
公司产品在做验收,压力、负载测试全部通过了,目前在做稳定性测试,计划是让200人(分属不同的用户组,做不同的操作)负载不间断运行200小时,产品用的是公司内部的标签库+spring2.5+struts1.2.9+hibernate3.3,ehcache作为二级查询缓存,默认使用apache的dbcp连接池,但经测试后十分不稳定,换c3p0后效果好些,但是运行20小时左右就持续抛出jdbc fails等异常,接着出现out of memory。。。最后无奈把连接池切换到proxool,
&bean destroy-method=&close&& &property& &value&com.mysql.jdbc.Driver&/value& &/property& &property& &value&${jdbc.url}&/value& &/property& &property& &value&cap&/value& &/property& &property& &value&cap&/value& &/property& &property& &value&dbpool&/value& &/property& &property& &value&5&/value& &/property& &property& &value&100&/value& &/property& &property& &value&10&/value& &/property& &property& &value&true&/value& &/property& &property& &value&true&/value& &/property&
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:685) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595) [http-8080-Processor352] ERROR org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction - JDBC begin failedcom.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to underlying exception:** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION **java.net.SocketExceptionMESSAGE: Software caused connection abort: socket write errorSTACKTRACE:java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(SocketOutputStream.java:92) at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(SocketOutputStream.java:136) at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(BufferedOutputStream.java:65) at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:123) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.send(MysqlIO.java:2744) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:1612) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:1723) at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(Connection.java:3250) at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.setAutoCommit(Connection.java:5395) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor138.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585) at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.WrappedConnection.invoke(WrappedConnection.java:162) at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.WrappedConnection.intercept(WrappedConnection.java:87) at $java.io.Serializable$$EnhancerByProxool$$4c8217cb.setAutoCommit(&generated&) at org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction.begin(JDBCTransaction.java:91) at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.beginTransaction(SessionImpl.java:1353) at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager.doBegin(HibernateTransactionManager.java:558) at org.springframework.transaction.support.AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.getTransaction(AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.java:377) at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.createTransactionIfNecessary(TransactionAspectSupport.java:263)** END NESTED EXCEPTION **Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago. at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.send(MysqlIO.java:2759) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:1612) at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:1723) at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(Connection.java:3250) at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.setAutoCommit(Connection.java:5395) at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor138.