
科普类文章翻译中英语长句翻译策略——以orphans no more and blood ivory翻译为例,长句吧,长短句吧,长短句,稼轩长短句,英语长句,长句变短句,英语长句分析,长句吧贴吧,个性签名长句
科普类文章翻译中英语长句翻译策略——以orphans no more and blood ivory翻译为例
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添加方式2.搜索微信号ikekenet添加即可。我08年开始学习赖世雄英语,到现在为止,入门篇已经学到26课,以后每学一课,就会上来汇报一声,有志同道合的朋友一起学吧。  时间表:3月学完入门;10月学完初级;10年6月学完中级;10年9月学完高级。  
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good  but now i am studying NCE2 and 3  
  入门篇 lesson26 At the Doctor's
  lesson 27 At the zoo 1
   lesson 27 At the zoo 2  
  lesson 28 going to the movies 1
  lesson 28 goingto the movies 2
  lesson 91 computers .我学习的方法也简单介绍下:跟着MP3去朗读课文,跟读Bruce至少五遍,再自己读,达到对这篇短文脱口而出,下来至少要读20遍。再跟读赖老师的讲解。
  人在澳洲,之前有2次都中途断了,就很难再接上了。这次因为工作等等的原因从新挑战!希望大家共勉之,因基础不牢固,所以从头学起。  Lesson 1 Greetings
  一起床就学了Lesson 2 Courtesy
  lesson 29 Job Interviews 1
  lesson 29 Job Interviews 2  
  Lesson 3 Name,Age and Nationality
  lesson 29 Job Interviews 3    第30课没有音频,这本书全部学完,3月底前复习入门篇29课
  Lesson 4 Introductions
  It is a very budy day.所以只复习了28、29课
  Lesson 5 Occupations
  Lesson 6 Time
  今天学炒外汇搞得晚了点,呵呵,Lesson 7 Day and Date
  复习26课,开始学习初级 lesson 2 Nice to meet you
  Lesson 8 Weather & Revise Lesson 1
  复习25课,开始学习初级 lesson 3 My family
  Lesson 9 &10 Telephone Conversation Ⅰ&Ⅱ
  Lesson 11 Telehone Conversation Ⅲ,按照这样的速度4月十号就能搞定这本书了,加油啊
  lesson 24 at the airport
  Lesson 12 Buying Things
  Lesson 13 At the Restaurant  最近有点不舒服,说实话,是以前的话可能现在都要开始偷懒了。不过现在用这个方法的话就会觉得不好意思去偷懒,怪不得很多书上都说减肥的话最好要跟大家表态,宣布,原理应该是一样的吧
  上来看看,看到大家还在坚持,很欣慰。大家继续,坚持到底,就能走遍说英语的国家了。  lesson97 By Taxi   lesson98 Where to , lady?      坚持,学英语的过程中不只是英语进步了,并且还增加了我的自信心,对生活的信心,重要的是心情很愉快。
  Lesson 14 At the Clothing Store是啊,大家都要坚持,不希望最后哪个先坚持不下去了,拼搏到最后,肯定会有收获的!
  发现了一个问题,不知道大家发现了没有。  我听了很多赖老师的讲解部分有一个读音想求证一下是不正确,还是我听的不清楚。  赖老师有许多单词的复数形式在读音标[s],[z]时读的不太准确。  例如,congradulations. travelers 这样的复数形式发音时最后的字母s要发成[z]的读音。因为字母末尾是浊辅音。  而我听赖老师读的好像都是清辅音[s]。    大家谁是否也注意到这个问题了?交流一下。
  今天学习了101课 Who discovered America?  102课 The Same First Name.  大家加油,我现在基本是一天两课。大概每天花2--3个小时吧。
  Lesson 15 At the Department Store  Lesson 16 At the Shoe Store  Lesson 17 At the Bookstore
  初级 lesson 5 tony and his family  复习 入门 lesson 22 booking an airline ticket
  复习入门 lesson 21 changing money
  喜欢赖老师的日式英语,据他本人说的,他的英语老师是日据时代的老师,发音都是那个样子     It is a book
衣(重音)多衣日哦不和    That is a desk
  复习入门 lesson 20 checking into a hotel  学习初级 lesson 6 is this your dog?
