
All cancellation requests will be authorised and processed by Barclay Card.的翻译是:所有取消请求都将由巴克莱卡授权和处理。Pacific food and game fish marked with dark blue vertical stripes.的翻译是:太平洋食品和鱼类标有深蓝色竖条纹。Influences of ALEC on ecog and apopto sis of hippocampus neural cells in rat brain ischemia的翻译是:影响阿历克·apoptosis的海马状突起的ecog和神经细胞在大鼠脑缺血Read Georgi Chap. 4 and Chap. 5 to complement our Chiral Perturbation theory discussion this week.的翻译是:格奥尔基·第二章和第一章第54读取,来补充我们本周手性扰动理论讨论。Near the end of the ride, both my father and Manuel began to feel very tired.的翻译是:在接近年底时搭乘,我的两个爸爸和曼努埃尔·开始感觉很累。Brevity is the soul of wit ——on paper writing and editing的翻译是:简洁是智慧的灵魂――――在写作和编辑文件Class 3 Regular Incurve : The florets smoothly incurve and form a ball.的翻译是:第3类经常incurve:菜花顺利incurve和形成一个球。? In this study,DNA hybridization,cell adherence assay and fluorescent actin staining test were used to study the pathogenic factors of EPEC isolated from children with diarrhea by detection of eaeA,bfpA,s1t1 and s1t2 genes,adherence pattems to cultured H的翻译是:? 在这项研究,dna杂交育种,单元格遵守鉴定和荧光染色法》测试的致病因素是用于研究的相互隔离的儿童患腹泻的老年人合作社联合会检测eaea,bfpa、s1t1和s1t2基因,以斯文hpattems遵守And I said unto my master, Peradventure the woman will not follow me.的翻译是:我對他們說我的师父,只消女子不跟着我。Another walk made the circuit of the garden, and skirted the white wall which enclosed it.的翻译是:另一个步行的电路作了的花园,绕开了白色的墙面,封闭。This thesis, based on the theory of colour vision and the hypothesis of conjunction of colour-sensitive fibers, presents at length an explanatory analysis of several typical achromatopsia phenomena, which proves the correspondence between the theory and p的翻译是:这一理论,理论基础的假设的色觉和一起的颜色的敏感神经纤维束、礼物长度一个解释性的分析几个典型achromatopsia现象,这亦证明之间的对应关系理论和pThe process of oxidation in human body gives off heat slowly and regularly.的翻译是:氧化的过程中会释放出人体慢慢地散热和定期。Northeast black bee had fourgenotyPes (ab, ac, bc, cc), and their freq的翻译是:东北黑蜂是fourgenotypes(ab、ac、bc、cc)及其频率是类似;The feasibility and rationality of the method are proved by the simulation results.的翻译是:该方法的可行性和合理性的模拟结果的证明。A study on imaging control by ER·CI matching in black-and-white photography的翻译是:一个图像控件上的er·研究ci匹配在黑白摄影An Analysis on the Stiffness and Modelling for Model 6135 Diesel Engine Cylinder Block by FEA的翻译是:在硬度和建模分析的模型(fea)6135柴油发动机缸体的Factors the influence interest: inflation rate, monetary policy, exchange rate policy, international agreement and international privity.的翻译是:利益因素的影响:通货膨胀率、货币政策、汇率政策、国际协议和国际关系。PEER TO PEER COMMUNICATION SETWEEN UNIX WORK STATIONS AND DOS PC的翻译是:点对点通信setweenunix工作站和dospcReview on the Research for Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Solving的翻译是:检讨一词的研究对于加法和减法解决问题A Variable Step Size LMS Adaptive Filtering Algorithm and Its Analysis的翻译是:一个可变步长大小lms自适应滤波算法和对其进行的分析
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本周一是什么意思 本周一在线翻译 本周一什么意思 本周一的意思 本周一的翻译 本周一的解释 本周一的发音 本周一的同义词
