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& TortoiseSVN使用技巧
  作为一位小小程序员,常常会因为一个细小的改动,而花了不少的时间和精力,有时还会将这个改动删除,反反复复,可能会存在混乱,而小编在此推荐一个神器,能够随时查看数据改动信息。  TortoiseSVN 是 Subversion 版本控制系统的一个免费开源客户端,可以超越时间的管理文件和目录。文件保存在中央版本库,除了能记住文件和目录的每次修改以外,版本库非常像普通的文件服务器。你可以将文件恢复到过去的版本,并且可以通过检查历史知道数据做了哪些修改,谁做的修改。这就是为什么许多人将 Subversion 和版本控制系统看作一种“时间机器”。  特性:  可选的网络层  Subversion 在版本库访问方面有一个抽象概念,利于人们去实现新的网络机制,Subversion 的“高级”服务器是 Apache 网络服务器的一个模块,使用 HTTP 的变种协议 WebDAV/DeltaV 通讯,这给了 Subversion 在稳定性和交互性方面很大的好处,可以直接使用服务器的特性,例如认证、授权、传输压缩和版本库浏览等等。也有一个轻型的,单独运行的 Subversion 服务器,这个服务器使用自己的协议,可以轻松的用 SSH 封装。  一致的数据处理  Subversion 使用二进制文件差异算法展现文件的区别,对于文本(人类可读)和二进制(人类不可读)文件具备一致的操作方式,两种类型的文件都压缩存放在版本库中,差异在网络上双向传递。  高效的分支和标签  分支与标签的代价不与工程的大小成比例,Subversion 建立分支与标签时只是复制项目,使用了一种类似于硬链接的机制,因而这类操作通常只会花费很少并且相对固定的时间,以及很小的版本库空间。  良好的维护能力  Subversion 没有历史负担,它由一系列良好的共享 C 库实现,具有定义良好的 API,这使 Subversion 非常容易维护,可以轻易的被其他语言和程序使用。  外壳集成  TortoiseSVN 与Windows 外壳(例如资源管理器)无缝集成,你可以保持在熟悉的工具上工作,不需要在每次使用版本控制功能时切换应用程序。  并且你不一定必须使用 Windows 资源管理器,TortoiseSVN 的右键菜单可以工作在其他文件管理器,以及文件/打开对话框等标准的 Windows 应用程序中。你必须牢记,TortoiseSVN 是有意作为 Windows 资源管理器的扩展开发,因此在其他程序可能集成的并不完整,例如重载图标可能不会显示。  重载图标  每个版本控制的文件和目录的状态使用小的重载图标表示,可以让你立刻看出工作副本的状态。  简便访问  Subversion 命令的简便访问。  所有的 Subversion 命令存在于资源管理器的右键菜单,TortoiseSVN 在那里添加子菜单。  因为 TortoiseSVN 是一个 Subversion 客户端,我们也很愿意为你展示一些 Subversion 本身的特性。  目录版本控制  CVS 只能追踪单个文件的历史,但是 Subversion 实现了一个“虚拟”文件系统,可以追踪整个目录树的修改,文件和目录都是版本控制的,结果就是可以在客户端对文件和目录执行移动和复制命令。  原子提交  提交要么完全进入版本库,要么一点都没有,这允许开发者以一个逻辑块提交修改。  版本控制的元数据。  每个文件和目录都有一组附加的“属性”,你可以发明和保存任意的键/值对,属性是版本控制的,就像文件内容。  使用技巧:  检出代码  初次使用TortoiseSVN的时候,你需要将服务器的代码下载到本地,这就是SVN Checkout(SVN检出)。检出的步骤如下:  SVN Checkout(SVN检出)  第一步,创建一个新文件夹作为本地工作目录(Working directory),可以使用应用名为文件夹名。如,为我的应用vyes创建本,建立工作目录地工作目录。  第二步,从SVN仓库检出(checkout)一个应用的全部版本代码,右键–&点击“SVN Checkout”。  在弹出页面中填写仓库URL即可,其它默认参数即可。  TortoiseSVN检出对话框Reversion处,“HEAD revision”是指最新版,也可以指定Revision为任意一个版本。  点击“OK”,出现下载界面。  检出的下载界面如果一切顺利,vyes应用所有版本代码将会全部出现在刚刚创建的vyes文件夹下文件夹,1是指vyes的第一个版本。  TortoiseSVN检出成功修改并提交代码  在本地使用你喜欢的编辑器,编辑任意文件,保存后该文件图标将会出现红色感叹号,表示这个文件修改过,没有提交。  Tortoise修改代码刚刚修改过的global.css变色了。下面需要提交(commit)最近的更新。在global.css上击右键,出现菜单 ,选择“SVN commit”。  右键菜单的commit然后填写关于本次更新的日志(log message),这是必填项,否则commit会失败。  commit提交对话框,表明刚才的修改已经成功提交,并且前该vyes项目的SVN版本号加1,变成91了。  commit提交成功新增文件、文件夹  在 SVN工作目录下,对于文件修改,完成后只需要commit就ok了,但对于新增文件,或者从其它目录复制进来的文件或文件夹,需要在commit之前需 要做一步add操作,即将文件或文件夹添加到svn工作目录中来,否则SVN客户端不认它。具体操作很简单。  新增文件或文件夹然后再右键commit即可,commit之后,在浏览器上输入你的应用地址就能访问了。  TortoiseSVN 就是这么一款神奇、智能的软件,可以将文件恢复到过去的版本,还可以通过检查历史知道哪些数据做了修改,是谁修改的,这些记录都有TortoiseSVN来进行管理。软件名称:  TortoiseSVN v1.8.7.25475软件大小:14.58MB下载地址:
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(转载时请注明本文出处及文章链接)对于已经上线的 ASP.NET 网站来说,后续的维护更新尤其重要,不过每次要更新的时候,都要人工检视历次的版本纪录,检查所有新增、修改、或删除了哪些文件,手动整理好这些文件之后,再更新到正式主机。最麻烦的地方就是在于每次都要先找一个暂存的目录,然后目录一个一个的建立,然后把文件一个一个的复制进来,完成之后压缩起来寄给客户或请相关人员批次更新,但是这麽多的「人工作业」难免有搞错的机会,导致更新到错误的文件或将文件放到错误的目录下等等。虽然 TortoiseSVN 有提供 Create Patch 与 Apply Patch 等功能,不过客户端的正式主机几乎都没有安装 TortoiseSVN 软体,所以可说是英雄无用武之地。所以长久以来,我一直苦苦追寻这样的功能:「如何才能让 TortoiseSVN 仅汇出新增或修改过的文件呢?」这个功能我已经找了一年多了,好几次有股冲动想写这样的软件出来,因为每次要汇出差异的文件真的很麻烦。上周五,这个功能终于被我找到了!原来这功能老早就在 TortoiseSVN 中了,只是藏在云深不知处,以下是本次重大的心得分享。首先,必须先用 SVN Show log 功能列出所有 Revisions 纪录,然后任选「两个版本」后按右键选取 Compare revisions
然后会出现 Changed Files 视窗,这里会列出这两个版本间的所有差异项目,透过鼠标或按键盘 Ctrl + A 全选后按下右键选 Export selection to ... 导出这些差异项目。
对于已经上线的 ASP.NET 网站来说,后续的维护更新尤其重要,不过每次要更新的时候,都要人工检视历次的版本纪录,检查所有新增、修改、或删除了哪些文件,手动整理好这些文件之后,再更新到正式主机。最麻...
