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作者最新文章KOMPASS康帕斯 买家数据库 教您用它找海外潜在客户 了解您产品的海外客户群的分布情况 - 电商营销 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
KOMPASS康帕斯 买家数据库 教您用它找海外潜在客户 了解您产品的海外客户群的分布情况
本贴提供免费用康帕斯查找全球买家的方法与思路, 教您学会如何准确寻找到您的潜在客户,准确判断出您的客户群体.
                 最新消息: 康帕斯网站新首页日上线了!
第一:& &打开 (推荐您使用英文站搜索客户)
第二:&&注册成为kompass免费会员(主页右边 login-Create New Account 注册)
第三:&&先判断您产品的目标客户群,然后在“FIND YOUR SUPPLIERS(找供应商)”板块输入您目标客户群行业的关键词
如果您不知道如何定位您的客户群体,请签名中联系我,我帮您分析.或者您可以使用康帕斯的引导搜索进行&行业检索& ,推荐(或)
第四:&&在search by 中选择查询方式: products and services , 然后点击搜索按纽
第六:&&公司类型打勾后,点击分类最下面的:& View Selected&进行过滤.
什么是目标客户群体? 关键词有什么搜索技巧?
       如: 关键词:面料&&fabrics&&客户群: 海外面料的生产商、分销商、贸易商(批发商)、超市连锁店、海外成衣的生产商
  1:只用产品关键词(核心词)搜索,不带任何修饰词。如: 搜:fabrics&&不搜:fabrics buyers
&&   内含词:指产品本身及包括产品向下的关键词。 如: metal 内含词是: steel、iron、copper
    外延词:指产品本身及包括产品向上的关键词。 如: steel、iron、copper& &外延词是:metal
  3:尝试使用最终用户关键词(核心词)搜索。如: 面料的最终用户是成衣生产商 可搜:clothes
  5:康帕斯针对某个产品的外延词或内含词都有import/export,trade 相关的产品与服务分类
&&    如:steel&&当您尝试以上三种方法,客户全部找完后,您可尝试第四种方法。
& && &  搜:metal + import&&搜:steel + import
& && &  搜:metal + trade& &搜:steel + trade& &&&
& && &kompass做为国外专业买家数据库受到福步论坛网的重点推荐
康帕斯教您如何利用老客户找客户: ()
& && &如果您无法判断您的买家是什么类型的,您可以用您已经成交或者正在联系的客户在康帕斯网站搜索,如果能找到的话,您可以了解一下他是分在哪个产品分类之中,然后根据他的分类找同类企业联系.........
康帕斯推荐您把买家请到展会: ()
& && &如果贵司不久要去参加国外的某些展会,可以利用康帕斯数据库里面的买家信息,通过打电话,发传真,邮件给这些企业发邀请函,告诉他们你们在他们的国家有一个展位.请他们去参展........
康帕斯教您如何验证买家信息: ()
& && &如果您在别的平台或展会上收集过来的一些买家资料,您想验证这个买家,您可以把他的公司名称,在康帕斯里面去搜索.有的公司会有信息,可以通过我们提供的数据来判断您的买家质量.......
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
18:26 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
海外专业的贸易/批发商查法:见至 (用网页查找功能来寻找与您产品相关的分类)
6124000& & & & Commission agents& & & & 佣金代理商
6124001& & & & Commission agents, national& & & & 佣金代理商,国内的
6124002& & & & Commission agents, international& & & & 佣金代理商,国际的
6130000& & & & Central purchasing organisations& & & & 集中采购机构
6130001& & & & Central purchasing organisations for agricultural products& & & & 农产品集中采购机构
6130002& & & & Central purchasing organisations for food and beverages& & & & 食品饮料集中采购机构
6130003& & & & Central purchasing organisations for textiles, clothing and footwear& & & & 纺织品、服装和鞋的集中采购机构
6130006& & & & Central purchasing organisations for sports, leisure and camping articles& & & & 体育用品、休闲用品和野营用品集中采购机构
6130008& & & & Central purchasing organisations for cosmetics, toiletries and beauty products& & & & 化妆品、洗漱用品和美容用品集中采购机构
6130009& & & & Central purchasing organisations for medical supplies& & & & 医疗用品集中采购机构
6130015& & & & Central purchasing organisations for industrial machinery and equipment& & & & 工业机械设备集中采购机构
6130016& & & & Central purchasing organisations for electric and electronic goods& & & & 电气和电子产品集中采购机构
6130020& & & & Central purchasing organisations for hypermarkets, department stores, high street stores and retail outlets& & & & 为大型超市、百货店、高速公路店和品牌折扣购物中心提供集中采购服务的机构
6130021& & & & Central purchasing organisations for public services& & & & 为公共服务机构集中采购服务的机构
6130022& & & & Central purchasing organisations for restaurants and catering& & & & 为餐馆和宴会提供集中采购服务的机构
6130023& & & & Central purchasing organisations for mail order stores& & & & 为邮购店提供集中采购服务的机构
6132000& & & & Purchasing agents& & & & 采购代理商
6132001& & & & Buying agents, coal, asphalt and petroleum& & & & 采购代理商,煤,沥青和石油的
6132002& & & & Buying agents, ores and minerals& & & & 采购代理商,矿石的
6132004& & & & Buying agents, agricultural products& & & & 采购代理商,农产品的
6132005& & & & Buying agents, meat, fish, game and groceries& & & & 采购代理商,肉、鱼、野味和食杂的
6132006& & & & Buying agents, beverages, soft drinks and beer& & & & 采购代理商,饮料,软饮料和啤酒的
6132008& & & & Buying agents, textiles and clothing& & & & 采购代理商,纺织品和服装的
6132009& & & & Buying agents, wood and cork& & & & 采购代理商,木材和软木的
6132010& & & & Buying agents, furniture and carpets& & & & 采购代理商,家具和地毯的
6132011& & & & Buying agents, paper and cardboard& & & & 采购代理商,纸和纸板的
6132012& & & & Buying agents, leather and skins& & & & 采购代理商,皮革(革皮和裘皮)的
6132013& & & & Buying agents, shoes and leather goods& & & & 采购代理商,鞋和皮革制品的
6132014& & & & Buying agents, rubber and plastic& & & & 采购代理商,橡胶和塑料的
6132016& & & & Buying agents, chemicals& & & & 采购代理商,化学品的
6132017& & & & Buying agents, glass and glassware& & & & 采购代理商,玻璃和玻璃制品的
6132018& & & & Buying agents, cement, concrete and ceramic products& & & & 采购代理商,水泥、混凝土和陶瓷制品的
6132019& & & & Buying agents, metals, ironmongery and tools& & & & 采购代理商,金属、五金制品和工具的
6132021& & & & Buying agents, electrical and electronic equipment& & & & 采购代理商,电气和电子产品的
6132022& & & & Buying agents, transport equipment& & & & 采购代理商,交通运输设备的
6132023& & & & Buying agents, instruments, optical and photographic equipment& & & & 采购代理商,光学和照相设备的
6132024& & & & Buying agents, precious metals, stones, watches and jewellery& & & & 采购代理商,贵金属、宝石、钟表和首饰的
6132026& & & & Buying agents, office machinery and accessories, stationery& & & & 采购代理商,办公机械和附件、文具的
6132028& & & & Buying agents, musical instruments, toys and sports articles& & & & 采购代理商,乐器,玩具和运动用品的
6132029& & & & Buying agents, cosmetics, perfumery, toiletries and hairdressers' sundries& & & & 采购代理商,化妆品、芳香除臭化学品、洗漱用品、美发用品的
6132030& & & & Buying agents, machine tools& & & & 采购代理商,机床的
6132031& & & & Buying agents, pneumatic tools& & & & 采购代理商,气动工具的
6132033& & & & Buying agents, hydraulic tools and equipment& & & & 采购代理商,液压工具和设备的
6132035& & & & Buying agents, hotel equipment& & & & 采购代理商,酒店设备的
6132036& & & & Buying agents for department stores& & & & 为百货商店提供采购服务的代理商
6132037& & & & Buying services for mail order catalogues& & & & 为邮购目录提供采购服务的代理商
6132039& & & & Buying agents with market research facilities& & & & 为市场调查机构提供采购服务的代理商
6132043& & & & Procurement services, hospital supplies& & & & 采购服务,医院用品的
6132044& & & & Procurement services, oilfield equipment& & & & 采购服务,油田设备的
6132045& & & & Procurement or purchasing services, refinery equipment& & & & 采购服务,石油炼解设备的
6132047& & & & Procurement services, military equipment& & & & 采购服务,军事设备的
6132048& & & & Procurement services, industrial consumables& & & & 采购服务, 工业消费品
6132050& & & & Purchasing consultants& & & & 采购顾问
6132052& & & & National purchasing offices& & & & 国内采购办公室
6132053& & & & International purchasing offices& & & & 国际采购办公室
6132054& & & & Confirming houses& & & & 确认机构
如需联系以上类型的企业,您可以把上面的关键词复制到 搜索框中,直接点find (search) 搜索,就可以找到相关的公司.我们找到潜在客户之后,您可以打开每个公司的展示页面,到&General information&.找到客户的网站,根据上面的联系方式与他们联系.尽量不要直接通过kompass发送邮件.(特别提醒: 当您在给客户写邮件前,先要看一下公司的负责人,每给客户写邮件,我们最好是都要写这个邮件接收人的姓名).如果有的企业看不到网址,您可以将公司名复制后跟贴告诉我,我提供他们的网站给您.谢谢!