  Lesson 18 Taking a Taxi  Lesson 19 Booking a Room
  复习入门 lesson 19 booking a room  学习初级 lesson 7 tony and tina
  最近特别忙  学习了初级8-11  复习入门29
  入门完成了,今天学完初级的Lesson 1 Self Introduction
  Lesson 7 Tony and Tina  如果是以前的话可能到现在都放弃了,呵呵。不过现在还好,总感觉如果没继续学下去的话就会很不舒服,有种责任感会去约束自己的懒惰,大家加油吧。希望我不是最先放弃的那个,总之,付出一定会有回报的。
  Lesson 14 why are you smiling?  Why are you smiling?  I’m thinking abut school.  Why does that make you smile?  Because there is no school tomorrow.  Oh , I see.  Now you’re smiling, too!    Smile at : look! The girl is smiling at you.  Think about:  Make sb do sth. 叫某人做某事  Father makes me clean his bike every Sunday.    Lesson 15 Mrs.lee’s kitchen  There are mice in mrs.lee’s kitchen! There is a mouse on the kitchen table. There is a mouse behind the stove. There’re mice next to the refrigerator, under the sink and inside the cupboard!  why isn’t mrs lee’s cat catching the mice? Because it’s in a tree. It’s staring at rover with fear and shaking like a leaf.    Stare vi 盯,注视 常与 at并用 表示 盯着  Fear n 害怕、恐惧  Shake vi. 抖动  Leaf
叶子  Behind 在。。后面
stove 炉子  next to
电冰箱  under
洗碗槽  inside
cupboard橱柜    lesson 16 where are my keys?  Where are my keys?  I don’t know. Are they on the dresser?  No. they aren’t.  Are they under the bed?  No. oh, here they (代词) are.  Where?  In my pocket.    Dresser 化妆台  Bill is sitting to the right of mary.  Why isn’t she washing the dishes(盘子)?  There is trash can (垃圾筒) next to the refrigerator.  
  Lesson 1 Self Introduction  My name is Robert.My friends call me Bob.I am twenty years old.I am Chinese. I com from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two older brothers. We are not rich,But we are a happy family.  Point:  1.Give me a call or Call me
给我打电话  2.Chinese
a.中国人的 n.中国人  I am a C I am Chinese  3.people 表“人们”时,只做复数  T three people   一个人时,
one person    Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You  Hi! My name is Mike.  Hi! I’m Nancy, Nice to meet you.  Nice to meet you ,too.  Where are you from?  I’m from Shanghai.And you?  I’m from Chicago.  Point:  Hi! There
嗨,你好    Lesson 3 My Family  My father is a teacher. He works during the day. My mother is a nurse. She works at night. They only see each other on the weekends.  My brothers, my sister and I don’t work. We are students. Because my parents have to work, we do the housework. But we never complain.  Point:  1.2个人之间的彼此为 each other  3个人之间为 one another  They love one another.  2. Don’t complain about life  3.must 义务或责任上的“必须”;have to 有“强制”或“非做不可”的意味。    Lesson 4 what do you do ?  What do you do , jenny?  I’m a secretary,and you?  I’m a construction worker.  Do you like you work?  Yes, I do . how about you?  Well, I want to be an actress    The building is under construction.    Lesson 5 tony and his family  I have a good friend. His name is tony. He has an older sister. Her name is tina. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wang. Tony also has a dog, its name is rover.  The wangs are my neighbors. We live on the same street. The wangs are very nice. I am luckly because the wangs are such good neighbors.    Such :如此的,那样的。  Also:也,置 于动词前,be动词或助动词后   Too 放在句尾,前加“,”  Bob is my teacher and he is also my friend.  The Wangs