发现所有的bat文件变成了用记事本打开, 右键点击也看不到运行和编辑选项。
assoc .bat=...
git的设置,.gitconfig文件内容如下:#!/bin/sh# 全局提交用户名与邮箱
git config --global user.name &Yuchen Deng&
git config...
(最多只允许输入30个字)您的位置: >
本文导读:在多数项目中你总会有文件和目录不需要进行版本控制。这可能包括一些由编译器生成的文件,*.obj,*.lst,或许是一个用于存放可执行程序的输出文件夹。编译出来的 bin, obj 目录和 *.suo 文件都没有必要添加到 Repository 中。下面介绍SVN如何排除不想提交的文件
在用SVN对代码进行版本控制时,有些文件或者文件夹不需要提交的,例如,每次试编译后 bin, obj 目录都会改变。而 *.suo 文件(它和 *.sln 文件同目录,但是为隐藏属性)甚至在每次用 VS (Visual Studio) 打开时都会被更新一次。那么,我们该如何排除不想提交的文件呢?
在资源管理器中,右键一个未加入版本控制文件或目录,并从弹出菜单选择TortoiseSVN &Add to Ignore List,会出现一个子菜单,允许你仅选择该文件或者所有具有相同后缀的文件。
添加这些文件到globalignore list .他们最大的不同是全局忽略列表是一个客户端特性。它会作用到所有的(all)subversion 项目。但只能在pc客户端使用。
Subversion 的忽略模式使用了文件匹配,一种原先在Unix系统中使用meta字符作为通配符的技术。下面的字符有着特殊的意思:
&*& 匹配任何字符串,包括空串(没有字符)
&? 匹配任何单字符
&[...] 匹配任何单在方括号[]内的单字符,在方括号内,一对字符被&-&分隔,匹配任何词汇表上在他们中间的字符。例如[AGm-p]匹配任何单个的A,G,m,n,o或者p。
模式匹配是大小写敏感的,这在Windows 平台下会出问题。你可以使用成对的字符来强制忽略大小写。例如,忽略不记 *.tmp 的大小写,那么你可以使用像 *.[Tt][Mm][Pp] 这样的模式。
一月好评排行榜TortoiseSVN 操作指南
TortoiseSVN 操作指南
A Subversion client for Windows
Stefan Küng
Lübbe Onken
Simon Large
二〇〇五年四月 Daan译
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
使用 TortoiseSVN
在Windows2000及其以上的系统中,认证信息被加密保存在注册表中。要删除认证信息,请选择settings对话框,并且点击Clear Auth Cache按钮。
4.3.&导入数据到仓库Importing Data Into A Repository
4.3.1.&仓库规划Repository Layout
如果多个项目之间的关系不是很紧密,并且他们都是被单独取出的,那根据项目来规划会比较有意义些。For related projects where you may want to check out all projects in one go, or where the projects are all tied together in a single distribution package, it is often better to index by branch. This way you have only one trunk to checkout, and the relationships between the sub-projects is more easily visible.对那些相关的项目(),最好根据分支来组织规划。这样的话,你就只有一个trunk需要checkout,而且子项目间的关系会更明显。
你如果采用/trunk /tags /branches并列于根目录的方式,那你必须为每个branch和tag复制整个trunk,也就是说这种结构显得更机动些。
1.&&&&&& 在你的硬盘中创建一个空目录。
2.&&&&&& 在这个目录中创建一个你中意的目录组织形式。注意现在不要放任何文件进去。
3.&&&&&& 接下来把这个结构导入仓库。在新建的那个目录上单击鼠标右键,选择Import…。这样,就把你刚才创建的临时目录导入到仓库的根目录了,并创建了仓库的基本架构。
将C:\Temp\New 导入到仓库的根目录,那么根目录看起来应该是这样的:
另外你也可以使用仓库浏览器(repository browser)直接在仓库中创建新目录。
4.3.2. Import
1.&&&&&& 把项目中不需要的文件删除。(临时文件、编译器创建的文件,比如*.obj、2进制文件等。)
2.&&&&&& 把目录和子目录中的所有文件整理一遍。虽然你可以在导入之后再来进行重命名或删除等操作,但是还是推荐你在导入之前把你的项目整理好。
现在,在资源管理器(windows explorer)中选择项目的根目录,单击鼠标右键,选择Import…命令,跳出一个对话框:
那个Important Message是用来记录日志信息的。
和exclude pattern匹配的文件或文件夹不会被导入。
4.3.3. Special Files
As an example, you can have a look at TortoiseSVN‘s build script. It calls a file named TortoiseVars.bat which doesn‘t exist in the repository. Only the file TortoiseVars.tmpl. TortoiseVars.tmpl is the template file which every developer has to create a copy from and rename that file to TortoiseVars.bat. Inside that file, we added comments so that the users will see which lines they have to edit and change according to their local setup to get it working.
