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张 家 口 各区
Grape industry characteristics. Zhuolu
County viticulture has a long history of 500
years, the county grape acreage totaled 10.6
million, annual output of more than one
hundred million kg. Deep processing of
grapes in recent years, the county gradually
expand the scale, continuous development of
new products. County have been completed and
seven wine grape production enterprise
(profit insurance company, Hualong company
Pearl Spa Tuen companies, insurance
companies and Weimaraner岱利public company
benefits Qibao Company, East庄昌Lung small
companies), the comprehensive production
capacity of up to 15,000 tons, can be
processed into more than 3000 million
kilograms of grapes. Grape seasonal sales
throughout the county each year, sales of
fresh storage, processing each one-third of
wine grapes. Wine has developed &West
Village& brand, &Sanggan& brand dry red, dry
white wine series, and national wine experts
to be identified by consumers, the current
good momentum of development.
杏扁special industries.杏扁the development of
the whole county area to 52 hectares, of
which entered the挂果period there were 25
million mu, almond normal year more than 200
million kilograms of production, the main
export products, foreign exchange earned
through exports. Zhuolu County, the county
has been completed and a letter Hui
Industrial & Trade Co., Ltd., Nuts Food Co.,
Ltd., Forest Products Development Center,
three leading enterprises to develop a five
series over 10 varieties of deep processed
products杏扁,杏扁annual production capacity of
processing enterprises to reach 1.2 million
kilograms. Trade and Industry Bureau in the
country registered the &deer god card&
trademarks, product successfully into the
Hong Kong and Beijing supermarket.
Vegetable industry characteristics. Around
the &vegetables in Beijing,& the focus of
playing the &wrong quarter& and &Green&,
&free& three cards, the establishment of the
agricultural information network center, the
quality of agricultural products and
agricultural Kemao Monitoring Center Service
Center, registered the &DDD &brand vegetable
trademarks, county area of 3.5 million mu of
vegetables. Simplot Company in cooperation
with the construction of a reservoir of
fresh vegetables, three libraries, so that
further extend the industry chain of
vegetables, features industry-long begun to
take shape.
Livestock and poultry industry
characteristics. Zhuolu livestock is a
traditional industries, but also farmers an
important way to increase income. HONG Yang
Xin together throughout the county to dairy
companies, the county animal products
marketing companies, food companies and
breeders of livestock and poultry plants as
a leader, &the middle class, Canada and sell
the& through-train industry has been showing
a prototype chain. Various types of
specialized households throughout the county
up to 3226 breeding, feeding livestock and
poultry farms throughout the county
accounted for 26% of feeding volume.
Hongjiadu room have been completed, DONG HA,
West Fort area, such as dairy farming and
sheep straw demonstration area 12, in which
dairy farming district 10, 500 more than 1,
200 more than two, milk station completed 6
months, new developments in dairy county
3300 to nearly 10,000, the development of
Small Tail Han Sheep 180000. Housing
Hongjiadu Dong dairy farming area and
breeding area Housing imported equipment,
built a modern milking hall and Mengniu
Dairy Group, has signed an agreement for
milk, dairy farming has become a new bright
spot of the farmers income.
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