招投标中的违规行为BOQ里,LADDERS W/O CAGE是什么意思

一.基本算法: &
& & &(1)枚举. (poj1753,poj2965)
& & &(2)贪心(poj1328,poj2109,poj2586)
& & &(3)递归和分治法. &
& & &(4)递推. &
& & &(5)构造法.(poj3295)
& & &(6)模拟法.(poj1068,poj2632,poj1573,poj2993,poj2996)
二.图算法: &
& & &(1)图的深度优先遍历和广度优先遍历. &
& & &(2)最短路径算法(dijkstra,bellman-ford,floyd,heap+dijkstra) &
& & & & (poj1860,poj3259,poj1062,poj2253,poj1125,poj2240)
& & &(3)最小生成树算法(prim,kruskal)
& & & & (poj1789,poj2485,poj1258,poj3026)
& & &(4)拓扑排序 (poj1094)
& & &(5)二分图的最大匹配 (匈牙利算法) (poj3041,poj3020)
& & &(6)最大流的增广路算法(KM算法). (poj1459,poj3436)
三.数据结构. &
& & &(1)串 (poj1035,poj3080,poj1936)
& & &(2)排序(快排、归并排(与逆序数有关)、堆排) (poj2388,poj2299)
& & &(3)简单并查集的应用. &
& & &(4)哈希表和二分查找等高效查找法(数的Hash,串的Hash) & &
& & & & (poj3349,poj3274,POJ2151,poj1840,poj2002,poj2503)
& & &(5)哈夫曼树(poj3253)
& & &(6)堆
& & &(7)trie树(静态建树、动态建树) (poj2513)
& & &(1)深度优先搜索 (poj2488,poj3083,poj3009,poj1321,poj2251)
& & &(2)广度优先搜索(poj3278,poj1426,poj3126,poj3087,poj3414)
& & &(3)简单搜索技巧和剪枝(poj2531,poj1416,poj)
& & &(1)背包问题. (poj1837,poj1276)
& & &(2)型如下表的简单DP(可参考lrj的书 page149): &
& & & &1.E[j]=opt{D[i]+w(i,j)} (poj3267,poj1836,poj1260,poj2533)
& & & &2.E[i,j]=opt{D[i-1,j]+xi,D[i,j-1]+yj,D[i-1][j-1]+zij} (最长公共子序列) & &
& & & & &(poj3176,poj1080,poj1159)
& & & &3.C[i,j]=w[i,j]+opt{C[i,k-1]+C[k,j]}.(最优二分检索树问题) &
& & &(1)组合数学: &
& & & & 1.加法原理和乘法原理. &
& & & & 2.排列组合. &
& & & & 3.递推关系. &
& & & & & (POJ3252,poj1850,poj1019,poj1942)
& & &(2)数论. &
& & & & 1.素数与整除问题
& & & & 2.进制位. &
& & & & 3.同余模运算.
& & & & & (poj2635, poj3292,poj1845,poj2115)
& & &(3)计算方法. &
& & & & 1.二分法求解单调函数相关知识.(poj3273,poj3258,poj1905,poj3122)
七.计算几何学. &
& & &(1)几何公式.
& & &(2)叉积和点积的运用(如线段相交的判定,点到线段的距离等). (poj2031,poj1039)
& & &(3)多边型的简单算法(求面积)和相关判定(点在多边型内,多边型是否相交) &
& & & & &(poj1408,poj1584)
& & &(4)凸包. &(poj2187,poj1113)
一.基本算法: &
& & &(1)C++的标准模版库的应用. (poj3096,poj3007)
& & &(2)较为复杂的模拟题的训练(poj3393,poj1472,poj3371,poj1027,poj2706)
二.图算法: &
& & &(1)差分约束系统的建立和求解. (poj1201,poj2983)
& & &(2)最小费用最大流(poj2516,poj2195)
& & &(3)双连通分量(poj2942)
& & &(4)强连通分支及其缩点.(poj2186)
& & &(5)图的割边和割点(poj3352)
& & &(6)最小割模型、网络流规约(poj3308)
三.数据结构. &
& & &(1)线段树. (poj2528,poj2828,poj2777,poj2886,poj2750)
& & &(2)静态二叉检索树. (poj2482,poj2352)
& & &(3)树状树组(poj1195,poj3321)
& & &(4)RMQ. (poj3264,poj3368)
& & &(5)并查集的高级应用. (poj)
& & &(6)KMP算法. (poj1961,poj2406)
& & &(1)最优化剪枝和可行性剪枝
& & &(2)搜索的技巧和优化 (poj3411,poj1724)
& & &(3)记忆化搜索(poj3373,poj1691)
& & &(1)较为复杂的动态规划(如动态规划解特别的旅行商问题等)
& & & & &(poj1191,poj1054,poj3280,poj2029,poj2948,poj1925,poj3034)
& & &(2)记录状态的动态规划. (POJ3254,poj2411,poj1185)
& & &(3)树型动态规划(poj2057,poj1947,poj2486,poj3140)
& & &(1)组合数学: &
& & & & 1.容斥原理. &
& & & & 2.抽屉原理. &
& & & & 3.置换群与Polya定理(poj1286,poj2409,poj3270,poj1026). &
& & & & 4.递推关系和母函数. &
& & &(2)数学. &
& & & & 1.高斯消元法(poj2947,poj1487, poj2065,poj1166,poj1222)
& & & & 2.概率问题. (poj3071,poj3440)
& & & & 3.GCD、扩展的欧几里德(中国剩余定理) (poj3101) &
& & &(3)计算方法. &
& & & & 1.0/1分数规划. (poj2976)
& & & & 2.三分法求解单峰(单谷)的极值. &
& & & & 3.矩阵法(poj3150,poj3422,poj3070)
& & & & 4.迭代逼近(poj3301)
& & &(4)随机化算法(poj3318,poj2454)
& & &(5)杂题.
& & & & &(poj1870,poj3296,poj3286,poj1095)
七.计算几何学. &
& & & & (1)坐标离散化. &
& & & & (2)扫描线算法(例如求矩形的面积和周长并,常和线段树或堆一起使用). &
& & & & & & (poj1765,poj1177,poj1151,poj3277,poj2280,poj3004)
& & & & (3)多边形的内核(半平面交)(poj3130,poj3335)
& & & & (4)几何工具的综合应用.(poj1819,poj1066,poj2043,poj3227,poj2165,poj3429)
一.基本算法要求: &
& & & (1)代码快速写成,精简但不失风格
& & & & & (poj2525,poj1684,poj1421,poj1048,poj2050,poj3306)
& & & (2)保证正确性和高效性. &poj3434
二.图算法: &
& & & (1)度限制最小生成树和第K最短路. (poj1639)
& & & (2)最短路,最小生成树,二分图,最大流问题的相关理论(主要是模型建立和求解)
& & & & &(poj3155, poj2112,poj1966,poj3281,poj1087,poj2289,poj3216,poj2446
& & & (3)最优比率生成树. &(poj2728)
& & & (4)最小树形图(poj3164)
& & & (5)次小生成树. &
& & & (6)无向图、有向图的最小环
三.数据结构. &
& & & (1)trie图的建立和应用. (poj2778)
& & & (2)LCA和RMQ问题(LCA(最近公共祖先问题) 有离线算法(并查集+dfs) 和 在线算法
& & & & & (RMQ+dfs)).(poj1330)
& & & (3)双端队列和它的应用(维护一个单调的队列,常常在动态规划中起到优化状态转移的
目的). &(poj2823)
& & & (4)左偏树(可合并堆). &
& & & (5)后缀树(非常有用的数据结构,也是赛区考题的热点). &
& & & & &(poj3415,poj3294)
& & & (1)较麻烦的搜索题目训练(poj1069,poj3322,poj1475,poj1924,poj2049,poj3426)
& & & (2)广搜的状态优化:利用M进制数存储状态、转化为串用hash表判重、按位压缩存储状态、双向广搜、A*算法. (poj1768,poj1184,poj1872,poj1324,poj2046,poj1482)
& & & (3)深搜的优化:尽量用位运算、一定要加剪枝、函数参数尽可能少、层数不易过大、可以考虑双向搜索或者是轮换搜索、IDA*算法. (poj3131,poj2870,poj2286)
& & & (1)需要用数据结构优化的动态规划.