So as not to disturb the users, we also added the file TortoiseVars.bat to the ignore list of its parent folder, i.e. we‘ve set the Subversion property svn:ignored to include that filename. That way it won‘t show up as unversioned on every commit.
4.3.4. Referenced Projects
Sometimes it is useful to construct a working copy that is made out of a number of different checkouts. For example, you may want different subdirectories to come from different locations in a repository, or perhaps from different repositories altogether. If you want every user to have the same layout, you can define the svn:externals properties.
Let‘s say you check out a working copy of /project1 to D:\dev\project1. Select the folder D:\dev\project1, right click and choose properties from the context menu. The Properties Dialog comes up. Then go to the Subversion tab. There, you can set properties. Select the svn:externals property from the combobox and write in the edit box the repository url in the format name url. For example
subversion http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk
Now click Set and commit your changes. If a user updates their working copy the external project is checked out, too.
If you need more information how TortoiseSVN handles Properties read Section 4.9, “Get/Set Information About Files/Directories”.
4.4.&取出工作副本Checking Out A Working Copy
有时候你也许需要一份没有那些.svn目录的工作副本,比如要建一个源代码zip压缩包。TortoiseSVN提供一个导出命令 Export…,可以免除我们自己动手来操作(做一个副本,然后手动删除所有.svn目录)。如果你在工作副本中执行这个命令,你可以选择一个目录用来存放没有.svn目录的干净工作副本。同样,你也可以指定是导出所有文件还是那些被版本控制的文件。
导出的另一种方法是,用鼠标右键拖拽一个工作目录到其他地方,然后选择Subversion export here 或者 Subversion export all here。
4.5.&获取状态信息Getting Status Information
4.5.1.&覆盖图标Icon Overlays
图4.5 覆盖图标
Slow Overlays
You may notice that if you enable the recursive overlay for folders that the explorer slows down remarkably when browsing working copies. This depends on how big your working copy is and how much RAM Windows can use for file index caching. Usually it‘s only very slow the first time you browse such a directory - if you browse the same directory later again it‘s much faster.
If you want to disable the recursive overlays for some folders but not for all then you can do that by creating a file called _tsvnexcluderecursive inside that folder. This will disable the recursive overlays for that folder, but not for the files or folders inside it.
You can also disable the overlays completely for a folder by creating a file called _tsvnexcludethis inside that folder. Again, this disables the overlays only for that folder, not the folders inside it. You can define specific paths to be excluded from showing overlays on the settings page (Section 4.21.2, “The Settings Dialog, Look and Feel Tab”).
Simply right click on one of the headings of a column, choose More... from the context menu displayed. A dialog will appear where you can specify the columns and their order, which is displayed in the "Detailed View". Scroll down until the entries starting with SVN come into view. Check the ones you would like to have displayed and close the dialog by pressing OK. The columns will be appended to the right of those currently displayed. You can reorder them by drag and drop, or resize them, so that they fit your needs.
If you want the current layout to be displayed in all your working copies, you may want to make this the default view.
4.5.3.&仓库状态Status Of The Repository
图&4.6.&检查修改Check for Modifications
清楚地知道自己修改了哪些文件以及别人修改提交了哪些文件是很有用的。这就是命令Check For Modifications用的着的地方了。这个对话框显示出你的工作副本中修改过的每一个文件,没有在版本控制下的文件也会被显示出来。点击Check Repository按钮,可以检查仓库中的改动。在做update之前,你可以这么做一下,来检查是否有冲突的可能。
4.5.4. Viewing Diffs
更新工作副本Update Your Working Copy With Changes From Others
图 4.7. 已完成更新的对话框
TortoiseSVN 同时也允许你更新工作副本到一个特定的版本,并不仅仅是最新的版本。这个命令就是Update to Revision…,他会跳出一个对话框来让你输入你需要的版本。
If you update a file or folder to a specific revision, you will get out of date error messages when you try to commit them! If you want to undo changes to a file and start afresh from an earlier revision, you must either use the Revert changes from this revision command from the log dialog or the Merge... menu command.
命令Update to Revision...可以让你的工作回复到以前的版本。比如说你的工作副本现在的版本是100,但你想要看看版本为50的时候是什么样子,那就可以简单的将版本更新到50即可。
一般来说,更新一个单独的文件到以前的版本并不太好,因为这会导致你的工作副本处于一个不一致的状态。假如你更新的文件改过名字,有可能你只是发现那个文件消失了,因为在以前的那个版本,根本不存在那个名字的文件。如果你只是需要某个文件的老版本副本,最好在日志对话框中使用Save revision to...命令来搞定。
If you updated your working copy to an earlier revision, you must not make changes to the files! You will get out of date errors if you try to commit those changes. If you want to revert some changes in your working copy, then use the repository browser and save the file in question over the file in your working copy. Or you can use the log dialog and use the command Revert changes in this revision. This will undo only those changes made in the selected revision. Changes made after that revision will be retained. For reverting multiple revisions, you should use the merge command, where you can specify the range of revisions you want to undo.
多个文件或文件夹Multiple Files/Folders
If you select multiple files and folders in the explorer and then select Update, all of those files/folders are updated one by one. TortoiseSVN makes sure that all files/folders which are from the same repository are updated to the exact same revision! Even if between those updates another commit occurred.
本地文件已存在Local File Already Exists
Sometimes when you try to update, the update fails with a message to say that there is already a local file of the same name. This typically happens when Subversion tries to checkout a newly versioned file, and finds that an unversioned file of the same name already exists in your working folder. Subversion will never overwrite an unversioned file - it might contain something you are working on, which coincidentally has the same filename as another developer has used for his newly committed file.
If you get this error message, the solution is simply to rename the local unversioned file. After completing the update, you can check whether the renamed file is still needed.
If you keep getting error messages, use Check for modifications instead to list all the problem files. That way you can deal with them all at once.
