
gas是什么意思 gas在线翻译 gas什么意思 gas的意思 gas的翻译 gas的解释 gas的发音 gas的同义词 gas的反义词 gas的例句 gas的相关词组
gas英 [gaes] 美 [ɡaes] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:gas 基本解释名词气体; 汽油; [矿业] 瓦斯; 毒气及物动词加油; 毒(死)不及物动词加油; 放出气体; 空谈int.该死!(令人气愤的人应即被送毒气室处死)gas 同义词名词gas 反义词名词gas 相关词组1.
: 踩油门, 加速;gas 相关例句及物动词1. His weird clothes really gas me.&&&&他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。不及物动词1. The girls were still gassing when I left.&&&&我走的时候,那些女孩子们还在胡扯。名词1. 1. Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.&&&&现在普遍用煤气烧饭,取暖。2. gas的意思2. There are several kinds of gas in the air, with nitrogen amounting to the most part.&&&&空气中有好几种气体,氮所占的比重最大。3. There are several kinds of gas in the air.&&&&空气中有几种气体。gas 情景对话Utilities & Furniture-(家具)A:This is a nice place, but you need to get some furniture.&&&&&&这地方不错,可你得弄些家具。B:I have some I can bring from our place, and there’s some more out at my parents’.&&&&&&我住的地方可以搬一些过来,而且还有一些在我父母家里。A:Do you have a bed?&&&&&&你有床吗?B:Yeah. I have one from college at my parents’ house.&&&&&&有啊。我父母家有一张我大学时代就用过的床。A:Can I take a shower?&&&&&&我可以洗个澡吗?gas的意思B:Sure, but I don’t have hot water, yet.&&&&&&当然可以,可以还没有热水。\u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006DA:Really?&&&&&&真的吗?gas的意思B:No, they’re coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on. My phone should be working then, too.&&&&&&是呀,他们要明天才来帮我把煤气接上。电话也到时才可以用。A:Well, do you want to go get some dinner?&&&&&&那么,你想去买些东西当晚餐吃吗?B:Yeah, I can’t cook anything until tomorrow, anyway.&&&&&&好的,得到明天才可以自己煮。Apartment for Rent-(公寓招租)gas的解释A:This apartment has three rooms and a bath. Here's the kitchen.&&&&&&这套公寓有三个房间和一个卫生间。这儿是厨房。B:It seems a little small to me.&&&&&&它对我来说好像小了点儿。A:Not really, for one person, and it has a nice gas range and a good refrigerator.There are lots of shelves and cupboards, too.&&&&&&实际上不小吧,你只一个人。而且这儿有一只漂亮的煤气灶和很好的冰箱。还有很多大橱和装饰橱。gas的翻译B:What about closets?&&&&&&有些什么壁橱?A:You'll have two large ones in the badroom.One has shelves and a built-in shoe rack.Then there's a storage closet in the living room and a linen closet in the bathroom.&&&&&&在卧室内有两个大壁橱。其中一个有搁板和鞋架。在起居室有一个放在床上用品及毛巾的壁橱。B:The living room looks sort of dark.&&&&&&起居室看起来光线不太好。A:We're painting it a lighter color, and it gets the afternoon sun.&&&&&&我们正在把它漆成明亮的颜色。下午房间内可以照到太阳。B:Well, thank you for showing me around.I'll let you know tonight if I decide to take it.I want to look around before I make up my mind.&&&&&&谢谢你给我们看了房间。 如果我决定要,今天晚上我会告诉你。我想作出决定前再慎重考虑一下。工作A:This will be your office here.&&&&&&这就是你的办公室。B:A corner office? Really? Wow, this is great!&&&&&&一间办公室,真的吗?太棒了!gas的解释A:We try to give everyone in the upper management team a nice office. After all, you will be spending a lot of time in here.&&&&&&我们尽力为高层管理团队中的每个成员安排一间比较好的办公室。毕竟你要在那里呆很长时间。B:I suppose so. It’s great.&&&&&&我也这样认为。真不错。911查询·英语单词A:On Monday, we’ll give you the keys to the company car. You can use it for personal use, but make sure to keep track of the gas you use. We’ll reimburse you for the upkeep and the gas you use for business.&&&&&&我们周一会给你公司汽车的钥匙。你可以作为私车使用,但一定要记下用油量。我们会为你报销汽车的保养费和汽车作为公用时的油费。B:Is there a coffee machine around here?