& & & & &(poj2754,poj3378,poj3017)
& & & (2)四边形不等式理论. &
& & & (3)较难的状态DP(poj3133)
& & & (1)组合数学. &
& & & & 1.MoBius反演(poj2888,poj2154)
& & & & 2.偏序关系理论. &
& & & (2)博奕论. &
& & & & 1.极大极小过程(poj3317,poj1085)
& & & & 2.Nim问题. &
七.计算几何学. &
& & & (1)半平面求交(poj3384,poj2540)
& & & (2)可视图的建立(poj2966)
& & & (3)点集最小圆覆盖. &
& & & (4)对踵点(poj2079)
& & & (poj3109,poj1478,poj1462,poj2729,poj2048,poj3336,poj3315,poj2148,poj1263)
& 1.不完全状态记录
&1& 0-1背包,经典问题
&5& + -1背包问题
4.判定性问题的dp(如判定整除、判定可达性等) & &&
&8&构造树的最小环1000 A+B Problem 0.55 977
1004 Financial Management 0.41
1003 Hangover 0.48
1005 I Think I Need a Houseboat 0.43
1006 Biorhythms 0.31
1007 DNA Sorting 0.4
1001 Exponentiation 0.24
1088 滑雪 0.37
1011 Sticks 0.23
1163 The Triangle 0.6
1273 Drainage Ditches 0.38
1050 To the Max 0.53
1008 Maya Calendar 0.3
3468 A Simple Problem with Integers 0.3
2388 Who's in the Middle 0.58
1159 Palindrome 0.34
1012 Joseph 0.37
1061 青蛙的约会 0.18
1664 放苹果 0.63
3264 Balanced Lineup 0.46
1258 Agri-Net 0.4
2027 No Brainer 0.65
1207 The 3n + 1 problem 0.31
1458 Common Subsequence 0.4
2299 Ultra-QuickSort 0.36
1014 Dividing 0.25
1125 Stockbroker Grapevine 0.55
3278 Catch That Cow 0.31
2533 Longest Ordered Subsequence 0.43
1017 Packets 0.33
1046 Color Me Less 0.48
2352 Stars 0.43
2262 Goldbach's Conjecture 0.38
2503 Babelfish 0.42
2406 Power Strings 0.41
1753 Flip Game 0.43
1182 食物链 0.29
2000 Gold Coins 0.62
1028 Web Navigation 0.44
2528 Mayor's posters 0.29
1013 Counterfeit Dollar 0.31
1298 The Hardest Problem Ever 0.54
2104 K-th Number 0.32
1979 Red and Black 0.53
2524 Ubiquitous Religions 0.49
1328 Radar Installation 0.22
1459 Power Network 0.52
2017 Speed Limit 0.7
1068 Parencodings 0.6
1316 Self Numbers 0.56
2823 Sliding Window 0.29
1503 Integer Inquiry 0.38
1936 All in All 0.41
1067 取石子游戏 0.33
3259 Wormholes 0.36
1321 棋盘问题 0.49
1611 The Suspects 0.48
1552 Doubles 0.57
1077 Eight 0.43
2777 Count Color 0.3
1517 u Calculate e 0.58
3624 Charm Bracelet 0.45
1062 昂贵的聘&#3
2105 IP Address 0.57
2488 A Knight's Journey 0.34
2739 Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers 0.54
1658 Eva's Problem 0.61
2485 Highways 0.46
2479 Maximum sum 0.3
2386 Lake Counting 0.5
2387 Til the Cows Come Home 0.33
1915 Knight Moves 0.46
1330 Nearest Common Ancestors 0.52
1113 Wall 0.33
1703 Find them, Catch them 0.3
1276 Cash Machine 0.35
3461 Oulipo 0.4
1742 Coins 0.33
1363 Rails 0.39
3094 Quicksum 0.69
1019 Number Sequence 0.28
2186 Popular Cows 0.41
1094 Sorting It All Out 0.34
2109 Power of Cryptography 0.5
1080 Human Gene Functions 0.55
2140 Herd Sums 0.59
2492 A Bug's Life 0.32
2159 Ancient Cipher 0.32
3176 Cow Bowling 0.66
2195 Going Home 0.51
2081 Recaman's Sequence 0.42
1338 Ugly Numbers 0.44
1401 Factorial 0.61
1251 Jungle Roads 0.45
2774 Long Long Message 0.41
3253 Fence Repair 0.32
2187 Beauty Contest 0.31
1160 Post Office 0.54
1083 Moving Tables 0.33
1042 Gone Fishing 0.29
2390 Bank Interest 0.59
2253 Frogger 0.32
1274 The Perfect Stall 0.45
2301 Beat the Spread! 0.47
3041 Asteroids 0.54
3030 Nasty Hacks 0.69
1504 Adding Reversed Numbers 0.54
1579 Function Run Fun 0.51
1519 Digital Roots 0.33
3062 Celebrity jeopardy 0.56
2136 Vertical Histogram 0.48
3469 Dual Core CPU 0.43
1657 Distance on Chessboard 0.34
3349 Snowflake&Snow&Snowflakes 0.26
1018 Communication System 0.35
1423 Big Number 0.31
1201 Intervals 0.37
2421 Constructing Roads 0.41
3673 Cow Multiplication 0.69
2513 Colored Sticks 0.26
1045 Bode Plot 0.63
3006 Dirichlet's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions 0.5
1922 Ride to School 0.4
1065 Wooden Sticks 0.41
1953 World Cup Noise 0.49
2656 Unhappy Jinjin 0.73
1308 Is It A Tree? 0.34
1185 炮兵阵地 0.38
2350 Above Average 0.52
2418 Hardwood Species 0.39
2013 Symmetric Order 0.6
1426 Find The Multiple 0.4
1149 PIGS 0.44
1477 Box of Bricks 0.4
1811 Prime Test 0.25
1679 The Unique MST 0.35
1860 Currency Exchange 0.35
1789 Truck History 0.38
2965 The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator 0.38
1141 Brackets Sequence 0.28
1543 Perfect Cubes 0.52
2255 Tree Recovery 0.62
1663 Number Steps 0.53
1256 Anagram 0.4
1118 Lining Up 0.31
1032 Parliament 0.42
3630 Phone List 0.3
2155 Matrix 0.37
1035 Spell checker 0.36
2362 Square 0.34
1195 Mobile phones 0.46
1469 COURSES 0.39
2236 Wireless Network 0.42
1562 Oil Deposits 0.54
2411 Mondriaan's Dream 0.58
2828 Buy Tickets 0.5
2676 Sudoku 0.49
2509 Peter's smokes 0.41
2636 Electrical Outlets 0.75
3070 Fibonacci 0.71
1988 Cube Stacking 0.34
1151 Atlantis 0.38
2240 Arbitrage 0.42
3233 Matrix Power Series 0.42
1844 Sum 0.65
1837 Balance 0.62
2389 Bull Math 0.51
1565 Skew Binary 0.63
1833 排列 0.4
2521 How much did the businessman lose 0.67
3126 Prime Path 0.56
1656 Counting Black 0.64
2141 Message Decowding 0.55
2593 Max Sequence 0.41
1743 Musical Theme 0.34
2243 Knight Moves 0.56
2251 Dungeon Master 0.38
1200 Crazy Search 0.28
2602 Superlong sums 0.29
1511 Invitation Cards 0.32
2665 Trees 0.65
1015 Jury Compromise 0.26
1961 Period 0.47
3159 Candies 0.27
1129 Channel Allocation 0.51
3100 Root of the Problem 0.53
1016 Numbers That Count 0.33
3299 Humidex 0.36
2002 Squares 0.37
2752 Seek the Name, Seek the Fame 0.49
2840 Big Clock 0.63
2551 Ones 0.56
1840 Eqs 0.48
3273 Monthly Expense 0.39
1102 LC-Display 0.39
2578 Keep on Truckin' 0.75
2001 Shortest Prefixes 0.43
3980 取模运算 0.6
2909 Goldbach's Conjecture 0.59
2182 Lost Cows 0.64
3321 Apple Tree 0.3
1631 Bridging signals 0.54
2449 Remmarguts' Date 0.27
2728 Desert King 0.28
1862 Stripies 0.47
2231 Moo Volume 0.29
3268 Silver Cow Party 0.44
1166 The Clocks 0.4
1799 Yeehaa! 0.48
1731 Orders 0.61
3067 Japan 0.27
2192 Zipper 0.35
1326 Mileage Bank 0.41
2039 To and Fro 0.66
2407 Relatives 0.48
1887 Testing the CATCHER 0.36
1177 Picture 0.52
1797 Heavy Transportation 0.26
2719 Faulty Odometer 0.62
1047 Round and Round We Go 0.46
2249 Binomial Showdown 0.3
2371 Questions and answers 0.52
3080 Blue Jeans 0.43
3438 Look and Say 0.6
2196 Specialized Four-Digit Numbers 0.72
1942 Paths on a Grid 0.24
1716 Integer Intervals 0.42
1969 Count on Canton 0.58
1861 Network 0.39
2190 ISBN 0.35
3667 Hotel 0.43
2586 Y2K Accounting Bug 0.5
1528 Perfection 0.47
2070 Filling Out the Team 0.56
1064 Cable master 0.21
2309 BST 0.6
2229 Sumsets 0.4
1183 反正切函数的应用 0.36
1573 Robot Motion 0.48
1026 Cipher 0.26
2318 TOYS 0.48
1325 Machine Schedule 0.42
1269 Intersecting Lines 0.45
2328 Guessing Game 0.35
3009 Curling 2.0 0.42
1470 Closest Common Ancestors 0.32
2234 Matches Game 0.57
1674 Sorting by Swapping 0.53
3749 破译密码 0.63
3518 Prime Gap 0.58
1020 Anniversary Cake 0.32
3368 Frequent values 0.36
3077 Rounders 0.64
3650 The Seven Percent Solution 0.66
2575 Jolly Jumpers 0.3
1190 生日蛋糕 0.35
2761 Feed the dogs 0.31
2559 Largest Rectangle in a Histogram 0.32
3481 Double Queue 0.45
2478 Farey Sequence 0.38
3589 Number-guessing Game 0.72
3984 迷宫问题 0.58
3302 Subsequence 0.58
1455 Crazy tea party 0.67
2115 C Looooops 0.26
3261 Milk Patterns 0.44
3325 ICPC Score Totalizer Software 0.69
3750 小孩报数问题 0.46
1029 False coin 0.27
2516 Minimum Cost 0.34
1466 Girls and Boys 0.44
2453 An Easy Problem 0.59
1111 Image Perimeters 0.59
1488 TEX Quotes 0.52
1604 Just the Facts 0.53
2608 Soundex 0.49
1547 Clay Bully 0.56
1087 A Plug for UNIX 0.33
1236 Network of Schools 0.39
2785 4 Values whose Sum is 0 0.28
3224 Go for Lab Cup! 0.5
3086 Triangular Sums 0.71
3663 Costume Party 0.4
1323 Game Prediction 0.47
1804 Brainman 0.54
2377 Bad Cowtractors 0.42
2778 DNA Sequence 0.38
2112 Optimal Milking 0.36
3013 Big Christmas Tree 0.21
2242 The Circumference of the Circle 0.61
3173 Parkside's Triangle 0.6
2051 Argus 0.46
1010 STAMPS 0.28
1144 Network 0.46
1852 Ants 0.44
3250 Bad Hair Day 0.33
3632 Optimal Parking 0.59
2247 Humble Numbers 0.46
2395 Out of Hay 0.39
3981 字符串替换 0.47
1247 Magnificent Meatballs 0.66
3352 Road Construction 0.49
3277 City Horizon 0.27
2135 Farm Tour 0.37
3281 Dining 0.46
2531 Network Saboteur 0.47
3740 Easy Finding 0.27
3210 Coins 0.65
3117 World Cup 0.5
3254 Corn Fields 0.53
2591 Set Definition 0.46
2871 A Simple Question of Chemistry 0.66
2707 Copier Reduction 0.52
2446 Chessboard 0.31
1191 棋盘分割 0.35
1654 Area 0.27
2481 Cows 0.33
2623 Sequence Median 0.27
1836 Alignment 0.32
3083 Children of the Candy Corn 0.43
1775 Sum of Factorials 0.33
1142 Smith Numbers 0.34
3414 Pots 0.42
1226 Substrings 0.35
1051 P,MTHBGWB 0.57
2080 Calendar 0.36
1411 Calling Extraterrestrial Intelligence Again 0.39