解决冲突Resolving Conflicts
&&&&&&& filename
&&& your changes
&&& code merged from repository
&&&&&&& revision
你可以在菜单中选择Edit Conflict来打开一个合并工具或冲突编辑器,或者用其他编辑器来解决这个冲突。你必须决定这些代码到底该是什么样子,做一些必要的修改,然后保存文件。
然后选择菜单中的Resolved命令执行,接着提交修改到仓库。请注意,命令Resolved并没有真正的解决冲突,它只不过是把filename.ext.mine 和 filename.ext.r*删除,并允许你提交修改而已。
把你的修改发送到仓库Sending Your Changes To The Repository
发送你对工作副本的修改就是提交修改。在提交之前,你应该确认你的工作副本是最新的。你可以直接作一次Update操作,或者先Check for Modifications看看在本地或在服务器上哪些文件修改过。
图 4.8. 提交对话框
Commit files or folders?
When you commit files, the commit dialog shows only the files you have selected. When you commit a folder the commit dialog will select the changed files automatically. If you forget about a new file you created, committing the folder will find it anyway. Committing a folder does not mean that every file ge It just makes your life easier by doing more work for you.
Many unversioned files in the commit dialog
If you think that the TSVN commit dialog shows you too many unversioned (e.g. compiler generated or editor backup) files, there are several ways to handle this. You can:
add the file (or a wildcard extension) to the list of files to exclude on the settings page. This will affect every working copy you have.
add the file to the svn:ignore list using the Add to ignore list context menu. This will only affect the directory on which you set the svn:ignore property. Using the SVN Property Dialog, you can alter the svn:ignore property for a directory.
Read Section 4.12, “Ignoring Files And Directories” for more information.
图 4.9. 显示提交进程的对话框
深红Dark red
Special Folder Properties
There are several special folder properties which can be used to help give more control over the formatting of commit log messages. Read Section 4.9, “Get/Set Information About Files/Directories” for further information.
Integration with Bugtracking Tools
If you have activated the bugtracking system, you could set one or more Issues in the Bug-ID / Issue-Nr: Textfield. Several Issues should be comma separated. Learn more Section 4.10, “Integration with Bugtracking Systems”.
4.9. Get/Set Information About Files/Directories
图4.10. Subversion属性页
●&&&&&&&&&&&&& tsvn:minlogmsgsize设置了提交时日志的最小长度。如果你没有输入指定长度的信息,是不能提交的。这个功能对你在每一次做提交操作时提醒你写一些合适的描述信息是很有用的。如果这个属性没有设置,或者他的值为0,那表示不填日志信息也可以。
●&&&&&&&&&&&&& tsvn:logwidthmarker用在需要有一定格式日志信息的项目中,日志信息每行的宽度有限制(常见的是80个字符)。设置这个属性为一个非零值,将导致2个现象:出现一个灰色线条指示最宽的宽度,还有,自动换行没有了。这样你就能看到自己的文字是不是写的太长了。注意:这个功能只有在给日志显示选择了固定宽度字体时才能正常工作。
●&&&&&&&&&&&&& tsvn:logtemplate用在一些有日志格式规范的项目中。这个属性包含多行的文本,当进行一个commit操作时,这些文本就会自动插入到提交信息窗口中。接下来,你就可以在其中再加入必要的信息。注意:如果你还使用了tsvn:minlogmsgsize属性,那一定要保证设置的长度比模板中的长,否则你将失去这个保护机制。(Note: if you are also using tsvn:minlogmsgsize, be sure to set the length longer than the template or you will lose the protection mechanism.)
●&&&&&&&&&&&&& 在提交对话框中,你可以把有改动的文件列表粘贴进来,包括每个文件的状态(added,modified,等)。tsvn:logfilelistenglish定义了显示的文件状态文字是英文还是本地语言。如果这个属性没有设置,默认为true。
●&&&&&&&&&&&&& TortoiseSVN可以使用拼写检查模块,就像OpenOffice和Mozilla使用的。如果你安装了这些东东,这个属性可以决定使用哪个拼写检查模块,比如你的项目的日志信息应该用哪种语言来写。tsvn:projectlanguage设置了日志信息中拼写检查器要使用的语言模块。在这里可以找到你的语言要使用的值:。
Set the tsvn: properties on folders
These tsvn: properties must be set on folders for the system to work. When you commit a file or folder the properties are read from that folder. If the properties are not found there, TortoiseSVN will search upwards through the folder tree to find them until it comes to an unversioned folder, or the tree root (eg. C:\) is found. If you can be sure that each user checks out only from e.g trunk/ and not some subfolder, then it is sufficient to set the properties on trunk/. If you can‘t be sure, you should set the properties recursively on each subfolder. A property setting deeper in the project hierarchy overrides settings on higher levels (closer to trunk/).
For tsvn: properties only you can use the Recursive checkbox to set the property to all subfolders in the hierarchy, without also setting it on all files.
Commit properties
Subversion properties are versioned. After you change or add a property you have to commit your changes.
Conflicts on properties
If there‘s a conflict on committing the changes, because another user has changed the same property, Subversion generates a .prej file. Delete this file after you have resolved the conflict.
Automatic property setting
You can configure subversion to set properties automatically on files and folders when they are added to the repository. Read Section 4.21, “TortoiseSVN‘s Settings” for further information.
4.10. Bug跟踪系统Integration with Bugtracking Systems
这个属性能够激活Bug跟踪系统。一旦这个属性被设置,提交修改时,TortoiseSVN会要求你输入一个流水号。而这个属性的值将被放在日志信息的末尾,其中必须包含%BUGID%,这个%BUGID%在提交时会被流水号替换掉。这就能保证你提交的日志信息中包括Bug流水号,这个流水号经常会有一个特定的格式,并且与你的Bug跟踪系统协调工作。比如,我们的TortoiseSVN项目就正在使用这样的流水号:%BUGID%。(e.g the TortoiseSVN project is using Issue : %BUGID%, but this depends on your Tool.)
