenty-Five-YearClub. As far as I am concerned, there is no group as important, for it is they who havecontributed the most to our growth and our good name. I hope you look back on those yearswith great satisfaction and pride. Its a grand achievement, and I want you to know howmuch I personally appreciate your loyalty and confidence. Shortly you will receive an invitation to the annual Twenty-Five-Year Club Dinner atwhich you will be formally inducted. I look forward to seeing you there and congratulatingyou in person on becoming a member of this very exclusive group. Sincerely yours, Thomas Rohbins President Twenty-Five-Year CfubPart 3. Writing an Exposition (30 points)Question 22:Here is a sample essay: Irsa pleasure to walk or drive on the modern well-constructed roads. However, road building involves careful design and complicated work. The first step is the planning of the route. Route designers have to make sure that the hills, small towns and rivers are avoided where possible. Bridges are very expensive. Next, soil samples are taken. Holes are bored into the soil and rock in order to measure the strength and wetness of the soils. Before putting anything on the old roads, the route has to be cleared and leveled. Builders normally use large bulldozers and scrapers to make the route clean and even. Afterwards, thick layers of concrete are put down. The concrete makes a good foundation to the surface, but it has to be put clown layer by layer. A paver is used to spread the concrete evenly. Finally, the top surface is laid with tarmac. Now, the road building is finished. However, there is one more thing to do to protect the road users. Traffic guides are added to navigate the transportation and in some highwayscats eyes are put in to guide the drivers at night. After these installments, people can safely use the road.. 说明:当总分出现0.5分时,在总分上加1分取整。 命题:crtvu rn本篇文章来源于 神州辅导网


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