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585) at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.WrappedConnection.invoke(WrappedConnection.java:162) at org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.WrappedConnection.intercept(WrappedConnection.java:87) at $java.io.Serializable$$EnhancerByProxool$$4c8217cb.setAutoCommit(&generated&) at org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction.begin(JDBCTransaction.java:91) at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.beginTransaction(SessionImpl.java:1353) at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager.doBegin(HibernateTransactionManager.java:558) at org.springframework.transaction.support.AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.getTransaction(AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.java:377) at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.createTransactionIfNecessary(TransactionAspectSupport.java:263) at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(TransactionInterceptor.java:101) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke(ExposeInvocationInterceptor.java:89) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
云服务器 ECS
扫地 擦桌子 搬东西 修理打印机
保存至快速回贴各位JR的企业做talent review吗?就是人才盘点,我发现好公司都做人才盘点ZT
当我们接近另一个日历年的时候,许多公司的员工正在完成他们的绩效考核,经理们正在为绩效和激励计划做准备。除了典型的绩效和薪酬计划周期外,雇主也可能开始他们的人才审查过程。如果你像大多数员工的人才评审过程的保密,类似的秘密配方可口可乐或上校的额外的美味脆皮鸡食谱。虽然它可以采取多种形式,但人才评审只是组织了解和衡量人才深度、准备继任计划、确定关键员工发展机会的一种方式。作为一名雇员,你需要知道你的雇主应该做什么和不应该做什么?在公司的人才评审过程中,你应该问些什么问题?本文将试图回答这些问题,并给予雇员有限的接触和人才审查的经验,洞察什么应该和不应该发生。我的公司有人才审查吗?组件是什么?你应该问你的经理或人力资源代表的第一个问题是公司有人才审查的过程吗?如果答案是否定的,那么你应该找出你的公司是否有任何正式的流程来审查员工在典型的绩效考核之外。如果他们不这样做,这与你有关,你可能需要考虑把时间花在一个重视人才管理的公司,并且有一个严格的方法来审查人才。没有人才审查就像首席财务官在公司的资产负债表上使用华尔街报告的估计,因为…你知道…关闭是足够好的。不要把时间浪费在一个不能用一个彻底而客观的审查模型向其员工投资时间、精力和金钱的公司身上。如果答案是肯定的,那么您应该设法了解经理正在讨论的主要组件或模板以及组织中的深度。在人才审查中,公司可能有许多项目,其中一些有价值,有些则占据了主要对话的宝贵空间。在为几家大公司如GE和百事公司工作之后,他们都有优秀的人员评审流程,我已经下定决心,人才审查不必过于混乱,没有必要的信息。在我看来,三个主要的组成部分,必须在任何人才回顾富人是“9-box”图,继任计划和关键人才发展行动图。虽然在审查过程中可以肯定地讨论其他信息,但人力资源领导应该谨慎行事,以便更多的信息不会稀释或偏离主要议题。那么前面提到的图表是什么?是的9-box图表或网格的许多雇主用来评估在X和Y轴分别采用高、中、低性能的潜力,为每个轴盒,然后创建一个拦截组合(高/中/高,,等)。在部门或区域的雇员通常作为一个小组放在图表中,并在这两个领域内单独讨论。的9-box框架给高级领导的快照,今天对员工绩效和潜力,突出了高电位,强大的演员,最后确定簙弱的表演。大多数拥有成熟流程的公司都专注于如何帮助员工在性能和开发组件方面进行改进。正确使用的9-box图在评估整体的领导力和组织内的一个非常有效的工具,帮助识别高陂,表现稳定,性能问题。继任计划对大多数人来说都是熟悉的,从字面上看,这是一个组织中关键人才的接班人计划。通常情况下,经理将为其职位列出至少1-2名继任者,并向其报告职位的其他关键职位列出1-2名继任者。本章的目标是要确定哪些员工在每行的位置,他们目前的职位,并将准备(例如现在,6-12个月,12-24个月,24个月以上)。继任计划的另一个目的是揭露公司内部可能没有任何内部可行继承人的空缺。拥有一个强有力和最新的继任计划是整个人才审查的一个重要组成部分,确保对人才的深度和对未来可能在公司内公开的职位的准备。最后可用的图表是关键人才的开发行动。我说关键人才是因为把每个人都放在这张图表上是不实际的或不必要的。并不是每一个员工都不应该有一个发展计划,他们应该这样做,只是为了便于锻炼,重点应该放在被讨论的员工身上。这个图表旨在完成的是在接下来的12个月中确定每个员工的具体发展项目。随着技术的发展目标是把员工向上的9-box,缩短的继任计划在“准备”的时间框架,并加强对组织整体能力/技能。所以现在我明白了可以讨论的内容,我应该放在哪里?既然秘密的面纱被解除了(再一次,这并不适用于所有雇主)你作为雇员需要找出你在这个过程中的立场。一些你需要和你的经理的重要问题是;我在哪里落在9-box?为什么公司认为我的表现和潜力是(中/中,高/中等)?我是否参加了接班计划?如果是的话,我将来会考虑什么样的角色?我的经理为我制定了哪些具体的发展目标,这些目标可能会阻碍我在公司内获得更高层次的工作?员工的主要关注点是找出他/她适合于什么组织,什么样的观念,以及在需要时如何改进。员工应该把反馈作为改进的建设性手段。记住这是一张纸上的计划,并不能保证任何事情!这些都是员工应该开始的关于人才评论的对话的关键问题。人才审查不应该是一个绝密的过程,应该与员工分享。