本周一 双语例句1. 本周一的解释1. 本周一表示,它已经任命运营总监约翰担任公司的首席执行官。&&&&This week shows, it has appointed operation chief inspector the presiding apparitor that John holds the position of a company.2. 本周一,朋克歌手艾薇儿拉维妮在北京获得由中国社会工作协会颁发的荣誉证书。&&&&Punk-pop star Avril Lavigne is awarded the Certificate of Honor from the China Association of Social Workers in Beijing on Monday.3. 由生理学家约翰·柯茨领衔的研究小组在本周一出版的《国家科学院院刊》上公布了上述研究成果。&&&&Coates reports in Monday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.4. 4. 杨致远本周一的备忘录与他上周发表的电子邮件形成了鲜明对比。&&&&Jerry Yang this week a memorandum with him last week by e-mail formed a sharp contrast.5. 克林顿总统的发言人马特麦肯纳于本周一证实了这一消息。&&&&Matt McKenna, a spokesman for the former president, confirmed the engagement Monday.6. 当地时间本周一,雅虎股票狂泻15%,似乎应验了投资者的不祥猜测。&&&&Local time this Zhou Yi, yahoo stock mad have diarrhoea 15%, it seems that come true of investor bodeful guess.7. 本周一警方消息,日本一名警察因苦于连续两个月超时工作及周末加班,用刀刺伤了自己的肚子,以获得休假的机会。&&&&A Japanese policeman, distraught by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, police said Monday.8. 8. 本周一警方消息,日本一名警察因苦于连续两个月超时工作及周末加班,用刀刺伤了自己的肚子,以获得休假的机会。&&&&Life holiday A Japanese policeman, distraught by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, police said Monday.9. 9. 也许在本周一开始,你就会感觉到这个紧张气氛,而且它会持续升温直到星期四。&&&&You might start feeling it right now at the beginning of this week, and it will likely get more hairy until Thursday.10. 国家气象部门预报说大风一直持续到本周一减弱,但是局部地区的阵风和干燥内将会持续到本周二。(注:下划线部分翻译的没把握&&&&Sustained winds eased Monday, but locally gusty conditions and humidity in the single-digit range could continue into Tuesday, the National Weather Service predicted.11. 11. 本周一公布的统计数字展现了另外一种局面--工业品出厂价格通胀大幅上扬,进出口额强劲增长--这说明经济活动依然强劲。&&&&&&Statistics released on Monday told a different picture of a sharp rise in factory gate inflation and strong increases in exports and imports, which suggested economic activity remains robust.12. danci.911cha.com12. 本周一公布的一项调查显示,由于金融危机持续肆虐国际市场以及对全球经济衰退担忧的加剧,美国约五分之一的公司称今年不打算办年终派对。&&&&&&As a financial crisis roils world markets and fears of a deep global recession grow, about one-fifth of U. S. businesses are saying'no'to end-of-year season, according to a survey released on Monday.13. 本周一公布的一项调查显示,由于金融危机持续肆虐国际市场以及对全球经济衰退担忧的加剧,美国约五分之一的公司称今年不打算办年终派对。&&&&&&As a financial crisis roils world markets and fears of a deep global recession grow, about one-fifth of U. S. businesses are saying'no'to end-of-year festivities this holiday season, according to a survey released on Monday.14. 曼谷报道-在柬埔寨进行的对前红色高棉监狱首领的审判的终结讨论始于本周一,这个首领被控告反人类罪行,因为有超过14000人死于土尔斯冷监狱和折磨房子。&&&&&&BANGKOK — Closing arguments began Monday in Cambodia in the trial of the former Khmer Rouge prison chief who is accused of crimes against humanity in the deaths of more than 14, 000 people in the Tuol Sleng prison and torture house.15. 中国央行在上周五、本周一和周二确定的中间价引发了市场观点的变化,让交易员觉得央行希望人民币走弱。&&&&&&The central bank helped to trigger the market's change in sentiment by posting reference rates on Friday and Monday, and to a lesser extent Tuesday, that traders regarded as signs the bank favored a weaker yuan.16. 根据地理这家的分析,1933年的时候本周一发生地震的地方也有过一次地震,造成至少9000人死亡。&&&&&&A 1933 quake near where Monday's struck killed at least 9, 000, according to geologists.17. 