3085 Quick Change 0.72
1450 Gridland 0.5
1700 Crossing River 0.37
1947 Rebuilding Roads 0.45
2181 Jumping Cows 0.6
2663 Tri Tiling 0.52
2924 Gauss in Elementary School 0.44
1009 Edge Detection 0.23
3979 分数加减法 0.33
2405 Beavergnaw 0.65
2392 Space Elevator 0.47
2583 Series Determination 0.65
1318 Word Amalgamation 0.48
2538 WERTYU 0.47
1422 Air Raid 0.59
2245 Lotto 0.63
3664 Election Time 0.54
1724 ROADS 0.36
1306 Combinations 0.46
3177 Redundant Paths 0.42
1250 Tanning Salon 0.53
1595 Prime Cuts 0.38
1456 Supermarket 0.42
1651 Multiplication Puzzle 0.6
2413 How many Fibs? 0.37
3356 AGTC 0.38
3660 Cow Contest 0.55
3619 Speed Reading 0.46
1850 Code 0.47
3096 Surprising Strings 0.65
1384 Piggy-Bank 0.48
3672 Long Distance Racing 0.53
2239 Selecting Courses 0.44
1095 Trees Made to Order 0.57
2385 Apple Catching 0.48
3267 The Cow Lexicon 0.47
2762 Going from u to v or from v to u? 0.26
2562 Primary Arithmetic 0.37
2092 Grandpa is Famous 0.5
2403 Hay Points 0.64
1364 King 0.36
2084 Game of Connections 0.5
3164 Command Network 0.28
1847 Tram 0.36
1655 Balancing Act 0.41
1730 Perfect Pth Powers 0.22
3122 Pie 0.35
2033 Alphacode 0.3
2853 Sequence Sum Possibilities 0.66
2606 Rabbit hunt 0.49
3507 Judging Olympia 0.47
2506 Tiling 0.48
3627 Bookshelf 0.5
3295 Tautology 0.37
1745 Divisibility 0.35
2083 Fractal 0.48
2260 Error Correction 0.65
2553 The Bottom of a Graph 0.41
2653 Pick-up sticks 0.37
1260 Pearls 0.49
3318 Matrix Multiplication 0.21
1161 Walls 0.48
1146 ID Codes 0.6
1131 Octal Fractions 0.54
1204 Word Puzzles 0.37
3628 Bookshelf 2 0.45
3274 Gold Balanced Lineup 0.29
2209 The King 0.55
2487 Stamps 0.47
2470 Ambiguous permutations 0.58
1845 Sumdiv 0.24
1164 The Castle 0.56
2769 Reduced ID Numbers 0.4
3169 Layout 0.47
2184 Cow Exhibition 0.38
2983 Is the Information Reliable? 0.31
1607 Deck 0.43
1741 Tree 0.31
2590 Steps 0.46
2349 Arctic Network 0.32
2363 Blocks 0.48
2498 StuPId 0.52
3522 Slim Span 0.52
3061 Subsequence 0.39
2393 Yogurt factory 0.51
2560 Freckles 0.48
1287 Networking 0.54
3748 位操作 0.4
1502 MPI Maelstrom 0.62
1038 Bugs Integrated, Inc. 0.38
2632 Crashing Robots 0.43
3751 时间日期格式转换 0.47
1665 Biker's Trip Odometer 0.63
3620 Avoid The Lakes 0.54
2287 Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing 0.3
2689 Prime Distance 0.26
3020 Antenna Placement 0.49
1986 Distance Queries 0.35
1386 Play on Words 0.34
2007 Scrambled Polygon 0.47
2773 Happy
3090 Visible Lattice Points 0.58
2291 Rotten Ropes 0.64
1171 Letter Game 0.27
3252 Round Numbers 0.35
1639 Picnic Planning 0.35
1023 The Fun Number System 0.33
2391 Ombrophobic Bovines 0.21
2635 The Embarrassed Cryptographer 0.26
2601 Simple calculations 0.5
2316 SPIN 0.51
3292 Semi-prime H-numbers 0.43
2914 Minimum Cut 0.42
2942 Knights of the Round Table 0.32
2456 Aggressive cows 0.5
2886 Who Gets the Most Candies? 0.31
1637 Sightseeing tour 0.41
1659 Frogs' Neighborhood 0.42
1063 Flip and Shift 0.46
3422 Kaka's Matrix Travels 0.4
3348 Cows 0.46
1324 Holedox Moving 0.23
3580 SuperMemo 0.32
3687 Labeling Balls 0.28
3258 River Hopscotch 0.43
1036 Gangsters 0.27
1442 Black Box 0.4
3617 Best Cow Line 0.3
2726 Holiday Hotel 0.39
2891 Strange Way to Express Integers 0.3
3982 序列 0.45
2348 Euclid's Game 0.4
3372 Candy Distribution 0.55
1564 Sum It Up 0.51
1989 The Cow Lineup 0.59
2153 Rank List 0.33
1054 The Troublesome Frog 0.29
3671 Dining Cows 0.42
2992 Divisors 0.29
2226 Muddy Fields 0.36
1410 Intersection 0.25
1928 The Peanuts 0.41
2409 Let it Bead 0.65
1905 Expanding Rods 0.26
3304 Segments 0.3
1228 Grandpa's Estate 0.27
2018 Best Cow Fences 0.32
1350 Cabric Number Problem 0.3
3074 Sudoku 0.35
2376 Cleaning Shifts 0.26
1463 Strategic game 0.46
3207 Ikki's Story IV - Panda's Trick 0.36
2833 The Average 0.31
1089 Intervals 0.39
2545 Hamming Problem 0.45
3026 Borg Maze 0.33
1952 BUY LOW, BUY LOWER 0.34
2250 Compromise 0.44
2063 Investment 0.34
2455 Secret Milking Machine 0.29
3752 字母旋转游戏 0.37
3678 Katu Puzzle 0.36
3280 Cheapest Palindrome 0.48
2723 Get Luffy Out 0.38
2892 Tunnel Warfare 0.41
1828 Monkeys' Pride 0.33
1523 SPF 0.45
1635 Subway tree systems 0.41
1230 Pass-Muraille 0.31
3637 Shopaholic 0.57
1286 Necklace of Beads 0.41
3255 Roadblocks 0.36
2499 Binary Tree 0.46
3087 Shuffle'm Up 0.46
2482 Stars in Your Window 0.27
2536 Gopher II 0.4
3723 Conscription 0.34
3983 快算24 0.61
1154 LETTERS 0.47
1661 Help Jimmy 0.31
1101 The Game 0.3
2451 Uyuw's Concert 0.39
1039 Pipe 0.3
2304 Combination Lock 0.61
3683 Priest John's Busiest Day 0.34
1995 Raising Modulo Numbers 0.58
3219 Binomial Coefficients 0.41
2796 Feel Good 0.27
1331 Multiply 0.53
2594 Treasure Exploration 0.4
3211 Washing Clothes 0.31
2185 Milking Grid 0.42
2028 When Can We Meet? 0.55
3294 Life Forms 0.27
3680 Intervals 0.41
2356 Find a multiple 0.43
3032 Card Trick 0.71
2019 Cornfields 0.49
1740 A New Stone Game 0.54
2696 A Mysterious Function 0.69
1606 Jugs 0.59
1904 King's Quest 0.36
1491 Pi 0.56
3625 Building Roads 0.28
2505 A multiplication game 0.5
3017 Cut the Sequence 0.29
3641 Pseudoprime numbers 0.4
3615 Cow Hurdles 0.44
3691 DNA repair 0.46
1405 Heritage 0.37
1496 Word Index 0.56
3621 Sightseeing Cows 0.33
2230 Watchcow 0.43
3670 Eating Together 0.48
1275 Cashier Employment 0.37
2154 Color 0.32
3714 Raid 0.3
2248 Addition Chains 0.54
3225 Help with Intervals 0.24
3692 Kindergarten 0.48
1815 Friendship 0.27
3669 Meteor Shower 0.28
3463 Sightseeing 0.35
1107 W's Cipher 0.5
2945 Find the Clones 0.37
1751 Highways 0.27
2864 Pascal Library 0.47
3187 Backward Digit Sums 0.57
1556 The Doors 0.4
3608 Bridge Across Islands 0.29
2452 Sticks Problem 0.26
3051 Satellite Photographs 0.47
3517 And Then There Was One 0.53
2337 Catenyms 0.26
1723 SOLDIERS 0.37
2127 Greatest Common Increasing Subsequence 0.26
3648 Wedding 0.3
1091 跳蚤 0.29
3370 Halloween treats 0.37
2987 Firing 0.3
1785 Binary Search Heap Construction 0.28
2486 Apple Tree 0.33
2342 Anniversary party 0.56
1575 Easier Done Than Said? 0.55
1733 Parity game 0.38
1666 Candy Sharing Game 0.66
2612 Mine Sweeper 0.38
3415 Common Substrings 0.33
3735 Training little cats 0.23
1106 Transmitters 0.53
3311 Hie with the Pie 0.52
2060 Taxi Cab Scheme 0.41
2484 A Funny Game 0.6
1949 Chores 0.46
1597 Uniform Generator 0.47
2782 Bin Packing 0.45
2442 Sequence 0.32
2079 Triangle 0.29
3694 Network 0.35
3737 UmBasketella 0.38
2054 Color a Tree 0.34
1037 A decorative fence 0.36
1704 Georgia and Bob 0.3
2398 Toy Storage 0.59
2985 The k-th Largest Group 0.32
1416 Shredding Company 0.56
1041 John's trip 0.32
2029 Get Many Persimmon Trees 0.65
2681 Anagrammatic Distance 0.55
2480 Longge's problem 0.32
2031 Building a Space Station 0.5
3140 Contestants Division 0.28
3427 Ecology tax 0.52
2075 Tangled in Cables 0.39
2704 Pascal's Travels 0.44
3270 Cow Sorting 0.38
2288 Islands and Bridges 0.25
2549 Sumsets 0.27
1279 Art Gallery 0.42
2125 Destroying The Graph 0.31
2312 Battle City 0.33
1990 MooFest 0.43
3048 Max Factor 0.39
1981 Circle and Points 0.35
3668 Game of Lines 0.37
3104 Drying 0.25
1082 Calendar Game 0.47
1066 Treasure Hunt 0.41
2365 Rope 0.35
2396 Budget 0.38
3320 Jessica's Reading Problem 0.31
1186 方程的解数 0.34
2394 Checking an Alibi 0.36
2664 Prerequisites? 0.62
1698 Alice's Chance 0.41
1126 Simply Syntax 0.44
1978 Hanafuda Shuffle 0.57
1265 Area 0.44
2272 Bullseye 0.47
2370 Democracy in danger 0.73
1505 Copying Books 0.31
1135 Domino Effect 0.24
3308 Paratroopers 0.3
2975 Nim 0.46
1322 Chocolate 0.26
1681 Painter's Problem 0.48
1577 Falling Leaves 0.55
2996 Help Me with the Game 0.64
2378 Tree Cutting 0.59
2151 Check the difficulty of problems 0.44
2576 Tug of War 0.27
3604 Professor Ben 0.25
2339 Rock, Scissors, Paper 0.58
2244 Eeny Meeny Moo 0.69
1625 Censored! 0.27
2941 Homogeneous Squares 0.52
1152 An Easy Problem! 0.25
2419 Forests 0.38
2954 Triangle 0.43
1147 Binary codes 0.38
1830 开关问题 0.37
2976 Dropping tests 0.34
3366 Deli Deli 0.56
2431 Expedition 0.29
3069 Saruman's Army 0.51
3613 Cow Relays 0.39
1948 Triangular Pastures 0.32
3076 Sudoku 0.48
2749 Building roads 0.33
3693 Maximum repetition substring 0.29
2501 Average Speed 0.44
2289 Jamie's Contact Groups 0.32
1189 钉子和小球 0.29
3335 Rotating Scoreboard 0.39
3186 Treats for the Cows 0.5
3635 Full Tank? 0.32
3636 Nested Dolls 0.27
3249 Test for Job 0.22
2771 Guardian of Decency 0.42
2436 Disease Management 0.47
3007 Organize Your Train part II 0.28
2014 Flow Layout 0.69
