
值得信赖的老朋友——韩国拿易丝美(NICEMACH) | 京华社区京华社区千龙网大型自媒体平台,国内著名网络论坛,以主题鲜明、言论活跃、声音理性而著称。拥有“千龙大会堂”“北京拍客”等多个品牌互动栏目、丰台论坛等多个区域互动平台、户外旅游等多个主题互动平台。+ 关注  上面这张图片里面的机器就是我们公司经常会用到的数控弯线机。最大优点是,一次成型,无人操作,效率是传统机型的4-5倍。减少生产成本的同时,还能提高效率,当然,这就是拿易丝美产的!拿易丝美这家公司是韩国的一家经营自动化设备生产的知名企业。选好机器,还是得找比较知名的企业。他们经营的产品,当然种类很多,其中比较有名的就是数控弯线机和数控弯管机。他们公司有专门的研发部门,另外还有多个生产部门,保持研发与生产相结合!他们公司从1995年到现在,二十几年里,一直致力于技术开发,是韩国国内为数不多的能够生产优质自动化设备的企业之一。这也是我们最初决定采购拿易丝美的数控弯线机的一个重要原因。  知名公司固然是选公司时候的一个重要的衡量指标,但是真正让我们与拿易丝美形成长期合作关系的还是拿易丝美设备的真材实料。拿易丝美的自动化设备绝非浪得虚名,除了能按要求自动化生产一定角度和一定模样的金属零件等基本功能以外,还可以根据情况任意选择大规模生产或者小规模多样化生产。你需要弯什么形状,它就会生产出什么形状。这才是适应市场需求,提高企业生产率的现代企业应该有的远见啊!拿易丝美拥有夯实的技术实力,还体现在,他们公司保留有数控弯线机的弯线机支撑夹,弯线机送料装置,弯线机直线机传送构造三大主要核心模块的原始专利,拥有独一无二的竞争力!我们公司是在韩中自动化博览会上第一次知道了拿易丝美,那还是2006年的事呢!   采购国外的机器,自然就要注意供应商有没有出口至中国的资格。上面说了拿易丝美有生产部门和研发部门,当然除此以外还有很多其他的部门,例如对企业成长来说非常重要的销售部。 一个企业想要持续的成长,除了技术的不断成长以外,还要有好的销售!好的销售是令一个制造业企业可以加速前进的动力机。拿易丝美不但有针对韩国国内的销售部,而且还有专门致力于进军海外的海外销售部。在我们国内的北京和上海,拿易丝美还都设有分销处呢!所以,进口这块是不用担心的。 工厂规格方面如图所示,NICEMACH工厂的占地面积很大,内部环境非常好,很有条理,干净宽敞!我已经和NICEMACH的海外销售部门约好了,等天气变暖和一点的时候,将会访问NICEMACH。   数控弯线机不仅适用于生产汽车零部件,还可以生产日用五金制品、铁线工艺制品、衣架和展示架等零部件。也不知道我总结的东西能不能成为后辈们选购数控机器时的借鉴。我在这十几年的采购过程中也一直在想,其实现在国内的自动化制造业应该算还处于学习成长阶段,毕竟我们还只是“世界制造大国”,现在还处于朝着“世界生产强国”前进的过程中,而像拿易丝美这样的企业,我觉得是很值得国内自动化制造企业们向其学习的。内容不错就任性的打赏吧!PN-ISO 690:2012
Chicago (Autor-Data)
ACS (bez tytu?u art.)
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PN-ISO 690:2012
Chicago (Autor-Data)
ACS (bez tytu?u art.)
