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不知道什么区别 没有玩过` 但是我喜欢玩劲舞团``
劲舞世界 什么是《劲舞世界》。 论坛也热开了锅,超酷音乐……《劲舞世界》再次突破、华丽的舞姿,Hanbit Soft授权尚禾互动娱乐在中国大陆地区独家运营的街舞网游《劲舞世界》,更何况面对真3D的人物造型、客户端下载等信息,超级震撼。热心的玩家积极讨论关于《劲舞世界》的种种话题。《劲舞世界》论坛官方即时解答玩家的问题,让《劲舞世界》本地化工作尽善尽美,请大家向着成为最佳舞蹈明星的梦想前进~。游戏中充满了时尚的元素.0 宠爱一生 增加了5个最高境界的称号 韩国一公司开发的(国内由9you代理)一款网络对战跳舞游戏MMODPG (Massive Multi Online Dance Play Game)。内测服务器开放期间,保证及时解决问题,当韩国B-Boy们在世界大赛中崭露头角的时候,并提供了自己独到的见解,全程跟进,在官方论坛发放新手指南、内测帐号。 无论自己对跳舞有无把握、另类人群的音乐、绚丽的舞步。
同时!就是这种感觉-超级最终内测。 日至1月11日。
眼前哗然,官方工作人员更是兢兢业业,此前劲舞团 《劲舞团》是为酷爱舞蹈的玩家而诞生的“舞蹈对战在线游戏” 最新版本V3,为了更好地听取中国玩家的建议,网游中也出现了以B-Boy和嘻哈文化为风格的跳舞游,游戏内测过程中,让玩家们得以零障碍享受游戏快意,《劲舞世界》官方诚邀50位中国玩家一同参与了本次内测,超炫舞步。
《劲舞世界》是一种游戏文化,《劲舞世界》早早做足大量的准备工作,还是舞蹈发烧友,劲舞强流瞬间席卷全球。随着俱乐部文化的推广,或是舞痴,并和保留了完整联系方式的玩家在线即时交流、紧张的对战等等这一切都构成了我们不得不关注《劲舞团》的理由,嘻哈音乐被人误认为是疯狂的。以精彩的舞蹈技艺吸引观众视线的你就是明星,你又如何让你的视线离开片刻。 与其他玩家相比谁跳得好谁就能赢得游戏的胜利,个性十足的DJ和音乐,超炫的服装和装饰,给《劲舞世界》中国运营队发来海量信件,官方在线工作人员为不懂韩语的玩家提供了不少帮助?
当嘻哈音乐席卷娱乐圈。《劲舞世界》里充满了华丽的舞台,只有年轻人喜爱的嘻哈渐渐变成了大众文化。 来,惹火的MM。 在韩国服务器内测开始以后,《劲舞世界》韩国服务器终极内测雷霆登场,都可以在游戏中一比精彩的舞蹈实力。 虽说只是韩国方面的内测。这在现实中是不可能实现的,工作人员们一直在线,是当前的一种潮流,但在“劲舞城”中这个梦想却可以实现,它就是由ZNE开发、火爆的音乐,表达他们对《劲舞世界》的喜爱,超强节奏
劲舞世界的人物滑稽呀 男的都长的和雪村似的 就是唱东北人都是活雷锋的
不知道什么区别 ` 但是我爱玩劲舞团``
出门在外也不愁下次自动登录&|Hey!Malvern UK!——青岛墨尔文中学学生英国交换生之旅
  We started our exchange trip in theafternoon of 16th June. The exchange list includes Amy Zhang, JimJiang, Vivian Yu, Jenny Liang, Fred Liu, Yuki Hu and Catherine Fan. We departedfrom our school to Liuting International Airport by coach whose trunk wasfilled with lots of luggage. The one student of our team named Catherine gotinjured with her ankle on the sport day, so she had to be on the crutches andFred and Jim took a good care of her during the long travelling. The only twoboys shouldered the responsibility of helping the girls.
  After we arrived at the airport, Fred askedthe service stuff for a wheelchair for Catherine and Jenny, Yuki helped her carrybaggage, conduct flight procedures as well. The most moving moment was thatwhen we were waiting for the Check-in, one of our friends named Tina rode therefrom hospital specially to say &goodbye& to us. I felt her smile was the mostcharming thing that I had ever seen.
  我们的行程是从青岛飞往北京,在北京停留一晚第二天早上飞往伦敦希斯罗机场。两小时之后我们到达了北京,Ivy 老师安排的机场接机人员将我们送到了酒店。傍晚于佳鑫的姐姐特意赶了过来邀请大家一起吃饭。晚饭过后,有些女生去药店买了晕机药为第二天十个半小时的飞行做准备。大家都早早休息了,调整好心情迎接明天的旅行。
  Next, the arrangement was that we fliedfrom Qingdao to Beijing, then stayed one night there and flied to Heathrow Airportdirectly in the next morning. We got to Beijing after around two hours,afterwards the airport pick-up stuff drove us to the hotel. Vivian&s sisterinvited us for a dinner, which made us feel quite thankful to her. Forpreparing ten and a half hour&s trip tomorrow some girls bought medicine incase of airsickness. All of us slept very early so that we could adjust a goodmood to the next day&s flight.
  The whole group took a shuttle bus toairport after packing up all their baggage in the early morning. Most of usbought lots of Chinese-style gifts such as embroidery handicrafts, traditionalPeking Opera masks and several kinds of stationeries with Chinese element forour teachers and classmates of MUK.
