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如今腕带类的可穿戴设备大量出现在市场上。Galaxy Gear和Pebble等智能手表,让我们在手臂上就能够完成发送电子邮件、短信和打开应用等工作。而 UP24等智能腕带,则能够记录我们每天的运动信息。如今,一个新的智能腕带产品,让我们见识到,原来这种产品还能这么用。Woodenshark在Kickstarter上推出了一个名为TapTap的腕带产品。该设备只有一个&按键&,它能够通过蓝牙与智能手机进行匹配,并且能够与另外一个TapTap设备进行连接。例如,一对情侣之间都佩戴了TapTap,若男方远在千里之外,当女方思念远方的男友时,只需轻轻拍打TapTap,男方的TapTap就会进行震动,传达女友的想念之情。智能腕带+手势操控,取代传统的短信来传达你的感情,这个产品的理念确实很浪漫,它在使用者之间建立了一种特殊的暗号。此前互联网上出现了多种沟通人与人的服务,例如各种社交服务、图片分享服务等,但是这种以软硬结合的方式来帮助用户进行沟通的产品,并不多见。功能强大的TapTap然而TapTap的功能远不止如此,Woodenshark的创始人Mit Gorilovsky表示,这个产品还能够用做其他设备的控制器。你可以将TapTap看成是一个只有一个按键的控制器,玩过拳击游戏的用户都知道,你可以通过一些简单的手势来操控游戏。TapTap中的加速度感应器、陀螺仪和电容感应器能够监测到用户手部的动作,从而实现游戏控制。例如,当用户的手机有了来电,而用户不想接听电话时,他就可以通过一个动作来挂断电话,而无需将手机从口袋中掏出来。TapTap还推出了一个API,让第三方游戏开发人员使用,他们可以通过这个API让自己的游戏支持TapTap的手势控制。另外,TapTap监测到的数据还能够与RunKeeper和Shadow等应用进行共享,让用户监控自己的睡眠质量。另外,TapTap还能够控制智能家居等物联网设备。Gorilovsky创造了一种IFTTT支持技术,目前这种技术可以用来控制飞利浦的Hue智能灯泡。目前TapTap正在Kickstarter上进行众筹融资,他们的融资目标为13万美元。该设备的预售价格为每部130美元,预计会在明年4月正式发售。
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Includes 100 Steam Achievements
Title: Tap Tap Infinity
Genre: , , , ,
Release Date: 26 Jun, 2015
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About This Game
Monsters are attacking! Click to defeat them, save the village! Love Clicker/Incremental games? Inspired by Clicker Heroes, Tap Tap Infinity takes things to the next level with tactical Hero and Spell upgrades, an XP/Rank system, an unfolding story, fancy-pants 3d monsters and environments, endless gameplay, cross-platform cloud syncing and awesome graphics. Super-simple to play ... but with more strategic depth if you want it!
Level up your Heroes so that they farm gold and search for the fabled Infinity Tokens, even while you're not playing! Earn XP by defeating monsters and clearing levels to unlock mighty Spells and gain a DPS bonus per Rank! Get to a high enough Rank and Ascend over and over to gain double the DPS bonus per Rank each Ascension.
Find the Tokens of Infinity and trade them to the Guardians to unlock Powers. With 16 different Powers to choose from you can customize the game to play how *you* want it. 'Go Infinite' to restart at level 1 but with your Infinity Tokens multiplying your DPS so you can reach further and further into the game as you try to ultimately defeat 'The Master' !
Tap Tap Infinity is free to play and incredibly easy to get into:
★ Click monsters to kill them and collect their gold.
★ Hire the beaten Boss monsters to help you do extra damage as you level them up.
★ Your Heroes earn gold for you while you're not playing, even if the game is closed.
★ Find Valor Points and use them to Upgrade your Heroes, doubling how powerful their Skills are!
★ Gain XP and unlock Spells to auto-click, do more damage or even skip instantly between Boss levels!
★ Find Infinity Tokens to start all over again but with a permanent boost to your DPS.
★ Trade Infinity Tokens to The Guardians of Infinity for Powers that customize the game play or use them to upgrade Spells to make them more powerful.
★ Save your game to the cloud and keep playing on mobile!