Set the Properties on Folders
These properties must be set on folders for the system to work. When you commit a file or folder the properties are read from that folder. If the properties are not found there, TortoiseSVN will search upwards through the folder tree to find them until it comes to an unversioned folder, or the tree root (eg. C:\) is found. If you can be sure that each user checks out only from e.g trunk/ and not some subfolder, then it‘s enough if you set the properties on trunk/. If you can‘t be sure, you should set the properties recursively on each subfolder. A property setting deeper in the project hierarchy overrides settings on higher levels (closer to trunk/).
For tsvn: properties only you can use the Recursive checkbox to set the property to all subfolders in the hierarchy, without also setting it on all files.
加入新文件和新目录Adding New Files And Directories
图4.11. 没有版本控制文件的菜单
You can also use the Add command on already versioned folders. In that case, the add dialog will show you all unversioned files inside that versioned folder. This helps if you have many new files and need them to add at once.
1.& 选中你要添加的文件先。
2.& 按下鼠标右键将文件拖拽到工作副本中的某个地方。
3.& 松开鼠标右键。
4.& 在跳出来的菜单中选择add files to Subversion here。这些文件马上就会被复制到工作副本中并且加入到了版本控制。
忽略文件和目录Ignoring Files And Directories
图4.12. 没有版本控制文件的菜单
在很多项目中,有一些文件或目录是不应该被版本控制影响到的。包括那些编译器产生的*.obj, *.lst,还有一些存放可执行文件的输出目录。当提交修改时,TSVN就会把没有版本控制的文件列出来,占满了提交窗口的文件列表。当然你可以选择不显示他们,但这样可能会把一些需要添加的新加入的源代码文件漏掉。
The Global Ignore List
Another way to ignore files is to add them to the global ignore list. The big difference here is that the global ignore list is a client property. It applies to all subversion projects, but on the client PC only. In general it is better to use the svn:ignore property where possible, because it can be applied to specific project areas, and it works for everyone who checks out the project. Read Section 4.21, “TortoiseSVN‘s Settings” for more information.
删除、重命名、移动Deleting, Renaming And Moving
图4.13. 版本控制下文件的菜单
1.& 选中要移动的文件或目录。
2.& 用鼠标右键拖拽他们到工作副本中一个新的目录。
3.& 松开鼠标右键。
4.& 在跳出的菜单中选择move files in Subversion to here。
Commit the parent folder
Since renames and moves are done as a delete followed by an add you must commit the parent folder of the renamed/moved file. Only that way the deleted part of the rename/move will show up in the commit dialog. If you don‘t commit the removed part of the rename/move, it will stay behind in the repository and an update of your coworkers won‘t remove the old file.
Getting a deleted file or folder back
If you have deleted a file or a folder and already committed that delete operation to the repository, then a normal Revert can‘t bring it back anymore. But the file or folder is not lost at all. If you know the revision the file or folder got deleted (if you don‘t, use the log dialog to find out) open the repository browser and switch to that revision. Then select the file or folder you deleted, right-click and select Copy to... as the target for that copy operation select the path to your working copy.
取消改变Undo Changes
图4.14. Revert dialog
Undoing Changes which have been Committed
Revert will only undo your local changes. It does not undo any changes which have already been committed. If you want to undo all the changes which were committed in a particular revision, read Section 4.15, “Revision Log Dialog” for further information.
修订日志窗口Revision Log Dialog
1.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 最上面部分显示的是所有被提交的版本列表。显示有日期时间、提交者、修订版本号和日志信息的前面一部分。用蓝色显示的行表示有某些文件被复制到了这个版本。(也许是从一个分支来的)Lines shown in blue indicate that something has been copied to this development line (perhaps from a branch).
2.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 中间部分显示的是选中版本的所有日志信息。
3.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 底部显示的是选中版本所做修改的文件和目录列表。
4.15.1. Invoking The Log Dialog
图4.15. 日志窗口
1.& 从TortoiseSVN的菜单。
2.& 从文件的属性页。
3.& 完成update操作之后的窗口。这个窗口将只显示自上次更新以来有过的版本。
4.15.2. Getting Additional Information
图4.16. 日志窗口顶部窗格的右键菜单
1.&&&&&&&&&&&&& Compare with working copy 对选中版本与本地副本进行比较。默认的比较工具是TSVN提供的TortoiseMerge。如果是某个目录的日志,就会显示有改动文件的列表,接下来可以选择单个文件进行改动查看。
2.&&&&&&&&&&&&& Show Differences as Unified Diff 在一个文件里面显示所有的改动。这个操作比上面那个调用外部的比较查看器要快多了,因为TSVN只需要拿到不同,而不再需要获取所有的文件。
3.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 保存选中版本为一个文件,这样就可以得到这个文件的一个老版本了。这个选项只有当你选中的版本中只有一个文件被改动时才有效。
4.&&&&&&&&&&&&& Browse Repository打开仓库浏览器,检查选中的目录。这个选项只有当日志只有一个目录时才有效。
5.&&&&&&&&&&&&& Create tag from Revision 从选中版本创建branch或tag。这个功能很有用的。比如当你忘记创建一个tag而已经提交了一些改动,但这些改动你又不想包含到那个版本中去时。
6.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 更新工作副本到选中版本。当想把工作副本回复到以前的某个状态,这个选项是很有用的。最好是更新整个目录而不是只更新一个文件,否则你的工作副本就会不一致,而且你也将没办法提交任何改动。
7.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 恢复改动到选中版本。这个操作对仓库没有一点影响,只会在本地副本中进行改动的恢复。注意,它只取消那个版本的所有改动,没有用老版本的整个文件来替换你的副本。这在要取消一个以前的改动时很有用。
8.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 检索日志信息。这个功能可以在输入的日志信息和Subversion创建的动作摘要中进行查找。注意:大小写是不敏感的。
图4.17. 顶部窗格中选中2个文件时的菜单
1.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 用可视化工具来比较选中的2个版本。默认的比较工具是TSVN提供的TMerge。这个功能只对文件有效,对目录没用。
2.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 在一个文件中显示这2个版本的不同点。这个对文件和目录都有效。
3.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 检索日志信息。和前面讲到的一样。
图4.18. 底部窗格的菜单
1.& 查看选中文件在那个版本中所作的改动。这个菜单只有当文件为Modified时才有效。
2.& 保存选中文件的相关版本。
3.& 查看选中条目的Subversion属性。
4.15.3. Getting all log messages
1.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 对一个大型仓库来说,显示成千上万的改动需要花太多时间。正常情况下,开发人员只关注最近的修改。默认情况,最多会显示100条日志。你也可以在Settings中修改这个值(见第4.21节,“TortoiseSVN的设置”)。
2.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 当查看一个branch或者tag的日志时,只会显示创建这个特定branch的目录到根的日志。这样的好处是不会显示多余的其他无关的日志信息。注意这只对本地副本有效。如果使用仓库浏览器,日志信息会从分支的地方继续显示更多。
如果想得到所有日志,先回到版本1,再按Get All。
4.15.4. Changing the log message and author
Subversion允许任意的修改日志内容或版本作者。但这个功能默认是关闭的,因为这些修改是不能取消的(这些修改没有在版本控制之下)。要让这个功能起作用,必须先设置好pre-revprop-change hook。关于如何设置的细节请查阅Subversion的一节。关于如何在Windows环境如何实现hooks请阅读第3.5节“Repository Hooks”。
Because Subversion‘s revision properties are not versioned, making modifications to such a property (for example, the svn:log commit message property) will overwrite the previous value of that property forever.