很多时候经理们会隐瞒信息,因为他们害怕员工的负面反应。当员工知道人才审查每年都在发生时,隐瞒信息会产生这样一种感觉,即他们的未来有一些不可告人的秘密计划,可能是负面的。事实上,不告诉员工他们在这个过程中的立场比分享一些建设性的批评对他们的表现和潜力更有害。经理最不希望发生的事情是他们的明星员工离开了这个组织,因为他/她认为他们不在组织中的任何继任计划或人才雷达中。同样的情况也适用于表现不佳的人。让组织船锚装病在公司拉别人下来,垂头丧气的球队。这里的关键是经理们要开放,与员工分享信息,包括好的和坏的。在人才审查过程中,幕后不应该发生什么?在任何善意的工具或过程,经理和主管的不良意图(或发生在某些情况下)可以把人才评审和不当地使用它。让我们来看看我在过去的雇主那里看到的一些例子,这个过程很糟糕或者使用不当。如果你在雇主身上看到或听说过这些问题,你应该立即提出警告,你应该开始问问题。这些信息大多是针对人力资源和管理这些讨论,但应该提供一些有益的见解一般员工关于什么不应该做的。名称和公司已被更改以保护罪犯。人才审查不是兄弟/姐妹联谊会高峰会议我曾经工作过的一家公司对他们的人才审查感到非常自豪,而且他们确实有一个相当扎实的评审方法。他们的一个问题是,人才的审查很快成为像兄弟/姐妹联谊会高峰会议上潜在的承诺。谈话很快就偏离了核心话题,如表现、潜力和继承、员工个人医疗问题和员工家庭/婚姻问题。对话然后盘旋到主观评论一样,“此人是个好人/女士”,因为它不是基于任何工作相关的标准或事实为房间里的员工或零价值的人。部分的问题该公司已经是房间里有太多的人,没有一个特别的是裁判。减少这种行为的方法是预先设定基本规则,并在房间里有适当级别的人执行规则。以主题为基础,以事实为基础,把谈话限制在需要了解的经理身上。有60个人坐在一个房间里,听不相关的个人信息,公司里的每一个员工都是不专业的,而且正在等待一场官司的发生。作为高级领导或人力资源部,你应该仔细评估你的特别评审会议的听众,包括总人数。如果你听到你的公司这样运作,你可能要考虑它是否是一个长期可行的就业选择。这是一个企业,不是大学的社团。在M期间每个人都在他们的电子设备上。会议期间每个人都在使用电子设备。没有人比我更参加人才回顾然后回头(他们总是坐在后面,在这家特别的公司)的高管们坐着看他们所有的电子设备,当有人提出他/她的人才评审组织。如果你是这些人中的一员,现在就停止这种行为。你在房间里告诉每个人的是,你可以对别人和信息进行两次翻转,更不用说这是不礼貌的。再一次,如果你是人才评审的领导者/领导者,确保你预先设定了电子设备使用的基本规则。休息一下,允许人们打电话或回复电子邮件。重点应该放在生意人身上,而不是像电子邮件或日常工作之类的其他项目上。这些都是重要的讨论,需要每个人都全神贯注地提取最大的价值。过度参与执行制造荒谬的妙语和评论一个我在以前的公司有一个非常,我们可以说,社交和冗长的执行官,我们会打电话给他。Donnie爱人才回顾像伦勃朗喜欢在油和通常被称为“超级碗的人力资源和人才”。不幸的是,Donnie,就像约翰·麦登的足球转播,在说话,说,朗诵,给了“专家”的分析不停的人才在审查。这一行为对参加会议的整个团队产生了影响,并使经理不停地尽力提供信息。努力在Donnie的任性行为的统治但不幸的是没有成功。介绍说,应该采取30分钟变成一个小时或者更多的时间,每个人都要不断地停下来。最不幸的是,他真的以为他作为首席发言人在现实中他驾驶非常增值的过程到沟里在讨论做组织服务。从Donnie的滑稽动作和行为得到的地步,我的一个同事却记录“唐尼主义”在每次的人才回顾。开发了一份综合清单,每次使用时都会清点。下面是一些宝石,插话像手榴弹装满旧香料和胡椒的几期喷雾(我的解说包括侧)。“现在我们知道伟大是什么样子了”(你确定吗?)“他/她更近了!“(我不知道Randy Johnson在这里工作)“他/她站在香蕉皮上”(翻译……离开组织……非常专业)“他/她是个谜。”!“(蝙蝠侠的角色还是1990人的乐队?)“他/她将成为超级明星”(在这第二十次成为嫌疑犯之后)多好的故事啊!“(如果评论少一些就更好了)“他提高了他的竞技水平”(这是高尔夫项目吗?)…我又在哪里?“动态紧张时刻”(我个人的最爱之一,非常深奥)“他有什么需要”(确切地说是什么?)他在拳中翻滚!“(工作场所暴力?)“他有点与众不同”(约翰尼·德普与众不同还是比约克与众不同?)“他把轮子放在公共汽车上。”!“(公共汽车上的轮子转来转去!)“我们有XYZ雇员的工作”(这意味着什么?)这个家伙真是个“宝石”(至少用了75次)是的,这些都是真实的,在每一个经理的陈述中,有时会有逐字的陈述(有时是多次)。所以现在设想你是经理,参与者必须忍受这一点。你是做什么的?不幸的是,因为Donnie是相当高的等级组织内是“皇帝没穿衣服”的情况。没有人可以告诉他,他出轨的人才评估,有些评论是合适的,他的垄断需要停止阶段。我对任何遇到这种情况的人的建议是,在谁能说话,要讨论的主题,以及什么时候进行解说等方面,制定明确的基本规则。不要让他与你的人才回顾逃跑,把它变成一个时髦的词,宾果游戏表演。这是一个严肃的过程,不应该由行政自我膨胀和会议室仿虚张声势的妥协。用PowerPoint分析瘫痪和死亡我认为许多公司在人才审查过程中犯的最后一个错误是,他们试图尽可能多地填写与主题无关的信息。这延长的演示效果,还把注意力从像9-box重要话题,继任计划和发展行动。如果你的公司在这种情况下,你在这个过程中有影响力,试着说服人力资源领导层试着说服人力资源部领导,太多的信息对审查不利。在这种情况下,“少即是多”实际上是正确的。最后的思考既然我们已经审查了人才审查的组成部分和陷阱,那么就要由员工来了解和了解他们的立场。作为管理者和人力资源领导者,我们有责任和责任对员工进行公正客观的审查,目的是确保我们准确地了解公司未来改进的情况。人才审查过程是评估人才和帮助在任何组织内制定有效的人员计划的极好工具。我们应该充分利用这些类型的工具,通过使用这些工具来进一步提高员工和整个组织的整体水平。
As we near the end of another calendar year employees at many companies are finishing up their performance reviews and managers are preparing for merit and incentive planning.
Along with the typical performance and compensation planning cycle employers may also be starting their talent review processes.
If you are like most employees the talent review process may cloaked in secrecy, akin to the secret formula to Coca-Cola or the Colonel’s extra tasty crispy chicken recipe.
Although it can take many forms the talent review is simply a way for an organization to understand and gauge talent depth, prepare succession plans, and identify development opportunities for key employees.