王氏一家人    Lesson 6  Is this your dog?  Yes, it is ,why?  Well ,your dog chases my cat.  Oh , I’m sorry  Please keep your dog on a leash    Leash:系狗的皮带。Keep: 保持(一种状态)    Lesson 7 tony and tina  Tony and tina are very different. Tony likes music tina doesn’t. tony is an athelete. Tina isn’t  On the other hand, tina likes movies, but tony doesn’t. she is a good student, but he isn’t   Tony and tina are brother and sister, but are they alike? No, they aren’t. they’re very different.    Alike:相同的,相似的,用此单词时,不可置于名词前。主词是复数,2个以上  John and peter are alike in many ways.    Lesson 8 do you speak Spanish?  Do you speak Spanish?  No, I don’t.  Does he speak Spanish(西班牙语)?  Yes ,he does  Is he from spain?  No, he isn’t he’s from mexico(墨西哥)    Lesson 9 a busy family  It’s a busy day at the wangs’ house. Mr.wang is fixing his bike. Mrs. Wang is writing a letter. Tina is reading a book. Tony is exercising.  Eve the dog is busy. It’s chasing a cat, the cat is running for its life.  The wangs are busy,but they’re having fun.    Have fun 玩的愉快。  Exercise: vi. 运动, even: adv.甚至  Fun :n. 乐趣    Lesson 10 what are you doing?  Bob are talking on the telephone.  Hi, bob. What are you doing?  I’m watching TV. How about you?  I’m doing my home work.  You are a good studeng, betty.    Baseball 棒球。    Lesson 11 my foreign classmates  There are several foreign students in my class. John is American. He’s from the united states. Laura is Spanish. She’s from spain.  Chen and huang are Chinese but they are not from china. They’re from Malaysia. They’re overseas Chinese  We’re from different countries, but we all get along well.    Schoolmate :同校同学  场所的副词短词放在句尾。  Chinese 单复数相同。There are three Chinese.  Get along 相处  All :3个以上,we all get along well.  2个,用both. He and I both like you.    Lesson 12 where’s chen from?  Where’s chen from  He’s from Malaysia.  Really? He looks Chinese.  As a matter of fact, he is Chinese. But he really is from Malaysia.    Look 看起来,后接形容词  As a matter of fact=in fact    Lesson 13 nobody is at home  Nobody is at home at the wangs house. Mr.wang is working in his office. Mrs. Wang is shopping at the supermarket. Tony is sitting on the bus. He’s on his way to the gym. Tina is studying at the library.  Rover is not at home, either. It’s running around the neightborhood. It’s not chasing mrs.lee’s cat, it’s chasing mrs.lee!    Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧  It’s a piece of cake 简单的很  At 在建筑物附近at the station  In 强调在建筑物里面  In the car on the bus  Either:也,用于否定句中。 Too用于肯定句中  Rover is not at home, either  On sb’s way to
往。。。。的路上。  I’m on my way to school.  Shop为不及物动词,之后不接宾语。需介词for  She is shopping for a new dress.  
  入门 29-23课  初级美国英语入门篇    29 Job Interviews  Tell me ,Mr.Wang.Why do you want to join our company?  It has a good reputation  Do you have any work experience?  Not much .But I am willing to learn.  Why did you quit your last job?  I think I’ll have a better future with your company.    Do you have any questions?  Yes .Will I have to work overtime?  Sometimes.  How about holidays?  After a year,you’ll get an annual leave of 7 days.  And is there a year-end bonus?  That depents.If you work hard and the company makes money,you’ll get one.  That sounds fair.    Why did you resign from your last job?  感观动词后+形容词或like 名词  Her hair feels like silk. The boy looks shy.  Let’s join them in singing the song.  The music sounds beautiful.  Join sb in doing sth.加某人做某事。  He’s unwilling to work in his father’s company.  My doctor told me to quit (give up) smoking.戒除  You should carve out a bright future by working hard.
