
"人民币"的英文缩写并不是RMB,它只是汉语拼音的缩写,RMB多用于国内场合, 它不是一个英文简称,而是"人民币"拼音Ren Min Bi的缩写, 国际上一般不用。CNY才是国际标准的人民币的缩写,CNY是人民币(Chinese Yuan)简称, 目前是人民币在世界贸易交流中被唯一认定的符号。这两种缩写在意思和表达上都没有区别,只不过是看在哪使用,像国际贸易和银行里,人民币只能用CNY。例如:100元人民币=100 CNY=one hundred Chinese Yuan说到钱,一起来学学,与money相关的英文表达01、in the money①富有的例句:If you are in the money, what will be the first thing that you mostly want to do?如果你突然间暴富起来,你最想做的第一件事是什么?②在比赛或竞赛中处于优胜地位例句:I knew when Jane came around the final turn that she was in the money.当Jane进入到了最后一轮, 我就知道她赢定了。02、come into (some) money得到意外之财例句:She came into a lot of money when she turned twenty.她二十岁的时候得到了一大笔意外之财。03、money talks有钱能使鬼推磨例句:She'll get her way because money talks.有钱能使鬼推磨, 她想做什么都可以。04、money to burn超出所需或期望的足够的钱例句:He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.他是高收入的经纪人,有花不完的钱。05、a ton of money一大笔钱例句:It will save a ton of money.这能省一大笔钱。06、right on the money完全正确例句:Actually, he's right on the money.事实上,他说的完全没错。07、funny money假钞例句:Every country may have some problems with funny money.每个国家都有关于假钞的问题。08、old money贵族世家例句:She is the daughter of old money from NYC.她是纽约一个富贵人家里的女儿。09、mad money自备的零钱例句:My mother tells me to have a bit of mad money on me when I go on dates.我妈跟我说,出去玩的时候身上要带些零钱。10、pocket money零花钱不要简单理解为“口袋里的钱”,其实,这个词组还是很形象的,装在口袋里面的钱也就是“零花钱”了。例句:He earned the pocket money by a part-time job.他的零花钱是做兼职挣的。常用与钱相关的英文词汇01、Cash现金,资金相关短语有pay cash(支付现金),in cash(以现金的形式),cash back(现金返还,现金折扣),cash card(现金卡,自动取款卡)等等。例句:How much cash do you have on you?你身上带着多少现金?Payments can be made by cheque or in cash .支票或现金付款均可。02、Bill账单,钞票指日常生活中的电话费/电费/煤气费等账单,也指普通钞票。常用短语有to send sb. a bill for sth给(某人)开账单,发账单,pay the bills(支付账单)等等。例句:①He paid his bill for the newspapers promptly.他立即支付了订报费。②Could we have the bill please?麻烦买单。03、Change零钱日常生活中的找零钱、换零钱都用change。例句:He changed a five-dollar bill for five single ones.他把一张5美元的钞票兑换成5张一美元的钞票。Just keep the change.不用找钱了。04、Note纸币此外banknote、bill也有纸币钞票的意思。例句:We only exchange notes and traveller's cheques.我们只兑换纸币和旅行支票。05、Coin现金,资金相关短语有pay cash(支付现金),in cash(以现金的形式),cash back(现金返还,现金折扣),cash card(现金卡,自动取款卡)等等。例句:①He fished up a coin from his pocket.他从口袋中掏出一枚硬币。②We tossed a coin to decide who would go out and buy the buns.我们掷硬币决定谁出去买小圆面包。---分割线---如果你想加入有外国人、留学生的社群(英语角)练口语,搜索公众号“竖起耳朵听”即可加入,英语角里会美音、伦敦腔、印度腔的小伙伴都有。


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