
Mobile apps quickly becoming financial services' biggest asset
译者:计瑾 原文来源:
原作:Lahary Ravuri
投资管理公司Lord Abbett通过自己开发的app ——Lord Abbett Perspectives——提供即时的经济消息和投资分析,其提供服务所需的时间也大大缩短。该公司目前能够按月更新信息,而不是之前按季更新,使得职员和顾客的交流更加频繁,也使得双方联系更加紧密,建立了更深的客户忠诚度。
Trust in the financial sector - or lack thereof - is a big issue for one of the world's most vital sectors. Seventy percent of Americans agree with the statement, "most people on Wall Street would be willing to break the law if they believed they could make a lot of money and get away with it."
Fifty-two percent of Americans with smartphones and bank accounts use mobile banking and finance apps to check balances, complete transactions, and explore service or product options. The financial services industry can leverage the rise of mobile to improve their client interactions and build loyalty.
In a recent Accenture study, 81 percent of business leaders surveyed state that apps are integral to their organization and 85 percent believe that they will be a dominant interface of the future. Mobile apps can help financial services increase productivity and improve the client experience - great assets for an industry battling shifting perspectives.
Unlock your existing content
Financial services organizations coordinate and manage incalculable pieces of information. It can be incredibly time consuming to integrate materials into a complete digital experience without a platform for seamless content distribution. A company can shorten the burden of rollout and compliance and move the company into the future by integrating into a single content management system that spans all digital platforms. An entire marketing portfolio can feed the multiple access points of users with customized, relevant and timely experiences via web, smartphone or tablet.
Static messaging is now replaced with interactive engagement and valuable digital features. Utilizing push notifications brings a user into the app more often - a vital component of retention. Messages let clients know the bank or investment company is ahead of their needs. Deep links within an app take users directly to the right web based content. Immediate access to contacting financial advisors or customer care connects a company to the client in a powerful relationship.
Access, convenience and layers of functionality all work together. The many features that are available through multi-layered apps help clients feel constantly connected to one of the most important aspects of life - their money.
The benefits apply internally, too. Sales meetings become interactive with the addition of photo and video to bring products and possibilities to life. Proven and tested sales templates are accessible to every person in the field. Streamlined enrollment and sales procedures increase efficiency and productivity. Captured customer data is more secure and everything from new product and service releases to crisis management can be in the right people's hands, quickly.
The days of bankers hours are over. The days of hiding behind counters are over. Clients want access. The entire gamut of digital possibilities can be utilized to influence and strengthen client/banker and client/advisor relations.
Build and leverage for success
When a solution leverages existing in-house talent production time shortens from months down to weeks. When digital is controlled in house, the house wins. Let's take a look at some real-world examples from financial services companies.
Insurance company Pacific Life found that the non-linear conversations between clients and advisors were better supported through visual navigation done within a custom app versus multiple brochures and an extensive paper trail. No matter where the client wanted to go with their financial conversation, the app made it easy for the advisor to respond and inform and served as an efficient marketing tool that empowered team members throughout consultation.
Utilizing an app for sales meetings helped steer conversation and drive sales with interesting product and service descriptions that utilized image, video, and direct enrollment. Pacific Life has had so much success with the app they have continued to invest in apps directed by internal sales and marketing teams.
Investment management firm Lord Abbett provides timely economic updates and investment insights through its app, Lord Abbett Perspectives. Moving control in house accelerated production time by an astounding 50 percent. Lord Abbett can now update monthly instead of quarterly, allowing employees to engage with customers more often, drawing stronger connections and deeper loyalty.
Educating customers and increasing sales can both be part of a cross-platform campaign that is fully integrated and optimized to produce results. Proven, trusted methods of investment, retirement and wealth management carry even more legitimacy for a company willing to differentiate itself in the field and provide a more customized experience. Accomplishing this with a seamless cross-platform solution means prototyping faster, updating more often, receiving insights more quickly, and adapting on a dime.
Trust in the future
Using digital extends the value of the content available and creates a stronger connection both to clients and employees. And let's face it, that's exactly what everyone wants. Information, access and transparency through an app is the ideal platform for financial companies that want a piece of the future.