这幅漫画借用了本周一发生在康涅狄格州斯坦福的黑猩猩伤人被击毙事件,一只名叫Travis的黑猩猩因袭击主人的朋友而被警察击毙。&&&&&&The cartoon refers to a chimpanzee named Travis who was killed Monday by police in Stamford, Conn., after it mauled a friend of its owner.18. 本周一是什么意思18. 这幅漫画借用了本周一发生在康涅狄格州斯坦福的黑猩猩伤人被击毙事件,一只名叫Travis的黑猩猩因袭击主人的朋友而被警察击毙。&&&&&&The cartoon refers to a chimpanzee named Travis who was killed Monday by police in Stamford, Conn., after it mauled a friend of its owner.来自内容天天学习网http://ttxxz. com19. 美国股市在本周一早市全面上扬。。。&&&&&&Stocks climbed in mid-morning trading on Monday...20. 本周一的解释20. 美国军方官员称本周一已用 Chinook 直升机从洪都拉斯的 R 岛疏散了19名美国居民。&&&&&&U. S. military official s said a Chinook helicopter was flown in to evacuate 19 American citizens from the Honduran island of Roatan on Monday.本周一是什么意思,本周一在线翻译,本周一什么意思,本周一的意思,本周一的翻译,本周一的解释,本周一的发音,本周一的同义词,本周一的反义词,本周一的例句,本周一的相关词组,本周一意思是什么,本周一怎么翻译,单词本周一是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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中文翻译采购界商品化计划商品经营商品销售, 商品学, 推销商品之广告推销实物促销推销商品销售规划销售商品有计划的推销&&&&n. 〔集合词〕商品,货;〔古语〕商业。 general ...... &&&&&&集中采购分配制... &&&&&&服装营销; 时尚推广; 时尚销售购买; 时尚行销... &&&&&&特许经营和纪念品销售... &&&&&&销售与推销... &&&&&&商业簿记... &&&&&&(商业企业):企业类型的一种,该类型企业从其他企业购买产品并将产品销售给顾客。; 商品流通企业; 商品企业; 销售业... &&&&&&商业企业... &&&&&&商业费用... &&&&&&拓展员... &&&&&&商业企业... &&&&&&商业企业... &&&&&&销售场所... &&&&&&采购经理; 洽购经理; 销售经理; 业务跟单经理... &&&&&&商品化计划... &&&&&&推销政策... &&&&&&商品化权... &&&&&&推销员... &&&&&&销售推广系统... &&&&&&商品回转率... &&&&&&跨行业销售; 趋同式经营/争夺经营; 争取推销... &&&&&&商品的营销... &&&&&&观赏商品; 视觉营销; 图像宣传策略... &&&&&&贸易活动的会计处理... &&&&&&美国药品商... &&
例句与用法I bought some hot merchandise and got ripped off .我买了一些赃物,上了当。The merchandise was all brought into his store .所有的商品都被搬入他的店。In our stores we deal only in the finest merchandise .我们商店里只卖最好的商品。How could you charge merchandise when you knew you couldn't pay for it ?你明知道付不出钱,怎么能够赊购东西呢?But the variety of other merchandise delivered to the tissues is amazing .但是,给组织送上门的其他货物的种类是惊人的。A crowd had began to gather, eyeing the spilled merchandise with avid eyes .人群开始聚拢来,用贪婪的目光看着撒在地上的货物。In such a vacuum they produce merchandise that is both unwanted and inferior .在这样一种心中无数的状况下,他们生产的商品既无人需要,质量又低。We like our sales people to be interested in the merchandise they are selling, as well as acquainted with it .我们很愿意我们的售货员对他们卖的货有兴趣,也懂得自己卖的货。You quitted disloyally at the worst possible time, an important merchandising time, when the company needs you .在一个最坏的时刻,一个重要的经销阶段,公司需要你的时候,你背信弃义的一走了之。Customers who queued up to buy merchandise sometimes found that the price had doubled by the time they were halfway through the line .人们都排长队购买商品,有时他们发现,队排到一半时价格就涨了一倍。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money同义词:, ,
百科解释In the broadest sense, merchandising is any practice which contributes to the sale of products to a retail consumer. At a retail in-store level, merchandising refers to the variety of products available for sale and the display of those products in such a way that it stimulates interest and entices customers to make a purchase.详细百科解释
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