太阳能行业客户数量统计: 见
纺织,轻工 行业的客户统计: 见
inspection services(检测服务)的海外客户群统计
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
14:34 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
6200000& & & & Wholesalers and distributors, importers and exporters of consumer goods: animals, agricultural products, plants, food, drink and tobacco& & & & 消费品的批发商和分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:动物、农产品、植物、食品、饮料和烟草
6205000& & & & Farm animals (trade)& & & & 农场动物(贸易)
6205001& & & & Cattle (trade)& & & & 牛(贸易)
6205002& & & & Pigs (trade)& & & & 猪(贸易)
6205003& & & & Sheep (trade)& & & & 绵羊(贸易)
6205004& & & & Goats (trade)& & & & 山羊(贸易)
6205007& & & & Horses, mules and donkeys (trade)& & & & 马、骡子和驴(贸易)
6205009& & & & Fur animals (trade)& & & & 毛皮动物(贸易)
6205010& & & & Rabbits (trade)& & & & 活兔(贸易)
6205015& & & & Poultry, live (trade)& & & & 活禽(贸易)
6205016& & & & Chickens, live (trade)& & & & 鸡,&&活的( 贸易)
6205017& & & & Ducks, live (trade)& & & & 鸭,&&活的(贸易)
6205018& & & & Geese, live (trade)& & & & 鹅, 活的( 贸易)
6205019& & & & Turkeys, live (trade)& & & & 火鸡, 活的( 贸易)
6207000& & & & Pets and zoo animals, pet shop supplies (trade)& & & & 宠物和动物园动物,宠物店售卖品(贸易)
6207001& & & & Pets (trade)& & & & 宠物(贸易)
6207002& & & & Pet food (trade)& & & & 宠物食品(贸易)
6207003& & & & Pet accessories (trade)& & & & 宠物用品(贸易)
6207004& & & & Animal hygiene products, cat litter (trade)& & & & 动物卫生用品,猫砂(贸易)
6207005& & & & Cage birds (trade)& & & & 笼养鸟(贸易)
6207010& & & & Exotic animals (trade)& & & & 珍稀动物(贸易)
6207012& & & & Aquarium fish (trade)& & & & 水族鱼(贸易)
6207015& & & & Animals for restocking (trade)& & & & 动物,用于配种(贸易)
6207030& & & & Aquariums, supplies and equipment (trade)& & & & 水族箱设备和用品(贸易)
6210000& & & & Abattoir products, meat, sausage casings (trade)& & & & 屠宰品、肉和肠衣(贸易)
6210001& & & & Meat, fresh (trade)& & & & 鲜肉(贸易)
6210002& & & & Meat, frozen and chilled (trade)& & & & 肉,冷冻和冰鲜的(贸易)
6210003& & & & Sausage casings (trade)& & & & 肠衣(贸易)
6210005& & & & Bones (trade)& & & & 骨头(贸易)
6210006& & & & Offal, fresh (trade)& & & & 鲜下水(贸易)
6210007& & & & Crude animal oils, fats and tallow (trade)& & & & 未经加工的动物油脂(贸易)
6210015& & & & Rawhides and undressed skins (trade)& & & & 生皮(贸易)
6220000& & & & Poultry and game, processed and preserved (trade)& & & & 家禽和野味,腌制和加工过的(贸易)
6220003& & & & Poultry, plucked and drawn (trade)& & & & 家禽,褪毛和去内脏的(贸易)
6220004& & & & Chickens, plucked and drawn (trade)& & & & 小鸡, 褪毛和去内脏的(贸易)
6220005& & & & Turkeys, plucked and drawn (trade)& & & & 火鸡, 褪毛和去内脏的(贸易)
6220006& & & & Poultry, processed and preserved (trade)& & & & 家禽,腌制加工过的(贸易)
6220007& & & & Game, processed (trade)& & & & 野味,加工过的(贸易)
6220009& & & & Game, processed and preserved (trade)& & & & 野味,加工过的和保藏制的(贸易)
6225000& & & & Meat products (trade)& & & & 肉制品(贸易)
6225001& & & & Meat, processed, fresh (trade)& & & & 肉,加工过的,新鲜的(贸易)
6225002& & & & Meat and game, processed and preserved (trade)& & & & 保藏加工过的肉类、野味(贸易)
6225003& & & & Meat, salted, dried or smoked (trade)& & & & 肉,盐渍制、干制和熏制的(贸易)
6225004& & & & Meat, canned (trade)& & & & 肉罐头(贸易)
6225005& & & & Ham and salami (trade)& & & & 火腿和意大利腊肠(贸易)
6230000& & & & Fish and fish products (trade)& & & & 鱼和鱼制品(贸易)
6230001& & & & Fish, live (trade)& & & & 活鱼(贸易)
6230002& & & & Fish, fresh, chilled and frozen (trade)& & & & 鱼,新鲜、冰鲜和冷冻的(贸易)
6230003& & & & Fish, canned and bottled (trade)& & & & 鱼,罐头和瓶装的(贸易)
6230004& & & & Fish and seafood preserves (trade)& & & & 鱼和水产品,经过加工的(贸易)
6230005& & & & Fish, processed and preserved (trade)& & & & 鱼,保藏加工过的(贸易)
6230006& & & & Fish roes (trade)& & & & 鱼子(贸易)
6230007& & & & Caviar (trade)& & & & 鱼籽酱(贸易)
6230008& & & & Seafood, dried (trade)& & & & 水产品,干的(贸易)
6230009& & & & Seafood, bottled, canned or otherwise packaged (trade)& & & & 水产品,瓶装、罐头或其他包装方式的(贸易)
6230010& & & & Fishmeal (trade)& & & & 鱼肉(贸易)
6232000& & & & Molluscs and crustaceans (trade)& & & & 贝类及甲壳类(贸易)
6232002& & & & Crustaceans, fresh, chilled or frozen (trade)& & & & 甲壳纲动物,新鲜、冰鲜或冷冻的(贸易)
6232003& & & & Molluscs, fresh, chilled or frozen (trade)& & & & 软体动物,新鲜、冰鲜或冷冻的(贸易)
6238000& & & & Dairy products (trade)& & & & 乳制品(贸易)
6238001& & & & Cheese (trade)& & & & 奶酪(贸易)
6238002& & & & Milk (trade)& & & & 牛奶(贸易)
6238003& & & & Milk, condensed and powdered (trade)& & & & 炼乳和奶粉(贸易)
6238004& & & & Cream (trade)& & & & 奶油(贸易)
6238006& & & & Butter (trade)& & & & 黄油(贸易)
6238008& & & & Ice cream (trade)& & & & 冰淇淋(贸易)
6238010& & & & Milk drinks (trade)& & & & 奶制饮料(贸易)
6238011& & & & Yogurt (trade)& & & & 酸奶(贸易)
6238016& & & & Non-dairy creamers (trade)& & & & 非奶奶油(贸易)
6240000& & & & Eggs (trade)& & & & 蛋类(贸易)
6240001& & & & Eggs, human consumption (trade)& & & & 鸡蛋,
1:& && & KOMPASS康帕斯 海外首选B2B 教您用它找海外潜在客户 & &
& && && &kompass(开发欧洲) 分享我与我客户交流后,对康帕斯使用的一点点方法
& && && &KOMPASS 康帕斯 海外首选B2B(新增 汽车/家具/化工客户分类)提供免费查优质买家方法
2:& && &今天看到一篇关于康帕斯(kompass)使用的贴子,转来给大家一起分享
3:& && &欧洲及独联体经济贸易风险情况概述
4:& && &各国世界贸易风险评估,行业风险概况
5:& && &为什么大家不愿意用电话,传真去联系客户呢?
6:& && &欧洲传统灯泡退出市场。
7:& && &英国企业对海洋,水产项目的企业招标机会
8:& && &收到寻盘后,如何处理寻盘!
9:& && &开发法国市场的朋友,法国超市的名字,有用的可以取走.
10:& & 开发欧洲市场详细分析 -(欲开拓欧洲的福友可参考一下)
11:& & 寻找国外优质客户,离不开这些信息 (来自热心福友提供的找客户网站)
12:& & 不懂外语也能做外贸!佩服 这才叫&绝&
13:& & 国外雇员人数200-1000的家用家具的买家,需要的请取走!
14:& & 开发信石沉大海,我们是否有这样去做呢?
15: 各位B2B网站会员,请不要抱怨网站效果不好,不要迷失了你的方向
16:& & 25个国家进出口占国内生产总值的比例分析 -----外贸企业作市场分析用
17:& & 参加展会如何取得预想的效果
18:& &&&商对商销售已死?10年后如何做销售?
19:& &&&中国驻外经济商务参赞处联系方式大全 教您如何利用这宝贵的资源
20:& &&&建议企业都拥有自己制作的精美的电子E目录
21:& &&&作为一个销售员,你能给自己打多少分? 看看我们还有哪些事情没有做好.
22:& &&&需要超市联系方式的朋友,法国/德国超市的名字,有用的可以取走.