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  话说笔者本人,有个比兄弟还亲的好友自己开了个厂,经营有方,效益也不错,别人办企业老缺钱,在我的印象中,他确曾没闹过钱荒。出于好奇,有次聊起问他“不差钱”的奥秘。  他很是得意地告诉我,自开厂以来外聘了一位 “律师顾问”为工厂日常经营保驾护航。而刚好请到的这位顾问很给力,不仅专业过硬,资源人脉也颇广泛。  在我的既往印象里,律师顾问一般是请来解决公司在日常经营发展的过程中遇到的各种法律问题,也包括处理实际业务交易中存在的法律风险。那么他能跟工厂“不差钱”产生什么关联?这点我有些纳闷了。  见我不解的样子,老兄先开口了,原来他也遇到过难处:“办厂子哪有不缺钱的,有时遇到强买方还没付全款,供应商又屁股后面追着要钱。我也很焦灼,不办厂时觉得老子生活挺好,这办厂了经常被几分钱难倒啊。”  没想到这一窘境竟被貌似不太相干的律师顾问给轻松化解了。他的解决方案是:通过微连接APP提交工厂融资需求,找到与其匹配的资金渠道。据说后来有一家专门做应收账款融资的商业保理公司找到老兄联系对接,没有繁多手续和层层审批,很快放款解决了工厂短期资金缺口问题,而且资金价格也比较合理。反正老兄满意就是了。  他继续说道:“后面跟这家保理打交道就比较多了。厂子不定期会有资金需求,虽然融资期挺短的,但他们价格也合理。一年下来融个几回,能帮厂子盘活不少现金流,这样我们能接的单子更多了,好几个项目并行也不会出现资金周转不灵的问题。确实帮了大忙。”  直到这时,我才似有所悟……  像老兄请到的这位律师顾问,首先由于自身的职业属性,有着比一般人更加广泛丰富的人脉、社会资源。他在给老兄提供合作服务的同时,并没有局限于其本身单一的业务范畴,而是急企业之所急,想企业之所需,通过解决紧要的资金问题丰富了其服务老兄工厂的维度。这令老兄对其大加赞赏。  再者,中国本就是个讲究人情往来的社会,老兄通过这位顾问解决了眼前难题,并因此触达到一条新的可信任的资金渠道,心中自有感激,无形中也维系加固了两位的合作关系。以后有更多的业务拓展需要、朋友问询当然会第一时间想到推荐这位律师解决。
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正事多 家具配送安装维修售后接单派单APP
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& &&&正事多智能商务的理念;一切的线上,只为更好的服务于线下现实中的我们& &&&核心功能;智能.商务.管理.通讯.交易.AR.定位导航.考勤.接单.免费转账.转发红包.原笔迹签字 & &&&智能商务社交,AR增强模拟指导学习管理、接订单原笔迹签收,定位家人,员工考勤打卡,企业派单,适合多行业多模式订单交易,适合正规企业、正规职业的企业或个人& &&&一、“正事多”智能商务的功能& &&&多种订单合同模式,适合100多个行业的线上线下订单交易方式& &&&1.通讯定位:定位家人、员工、上下班GPS定位打卡签单,列表定位显示、聊天& &&&2.学习培训:VR/AR增强虚拟现实培训视频、AR直播在线模拟指导,签到积累经验,级别越高,开放功能越多。& &&&3.VR\AR\AI:增强智能系统资源,接口,智能硬件产品控制对接,软件定制开发& &&&4.商务功能:智能商务管理、企业管理、交易管理、转账、接单派单、贸易销售& &&&5.求救功能:一键向附近发出求解信号& &&&6.导航功能:相互导航,地点导航,导航找人& &&&7.交易功能:每个人都有自己的专业,针对各人专业直接交易下单接单& &&&8.推广营销:通过激励刺激模式,鼓励转发,让你的营销传播的远,而久& &&&二、“正事多”智能商务适合哪些专业行业& &&&1.租车代驾:可选择附近“车型”或“司机”在线议价,商务代驾出差,专车接送客户,出租公司,汽车租赁企业定制功能& &&&2.技工师傅:家政保洁、上门洗车、家电维修、开锁,搬家公司,美容美甲、快递外卖、找各类师傅、技师、安装师傅、维修师傅,油漆木工师傅(家具维修www .)& &&&3.装修建材:家具、木门、地板、灯饰建材销售,装修设计施工,泥工、木工、油漆工各种专业安装工、维修工、养护、环保翻新施工www .& &&&4.物流货运:仓储、提货、配送、找货车& &&&5.二手交易:二手车、二手电脑手机、二手家具、二手办公& &&&6.出租租赁:租房、租车、租工具等& &&&7.服务外包:代理记账、劳务派遣、应急跑腿,网络外包,售后外包等& &&&8.应急服务:临时找工人、施工员、技师,发单员、搬运工临时工、应急服务,跑腿排队& &&&三、“正事多”智能商务的“开放”商业机会& &&&加盟代理政策(日前有效)+任务业绩& &&&1、一线城市代理:保证金:50w(可退)利润分红50%& &&&2、二线城市代理:保证金:30w(可退)利润分红40%& &&&3、三线城市代理:保证金:20w(可退)利润分红30%& &&&4、四线城市代理:保证金:10w(可退)利润分红20%& &&&5、五线城市代理:保证金:5w(可退)利润分红10%& &&&收益1:保证金年化利率1.88%& &&&收益2:区域内利息分红30%& &&&收益3:区域内广告代理收益& &&&收益4:区域内转发红包分成& &&&收益5:区域内AR资源收益分成& &&&收益6:区域内下载资源分成& &&&收益7:区域内业绩奖励& &&&收益8:各大模块资源分成等& &&&四、成为关注达人有奖励,市场、时间、机会有限& &&&1、粉丝量达到10000人,即可获得5线城市代理权,转发红包收益增加10%& &&&2、粉丝量达到100000人,即可获得4线城市代理权,转发红包收益增加20%& &&&3、粉丝量达到1000000人,即可获得4线城市代理权,转发红包收益增加300%& &&&4、粉丝量达到人,即可获得4线城市代理权,转发红包收益增加50%& &&&5、粉丝量达到人,即可获得4线城市代理权,转发红包收益增加100% & &&&& &
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