2305 Basic remains 0.42
1404 I-Keyboard 0.49
3256 Cow Picnic 0.41
2346 Lucky tickets 0.65
2367 Genealogical tree 0.67
1179 Polygon 0.41
3157 Java vs C++ 0.28
2502 Subway 0.32
2271 HTML 0.32
3014 Cake Pieces and Plates 0.31
3616 Milking Time 0.41
2546 Circular Area 0.4
1317 Do the Untwist 0.6
3125 Printer Queue 0.53
1696 Space Ant 0.64
2603 Brave balloonists 0.42
3659 Cell Phone Network 0.35
2876 Cantoring Along 0.54
1376 Robot 0.32
1546 Basically Speaking 0.45
3132 Sum of Different Primes 0.62
3204 Ikki's Story I - Road Reconstruction 0.28
3665 iCow 0.36
2572 Hard to Believe, but True! 0.57
1609 Tiling Up Blocks 0.39
3300 Tour de France 0.47
1155 TELE 0.52
2709 Painter 0.62
3155 Hard Life 0.28
3666 Making the Grade 0.47
3536 Beer Refrigerator 0.38
1379 Run Away 0.3
1835 宇航员 0.42
1493 Machined Surfaces 0.63
1156 A STRIP OF LAND 0.29
1699 Best Sequence 0.39
1971 Parallelogram Counting 0.33
3411 Paid Roads 0.35
1906 Three powers 0.45
1717 Dominoes 0.32
1419 Graph Coloring 0.45
1521 Entropy 0.39
3661 Running 0.37
3342 Party at Hali-Bula 0.35
1580 String Matching 0.51
1702 Eva's Balance 0.49
3498 March of the Penguins 0.45
1964 City Game 0.39
3734 Blocks 0.45
3331 The Idiot of the Year Contest! 0.52
miles to Chicago 0.46
2661 Factstone Benchmark 0.51
3450 Corporate Identity 0.37
1985 Cow Marathon 0.5
1734 Sightseeing trip 0.38
2142 The Balance 0.43
2643 Election 0.46
2420 A Star not a Tree? 0.49
1208 The Blocks Problem 0.41
3189 Steady Cow Assignment 0.34
3525 Most Distant Point from the Sea 0.46
2263 Heavy Cargo 0.53
2800 Joseph's Problem 0.26
3436 ACM Computer Factory 0.34
1060 Modular multiplication of polynomials 0.45
1781 In Danger 0.52
2507 Crossed ladders 0.38
1170 Shopping Offers 0.41
3494 Largest Submatrix of All 1’s 0.37
2282 The Counting Problem 0.53
1145 Tree Summing 0.23
2993 Emag eht htiw Em Pleh 0.66
3199 Uncle Jack 0.41
3618 Exploration 0.48
1966 Cable TV Network 0.47
2336 Ferry Loading II 0.5
2756 Autumn is a Genius 0.22
2429 GCD & LCM Inverse 0.18
1581 A Contesting Decision 0.71
2780 Linearity 0.23
2078 Matrix 0.51
1027 The Same Game 0.37
3662 Telephone Lines 0.36
2121 Inglish-Number Translator 0.38
1950 Dessert 0.37
1548 Robots 0.45
2049 Finding Nemo 0.23
3686 The Windy's 0.42
3364 Black and white painting 0.68
3262 Protecting the Flowers 0.4
3511 Fermat's Christmas Theorem 0.21
1132 Border 0.47
3185 The Water Bowls 0.39
3230 Travel 0.41
1284 Primitive Roots 0.57
1112 Team Them Up! 0.26
2101 Honey and Milk Land 0.55
2417 Discrete Logging 0.46
2085 Inversion 0.44
1390 Blocks 0.4
3183 Stump Removal 0.52
2286 The Rotation Game 0.33
2610 Dog & Gopher 0.42
3626 Mud Puddles 0.57
3322 Bloxorz I 0.33
3421 X-factor Chains 0.31
2960 S-Nim 0.52
1650 Integer Approximation 0.32
2959 Ball bearings 0.57
2955 Brackets 0.51
2680 Computer Transformation 0.38
3216 Repairing Company 0.26
3623 Best Cow Line, Gold 0.36
2894 Ancient Keyboard 0.55
3130 How I Mathematician Wonder What You Are! 0.53
1984 Navigation Nightmare 0.38
2082 Terrible Sets 0.52
1468 Rectangles 0.51
1584 A Round Peg in a Ground Hole 0.31
3107 Godfather 0.34
3404 Bridge over a rough river 0.4
2685 Numeral System 0.76
2624 4th Point 0.35
1691 Painting A Board 0.49
3378 Crazy Thairs 0.24
1958 Strange Towers of Hanoi 0.66
2629 Common permutation 0.3
3191 The Moronic Cowmpouter 0.52
1939 Diplomatic License 0.46
1692 Crossed Matchings 0.64
3071 Football 0.5
2677 Tour 0.44
2895 Best SMS to Type 0.42
2457 Part Acquisition 0.43
3974 Palindrome 0.35
3181 Dollar Dayz 0.39
3243 Clever Y 0.24
1389 Area of Simple Polygons 0.5
2750 Potted Flower 0.37
1040 Transportation 0.4
3286 How many 0's? 0.53
3508 Hide That Number 0.3
1739 Tony's Tour 0.46
1877 Flooded! 0.31
2763 Housewife Wind 0.25
3194 Equidivisions 0.58
1617 Crypto Columns 0.62
2552 Assistance Required 0.58
3386 Halloween Holidays 0.41
3903 Stock Exchange 0.35
1980 Unit Fraction Partition 0.39
2010 Moo University - Financial Aid 0.3
2947 Widget Factory 0.33
3111 K Best 0.26
1167 The Buses 0.27
3646 The Dragon of Loowater 0.5
1475 Pushing Boxes 0.34
1509 Glass Beads 0.58
1941 The Sierpinski Fractal 0.44
1436 Horizontally Visible Segments 0.36
1873 The Fortified Forest 0.28
2535 Very Simple Problem 0.37
1270 Following Orders 0.39
1951 Extra Krunch 0.25
2688 Cleaning Robot 0.41
2949 Word Rings 0.21
3260 The Fewest Coins 0.3
1694 An Old Stone Game 0.45
1180 Batch Scheduling 0.46
2021 Relative Relatives 0.43
3720 Occurrence of Digits 0.41
1484 Blowing Fuses 0.38
2684 Polygonal Line Search 0.62
3050 Hopscotch 0.71
2948 Martian Mining 0.61
3800 Repair Depots 0.74
1555 Polynomial Showdown 0.34
3036 Honeycomb Walk 0.68
1099 Square Ice 0.39
2495 Incomplete chess boards 0.61
2325 Persistent Numbers 0.48
3652 Persistent Bits 0.57
1474 Video Surveillance 0.44
1320 Street Numbers 0.55
2888 Magic Bracelet 0.32
1975 Median Weight Bead 0.5
2491 Scavenger Hunt 0.54
1243 One Person 0.66
1079 Ratio 0.37
2183 Bovine Math Geniuses 0.62
2313 Sequence 0.39
3444 Wavelet Compression 0.65
3709 K-Anonymous Sequence 0.31
2826 An Easy Problem?! 0.15
1128 Frame Stacking 0.33
3614 Sunscreen 0.34
1252 Euro Efficiency 0.43
2353 Ministry 0.32
2139 Six Degrees of Cowvin Bacon 0.46
3420 Quad Tiling 0.43
1365 Prime Land 0.46
1719 Shooting Contest 0.36
1127 Jack Straws 0.45
1946 Cow Cycling 0.55
2570 Fiber Network 0.45
1329 Circle Through Three Points 0.42
3744 Scout YYF I 0.27
1383 Labyrinth 0.37
1315 Don't Get Rooked 0.63
2579 Blurred Vision 0.72
2917 Diophantus of Alexandria 0.34
2138 Travel Games 0.35
3002 Jackpot 0.33
1755 Triathlon 0.25
1737 Connected Graph 0.49
2940 Wine Trading in Gergovia 0.45
3697 USTC campus network 0.31
2369 Permutations 0.52
1021 2D-Nim 0.45
2402 Palindrome Numbers 0.37
2034 Anti-prime Sequences 0.45
2381 Random Gap 0.26
3913 Gnome Sequencing 0.68
1084 Square Destroyer 0.42
1150 The Last Non-zero Digit 0.29
1299 Polar Explorer 0.34
1248 Safecracker 0.55
3565 Ants 0.3
2887 Big String 0.23
3629 Card Stacking 0.4
2110 Mountain Walking 0.32
3445 Elementary Additions 0.54
1465 Multiple 0.21
1184 聪明的打字员 0.2
2096 Collecting Bugs 0.49
1198 Solitaire 0.35
2926 Requirements 0.33
3384 Feng Shui 0.3
1176 Party Lamps 0.34
2117 Electricity 0.33
3279 Fliptile 0.38
1053 Set Me 0.46
2441 Arrange the Bulls 0.38
2607 Fire Station 0.35
1782 Run Length Encoding 0.32
1970 The Game 0.26
1486 Sorting Slides 0.39
2160 Box 0.36
2425 A Chess Game 0.4
1769 Minimizing maximizer 0.39
2227 The Wedding Juicer 0.44
1140 Expanding Fractions 0.39
3767 I Wanna Go Home 0.42
2673 Kicc Wants to Move a Mountain! 0.26
1976 A Mini Locomotive 0.55
2748 Logs Stacking 0.31
1178 Camelot 0.46
2440 DNA 0.39
2907 Collecting Beepers 0.53
1033 Defragment 0.34
3425 Customer support 0.46
2935 Basic Wall Maze 0.45
3978 Primes 0.38
1598 Excuses, Excuses! 0.34
2246 Matrix Chain Multiplication 0.63
2718 Smallest Difference 0.27
3145 Harmony Forever 0.24
3049 Securing the Barn 0.64
2041 Unreliable Message 0.61
2497 Strategies 0.48
2584 T-Shirt Gumbo 0.46
2613 Choose and divide 0.32
3239 Solution to the n Queens Puzzle 0.36
1192 最优连通子集 0.53
3592 Instantaneous Transference 0.22
2042 Lagrange's Four-Square Theorem 0.45
2126 Factoring a Polynomial 0.51
3150 Cellular Automaton 0.4
1240 Pre-Post-erous! 0.61
2201 Cartesian Tree 0.38
3298 Antimonotonicity 0.43
1143 Number Game 0.4
1603 Risk 0.46
1686 Lazy Math Instructor 0.34
2454 Jersey Politics 0.25
3237 Tree 0.27
2724 Purifying Machine 0.28
3276 Face The Right Way 0.45
3301 Texas Trip 0.3
2241 The Tower of Babylon 0.56
3480 John 0.47
2860 Block game with the Little Prince 0.66
1848 Tree 0.34
3432 Count Squares 0.43
2537 Tight words 0.47
3167 Cow Patterns 0.37
1816 Wild Words 0.26
1925 Spiderman 0.19
2373 Dividing the Path 0.36
2008 Moo University - Team Tryouts 0.28
2668 Defending Castle 0.24
1520 Scramble Sort 0.48
2329 Nearest number - 2 0.3
3345 Bribing FIPA 0.3
1944 Fiber Communications 0.3
2573 Bridge 0.35
1590 Palindromes 0.34
3685 Matrix 0.25
1454 Factorial Frequencies 0.43
2437 Muddy roads 0.48
3039 Close Encounter 0.36
3696 The Luckiest number 0.26
1732 Phone numbers 0.32
1120 A New Growth Industry 0.47
3044 City Skyline 0.48
1375 Intervals 0.29
2004 Mix and Build 0.3
3045 Cow Acrobats 0.39
3078 Q 0.7
1701 Dissatisfying Lift 0.21
1962 Corporative Network 0.36
2817 WordStack 0.35
3275 Ranking the Cows 0.46
1690 (Your)((Term)((Project))) 0.37
3232 Accelerator 0.24
2379 ACM Rank Table 0.26
1408 Fishnet 0.63