创造  He visits me sometimes(on occasion,occasionally,every now and then)  The soldiers are on leave (休假中)  They are on holiday(on vacation)in hawaii. 度假中  Make a living by
earn a living by 靠….维生  He makes a living by drinking taxi.    28 Going to the movies  Can I have two tickets for Titanic,please?  For what time?  The 9:30 p.m show,please.  I’m afraid it’s full,How about the midnight show.  That’ll be fine.Can I have our seats up front,please?  Sure.That’ll be twenty dollars,please.    Where were you last night?  I was at the movies.I went to see Titanic.  How was it ?  It was fantastic.The main actor and actress really did a good job.  Sounds like it was a very good movie  You can say that again    Watch a movie. See a movie. Take in a movie.  Be full of ,the house is full of people.  Be sold out
.the ticket for the movies have been sold out.  Can I have a seat in the back(near/by the aisle,on the right/left side),please.  That’ll be money 一共多少钱  That’ll be twenty in all(in total)  When will the new film be on?  Lead actor
lead actress  Sound like +主+动
听起来好像。    27 At the zoo  Can I take a picture with the lion,Dad?  Sure.But don’t go to near the cage.  I’ll standing behind the railing.  Ok.Are you ready? Say “Cheese”  Cheese!  That’s a good one   Lions are beautiful, aren’t they?  They sure are .After all, the lion is “king of the beasts.”    Wow! Look at the elephant. It’s gigantic!  It sure is .  Can I feed it ?  No.There’s a no feeding sign over there.  Poor elephant  There aren’t many elephant left in the world,are there?  People kill them for their tusks.Now they are an endangered species.  Man sometimes behaves worse than animal.    Take a picture with.. of 拍某人/物 for 替某人拍  Be ready to +动词 are you ready to go home?  Be ready for +动词 they are ready for the final exams.  反问句 let +其他人作宾语,反问句用 will you  Let him go ,will you?  Let’s go home,shall we.  Look at , take a look at , have a look at.  Just a new hand  Left 为 leave 演变的形容词,表示“剩下来的”置于名词之后  I have no money left.  Pipe 烟斗 ivory 象牙材料的   the pipe is made of ivory.  单复同形的 fish sheep deer buffalo 水牛  Antolop
羚羊 punish 动 处罚  Behave oneself 守规矩  Behave yourself ,or you will be punished.  Behave well 行为良好  John behave well in school.    26 At the Doctor’s  Doctor, I think I have the flu.  Do you have a cough, too.  No. Not really.  Do you have a sore throat?  A little. But I have a bit of a fever.  OK. Let me have a look.    Open you mouth and say ,”AH…”  Ah…  Yes, it’s quite serious. I think you need a shot.  Is it going to hurt?  Don’t worry. It’ll soon be over.  Ouch!  Ok. It’s done. Also, take these pills 3 times a day after meals.  Ok. Thanks, doctor Bye.    Have a cold. Catch a cold catch cold  Have a headache 头痛  Have a toothache 牙痛  Have a stomachache 胃痛  相当地 由弱到强  Faily quite rather very extremely  Give sb a shot give sb an injection 给某人打针  Take /get a shot
take/get an injection 接受打针  Hurt 无宾语为疼痛,有宾语为“伤害”  My fingers hurt. Nobody will hurt you.  Worry about worried(担心的) be worried about.  Well all wory about you very much.  We are worried about you very much  吃药 take 喝汤: 喝饮、咖啡、牛奶:drink  The magazine is published (出版)once a month.  My little sister likes to eat between meals (零食)    25 At the post office  I’d like to register this letter, please.  Where to ?  Los Angeles.  Ok. Let me weigh it .That’ll be three dollars,please.  Here you are .Do I have to fill out a form?  No, Just give me your name, address and telephone number.    I’d like to send this by air mail, please.  Is it a birthday card?  Yes. Why do you ask?  Cards are cheaper than letters.  Oh! Really?  You can’t seal the enevelope ,though.  Ok How much for the stamps?  Two dollars    Register:n 挂号邮寄 ;weigh: vt 称。。。重量。  Send:寄,发出;seal: 动 密封  Envelope:n 信封  Though:副 不过,然而  A in the post office  I’m getting out of here. Where to ? out for some fresh air.  Would you please+动词?可不可以请你  Would you please do me a favor.  Fill out a form. Fill in a form. 填写表格  Please fill out/in this form in detail.  Detail:细目,in detail:详细地  By air mail. By sea mail. By regular(平常的) mail.  By registered mail 寄挂号  By special delivery(n投递)=  by express(vt快运) delivery  mail a letter=send a letter=post a letter.  Though:作副词,表示“不过,然而”放句尾  Can I borrow your bike? Yes,you can. Don’t break it ,though.  作连词:表示“虽然”  Though he is nice. I don’t like him.      24 At the airport II  Please fill out these tags and attach them to your suitcases,then put them on the scale  Ok  I’m afraid your suitcases are overweight, you have to pay an excess baggage charge.  How much will that be   Let me see ten dollars  That’s not too bad.    Here is your ticket .The baggage claim stubs are attached on them.  Thanks  Here is your boarding pass.you board at gate 12.  Ok, is that all?  No, please wait here till your luggage goes through the x-ray machine.  Ok.  Have a nice flight.    Tag 标签
