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mysql数据库存储引擎为MyISAM的时候,在大访问量的情况下数据表有可能会出现被锁的情况,这就会导致用户连接网站时超时而返回502,此时就需要MySQL数据库MyISAM存储引擎转为Innodb,这篇文章主要介绍了MySQL数据库MyISAM存储引擎转为Innodb的方法,需要的朋友可以参考下 mysql数据库存储引擎为MyISAM的时候,在大访问量的情况下数据表有可能会出现被锁的情况,这就会导致用户连接网站时超时而返回502,此时就需要MySQL数据库MyISAM存储引擎转为Innodb.
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2010年,不知有多少企业诞生而又有多少企业死去,但社会聚光灯总是盯上行业领先者.初出茅庐的,东山再起的,老马奋进的,大佬变身的--周鸿?.古永锵.刘强东.马化腾,这些被行业关注最多的IT人和他们的企业充满了转折的味道.在IT互联网行业惨烈竞争中,总有一些原因让这些人开始改变.或许就像今年的&时代&年度人物扎克伯格在女友抛弃的刺激下才搞出市值数百亿美元的Facebook,其实他们都是被逼的. 周鸿?:大佬要给小公司生长空间 周鸿? 360公司董事长 360系精神领袖,被称为&红衣大炮
win 2000/XP/2003系统 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [Hkey_current_user\Software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\Policies\system] &DisableRegistryTools&=dword: win 98/me系统 复制代码 代码如下: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Win
看到周围的网吧火得不得了,老张也投资搞了一个.于是有了下面的故事: 老张借钱开网吧,火了! 电脑不够添新的,买了! 组成网络不通畅,傻了! -- 时间就是金钱!怎么办呢?老张急忙托人找到了俺这个&世外高人&.俺也没有辜负&大虾&这个荣誉称号,不到一小时就全部搞定.也许您会问,原因出在哪儿?又是如何解决的呢?别忙,且听俺慢慢道来. 老张的网络是这样的 为了最大限度地节约前期投入,老张全部采用的是廉价的集线器(也称Hub),这种组网方式在理论上称之为共享网络.所谓共享网
这篇文章主要介绍了PHP网页游戏Xnova(ogame)源码解读的攻击任务页面的代码流程,需要的朋友可以参考下 十九.攻击任务(MissionCaseAttack.php) 按照舰队任务的编号,排在第一个的就是攻击任务.这个代码很长,看的时候要有耐心. 好在引用的内容并不是很多,并且给出了详细的注释,读者不会晕头转向. function MissionCaseAttack ($FleetRow) { global $user, $phpEx, $xnova_root_path, $priceli
本文介绍最基本最实用的数据库操作.首先简单复习下MySQL的使用方法,并且建好一张表备用.MySQL在Linux系统上一般都是装好的,在win下安装也很简单,不多做介绍. 下面是在Linux上登录mysql,创建数据库和创建表的过程. yin@yin-Ubuntu10:~$ mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. C or \g. Your MySQL connection
这篇文章主要介绍了Python多线程编程(八):使用Event实现线程间通信,,需要的朋友可以参考下 使用threading.Event可以实现线程间相互通信,之前的Python:使用threading模块实现多线程编程七[使用Condition实现复杂同步]我们已经初步实现了线程间通信的基本功能,但是更为通用的一种做法是使用threading.Event对象.使用threading.Event可以使一个线程等待其他线程的通知,我们把这个Event传递到线程对象中,Event默认内置了一个标志,
这篇文章主要介绍了python进阶教程之模块(module)介绍,本文讲解了基础知识.引用方法.搜索的路径.模块包等知识,需要的朋友可以参考下 我们之前看到了函数和对象.从本质上来说,它们都是为了更好的组织已经有的程序,以方便重复利用. 模块(module)也是为了同样的目的.在Python中,一个.py文件就构成一个模块.通过模块,你可以调用其它文件中的程序. 引入模块 我们先写一个first.py文件,内容如下: def laugh(): print 'HaHaHaHa' 再写一个secon