2408 Anagram Groups 0.26
3579 Median 0.29
2918 Tudoku 0.54
1945 Power Hungry Cows 0.24
3046 Ant Counting 0.4
2459 Feed Accounting 0.54
2640 Playground 0.38
2218 Does This Make Me Look Fat? 0.46
3363 Annoying painting tool 0.66
2273 An Excel-lent Problem 0.64
1821 Fence 0.3
2074 Line of Sight 0.31
3417 Network 0.28
2967 Triangles 0.15
3340 Barbara Bennett's Wild Numbers 0.36
2311 Cutting Game 0.36
2225 Asteroids! 0.37
3543 iChess 0.45
3781 Nth Largest Value 0.65
3581 Sequence 0.21
3190 Stall Reservations 0.35
2738 Two Ends 0.47
2626 Chess 0.46
1085 Triangle War 0.39
1034 The dog task 0.4
3037 Skiing 0.27
1634 Who's the boss? 0.41
2295 A DP Problem 0.31
3916 Duplicate Removal 0.69
1434 Fill the Cisterns! 0.33
2540 Hotter Colder 0.41
3101 Astronomy 0.21
3728 The merchant 0.33
1239 Increasing Sequences 0.37
1031 Fence 0.33
3512 Incidental Points 0.22
1695 Magazine Delivery 0.48
2631 Roads in the North 0.48
1313 Booklet Printing 0.5
1380 Equipment Box 0.26
3753 根据关键字进行字符串拷贝 0.22
1090 Chain 0.33
2157 Maze 0.31
3257 Cow Roller Coaster 0.39
2526 Center of symmetry 0.44
3018 Giftbox 0.28
3213 PM3 0.34
2443 Set Operation 0.39
3768 Repeater 0.26
1675 Happy Birthday! 0.24
2038 Team Rankings 0.5
3228 Gold Transportation 0.35
3095 Linear Pachinko 0.73
3505 Tower Parking 0.62
3994 Probability One 0.68
1917 Automatic Poetry 0.5
1926 Pollution 0.26
3537 Crosses and Crosses 0.38
3487 The Stable Marriage Problem 0.43
3497 Assemble 0.32
1974 The Happy Worm 0.22
2973 Scrabble 0.57
3690 Constellations 0.19
2710 Consecutive Digits 0.61
3695 Rectangles 0.28
3716 Panda's Birthday Present 0.65
3705 Reverse 0.31
1636 Prison rearrangement 0.45
2100 Graveyard Design 0.21
2897 Dramatic Multiplications 0.41
3310 Caterpillar 0.47
2259 Team Queue 0.37
3272 Cow Traffic 0.27
2991 Crane 0.27
2649 Factovisors 0.24
3034 Whac-a-Mole 0.3
1130 Alien Security 0.36
3700 Missile Defence System 0.23
2191 Mersenne Composite Numbers 0.47
3528 Ultimate Weapon 0.47
3347 Kadj Squares 0.39
1856 Sea Battle 0.35 998 2816
2179 Inlay Cutters 0.42 995 2367
3084 Panic Room 0.51 987 1909
2734 Queens, Knights and Pawns 0.49 983 1980
2922 Honeymoon Hike 0.3 983 3249
2264 Advanced Fruits 0.49 979 1968
2893 M × N Puzzle 0.27 977 3506
2646 The Trip 0.3 974 3165
3373 Changing Digits 0.32 974 3008
2508 Conic distance 0.41 972 2315
2106 Boolean Expressions 0.3 971 3145
3681 Finding the Rectangle 0.29 971 3295
1057 FILE MAPPING 0.49 970 1961
2564 Edit Step Ladders 0.37 967 2581
3012 A Number from Yanghui Triangle 0.41 967 2322
1932 XYZZY 0.28 964 3345
2065 SETI 0.61 964 1561
3612 Telephone Wire 0.36 962 2637
2137 Cowties 0.33 961 2870
2128 Highways 0.36 960 2613
2355 Railway tickets 0.35 960 2703
2722 Angle and Squares 0.41 960 2332
3377 Ferry Lanes 0.21 960 4387
3171 Cleaning Shifts 0.34 959 2753
3093 Margaritas on the River Walk 0.37 958 2539
3312 Mahershalalhashbaz, Nebuchadnezzar, and Billy Bob
Benjamin Go to the Regionals 0.4 958 2340
3600 Subimage Recognition 0.37 957 2555
3193 Cow Phrasebook 0.34 954 2794
2872 Spelling Be 0.32 951 2965
1920 Towers of Hanoi 0.44 948 2136
1254 Hansel and Grethel 0.45 946 2081
1385 Lifting the Stone 0.34 945 2725
2795 Exploring Pyramids 0.45 943 2055
1117 Pairs of Integers 0.25 937 3733
2163 Easy Trading 0.45 937 2062
3226 String's Puzzle 0.4 937 2327
1281 MANAGER 0.36 934 2587
2654 Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament 0.36 934 2585
2175 Evacuation Plan 0.26 933 3502
1750 Dictionary 0.29 931 3203
2430 Lazy Cows 0.38 928 2387
3138 ACM Team Selection 0.49 928 1880
3134 Power Calculus 0.53 927 1724
2208 Pyramids 0.32 923 2800
1823 Hotel 0.43 921 2137
3385 Genealogy 0.29 921 3144
2057 The Lost House 0.41 918 2236
2366 Sacrament of the sum 0.45 917 2007
3307 Smart Sister 0.4 917 2237
3406 Last digit 0.3 917 3041
2565 Average is not Fast Enough! 0.44 916 2075
1193 内存分配 0.2 913 4407
2228 Naptime 0.39 913 2287
3460 Booksort 0.45 912 1999
2923 Relocation 0.41 911 2206
2984 A New Joseph Problem 0.23 910 3843
2069 Super Star 0.26 909 3444
3263 Tallest Cow 0.46 906 1964
1049 Microprocessor Simulation 0.29 905 3091
1563 The Snail 0.47 905 1903
1283 Moving Computer 0.44 903 2032
3332 Parsing Real Numbers 0.38 903 2368
3133 Manhattan Wiring 0.58 902 1530
2662 A Walk Through the Forest 0.36 897 2465
1760 Disk Tree 0.36 894 2420
1787 Charlie's Change 0.28 894 3132
3917 Rock, Paper, Scissors 0.61 891 1450
1473 There's Treasure Everywhere! 0.44 889 1989
1485 Fast Food 0.37 888 2383
2193 Lenny's Lucky Lotto Lists 0.42 888 2090
3160 Father Christmas flymouse 0.33 888 2652
2567 Code the Tree 0.38 887 2306
2581 Exact Change Only 0.34 884 2588
3390 Print Words in Lines 0.53 884 1653
3764 The xor-longest Path 0.22 883 4004
3047 Bovine Birthday 0.46 881 1905
1706 References 0.2 880 4196
2812 Extrusion 0.58 878 1498
2838 Graph Connectivity 0.26 876 3351
3440 Coin Toss 0.27 876 3244
2908 Quantum 0.3 873 2832
2424 Flo's Restaurant 0.31 872 2812
3715 Blue and Red 0.26 872 3244
1043 What's In A Name? 0.35 871 2426
1406 Starship Hakodate-maru 0.62 871 1397
3639 Exchange Rates 0.35 870 2458
1671 Rhyme Schemes 0.56 864 1541
2404 Jogging Trails 0.39 864 2171
1300 Door Man 0.4 862 2148
3640 Conformity 0.31 862 2748
3439 Server Relocation 0.36 861 2381
2059 Watchdog 0.63 860 1345
2556 Edge 0.69 860 1235
2810 Take Your Vitamins 0.29 860 2952
3088 Push Botton Lock 0.62 858 1364
2657 Comfort 0.34 852 2484
3561 Pseudographical recognizer 0.41 847 2029
2062 Card Game Cheater 0.5 846 1685
2781 The mysterious X network 0.42 846 2004
3338 Rectangle Cutting 0.66 845 1277
1589 Unix ls 0.33 842 2489
2460 Brownie Points I 0.63 839 1317
3682 King Arthur's Birthday Celebration 0.31 839 2680
1972 Dice Stacking 0.62 836 1347
2641 Billiard 0.61 836 1354
2772 Up the Stairs 0.45 836 1841
3128 Leonardo's Notebook 0.44 835 1883
3174 Alignment of the Planets 0.49 833 1679
3192 DNA Assembly 0.43 833 1930
1309 Coconuts, Revisited 0.41 832 2008
2465 Adventures in Moving - Part IV 0.35 830 2344
2555 Drink, on Ice 0.6 830 1382
3374 Cake Share 0.26 829 3139
1044 Date bugs 0.29 828 2852
2006 Litmus Test 0.53 828 1549
3675 Telescope 0.28 827 2897
3510 A Tale from the Dark Side of the Moon 0.28 825 2934
3928 Ping pong 0.37 825 2174
2818 Making Change 0.53 824 1536
1059 Chutes and Ladders 0.03 820 20952
2969 Divisibility by 15 0.25 819 3182
3544 Journey with Pigs 0.3 818 2693
1940 Polygon Programming with Ease 0.63 815 1285
3437 Tree Grafting 0.43 814 1866
2978 Colored stones 0.47 812 1723
3844 Divisible Subsequences 0.36 812 2253
2056 The Separator in Grid 0.3 811 2668
3358 Period of an Infinite Binary Expansion 0.26 809 3041
3146 Interesting Yang Hui Triangle 0.47 808 1685
3244 Difference between Triplets 0.32 808 2502
2585 Window Pains 0.49 807 1621
2675 Songs 0.39 807 2055
1024 Tester Program 0.35 806 2273
2210 Metric Time 0.3 806 2605
2599 A funny game 0.42 806 1913
3282 Ferry Loading IV 0.4 806 1991
3175 Finding Bovine Roots 0.19 805 4056
1788 Building a New Depot 0.41 804 1956
3407 Brookebond s'en va en guerre... 0.48 804 1659
2374 Fence Obstacle Course 0.36 796 2184
2666 Back to Mother Ship 0.32 795 2410
1165 The Primes 0.42 791 1853
2951 Cake Cutting 0.54 791 1455
3367 Expressions 0.32 791 2405
3170 Knights of Ni 0.43 789 1797
3486 Computers 0.42 789 1850
2799 IP Networks 0.37 787 2096
1923 Fourier's Lines 0.32 786 2438
2837 Silver Matrix 0.63 786 1244
2368 Buttons 0.25 785 3078
3114 Countries in War 0.29 784 2636
1721 CARDS 0.53 783 1468
3180 The Cow Prom 0.63 782 1230
1354 Placement of Keys 0.52 780 1474
3221 Diamond Puzzle 0.54 779 1418
1122 FDNY to the Rescue! 0.3 778 2550
1934 Trip 0.25 775 3028
3375 Network Connection 0.23 775 3330
1632 Vase collection 0.37 773 2053
2361 Tic Tac Toe 0.37 771 2082
2627 Gopher and hawks 0.38 770 1991
2699 The Maximum Number of Strong Kings 0.46 770 1649
2046 Gap 0.44 769 1724
3435 Sudoku Checker 0.44 769 1732
3129 How I Wonder What You Are! 0.72 767 1065
3475 Paper-, er, Transcript-Folding Game 0.35 767 2167
1105 S-Trees 0.53 765 1425
1838 Banana 0.36 760 2064
3283 Card Hands 0.3 760 2454
1305 Fermat vs. Pythagoras 0.58 758 1289
3075 Tic-Tac-Toe 0.42 756 1760
1786 Bridge Hands 0.4 754 1857
1780 Code 0.36 753 2044
2447 RSA 0.21 751 3478
2766 Laserbox 0.56 750 1328
1738 An old Stone Game 0.26 748 2860
2683 Ohgas' Fortune 0.61 748 1212
3509 Rotating Rings 0.38 747 1937
2030 The Secret Number 0.34 743 2180
2956 Repeatless Numbers 0.42 743 1761
