wish平台发货的Shipping Time是发货时间还是到货时间

ecshop“发货查询”中加入收货人、收货地址、发货时间、配送方式 - ECshop商城二次开发博客 - 博客园
1、修改 index.php 的 index_get_invoice_query() 函数部分将&
$sql = 'SELECT o.order_sn, o.invoice_no, s.shipping_code FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']-&table('order_info') . ' AS o' .
$sql = 'SELECT o.order_sn, o.invoice_no, s.shipping_code,o.consignee, from_unixtime(o.shipping_time,\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s\') as shippingtime,o.shipping_name, r.region_name AS province FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']-&table('order_info') . ' AS o' .
' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']-&table('shipping') . ' AS s ON s.shipping_id = o.shipping_id' .
' LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']-&table('region') . ' AS r ON r.region_id = o.province' .
{$lang.order_number} {$invoice.order_sn}&br /&
{$lang.consignment} {$invoice.invoice_no}&br /&
3、以上方法是完全显示收货人的全称,如果想要以&王**&、&李**&的形式来显示的话,继续进行下面修改继续修改修改index.php的 index_get_invoice_query() 函数部分在
$all[$key]['invoice_no'] = $shipping-&query((string)$row['invoice_no']);
$all[$key]['consignee']=sub_str($row['consignee'], 1, false).'**';
修改:号调用o.order_sn字段发货单号调用o.invoice_no字段收货人调用o.consignee字段收货地址调用r.region_name AS province&字段发货时间from_unixtime(o.shipping_time,\'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s\') as shippingtime字段配送方式o.shipping_name字段如果想要以&王四*&则调用
$all[$key]['consignee']=sub_str($row['consignee'], 2, false).'*';
$all[$key]['consignee']=sub_str($row['consignee'], 1, false).'**';
随笔 - 197英语翻译As regards shipping please let me know the weight & dimensions of the parcel as soon as you have it.You may also get a quote to send them by EMS if you wish.Please confirm receipt and lead-times by return mail_百度作业帮
英语翻译As regards shipping please let me know the weight & dimensions of the parcel as soon as you have it.You may also get a quote to send them by EMS if you wish.Please confirm receipt and lead-times by return mail
英语翻译As regards shipping please let me know the weight & dimensions of the parcel as soon as you have it.You may also get a quote to send them by EMS if you wish.Please confirm receipt and lead-times by return mail
至于航运请让我知道包裹重量及尺寸您尽快获得通过. 你也得把他们引到环,如果你想. 请确认收货和铅的时候回邮件


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