As an employee what do you need to know about what should and shouldn’t be going on behind the scenes at your employer?
What questions should you ask about where you stand in the talent review process at your company?
This article will seek to answer these questions and also give employees with limited exposure and experience with talent reviews insight into what should and should not be happening.
Does My Company Have a Talent review?
What are the components?
The first question you should ask your manager or HR representative is does the company have a talent review process?
If the answer is no, you should probably find out if your company has any formal process for reviewing people outside of the typical performance review.
If they do not, and this is concerning to you, you may want think about investing your time in a company that takes talent management seriously and has a rigorous method to review talent.
Not having a talent review is like the CFO using estimation on the company’s balance sheet for Wall Street reporting, because…you know…close is good enough.
Do not waste your time with a company that fails to invest time, effort, and money on its people using a thorough and objective review model.
If the answer is yes, you should then seek to understand the main components or template that managers are discussing and at what depths within the organization.
Companies may have many items they discuss during a talent review, some of which have value and some that take up valuable space for the main conversation.
After working for several major companies like GE and Pepsi which have excellent people review processes, I have come to the determination that the talent review does not have to be overly cluttered with non-essential information.
In my view, three main components that are must-haves in any talent review are the “9-Box” chart, succession plan, and key talent development actions chart.
Although other information can certainly be discussed during the review, HR leaders should use caution so that additional information does not dilute or derail from the primary topic.
So what are the previously mentioned charts?
The 9-Box is a chart or grid used by many employers to assess potential and performance on the y and x axis respectively using high, medium, and low for each axis box which then creates an intercept combination (high/high, medium/high, etc.).
Employees that are in a department or area are typically placed within the chart as a group and discussed individually within the two areas.
The 9-Box framework gives senior leadership a snapshot of where employees are today on performance and potential, highlights high potentials, strong performers, and finally identifies weak performers.
Most companies that have a mature process focus on how they can help employees improve in both the performance and development components.
Used correctly, the 9-Box chart is a highly effective tool at assessing overall leadership strength within and organization, helping to identify Hi-Po’s, steady performers, and performance issues.
The succession plan is familiar to most and is literally as it is stated, a plan of successors for key talent within an organization.