attach 系、固定
scale 秤   overweight
excess 额外的  Underweight 过轻的  Claim 对某事物的要求权,所有权。  Stub 存根  Boarding pass 登机证  Board,动词 登上(飞机、船等)  Till=until 直到  Fill out/fill in 填写  Attach A to B 把A系到B上  He attaches the string(绳子) to his kite.(风筝)  I’m afraid + that +主语+动词 恐怕。。。  I’m afraid (that) it is going to rain this afternoon  Have to 被勉强不得不的意味  Must 除上述意义外,尚有首先上不得不然的意  What a shame (遗憾)  Flight 251 for singarpore is now boarding at gate 10  Go through
通过。。。。  She is afraid to go through dark alleys(小巷)at night    23 at the airport I  This is the arrival lounge.  I know. Where’s the departure lounge?  Come ,follow me   There! The check-in counter are over ther.  Don’t we have to pay the airport tax first?  No we pay it after we check in.    Good morning. May I have your passport please?  Here you are.  Smoking or non-smoking?  Non-smoking   Aisle or windows seat?  Windows seat ,please  Do you have any luggage to check in?  Yes .this is my carry-on luggage and I’ll check in these two suitcases.    Lounge 大厅 counter 柜台 tax
税   aisle 过道
随身携带的  arrival n 到达  arrive at +地点 the hotel
arrive in +地方 beijing  where can I find the bathroom(洗手间)  over there/over here right over there/right over here  right 还可以用来强调介词短语,而over则不可  there is a beautiful fountain(喷泉) right in the middle of the park.  英文中两个动词在一个句子时,必须有连接词连接。但go 和 come以原形动词出现时,早可将其后连接词 and 活力,直接加另一个动词  They singand dance happily day after day.  Please go buy me a newspaper  When you have time, come visit me.  Pay +money +for..付钱买。。。  Pay
sb. +money +for..  I will not pay one hundred dollars for the toy.  She pays me a lot of money for doing this work.  First 可置于句首或句尾,first of all 只能置于句首。  May I have your attention,please? The plane will take off(起飞、升空) in five minutes.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke during the flight. Thanks for your copperation.(合作)  A piece of luggage/baggage two pieces of luggage  A lot of luggage  Trash garbage rubbish 垃圾  
  赖老师说,慢就是快,我一天一天慢慢 学
  Lesson 17 my hometown  My hometown is not very modern, but it’s beautiful. There is a big park in the center of my hometown. There is also a swimming pool there. It is next to the park . my school is across from the swimming pool. They are all near my home. In fact, there is no place like my hometown.    Center 中央,中心点  In the center of ….在。。。的中央位置  Swimming pool 游泳池  Across 横越  Across from
  Lesson 18
Is it near the train station  Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the train station,please?  Sure,It’s only three blocks down the street.  Is it near the post office?  No. It’s next to the fire station(消防队).  Oh, I see, thanks.  You’re welcome.    Can you show me the way to the train station.  Could you show me the way to the train station.  Block 街道 路口与路口之间的距离  Down 朝。。。而下,沿着(街道)  不客气:don’t mention it , not at all  
  Lesson 19 I have two friends  I have two friends. One is short, and the other is tall.  My short friend is fat ,bold and ugly,but his girlfriend is beautiful. My tall friend is handsome(英俊的), intelligent(聪明的)and strong, but his girlfriend is ugly.  One more thing. My short friend is rich, but my tall friend is poor.    One… the other
一个。。。另一个  Polite 礼貌的 hardworking 工作努力的 musician 音乐家 healthy
健康的  successful 成功的
自私的  boring 令人生厌的  
  lesson 20 she is beautiful  wow! Who is that lady next to bob? She’s pretty.  Do you really think so?  Sure. Look at her lovely blond hair and blue eyes.  You’re right. She is beautiful.  Well. Who is she?  She’s my mother.    College student
大学生  One more 再来一个 can I have one more cup of coffee?  Two more 再来俩个 can I have two more cups of coffee?  