上一次写了一篇文章,叫做&你不理淘宝客,淘宝客也不会理你&,是说,淘宝客不是一种简单的广告模式,不是直接放在网站或任意推广就可以有收入的,他比CPC广告更讲究方法,技巧.所以我们一定要理淘宝客,这样淘宝客收入才会蹭蹭的上来. 说到理淘宝客,第一道关应该就是怎么选择适合自己推广的产品,一些非站长类型淘宝客,尤其是以前做过淘宝店,熟悉淘宝的淘宝客特别重视这个环节,他们的推广能力不强,但是选产品很准,所以一推一个准,相比很多有流量基础的站长赚的还要多,所以这个环节特别重要.我用一个月的时间,利用微博
在平常的系统开发中,我们经常会遇到类似下图的报表统计功能需求. 一般都给定按日期区间统计某一值,每一个列就是统计时的分类.如下图: 下面给出上图的例子的sql语句写法:(注:此处是按&日期&字段统计) select 日期,自选字段1,自选字段2,sum(类型1) 类型1,sum(类型2) 类型2,sum(类型3) 类型3,sum(类型4) 类型4,sum(类型5) 类型5,sum(类型6) 类型6 from ( select to_date(to_char(日期,'yyyy-MM-dd
被AJAX中DOM的操作郁闷了好几天,今天总算搞明白了,自学就是苦啊,苦的一把鼻涕一把泪的, 把教训些出来,给后来者提个醒,老鸟就不要看了. 1.DOM中的对XML的操作不要和浏览器中的弄混掉了,比如getElementByName是浏览器中内置document对象的DOM操作,你用来操作 responseXML就是错误的.在浏览器中,你可以使用document.getElementsByName('tagname')[0].value来获取控件值,但是在操作 responseXML的时候你就必
新浪科技讯 北京时间12月14日消息,据国外媒体报道,52岁的美国加州居民威·阿德曼(V Addeman)近日在注册Facebook时遭遇尴尬,原因是阿德曼的名只是一个字母&V&. 阿德曼承认,在名中只有一个字母V确实罕见,但他的名字绝对真实合法.并且在MySpace和LinkedIn网站已经成功注册,但却被Facebook的自动注册系统拒绝. 最初,阿德曼向Facebook客服反应情况时,服务人员只是敷衍了事,并要求阿德曼出示政府颁发的有效身份证.但阿德曼认为,他应该与其他用户一样,
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processed in 0.069 (s). 9 q(s)as a student ,we should pay more attentions to our habits wh
as a student ,we should pay more attentions to our habits which we develop in our study如何翻译机器的别来
你这是中式英语,英语中没有这样的说法.改为As a student,you should pay more attention to your schoolwork.
选2 你知道和我经常说话的那个人是谁
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解题思路: 理解学生要求;搜索最近高考真题英语范文;给出具体的解答。解题过程: 你好,答疑如下 2013年高考英语写作试题汇编 【2013·山东卷】 写作(满分30分) 假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你的美国朋友Tom一周前给你发电子邮件,询问你暑假里的打算,但你因准备期末考试未能及时回复。请根据双下要点给他回封邮件:
解题思路: 理解学生处境;熟悉高考英语出题方向;给出具体的策略与写作建议。解题过程: 你好,答疑如下 提分重点在阅读与写作部分,建议: 1,词汇。首先把同步词汇必须掌握,多造句。以后逐渐重点背诵高频词汇,尤其是动,名,形容词等实词为主;使用英英词典,善于辨析语义,同时注意一词多义。可以把近五年的完形选项弄透背诵。 2,
It’s useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. As we all know, good learning habits can make your study go to succeed. As a student, we should pay more a
【2013浙江卷】 请以“One Thing I’m Proud of”为题用英语写一篇100---120个词的短文:记述一件你自己认为得意的事情.要求如下:1.记述事情的经过.2.简要说明你感到得意的原因或从中得到的启示. 注意:文章的标题已给出的不计入词数. One Thing I’
you must pay more time in studying,and do your homework well,and lisren to youre teachers carefully.if you do this,you must be a good student.
