brbrowserinst是什么ling 有什么风险

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Posted by Timm
class does not have an InitialDirectory property like the
class.  But fortunately, it’s quite easy to set an initial folder in the FolderBrowserDialog:
FolderBrowserDialog dialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();
dialog.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.D
dialog.SelectedPath = @&C:Program Files&;
if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
Console.WriteLine( dialog.SelectedPath );
Note that you can choose other ’s like MyComputer and MyDocuments.  The
must be a child of the RootFolder for this to work.
Given the sample code above, the dialog may look like this:
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Excellent news everyone! Last month we launched SSH tunnels for Browserling. SSH tunnels allow you to tunnel your localhost or local network straight through to Browserling, which means you can do cross-browser testing from your internal network!
I made a demo video about this awesome feature:
Video URL:
SSH tunnels is the first major feature that differentiates the paid plans from the free plans. In free plans you get 5 minutes of Browserling for free and no tunnels. With a paid plan you get tunnels and unlimited time.
Here is a brief technical overview of how the tunnels work.
We run the
openssh server. The first time you use tunnels, you'll be asked to choose your ssh password and a new no-login Unix user will be created for you on the
server. The server has ports
open for tunneling but they are firewalled with iptables. When you click the "open tunnel" button in the Browserling UI, the tunnel server generates a random port in this range and opens it up with iptables but only for your Browserling session. For example, it may open up :55555. Then it generates the ssh command for opening a reverse ssh tunnel for you. For example, if you're tunneling localhost:80 then the command that will be generated will be ssh -N -R 55555:localhost:80 your_login@. Now you can just copy and paste this command to the terminal, you'll get prompted for your password, and you're done. The tunnel between Browserling and your localhost:80 has been opened. Now if you visit :55555 inside of Browserling, the connection will go through the tunnel and you'll really be accessing localhost:80!
If you're on Windows, you can also easily tunnel your localhost or local network with the plink.exe program from . It turns out that the command line arguments for plink.exe are exactly the same as for ssh. In the example above it would be plink.exe -N -R 55555:localhost:80 your_login@. Really cool!
We are huge fans of open-source at Browserling and we have open-sourced 40 node.js modules! I'll do a blog post about that soon. Then we are releasing Testling the next two weeks, which is an automated web testing framework for Browserling, and I am going to announce it here also. And we're adding a ton more web browsers to Browserling in the upcoming week!
If that sounds interesting, you can , , or . That way you'll be the first to know when we release all this goodness!
Never heard of Browserling? Read the
blog post, and the blog post on !
Browserling is an interactive cross-browser testing site that allows you to use Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari from your browser. We built this amazing technology that brings virtual machines to the web and we built Browserling on top of it!
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