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
10:51 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
6245000& & & & Agricultural and plantation products other than tobacco (trade)& & & & 农产品和种植产品,除了烟草外的(贸易)
6245002& & & & Tea (trade)& & & & 茶叶(贸易)
6245003& & & & Coffee (trade)& & & & 咖啡(贸易)
6245004& & & & Coffee beans (trade)& & & & 咖啡豆(贸易)
6245005& & & & Cocoa beans (trade)& & & & 可可豆(贸易)
6245006& & & & Yerba mat?(trade)& & & & 巴拉圭茶(贸易)
6245008& & & & Cereals (trade)& & & & 谷类(贸易)
6245009& & & & Wheat (trade)& & & & 小麦(贸易)
6245010& & & & Corn/maize (trade)& & & & 玉米(贸易)
6245011& & & & Barley (trade)& & & & 大麦(贸易)
6245012& & & & Oats (trade)& & & & 燕麦( 贸易)
6245013& & & & Rye (trade)& & & & 裸/黑麦( 贸易)
6245014& & & & Seeds (trade)& & & & 种子(贸易)
6245015& & & & Oilseeds (trade)& & & & 含油种子( 贸易)
6245016& & & & Seeds, cereal (trade)& & & & 种子, 谷类的(贸易)
6245017& & & & Seeds, edible, other than cereals (trade)& & & & 种子,可食用类的,除了谷物外的(贸易)
6245018& & & & Nuts, edible (trade)& & & & 坚果(贸易)
6245019& & & & Coconuts and copra (trade)& & & & 椰子和椰核(贸易)
6245020& & & & Rice (trade)& & & & 大米(贸易)
6245021& & & & Sugar cane (trade)& & & & 甘蔗(贸易)
6245022& & & & Sugar beet (trade)& & & & 甜菜(贸易)
6245023& & & & Hops (trade)& & & & 啤酒花(贸易)
6245024& & & & Manioc/cassava roots (trade)& & & & 木薯根(贸易)
6245025& & & & Sorghum (trade)& & & & 高粱(贸易)
6245026& & & & Cinchona bark/China bark (trade)& & & & 金鸡纳皮(贸易)
6247000& & & & Spices and herbs (trade)& & & & 香辛料和香草(贸易)
6247001& & & & Spices (trade)& & & & 香辛料(贸易)
6247002& & & & Herbs (trade)& & & & 香草(贸易)
6247006& & & & Mustard (trade)& & & & 芥末(贸易)
6247008& & & & Vanilla (trade)& & & & 香兰(贸易)
6247010& & & & Betel-nuts and leaves (trade)& & & & 槟榔子仁和叶子(贸易)
6250000& & & & Fresh fruit, vegetables and mushrooms (trade)& & & & 新鲜水果、蔬菜和蘑菇(贸易)
6250002& & & & Green vegetables, fresh (trade)& & & & 新鲜绿叶蔬菜(贸易)
6250003& & & & Vegetables, root and tuberous, fresh (trade)& & & & 蔬菜,根和块茎类的,新鲜的(贸易)
6250004& & & & Potatoes (trade)& & & & 马铃薯(贸易)
6250005& & & & Onions (trade)& & & & 洋葱(贸易)
6250006& & & & Pulses and legumes, fresh (trade)& & & & 食用豆类和豆荚,新鲜的(贸易)
6250007& & & & Soya beans, fresh (trade)& & & & 黄豆,新鲜的(贸易)
6250008& & & & Citrus fruit (trade)& & & & 柑橘类水果(贸易)
6250009& & & & Fruit, tropical or subtropical (trade)& & & & 水果,热带和亚热带的(贸易)
6250010& & & & Grapes (trade)& & & & 葡萄(贸易)
6250017& & & & Fruit and berries (trade)& & & & 水果和浆果(贸易)
6250019& & & & Mushrooms and other edible fungi, fresh (trade)& & & & 蘑菇和其它食用菌,新鲜的(贸易)
6250020& & & & Forest berries and wild mushrooms (trade)& & & & 野草莓和野蘑菇( 贸易)
6260000& & & & Food products NES (trade)& & & & 食品,未做特殊定义的(贸易)
6260001& & & & Kosher food (trade)& & & & 犹太教所规定的食品(贸易)
6260002& & & & Organic food products (trade)& & & & 有机食品(贸易)
6260003& & & & International food specialities (trade)& & & & 国际风味食品(贸易)
6260004& & & & Health and diet foods (trade)& & & & 保健和减肥食品(贸易)
6260006& & & & Food, dehydrated and freeze-dried (trade)& & & & 食品,脱水的和冻干的(贸易)
6260007& & & & Baby food (trade)& & & & 婴儿食品(贸易)
6260008& & & & Bread, cakes and pastry (trade)& & & & 面包、糕点(贸易)
6260009& & & & Biscuits and crackers (trade)& & & & 饼干和脆饼(贸易)
6260010& & & & Crisps, popcorn and snacks (trade)& & & & 炸薯片、爆米花和小吃(贸易)
如需联系以上类型的企业,您可以把上面的关键词复制到 搜索框中,直接点find (search) 搜索,就可以找到相关的公司.我们找到潜在客户之后,您可以打开每个公司的展示页面,到&General information&.找到客户的网站,根据上面的联系方式与他们联系.尽量不要直接通过kompass发送邮件.(特别提醒: 当您在给客户写邮件前,先要看一下公司的负责人,每给客户写邮件,我们最好是都要写这个邮件接收人的姓名).如果有的企业看不到网址,您可以将公司名复制后跟贴告诉我,我提供他们的网站给您.谢谢! 希望各位福友能够出成绩!
1:帐篷 的客户如何找: ()
2:水龙头 的客户 ()
3:羽绒服装 ()
4:转盘轴承及回转轴承 ()
6:厨房用具 (tableware,dinnerware,kitchenware)
& && && && &()
& && && && &()
7:扫描器(Barcode Scanner) ()
8: (游戏配件及周边产品) ()
10:卫浴产品 ()
11:垫片 ()
12:钢管 ()
13:医院器械 ()
14:Moulding compounds ()
15:电池电子行业 ()
16:管件 ()
17:体温计 ()
18:电器触头产品的(Eectrical Contact Rivets) ()
19:破碎机及采矿机械设备 ()
20:通信设备(部份分类) ()
21:地毯海绵(Carpet underlay) ()
22:紧固件(Fasteners) ()
23: 网络输出线及附件 ()
24:水处理设备 ()
25:耳机及电脑周边产品 ()
26:野营帐篷/睡袋 ()
27:陶瓷餐具 ()
28:漆包线(enamelled wire)&&()
29:时尚饰品 ()
30:阀门及五金制品 ()
31:纸盒子 ()
32:碎纸机paper shredder ()
33:购物车 ()
34:适配器 ()
35:钢铸件 ()
36:沙滩伞,庭院伞,广告伞 ()
37:模具 ()
& && && && &&&()
38: 扩口机 ()
39:磷酸 ()
40: 画,海报,年历 ()
41:礼服,婚纱,服装 ()
42:空调 ()
43: 脚手架 scaffolding ()
45: 冷冻水产品 ()
46:PCB ()
47: 林产化工 ()
48:玻璃器皿 ()
49: 智能卡 ()
& && && && && &()
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
14:34 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
6260011& & & & Flour and flakes, cereal (trade)& & & & 面粉和薄片,谷物的(贸易)
6260012& & & & Flour and flakes, non-cereal (trade)& & & & 面粉和片,非谷物的(贸易)
6260013& & & & Processed rice and rice products (trade)& & & & 加工米和米制品(贸易)
6260014& & & & Processed beans and bean products (trade)& & & & 加工过的豆类和豆制品(贸易)
6260015& & & & Pasta (trade)& & & & 面食(贸易)
6260016& & & & Pasta products (trade)& & & & 面食制品(贸易)
6260019& & & & Breakfast cereals (trade)& & & & 谷物早餐(贸易)
6260020& & & & Coffee, tea and infusion products (trade)& & & & 咖啡,茶和冲泡饮品(贸易)
6260021& & & & Cocoa and chocolate products (trade)& & & & 可可和巧克力制品(贸易)
6260022& & & & Malt and malt extracts (trade)& & & & 麦芽和麦芽提取物(贸易)
6260023& & & & Food products, canned (trade)& & & & 食品罐头(贸易)
6260025& & & & Animal and fish oils, edible (trade)& & & & 动物和鱼的油,可食用的(贸易)
6260026& & & & Vegetable oils, edible (trade)& & & & 植物油,可食用的(贸易)
6260027& & & & Soya products (trade)& & & & 豆制品(贸易)
6260028& & & & Animal and vegetable fats, edible (trade)& & & & 动物和植物脂肪,可食的(贸易)
6260029& & & & Nuts, processed (trade)& & & & 坚果,经加工的(贸易)
6260030& & & & Salt, table and kitchen (trade)& & & & 盐,佐餐和厨房用的(贸易)
6260031& & & & Vinegar, condiments and sauces (trade)& & & & 醋、调味品和酱汁(贸易)
6260032& & & & Sugar (trade)& & & & 糖(贸易)
6260033& & & & Sugar confectionery (trade)& & & & 糖果(贸易)
6260035& & & & Fruit, dried (trade)& & & & 水果,干的(贸易)
6260036& & & & Gelatine, edible (trade)& & & & 明胶,食用的(贸易)
6260037& & & & Seaweed, edible, processed (trade)& & & & 海藻,可食用的,经加工的(贸易)
6260038& & & & Soup and extracts (trade)& & & & 汤和浓缩汤(贸易)
6260039& & & & Desserts, non-dairy (trade)& & & & 甜点,不含奶的(贸易)
6260041& & & & Molasses (trade)& & & & 糖浆(贸易)
6260044& & & & Honey (trade)& & & & 蜂蜜(贸易)
6260045& & & & Yeast (trade)& & & & 酵母(贸易)
6260050& & & & Food products and beverages for vending machines (trade)& & & & 食品和饮料,用于自动售货机(贸易)
6260051& & & & Food products, frozen or deep frozen (trade)& & & & 食品,冷冻或速冻的(贸易)
6260052& & & & Food products, chilled (trade)& & & & 食品,冰鲜的(贸易)
6260053& & & & Vegetables, dried (trade)& & & & 蔬菜,干的(贸易)
6260054& & & & Fruit and vegetables, processed and preserved (trade)& & & & 水果和蔬菜,加工过的和腌制的
6260055& & & & Natural and chemically derived additives for food and beverages (trade)& & & & 天然和化学添加剂,用于食品和饮料(贸易)
6265000& & & & Animal feed and fodder (trade)& & & & 饲料(贸易)
6265001& & & & Animal feed (trade)& & & & 饲料(贸易)