Tytu? artyku?u
Mobilno?? spo?eczna w Polsce w latach
Social Mobility in Poland in the Years
J?zyki publikacji
Celem opracowania jest zbadanie mobilno?ci spo?ecznej w Polsce w latach . W badaniu wykorzystane zosta?y dane pochodz?ce z badania Polski Generalny Sonda? Spo?eczny zrealizowanego przez Instytut Studiów Spo?ecznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego na reprezentatywnej próbie doros?ych cz?onków gospodarstw domowych. Zbiór ten zawiera wywiady przeprowadzone w latach
i obejmuje 16234 respondentów. W pracy sprawdzono, czy w rozpatrywanych latach istnia?a mobilno?? mi?dzypokoleniowa w ramach pozycji zawodowej, po?o?enia materialnego oraz poziomu wykszta?cenia. Ruchliwo?? spo?eczn? rozwa?ano dla ka?dej p?ci osobno, zbadano równie? czy istnia?y ró?nice w ruchliwo?ci pomi?dzy ostatni? dekad? XX wieku a pierwsz? XXI. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper is aimed to examine social mobility in Poland in the years . The data used in the study comes from research &Polish General Social Survey& carried out by the Institute of Social Studies at Warsaw University on a representative sample of adult household members. This collection includes interviews conducted in the years
and includes 16,234 respondents. The study examined whether there was intergenerational mobility in the professional status, material location and level of education. Social mobility were considered separately for each sex, were also examined whether there were differences in mobility between the last decade of the XX century and the first XXI. (original abstract)
S?owa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Wy?sza Szko?a Bankowa w Gdańsku
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Image-based fuzzy trajectory tracking control for four-wheel steered mobile robotsTatsuya KatoKeigo WatanabeShoichi MaeyamaOriginal Article
A four-wheel steered mobile robot is fit for a higher power or improvement in the movement speed of a robot than a two-independent wheeled one. Since a steered mobile robot that slips very often cannot apply a popular dead-reckoning method using rotary encoders, it is desirable to use external sensors such as cameras. This paper describes a method to trace a straight line for four-wheel steered mobile robots using an image-based control method. Its controller is designed as a fuzzy controller and evaluated through some simulations and real robot.Fuzzy control Image-based control Steered mobile robot Trajectory tracking Visual servoing 1.Hutchinson S, Hager G, Corke P (1996) A tutorial on visual servo control. IEEE Trans Robot Autom 12(5):651–6702.Chaumette F, Hutchinson S (2006) Visual servo control part I: basic approaches. IEEE Robot Autom Mag 13(4):82–903.Chaumette F, Hutchinson S (2007) Visual servo control part II: advanced approaches. IEEE Robot Autom Mag 14(1):109–1184.Malis E (2002) Survey of vision-based control. Presented at the in European naval ship design, captain computer IV forum, ENSIETA, Brest, France5.Thuilot B, Martinet P, Cordesses L, Gallice J (2002) Position based visual servoing: keeping the object in the field of vision. In: Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, pp 6.Ha IJ, Park DH, Kwon JH (2010) A novel position-based visual servoing approach for robust global stability with feature points kept within the field-of-view. In: International conference on control, automation, robotics and vision, Singapore, pp 7.Cherubini A, Chaumette F, Oriolo G (2008) A position-based visual servoing scheme for following path with nonholonomic mobile robots. In: IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robotics and systems, Nice, France, pp 8.Espiau B (1993) Effect of camera calibration errors on visual servoing. In: 3rd international symposium on experimental robotics, Kyoto, Japan, pp 187–1939.Chen GM, Lin PZ, Wang WY, Lee TT, Wang CH (2008) Image-based fuzzy control system. IEEE Electron Lett 44(7):461–46210.Kurashiki K, Takanori F (2011) Image-based robust arbitrary path following of nonholonomic mobile robots (in Japanese). Trans Soc Instrum Control Eng 47(5):238–24611.Zadeh LA (1968) Fuzzy algorithms. Inf Control 12:94–10212.Mamdani EH (1976) Advances in the linguistic synthesis of fuzzy controllers. Int J Man Mach Stud 8(6):669–678Tatsuya Kato1Keigo Watanabe1Shoichi Maeyama11.Department of Intelligent Mechanical Systems, Division of Industrial Innovation Sciences, Graduate School of Natural Science and TechnologyOkayama UniversityOkayamaJapan
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