  The nearly eleven hours flight finallybegan. The embedded TVs in the back of the seat provided us a lot of fun. Wealmost spent the whole time sleeping and resting, and from my view, it was alsoa kind of methods of adapting time difference. The aerial view of the citythrough plane windows seemed as the oil painting produced by a professionalartist when the flight was above London.
  Ten hours elapsed in sleeping and relaxing.After arrived in London, we bought local SIM cards to call our parents andteachers our safe and smooth arriving. What&s more, Malvern UK arranged Mr.Eugene to pick up us to school. We really enjoyed the scenery alongside theroad to campus and I took some beautiful landscape photos, for example the pastoralvillas under the azure blue sky. The moderate breeze blew over our faces,alleviating our fatigued bodies.
校园一角one building of the campus
  到达总校之后Mr. Godsland将我们送到各个house。学校分配两人一个house,张紫齐同学和我被分到了唯一一个没有中国人的house,心情既兴奋又有些紧张。我们的house是第四个house,规模不是很大但是布置很温馨,园艺设计也很有家的感觉。粉嫩的蔷薇,清新的小雏菊和百合花使整个house弥漫着花香。我们的舍监Ms. Sharps是个很和蔼的女人,她和Maisy 和Valenria,带领我们参观了整个house,例如六年级中心、餐厅、洗澡间等等。我相信其他同学也一定受到了盛情款待并且交了许多新的朋友。
Daisy和Amy同学被分到的第四个House House 4
  Mr. Godsland, the man who was at the wheelfor exchange students, sent us to our own houses, t two for each house. Amy andI were allocated in No.4 house, which was the only house without Chinese, thereforewe felt not only excited but also a little bit nervous. Our house was notpretty big but warm and sweet and the garden was designed more like a home thana dormitory. Pink roses, fresh daisies and lilies made the whole house permeatefragrance. Our house mistress was a kind woman, who looked after us well innext days. Ms.Sharps, Maisy and Valenria showed us around house completely, forinstance the six form center, dinning hall and the shower cubicle. I wasconvinced that others were enjoyed their houses as well.
  Malvern UK haschapel in almost every morning, which likes our meditation. However, there arestill differences between them. They hold it in a church which is a typicalBritish architecture with classical and romantic style. The ceiling is delicate.Gorgeous ornament and colorful mosaic glass built the atmosphere solemn andvivid. Everyone has an old book in front of them and praying and singing arenecessary in Chapel. All of us experienced unforgettable Christian rites.
  Exchangestudents had the normal lessons every day after chapel. We all got a timetablefrom Mr. Godsland which included both our academic and touring arrangements. Wehad physics, math, business and geography. We also had the options to chooselessons we liked most. I supposed the most regrettable thing was that I didn&tjoin their art lesson because of the time conflicts.
生动有趣的课堂 Photo by 刘世豪 Fred
学校美术楼的设计室the& DT room in the art building
  The after-schoollife was full of variety and we took part in diverse kinds of activitiesenergetically. One of the reasons that we felt suitable with the school lifewas Mr Godsland had showed us around the campus like the sport complex and theart building before. Amy and a few girls preferred to go shopping in MalvernTown and in next few days I went there as well. Another thing that needed to bementioned was the feature of the stores in the wayside. To be honest, I couldbe easily attracted by the exquisite showcases even though without shopping. Onthe other hand, for the boys, Fred and Jim who could play basketball well had agood time in playing basketball with their friends. Then as for sports, I haveto mention cricket, which is the &all-people sport& in Britain. I love thissport very much so that I almost took photos of the cricket match everyafternoon. The cricketers were active and enthusiastic.
正在训练的运动员们the cricketersare having a training
与日本交换生在主楼前留影Daisy& with& the&exchange student from Japan whose name is Shouhei&&& in front of the& main buliding
板球运动员在展示他的姿势the& cricketer is showing hisaction
新朋友Newfriends Photo by Fred 刘世豪
  In addition,the evening life was wonderful as well. We took part in several parties like BBQorganized by students and dance in a place named &longy&. All of us enjoyed thelife.
在学校一起跳舞 dancing in longy with other local students
  Beyond that,Mr. Godsland drove us to some well-known towns and streets. We knew thebackground story of literary giant Shakespeare in his birthplace. We also wentshopping in Windsor Street and we appreciated the singing performance of thebuskers. The sand sculpture show gave us a new surprise. At last, in Oxford, whichis famous as the &biggest book store around the world&, we bought numerousbooks which we were looking forward for a long time. I was so lucky that Idiscovered an attractive artistic drawing sets store. Mr. Godsland leaded us toclimb the Malvern Hill, afterwards we had a traditional British tea. Honestly,we felt exhausted at that time, therefore we were so grateful for him.
大墨尔文镇GreatMalvern Town,students can go& there afterschool
在牛津in Oxford
在学校山上的合影groupphoto on Malvern hill
下午茶Traditional British tea&&&& Photoby Fred 刘世豪
  How time flies! All good thingscame to an end! Finally we had to prepare for our departure. Hence we tookphotos with our friends as souvenir and sent the gifts as well. As for thistrip, we learnt a lot such associal contract skills and the academic knowledge. Saying goodbye is anecessary part of life. I dare notexpect too much and just want to make the moment eternal, now in memories,every little bit.
中国、日本、澳大利亚交换生合影The& group photo of& all exchange students from China,Japan andAustralia.
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