Typically a manager will list at least 1-2 successors for his/her position, as well as 1-2 successors for other key positions within the department that report into his/her position.
The goal of this chart is to identify which employee is in line for each position, their current job title, and move readiness (examples being now, 6-12 months, 12-24 months, 24+ months).
The other purpose for a succession plan is exposing gaps within the organization where you may not have any internally viable successors.
Having a robust and up-to-date succession plan is an important component to the overall talent review, ensuring focus on talent depth and readiness for positions that may come open within the organization in the future.
The last chart that may be used is development actions for key talent.
I say key talent because it is not practical or necessary to place everyone on this chart.
Not that every employee shouldn’t have a development plan, they should, simply for the ease of the exercise the focus should be on the employees being discussed in the previous charts.
What this chart aims to accomplish is to identify the specific development items for each employee over the next 12 months.
The goal with skill development is to move employees upward in the 9-Box, shorten the “readiness” time-frame within the succession plan, and strengthen the overall skills/capability of the organization.
So now that I understand the content of what may be discussed, where do I fit in?
Now that the veil of secrecy has been lifted (again, this doesn’t apply to all employers) you as the employee need to find out where you stand in the process.
Some important questions that you need to have w Where do I fall within the 9-Box?
Why does the company see my performance and potential as (Medium/Medium, High/Medium, etc.)?
Am I on the succession plan, and if so, what role(s) am I being considered for in the future?
What specific development objectives does my manager see for me that may be blocking me from taking a higher level job within the Company?
The main focus for the employee is finding out where he/she fits in to the organization, perceptions, and how improvements can be made if needed.
Employees should use the feedback as constructive means for improvement.
Remember this is a plan on a piece of paper and does not guarantee you anything!
These are some of the critical questions that should be asked by employees to start the dialogue on the talent review.
The talent review should NOT be a top secret process and should be shared with employees.
Too many times managers withhold information because they are afraid of negative reactions from their employees.
Withholding information when employees know that the talent review is happening annually creates the sense that there is some sinister clandestine master plan for their future that may be negative.
In fact, not telling employees where they stand in the process is more harmful than sharing some constructive criticism on either performance and potential.
The last thing any manager wants to happen is their star employee to leave the organization because he/she thought they were not on any succession plan or talent radar within the organization.
The same goes for poor performers.
Letting organizational boat anchors malinger in a Company drags everyone else down and demotivates the team.
The key take-away here is for managers to be open and share the information with employees, both good and bad.
What shouldn’t be going on behind the scenes during the talent review?
As in any well-meaning tool or process, managers and executives with mal-intent (or incompetency in some cases) can take the talent review and use it inappropriately.
Let’s take a look at some examples I have seen at past employers where the process was poor or used improperly.
If you see or hear about any of these at your employer it should raise an immediate red flag and you should start asking questions.
Most of this information is directed at HR and Managers who run these discussions but should give some helpful insight to employees in general about what not to do.
Names and companies have been changed to protect the guilty.
The talent review is not a fraternity/sorority rush meeting
One Company that I used to work for took a lot of pride in their talent review, and indeed they had a fairly solid review method.
One of their problems though was that the talent review soon became like a fraternity/sorority rush meeting on potential pledges.
Conversations quickly drifted away from core topics like performance, potential, and succession, to employee personal medical issues and employee family/marital problems.
Conversations then spiraled into subjective comments like, “Person X is a good guy/lady”, which has zero value for the employee or people in the room because it was not based on any work related metrics or facts.
Part of the problem this Company had was that there were way too many people in the room and no one in particular was officiating.
The way to curtail this behavior is to set ground rules up front and have someone of appropriate rank within the room enforce the rules.
Keep the conversation on topic, objective, based on facts, and limit the people to managers that need to know.
Having 60 people sit in a room and listen to non-relevant personal information about every employee in the company is unprofessional and a lawsuit waiting to happen.
As a senior leader or HR you should carefully evaluate the audience for your particular review meetings which includes the total number of people.
If you hear your Company operates like this you may want to consider if it is a long term viable employment option for you.
This is a business, not a social club at a university.
Everyone is on their electronic devices during the meeting
Nothing chaps me more than attending a talent review and then looking back (they always sat in the back at this particular Company) where the executives are sitting to see them all on their electronic devices while someone is presenting his/her talent review to the organization.
