
今年早些时候,微软和 Salesforce 公布了一个
,当时外界并不看好他们之间的合作。但事实表明,两家公司都相当看重这一计划。今天在 Dreamforce 大会上,两家公司宣布 Windows Phone 版 Salesforce 应用将在 2015 年下半年发布,Office 会与 Salesforce 套件进行整合,而 OneDrive 也将在明年整合到 Salesforce 的产品中。
微软和 Salesforce 的产品整合计划让外界相当意外。Salesforce 早早就采用了软件即服务(SaaS)模式,而微软则在这一领域姗姗来迟。曾几何时,两家公司对相互间的产品整合
但为了增加收入,微软和 Salesforce 决定化敌为友,摒弃前嫌,共同开发对方现有用户群。微软将有机会向 Salesforce 提供更易用的产品,而 Salesforce 也可以借助于微软当前控制的较为保守的企业渠道,提升其 SaaS 产品销量。
具体而言,在 2015 年上半年,Salesforce 将在自家产品中整合面向企业客户的 Android 版和 iOS 版 Office、SharePoint 及 OneDrive。另外,在 2015 年前两个季度,Outlook 版 Salesforce 应用也将出货。2015 年下半年,Windows Phone 版 Salesforce 应用和 Excel 版 Salesforce 应用也将双双发布。
总体而言,Salesforce 会进入到微软整个生态系统的几乎每一个角落,全面实现两家公司产品的整合,最终在功能上达到协作性。至于这项产品整合工作的结果如何,还请我们拭目以待吧。(译:皓岳)Salesforce是什么意思_Salesforce在线翻译_Salesforce什么意思_Salesforce的意思_Salesforce的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
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SalesforceSalesforce 双语例句1. 1. They will act as your salesforce, but never demand a salary.&&&&他们将担任你们销售人员,但从未要求薪水。2. Microsoft, it is only now need to meet the Salesforce shareholders.&&&&而微软呢,只是需要满足Salesforce现在的股东。3. 3. Well, we may need to explore the acquisition of specific Salesforce who in the end the more favourable&&&&那么,我们可能需要具体探讨一下收购Salesforce到底对谁更有利?4. Salesforce`s vision, however, has been fluid.&&&&但是Salesforce的愿景并不是一成不变的。5. 5. LCP is making use of Kodak business development services to educate its salesforce in successfully selling digital printing products.&&&&LCP的是利用柯达的企业发展服务,教育其销售成功销售数码印刷产品。6. In November Salesforce. com, the largest SaaS firm, beat analysts` expectations, reporting sharply growing revenues and profits.&&&&在11月份的时候,SaaS 公司旗下的最大的网站突破了分析家的预测,发布了财务赢利和收益的信息。7. It was this experience & after working as an engineer at Microsoft (MSFT), in product strategy at Google, and then as head of the appexchange at salesforce.&&&&正是这一经历让我创作了《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)最畅销书籍《Facebook时代》(TheFacebookEra)。8. Salesforce8. Mark Suster joined GRP partners in 2007 as a general partner after selling his company to salesforce.&&&&MarkSuster2007年作为普通合伙人加入GRPPartners投资公司,此前他将自己的公司出售给了应用程序解决方案供应商。9. 9. Many companies may want to create simple applications to integrate with other SasS applications such as Salesforce or Zoho.&&&&很多公司都想创建简单的应用程序来与其他的SasS应用程序(比如Salesforce或Zoho)集成。10. The key with Japan Post: It's not using Salesforce. com's CRM applications.&&&&日本邮政的交易有一项关键之处:它没有使用的CRM应用。11. She set out to develop a comprehensive technology strategy, one that utilizes obvious tools such as Facebook and twitter, and also incorporates enterprise software from companies such as salesforce and SAP.&&&&&&因此她决定制订一个全面的科技战略,充分利用Facebook和Twitter等社交工具,同时整合Salesforce和SAP等公司的企业软件。12. Salesforce also provides many platform-specific services for managing users, accounts, roles, and data access.&&&&&&Salesforce还提供许多与平台相关的服务,用于管理用户、账户、角色和数据访问。13. 13. A workflow configures Salesforce to send a SOAP message to a preconfigured URL destination whenever data is created, updated, or deleted.&&&&&&工作流配置Salesforce来在数据被创建、更新或删除时随时发送SOAP消息到一个预先配置好的URL目标。14. 911查询·英语单词14. The derivatives trades could also giving shipping lines a useful benchmark for their salesforce to use, instead of simply undercutting other lines.&&&&&&衍生品交易也可能给班轮航运公司的销售团队一个有用的基准,而不再简单地提供低于其它公司的报价。15. In a similar manner, you can update data in Salesforce.&&&&&&用同样的方法,可以在Salesforce中更新数据。16. IF they use salesforce I ll pay you $50 more to make install it and change it to work like their old Pivotal crm.&&&&&&如果他们使用的销售人员我愿意付你50元以上,使安装和改变它的工作如旧匹维托。17. 17. In just the last month, enterprise giants including Oracle (orcl), salesforce (CRM) and now Microsoft (MSFT) have shelled out $ 2.25 billion forSocial business upstarts like vitrue, buddy media and yammer.&&&&&&从上个月以来,包括甲骨文(Oracle)、Salesforce和微软等科技巨头已经花了22.5亿美元用于收购Vitrue、BuddyMedia和Yammer等新兴社交软件公司。18. 911查询·英语单词18. Businesses can enable access to critical data, projects, or content through services like salesforce and roambi, Basecamp and yammer, or box, respectively.&&&&&&企业现在可以通过Salesforce、Roambi、Basecamp、Yammer或Box等服务来接入重要数据、项目或内容。19. Last May, burberry CEO Angela ahrendts flew to California from her London headquarters to introduce herself to an executive she thought could be critical to the future of her business: salesforce.&&&&&&去年五月,博柏利(Burberry)首席执行官安吉拉o艾伦茨从伦敦总部飞赴美国加州,去会见一位她认为对公司前途至关重要的人&他就是的首席执行官马克o贝尼奥夫。20. Benioff sketched a diagram of how Burberry could become a " social enterprise, " overlaying technology like salesforce (CRM), sap (SAP), twitter, and Facebook (FB) atop the entire company.&&&&&&贝尼奥夫在纸上画了一幅草图,向艾伦茨解释如何通过运用Salesforce、SAP、Twitter和Facebook等软件和社交网络工具把博柏利变成一家“社交型企业”。Salesforce是什么意思,Salesforce在线翻译,Salesforce什么意思,Salesforce的意思,Salesforce的翻译,Salesforce的解释,Salesforce的发音,Salesforce的同义词,Salesforce的反义词,Salesforce的例句,Salesforce的相关词组,Salesforce意思是什么,Salesforce怎么翻译,单词Salesforce是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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