6265002& & & & Poultry feed (trade)& & & & 家禽饲料(贸易)
6265005& & & & Silage and fodder (trade)& & & & 料草(贸易)
6265006& & & & Forage (trade)& & & & 饲草(贸易)
6265010& & & & Animal feed additives (trade)& & & & 动物饲料添加剂(贸易)
6270000& & & & Flowers, plants, bushes, trees and seeds (trade)& & & & 鲜花、园艺植物、灌木、树木以及种子(贸易)
6270001& & & & Flowers, cut (trade)& & & & 切花(贸易)
6270002& & & & Cut flower arrangements (trade)& & & & 切花造型布置(贸易)
6270003& & & & Flowers, dried (trade)& & & & 干花(贸易)
6270004& & & & Flower seeds and bulbs (trade)& & & & 花卉种子和球根(贸易)
6270008& & & & Plants (trade)& & & & 园艺植物(贸易)
6270009& & & & Bushes and shrubs (trade)& & & & 灌木(贸易)
6270010& & & & Trees (trade)& & & & 树(贸易)
6270025& & & & Florists supplies (trade)& & & & 花匠用品(贸易)
6270030& & & & Flowers and plants, artificial (trade)& & & & 人造花卉和园艺植物(贸易)
6280000& & & & Tobacco products and smokers' requisites (trade)& & & & 烟制品和烟具(贸易)
6280001& & & & Smokers' requisites (trade)& & & & 烟具(贸易)
6280010& & & & Cigarettes (trade)& & & & 香烟(贸易)
6280011& & & & Cigars and cigarillos (trade)& & & & 雪茄和小雪茄(贸易)
6280012& & & & Chewing tobacco (trade)& & & & 嚼烟(贸易)
6280013& & & & Snuff (trade)& & & & 鼻烟(贸易)
6280014& & & & Pipe and cigarette tobacco (trade)& & & & 烟斗和卷烟用的烟叶(贸易)
6290000& & & & Beverages (trade)& & & & 饮料(贸易)
6290001& & & & Wines (trade)& & & & 萄葡酒(贸易)
6290002& & & & Sparkling wines (trade)& & & & 气泡酒(贸易)
6290003& & & & Fortified wines (trade)& & & & 强化葡萄酒(贸易)
6290006& & & & Liqueurs (trade)& & & & 利口酒(贸易)
6290008& & & & Alcoholic spirits (trade)& & & & 烈性酒(贸易)
6290010& & & & Aperitifs and cocktails (trade)& & & & 开胃酒和鸡尾酒(贸易)
6290013& & & & Beer and lager beers (trade)& & & & 啤酒和淡啤酒(贸易)
6290015& & & & Cider (trade)& & & & 苹果酒(贸易)
6290016& & & & Juices, fruit and vegetable (trade)& & & & 果汁和蔬菜汁(贸易)
6290017& & & & Lemonade, carbonated and soft drinks (trade)& & & & 柠檬水、碳酸水和软饮料(贸易)
6290018& & & & Syrups and squashes, fruit (trade)& & & & 水果浆和鲜榨果汁(贸易)
6290019& & & & Beverage concentrates (trade)& & & & 饮料浓缩物(贸易)
6290020& & & & Milk serum drinks (trade)& & & & 乳清饮料(贸易)
6290021& & & & Mineral waters (trade)& & & & 矿泉水(贸易)
6290025& & & & Tea and coffee, ready to drink (trade)& & & & 茶和咖啡,即饮的(贸易)
6290038& & & & Beer, wine and alcoholic spirits in aircraft or ship catering packs (trade)& & & & 啤酒、葡萄酒和烈酒,按飞机或船上宴会要求包装的(贸易)
6290040& & & & Alcohol for beverages (trade)& & & & 酒精,用于制饮料的(贸易)
52:宠物食品 9)
53:洗衣机、干衣机和熨衣机 ()
55:下水道盖板 ()
56: air filter ()
& && && && && && &()
59:珠宝分类 ()
62:卫浴配件,马桶水箱配件的进排水阀 ()
63:shopping bag,fashion belt,hair accessory()
76:笔记本电池Laptop Battery()
81:宠物食品潜在买家产品服务分 ()
87:汽车HID 灯套装()
90:避雷器 ()
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
12:33 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
6300000& & & & Wholesalers and distributors, importers and exporters of consumer goods: textiles, clothing, household articles, domestic furniture, toiletries, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals& & & & 消费品的批发商和分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:纺织品、服装、家居用品、家用家具、洗漱用品、化妆品和药品
6320000& & & & Yarns, twists, fabrics and textile goods (trade)& & & & 纱、绞线、布和纺织品(贸易)
6320001& & & & Yarns and twists, cotton (trade)& & & & 纱和捻线,棉的(贸易)
6320002& & & & Yarns and twists, wool and hair (trade)& & & & 纱和捻线,毛和毛发的(贸易)
6320003& & & & Yarns and twists, silk (trade)& & & & 纱和捻线,丝的(贸易)
6320004& & & & Yarns and twists, man-made fibre (trade)& & & & 纱和捻线,人造纤维的(贸易)
6320005& & & & Yarns and twists, vegetable fibre (trade)& & & & 纱和捻线,植物纤维的(贸易)
6320006& & & & Yarns and fabrics, elastic (trade)& & & & 松紧纱线和布(贸易)
6320008& & & & Fabrics, man-made fibre (trade)& & & & 化纤面料(贸易)
6320009& & & & Fabrics, silk (trade)& & & & 真丝面料(贸易)
6320010& & & & Fabrics, wool and hair (trade)& & & & 毛面料(贸易)
6320011& & & & Fabrics, cotton (trade)& & & & 纯棉面料(贸易)
6320012& & & & Fabrics, linen (trade)& & & & 亚麻面料(贸易)
6320013& & & & Fabrics, hemp, jute, ramie and paper (trade)& & & & 大麻、苎麻、黄麻和纸面料(贸易)
6320014& & & & Net and tulle (trade)& & & & 网和薄纱(贸易)
6320015& & & & Canvas and duck (trade)& & & & 帆布和粗布(贸易)
6320018& & & & Fabrics, knitted (trade)& & & & 针织布(贸易)
6320019& & & & Non-woven fabrics (trade)& & & & 无纺布(贸易)
6320020& & & & Fabrics, coated, linoleum, oilcloth, oiled silk, leathercloth (trade)& & & & 涂层布、油毡、油布、油绸、人造革(贸易)
6320021& & & & Fabrics, cut-lengths (trade)& & & & 剪切长度的面料(贸易)
6320022& & & & Printed fabrics (trade)& & & & 印花布(贸易)
6320023& & & & Batik fabrics (trade)& & & & 巴蒂克印花布(贸易)
6320025& & & & Fabrics for embroidery and needlework (trade)& & & & 布,用于刺绣和缝纫(贸易)
6320026& & & & Fabrics for clothing and household linen (trade)& & & & 服装和家纺用面料(贸易)
6320027& & & & Fabrics for soft furnishings and upholstery (trade)& & & & 软装潢用面料(贸易)
6320028& & & & Threads, sewing and embroidery (trade)& & & & 缝纫线和刺绣线(贸易)
6320029& & & & Twine, cordage, ropes and cables (trade)& & & & 合股线,绳索,粗绳和缆绳(贸易)
6320030& & & & Belts, hoses and webbing, textile (trade)& & & & 带,管和边,纺织制(贸易)
6320033& & & & Wadding, textile and its products (trade)& & & & 填料,纺织品和其产品制(贸易)
6320034& & & & Trimmings, cords, braids and fringes (trade)& & & & 装饰件,编织饰边和饰带(贸易)
6320035& & & & Felt, felted fabrics and their products (trade)& & & & 毡子、毡布和它们的制品(贸易)
6320036& & & & Nets and netting, textile (trade)& & & & 纺织制网(贸易)
6320037& & & & Ribbons and tapes, textile (trade)& & & & 织带,纺织品的(贸易)
6320038& & & & Linings and facings, buckram and horsehair (trade)& & & & 衣服的内衬和贴边,粗硬布和马毛的(贸易)
6320039& & & & Canvas and duck products, tents and covers (trade)& & & & 帆布制品,帐篷和苫布的(贸易)
6320040& & & & Embroidered fabrics and articles (trade)& & & & 刺绣和刺绣制品(贸易)
6320041& & & & Elastic fabric products (trade)& & & & 松紧布制品(贸易)
6320042& & & & Lace and lace articles (trade)& & & & 蕾丝和蕾丝制品(贸易)
6320043& & & & Textile articles, non-woven, disposable (trade)& & & & 纺织品,非织造的,一次性的(贸易)
6320045& & & & Dress fabrics (trade)& & & & 女服衣料(贸易)
6320046& & & & Flock (trade)& & & & 毛屑(贸易)
6320047& & & & Cloths (trade)& & & & 衣料(贸易)
6320048& & & & Textile fent and remnant (trade)& & & & 纺织品下脚料和剩余料(贸易)
6320050& & & & Merchant converters& & & & 纺织品加工经纪人
6320052& & & & Textile articles for medical use (bandages, dressings) and hygiene (trade)& & & & 纺织品,医用(绷带)和卫生品用的(贸易)
6320053& & & & Sanitary towels, tampons, nappies and incontinence wear (trade)& & & & 卫生巾、尿不湿和失禁用品(贸易)
6330000& & & & Clothes and underwear (trade)& & & & 成衣和内衣(贸易)
6330001& & & & Clothes, ready-made, for babies and children (trade)& & & & 童装(贸易)
6330002& & & & Clothes, ready-made, for ladies and girls (trade)& & & & 成衣,女士和女孩穿的(贸易)
6330003& & & & Clothes, ready-made, for men and boys (trade)& & & & 成衣,男士和男孩穿的(贸易)
6330004& & & & Clothes, second-hand and surplus (trade)& & & & 服装,二手和积压的(贸易)
6330008& & & & Clothing, leather (trade)& & & & 革皮服装(贸易)
6330009& & & & Clothing, waterproof (trade)& & & & 防水服装(贸易)