  oops,,, that professional guy with some sort of clicking sound in his voice? what a blessing for LZ here..
  22 booking an airline ticket   Hi! My name is john lin ,I’d like to book a flight to rome,please.  Do you wish to fly first class, business or economy?  Economy.  Date of departure?  July 4th  Ok you’re booked on flight number cx167.it departs at 11:15 AM    Japan airlines. Can I help you?  Yes I’m peter lai .I’d like to reserve a round –trip ticket to paris ,please.  Which class? And for when?  B for this Sunday.  One moment ,please.ok I”ve booked you on flight number 007.it departs at 5:30 PM  Please call back on Friday to reconfirm.  Ok your confirmation code number is xe3849   Thank you.    A one-way ticket 单程  A round-trip ticket 来回机票  Departure n 离开,flight number 航班号  Reconfirm vt 离开  Confirmation n 确认  Wish to / hope to
想要。。。。。  Abroad 副 在国外  Date of birth 出生年月日  Birthday 出生日期不包括年份  Depart for + 地方 出发/动身前往某地  The train departs on schedule every morning.  On schedule 按时  Mr. wang will depart for hongkong tomorrow.  at: 确切的时间或时刻  at ten / at noon/ at night/ at midnight  in: 年、月、季节、上下午及晚上  in 2000/ in march/ in spring/ in the morning/in the afternoon/ in the night.  On: 日期或星期几 on july 4/ on Christmas/ on Sunday  I have to go to church(教堂) on Sunday  How much is it for a round-trip ticket to los angeles?  I will buy a one-way ticket to new york because I don’t intend to return.  
  Lesson 22 Do you want to dance?  Hello, do you want to dance?  No, thanks.  Do you want a drink?  No, thank you.  What do you want?  I just want you to go away.    Want to +动词原形 想要。。。。  Want+名词
要。。。。  Want sb to do sth
要某人做某事  He wants me to mail the letter for him.  Drink 酒  Have/want/get a drink 喝一杯(酒)    Lesson 23 the book is mine  This is my English book. It belongs to me. It is mine. That is your English book. It belongs to you. It is yours. Those books aren’t ours. They belong to those boys over there. They are theirs. Why do we all have different books?
Because we belong to different classes.  形容词性所有格
his/her/its  名词性所有格
mine yours
his/hers/its    形容词性所有格
their  名词性所有格
theirs  Belong to
属于    Lesson 24 it’s mine  Whose test paper is this?  It’s mine, ma’am  And whose test paper is this?  It’s tony’s, ma’am.  And why are your answers exactly the same as his?  Because tony has eyes in the back of his head.    Test paper 测试卷  Answer 答案  Exactly 完全地  A is the same as B
A和B相同,same 前加the  The same 前加 exactly\ much\ about\  Exactly the same 完全相同  Much the same
很相同  About the same
大致相同   In the back of…..