The game is already live on
(4.5/5 star rating) and
(4.4/5 star rating). Looking to discuss the game or check in with the TTI community? Check out the subreddit:
Tap Tap Infinity was built by Scary Bee LLC, a one-man coffee-fueled indie game studio in Seattle.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
Processor: 1Ghz or faster processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Storage: 200 MB available space
Processor: 1Ghz or faster processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Storage: 200 MB available space
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ap Infinity
The game doesnt work anymore.it was nice while it lasted but now its unplayable, every time i lunch it my mouse is forced into the center of the screen.After complaining at the forums i was told its the result of using autoclicker wich i never used and therewasnt any fix or solution since then.so basicly you can one day stop being able to play it, i cant recommend a game like that.
dis game has da best graphics evar, the story line is very clear too
I've been playing a lot of these types of games lately and they can take some time to start becoming fun. This game took about 2 weeks to start picking up speed. A lot of the game's features involve the &reset game with a bonus& mechanic that a lot of games use (FPS, Warframe, Payday etc). This forces you to lose all your stats but makes you stronger on the next attempt.To play this game, don't stare at it! Set it up the best you can (use &Chompy& or better) and then close the game and let it run on its own. The next time you run it you will see all the progress since you last played.If you like this game, you might also like &Clicker Heroes,& &Time Clickers& and &AdVenture Capitalist.& Happy gaming!
Incremental madness at its best. If you are looking to spend some hundred hours, start the download. ;)
This is basically a kid-friendly version of Clicker Heros.
This game is basically your typical clicker game.I do have to say, though, that it is able to stand our from others quite well.It has a very basic story which, even despite its simplicity, I can appreciate.It's 3D, which makes the game look a lot more unique from most of the other 2D clicker games.Only complaint is the music, which is a very short loop, gets repetitive VERY fast and can be annoying to listen to.So, in conclusion, if you're looking for a few hours to kill I suggest trying this one out.
I've been playing a lot of these types of games lately and they can take some time to start becoming fun. This game took about 2 weeks to start picking up speed. A lot of the game's features involve the &reset game with a bonus& mechanic that a lot of games use (FPS, Warframe, Payday etc). This forces you to lose all your stats but makes you stronger on the next attempt.To play this game, don't stare at it! Set it up the best you can (use &Chompy& or better) and then close the game and let it run on its own. The next time you run it you will see all the progress since you last played.If you like this game, you might also like &Clicker Heroes,& &Time Clickers& and &AdVenture Capitalist.& Happy gaming!
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This is basically a kid-friendly version of Clicker Heros.
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ap Infinity
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1 to 1 the same as Clicker Heroes, they didnt even bother changing the layout with the Level at the top, it's exactly the same copy-pasted with slightly different art. At least make something different...
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Clicker Heroes rip off, nothing inventive enough that would actually make me play the game.EDIT: I never expected anyone would read my review, let alone respond to it. The reason I write a review is so that I know if I liked the game or not. Anyway, due to the comments received, I'll explain my negative review a bit more.I dislike the GUI, it's colours and mechanics.I dislike the graphics.I now see there's a story in there, but this is not a type of game I would play for it's story.And since I've already played Clicker Heroes for a while, I'm not willing to start a new game that offers almost the same experience as the Clicker Heroes themselves, unless it offers something new and exciting.If the game suddenly becomes interesting at a later point in the game, I don't think I'm willing to play that far.
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Took only 820 hours to unlock all the achievements.
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9 people found this review funny
EXACTLY the same mechanics as Clicker Heroes. Every level has 10 Monsters, every 5 levels you will get a boss, After you level a hero to level 200 you will get multipliers every 25 levels. And so on...The only difference is how the game looks.
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At least it CAN be finished...I've played some clickers up to this moment, and I can admit, Tap Tap Infinity is not the most original, or breath-catching of them. In fact, I even agree with the point that it looks so much like &Cliker Heroes& title. Only better.Let's just say about clickers in general: they are little games with tendency to keep on going, like, forever. The good side of those games, as I see it, is that you can leave the clicker game going, and even close the game window, and yet it will be playing - for you. All clicker games are about numbers - you starting with 1 coin, then, after 1 hour, you're operating millions, then you learning about googoles... and bigger numbers. At some point, I bet, the Graham number can be achieved through some clicker game...So! As I thought when first started some clickers, the process is easy enough - you start the game, making first moves (clicks), and then you go to your business, and the game running itself forward, making some achievements with numbers on its way. Funny thing, but only Tap Tap Infinity was good enough in that. All other clickers after some point getting more and more deserving for your time, to the point where you'll be mindlessly clicking the mouse all day long. All - but not Tap Tap Infinity! Yeah, despite the name. Getting controversial here...With some latest addons, it become one of the most fanciest clickers I've met. It is more stable, and more fair than &Clicker Heroes&, where you just can't beat the latest levels normally. All big numbers are messed up in your precious &Clicker Heroes&, dear fans, and I really can't even feel sorrow for you, if you still climbing to the upper levels, but not able to achieve them!Okay, let's summarise: Tap Tap Infinity is your standard clicker game, one of those which I actually can recommend to play if you're wandering what's it is all about. Although if you want all 100 achievements, be prepared to spend dozens of hours on that (I was playing offline mostly, so don't think it is as fast as 14 hours to beat the game). And, besides time, which is still more precious than all those clicker games, to start with... If you still want to try a piece, don't play it with your best mouse (the one which is worth more than 10$). Clicker games are made for killing touchscreens and mouses, keep that in mind.My mark will be 6/10. Almost a normal game, and free-ware! But really, better play something more mind-catching.