6330010& & & & Clothing, knitted and crocheted (trade)& & & & 针织和编织服装(贸易)
6330011& & & & Clothing, professional and uniforms (trade)& & & & 职业装和制服(贸易)
6330012& & & & Clothing and accessories, rubber (trade)& & & & 衣服和附件,橡胶的(贸易)
6330015& & & & Unisex garments, sportswear and leisurewear (trade)& & & & 男女通用服装、运动服和休闲服(贸易)
6330016& & & & Protective and work clothing (trade)& & & & 防护服和工作服(贸易)
6330017& & & & Costumes, traditional and theatrical (trade)& & & & 传统服装和戏服(贸易)
6330025& & & & Swimwear, beachwear and accessories (trade)& & & & 泳装、沙滩装和配套件(贸易)
6330026& & & & Trousers, shorts, jeans (trade)& & & & 长裤、短裤和牛仔裤(贸易)
6330027& & & & Neckties, cravats, scarves and shawls (trade)& & & & 领带、围巾和披肩(贸易)
6330028& & & & Lingerie, corsetry and nightwear (trade)& & & & 女式轻薄内衣、塑身内衣和睡衣(贸易)
6330030& & & & Underwear and nightwear for men (trade)& & & & 内衣和睡衣,男士的(贸易)
6330031& & & & Underwear and nightwear for children (trade)& & & & 内衣和睡衣,儿童的(贸易)
6330032& & & & Dressing gowns and bathrobes (trade)& & & & 睡袍和浴衣(贸易)
6330033& & & & Embroidered garments (trade)& & & & 绣制服装(贸易)
6330035& & & & Maternity wear (trade)& & & & 孕妇装(贸易)
6330036& & & & Sarongs (trade)& & & & 沙龙(贸易)
6330037& & & & Saris (trade)& & & & 卷布(贸易)
97: 灯具()
107:plastic hook ()
109ED Shower heads ()
101: 铝箔 ()
102: 传感器 ()
103: 网络摄像机辆()
104: 生产凿岩钎具、矿用截齿、盾构刀具 (
106: 食品外包装()
107: 辊,轧机配件()
108: 钓具:()
113: 海外连锁店及装饰材料分类)
114: 海外纺织品贸易商分类)
115: 海外床上用品的贸易商分类)
116: 通信设备及相关产品分类:()
& && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&()
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
10:18 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
6330038& & & & Blouses (trade)& & & & 女式套衫(贸易)
6330039& & & & Shirts (trade)& & & & 衬衫(贸易)
6330040& & & & Handkerchiefs (trade)& & & & 手帕(贸易)
6330041& & & & Gloves (trade)& & & & 手套(贸易)
6330042& & & & Skirts (trade)& & & & 半身裙(贸易)
6330043& & & & Dresses (trade)& & & & 女长裙(贸易)
6330044& & & & Outerwear (trade)& & & & 外衣(贸易)
6330045& & & & Jackets (trade)& & & & 夹克衫(贸易)
6331000& & & & Fashion accessories (trade)& & & & 时尚配饰(贸易)
6331001& & & & Clothing accessories (trade)& & & & 时尚配饰(贸易)
6340000& & & & Hosiery, haberdashery and headgear (trade)& & & & 袜类,帽类和男子服饰(贸易)
6340001& & & & Hosiery (trade)& & & & 袜子(贸易)
6340003& & & & Haberdashery (trade)& & & & 服装辅料(贸易)
6340005& & & & Headgear and accessories (trade)& & & & 帽子和附件(贸易)
6340010& & & & Umbrellas (trade)& & & & 伞(贸易)
6340015& & & & Curtain rails, fittings and accessories (trade)& & & & 窗帘导轨,配件和附件(贸易)
6340020& & & & Buttons and buckles (trade)& & & & 纽扣和扣具(贸易)
6340021& & & & Buttons, wooden (trade)& & & & 钮扣,木制的(贸易)
6340022& & & & Buttons, plastic (trade)& & & & 钮扣,塑料的(贸易)
6340023& & & & Buttons, metal (trade)& & & & 钮扣,金属的(贸易)
6340024& & & & Buttons, coir (coconut fibre), mother-of-pearl and corozo (trade)& & & & 钮扣,椰子壳纤维的,珍珠母及象牙棕榈的(贸易)
6340025& & & & Buttons, ceramic (trade)& & & & 纽扣,陶制的(贸易)
6340026& & & & Zip fasteners (trade)& & & & 拉链(贸易)
6340030& & & & Millinery supplies (trade)& & & & 女帽配件(贸易)
6340031& & & & Umbrella making materials (trade)& & & & 制伞材料(贸易)
6350000& & & & Textile furnishings (trade)& & & & 装璜纺织品(贸易)
6350001& & & & Carpets, mats, rugs and floor coverings, textile (trade)& & & & 地毯和铺地用品,纺织制的(贸易)
6350002& & & & Carpets, Persian and Oriental (trade)& & & & 地毯,波斯的和东方的(贸易)
6350004& & & & Curtains and blinds (trade)& & & & 窗帘和遮阳帘(贸易)
6350005& & & & Terrace and balcony awnings (trade)& & & & 阳台和阳台雨篷(贸易)
6350008& & & & Bedding sets (trade)& & & & 被褥套装( 贸易)
6350010& & & & Blankets, sheets, bedspreads, pillowcases and duvet covers, household (trade)& & & & 毯子、床罩、床单、枕套和被罩,家用的(贸易)
6350011& & & & Quilts, eiderdowns and duvets (trade)& & & & 棉被,鸭绒被和羽绒被(贸易)
6350012& & & & Towels and other textile bathroom accessories (trade)& & & & 毛巾和其它浴室纺织制品
6350013& & & & Table linen (trade)& & & & 桌布(贸易)
6350014& & & & Wall coverings, textile (trade)& & & & 墙布,纺织品的(贸易)
6350015& & & & Cushions (trade)& & & & 靠垫、座垫(贸易)
6350016& & & & Pillows (trade)& & & & 枕头(贸易)
6360000& & & & Fur clothing and products (trade)& & & & 裘皮服装和其制品(贸易)
6360001& & & & Fur clothing (trade)& & & & 裘皮服装(贸易)
6360005& & & & Blankets and carpets, fur (trade)& & & & 毛毯和地毯,裘皮制(贸易)
6370000& & & & Leather and skin products, travel goods (trade)& & & & 皮革制品,箱包(贸易)
6370003& & & & Saddlery articles, leather (trade)& & & & 马具,皮革的(贸易)
6370005& & & & Upholstery articles, leather (trade)& & & & 室内装璜用品,皮革的(贸易)
6370006& & & & Decorative articles, leather (trade)& & & & 皮革饰品(贸易)
6370008& & & & Suitcases and travel bags, leather (trade)& & & & 行李箱和旅行包,皮革的(贸易)
6370009& & & & Bags and handbags, leather (trade)& & & & 包和手包,皮革的(贸易)
6370010& & & & Purses, wallets (notecases) and similar goods, leather (trade)& & & & 皮夹,钱包和相似物品(贸易)
6370011& & & & Briefcases and portfolios (trade)& & & & 公文包和文件包(贸易)
6370015& & & & Bags, textile, fancy (trade)& & & & 袋子,纺织制,高档新奇的(贸易)
6370020& & & & Reptile skin products (trade)& & & & 爬行动物的皮制品(贸易)
6375000& & & & Footwear (trade)& & & & 鞋(贸易)
6375001& & & & Footwear, leather (trade)& & & & 皮鞋(贸易)
6375002& & & & Footwear, plastic (trade)& & & & 塑料鞋(贸易)
6375003& & & & Footwear, rubber (trade)& & & & 胶鞋(贸易)
6375004& & & & Footwear, wooden (trade)& & & & 鞋,木制的(贸易)
6375009& & & & Footwear, standard (trade)& & & & 鞋,标准的(贸易)
6375010& & & & Footwear, sports (trade)& & & & 运动鞋(贸易)
6375011& & & & Footwear, industrial, protective and special purpose (trade)& & & & 鞋,工业的,保护的和专用的(贸易)
6375017& & & & Footwear components (trade)& & & & 鞋部件(贸易)
6380000& & & & Rubber and plastic products for domestic use (trade)& & & & 家用塑胶制品(贸易)
6380001& & & & Household articles, imitation leather (trade)& & & & 家居用品,仿皮革的(贸易)
6380003& & & & Household articles, rubber (trade)& & & & 家居用品,橡胶的(贸易)
6380004& & & & Household articles, plastic (trade)& & & & 家居用品,塑料的(贸易)
6380010& & & & Sanitary articles, rubber, domestic (trade)& & & & 卫生用品,橡胶的,家用的(贸易)
6382000& & & & Stoneware, glassware, pottery and porcelain (trade)& & & & 石制品、玻璃制品、陶瓷制品(贸易)
6382001& & & & Stoneware articles (trade)& & & & 石制品(贸易)
6382003& & & & Glassware (trade)& & & & 玻璃制品(贸易)
& && && && && && && &&&()
119:黄原胶 ()
120:caustic soda ( )
121: 切割机()
122: cable ()
& && && && && &()
& && && && && && &&&()
128: 胶带()
& && && && & ()
129: 加湿器()
130: 电池()
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && &()
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
10:23 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
6382004& & & & Crystal articles (trade)& & & & 水晶制品(贸易)
6382005& & & & Pottery and porcelain articles (trade)& & & & 陶瓷制品(贸易)
6382008& & & & Terracotta articles (trade)& & & & 赤土陶器制品(贸易)
6382012& & & & Laboratory glassware (trade)& & & & 实验室玻璃制品(贸易)
6382013& & & & Medical glassware (trade)& & & & 医用玻璃制品(贸易)
6382020& & & & Mirrors (trade)& & & & 镜子(贸易)