&&&&&&这附近有咖啡机吗?A:Yes, we have a coffee machine and some other beverages in the break room.&&&&&&有,休息室里有咖啡机和其他饮料。B:Where’s that again?&&&&&&休息室在哪里呢?A:It’s just down the hall, the fourth door on your right.&&&&&&在大厅下面,你右边的第四间。B:Got it.&&&&&&知道了。A:You can always call me if you need anything and I will get it for you. That’s one of my duties as your personal assistant.&&&&&&如果你有什么需要可以随时叫我,我会帮你解决。作为你的私人助理,这是我的部分职责。gas 网络解释1. 1. 煤气:石油系干洗机的脱水与烘干 石油系干洗机溶剂的脱水是利用远心分离法,所以在脱水方面比较充分而且经济,同时可避免烘干时所发生的不良问题. 特别是可减少煤气(GAS)的毒性所造成的害处,不过因用远心分离法进行脱水时,由2. 瓦斯:瓦斯(Gas)动力 滑套可动 单发 可变HOP UP 瓦斯(Gas)动力 滑套可动 单发 可变HOP UP瓦斯(Gas)动力 滑套可动 单发 可变HOP UP 瓦斯(Gas)动力 滑套可动 单发 可变HOP UP3. 汽油:产品名称: 压缩天然气(CNG)发电机组可根据客户需求量身定做汽油(GAS)发电机组,压缩天然气(CNG)发电机组,液化石油气(LPG) 发电机组,管道天然气(NG)发电机组以及双燃料发电机组.4. gas:general 一般适应综合症5. gas:genetic algorithm 遗传算法6. 6. gas:g 溶血性链球菌7. gas:global e 全局稳定gas 双语例句1. Well Chi 39 is one of high - yield wells in Dachigan gas field.&&&&池39井是大池干气田吊钟坝高点的一口高产气井,由于受到边水侵入的影响,严重制约了气藏的开发。2. Experiments are conducted on the effect of different types and different molecular structures of polymers on HPAM removal existed in solution or sewage. It is found out that only cationic polymer has a better removal effect of HPAM among the non-ion, amphoteric ion and hydrophobical cation polymers, especially the DMDAAC cationic polymer has an optimal result. The removal capacity to HPAM can be further improved by using appropriate molecular weight and cationic capacity and gas floatation technique.&&&&试验研究了不同类别及分子结构的聚合物对溶液或污水中HPAM的去除效果,发现非离子、两性离子、疏水改性阳离子聚合物对HPAM无去除作用,只有阳离子聚合物去除效果较好,其中尤以DMDAAC系列阳离子聚合物效果最优,而适当的分子量和阳离子化度以及气浮技术均可以进一步提高其对HPAM的去除率。3. Based on the gasification process of Lurgi gasifier, this paper describes the features of temperature elevating of the gas exit and/or ash lock and analyzes its reason, then summarizes the measures taken to avoid its happenning.&&&&结合鲁奇炉造气工艺,描述煤气出口温度高和灰锁温度高的特征,剖析其产生的原因,并对采取的防范措施进行了总结。4. 4. This gas is then reacted in the presence of a catalyst to produce a synthetic oil.&&&&这种合成气然后再在催化剂的存在下产生出一种合成油。5. To carry, the more gas it guzzles.&&&&vt。使吸入毒气,死,给。。。加汽油6. We studied the response time and the relationship between consumption of dissolved oxygen and methane gas contents with PVA-H3BO3 immobilized cell of C611 using electrochemical method.&&&&以C611固定化细菌和溶氧响应仪为体系,采用电化学法研究了不同含量甲烷的响应时间以及溶氧变化与甲烷含量的关系。7. gas什么意思7. The desorption principle of calibrating low-level dissolved oxygen analyzer and a set of verification apparatus were established based on gas-dissolved law.&&&&微量溶氧仪的校准可采用电解法[1],用靛蓝二磺酸钠比色法进行验证,但由于比色法的局限性,不能准确地确定溶氧水的浓度。8. Conceptual green design for the methanol solvent and the tail gas recovery in refined process in the production of Amlodipine Maleate were carried out. The advantage and disadvantage of several kinds of dryness, solvent recovery processes and equipment were compared.&&&&根据绿色化学和绿色设计思想,以马来酸氨氯地平精制工艺设计为实例,对工艺过程中甲醇溶剂及尾气的回收工艺进行多方案设计,重点比较几种干燥、溶剂回收工艺和设备的优缺点。9. 9. It cannot provide the parameters of the resources and yields the number of oil and gas, but give the 3-D images on the wall and the mouth of the well by image manipulation.