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出门在外也不愁Professional Presentations in 24* hours
24Slides is a professional presentation design service. We create presentations from scratch or re-design them. We work with PowerPoint, Keynote or Prezi.
Turnaround is calculated from when the brief is approved until the first draft is delivered. Expect a larger turnaround than 24 hours with presentations above 20 slides.
How it works
Submit your order
Approval of order
Delivery and payment
The first step is to fill out a simple form with the information we need, such as your preferred style and colors. You'll get an instant quote based on the number of slides you need. We keep your content 100% confidential.
Once we've received your order, we'll go through the information you provided and ask any clarifying questions. Next, we'll approve your order and start designing your presentation right away.
Payment is made after you've approved all slides. Once we've finished your presentation, we'll ask you to review it. When you're satisfied, you approve the slides, and download your new presentation.
89% of our customers love 24Slides
After every order, a customer is asked to rate their experience and possibly leave a comment. We study these ratings to help us improve. Every customer interaction is an opportunity to get better. The ultimate goal is 100% happiness.
Durgesh Chorpa
I like the motion on the slide...very good.
Can you change the color of the funnel...its too grayish...some thing thats more eye catching.
Also some gradient on the water droplets...not just plain blue, thanks
Bjarne Eldhuset
Great work!
No new visual created on 1st revision as requested
Presentation design in 24 hours or more
What we do
Amazing presentation design-guaranteed fast, convenient and at minimal cost. We are currently 30 people in the team, most of whom are presentation designers.
Why we are here
Businesses are filled with great minds. You're probably here because you are one of those! But what is an idea, a plan or any kind of message worth without it being effectively communicated to your target audience?
Millions of dollars are wasted everyday because of awful presentations (). We're here because we want to change all that.
You're the expert we're the expert on how we can visualise that to make most impact. Combined together, we are the perfect match to take full advantage of the potential of your content in your presentations.
Why choose 24Slides?
1. You will be in the hands of only best in the industry.
2. You will be working with a
at heart and self-taught PowerPoint experts. Not the reverse!
3. You will discover that our price is unbeatable and our quality is unparalleled (starting from $8/slide).
4. You will enjoy how incredibly fast and convenient it is to make an order ().
We have 3 types of presentation design treatments
1. Brushup / formatting
This is the simplest makeover we offer. In most cases, you should choose this treatment if your content is 100% fixed i.e. your texts, diagrams, models and graphs are already all in there and they look, well, "average". In this case, we will format your existing slides to make them look super professional and turn them from mediocre to awesome. It's the last 20%. In this service, we are not designing anything from scratch. You can say that we paint the walls, clean up and rearrange so everything is perfectly aligned.
2. Redesign / design
This is the most popular treatment. We will recreate the elements, diagrams, and graphs. The starting point is usually slides that are either just text and sketches or drafts of what you're looking for. We will keep the structure but redesign elements. You could say this is a complete makeover where we replace old furniture with new ones and rearrange them to make them look better.
3. Reconcept / redraw
This treatment is when you want us to think of how to best convey a certain message. An example could be that you would like a process diagram with 5 steps. We will then come up with something based on that and the content. You might also have a sketch in hand or an image in mind you would like us to convert into PowerPoint. You could say this is the "Feng Shui" treatment of presentation design where we challenge how things should look.
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