
[zhù fáng gōng jī jīn]
housing fund
但从上可以看出,北京外资员工工资其实已经不算低了,特别是这里没有计算给员工的福利,特别是中国特有的housing fund(住房公积金)这项,一般外资是给员工工资收入的10%,有特好的企业,如HP等,给到20%,那就意味着员工工资的变相增加(注意这10%OR 20%都是免个人所得...
housing accumulation funds
...); work-related injury insurance(工伤保险);childbirth insurance(生育保险)housing accumulation funds(住房公积金)~想轻松背单词,来这儿:
Provident Fund
,如果从住房公积金(Provident Fund)是职工最基本的住房保障资金角度来考虑的话,公积金管理中心是不可能成为金融机构的。
housing provident fund
住房公积金(housing provident fund) 是我们常说的“五险一金”中很重要的那“一金”,由单位和个人每月按照一定的比例长期缴存,个人在购房时用住房公积金贷款可享受...
housing provident fund
Housing Provident Fund Credit
housing accumulation fund loan
the loan for housing accumulated fund
The Public Housing Fund Management
T Housing common reserve fund law enforcement
supplementary housing fund
the housing public accumulation fund collecting
The housing public accumulation fund collecting
urban housing provident fund
urban homad provident Marchd
housing accumulation
Public accumulation funds for urban housing
housing provident fund system
housing accumulation fund system
Housing provident fund system
reserved funds system
Housing Provident Fund Management
housing accumulation funds management
management of housing fund
housing public accumulation fund management
Discussion on Accumulation Fund for Purchasing Housing
housing accumulation fund
- 引用次数:139
The low-rent housing system, economical and suitable housing system and the housing accumulation fund system have played as an important function in resolving the town low-income residents’housing problem.
参考来源 -
housing provident fund
- 引用次数:57
The housing provident fund system still faces some problems.
参考来源 - 完善天津住房公积金制度的对策研究
housing common reserve fund
- 引用次数:15
Practices the housing common reserve fund system is the important content andthe center link of the cities housing system reform.
参考来源 -
housing fund
housing reserve
housing accumulation fund
- 引用次数:34
The chapter two mainly analyzing the realistic basis and the foundation of theory on housing accumulation fund system .
参考来源 -
housing public accumulation fund
- 引用次数:12
Housing public accumulation fund is a very important element in the process of housing system reform.
参考来源 - 我国住房公积金法律问题研究
housing provident fund
- 引用次数:9
To abolish the system of low-interest loans and establish fiscal discount, it declare fairness and original mind of housing provident fund system.
参考来源 - 对我国住房公积金法律制度的反思与重构
house fund
- 引用次数:3
In our country,the development of house fund manageinformation system is in the stage of beginning. In this paper,wemade a bold attempt in this area.
参考来源 - 网络环境下住房公积金管理信息系统的研究
the house accumulation funds
- 引用次数:1
参考来源 - 住房公积金会计账务系统的分析、设计与实现
The threshold of housing public accumulation funds in Beijing was raised.
We will strengthen oversight and management of social welfare funds such as social security funds and matching fund programs for housing and strictly prevent their misuse.
China raised the minimum income-tax threshold to 3500 yuan (USD 541) after pension, insurance and housing costs are deducted.
