
【行业】阿里巴巴停用携程差旅 知情人士称出于管理便利【企业商旅服务吧】_百度贴吧
【行业】阿里巴巴停用携程差旅 知情人士称出于管理便利
【摘要】此前阿里是携程重点的商旅客户之一,一位出身携程差旅的业内人士称阿里虽然以前没有全部通过携程订差旅机票,但流水也有每个月1000多万,而每月100万流水就可以算作携程的A类客户。阿里停用携程的差旅服务,将给携程造成不小的损失。  有消息称阿里巴巴从2016年起停用携程差旅服务,员工需在阿里旅行上进行差旅预定。目前,阿里旅行和携程官方都未对此事做出回应。但TechWeb从阿里旅行了解该事项的人士处获悉,阿里巴巴这样做是基于管理便利和成本优化的考量。阿里巴巴停用携程差旅服务 知情人士称出于管理便利  据了解,此前阿里内部的差旅系统提供携程和阿里旅行供员工自由选择。上述知情人士称,阿里内部的数据发现近两年来绝大多数阿里员工都选择阿里旅行进行差旅预定,这次改变是系统内部上的升级,不是简单对携程封杀阿里旅行的回应。  近日,携程和阿里旅行展开封杀大战,一些酒店和国际机票的商家都反映接到携程的“二选一”的要求,只能在阿里旅行和携程之间做一个合作伙伴的选择。阿里旅行方面曾公开斥责携程此行为,而携程方面则表示,自由经济的市场里面都是自愿的,供应商选择和谁合作,和谁不合作。就好像百度上没有阿里的广告,这都是大家自愿的行为,只要不是出自政府垄断,而是出于经济的行为,我们都应该尊重。酒店和供应商都是按自己利益的最大化做决策。  据了解,此前阿里是携程重点的商旅客户之一,一位出身携程差旅的业内人士称阿里虽然以前没有全部通过携程订差旅机票,但流水也有每个月1000多万,而每月100万流水就可以算作携程的A类客户。阿里停用携程的差旅服务,将给携程造成不小的损失。
上海日电 /美通社/ -- 中小型企业需求业余的差旅治理吗?近日,从携程商旅披露的一组数据能够发现:可自行注册、预订、审核、治理、结算的自助式差旅治理平台这一翻新模式,极大地满足了中小型企业客户高效率、低老本的差旅治理需要。携程商旅自2014年5月正式上线“企业差旅自助平台”,在不到两年的工夫里,无效企业客户数曾经打破一万家。
2015年我国有近7000万民营中小企业,在全国企业总数的占比超越99%,发明的 GDP 超越全国 GDP 的65% 。中小企业在市场经济中的位置迅猛增长,各类针对中小企业的效劳产品也应运而生。随同企业出行需要的晋升,以及企业差旅治理认识的普及,中小企业对业余差旅治理的需要也日益增多。
然而目前市场上大局部外资 TMC(差旅治理公司)对企业的差旅生产量有较高的门槛要求,中小型企业可望不可即;而小型票务代理并不具有差旅治理的业余性,所提供的效劳品质与标准性也没有保证。如何经过模式翻新,升高差旅治理的高门槛,让中小企业也受害于业余商旅治理带来的实惠与便捷,成为摆在国际 TMC 背后的重要课题。
作为国际最早关注中小企业商旅治理的大型 TMC,针对中小企业的实际需要,携程商旅率先为中小企业量身定制了主动化的差旅治理零碎 -- 企业差旅自助平台,旨在协助国际中小企业完成便捷高效的自助化差旅治理。该平台向一切有差旅治理需要的企业开放效劳,对企业规模和差旅生产量不设门槛。“将来只需是因公出行,哪怕一个公司只有一集体出差,只有一张机票或一次酒店预订,都能够经过携程商旅来完成。”携程副总裁兼商旅事业部 CEO 方继勤示意,携程商旅会自始自终关注中小企业的差旅治理需要,助力中国中小企业完成衰弱倒退。
相较于传统的商旅治理效劳模式,平台的自助化模式极大地简化了企业与 TMC 之间的协作流程,无效升高了沟通老本。依照传统效劳模式,单方从洽谈到协定签署、再到账户守旧,所触及的流程繁琐,周期较长,效率绝对较低。并且关于 TMC 来说,原有客户的签约及保护形式需求较多的业余人员染指,人工老本较高,因而向客户收取的效劳费用绝对较高,这也是传统 TMC 门槛高,次要客户为大中型企业的次要缘由。
相同,由携程商旅研发的企业差旅自助平台,从中小企业差旅治理的需要和特点登程,以“主动化”和“自助化”为重要导向,为宽广中小企业提供了质优价廉的差旅产品以及欠缺的差旅治理工具和效劳。以 Online 和挪动互联网为依靠的企业差旅自助平台,从注册守旧、关联员工与差旅政策、预订行程到审批、结算、治理报告查看等全自助化操作,依托技术力气最大化水平节省客户及TMC的人力老本。
在老本管制方面,企业能够在线制订差旅规范和政策,经过严格执行受权审批制度,根绝出行员工的超支糜费行为;经过平台,用户还能享用商旅独有的酒店和机票尊享价钱。从效劳方式来看, App、PC、微信、电话等多渠道预订机票、酒店、用车等效劳,随时随地布局差旅行程;App上轻松实现选座、退改签,不便快捷。平台还为企业提供片面实时的在线剖析报告,不便担任人理解公司及各部门的差旅生产状况。
“随着人口红利的逐步隐没,人力老本将进一步回升,主动化和自助化将是差旅治理效劳将来的一个重要趋向。但主动化和自助化与提供高质量质的效劳并不矛盾——依托技术提高完成的零碎晋级,将会使更多复杂的、定制化的效劳转变为简略的、规范化的效劳,操作更便捷、用户体验更好。因而在自助性加强的同时,客户与 TMC 的老本都得以升高,而 TMC 的效劳质量、效劳品种以及翻新性将失去更好的加强“方继勤示意。
Shanghai 31, March 2016 \/ PRNewswire \/ -- small and medium enterprises need to travel management professional? Recently, a set of data from Ctrip business disclosure can be found: register themselves, booking, audit, management, settlement of self-service travel management platform for the innovation mode can greatly meet the small and medium-sized enterprise customers efficient, low cost of travel demand management. Ctrip Travel from 5 January 2014 formally launched the "corporate travel self-service platform", in less than two years time, the number of effective enterprise customers has exceeded a million.