&&&&成像测井不但可以提供油气工业中所需要的油气储量和产量的参数外,更重要的是还可以通过图像处理技术得到井壁和井眼周围的三维图像。10. The pressure of the ammonia tail gas is utilized to refrigerate through expansion, the low-pressure, low-temperature gas after expansion is returned to the high-efficiency heat exchanger, the cooled ammonia tail gas flows forward into the system, and with the decrease in the tail gas temperature, the ammonia contained changes to liquid and is separated from other constituents.&&&&利用合成氨尾气本身的压力膨胀制冷,膨胀后的低压、低温气体在高效换热器中返流,冷却正流进入系统的合成氨尾气,随着尾气温度的降低,其中的氨变为液体并与其它组分分离。11. It is ill-advised to keep the gas tank in your home for it ignites easily and may burn up your hard-earned fortune in a few minutes.&&&&&&把汽油箱放在你的房子里是不明智的,因为它极易燃烧,并且可能在几分钟内就将你辛辛苦苦挣来的财产付之一炬。12. Current thickness of the gas film in air bearing of Magnetic head/disk is only 8 nm. At such a small spacing, it is expected reasonably that the surface force will come into action.&&&&&&在纳米间隙条件下,以楔型滑块和双轨式磁头为例,推导出楔型及双轨式磁头范德华力的计算公式,考察了范德华力对计算机磁头/磁盘超薄气膜承载性能的影响。13. The influence rule to powder quality and quantity from some technical parameters such as materials vapor tension, gas pressure, the ratio between hydrogen and argon, current intensity and gas circulate intensity were discussed by single-factor experiment, on the base of which the perpendicularity experiment scheme was arranged.&&&&&&本文采用压力模型计算出稳定弧光制粉时的气相空间温度在373K以下;从电流密度和电导率角度计算出等离子体电弧场中心温度高达K;由此得出弱电离等离子体自由弧的自身温度场即使没有外界强制冷却,在等离子体焰区特征半径(约1.26cm)范围内的温度梯度就可达4787℃/cm,这是电弧等离子体温度场分布高度集中的具体表现,也是纳米金属粉末无须液氮冷却就能生成的本质原因,阐释了等离子体温度场自身的极大温度梯度是金属粉体纳米化的控制机制。14. He connected the gas stove with gas pipe.&&&&&&他把煤气和接在煤气炉上。15. danci.911cha.com15. Connect the gas stove with the gas pipe.&&&&&&将煤气炉和煤气管接起来。。。。16. In the electromagnetic field that countercurrent inductor produces, the metal droplet that melts gets the role suspension of electromagnetism force in quartz pipe center and had been heated up continuously. When metal droplet of melting have been heated up certain temperature surface beginning gasification, metal vapor tension will raise follow temperature go up, is heated continuously can have plenty of metal atoms overflow metal ball liquid surface, at the same time, as the inert gas of cooling medium, all along with certain current velocity, sideswipe the metal droplet surface that melts. Metal atoms fly out liquid surface according to certain way form the atom cluster by the condensing of inert air current, merger and the collision between crystal nucleus pellet and atom cluster form the smoke flame of nanoparticle pellet eventually.&&&&&&在逆流感应器产生的电磁场中熔化的金属液滴受电磁力的作用悬浮于石英管中央并继续被加热,当金属熔球被加热到一定温度时表面开始气化,金属蒸气压随温度的升高而升高,继续受热会有大量的金属原子飞出熔球液面,与此同时,作为冷却介质的惰性气体始终以一定的流速掠过熔化的金属液滴表面,原子飞出液面受冷后就按照一定的方式凝聚成原子簇,在惰性气流中形核并随之长大,颗粒、原子簇间的碰撞与合并,最终形成金属纳米颗粒的烟焰。17. On pre-stack seismic reservoir prediction is concerned, AVO application can be grouped into two parts: One is to study the gas-bearing reservoir in response to the unusual characteristics of the AVO based on log data on seismic reflection through the AVO forward modeling. And using it as the basis for guidance inversion AVO anomalies to explain the properties based on the pre- Second, proceeding AVO inversion based on pre-stack seismic data, and Extracting AVO abnormal attribute parameters, bas...