6384000& & & & Household and kitchen articles, non-electric (trade)& & & & 家庭和厨房用具,非电的(贸易)
6384001& & & & Kitchen articles, metal, non-electric (trade)& & & & 厨房用具,金属的,非电的(贸易)
6384002& & & & Cutlery (trade)& & & & 西餐刀叉(贸易)
6384006& & & & Kitchen articles and tableware, plastic (trade)& & & & 厨房用具和餐具,塑料的(贸易)
6384009& & & & Cooking appliances, non-electric (trade)& & & & 烹饪设备,非电的(贸易)
6384014& & & & Kitchen articles and tableware, disposable (trade)& & & & 厨房用具和餐具,一次性的(贸易)
6384015& & & & Kitchen articles and tableware, wooden (trade)& & & & 厨房用具和餐具,木制的(贸易)
6384016& & & & Kitchenware, tableware and household articles, brass, bronze and copper (trade)& & & & 厨房用具、餐具和家居用品,黄铜、青铜和紫铜(贸易)
6384020& & & & Tableware, stainless steel (trade)& & & & 餐具,不锈钢的(贸易)
6384021& & & & Tableware, silver or silver plated (trade)& & & & 餐具,银制或镀银的(贸易)
6384024& & & & Crockery, cutlery and kitchenware sets (trade)& & & & 陶器, 餐具和厨房用具套装( 贸易)
6384030& & & & Vacuum flasks, jugs and cups, domestic (trade)& & & & 真空保温瓶/桶/杯,家用的(贸易)
6384032& & & & Lighting appliances, non-electric (trade)& & & & 灯具,非电的(贸易)
6384040& & & & Cookers, stoves and ovens, solid fuel (trade)& & & & 炊具、火炉和烤炉,固体燃料的(贸易)
6384041& & & & Cookers, stoves and ovens, gas and LPG (trade)& & & & 炊具、火炉和烤炉,煤气和液化石油气的(贸易)
6384042& & & & Heaters, gas fired, domestic (trade)& & & & 暖气,燃气式的,家用的(贸易)
6384050& & & & Home brewing and winemaking ingredients and equipment (trade)& & & & 家用酿造和制酒配料和设备(贸易)
6386000& & & & Household and kitchen equipment, electric and electronic (trade)& & & & 家庭和厨房电器(贸易)
6386001& & & & Small household and domestic kitchen appliances, electric (trade)& & & & 家庭和厨房小电器(贸易)
6386002& & & & Coffee making machines, electrical, domestic (trade)& & & & 咖啡机,电力的,家用的(贸易)
6386003& & & & Stoves, ovens and cookers, electric, including spare parts (trade)& & & & 火炉,烤炉和炊具,电的,包括零件(贸易)
6386004& & & & Television sets, video recorders and camcorders (trade)& & & & 电视机、视频录制播放机/录像机和便携式摄像机(贸易)
6386005& & & & Radios, tape recorders, compact disc (CD) players and high fidelity (hi-fi) equipment (trade)& & & & 收音机、录音机、CD机和高保真设备(贸易)
6386008& & & & Refrigerators and freezers, electric, domestic, including parts and accessories (trade)& & & & 电冰箱和冰柜,家用的,包括零配件(贸易)
6386010& & & & Washing machines and dishwashers, domestic, electric (trade)& & & & 洗衣机和洗碗机,家用,电的(贸易)
6386011& & & & Vacuum cleaners, domestic (trade)& & & & 吸尘器,家用的(贸易)
6386012& & & & Sewing, embroidering and knitting machines, household (trade)& & & & 缝纫、刺绣和编织机,家用的(贸易)
6386030& & & & Household appliances, electric and electronic (trade)& & & & 家用电器(贸易)
6386031& & & & Kitchen appliances, electric and electronic, domestic (trade)& & & & 厨房电器,家用的(贸易)
6390000& & & & Domestic furniture, wicker and caneware (trade)& & & & 家用的家具和柳藤制品(贸易)
6390001& & & & Domestic furniture, wooden (trade)& & & & 家用家具,木制(贸易)
6390002& & & & Domestic furniture, plastic (trade)& & & & 家用家具,塑料制(贸易)
6390003& & & & Domestic furniture, metal (trade)& & & & 家用家具,金属制(贸易)
6390004& & & & Domestic furniture, plastic-metal (trade)& & & & 家用家具,塑料金属制的(贸易)
6390006& & & & Furniture, wicker, straw, cane (trade)& & & & 家具,柳条、草和藤制(贸易)
6390007& & & & Furniture, bamboo and rattan (trade)& & & & 家具,竹和藤制(贸易)
6390008& & & & Furniture, marble (trade)& & & & 家具,大理石的(贸易)
6390009& & & & Furniture, dining room (trade)& & & & 家具,饭厅的
6390010& & & & Furniture, living-room (trade)& & & & 家具,客厅的(贸易)
6390011& & & & Furniture, bedroom (trade)& & & & 家具,卧室的(贸易)
6390012& & & & Furniture, bathroom (trade)& & & & 家具,浴室的(贸易)
6390013& & & & Furniture, kitchen, domestic (trade)& & & & 家具,厨房的,家用的(贸易)
6390014& & & & Furniture, garden and outdoor (trade)& & & & 家具,庭院和户外式(贸易)
6390015& & & & Furniture, children's, domestic (trade)& & & & 家具,儿童的,家用的(贸易)
6390019& & & & Upholstered furniture, domestic (trade)& & & & 软包家具,家用(贸易)
6390021& & & & Furniture, domestic, second-hand& & & & 家具,家用的,二手的
6390022& & & & Mats and matting, vegetable fibre (trade)& & & & 席子和垫子,植物纤维的(贸易)
6390033& & & & Cane and other basket-making materials (trade)& & & & 藤和其他制造篮子的材料(贸易)
6390034& & & & Plaiting materials and straw braids (trade)& & & & 编辫材料和草辫(贸易)
6390035& & & & Wicker and caneware products (trade)& & & & 柳条和藤制品(贸易)
6390036& & & & Bamboo products (trade)& & & & 竹制品(贸易)
6390040& & & & Mattresses (trade)& & & & 床垫(贸易)
6390043& & & & Cots, cradles, prams and pushchairs (trade)& & & & 轻便小床,摇篮,婴儿车和折叠式婴儿车(贸易)
6394000& & & & Household cleaning products (trade)& & & & 家用清洗用品(贸易)
6394001& & & & Soap, washing agents and detergents, household (trade)& & & & 肥皂、洗涤剂和清洁剂,家用(贸易)
6394002& & & & Sponges, cleaning, household (trade)& & & & 海绵,用于清洁,家用的(贸易)
6394003& & & & Polishes and waxes, household (trade)& & & & 抛光和上光蜡,家用(贸易)
6394004& & & & Air fresheners and deodorants, indoor (trade)& & & & 空气清新剂和除臭剂,室内的(贸易)
6394005& & & & Brushes and brooms (trade)& & & & 刷子和扫帚(贸易)
6394007& & & & Household cleaning articles, rubber or plastic (trade)& & & & 家用清洗用品,橡胶和塑料制(贸易)
6394009& & & & Household cleaning articles, textile (trade)& & & & 家用清洗用品,纺织品制的(贸易)
6396000& & & & Cosmetics and toiletries (trade)& & & & 化妆品和洗漱用品(贸易)
6396001& & & & Sponges, natural, bath (trade)& & & & 海绵,天然的,洗浴用(贸易)
6396002& & & & Sponges, synthetic, bath (trade)& & & & 海绵,合成造的,洗浴用(贸易)
6396004& & & & Cosmetics and creams (trade)& & & & 化妆品和面霜(贸易)
6396005& & & & Toilet products for babies (trade)& & & & 洗漱用品,婴儿的(贸易)
6396006& & & & Perfumes (trade)& & & & 香水(贸易)
6396008& & & & Bath salts and oils (trade)& & & & 浴盐和浴油(贸易)
6396010& & & & Soap, toilet (trade)& & & & 香皂(贸易)
6396012& & & & Haircare products (trade)& & & & 护发用品(贸易)
6396013& & & & Dental care products (trade)& & & & 护牙用品(贸易)
6396014& & & & Aftershave lotions, creams, balms (trade)& & & & 剃须后护理液,面霜和药膏(贸易)
6396016& & & & Toiletries (trade)& & & & 化妆品( 贸易)
6396017& & & & Hairbrushes, combs, hairslides, hairgrips, hair bands (trade)& & & & 发梳、发夹、发束带(贸易)
6397000& & & & Pharmacies& & & & 药店/药房
6398000& & & & Pharmaceuticals (trade)& & & & 药品(贸易)
6398001& & & & Medicines (trade)& & & & 成药(贸易)
6398002& & & & Parapharmaceutical preparations (trade)& & & & 药品制剂(贸易)
6398003& & & & Active ingredients for pharmaceuticals (trade)& & & & 活性成分,用于医药品
6398004& & & & Pharmaceutical oils and Vaseline (trade)& & & & 制药用的油和凡士林(贸易)
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
14:53 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
6398010& & & & Herbal medicines (trade)& & & & 草药(贸易)
6398011& & & & Homoeopathic medicines (trade)& & & & 土方药品(贸易)
6398012& & & & Oriental medical preparations (trade)& & & & 东方药品(贸易)
6398016& & & & Serums and vaccines (trade)& & & & 血清和疫苗(贸易)
6398017& & & & Vitamins, hormones and organ extracts (trade)& & & & 维他命,荷尔蒙和器官提取物(贸易)
6398018& & & & Antiseptics (trade)& & & & 消毒剂/杀菌剂(贸易)
6398020& & & & Generic pharmaceuticals (trade)& & & & 普通药物(贸易)