1894 Alternative Scale of Notation 0.36 740 2025
1909 Marbles on a tree 0.5 740 1479
1914 Cramer's Rule 0.23 737 3074
2044 Weather Forecast 0.32 736 2238
2188 Cow Laundry 0.64 732 1127
3158 Kickdown 0.45 732 1626
3416 Crossing 0.46 731 1583
2458 Rigging the Bovine Election 0.44 730 1657
3365 Cylinder 0.42 730 1722
2803 Defining Moment 0.45 729 1596
3742 Equivalent Polynomial 0.28 729 2600
2619 Delta-wave 0.47 728 1521
2068 Nim 0.56 727 1285
3042 Grazing on the Run 0.4 726 1811
1174 Contact 0.3 725 2381
2283 Different Digits 0.26 724 2687
2258 The Settlers of Catan 0.65 720 1102
2111 Millenium Leapcow 0.37 719 1917
3297 Open Source 0.41 719 1717
1927 Area in Triangle 0.53 714 1331
2577 Interpreter 0.34 713 2068
3519 Minimal Backgammon 0.58 713 1212
2261 France '98 0.63 712 1116
3488 Arne Saknussemm 0.53 711 1317
3699 miniSQL 0.29 711 2391
1187 陨石的秘密 0.35 710 2019
1806 Manhattan
2904 The Mailboxes Manufacturers Problem 0.71 709 986
3208 Apocalypse Someday 0.46 709 1527
2939 Flavius Josephus Reloaded 0.38 708 1843
2215 Parliament 0.66 707 1058
1722 SUBTRACT 0.43 705 1631
3326 Analyzing Login/Logout Records 0.48 705 1453
3622 Gourmet Grazers 0.36 704 1955
1471 Triangles 0.36 702 1914
1959 Darts 0.57 702 1218
3656 Rock Skipping 0.4 701 1728
3328 Cliff Climbing 0.37 700 1888
2934 Automatic Correction of Misspellings 0.3 699 2321
3653 Here We Go(relians) Again 0.42 696 1631
2464 Brownie Points II 0.35 695 1967
2912 Rochambeau 0.35 695 1974
3458 Colour Sequence 0.62 692 1103
3501 Escape from Enemy Territory 0.27 692 2510
3399 Product 0.24 691 2849
1870 Bee Breeding 0.41 690 1665
2023 Choose Your Own Adventure 0.4 690 1684
2686 Traveling by Stagecoach 0.33 690 2086
2694 A Simple Poker Game 0.48 690 1429
1332 Finding Liars 0.44 689 1535
1430 Binary Stirling Numbers 0.38 688 1795
2620 Minimal coverage 0.3 688 2276
1678 I Love this Game! 0.38 687 1782
1744 Elevator Stopping Plan 0.33 687 2049
3103 Cutting a Block 0.49 687 1377
2265 Bee Maja 0.64 684 1064
2400 Supervisor, Supervisee 0.28 682 2424
2351 Time Zones 0.27 681 2445
2410 Simple Computers 0.32 681 2072
1784 Huffman's Greed 0.59 679 1144
2166 Heapsort 0.54 679 1256
1868 Antiarithmetic? 0.5 677 1352
2527 Polynomial Remains 0.56 677 1198
1629 Fillword 0.52 676 1284
2274 The Race 0.2 676 3256
3724 Find the parameter 0.2 676 3262
1244 Slots of Fun 0.57 675 1167
1314 Finding Rectangles 0.37 675 1810
2882 Food Cubes 0.24 674 2708
3154 Graveyard 0.51 674 1318
3162 Walking Race 0.24 674 2774
1188 Gleaming the Cubes 0.53 673 1262
3003 Spiderman’s workout 0.38 673 1759
3645 Smeech 0.26 673 2536
2375 Cow Ski Area 0.27 672 2402
2471 Bullshit Bingo 0.34 671 1951
3761 Bubble Sort 0.32 671 2093
2569 Etaoin Shrdlu 0.52 670 1286
3251 Big Square 0.24 668 2769
1319 Pipe Fitters 0.44 667 1485
2275 Flipping Pancake 0.44 667 1490
3785 The Next Permutation 0.73 667 908
3654 Electronic Document Security 0.59 662 1112
3398 Perfect Service 0.48 661 1365
1677 Girls' Day 0.2 660 3226
2986 A Triangle and a Circle 0.22 660 2919
4011 Automated Telephone Exchange 0.52 660 1260
2751 Saving Endeavour 0.56 656 1155
2832 How Many Pairs? 0.36 655 1804
1992 Jack 0.33 649 1936
2539 Division 0.26 648 2437
3265 Problem Solving 0.4 648 1583
2323 PERMS 0.49 647 1309
3040 Allowance 0.41 647 1570
1977 Odd Loving Bakers 0.33 642 1934
2558 Genetic Code 0.53 642 1197
1809 Regetni 0.37 640 1687
1175 Starry Night 0.38 638 1671
3339 Team Arrangement 0.25 638 2473
2256 Artificial Intelligence? 0.48 637 1302
1687 Buggy Sat 0.44 636 1415
2334 Simple prefix compression 0.47 635 1331
1935 Journey 0.38 634 1656
3419 Difference Is Beautiful 0.3 633 2048
3172 Scales 0.25 632 2451
1930 Dead Fraction 0.31 631 2007
2846 The Bank of Kalii 0.42 630 1486
3400 Dropping the stones 0.35 630 1761
1728 A flea on a chessboard 0.32 629 1911
1899 Farmer Bill's Problem 0.25 629 2437
3601 Tower of Hanoi 0.34 629 1838
3762 The Bonus Salary! 0.26 628 2391
1472 Instant Complexity 0.34 627 1816
3725 I know the k-th integer 0.21 627 2908
1763 Shortcut 0.32 626 1949
2847 The Cubic End 0.48 626 1291
2587 Airline Hub 0.32 621 1905
2849 brainf*ck 0.37 621 1639
1417 True Liars 0.3 620 2037
3702 Chessman 0.42 619 1463
3139 Balancing the Scale 0.39 617 1560
1715 Hexadecimal Numbers 0.27 616 2271
1297 Supermarket 0.38 615 1593
1432 Decoding Morse Sequences 0.41 615 1484
3566 Building for UN 0.44 615 1396
1770 Special Experiment 0.33 613 1815
2982 Time Travel 0.15 611 4030
2397 Spiderman 0.38 610 1604
2711 Leapin' Lizards 0.39 608 1528
1794 Castle Walls 0.36 607 1677
2003 Hire and Fire 0.27 607 2194
3449 Geometric Shapes 0.42 607 1432
3784 Running Median 0.49 607 1235
1312 Numerically Speaking 0.58 606 1033
2047 Concert Hall Scheduling 0.45 606 1346
3214 Heap 0.21 606 2785
1759 Garland 0.44 604 1357
2659 Bomb Game 0.43 604 1399
2850 Stacking Cylinders 0.54 604 1102
1776 Task Sequences 0.28 603 2136
3369 Grocery store 0.39 602 1509
1022 Packing Unit 4D Cubes 0.31 601 1917
3337 Expression Evaluator 0.3 601 1945
3658 Artificial Lake 0.33 601 1802
2674 Linear world 0.22 600 2684
3327 Cut the Cake 0.38 600 1566
1586 Three Sides Make a Triangle 0.15 599 3751
3388 Japanese Puzzle 0.28 599 2091
2194 Stacking Cylinders 0.53 598 1126
3124 The Bookcase 0.3 598 1967
1572 Automatic Editing 0.46 597 1288
1929 Calories from Fat 0.52 597 1147
2705 Overflowing Bookshelf 0.55 597 1080
3141 Distant Galaxy 0.31 597 1910
3921 Destroying the bus stations 0.32 592 1827
2867 Where Are My Genes 0.44 590 1336
2415 Hike on a Graph 0.43 588 1355
2504 Bounding box 0.41 587 1417
2005 Blackjack 0.27 582 2095
2744 Atomic Car Race 0.48 580 1198
2964 Tourist 0.41 579 1411
2989 All Friends 0.27 579 2092
1169 Packing Rectangles 0.54 578 1064
1069 The Bermuda Triangle 0.47 577 1211
1826 The Best Farm 0.31 577 1830
2426 Remainder 0.18 577 3073
1907 Work Reduction 0.35 576 1630
3587 The Biggest Cake 0.17 576 3282
2758 Checking the Text 0.21 574 2628
1849 Two 0.49 572 1161
2380 Sales Report 0.29 570 1928
2463 Bungee Jumping 0.44 565 1275
1642 Stacking Cubes 0.39 564 1439
1414 Life Line 0.73 563 768
2358 Queens in peaceful positions 0.47 563 1179
1048 Follow My Logic 0.28 562 1950
1855 Mint 0.35 561 1581
2438 Children's Dining 0.13 561 4197
2444 Partition a Matrix 0.26 560 2085
2961 Sylvester construction 0.46 560 1206
2189 Romeo Meets Juliet 0.45 559 1223
2296 Map Labeler 0.32 559 1716
2958 Pizza delivery 0.42 558 1313
2977 Box walking 0.26 558 2092
3590 The shuffle Problem 0.32 558 1696
2152 Fire 0.5 557 1114
2496 Military Recruit 0.48 557 1144
3038 Flying Right 0.35 557 1580
3072 Robot 0.34 557 1631
3710 Christmas Game 0.31 557 1791
1351 Number of Locks 0.48 556 1136
3597 Polygon Division 0.52 556 1056
2566 Bound Found 0.32 555 1688
3073 Spam 0.57 555 964
3269 Building A New Barn 0.32 555 1725
1569 Myacm Triangles 0.57 554 966
3343 Against Mammoths 0.32 554 1726
3371 Flesch Reading Ease 0.29 551 1880
2284 That Nice Euler Circuit 0.31 550 1770
2660 War on Weather 0.57 550 955
1583 Choose Your Words Carefully 0.3 549 1796
2827 Auto-Calculation Machine 0.32 549 1687
2475 Any fool can do it 0.37 548 1462
1119 Start Up the Startup 0.24 545 2184
2167 Irrelevant Elements 0.24 544 2209
2331 Water pipe 0.25 544 2093
3357 Oreon 0.26 544 2039
3504 Obfuscation 0.2 544 2643
3638 Moogle 0.45 544 1205
3594 Escort of Dr. Who How 0.24 541 2222
1676 What time is it? 0.39 540 1376
2354 Titanic 0.25 539 2132
3380 Bridges 0.28 539 1867
1727 Advanced Causal Measurements (ACM) 0.34 538 1541
3674 Super Assassin 0.22 538 2394
3991 Seinfeld 0.45 538 1174
3065 Stargates 0.22 537 2381
1987 Distance Statistics 0.31 535 1681
3782 Equal Sum Partitions 0.72 535 737
1078 Gizilch 0.38 534 1384
3657 Haybale Guessing 0.27 534 1954
2550 Zipf's Law 0.3 531 1763
3195 Generalized Matrioshkas 0.29 531 1821
2859 A rectangle 0.24 530 2154
3513 Let's Go to the Movies 0.22 528 2393
3842 An Industrial Spy 0.39 527 1320
4046 Sightseeing 0.21 527 2480
2132 Cow Math 0.34 526 1524
2715 Paint Mix 0.33 525 1590
3729 Facer’s string 0.29 525 1754
1771 Elevator Stopping Plan 0.33 524 1584
2541 Binary Witch 0.36 524 1442
2645 Boastin' Red Socks 0.24 524 2121
3168 Barn Expansion 0.25 524 2023
3027 Base equality 0.62 521 833
3801 Crazy Circuits 0.82 521 633
1693 Counting Rectangles 0.52 520 990
1859 The Perfect Symmetry 0.38 519 1333
1289 The Cat in the Hat 0.34 517 1482
2302 Traditional BINGO 0.48 516 1062
3359 Wordfish 0.5 515 1018