&&&&&&就叠前地震储层预测而言,AVO方法的应用可分作两个部分:一是以测井资料为基础,基于地震反射原理通过AVO正演模拟来研究含气储层的AVO异常响应特征,并以此为依据指导对基于叠前地震资料反演AVO异常属性的解释;二是基于叠前地震资料进行AVO反演,提取AVO异常属性参数,基于泊松比和流体因子特征来预测储层的分布和含气性状况。18. I think it is a good idea to use alcohol as a new kind of car fuel to replace gas.&&&&&&我觉得用酒精来代替汽油作为一种新型汽车燃料是个很不错的想法。19. The construction of these projects is also one of the competition focuses in the fuel gas market of Changchun.&&&&&&这些工程的建设也是未来长春燃气市场竞争的焦点之一。20. Besides coal, the most important natural fuel are gas and oil.&&&&&&除了煤,最重要的天然燃料是煤气和石油。gas 词典解释The form gases is the plural of the noun. The form gasses is the third person singular of the verb. gases为名词的复数形式,gasses为动词的第三人称单数形式。1. 气体燃料;天然气;煤气&&&&Gas is a substance like air that is neither liquid nor solid and burns easily. It is used as a fuel for cooking and heating.&&&&e.g. Coal is actually cheaper than gas...&&&&&&&&&&&煤实际上比煤气便宜。&&&&e.g. Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.&&&&&&&&&&&壳牌石油公司签订了一份开采阿尔汉格尔附近的石油和天然气资源的合同。2. 气体&&&&A gas is any substance that is neither liquid nor solid, for example oxygen or hydrogen.&&&&e.g. Helium is a very light gas.&&&&&&&&&&&氦是一种非常轻的气体。&&&&e.g. ...a huge cloud of gas and dust from the volcanic eruption.&&&&&&&&&&&火山喷发形成的混杂着气体和尘埃的巨大云团3. 毒气,瓦斯(可用作武器)&&&&Gas is a poisonous gas that can be used as a weapon.&&&&e.g. ...mustard gas...&&&&&&&&&&&芥子气&&&&e.g. The problem was that the exhaust gases contain many toxins.&&&&&&&&&&&问题在于废气中含有很多毒素。4. (医用)麻醉气&&&&Gas is a gas used for medical purposes, for example to make patients feel less pain or go to sleep during an operation.&&&&e.g. anaesthetic gas used by many dentists.&&&&&&&&&&&为许多牙医使用的一种麻醉气5. (车辆用的)汽油&&&&Gas is the fuel which is used to drive motor vehicles.&&&&e.g. ...a tank of gas.&&&&&&&&&&&一桶汽油&&&&e.g. ...gas stations.&&&&&&&&&&&加油站in BRIT, use 英国英语用 petrol6. 用毒气杀死&&&&To gas a person or animal means to kill them by making them breathe poisonous gas.&&&&e.g. Her husband ran a pipe from her car exhaust to the bedroom in an attempt to gas her.&&&&&&&&&&&她的丈夫将一根与她的汽车排气管相通的管子导入卧室,企图用毒气将她杀死。7. 活泼有趣的事;令人愉快的场面&&&&You can describe a situation or event as a gas when it is very lively, amusing, and enjoyable.&&&&e.g. It was really a gas to find someone I could talk with.&&&&&&&&&&&找到一个能和我谈得来的人真是一件让人高兴的事。8. see also:tear gas9. 加大油门;加速&&&&&&If you step on the gas when you are driving a vehicle, you go BRIT, use 英国英语用 step on itgas 单语例句1. An intensive industrial layout that focuses on business conglomerates will form and waste water, gas and solid discharges by chemical fertilizer enterprises will be controlled and recycled.2. The bidders said in the statement that they intend to maintain China Gas'business and management structure and will not take the company private.3. The new structure will not have a big impact on the company's business, said an oil and gas analyst who declined to be named.4. The was CIC's second move within one month to buy shares in overseas oil and gas companies.5. But a senior