这是一篇toefl作文, 以下是范例essay, 供你参考Students' academic performance strongly reflects their teachers' teaching performance. Admittedly, paying teachers according to the
Mark and Ability Mass media, professional entities, schools are discussing over marks and ability of students who are also struggling to make clear the connecti
Government:Chinese people should attach more importance to learning English. Opposition:Chinese people should not attach so much importance to learning English.
This is a topic that(改成which) is being widely talked about.People take different views of the question.Some parents argue(argue是争吵的意思,这里最好用think,认为) that teachi
I have a brother,he is now in Shanghai,foreign,like fruit.The total daily to maintain healthy eating habits,but his wife loves to eat junk food,she was a primar
1They 【are doing】some voluntary work next Sunday,aren' they?2.As a student ,I should pay more attention to 【listening】to the teacher in class3.The charity walk【
peaceful 和平的behavior 举止,行为promised 答应,许诺anybody 任何人
Health is very important to everyone.Nowadays,almost everyone is more concern about money than their health.They are working-hard and have no enough time to sle
Health is very important to everyone.Nowadays,almost everyone is more concern about money than their health.They are working-hard and have no enough time to sle
也许感兴趣的知识There was once a large, fat woman who had a small, thin husband. He had a job in a big company and was given his weekly pay every Friday evening. As soon as he got home on Fridays, his wife used to make him give her all his money, and then she used to give him back only enough to buy his lunch in th的翻译:曾经有一个大型的脂肪的女人过小而薄的丈夫。他曾在一家大公司工作,每个星期五晚上给他每周的工资。当他到家在星期五,他用来做给他所有的钱,他的妻子,然后她用给他回只够买午饭办公室里的每一天。 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
There was once a large, fat woman who had a small, thin husband. He had a job in a big company and was given his weekly pay every Friday evening. As soon as he got home on Fridays, his wife used to make him give her all his money, and then she used to give him back only enough to buy his lunch in th
有,一旦有一个小,稀薄的丈夫的一名大,肥胖妇女。 他有一个工作在一家大公司中和被给了他的每周薪水每个星期五晚上。 在星期五当他回家庭,他的妻子曾经使他给她所有他的金钱,她在办公室然后曾经给他足够只每天买他的午餐。
曾有一个大,发了一笔小女子,瘦丈夫。 他有一个就业在一个大公司和提供了他每周支付每个星期五晚上。 在他回家在星期五,他的妻子用,使他给她所有的钱,然后她用作给他回只够买他的办事处在每天午餐。
曾经有一个大型的脂肪的女人过小而薄的丈夫。他曾在一家大公司工作,每个星期五晚上给他每周的工资。当他到家在星期五,他用来做给他所有的钱,他的妻子,然后她用给他回只够买午饭办公室里的每一天。世界一流基于区块链技术的移动支付apay - 美篇
世界一流基于区块链技术的移动支付apayA pay off成功;得到回报.“最后我们的努力得到了回报, 我们成功了 .——精英家教网——
A pay off成功;得到回报.“最后我们的努力得到了回报, 我们成功了 . 【】
Temporary failure is not to befeared. We must bear it in mind that the pains-taking efforts we have made will______ in the long run.A. payoff&&&&&&&&&&& & &&& B.take off&&&&&&&&& && C.break off&&&&&&& D. work off&
Many years ago in a small German town, a Jewishbusinessman had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to themoneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the businessman’sbeautiful daughter. So he proposed a bargain.The moneylender told them that he would put a blackpebble and a white pebble into an empty bag. The girl would then have to pickone pebble from the bag. If she picked the black pebble, she would become themoneylender’s wife and he would forgo her father’s debt. If she pickedthe white pebble, she need not marry him and her father’s debt would still beforgiven. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown intojail.They were standing on a pebble-strewn path. As theytalked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. The sharp-eyed girlnoticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. Hethen asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag. No doubt she was caught in adilemma.What would you have done if you were the girl? Carefulanalysis would produce three possibilities: 1.The girl should refuse to take a pebble.2.The girl should know that there were two blackpebbles in the bag and expose the money-lender as a cheat.3.The girl should pick a black pebble and sacrificeherself in order to save her father from his debt and imprisonment.The above story is used with the hope that it willmake us appreciate the difference between lateral (横向的)and logical thinking. Read on…The girl put her hand into the moneybag and drew out apebble. Without looking at it, she fumbled and let it fall onto thepebble-strewn path&where it immediately became lost among all the otherpebbles. “Oh, how clumsy of me!” she said. “But never mind, if you look intothe bag for the one that is left, you will be able to tell which pebble Ipicked.” Since the remaining pebble is black, it must be assumed that she hadpicked the white one. And since the moneylender dared not admit his dishonesty,the girl changed what seemed an impossible situation into an extremely advantageousone.1.The underlined word “forgo” in paragraph 2 may mean ________.A. pay off&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.run out&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.take over&&&&&& &&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.give up2.Which of the following indicates lateral thinking?A. The girl refused to take a pebble and fled at once.B. The girl exposed the cheat and found another way.C. The girl picked one pebbles and made it disappear.D. The girl picked a black pebble and accepted theresult.3.