  学习英语没有意思啊,谁能带动我学习呢??郁闷中 我想学可是不知道怎么学啊
  Lesson 25
my father  My father does the same thing every morning. He gets up at six o’clock. He washes, brushes his teeth and combs his hair. Then, he puts on his clothes and eats breakfast. At six-thirty he listens to the news on the radio. At exactly seven o’clock he leaves the house. My father has very regular(有规律的) habits(习惯).    不可数:some clothes
many clothes  A pair of trousers
two pairs of trousers  A pair of shots
two pairs of shots  可数:shirt(衬衫)
blouse(女人的圆领衬衫)  Coat(西装的上装)
skirt (裙子)  Suit(男、女西装)
dress(女用服装(一件式)  He wakes up (醒来)at six every morning.  He rises(起来) at six every morning.  About nine
around nine(大约九点)    Lesson 26
he usually plays tennis  What do you usually do on Sundays?  I usually go for a walk in the mountains.  Does your husband go with you?  No. he doesn’t.  What does he do?  He usually plays tennis.    On Sunday 这个星期天 on Sundays 每逢星期天  Go for a walk =take a walk 散步  Let’s go for a walk in the countryside(乡下) tomorrow。  
  lesson 27
Jack and His Dog  jack seldom gets together with his friends. He usually stays at home with his pet dog,,Lucky. They sometimes go for long walks in the park. Although jack is often alone, he is never lonely. He always tells his friends that a dog is man’s best friend    seldom :很少 频率动词放在动词前,BE动词后  get together 在一起,pet 宠物  go for a walk,go for a stoll(n散步)散步  take a walk, take a stroll. 散步  alone:独自的
lonely:寂寞的  man 前加”a”指男人,不加指人类    lesson 28 I always walk  how do you go to school, judy?  I usually take a bus, but sometimes I ride my bicycle. What about you?  I live near our school, so I always walk.  You’re lucky.  Take a bus, take a train, take a taxi 乘汽车、火车、出租车  Rarely:很少的  I live for away from our school.    Lesson 29
poor dick  There are holes in dicks shoes. He needs new shoes. Dick doesn’t want cheap shoes. He wants expensive shoes, but he is looking for one, but he isn’t having any luck. No one wants to give him a job because his shoes have holes in them. Poor dick!    How many pairs of shoes do you have?  The price is high.  Luck:名词,幸运    Lesson 30 money doesn’t grow on trees.  Mother, can you buy me a new bike?  No,sam. I can’t  But all my friends have new bicycles.  You can ride their bikes.  Why can’t I have a new bike?  Because money doesn’t grow on trees.    Buy sb sth
buy sth for sb 买某物给某人  I ‘ll buy him a watch.
I’ll buy a watch for him.  两个都 both  Both my parents like music.  三个以上用 all  All my friends have new bikes.  代词开头的all 和both 放在代词之后  they all like music.  All
my friends like music.  Master 精通    Lesson 31
poor Amy  Amy can’t pay this month’s rent. She needs some help. Unfortunately, none of her friends can help her. They don’t have any money, either. Poor amy is really depressed. She has no money, and the landlord is knocking at the door. Amy is very nervous. She shouts,”no one is home!”    Pay付钱,  it’s your turn to pay the bill 该你付账单了  rent房租
不幸的是  none of 没有一个,三个以上的没有,后接复数或单数动词  none of them is(are) happy.  Neither 两个的没有 ,后接单数动词  Neither of my parents likes music  really 真正地 depressed 沮丧的,难过的 landlord 房东
敲门 shout 高呼,大喊  I have a house for rent
我有人房子出租  calm down 冷静下来  
  lesson 32 coins for the phone  hi, connie! Do you have any change?  What for?  I want some coins for the pay phone.  I see. Here you are.  Thank you  You’re welcome.    Change :零钱(不可数)  Much:许多的,接不可数名词  How much money do you have?  Any 后接可数或不可数名词,用于否定句或疑问句  Some:后接可数或不可数名词,用于肯定句  What for =why  Do you need any help? He doesn’t need any help.  He needs some help.  Pay phone:投币电话    Lesson 33