Interior Ministry official said a gas canister had exploded by accident.6. The Ukrainian prosecution accused Tymoshenko of abusing her power by signing a natural gas contract with Russia in 2009.7. Attention will be given to the promotion of electricity generation by means of waste incineration and landfill gas in urban areas.8. Su and her sister claimed Su did not intend to kill Liu but had stepped on the gas pedal by mistake.9. The project was the first public tender hosted by the Saudi Arabian Government for its natural gas field exploitation.10. Petroleum gas will reach 170 million tons by 2010, most of which will reach China by sea.gas 英英释义gasnoun1. a pedal that controls the throttle valve&&&&e.g. he stepped on the gas&&&&Synonym: 2. a state of excessive gas in the alimentary canal&&&&Synonym: 3. the state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by: relatively low density and viscosity&&&&relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temperature&&&&the ability to diffuse readily&&&&and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container&&&&Synonym: 4. a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum&&&&used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines&&&&Synonym: 5. a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely6. a fossil fuel in the gaseous state&&&&used for cooking and heating homes&&&&Synonym: verb1. show off&&&&Synonym: 2. attack with gas&&&&subject to gas fumes&&&&e.g. The despot gassed the rebellious tribesgas是什么意思,gas在线翻译,gas什么意思,gas的意思,gas的翻译,gas的解释,gas的发音,gas的同义词,gas的反义词,gas的例句,gas的相关词组,gas意思是什么,gas怎么翻译,单词gas是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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【汽车】 【汽车】n 石油气,天然气,天然煤气 Erdgasn 石油气,天然气,天然煤气
Der Verbrauch an Erdgas ist gestiegen.煤气消耗量增加了。die Erkundung von Erd?l (Erdgas)勘探石油(天然气)Rohkohle, Erd?l und Erdgas rechnen zur Prima?renergie.原煤、石油和天然气都属于天然能。Mit dem Erd?l trat in grossen Mengen Erdgas aus.随着石油有大量天然气逸出。 Die Mitgliedstaaten sollten besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf die Entwicklung von kohlenstoffarmen Energietr?gern richten, darunter Erdgas, erneuerbare Energiequellen und die Kernkraft, und besonderes Gewicht auf die Entwicklung von treibhausgasarmen Technologien legen. 会员国应当特别注重开发低碳能源,包括天然气、可再生能源及核能,并特别强调开发低温室气体技术。 Obwohl der Sektor Erd?l und Erdgas der gr?sste Wirtschaftssektor der Region sei, h?tten über 20 Prozent der Bev?lkerung der arabischen L?nder nach wie vor keinen Zugang zu modernen Energiediensten. 虽然石油和天然气是该区域最大的经济部门,但20%以上的阿拉伯国家人口仍然得不到现代能源服务。 Daher hoffen wir, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft ihre derzeitigen Protektionsmassnahmen und Regelungen für Erd?l, Erd?lprodukte und Erdgas aus Irak sowie die daraus erzielten Erl?se fortsetzen wird, bis die Regierung Iraks in der Lage ist, die notwendigen Massnahmen zur Begleichung derjenigen Schulden und Ansprüche zu treffen, die von dem früheren Regime übernommen wurden. 因此,我们希望国际社会继续维持目前对伊拉克石油、石油产品和天然气以及此方面收益所确立的保护和安排,直到伊拉克政府能够采取必要措施,清算从前政权那里继承下来的那些债务和索赔。


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