2279 Mr. Young's Picture Permutations 0.5 514 1017
1096 Space Station Shielding 0.35 513 1433
2176 Folding 0.37 513 1354
2943 The Cow Doctor 0.33 513 1514
1896 Code Formatting 0.35 512 1438
2568 Decode the Tree 0.4 512 1269
3055 Digital Friends 0.46 511 1092
3105 Expectation 0.49 511 1023
1591 M*A*S*H 0.52 510 963
2932 Coneology 0.17 510 2981
2269 Friends 0.46 509 1083
2530 Tetris Alphabet 0.4 508 1253
2614 Old Wine Into New Bottles 0.3 508 1665
2359 Questions 0.36 506 1376
3376 Finding Palindromes 0.17 506 2830
3731 Escape 0.31 506 1611
1071 Illusive Chase 0.44 505 1125
3344 Chessboard Dance 0.36 505 1377
2595 Min-Max 0.22 504 2198
3393 Lucky and Good Months by Gregorian Calendar 0.32 504 1531
2131 Key Insertion 0.25 503 1990
2890 Matrix Multiplication 0.31 503 1615
1241 Knockout Tournament 0.62 502 806
1292 Will Indiana Jones Get There? 0.27 502 1828
1482 It's not a Bug, It's a Feature! 0.37 500 1320
1874 Trade on Verweggistan 0.29 499 1707
3602 Typographical Ligatures 0.45 498 1104
1285 Combinations, Once Again 0.33 497 1488
2015 Permutation Code 0.44 497 1126
3476 A Game with Colored Balls 0.16 497 3062
1205 Water Treatment Plants 0.6 495 822
1882 Stamps 0.35 495 1406
3316 Snakes on a Plane 0.37 495 1311
3605 Sheryl's Circuit I 0.41 495 1193
3852 String LD 0.54 494 901
3303 Halls 0.28 493 1733
1708 Game 0.33 492 1485
2435 Navigating the City 0.54 492 902
3066 Maximum 0.6 490 808
1092 Farmland 0.38 489 1268
1997 Word Puzzle 0.44 489 1090
1392 Ouroboros Snake 0.49 488 984
2920 Mine Map 0.47 488 1017
2280 Amphiphilic Carbon Molecules 0.33 487 1447
2712 Netiquette 0.32 487 1493
1918 Ranking List 0.28 486 1676
1400 Complicated Expressions 0.32 485 1502
3231 FlashGet 0.16 485 2918
1398 Complete the sequence! 0.51 484 945
1879 Tempus et mobilius Time and motion 0.59 484 812
2254 Globetrotter 0.33 484 1438
2698 Servicing DVD Requests 0.3 484 1599
3456 Frobenius 0.5 484 953
3585 Accumulation Degree 0.24 484 1976
1644 To Bet or Not To Bet 0.31 482 1521
2609 Ferry Loading 0.28 482 1675
3092 Non-divisible 2-3 Power Sums 0.49 482 982
3925 Minimal Ratio Tree 0.36 482 1307
4047 Garden 0.35 482 1367
1566 Haiku Review 0.63 481 763
2466 Pairsumonious Numbers 0.5 481 957
2693 Chocolate Chip Cookies 0.25 481 1914
2737 Swamp Things 0.33 481 1434
1761 Easy Task 0.34 480 1385
2500 Pia's Party 0.24 480 1930
3317 Stake Your Claim 0.37 480 1291
2165 Gunman 0.36 479 1317
2171 Amusing Numbers 0.39 479 1205
1093 Formatting Text 0.23 478 2054
1396 Simple Arithmetics 0.25 478 1911
3413 RPG 0.33 478 1426
3098 Frugal Search 0.47 477 1003
1808 Quadratic Residues 0.33 476 1426
3131 Cubic Eight-Puzzle 0.33 476 1422
2232 New Stone-Forfex-Cloth Game 0.4 475 1172
1501 Word-Search Wonder 0.38 474 1239
2174 Decoding Task 0.45 474 1050
4044 Score Sequence 0.38 474 1244
1660 Princess FroG 0.41 473 1140
2784 Buy or Build 0.42 473 1124
2493 Rdeaalbe 0.24 472 1908
2836 Rectangular Covering 0.27 471 1725
3765 Xiang Hex 0.5 471 926
1263 Reflections 0.41 470 1135
1480 Optimal Programs 0.36 470 1299
2490 Pimp My Ride 0.3 470 1564
3408 The Domino Principle 0.26 470 1805
2605 Simple game on a grid 0.52 469 897
2831 Can We Build This One? 0.37 466 1239
3736 Snipe the Sniper 0.36 465 1281
1103 Maze 0.4 464 1157
1765 November Rain 0.21 462 2135
4045 Power Station 0.39 462 1162
1610 Quad Trees 0.5 460 909
2898 Entertainment 0.17 460 2604
3465 Battle 0.24 460 1864
1991 Turning in Homework 0.44 459 1030
3060 Make it Manhattan 0.42 459 1073
2257 Balancing Bank Accounts 0.47 458 969
2116 Death to Binary? 0.3 457 1487
3904 Sky Code 0.3 456 1482
2671 Jimmy's Bad Day 0.32 455 1387
2786 Keep the Customer Satisfied 0.38 455 1183
3546 Sea battle 0.36 453 1240
1245 Programmer, Rank Thyself 0.37 452 1196
1618 Decorations 0.44 452 1009
3109 Inner Vertices 0.26 450 1718
3184 Finicky Grazers 0.27 449 1625
1293 Duty Free Shop 0.39 448 1138
3099 Go Go Gorelians 0.6 448 736
3863 Business Center 0.4 447 1102
1237 The Postal Worker Rings Once 0.63 445 701
3483 Loan Scheduling 0.53 445 826
2050 Searching the Web 0.21 444 2031
2276 Model Rocket Height 0.57 444 773
1137 The New Villa 0.32 443 1347
3314 Plaque Pack 0.46 443 943
1058 The Gourmet Club 0.3 442 1464
3401 String reduction 0.32 442 1342
2703 Maximum Area Covered by Rectangles 0.44 441 992
2952 Election 0.47 441 934
2658 Song 0.27 439 1602
1973 Software Company 0.42 438 1020
2133 Cow Imposters 0.26 437 1638
1231 The Alphabet Game 0.39 436 1105
2732 Countdown 0.33 436 1287
3786 Adjacent Bit Counts 0.82 435 525
1217 FOUR QUARTERS 0.45 434 950
3179 Corral the Cows 0.44 432 967
3593 Sea Base Exploration 0.27 432 1573
2937 Dihedral Groups 0.32 430 1336
3499 Containers 0.26 430 1608
2045 Molecular Formula 0.51 428 831
3412 Ray 0.21 428 2034
3485 Highway 0.45 427 935
3227 Mountains 0.27 425 1571
1888 Crossword Answers 0.46 424 913
3361 Gaussian Prime Factors 0.32 424 1310
2679 Adventurous Driving 0.28 422 1504
3760 魔兽世界(修订版) 0.23 422 1782
1234 Ball Toss 0.45 421 923
2197 Jill's Tour Paths 0.29 420 1411
2862 Tornado! 0.37 420 1134
3970 Party 0.37 420 1116
2114 Boatherds 0.32 419 1280
3895 Cycles of Lanes 0.37 419 1124
1100 Dreisam Equations 0.2 418 2049
3516 Johnny Hates Math 0.12 418 3413
2720 Last Digits 0.2 417 2031
2928 A City of Skyscrapers 0.25 417 1618
2597 Line Segment Erase 0.28 416 1460
3290 WFF 'N PROOF 0.49 416 840
1291 This Sentence is False 0.43 415 962
1025 Department 0.23 414 1761
3631 Cuckoo Hashing 0.34 414 1203
2511 The Top Shelf 0.29 413 1418
3739 Special Squares 0.27 413 1476
2692 Australian Voting 0.26 411 1545
2721 Suit Distribution 0.64 409 636
3783 Balls 0.7 408 578
1513 Scheduling Lectures 0.43 406 936
2637 WorstWeather Ever 0.2 406 1960
3503 Summits 0.36 406 1127
2118 Firepersons 0.45 405 900
1349 Coding of Permutations 0.43 404 930
2515 Birthday Cake 0.38 404 1046
3576 Language Recognition 0.26 403 1499
3790 Recursively Palindromic Partitions 0.73 403 547
3222 Edge Pairing 0.38 402 1047
2514 Ridiculous Addition 0.21 401 1887
2161 Chandelier 0.39 400 1009
2267 From Dusk till Dawn or: Vladimir the Vampire 0.31 399 1287
2642 The Brick Stops Here 0.3 398 1312
3068 &Shortest& pair of paths 0.38 398 1022
3462 Lucky Light 0.39 398 1017
2433 Landscaping 0.43 396 916
1568 Find the Winning Move 0.49 395 796
1931 Biometrics 0.39 395 994
1492 Up and Down Sequences 0.59 394 662
1747 Expression 0.62 394 628
2611 Gas Station Numbers 0.3 394 1292
3025 Rings 0.35 394 1109
3355 Boundary Points 0.17 394 2214
3541 Given a string… 0.21 393 1828
1965 Cube Root 0.27 392 1420
2815 Context-Free Clock 0.37 392 1045
3431 Texture Tile 0.23 391 1670
2043 Area of Polygons 0.39 390 980
2571 Global Roaming 0.52 390 744
3484 Showstopper 0.29 390 1328
1391 Erdos Numbers 0.32 387 1175
3923 Ugly Windows 0.3 387 1270
1912 A highway and the seven dwarfs 0.18 386 2115
1924 The Treasure 0.18 386 2107
3229 The Best Travel Design 0.26 385 1476
3333 Co-workers from Hell 0.3 385 1263
1620 Phone Home 0.5 384 764
2714 Random Walk 0.18 384 2037
1648 Countryside Highway 0.3 383 1245
2172 Bricks 0.3 383 1241
3112 Digital Biochemist Circuit 0.43 383 885
3492 Knapsack II 0.24 382 1550
2740 Book Replacement 0.46 381 824
2793 Cactus 0.28 381 1327
3452 Railway Transportation 0.46 381 818
1624 This Takes the Cake 0.51 380 731
1683 Puzzlestan 0.31 380 1206
2146 Confusing Login Names 0.34 380 1104
1030 Rating 0.22 377 1659
2596 Dice Stacking 0.25 377 1503
3747 Scout YYF II 0.24 377 1525
1819 Disks 0.23 376 1598
1853 Cat 0.24 376 1512
1515 Street Directions 0.53 375 696
3156 Interconnect 0.34 375 1083
3217 Eugenics 0.34 375 1078
3467 Cross Counting 0.28 375 1331
3907 Build Your Home 0.59 375 631
3713 Transferring Sylla 0.23 374 1576
2706 Connect 0.32 372 1134
3523 The Morning after Halloween 0.2 372 1830
3535 A+B 0.45 372 816
2469 Stack 'em Up 0.39 371 948
1481 The Die Is Cast 0.4 370 909
1757 Binary Search 0.37 370 980
3212 Rescue Alice 0.24 370 1533
2790 Consecutive ones 0.64 369 571
4052 Hrinity 0.26 369 1418
3756 Chess Game 0.33 368 1104
1707 Sum of powers 0.48 367 760
3091 Triangular N-Queens Problem 0.44 366 830
3789 Binary Clock 0.69 366 528
2921 Knights of the Round Table 0.25 365 1417
3182 The Grove 0.47 365 769
3684 Physics Experiment 0.35 365 1031
1337 A Lazy Worker 0.33 364 1077
2199 Rate of Return 0.43 364 829
2906 Moving Pianos 0.36 363 990
3056 The Bavarian Beer Party 0.36 363 999
3197 Continuous Fractions 0.37 363 957