6398025& & & & Veterinary preparations (trade)& & & & 兽药(贸易)
6400000& & & & Wholesalers and distributors, importers and exporters of consumer goods: publications, stationery and office requisites& & & & 消费品的批发商和分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:出版物、文具和办公用品
6410000& & & & Newspaper and magazine distributors& & & & 报纸和杂志分销商
6410001& & & & Newspapers (distributors)& & & & 报纸(分销商)
6410003& & & & Magazines and periodicals (distributors)& & & & 杂志和期刊(分销商)
6410004& & & & Newspapers and magazines (importers and distributors)& & & & 报纸和杂志(进口商和经销商)
6410005& & & & Subscription agents for periodicals and magazines& & & & 订阅代理,杂志和期刊的
6410007& & & & Publications, back issues (trade)& & & & 出版物,过期的(贸易)
6420000& & & & Books and educational materials (trade)& & & & 书籍和教育、培训材料(贸易)
6420001& & & & Booksellers (trade)& & & & 书籍销售商
6420002& & & & Book distributors with warehouse facilities& & & & 书籍分销商,有仓库的
6420003& & & & Antique books (trade)& & & & 古籍(贸易)
6420005& & & & Books, scientific and technical (trade)& & & & 科技书籍(贸易)
6420006& & & & Books, academic and university (trade)& & & & 书,用于学院和大学(贸易)
6420007& & & & Dictionaries (trade)& & & & 字典(词典、辞典)(贸易)
6420008& & & & Photography books and handbooks (trade)& & & & 相册和手册(贸易)
6420009& & & & Books on music, librettos and scores (trade)& & & & 音乐,歌词和乐谱书籍(贸易)
6420010& & & & Books, fiction and thrillers (trade)& & & & 书,小说和惊险读物的 (贸易)
6420011& & & & Books, second-hand& & & & 二手书
6420012& & & & Publications, remainder stocks (trade)& & & & 出版物,剩余存货的(贸易)
6420015& & & & Publications, international organisation and government (trade)& & & & 出版物,国际组织和政府的(贸易)
6420016& & & & Publications, financial and business (trade)& & & & 金融和商务出版社(贸易)
6420020& & & & Encyclopaedias (trade)& & & & 百科全书(贸易)
6420022& & & & Directories, yearbooks (trade)& & & & 名录、年鉴(贸易)
6420024& & & & Book, catalogue, database and information compact discs (CDs) (trade)& & & & 书,目录,数据库和信息光盘(CD)(贸易)
6420025& & & & Maps (trade)& & & & 地图(贸易)
6420026& & & & Navigational charts (trade)& & & & 航海图(贸易)
6420029& & & & Art prints (trade)& & & & 艺术印刷品(贸易)
6420030& & & & Posters, photo-murals (trade)& & & & 海报/招贴画,照片贴图(贸易)
6420040& & & & Equipment and supplies for schools (trade)& & & & 教学设备和用品(贸易)
6420041& & & & Scientific and technical teaching apparatus (trade)& & & & 科技教育用品设备(贸易)
6430000& & & & Stationery, office requisites, equipment for draughtsmen and surveyors. Artists materials (trade)& & & & 文具和办公用品,绘图员和测量员用器材。美术颜料(贸易)
6430001& & & & Personal and children's stationery (writing paper, envelopes etc.) (trade)& & & & 个人和儿童文具(信纸,信封等)(贸易)
6430002& & & & Greetings cards, picture postcards (trade)& & & & 贺卡,明信片(贸易)
6430003& & & & Business stationery (trade)& & & & 商用文具(贸易)
6430004& & & & Business stationery, recycled paper (trade)& & & & 商用文具,再生纸制(贸易)
6430005& & & & Paper for office machinery and equipment (trade)& & & & 纸,用于办公机械和设备(贸易)
6430006& & & & Stationery, continuous (trade)& & & & 文具,连续式(贸易)
6430007& & & & Carbon paper and transfer paper (trade)& & & & 复写纸和转印纸(贸易)
6430008& & & & Labels, paper rolls, pre-printed forms (trade)& & & & 纸标签卷,预先印刷表格的 (贸易)
6430009& & & & Document binders, files and folders (trade)& & & & 文件夹(贸易)
6430010& & & & Drawing and mathematical instruments (stencils, protractors, compasses etc.) (trade)& & & & 绘图和数学仪器(模板,量角器,指南针等)(贸易)
6430011& & & & Typewriter supplies (ribbons, rubbers, covers, correction fluids, tapes etc.) (trade)& & & & 打字机耗材(色带、rubbers、罩、涂改液)(贸易)
6430012& & & & Pens and accessories (nibs, ink cartridges etc.) (trade)& & & & 钢笔和附件(钢笔尖、墨水瓶等)(贸易)
6430013& & & & Pencils and accessories (leads, erasers, sharpeners etc.) (trade)& & & & 铅笔和附件(铅芯、橡皮、铅笔刀等)(贸易)
6430014& & & & Desk accessories and desk sets (trade)& & & & 桌面用品(贸易)
6430015& & & & Wall charts, planners, noticeboards and copyboards, office (trade)& & & & 挂图,计划表,记事板和稿图架,用于办公室(贸易)
6430016& & & & Staplers, rubber stamps, labelling machines, hole punches and paper cutters (trade)& & & & 钉书机,橡皮印章,贴标签机,打孔器和切纸机(贸易)
6430017& & & & Notebooks, almanacs, calendars and diaries (trade)& & & & 笔记本、年历簿,日历和日记本 (贸易)
6430018& & & & Albums (trade)& & & & 影集(贸易)
6430020& & & & Office consumables (trade)& & & & 办公耗材(贸易)
6430021& & & & Toner cartridges (trade)& & & & 硒鼓(贸易)
6430025& & & & Drawing office requisites and equipment (trade)& & & & 绘画室用品和设备(贸易)
6430026& & & & Graphic design supplies and equipment (trade)& & & & 绘图设计用品和设备(贸易)
6430029& & & & Artists' equipment (trade)& & & & 美工设备(贸易)
6430031& & & & Artist's materials (trade)& & & & 艺术材料(贸易)
6430034& & & & Arts and crafts equipment and supplies (trade)& & & & 工艺品用器材和用品(贸易)
6430040& & & & Surveyor's requisites (trade)& & & & 测量工具(贸易)
6500000& & & & Wholesalers, distributors, importers and exporters of consumer goods: cameras, watches, clocks, precious stones, jewellery, costume jewellery, giftware, leisure and sports goods, musical instruments, coins, philately, antiques& & & & 消费品的批发商、分销商、进口商和出口商,包括:照相机、钟表、首饰、时尚配饰、礼品、休闲和运动用品、乐器、硬币、邮票、古董
6510000& & & & Photographic, cinematographic and optical equipment. Films (trade)& & & & 照相器材、电影设备和光学设备。胶卷胶片(贸易)
6510001& & & & Photographic films (trade)& & & & 照相胶卷(贸易商)
6510002& & & & Cine films (trade)& & & & 电影胶片(贸易)
6510005& & & & Optical glasses and lenses (trade)& & & & 光学玻璃和镜片(贸易)
6510006& & & & Spectacles, spectacle frames and components (trade)& & & & 眼镜,镜框和零件(贸易)
6510007& & & & Contact lenses (trade)& & & & 隐形眼镜(贸易)
6510008& & & & Sunglasses (trade)& & & & 太阳镜(贸易)
6510009& & & & Magnifiers, eyepieces and objectives (trade)& & & & 放大镜,目镜和物镜(贸易)
6510010& & & & Binoculars, telescopes and periscopes (trade)& & & & 单双筒望远镜和潜望镜 (贸易)
6510011& & & & Microscopes (trade)& & & & 显微镜(贸易)
6510012& & & & Optical projectors (trade)& & & & 光学投影仪(贸易)
6510013& & & & Cameras, photographic equipment and projectors (trade)& & & & 照相机、摄影器材和投影仪(贸易)
6510014& & & & Cine-cameras, cine projectors and related equipment (trade)& & & & 电影摄像机、放映机和相关设备 (贸易)
6510015& & & & Photographic laboratory equipment (trade)& & & & 摄影实验室设备(贸易)
6510016& & & & Cine film processing equipment (trade)& & & & 电影胶片加工设备(贸易)
6510018& & & & Equipment and supplies for film-making, television and shows (trade)& & & & 设备和用品,用于电影制作、电视和演出
6510020& & & & Optical instruments and equipment for scientific or industrial use (trade)& & & & 光学仪器和设备,用于科学或工业(贸易)
6510022& & & & Microfilm and microfiche equipment (trade)& & & & 缩微胶卷和设备(贸易)
[ 本帖最后由 glzhjr 于
10:22 编辑 ]
UID 260683
积分 259547
帖子 16837
福步币 62 块
阅读权限 120
来自 手机/微信:
6530000& & & & Watches and clocks (trade)& & & & 钟表(贸易)
6530001& & & & Clock and watch components (trade)& & & & 钟表部件(贸易)
6530002& & & & Watchmakers' findings (trade)& & & & 鉴定器,用于表匠(贸易)
6530003& & & & Watches and clocks (trade)& & & & 钟表(贸易)
6530005& & & & Timing mechanisms (trade)& & & & 定时器(贸易)