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I enjoyed Clicker Heroes. I put a few months into the game. As of posting this, I have every achievement in the game (and on steam) except for 3400 and 3600. I'm on my final run, just passing 3260. I expect to be done with this game completely very soon. What clicker game will I play next?Tap Tap Infinity is definitely my choice. When I saw that Clicker Heroes was nearing its end for me, I downloaded Tap Tap Infinity, Time Clickers, and Crusaders of the Lost Idols all on the same night. Each of my clicker games had its own quadrant on my screen (best night of my life if you ask me). This kept going on for maybe a day, then I closed down CotLI. I'll get back to it in the future, but it's too slow paced for my liking.Time Clickers and Tap Tap Infinity were the 2 remaining. After browsing and considering every achievement, every upgrade, and every aspect of the game in general, I decided to stick with Tap Tap Infinity. Clicker Heroes got stale after 97% of the achievements, Crusaders of the Lost Idols is too slow, and Time Clickers is just too damn massive. Thousands and thousands of time cube upgrades. Weapon cubes weren't even near my horizon. Tap Tap Infinity has just the right amount of content, a well-balanced fairness to it regarding gems especially, and you progress pretty quickly, which is ideal for an incremental game. Also praise the left/right mouse clicking!If you've played Cookie Clicker, AdVenture Capitalist, or Clicker Heroes and you enjoyed it at least a little bit, try this one out. If you like it, great! If you don't, you lose nothing.
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More tedious and less addictive than clicker heroes.
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View mobile websiteTap Tap Infinity《拇指英雄》攻略 玩法详解
搞趣小编为大家带来Tap Tap Infinity拇指英雄攻略玩法详解,在拇指英雄游戏中要挑战不同的敌人来获得大量的金币然后去升级,下面小编就来教大家其玩法,希望这篇对有在玩Tap Tap Infinity游戏的小伙伴们有所帮助。在游戏之中我们首先要知道我们应该怎样才能够战胜对手,在游戏中是分为两种模式的每一种模式的过关方法都不一样,具体都有怎样的区别呢?1、计时赛,在计时赛里面我们会面对一个boss,boss的血量会非常的多我们需要在规定的时间之内击败boss我们当前这一关才算通过我们才可以进入下一关,在boss战中我们就需要非常快速的来点击只有这样我们才能够顺利的过关。2、车轮赛,在车轮赛中我们要面对10个敌人的挑战,我们击败当前一个后就会进入下一个只有连续击败10个我们才能够算是游戏胜利通过关卡的考验进入到下一关,不过车轮赛有一个好处就是不会限定过关的时间,所以这一点上让难度还是小很多的。当我们通过关卡的考验或者通过当前关卡的时候我们有可能会遇到宝箱,我们遇到宝箱之后我们只需要像之前遇到敌人那样将宝箱的血量打空这样宝箱就会打开我们就能够获得大量的金钱奖励以及其他的一些奖励。当我们有了足够的金币之后我们不要忘记我们还可以升级我们的攻击力的以及购买相应的装备,这些都能够大大的提升我们的战斗能力让我们更加迅速的过关,挑战更多的敌人,所以玩家一定不要忘记在有了钱之后去升级我们的能力。整个游戏的流程和玩法大致就是上面说的那么多我们在游戏中只需要注意两种模式的敌人我们需要怎么样去应付就能够顺利的通过整个游戏了,另外再注意升级和装备方面的细节,希望上面的文章能够帮助到玩家更好地去玩这款游戏。
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