住房公积金是单位及其在职职工缴存的长期住房储金,是住房分配货币化、社会化和法制化的主要形式。住房公积金制度是国家法律规定的重要的住房社会保障制度,具有强制性、互助性、保障性。单位和职工个人必须依法履行缴存住房公积金的义务。 这里的单位包括国家机关、国有企业、城镇集体企业、外商投资企业、城镇私营企业及其他城镇企业、事业单位、民办非企业单位、社会团体。 日,住建部副部长齐骥表示,住建部正在联合各个部门,研究修订公积金条例工作中,放开个人提取公积金用于支付住房租金的规定。2013年部分城市出台办法,允许患有重大疾病的职工或其直系亲属提取公积金救急。
- 来自原声例句
公积金是什么意思 公积金在线翻译 公积金什么意思 公积金的意思 公积金的翻译 公积金的解释 公积金的发音 公积金的同义词
公积金 基本解释公积金[gōng jī jīn]词典public accumulation funds:公积金。词典:公积金。词典:公积金。词典common accumulation fund:公积金。词典:公积金。公积金 汉英大词典公积金[gōng jī jīn]publi
comm central provident fund公积金 网络解释1. 公积金1. provident fund:要解决美国人偏低甚至已是负值的储蓄问题,从理论上讲是一个比较棘手的难题. 但可以考虑带些强迫色彩的措施,比如在社会保障(SocialSecurity)计划之外再构建一套全国性的退休金计划. 在这方面,新加坡的公积金(ProvidentFund)是一个很值得借鉴的模式.2. accumulation fund:它也处理基本口粮(quota grain)、公积金(accumulation fund)与公益金(welfare fund)[1]的分配. 生产队拥有土地,小型的农机与其它农具. 在1978年人民公社制度解体之前,全国有52781个公社、690000个大队,以及4816000个生产队(中国社会科学院农村发展研究所,3. public accumulation funds, public reserve funds:公检法 public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts | 公积金public accumulation funds, public reserve funds | 公开喊价市场 open outcry markets4. publ public reserve funds:攻关计划the Program for Tackling Key Problems | 公积金publ public reserve funds | 公检法机关public security organs, procuratorial organs and people's courts公积金 双语例句1. 填妥之表格须於二零零五年八月二十日或之前送达或传真至财务处薪津及公积金组。&&&&The completed form should be sent by mail or fax () to the unit on or before 20th August 2005.2. 填妥之表格须於二零零六年八月二十一日或之前送达或传真至财务处薪津及公积金组。&&&&The completed form should be sent by mail or faxed () to the unit on or before 21st August 2006.3. 3. 第十五条外商投资企业必须以货币形式按时足额支付职工工资,每月至少支付一次,并为职工代扣、代缴个人所得税、社会保险费和住房公积金。&&&&Article 15 A foreign-funded enterprise must pay the employees cash wages in full amount and in a timely manner, at least once a month, and shall withhold and remit the individual income tax, social insurance premium and housing accumulation fund for the employees.4. 4. 工资(13个月/年)和工资结构(养老保险,医疗保险,住房公积金等),福利待遇(每季度福利金,上下班接送班车,手机费报销等)目前只有口头的承诺不变,多久不变?&&&&Salary (13 months) and salary structure endowment insurance, hospitalization insurance, housing allowance etc.5. 工资(13个月/年)和工资结构(养老保险,医疗保险,住房公积金等),福利待遇(每季度福利金,上下班接送班车,手机费报销等)目前只有口头的承诺不变,多久不变?&&&&Salary (13 months), salary structure endowment insurance, hospitalization insurance, housing allowance etc.6. 连续足额缴存公积金6个月以上的职工可使用住房公积金贷款。&&&&Full deposit fund for six months or more workers can use the housing accumulation fund loans.7. 第二十条单位应当按时、足额缴存住房公积金,不得逾期缴存或者少缴。&&&&Units should be on time and in full deposit housing accumulation fund shall be deposited in, or pay overdue.8. 为了防止骗贷,公积金中心之前制定借款人须建立住房公积金账户12个月以上,同时,足额正常缴存住房公积金12个月以上,且申请贷款时处于缴存状态才能贷款。&&&&In order to prevent骗贷, central provident fund the development of the borrower prior to the establishment of housing provident fund accounts to be 12 months above, At the same time, in full and normal housing provident fund deposit of 12 months or more, and apply for loans at a state can be deposited in the loan.9. 公积金贷款具有贷款利率低、减收办理贷款相关手续费、家庭各成员公积金计贷额度可合并使用等的优惠,故只要是及时足额缴纳公积金的职工,均应首先申请自己可以得到的最大额度、最长期限公积金贷款。&&&&Provident Fund loans with low loan interest rates, reduction in processing loans related charges, the family members of the provident fund of credit lines can be combined use of the concessions, so as long as they are promptly paid in the payment of provident fund and workers should first apply for the maximum amount they could be, the longest period of provident fund loans.10. 公积金贷款具有贷款利率低、减收办理贷款相关手续费、家庭各成员公积金计贷额度可合并使用等的优惠,故只要是及时足额缴纳公积金的职工,均应首先申请自己所可以得到的最大额度、最长期限的公积金贷款。