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KiwiCo was built out of a belief in the importance of developing creative confidence. We believe that this confidence helps kids think big and act like creators and producers instead of just consumers. Kids with creative confidence don’t assume one "right way" to build with blocks, paint a picture, or solve a problem. Their unique way is the right way!
I had a deep appreciation for the creative, hands-on projects that encourage this kind of thinking, but as a parent, I often found that my best intentions fell short. It was tough to find the time to do the research and come up with a great idea, let alone gather all the materials.
KiwiCo was created to celebrate kids' natural creativity and curiosity, while helping parents who want to bring enriching experiences to their children. We want to make it fun, easy, and delightful for families to spend time building, exploring and creating together. Since its inception, the KiwiCo team has grown. We've added creative designers who dream up the projects, valued experts who review them, and a community of kid testers who keeps us on our toes and ensures the projects are fun and engaging.
We love working on creating new KiwiCo experiences, and we cherish the involvement that our kids have in bringing the product to life. We're excited about the opportunity to help provide these types of experiences for your family to share too.
Happy exploring!
Founder & CEO, Mother of 3 & the KiwiCo team!
Reviewed by Experts.
Tested by Kids.
review our activities to ensure they're developmentally appropriate and enriching.
Our test crew of kids make sure the projects are engaging, fun, and universally appealing.
Our Design Principles
Promote self-expression
and celebrate the
process of making
Projects and materials
span multiple
developmental areas.
A fun way for kids,
and their parents,
to spend time.
Inspiration and quality
materials for kids, who
bring them to life.
Everything’s included
so it's easy to embrace
the creative process.
How it Works
"Kiwi Crate is totally great for overwhelmed and busy parents! New fresh ideas come to me and my kids. Every month, we’re excited to see the green box."
Sarah, New York, NY
Advisory Board
Our advisory board includes highly respected experts in education, developmental psychology, art, and science to ensure we're delivering developmentally appropriate and enriching projects.
Jean Lythcott, Ph.D.
Professor of Science Education
Jeannie spent 26 years as a science teacher in four countries and four states, 8 years as professor of science education at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York, and 10 years as a science educator with Stanford University's Teacher Education Program. At Columbia and Stanford, Jeannie taught courses about educating young children into seeing and understanding the world the way science does. Jeannie is a grandmother and an active member of the GaGa Sisterhood, an organization of grandmothers inspiring each other with creative ways to stay connected with their grandchildren.
My mission as teacher, as researcher, as professor has always been to help young, old, and in-betweens to see the world through the spectacles of science newly, to help children uncover the world they see through science, to help people find confidence and joy in explorations via science and so to escape the stifling dogma that is so often science as encountered in schools.
Ira Lit, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Education
Ira is an Associate Professor in the Stanford University School of Education, where he also serves as the Director of Stanford's Elementary Teacher Education Program. Prior to joining the faculty at Stanford, Ira served as the Executive Director of the Teachers for a New Era initiative at Bank Street College of Education in New York. Ira's research and practice focuses on teacher education, elementary education, educational equity, and the forms and aims of education and schooling. Ira worked previously as an elementary public school teacher in Northern California. He also co-founded, Jefunira Camp, a successful Bay Area summer day camp for preschool and elementary-aged children. Ira's wife is also an elementary school teacher. They have two children, ages 9 and 7.
Rachelle Doorley, Ed.M.
Arts Educator
Rachelle is an arts educator with fifteen years of experience ranging from overseeing school programs at the San Jose Museum of Art to lecturing on Visual Thinking at Stanford. She is inspired by her creative muses, her two daughters, and writes about their creative experiments and art explorations at As Interim Director of Education at SJMA she trained gallery teachers to lead engaging tours and designed interactive gallery experiences for museum visitors, young and old. Prior to her work as an arts educator, she was a costumer with Warner Brothers and Universal Pictures. Rachelle holds a BA in Theater from UCLA and a Masters in Arts Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Children are naturally curious and creative, and we can support their creative journey by encouraging the free exploration of materials, asking open-ended questions about their discoveries, and exposing them to new ideas that feed their interests. When I facilitate a project with children, I focus on the process rather than the product because generally, this is what children are most passionate about. They care about how art materials interact with one another or making connections between a new discovery and prior knowledge. Kiwi Crate is exciting to me because it also embraces the goals of process-based art making while empowering grown-ups to be great facilitators.