Break the "high threshold", the small and medium-sized enterprise travel management also have spring
2015, nearly 70 million private SMEs in China, accounting for more than 99% of the total number of enterprises in the country, more than 65% of the national GDP to create GDP. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the market economy status of rapid growth, various types of service products for small and medium enterprises also came into being. With enhance corporate travel demand and popularity of corporate travel management awareness, the demand of small and medium-sized enterprises of professional travel management is increasing.
But the current market most foreign TMC (TMCs) to business travel consumption amount, the higher the threshold requirements, small and medium e and small ticket agent does not have the professional travel management, provide the service quality and specification is not guaranteed. How through the innovation mode, reduce the high threshold of travel management, let the small and medium-sized enterprises also benefit to professional business management will bring benefits and convenience, has become important issue placed in front of the TMC.
As one of the earliest attention of management of travel of business of medium and small businesses large TMC, according to the actual needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, Ctrip business took the lead for the SMEs tailored to the automation of the travel management system, corporate travel self-service platform, designed to help domestic SMEs to achieve convenient and efficient self-help travel management. The platform to all travel management needs of the enterprise open service, enterprise scale and travel consumption does not set the threshold. "In the future as long as it is in the line of duty travel, even if a company is only a personal travel, only a ticket or a hotel reservation can achieved through Ctrip business." Ctrip vice president and business division CEO Fang Jiqin said Ctrip business will pay attention to the travel management needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, to help Chinese small and medium-sized enterprise realize healthy development.
Self-help travel management services, TMC behind the secret of "zero threshold"
Phase, compared with the traditional business management service mode, platform independent model greatly simplifies the process of cooperation between enterprises and TMC, effectively reducing the cost of communication. In accordance with the traditional service model, the two sides from the negotiations to the agreement signed, and then to the account opening, the process involved is cumbersome, long cycle, relatively low efficiency. And for the TMC, the signing of existing customers and maintenance needs more professionals involved in, the higher labor cost, so the service fees charged to customers is relatively high, which is the traditional TMC high threshold, the main customers are the main reason for the large and medium-sized enterprises.
Instead, by Ctrip business research and development of the corporate travel self-service platform, from the requirements and the characteristics of the small and medium-sized enterprise travel management of "automation" and "self" as the important guidance, for the vast number of small and medium enterprises to provide travel products of high quality and low price, and improve the travel management industry and trade articles and services. To online and mobile Internet to rely on the corporate travel self-service platform, from registering, association staff and travel policy, booking travel to the examination and approval, the settlement and management reports to view etc. the whole self-help operation, relying on technical force to maximize savings customers and TMC manpower into this.
Business travel self-service platform, diversified service All flowers bloom together.
In cost control, enterprises can online travel standards and policy formulation, through the strict implementation of the system of examination and approval authority, to prevent employee travel cost overruns waste behavior. Through the platform, users can enjoy the unique business hotel and airline ticket respect enjoy price. From the point of view of service form, the app, PC, letter, telephone and other multi-channel booking air tickets, hotels and other service vehicles, anytime
app easily seat selection, Gaiqian retirement, convenient and quick. Platform for enterprises to provide comprehensive real-time online analysis report, convenient for people to know more about the company and the Department of travel consumption.
In addition, Ctrip also provides pre business for small and medium enterprises, monthly pay, flexible settlement. Stored and monthly settlement, not only to meet the urgent needs of corporate customers of unified public payment, also greatly simplifies the customers for the company's internal operation process: employees do not have to go through collect invoice, fill in the expenses, cashier reimbursemen finance is no longer the authenticity of the authenticity of the invoice, the amount of reimbursement of worry, just a month check the travel company of bills can be workload greatly reduced.
