
自动止盈止损 为您看盘自动交易
&& 了解什么是自动交易?
&&&&&&& 自动交易首先来源于外汇自动交易,外汇自动交易是随着近年来计算机技术的高速发展和互联网的高度普及应运而生的一种自动交易投资方式。
&&&&&&& 目前,外汇自动交易在国外还是一项新兴的事物,在中国,更是如此。目前国外最成熟的自动交易平台是由以色列Tradency公司研发的fx-auto外汇自动交易平台。而在我们国内,由借鉴国外自动交易的精髓,在此基础上添加一些创新性的交易规则而研发的《》,这是一项革命性突破,弥补了国内证券交易市场的严重缺陷,解决了用户无法实时盯盘、错过交易机会、由于心理因素导致交易亏损等因素带来的困扰,可以说SNB是您最忠实的操盘手,操作纪律严明,严格按照您的操作意图进行自动买入或者卖出。不生病、不迟到、不早退、不开小差,而且更重要的是不会提加薪要求。解决您工作没时间盯盘、操盘的困扰,您只需预先做好您的交易计划,而您的计划就交给SNB去执行!
&&&&&&& SNB是国内第一款的以无人监视自动交易为核心的新兴股票类工具软件,是国内证券自动化交易的一次革命。也是国内第一款专为弥补国内股市不完善及不健全而研发。其实用、稳定、高效、快捷的软件特点受到了广大用户的好评!
&&&&&&& SNB,即《SNB股票自动交易伴侣》软件的简称,也叫SNB股票自动交易软件或SNB股票自动交易系统。
&&&&&&& SNB是一款帮助股民进行自动盯盘,风险控制,移动止损止盈,条件化交易,波段获利,资金管理,自动下单的自动交易类炒股软件,搭配券商提供的交易软件来使用。适用于国内所有开户券商。用于进行股票A/B、权证、开放式基金、港股等操作。实现盲点获利,智能化证券交易、多账户监视等。有效提高盈利,控制风险。
Automated trading is based on a computer software program that automatically executes trades on behalf of a trader aligned with parameters established by the individual. Large institutional traders, including hedge funds, rely on automation for much of their trading. Automated trading takes an algorithm that is created based on criteria customized by the user and trades accordingly. It can be applied to multiple asset classes, including stocks, options, futures contracts, and foreign exchange products.
Traders who rely on automation must determine the limits and opportunities that the program should respond to. Parameters include setting entry and exit points, profit targets, technical indicators, price patterns, and more. These conditions serve as instructions to the computer to determine precise points of entry and exit into and out of a market. It works for a trader even when he is not directly watching the markets.
The benefits of automated trading can be far reaching, an automated trading program can operate around the clock. This makes it possible for a trader based in the US who wants to trade European securities, which are traded at a five-hour time difference, to walk away from the computer and rest. Automated trades are also executed much more quickly than is humanly possible.
One of the pitfalls of human trading is a tendency to be emotional. When traders allow emotions to interfere with a buy or sell decision, they may exit a trade too soon because of fear or remain in a position for too long due to greed or euphoria. Automated trading removes the threat of trading based on feelings.
Investors do not have to develop their own systems and strategies for automated trading. Vendors sell complete trading systems and signals that a user can incorporate into his or her own program. The most reputable of these vendors do not make unrealistic claims to investors, for instance promising returns of 1,000% in a year. Even after purchasing a trading system, traders must be knowledgeable about the markets to spot potential errors that may occur.
There are some risks associated with automation as well. Computer programs cannot replace human judgment. Traders may want to consider applying automated trading to only the more routine trading tasks rather than relying on the system to perform 100% of buy and sell orders. It may take time to develop and prove a trading system that works, but by practicing and testing trading strategies, investors can increase the chances for success.
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