If you are one of these people STOP this behavior now.
What you are telling everyone in the room is that you could give two flips about the people and information being presented, not to mention it is flat out disrespectful.
Again, if you are the MC/leader/head of the talent review, ensure that you set ground rules for electronic device usage up front.
Take some breaks and allow people to place calls or return emails.
The focus should be on the people of the business, not on any other items like emails or daily work.
These are important discussions and require everyone’s undivided attention to extract the most value.
The over-involved executive making ridiculous quips and comments
One of the previous companies I worked for had a very, shall we say, gregarious and verbose executive who we will call Donnie.
Donnie loved the talent review like Rembrandt loved working in oils and often referred to it as the “Super Bowl” for HR and talent.
Unfortunately Donnie, much like John Madden during a football telecast, talked, opined, pontificated, and gave “expert” analysis non-stop during the talent review.
This behavior had a chilling effect on the entire group participating in the meeting and derailed the manager trying his/her best to present the information.
Efforts were made to reign in Donnie’s unruly behavior but unfortunately it was without success.
Presentations that should have taken 30 minutes turned into an hour or more and everyone just wanted to make the incessant blathering stop.
The most unfortunate part was that Donnie actually thought he was doing the organization a service by acting as chief spokesperson during the discussions when in reality he was driving a very value-added process into the ditch.
The antics and behavior from Donnie got to the point where one of my colleagues actually kept a record of the “Donnie-isms” during each of the talent reviews.
A comprehensive list was developed and he counted each time one was used.
Here were a few of the gems that were interjected like hand grenades full of Old Spice and pepper spray during a few of the sessions (my color commentary included to the side).
“Now we know what greatness looks like” (Are you sure about that?)
“He/She is a closer!” (I had no idea Randy Johnson worked here)
“He/She is standing on a banana peel” (Translation…on the way out of the organization...very professional)
“He/She is an enigma!” (A character from Batman or the band from the 1990’s?)
“He/She is going to be a superstar” (After the 20th time this became suspect)
“What a great story!” (It would be even better if there was less commentary)
“He has elevated his game” (Is this a golf event?...Where am I again?)
“Moments of dynamic tension” (One of my personal favorites, very esoteric)
“He has what it takes” (Exactly what would that be?)
“He is rolling with the punches!” (Workplace violence?)
“He is a little bit of a different cat” (Johnny Depp different or *河蟹* different?)
“He keeps the wheels on the bus!” (The wheels on the bus go round and round!)
“We have a body of work from xyz employee” (What does this even mean?)
“What a “gem” this guy is” (Used at least 75 times)
Yes, these are actually real, word-for-word statements made (sometimes multiple times) during each manager’s presentation.
So now imagine you are the manager and participants having to endure this.
What do you do?
Unfortunately since Donnie was of fairly high rank within the organization it was “an emperor has no clothes” situation.
No one could or would tell him that he was derailing the talent review and that while some commentary was appropriate, his monopolization of the stage needed to stop.
My advice to anyone running into this is again, set clear ground rules up front on who can talk, the subject matter to be discussed, and at what times commentary is warranted.
Don’t let a Donnie run away with your talent review and turn it into a buzz word bingo gong show.
This is a serious process that should not be compromised by bloated executive egos and boardroom faux-bravado.
Analysis paralysis and death by PowerPoint
A final mistake I see many companies make in their talent review process is they try to cram in as much information as possible that does not pertain to the main topic.
This has the effect of lengthening each of the presentations and also taking focus away from important topics like the 9-Box, succession plan and development actions.
If your company is in this situation and you have influence in the process, try to convince the HR leadership that too much information is doing harm to the review.
In this case “less is more” actually holds true.
Final thoughts
Now that we have examined the components of the talent review as well as pitfalls, it is up to employees to gain knowledge and understanding of where they stand.
As Managers and HR leaders it is our responsibility and duty to run a fair and objective review for our employees with the goal of ensuring we capture an accurate picture of the organization for future improvements.
The talent review process is a wonderful tool to assess talent and help develop effective people plans within any organization.
We should all make the most of these types of tools by using them to further employees and ultimately the organization as a whole.
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引用3楼 @ 发表的:保安 保洁岗位 不属于盘点对象
引用5楼 @ 发表的:我去,既然被抛弃了,我还是回老家农村等着征地吧。等着做一个拆二代吧


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