4.15.5. Statistical Information
分支/标记Branching / Tagging
版本控制的一个重要特性是能将变更隔离成独立的开发线路。这就是所谓的分支(branch)。分支常用来测试新功能,但又不会因为编译错误或BUG干扰开发主线。一旦分支稳定下来,就可以把分支合并(merge)回主线(the trunk)了。
Subversion没有什么专门的命令来branching或者tagging,而使用cheap copies来代替。Cheap copies有点像links(译者注:就像windows系统的快捷方式),并没有真正的进行复制操作。
4.16.1. Creating a Branch or Tag
图4.19. 分支/标记
选中工作副本父目录,调出菜单,选择命令Branch/Tag。输入分支或标记的仓库路径URL。把原来输入的trunk 换成tags/tagname ,这里tagname 可能是ProjectName_v1.10.
&&& C:/SVNRepository/trunk/ProjectName/...
&&& C:/SVNRepository/trunk/AnotherProject/...
&&& C:/SVNRepository/branches/ProjectName_SpecialDebugBuildBasedOn_v1.09/
&&& C:/SVNRepository/tags/ProjectName_v1.10
按下OK钮,Subversion就在仓库中用指定的目录创建了一个cheap copy。创建分支或标记都不影响本地副本。
4.16.2. To Checkout or to Switch...
这是(不是真的)个问题。由于checkout会取出所有的数据,而switch只会传输修改的内容。Good for the network load, good for your patience. :-)
1.& 再次执行checkout。你可以任意次的取出副本到本地的任意地方。
2.& 转换当前副本到新创建的仓库。只需再对项目的父目录执行Switch命令。在下一个窗口输入刚才创建的branch地址。选择Head version。点击OK。本地副本就切换到新branch或tag了。转换就像更新一样,不会丢掉本地的任何修改,而是将未提交修改合并。如果不想这样,那就在转换(switch)之前进行提交(commit)操作,或恢复(revert)副本到某个已提交版本(一般都选head版本)。
图4.20. 转换窗口
1.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 标记用于创建项目在一个特殊阶段的静态快照,通常不再用于开发,而分支是用于开发的。这就是先前推荐使用/trunk /branches /tags结构的理由。当然你也可以修改/tags/中的副本,但提交时TortoiseSVN会有警告。
2.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 如果一个已经标记过的还发布了的版本,还要进行修改,正确的方法是创建一个新的分支,在新分支上做修改,再根据这个分支创建新标记。比如Version_1.0.1。
3.&&&&&&&&&&&&& 如果在副本上修改并提交,则修改只体现在分支上而不是主干上。
Where branches are used to maintain separate lines of development, at some stage you will want to merge the changes made on one branch back into the trunk, or vice versa.
There are two common use cases for merging which are handled in slightly different ways, as described below.
4.17.1. Merging a Range of Revisions
This method covers the case when you have made one or more revisions to a branch (or to the trunk) and you want to port those changes across to a different branch.
Figure 4.21. The Merge Dialog
To merge revisions you need to go to a working copy of the branch in which you want to receive the changes, often the trunk. Select Merge... from the context menu.
In the From: field enter the full folder url of the branch or tag containing the changes you want to port into your working copy. You may also click ... to browse the repository and find the desired branch.
Because you are porting a range of revisions from the same branch into your working copy, make sure the Use "From:" URL checkbox is checked.
In the From Revision field enter the initial revision number. This is the revision before the changes you want to merge. Revision numbers are auto-incremented after each commit. You want to start merging the changes before the revision number is auto-incremented. For example, if your log messages look something like this:
Rev Comments
39. Working on MyBranch
38. Working on trunk
37. Working on MyBranch
36. Create branch MyBranch
35. Working on trunk
34. Working on trunk
&&&&&&&& ...
If you now want to merge the changes from MyBranch into the trunk you have to choose 36 as the From Revision. Not 37 as you might think.
The easiest way to find the revision you need is to click on Show Log, as this will list recent changes with their log comments. Select the revision you require in the Show Log dialog, then click on OK.
In the To Revision field enter the last revision number in the range you want to merge. Often this will be the HEAD revision, although it doesn‘t need to be - you can just want to merge a single revision.
Click OK to complete the merge.
The merge is now complete. It‘s a good idea to have a look at the merge and see if it‘s as expected. Merging is usually quite complicated. Conflicts often arise if the branch has drifted far from the trunk.