Lisa Medoff, Ph.D.
Child Psychologist
Lisa holds a B.A in psychology from Rice University, an M.S.Ed. in school counseling from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Ph.D. in child and adolescent development from Stanford University. Lisa works with students of all ages, consulting with families and schools to help them provide the optimal home and school environments for their children. She also works with the Cleo Eulau Center, a non-profit organization that supports teachers in high-risk neighborhoods and promotes attention to social and emotional well-being in the school environment. Lisa has taught child & adolescent development and psychology courses to both undergraduates and teacher credential candidates at Stanford University, Santa Clara University, San Jose State University, and Foothill College. Lisa is the author of a weekly child psychology column for the website
My mission as a psychologist includes helping families re-discover the joy in spending leisure time together, which builds a strong foundation of mutual trust, as well as teaches children creative approaches to problem-solving and promotes development of a sense of humor, all of which are important aspects of life-long resilience. I am proud to be a part of Kiwi Crate, which shares the same philosophy.
Susan Rodgers, M.LIS.
Children's Librarian
Susan Rodgers is a children&s librarian at the Palo Alto City Library. She graduated from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with an M.S. in Library and Information Science, a certificate in Community Informatics, and a B.A. in English and Rhetoric. Susan&s work is focused on getting youth to love reading and celebrate the world of literature. Pairing art and reading is a favorite method of Susan&s who frequently includes interactive elements in her storytimes at the library. Her favorite children&s authors include Jane Yolen, Mo Willems, Dr. Seuss, Madeleine L'Engle, Beverly Cleary, and Cynthia Rylant.
Development Areas
Our projects have been designed to encourage children's healthy development and learning. Developmental appropriateness is important in ensuring that the activities are kid-led and driven, with grownup assistance - not the other way around. We've worked with our advisory board of developmental experts to outline the areas of development that our projects address for kids ages 4-8.
Low: With projects that are low on the messiness meter, you probably don&t even need to wash your hands. Examples: pencil drawings, cutting fabric shapes.
Medium: Be ready to wash your hands. If liquid is involved, we mark the project at least medium. Examples: stamping with paint, blowing bubbles.
High: Watch out for your workspace and/or clothing. Protect or be prepared. Examples: paper mache, some chemistry in action.
Prep Together: Get the project and your materials ready with a grownup.
Create Together: Work on the project with a grownup.
Explore Together: With what you&ve created, play and discover with a grownup or friend.
Children explore and learn about the world through creative exploration and imaginative play. Projects with this icon were developed to spark this creativity and imagination. The expression could be through art, music, dance, and imaginative play. Examples include painting with sponges and acting like an animal.
Discovering activities pique kids& natural curiosity about the world and promote problem solving: they invent and test to learn. Projects with this icon include investigation and learning about science, nature, and mathematics. They encourage questions like why is the moon a circle tonight and a crescent another and recognizing the pattern of stripes on a bumble bee.
Moving - Gross
Encouraging physical development and health tees up ongoing fitness and well-being. Projects with this icon involve big or little motions. Gross motor skills control the large muscles and movement & like galloping like a horse and playing hopscotch.
Kids develop an appreciation of the world around them, as well as their role in their community. Through projects with the Exploring icon, kids learn about cultures, community, and diversity. These might include understanding what a policeman does, how children overseas celebrate different holidays, or who is in their extended family.
Language development includes the ability to both understand and use language & by reading, listening, speaking, writing. The Communicating icon identifies projects that are focused on these literary skills. Examples include: recounting their vacation, following directions for a project, and reading traffic signs.
Developing self-awareness, expressing feelings, and respecting others build confidence and positive interactions and are important skills for kids. These projects focus on interactions with others. Examples would include taking turns playing a game and asking politely for help with a project.
Moving - Fine
Many tasks - from writing and eating to dressing and cutting - involve the fingers and hands. Projects with the Moving - Fine icon involve the little motions to encourage this development. Fine motor skills generally refer to these small movements of the hand which enable actions like twisting a cap and picking up pebbles.