3271 Lilypad Pond 0.26 363 1377
3334 Connected Gheeves 0.36 363 995
1114 Chemical Reactions 0.52 362 687
1901 Hypertransmission 0.24 362 1482
2467 Snow Clearing 0.44 362 807
3057 Evacuation 0.25 362 1415
1104 Robbery 0.38 361 926
3004 Subway planning 0.26 361 1339
3015 Expected Difference 0.25 361 1394
3429 Geometry with a ruler 0.22 361 1637
2510 Tullia and Chocolate II 0.21 360 1661
2775 The Number of the Same BST 0.41 360 874
1148 Utopia Divided 0.43 359 820
1394 Railroad 0.33 359 1061
1827 A Bunch Of Monsters 0.37 358 947
2735 Reliable Nets 0.39 358 917
3905 Perfect Election 0.5 358 708
2473 Decorate the wall 0.38 357 939
3459 Projects 0.44 357 802
1647 One-move checkmate 0.23 356 1484
3016 K-Monotonic 0.33 354 1047
2512 Chessboard in FEN 0.42 353 829
2639 Necklace Decomposition 0.38 353 908
2966 A safe way 0.19 352 1799
3287 The Trip,
2858 Crabbles 0.23 351 1465
3394 Route Planning 0.33 351 1052
3588 The Downloading Task 0.25 351 1367
3763 Tour in Wonder Land 0.3 350 1166
1362 Skew Binary 0.56 349 616
2857 Flipping Colors 0.52 349 665
2173 Cricket Field 0.4 348 864
3241 Object Clustering 0.22 348 1547
3524 Bug Hunt 0.5 348 692
2252 Equation Solver 0.57 345 602
1878 Jill's Bike 0.25 344 1353
2427 Smith's Problem 0.39 344 865
3209 From Pythagoras to … 0.12 344 2670
3757 Simple Distributed storage system 0.17 344 1971
2713 Tire Dimensions 0.4 342 843
2998 Hardware 0.36 342 937
3106 Flip and Turn 0.33 342 1014
3443 Team Work 0.3 342 1121
1832 连环锁 0.31 340 1084
2009 Moo University - Emergency Pizza Order 0.24 340 1402
2036 I Conduit! 0.18 340 1802
1418 Viva Confetti 0.42 339 804
2383 Circle Drawing 0.15 339 2196
2741 Colored Cubes 0.53 339 634
1460 Firefighters 0.32 338 1031
1487 Single-Player Games 0.28 337 1197
2180 Bale Figures 0.47 337 717
2588 Snakes 0.33 337 1003
2767 Bowlstack 0.4 337 829
3423 Automaton optimization 0.54 337 616
1778 All Discs Considered 0.37 335 889
3532 Resistance 0.32 335 1039
3609 Reset Sequence 0.38 335 872
1903 Jurassic Remains 0.33 334 989
2819 TN's Kingdom I - Establishment 0.17 333 1873
2980 Do it! 0.29 333 1120
3346 Treasure of the Chimp Island 0.44 333 741
1476 Always On the Run 0.5 331 653
1578 Instruens Fabulam 0.47 331 700
2330 Advanced ASCII Cubes 0.5 331 659
2384 Harder Sokoban Problem 0.41 331 800
1271 Nice Milk 0.24 330 1327
2647 Doublets 0.38 330 857
3554 Almost the shortest route 0.26 329 1262
1574 The Triangle Game 0.58 328 565
1795 DNA Laboratory 0.19 328 1687
1955 Rubik's Cube 0.5 328 646
4048 Chinese Repeating Crossbow 0.29 328 1096
1264 SCUD Busters 0.43 327 751
2547 No Tipping 0.37 327 868
3424 Better security 0.18 327 1764
1886 Borrowers 0.24 326 1330
2794 Double Patience 0.53 326 609
2809 It's My Derivative 0.35 325 926
1791 Paper Cutting 0.56 324 573
2168 Joke with Turtles 0.26 324 1224
1993 Caleidoscope 0.46 323 696
1327 Moving Object Recognition 0.6 322 534
2144 Leaky Cryptography 0.73 322 436
2970 The lazy programmer 0.25 322 1287
2870 Light Up 0.39 321 820
2944 Wild West 0.29 321 1089
3245 Sequence Partitioning 0.26 321 1205
1754 Buffer Manager 0.37 320 852
3029 Tour Guide 0.38 320 823
3196 Babylonian Roulette 0.61 320 521
3557 Map Generator 0.26 320 1197
3428 Formatting function 0.13 319 2294
2445 Squares 0.38 318 836
0.37 316 845
1885 Uncompress 0.34 316 923
1916 Rat Attack 0.32 316 987
3534 Escape of Life and Death 0.12 316 2537
1173 Bar Codes 0.35 315 891
3360 Take a Walk 0.22 315 1425
3754 模拟Modbus协议 0.44 315 707
1259 The Picnic 0.27 314 1123
2615 Suffidromes 0.21 314 1451
3489 Knapsack I 0.29 314 1067
3977 Subset 0.17 314 1806
1735 A Game on the Chessboard 0.39 313 801
1682 Clans on the Three Gorges 0.5 312 612
2119 God of the Vile Baskers 0.33 311 932
2697 A Board Game 0.67 311 460
2805 Pegs 0.38 311 812
1097 Roads Scholar 0.37 310 831
1302 Blue Gene, Jr. 0.66 310 468
2086 Land Division Tax 0.44 310 701
2628 Table Legs 0.39 310 794
1072 Puzzle Out 0.27 309 1117
3711 Mayan Pyramid 0.16 309 1873
2630 Security Panel 0.35 308 879
2725 Finding Treasure 0.2 308 1493
3021 e-Coins 0.49 308 619
3200 Babel Towers 0.29 308 1042
3533 Light Switching Game 0.59 308 519
1619 EKG Sequence 0.46 307 664
2598 Match Throwing Game 0.31 306 987
3000 Frogger 0.33 306 922
3471 Integral Roots 0.13 306 2273
2143 Make a Sequence 0.61 304 493
2695 Rick the Persistent Gnu 0.41 304 738
1266 Cover an Arc. 0.37 303 804
1943 Hall of Fountains 0.37 302 812
2414 Phylogenetic Trees Inherited 0.61 301 487
1872 A Dicey Problem 0.33 300 893
2088 Long Night of Museums 0.21 300 1370
3688 Cheat in the Game 0.31 300 955
2303 Russian Dolls 0.25 299 1194
2899 Fortune at El Dorado 0.25 299 1160
3633 Copying DNA 0.36 299 819
1685 Color Tunnels 0.53 298 562
2652 Ferry Loading III 0.32 298 923
1353 Color Change of Go Game Pieces 0.64 297 461
1229 Wild Domains 0.33 296 893
1522 N-Credible Mazes 0.54 296 546
3246 Game 0.15 296 1955
2432 Around the world 0.35 295 820
1052 Plato's Blocks 0.4 294 732
1736 Block Town 0.4 293 727
1752 Advertisement 0.37 293 775
2759 Distributing tasks 0.23 293 1262
3288 Mall Mania 0.31 293 916
1262 Input 0.43 292 675
1718 River Crossing 0.4 292 714
2600 Geometrical dreams 0.55 292 527
3539 Elevator 0.26 292 1094
2522 Partitioning for fun and profit 0.3 291 947
3409 Broken line 0.16 291 1714
1086 Unscrambling Images 0.4 290 719
2340 Memory management 0.41 290 702
2883 Points 0.32 290 887
2200 A Card Trick 0.39 289 737
1139 Cat and Mouse 0.3 288 938
1968 Booklets 0.36 288 798
2651 So you want to be a 2n-aire? 0.68 287 417
1282 庆典的日期 0.12 286 2381
1938 California Jones and the Gate to Freedom 0.41 286 688
2672 Hotkeys 0.2 286 1373
3123 Ticket to Ride 0.47 286 603
2461 Magic Bitstrings 0.44 285 644
3058 Decompression 0.49 285 576
2520 DNA Sequence Alignment 0.12 284 2344
3567 Cactus Reloaded 0.31 284 905
1777 Vivian's Problem 0.35 283 791
3726 Windy's ABC 0.44 283 629
1420 Spreadsheet 0.47 282 600
2901 Hotel 0.32 282 866
1304 World's Worst Bus Schedule 0.35 281 782
3082 'Roid Rage 0.3 281 919
2292 Optimal Keypad 0.5 280 557
1709 Crossword 0.3 279 904
3028 Shoot-out 0.31 279 875
1388 Hinge Node Problem 0.67 278 411
3643 Friend or Foe? 0.29 278 945
3719 Art of Balance 0.31 278 882
2266 Quadtree 0.32 277 858
3102 Bee Garden 0.24 277 1130
4001 Xiangqi 0.26 277 1032
2357 Labyrinth 0.5 276 547
2670 The Sorcerer's Stone 0.16 276 1722
2953 Nash Equilibrium 0.57 276 483
2946 The Warehouse 0.22 275 1245
3708 Recurrent Function 0.26 275 1041
3215 Median of Lines 0.2 274 1344
2089 Magic Trick 0.63 272 428
2317 SHAKE 0.49 272 555
1371 Tin Cutter 0.35 271 767
1684 Dynamic Declaration Language (DDL) 0.26 271 1021
2169 Kingdom of Magic 0.27 271 997
3797 Tiling a Grid With Dominoes 0.68 271 398
1857 To Europe! To Europe! 0.34 270 787
1996 The Highest Profits 0.46 270 581
2122 Japan Plotter Driver 0.45 270 592
3205 Ikki's Story II - War with TN 0.3 270 889
3291 Cousins 0.36 269 747
1168 The Circle 0.34 268 769
1613 Cave Raider 0.3 268 870
1116 Library 0.33 267 794
2489 Line Segments 0.17 267 1556
3493 Chessboard Puzzle 0.5 267 525
3787 Convex Hull of Lattice Points 0.62 267 425
1055 BULK MAILING 0.28 266 926
1489 Egyptian Multiplication 0.27 266 956
3035 Random Walking 0.32 266 810
2206 Magic Multiplying Machine 0.34 265 758
2691 Request for Proposal 0.46 265 570
1680 Fork() Makes Trouble 0.65 264 402
2848 Kindergarten Graduation 0.4 264 658
1074 Parallel Expectations 0.31 262 832
1429 Alice and Bob 0.28 262 926
1710 Magic of David Copperfield 0.45 262 570
3911 Internet Service Providers 0.48 261 534
1729 Jack and Jill 0.26 260 997
1277 Beer Land 0.47 259 542
1348 Computing 0.14 259 1738
1720 SQUARES 0.38 259 674
3472 Holey Square Tiling 0.3 259 850
3741 Number System Converter 0.21 259 1225
3137 Enjoyable Commutation 0.27 257 940
1588 Reverse Roman Notation 0.36 256 698
2382 Radio Coverage 0.26 256 963
2802 Plinko 0.47 256 542
2066 Minimax Triangulation 0.31 255 820
2290 House Numbers 0.25 253 986
3908 Quick answer 0.32 253 784
2868 Computer DJ 0.24 252 1011
2938 Economic Phone Calls 0.34 252 732
2625 Coupons 0.59 251 421
2760 End of Windless Days 0.18 251 1350
3482 ‘JBC’ 0.21 251 1144
2633 Funny Games 0.22 250 1129
3163 King of Fighters 0.18 249 1327
1081 You Who? 0.35 248 699
1438 One-way Traffic 0.31 248 784
3043 Walk the Talk 0.42 248 582
4022 ASCII Area 0.43 248 565
2791 Area 51 0.21 247 1146
3201 Little Quilt 0.33 247 745
1214 &Acc


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