"With the gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend, labor costs will rise further, automation and self will be travel management services in the future an important trend. But automation and self-service and provide high quality service is not in contradiction -- rely on technological progress to achieve system upgrade, will enable more complex and customized services for simple, standardized services, more convenient operation, better user experience. Therefore self-help enhanced at the same time, the cost of customers and the TMC can be reduced, and TMC service quality, kinds of service and innovation will get better enhanced "Jiqin said.
信游天下网络科技 (C) zyoo.net 粤ICP备号-2国内差旅管理服务公司排名?携程商旅的差旅管理服务能力如何,有哪些优势?_百度知道
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。像携程商旅这样的差旅管理公司为企业提供哪种类型的服务?-学路网-学习路上 有我相伴
来源:互联网 &责任编辑:小易 &
- Copyright & 2018 www.xue63.com All Rights Reserved有很多家公司挑战携程在商旅市场的地位,背后也有不少资本支持,好几年过去为什么没有一家真正打败携程? - 知乎298被浏览<strong class="NumberBoard-itemValue" title="4分享邀请回答1412 条评论分享收藏感谢收起ctrip.com。当时的竞争对手除经营多年的传统旅行社外,还有当年获得资本支持的众多旅游网站,我依稀记得当时的主要竞争对手是中国假日旅游网()、中青旅在线()、华夏旅游网()、绿色通道旅游网(greenchannal)和再见城市旅游网()等。携程面世6个月后,旅游网站的竞争格局基本形成,携程成为广大用户认可的第一旅游网站,并且获得业内人士的一致好评。2000年初进入首轮互联网低潮之后,大部分旅游网站纷纷倒闭,唯携程独秀。那时的艺龙不做在线旅游,艺龙当时在做都市生活(city search)。2000年互联网进入寒冬后,艺龙利用手里的现金收购了北京一家订房公司(好像是百德勤)后转行进入现在旅游行业。
90年代末,20年代初时,谁知道在中国如何做在线旅游行业?论及对旅游资源的把控,当时的携程远不及经营多年的各大旅行社,更没有客户资源。携程唯一能够参考的就是国外的几家旅游网站,但那是“马克思主义的普遍真理”,在中国如何做,还需要“将马克思主义的普遍真理同中国的具体实践相结合”。也正是因为携程不懂旅游,所以的设计理念才会更加贴近用户的需求而获得大家的一致认可。与其他具有强烈传统旅行社背景的旅游网站相比,在那时是最具有电子商务网站范儿的旅游网站,包括当时的产品数据库、社区、站内检索等,都不是其他不具备IT背景的旅游网站所能想到并实施的。 二、先进的现代企业运营理念是帮助携程成长直至成为具有垄断地位的行业老大的主要原因其实,最早期的携程是希望做自助旅游的,想做一个能够帮助自助旅游者的内容平台,但后来发现这条路走不通。经过市场分析并虚心向业内的各大佬们学习和交流,最终看到了酒店预订这一发展方向。那么接下来的事情就是建立上游产品供应链和发展下游的客户了。因为携程的管理团队中多为IT行业出身,他们自然想到了很多在IT行业中的运营手段,如扫楼、企业客户(小企业)、发卡等等。随着客户数据库的逐步庞大,上游产品供应链的建立也越来越容易,逐步走向良性循环。经过收购、兼并等手段,一是解决了短期建立产品供应链和规模客户的问题,另外一个收获就是解决了旅游行业的特许经营许可问题。 三、携程的壮大与持续发展,最大的动力是其当时优质的客户服务以及由此带来的极小的客户流失率将客户视作公司最大的财富,这是携程自成立以来一直的信念!因此,携程也是旅游行业中最早关注客户服务质量的。也正是因为这一点,携程在短期内积累了海量的客户数据库,并因为客户流失率低、重复消费率高为公司带来更多的收入。 四、占领主要战场后向周边领域进军在酒店预订、机票预订及自由行产品获得绝对的市场领先地位后,携程依旧怀着企业运营的危机感在拓展他的业务,包括包租下一些景点儿后独立开发旅游产品、进军酒店业、做旅游产品点评、拓展“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”中的“吃”领域等,携程没有一刻停止自己在周边领域的拓展。这也为携程的老大地位奠定了雄厚的基础。 五、携程的核心竞争力 携程的核心竞争力到底在哪里?就目前来看,本人认为,携程的核心竞争力在于他庞大的海量客户数据库。就像腾讯,有那么多用户,有那么多流量,想做什么都很容易成功。其二,正是因为有那么多的客户,有那么多的交易量,所以携程在与上游产品供应方谈及合作时,具有与生俱来的优势,这是任何新进入者难以企及的。商家也是在商言商,谁不愿意多做一点生意呢? 六、新进入者如何生存?在线旅游业的市场规模巨大,任何新进入者都还有机会分得一杯羹。但想要取代携程的地位,本人认为是不可能的。本人的看法是,新进入者可以选择“专业”路线,做精品,而不是复制携程的模式。例如,订机票只做特价机票,酒店只做主题酒店,等等。具有挑战巨人的勇气固然可嘉,但唐吉坷德式的武士道精神就不可取了。
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