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毛孔粗大就用:新西兰Bee Kiwi碧卡维麦卢卡蜂蜜爽肤水
先自我介绍一下,本人皮肤为混油皮,鼻子两侧和鼻子毛孔粗大,在此基础上,偶尔也会化个淡妆,但是通常不会太持久就开始花妆。也用过猪油膏,当时效果会好一点,但是依然阻挡不了皮肤冒油,花妆。所以想从根本上解决这个问题,于是入了这款新西兰Bee Kiwi碧卡维麦卢卡蜂蜜爽肤水。之前都是用柔肤水的,快换季了,想换换护肤品,试试这款爽肤水。拿到手,我习惯性使劲摇了摇,很快就出现了细腻绵密,经久不衰的泡沫,因为以前看了一篇文章讲,水如果出现细腻绵密的泡沫就说明含有很丰富的营养物质。一打开就闻到好闻的蜂蜜花香味,让人心旷神怡,忍不住多闻了几次???。果然是添加了不少蜂蜜。说起蜂蜜,这里添加的是世界有名的麦卢卡蜂蜜哦,是蜜中极品。具有超强的抗氧化抗菌功能。在洗净的脸上拍打爽肤水,很容易被吸收,一点也不粗腻,我特意在鼻周毛孔粗大的地方多拍了些水,希望可以更快的缩小我的毛孔,不知道是不是心理作用,拍完了水之后,感觉脸的净了些,我想毛孔不是一天形成的,也不可能一天就缩小到看不见,坚持把这一瓶用完先。
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扫码下载小红书app 与全世界的小红薯一起标记生活干皮必入——BEEKIWI新西兰碧卡维蜂蜜爽肤水+面霜_爽肤水什么牌子好_面霜什么牌子好_小红书
BEEKIWI 新西兰碧卡维蜂蜜爽肤水+面霜使用分享春夏换季之时,皮肤干燥缺水起皮,底妆不服贴、脸上红彤彤、肌肤敏感等问题超级多,所以选择一款合适的水和面霜对我来说特别重要,先说下我的肌肤问题:①干燥缺水(额头爆皮)②毛孔问题(随着年龄变大和肌肤护理不够细腻导致脸颊毛孔粗大)③瑕疵(脸颊雀斑、月经期下巴痘印)⑤水油不平衡等等之前在小红书上被种草了一款新西兰天然有机的爽肤水,叫bee kiwi,据说含有新西兰独有的麦卢卡蜂蜜,而这种蜂蜜可以修复肌肤敏感和受损,还能缩小毛孔,所以我就买来打算试试。然后还看到它家还有一款面霜,主打保湿,正好最近我皮肤比较干燥,就顺便一起下单啦~BEEKIWI水和面霜的使用感如下:外观、性价比、味道 ?????外包装特别的简约大方~味道特别的nice,很大自然的味道(蜂蜜味),两瓶不到200的价格特别的亲民,面霜贵妇级别的我也入过很多,但是BEEKIWI面霜我真的强烈夸赞!一级棒!性价比我给她满分!滋润度 ?????蜂蜜水的滋润度看图就看得出来,补水特别特别明显,而且这个蜂蜜水一点也不黏腻!特别舒适!上脸之后有点凉凉的,很清爽。面霜的话保湿力度还是很厉害的,晚上厚厚涂一层,等它充分吸收,第二天早上起来水水嫩嫩,皮肤的柔软度明显增加。然后在早上护肤时薄薄涂一层,完全没有起皮的现象出现!以上是我对这次入手的产品的使用感,干皮如我的一定要入手!也可以多功课下!真的强烈推荐!强烈夸赞!特别是这款面霜必入!特别适合18到25的学生党和上班族~福音~看到这里~祝大家种?愉快~啾啾~
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粉丝 2514 获赞与收藏 2.4万
扫码下载小红书app 与全世界的小红薯一起标记生活#抢新品No.179#BEE KIWI碧卡维麦卢卡蜂蜜爽肤水
[ 性价比 ][ 毛孔护理 ][ 低刺激 ]
春天里最想找到这样的一款水,清新、甜蜜,每一次使用都仿佛有春的气息迎面扑来。本来以为不会找到这样的一瓶水,但是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。闺蜜推荐给我BEE KIWI碧卡维麦卢卡蜂蜜爽肤水,有种一见倾心的感觉。
¥220 4.3分
¥240 4.5分
¥180 3.9分
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