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目前基于网络的各种营销推广活动很多,尤其是随着近几年Social Media的不断发展,网络营销推广已经成为了各大企业营销的重点之一。但这些网络营销推广活动最后的效果到底怎么样呢?
单纯的点击率、回复率、转化率就够了吗? 瑞意趋势在长期效果活动监测的基础上形成了完善的活动效果监测CET系统,并且结合不同行业、不同活动周期的Norm值对活动效果做出综合评估。CET会从创意、说服力、产品营销组合本身等几个综合方面对活动效果进行分析。
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如何评价网络广告的效果(How to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising).doc 9页
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如何评价网络广告的效果(How to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising)
如何评价网络广告的效果(How to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising)
How to evaluate the effectiveness of online advertising?
With the rapid development of the Internet, the network has gradually become television
Radio, newspapers, magazines and outdoor advertising outside of the fourth major advertising media
Body. Along with the rapid development of Internet advertising, a problem has been
How to evaluate Internet advertisement release reasonably?
After the effect, though, the network is inherently gifted with statistically accurate techniques
However, the measurement of network advertising effectiveness has not been effectively solved,
Moreover, this problem has become a constraint to the further development of online advertising industry
Bottleneck of exhibition.
Traditional media advertising effectiveness is generally assessed by inviting partial consumption
Interviews with experts, ratings, or surveys of audiovisual rates, circulations, or statistics
Sales performance analysis. In the course of implementation, due to time
Is not strong (often need time, last month) subjective influence (investigators and the investigation and mutual influence of differences in subjective feelings), error caused by faults, manpower constraints of small samples and other reasons, often results in advertising effect evaluation and the real situation was far away.
Measure and evaluate advertising effectiveness from the following aspects:
(1) attention rate. The number of contacts, the range of contacts and the frequency of exposure to advertising in a given period of time, that is, the evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising communication.
(2) arrival rate. It consists of three levels: popularity, comprehension, and assurance. Through advertising, the name of the enterprise brand in the consumers know how much, how many consumers understand the information conveyed by the advertisement, and change how many consumers convinced t
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