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.A. The girl dropped the pebble onto the path onpurposeB. The girl dropped the pebble onto the path byaccident C. The girl didn’t know there were two black pebblesin the bag&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. The girl replaced a black pebble in the bag4.What lesson can we learn from the story?A. Keeping calm when facing a difficult situation.B. Thinking about a complicated problem in anotherway.C. Thinking twice before making a final choice.D. Coming up with a clever answer is easy.&
Your efforts to develop good habits will ______ later,and it is well worth working hard to do so.A. pay off& & B. pay back & C. pay for& &&D. pay up&
Temporary failure is not to befeared. We must bear it in mind that the pains-taking efforts we have made will______ in the long run.A. payoff&&&&&&&&&&& & &&& B.take off&&&&&&&&& && C.break off&&&&&&& D. work off&
Prison Break(《越狱》) is a huge hit thanks to its handsome star, Wentworth Miller. His character, Michael Scofield, is the engine that drives the show. Having committed a crime to get into prison and broke out his innocent elder brother, Michael Scofield is one of the most interesting personalities on television today. But what about the man behind the character? Miller, 35, is a hard guy to figure out. He does not come from a normal background and has never lived his life in a typical way. Miller didn’t take a direct path to fame and fortune. He graduated from Princeton University in 1995, not with a degree in theatre or film, but in English.He didn’t even act when he was in college. His only performance experience was in his university’s singing group. Yet, at graduation Miller still decided to make the move to Hollywood. Miller has always been different. Although he is American, he was born in Britain when his father was studying there. His family background is also a special mix of cultures.“My father is black and my mother is white. That means I have always been caught in the middle.I could be either one, which can make you feel out of place,”Miller says. Following his unusual path, Miller did not start trying out for films and TV shows when he first got to Hollywood.Instead, he worked as a lowly production assistant, not what you would expect from a Princeton graduate. However, it all paid off for Miller in the end. In 2002, Miller played a role in the drama Dinotopia.He starred as a thoughtful and shy man.Producers remembered his performance when they were casting Prison Break two years later. With a golden globe nomination(提名) and another season of Prison Break on his resume(履历), Miller seems ready to take over all of Hollywood.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
What do you think the text is mainly about? A. What kind of person Michael Scofield is. B. Miller’s unusual path to fame and fortune. C. Why Prison Break became a huge hit. D. How special Miller is in the entertainment field. The author thinks “Miller is a hard guy to figure out” because&&&&&&&&&& . A. it’s difficult to tell him from others B. he is a shy man and hard to work with C. he always has ideas hard for people to understand D. his family background and life experience are very special Which of the following can best explain “pay off” in the underlined sentence? A. to be successful and bring good results
B. to give someone all the money you owe them C. to pay someone their wages and tell them to leave their job D. to pay someone to keep quiet about something illegal or dishonest Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Miller succeeded in the field that he had never majored in. B. Miller had lots of movie performance experiences when he was in college. C. Miller’s only performance experience in university made him move to Hollywood. D. Miller was chosen to play a role in Prison Break because he is a thoughtful and shy guy. It is very likely that Miller will ____________. A. pay off all his debts in the end B. not star in another season of Prison Break C. make greater achievements in his career D. move to Hollywood and settle down there


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