When you have tested the changes and come to commit this revision, your commit log message should always include the revision numbers which have been ported in the merge. If you want to apply another merge at a later time you will need to know what you have already merged, as you do not want to port a change more than once. Unfortunately merge information is not stored by Subversion. For more information about this, refer to Tracking Merges Manually in the Subversion Book
If you want to keep this branch up to date with the trunk, you should immediately merge changes from trunk back to the this branch. Use this method and local changes won‘t get in your way. Of course, you should still avoid repeated merging of trunk changes, as explained above.
If you want to see what changes will be made by a merge and see where possible conflicts may occur you can check the option Dry Run . This will force the merge command to do a merge, but not modify the working copy at all.
Subversion can‘t merge a file with a folder and vice versa - only folders to folders and files to files. If you click on a file and open up the merge dialog, then you have to give a path to a file in that dialog. If you select a folder and bring up the dialog, then you must specify a folder url for the merge.
4.17.2. Merging Two Different Trees
This method covers the case when you have made a feature branch as discussed in the Subversion book. All trunk changes have been ported to the feature branch, week by week, and now the feature is complete you want to merge it back into the trunk. Because you have kept the feature branch synchronized with the trunk, the latest versions of branch and trunk will be absolutely identical except for your branch changes. So in this special case, you would merge by comparing the branch with the trunk.
To merge the feature branch back into the trunk you need to go to a working copy of the trunk. Select Merge... from the context menu.
In the From: field enter the full folder url of the trunk. This may sound wrong, but remember that the trunk is the start point to which you want to add the branch changes. You may also click ... to browse the repository.
Because you are comparing two different trees, make sure the Use "From:" URL checkbox is not checked.
In the To: field enter the full folder url of the feature branch.
In both the From Revision field and the To Revision field, enter the last revision number at which the two trees were synchronized. If you are sure no-one else is making commits you can use the HEAD revision in both cases. If there is a chance that someone else may have made a commit since that synchronization, use the specific revision number to avoid losing more recent commits.
Click OK to complete the merge.
In this case you will not need the feature branch again because the new feature is now integrated into the trunk. The feature branch is redundant and can be deleted from the repository if required.
创建和应用补丁Creating and Applying Patches
4.18.1. Creating a Patch File
First you need to make and test your changes. Then instead of using Commit... on the parent folder, you select Create Patch... This will produce a single file containing a summary of all the changes you have made since the last update from the repository. If you create a patch file, make some more changes and then create another patch, the second patch file will include both sets of changes.
Just save the file using a filename of your choice. Patch files can have any extension you like, but by convention they should use the .patch or .diff extension. You are now ready to submit your patch file.
4.18.2. Applying a Patch File
Patch files are applied to your working copy. This should be done from the same folder level as was used to create the patch. If you are not sure what this is, just look at the first line of the patch file. For example, if the first file being worked on was doc/source/english/chapter1.xml and the first line in the patchfile is Index: english/chapter1.xml then you need to apply the patch to the english folder.
In order to apply a patch file to your working copy, you need to have at least read access to the repository. The reason for this is that the merge program must reference the changes back to the revision against which they were made by the remote developer.
From the context menu for that folder, click on Apply Patch... This will bring up a file open dialog allowing you to select the patch file to apply. By default only .patch or .diff files are shown, but you can opt for "All files". Open the file and TortoiseMerge runs to merge the changes from the patch file with your working copy. A small window lists the files which have been changed. Double click on each one in turn, review the changes and save the merged files.
The remote developer‘s patch has now been applied to your working copy, so you need to commit to allow everyone else to access the changes from the repository.
副本重定位Relocating a working copy
Figure 4.22. The Relocate Dialog
If your repository has for some reason changed it‘s location (IP/URL). Maybe you‘re even stuck and can‘t commit and you don‘t want to checkout your working copy again from the new location and to move all your changed data back into the new working copy, relocate is the command you are looking for. It basically does very little: it scans all "entries" files in the .svn folder and changes the URL of the entries to the new value.
Don‘t use the relocate command to switch your working copy to a different branch! If you do that, then you will get many unexplainable error messages while updating, committing, ...
The relocate command must only be used if the URL of the server changed!
仓库浏览器The Repository Browser
Sometimes you need to work directly on the repository, without having a working copy. That‘s what the Repository Browser is for. What the explorer and the icon overlays are for your working copy is the Repository Browser for the repository.
Figure 4.23. The Repository Browser
With the Repository Browser you can execute commands like copy, move, rename, ... directly on the repository.
On the top of the Repository Browser Window you can enter the URL of the repository and the revision you want to browse. Browsing an older revision is useful if you want to e.g. recover a previously deleted file. Use the Copy To... command to do that and enter the full working copy path to where you want to recover your deleted file.
的设置TortoiseSVN‘s Settings
To find out what the different settings are for, just leave your mouse pointer a second on the editbox/checkbox... and a helpful tooltip will popup.
图4.24. 设置主界面
Apart from setting your preferred language, this dialog allows you to specify (almost) every setting TortoiseSVN has.
Selects your user interface language. What else did you expect?
Exclude/Ignore pattern
Exclude patterns are used to prevent unversioned files from showing up e.g. in the commit dialog. Files matching the patterns are also ignored by an import. Exclude files or directories by typing in the names or extensions. Patterns are separated by spaces e.g. bin obj *.bak *.~?? *.jar *.[Tt]mp. The first two entries refer to directories, the other four to files.
If you use the subversion configuration file to set a global-ignores pattern, it will override the settings you made here. The Subversion configuration file is accessed using the Edit as described below.&
This exclude pattern will affect all your projects. It is not versioned, so it will not affect other users. By contrast you can also use the versioned svn:ignore property to exclude files or directories from version control. You can set the svn:ignore property using the Add to Ignore List command. After commiting every other user will have the same svn:ignore property set for this project / directory as you. If you want to remove an ignored file from svn:ignore, you have to edit the parent folder properties. Read Section 4.12, “Ignoring Files And Directories” and Section 4.9, “Get/Set Information About Files/Directories” for more information.
Default number of log messages
Limits the number of log messages that TortoiseSVN fetches when you first select Show Log Useful for slow connections / servers. You can always Fetch All messages.