6530006& & & & Time switches (trade)& & & & 定时自动开关(贸易)
6530007& & & & Watch bracelets and straps (trade)& & & & 手表带(贸易)
6530025& & & & Time clocks, time recorders (trade)& & & & 时钟和计时器(贸易)
6530026& & & & Master clock systems (trade)& & & & 主时钟系统(贸易)
6540000& & & & Pearls, corals and natural sponges (trade)& & & & 珍珠、珊瑚和天然海绵(贸易)
6540001& & & & Pearls, natural (trade)& & & & 珍珠,天然的(贸易)
6540002& & & & Pearls, cultured (trade)& & & & 饲料
6545000& & & & Precious stones (trade)& & & & 宝石(贸易)
6545001& & & & Precious stones (trade)& & & & 宝石(贸易)
6545002& & & & Precious stone beads (trade)& & & & 宝石珠子( 贸易)
6545003& & & & Precious stones, loose (trade)& & & & 宝石, 零散的(贸易)
6545004& & & & Precious stones (brokers)& & & & 宝石(经纪人)
6545005& & & & Diamonds (trade)& & & & 钻石(贸易)
6545006& & & & Diamond beads (trade)& & & & 钻石珠( 贸易)
6545007& & & & Diamonds, black (trade)& & & & 钻石,黑的(贸易)
6545008& & & & Diamonds (brokers)& & & & 钻石(经纪商)
6545010& & & & Industrial diamonds and other precious stones for industrial use (trade)& & & & 工业钻石和其他宝石,用于工业(贸易)
6550000& & & & Jewellery (trade)& & & & 首饰(贸易)
6550002& & & & Jewellery, gold (trade)& & & & 金首饰(贸易)
6550003& & & & Jewellery, silver (trade)& & & & 银首饰(贸易)
6550006& & & & Jewellery with precious stones (trade)& & & & 宝石首饰(贸易)
6550007& & & & Jewellery with pearls (trade)& & & & 珍珠首饰(贸易)
6550008& & & & Jewellery, amber (trade)& & & & 琥珀首饰 (贸易)
6550009& & & & Jewellery, coral (trade)& & & & 珊瑚首饰(贸易)
6550010& & & & Jewellery, horn, bone, tortoiseshell and ivory (trade)& & & & 角骨制首饰(贸易)
6550014& & & & Jewellery, antique (trade)& & & & 老式首饰(贸易)
6550016& & & & Jewellers' findings (trade)& & & & 首饰鉴定器(贸易)
6550018& & & & Ear-piercing studs (trade)& & & & 耳钉(贸易)
6550055& & & & Jewellery valuation and assessment& & & & 首饰鉴定和评估服务
6551000& & & & Gold and silverware, gold plated and silver plated ware (trade)& & & & 金器和银器,镀金和镀银器具(贸易)
6551001& & & & Gold ware and gold plated ware (trade)& & & & 金器和镀金器具(贸易)
6551002& & & & Silverware and silver plated ware (trade)& & & & 银器和镀银器具 (贸易)
6552000& & & & Costume jewellery (trade)& & & & 时尚配饰(贸易)
6552002& & & & Imitation jewellery (trade)& & & & 仿制珠宝(贸易)
6552003& & & & Imitation pearls and precious stones (trade)& & & & 仿制珍珠和宝石(贸易商)
6552010& & & & Ceramic and shell jewellery (trade)& & & & 陶瓷和贝壳首饰(贸易)
6552011& & & & Plastic jewellery (trade)& & & & 塑料首饰(贸易)
6552012& & & & Glass jewellery (trade)& & & & 玻璃首饰(贸易)
6554000& & & & Fancy goods and giftware (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品(贸易)
6554001& & & & Giftware (trade)& & & & 礼品(贸易)
6554003& & & & Handicraft materials (trade)& & & & 手工艺品(贸易)
6554005& & & & Souvenirs (trade)& & & & 纪念品(贸易)
6554007& & & & Ornaments and decorative articles (trade)& & & & 装饰物和装饰物品(贸易)
6554010& & & & Picture frames (trade)& & & & 画框(贸易)
6554011& & & & Pictures (trade)& & & & 画(贸易)
6554015& & & & Wood carvings (trade)& & & & 木制雕刻品(贸易)
6554020& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, plastic (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,塑料的(贸易)
6554021& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, bamboo and rattan (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,竹藤制(贸易)
6554022& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, wooden, handmade (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,木制的(贸易)
6554023& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, porcelain and pottery (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,陶瓷的 (贸易)
6554024& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, leather and fur (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,革皮和裘皮制 (贸易)
6554025& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, glass and crystal (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,玻璃和水晶的(贸易)
6554026& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, metal (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,金属的(贸易)
6554028& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, plaster (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,石膏的(贸易)
6554029& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, shell (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,贝壳的(贸易)
6554030& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, textile (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,纺织品的(贸易)
6554031& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, stone and marble (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,石头和大理石的(贸易)
6554032& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, wax (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,蜡制的(贸易)
6554033& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, horn (trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,角制的(贸易)
6554035& & & & Fancy goods and giftware, papier-m鈉h?(trade)& & & & 高档新奇产品和礼品,纸制的(贸易)
6554043& & & & Promotional articles (trade)& & & & 促销礼品(贸易)
6556000& & & & Regional handicrafts (trade)& & & & 地方手工艺品(贸易)
6556001& & & & Regional handicraft products (trade)& & & & 地方手工艺品(贸易)
6556002& & & & Regional handicraft products, textile (trade)& & & & 地方手工艺品, 纺织的(贸易)
6556003& & & & Regional handicraft products, brass (trade)& & & & 地方手工艺品, 黄铜的(贸易)
6556004& & & & Regional handicraft products, wrought iron (trade)& & & & 地方手工艺品, 锻铁的(贸易)
6556005& & & & Regional handicraft products, glassware (trade)& & & & 地方手工艺品,玻璃器皿的(贸易)
6556006& & & & Regional handicraft products, wooden (trade)& & & & 地方手工艺品,木头的(贸易)
6558000& & & & Festival decorations (trade)& & & & 节庆装饰品(贸易)
6558001& & & & Party decorations and articles (trade)& & & & 聚会用装饰品和用品(贸易)
6558002& & & & Christmas decorations and novelties (trade)& & & & 圣诞装饰品和大众化新奇物品(贸易)
6558003& & & & Carnival decorations and novelties (trade)& & & & 狂欢节装饰品和大众化新奇物品(贸易)
6558004& & & & Easter decorations and novelties (trade)& & & & 复活节装饰品和大众化新奇物品(贸易)
6558005& & & & Festivity and ceremonial articles (trade)& & & & 节庆和仪式用品(贸易)
6558040& & & & Religious art and funeral art articles (trade)& & & & 宗教艺术品和葬礼用品(贸易)
6560000& & & & Toys and games (trade)& & & & 玩具和游戏器具(贸易)
6560001& & & & Toys and games, mechanical (trade)& & & & 玩具和游戏器具,机械式的(贸易)
6560002& & & & Toys and games, electric and electronic (trade)& & & & 玩具和游戏器具,电动和电子的(贸易)
6560003& & & & Computer games (trade)& & & & 计算机游戏机 (贸易)
6560004& & & & Toys and games, textile and paper (trade)& & & & 玩具和游戏器具,纺织品和纸制(贸易)
6560005& & & & Toys and games, rubber and plastic (trade)& & & & 玩具和游戏器具,橡胶和塑料制(贸易)
6560006& & & & Toys and games, wooden (trade)& & & & 游戏和玩具器具,木制的(贸易)
6560008& & & & Toys and games, remote controlled (trade)& & & & 游戏和玩具器具,可遥控的(贸易)
6560009& & & & Toys and games, outdoor (trade)& & & & 玩具和游戏器具,户外的(贸易)
6560010& & & & Toys, metal (trade)& & & & 玩具,金属的(贸易)


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