&&&&Provident Fund loans with low loan interest rates, reduction in processing loans related charges, the family members of the provident fund of credit lines can be combined use of the concessions, so as long as they are promptly paid in the payment of provident fund and workers should first apply for their maximum amount available, the longest period of provident fund loans.11. 11. 几天前,来自建设部,辽宁省建设厅和北京,上海,重庆等20多个城市的公积金管理中心负责人聚集在大连,在住房制度改革资金的综合业务管理系统,交流讨论会。&&&&&&A few days ago, from the Ministry of Construction, Liaoning Provincial Department of Construction, and Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and so on more than 20 cities in the provident fund management center in charge of people gathered in Dalian, on housing reform funds integrated business management system to exchange seminar.12. 对于工资的管理,根据需要主要有11项设定:基本工资、岗位工资、浮动工资、交通补贴、伙食补贴、住房补贴、失业保险、医疗保险、养老保险、公积金、奖金。&&&&&&For wage management, according to the needs there mainly are have 11 set: basic wages, job wages, floating wages, transportation subsidies, food subsidies, housing subsidies, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, pension insurance, provident fund and bonus.13. 那么该提案把钱存在公积金局,直到75岁也行不通了。&&&&&&The proposal to leave the money with EPF until 75, is also not viable.14. 没有钱?公积金局和社险局有大把。&&&&&&No money? EPF and Socso got plenty.15. 的问题:在2004年申请缓缴住房公积金单位的政策是如何?&&&&&&Question: in 2004 for application for holdover of housing accumulation fund unit`s policy is like?16. 16. 参加A、B计划的会员公积金医疗专户存款,可视转入地区社会保险有关政策的规定,作相应的转移。&&&&&&The savings on members` medical care accounts of Program A or B, can be transferred correspondingly referring to regulations in relevant policies of social insurance in the place where he works.17. 譬如,将中国的接受捐赠资产、债权人豁免的债务、外币资本折算差额等资本公积金项目,在韩国作为特别利益或者营业外损益处理,而且将股权投资准备和拨款转入等项目在韩国作为资本调整项目处理;将韩国的减资差益和自己股票处理利益,在中国则还没有具体明确的规定及相关的明细科目。&&&&&&China has the accepted donated property, the gain on exemption of debts, the balance of foreign capital item, but they dispose the special profit and loss in Korea. Other China's the prepare of stockholder investment and the allocated fund dispose the capital adjustment in Korea. The Korea's the gain on capital reduction and the gain on disposition of treasure stock have no detail item in China.18. 18. 为员工办理入职/离职、社保、公积金、综合保险等手续&&&&&&Handle hiring/ exit procedure, Social Insurance, etc. for employees.19. 银行个人住宅贷款年利率为5.58%,月均还款额为878.75元,累计偿还本息58950元,要比公积金贷款多支付利息1656元。&&&&&&Bank personal loan interest rate of 5.58% residential, both on the repayment amount 878.75 million, plus reimbursement of 58, 950 yuan, more than provident fund loans pay interest 1, 656 yuan.20. 以6年期为例:公积金贷款年利率为4.59%,月均还款额795.75元,累计偿还本息57294元。&&&&&&To six years, for example: Provident Fund loans to 4.59% per annum, are also on the amount of 795.75 billion yuan, plus reimbursement of 57294 million.公积金是什么意思,公积金在线翻译,公积金什么意思,公积金的意思,公积金的翻译,公积金的解释,公积金的发音,公积金的同义词,公积金的反义词,公积金的例句,公积金的相关词组,公积金意思是什么,公积金怎么翻译,单词公积金是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 [五险一金]用英语怎么说
14:37:24  来源:国际在线论坛  编辑:陆熙尧   
  “五险一金”就是五个保险一个公积金,所以英语也很直白的将其表述为:five insurance, one fund
  eg: The benefits in our company are very generous: a regular salary, plus five insurance, one fund and extra health care benefits.
  养老保险 Endowment Insurance
  医疗保险 Medical Insurance
  失业保险 Unemployment Insurance
  工伤保险 Work Injury Insurance
  生育保险 MaternityInsurance
  住房公积金 HousingAccumulationFunds(沪江英语)
词汇点滴v&& 14:33:30v&& 14:31:00v&& 10:27:07v&& 10:05:50v&& 10:01:55v&& 10:52:50
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