... the subversion configuration file directly. Some settings cannot be modified directly by TortoiseSVN, and need to be set here instead. For more information about the subversion config file see the Subversion Manual . The section on Automatic Property Setting is of particular interest, and that is configured here.
Short date / time format in log messages
If the standard long messages use up too much space on your screen use the short format.
Set filedates to "last commit time"
This option tells TortoiseSVN to set the filedates to the last commit time when doing a checkout or an update. Otherwise TortoiseSVN will use the current date. If you are developing software it is generally best to use the current date because build systems normally look at the datestamps to decide which files need compiling. If you use "last commit time" and revert to an older file revision, your project may not compile as you expect it to.
Close windows automatically
TortoiseSVN will automatically close all progress dialogs when the action is finished without error.
Don‘t close on conflicts
Automatic window closing is suppressed if there were conflicts during an update. This option is highly recommended to avoid missing conflict reports.
Check for newer versions
If checked, TortoiseSVN will check once a week to see if an update is available
Force shell icon refresh
If checked, TortoiseSVN will refresh all the overlay icons after every operation without you having to press F5.
Explorer will refresh every visible icon, not just the status overlays. If you have a network share, or a CD-ROM or floppy showing, then explorer will go and update all the icons from their original source files, and that can be very slow, blocking the explorer process completely for many seconds.&
Figure 4.25. The Settings Dialog, Look and Feel Tab
This tab allows you to choose the items for which TortoiseSVN will display icon overlays. If you feel that your icon overlays are very slow (explorer is not responsive), uncheck the "Recurse into folders to fetch the status" box. You can even disable all icon overlays, but where‘s the fun in that?
Figure 4.26. The Settings Dialog, Overlay Chooser Dialog
You can also change the overlay icon set by clicking on Select Overlay Set. Note that if you change overlay set, you have to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
The Exclude Paths are used to tell TortoiseSVN for which paths not to show icon overlays and status columns. This is useful if you have some very big working copies containing only libraries which you won‘t change at all and therefore don‘t need the overlays. For example:
f:\development\SVN\Subversion will disable the overlays on only that specific folder. You still can see the overlays on all files and folder inside that folder.
f:\development\SVN\Subversion* will disable the overlays on all files and folders whose path starts with f:\development\SVN\Subversion. That means you won‘t see overlays for any files and folders below that path.
The same applies to the Include Paths. Only that for those paths the overlays are shown even if the overlays are disabled for that specific drive type.
You can also specify here which of the TortoiseSVN context menu entries will show up in the main context menu.
Figure 4.27. The Settings Dialog, Network Tab
Here you can configure your proxy server, if you need one to get through your company‘s firewall.
You can also specify which program TortoiseSVN should use to establish a secure connection to a svn+ssh repository.
4.21.4. /合并设置
Figure 4.28. The Settings Dialog, Diff/Merge Tab
Here you can define your own diff/merge programs that TortoiseSVN should use. The basic setting is to use the builtin TortoiseMerge which is installed alongside TortoiseSVN.
Diff Program
An external diff program used for comparing different revisions of files. You can specify the following parameters to the path:
The original file without your changes
The window title for the base file
Your own file, with your changes
The window title for your file
The window titles are not pure filenames. TortoiseSVN treats that as a name to display and creates the names accordingly. So e.g. if you‘re doing a diff from a file in revision 123 with a file in your working copy, the names will be filename : revision 123 and filename : working copy
Merge Program
An external merge program used to resolve conflicted files. You can specify the following parameters to the path. The order of the parameters depends on the merge program you use.
the original file without your or the others changes
The window title for the base file
your own file, with your changes
The window title for your file
the file as it is in the repository
The window title for the file in the repository
the conflicted file, the result of the merge operation
The window title for the merged file
Diff Viewer
A viewer program for unified-diff files (patch files). If you don‘t have one the builtin option is to use NotePad. No Parameters.
The original Windows NotePad program does not behave well on files which do not have standard CR-LF line-endings. Since most unified diff files have pure LF line-endings, they do not view well in NotePad. However, you can download a free NotePad replacement Notepad2 which not only displays the line-endings correctly, but also colour codes the added and removed lines.
Figure 4.29. The Settings Dialog, Diff/Merge Advanced Dialog
In the advanced settings, you can define a different diff and merge program for every file extension. For instance you could associate Photoshop as the "Diff" Program for .jpg files :-)
谁动了哪一行?Who Changed Which Line?
Figure 4.30. The Annotate / Blame Dialog
Sometimes you need to know not only what lines have changed, but also who exactly changed specific lines in a file. That‘s when the Blame... command, sometimes also referred to as annotate command comes in handy.
This command lists, for every line in a file, the author and the revision the line was changed.
If you‘re not interested in changes from earlier revisions you can set the revision from which the blame should start. Set this to 1, if you want the blame for every revision.
By default the blame file is viewed using TortoiseBlame, which highlights the different revisions to make it easier to read. If you wish to print or edit the blame file, select Use Text viewer to view blames
Once you press OK TortoiseSVN starts retrieving the data to create the blame file. Please note: This can take several minutes to finish, depending on how much the file has changed and of course your network connection to the repository. Once the blame process has finished the result is written into a temporary file and you can view the results.
Figure 4.31. TortoiseBlame
TortoiseBlame, which is included with TortoiseSVN, makes the blame file easier to read. When you hover the mouse over a line in the blame info column, all lines with the same revision are shown with a darker background. Lines from other revisions which were changed by the same author are shown with a light background. The colouring may not work as clearly if you have your display set to 256 colour mode.
If you left click on a line, all lines with the same revision are highlighted, and lines from other revisions by the same author are highlighted in a lighter colour. This highlighting is sticky, allowing you to move the mouse without losing the highlights. Click on that revision again to turn off highlighting.
The revision comments are shown in a hint box whenever the mouse hovers over the blame info column.
版本路线图Revision Graphs
Figure 4.32. A Revision Graph
Sometimes you need to know where branches and tags were taken from the trunk, and the ideal way to view this sort of information is as a graph or tree structure. That‘s when you need to use Revision Graph...
This command analyses the revision history and attempts to create a


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