she wants to wear something formal  Judy is looking for something nice to waer for a job interview. She wants to wear something formal. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have anything except casual clothes. Judy is worried. She has nothing suitable to wear, so she puts on her best casual clothes. She goes to the interview. Guess what? Judy gets the job!    Interview:n 面试; formal 正式的; except 除。。。之外;
casual :休闲的 casual clothes 休闲装  Worried :a 忧虑的,焦急的;
suitable:适合的  Wear 持续的穿着,put on
穿上的动作。  Something(用于肯定句中)/anything(用于否定句中)/nothing(本身具有否定意味,不可再与否定句连用) 形容词置于这些代词之后。  I have something important to tell you.  I don’t have anything important to tell you.  I have nothing important to tell you.    Lesson 34
let’s go to a disco  Hi ,paula! What are you doing?  Nothing special.  Let’s do something together.  Do you have anything in mind.  Let’s go to a disco.  Great! Can your hadsome brother come, too?    Special:a 特别的;mind:n 头脑、心里  Have…in mind
心里想着的。。。  Do you have anybody in mind for the job?  这工作你心里有任何人选没有?  Disco:n 迪斯科舞厅  Hamdsome:a 英俊的    Lesson 35
there’s little food  Fred’s having a party, but he is very embarrassed. There are many people at this party, but there’s very little food. There’s very little meat. There isn’t much rice, either. There are only a few cans of coke and a little orange juice. However, everyone is happy at the party because there’s plenty of beer.    Embarrassed: a 困窘的,不好意思的  Meat:肉;
coke:可乐  Juice :n 果汁
plenty: 介词 充分够多  Plenty of …很多的,不少的。后接可数或不可数名词  接可数名词  Few: 有少数,没几个; 否定意味  A few  有几个; 肯定意味  Several :数个,意思接近a few,但可能数比之稍多  Many
许多个   He has few friends. I have a few friends.  She has many friends.  接不可数:  Little 很少,没多少 否定意味  A little  有一点  肯定意味  Much
许多 用于否定句中  He has little money. He has a little money   He doesn’t have much money.  接可数和不可数名词的  Some
一些  A lot of ( lots of ) 许多的  Plenty of
不少的,相当多的  He has some friends/ money.  He has a lot of (lots of )friends/money.  He has plenty of friends/money.    Lesson 36
a lot of bills  Do you have any (用在疑问句或否定句)money with you?  Not much . why?  I need to borrow some  What’s the matter?  I have a lot of bills to pay this month.  Borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物  Can I borrow a pen from you?  What’ the matter with you?  What’s wrong with you?  
  Lesson 42  Are you having fun?  How often do you go camping?  This is my first time.  Really? Are you having fun?  Yes. I’m having a wonderful time.    How often do you do sth.  How often do you visit your grandparents?  Have fun / hav a good time./  have a great time/have a lot of fun
玩的愉快  Have fun in doing sth
做…很愉快  Go mountain climbing
爬山    Lesson 43
killing two birds with one stone  Dan must take a day off tomorrow. He has to take care of his sick mother. He ought to talk to his boss, but he’s afraid. His boss might get angry with him. What should Dan do ? he can take the work home. This way, he can kill two birds with one stone.    Take a day (two days ) off 请一天假,请两天假  The day after tomorrow 后天  The day before yesterday 前天  Take care of /look after 照顾  Ought to do sth=should do sth 应该。。。。  Be afraid to do sth 害怕。。。  Get angry with sb.
生某人的气  Get
强调动作刹那间的发生;   be 强调持续的状态  this way 以这种方式,这样的话  might 也许,大概  take sb or sth to someplace  please take me to the station.  He can take the work home.  I由于“home”副词,相当于表示场所的副词 there here等,置于句尾修饰动词时,这些副词之前不能加to.  II home之前置所有格代词(如my,your)则home是名词,可加to  Let’s go to my home.  III home可与介词at并用,be at home 在家中。  He is at home most of the time    Lesson 44
she had a bad cold  Where were you yesterday?  I was at home. In fact, I was taking care of sally.  What’s wrong with her?  She had a bad cold.  Is she getting better?  Yes thanks.  Be getting better (病渐渐好起来)  
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