
普华永道2013 校园招聘大礼包―― 大街网 Dajie.com 倾情奉献普华永道校园招聘公共主页http://pwc.dajie.com/大街网校园招聘频道http://compus.dajie.com/大街网校园招聘微博http://weibo.com/yjsxyzp 普华永道 2013 校园招聘简介:普半永逦中国大陆、香港、新加坡及台湾~务所巫根据各地适用m法徂b作运营。宥 觊,启工忖┻B 16,000 人,关中包括约 690 吉夯锶恕 无e宠户身在何处,普半永逦均能提供所雹m妊笪瘛N宜有实务绉验丰富、高素质 m与业团队,聆吩各种意见,帮劣宠户览决业务问题、抄紧机会,Ь蛎扛錾袒晃宜m行业 与业化有劣二就宠户兰注m顾域舜蠢谰谖Α 普华永道 2012 校园招聘回顾:袍蕉 2011 年 9 月,二 9-10 月Х稚驹谙愀邸⑸虾! 深圳、北京、南京、重庆、青岛、苏州、西安、M波及杭州等地各大高校S行了校园审觖会。 主要招聘岗位为g`与启、税务与启、颟陌掎c启等职位。工作地点D中国内地、香港、澳 门及海外等地。 欲了解普华永道 2013 最新校园招聘信息,请关注普华永道 2013 校园招聘公共主页 相关公共主页此次大街网掏出了普华永道 2013 校园招聘大礼包供合孥他备帷 此外,我他会随着 2013 年庙各吉企校园招聘顷盛m庙,适匚湘鬯 提供普半永逦 2013 校园招聘第一时间上线通知、网申攻略图解、HR 官方答疑、 应聘笔试面试指导等各种求职T息,劣佝在面试路上m荆斩棘,通兰获胜。让我们?赢在 2013!2 普华永道 2013 校园招聘大礼包目录一、1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6普华永道简介........................................................................................................... 5普半永逦概.....................................................................................................................................................5 普半永逦历叱.....................................................................................................................................................5 普半永逦中国分公叵 ........................................................................................................................................6 普半永逦主营业务/品 ..................................................................................................................................6 普半永逦/价值观 ......................................................................................................................................6 普半永逦工作地点 ............................................................................................................................................6二、2.1 2.2 2.3普华永道 2013 校园招聘项目介绍 ........................................................................... 8普半永逦 2013 校园招聘介终 ........................................................................................................................8 普半永逦校园招聘流程 ....................................................................................................................................8 普半永逦面试技巧 ............................................................................................................................................8三、3.1普华永道招聘常见问题解答.................................................................................... 10普半永逦校园招聘 FAQ ................................................................................................................................ 10四、4.1 4.2普华永道职业发展&薪酬待遇 ................................................................................ 18普半永逦职业д ......................................................................................................................................... 18 普半永逦薪酬往C ......................................................................................................................................... 18五、5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8普华永道校园招聘笔试经验.................................................................................... 20普半永逦 2012 校招网甲 openingquestion ......................................................................................... 20 PWC 北京科技童试题盛及绉验――2011 年 11 月 13 日 .................................................................... 20 普半永逦求 AC 攒人品,11.3 童绉+tips―― ..................................................................... 21 普半永逦 2012 校招幸州最吊一日m海童――.................................................................. 22 武汉大孥 PwC 童试-................................................................................................................ 23 【精半童c】Pwc 童试--11 年 10 月童绉怼 ........................................................ 23 德勤&普半永逦 2011 年 10 月香港童试―― ...................................................................... 31 普半永逦 BJ 童试――............................................................................................................ 32六、6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8普华永道校园招聘面试经验.................................................................................... 34【精品面绉】普半面绉-17 局-邱I士―― ........................................................................ 34 【精品面绉】普半永逦 11.18par 面,12.5offer ................................................................................... 37 普半永逦深圳所 11.17 RCS,早上 AC 面+下午 Par 面 ........................................................................ 38 一个月m四大T(audit)―― .............................................................................................. 40 我m普半路,11.16 收b bj audit offer 绉验贴 ..................................................................................... 42 【精品面绉】刚拿b 2012 伢 pwc assurance offer―― ............................................ 43 普半永逦 GZ RCS 面绉 (巫收b offer notification)―― ................................................. 44 普半永逦 SZ 所 Tommy par 面面筋~―― ........................................................................ 46七、普华永道工作经历&感悟 ....................................................................................... 493 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6在普半永逦实[m日子 ................................................................................................................................. 49 人生第一次 OT ............................................................................................................................................... 50 在与业m团队中收获――普半永逦实[绉历分享 .................................................................................. 51 青]乔呈且恢秩兆 ..................................................................................................................................... 52 PWC P&C Consulting 童绉-面绉-offer 全程回顺―― .................................................. 56 PWC2012 校招 全过程――
.................................................................................................. 59八、8.1 8.2 8.3普华永道相关资料延伸阅读.................................................................................... 62普半永逦m各个组m详绅资料 .................................................................................................................... 62 普半永逦夯锶丝蚊媸 ................................................................................................................................. 63 如何U Why Audit?职业透――g`(融业务) .............................................................................. 674 一、 普华永道简介1.1 普华永道概况普半永逦各成启机极帮劣各类组细及个人创造他所追寺m价值。我他是由各成启机极组成m网络,D及 158 个国家吴地区,有近 16.9 万吉启工,致力二在g`、税务及妊擞蛱峁└咧柿堪m朋务。 普半永逦中国大陆、香港、新加坡及台湾~务所巫根据各地适用m法徂b作运营。宥椋艄も┻B 16,000 人,关中包括约 690 吉夯锶恕 无e宠户身在何处,普半永逦均能提供所雹m妊笪瘛N宜有实务绉验丰富、高素质m与业团队,聆 吩各种意见,帮劣宠户览决业务问题、抄紧机会,Ь蛎扛錾袒晃宜m行业与业化有劣二就宠户兰注m顾域 舜蠢谰谖Α 我他分二仔下城巯:北京、香港、上海、新加坡、台北、重庆、中坜、大违、幸州、杭州、新竣、高雄、 澳门、南京、M波、青岛、深圳、苏州、台中、台南、天津、厦门及西安。 普半永逦各成启机极帮劣各类组细及个人创造他所追寺m价值。我他是由各成启机极组成m网络,D及 158 个国家吴地区,有近 16.9 万吉启工,致力二在g`、税务及妊擞蛱峁└咧柿堪m朋务。1.2 普华永道历史普 半 永 逦 会 ` 已 ~ 务 所 是 由 G 家 大 型 会 ` 已 ~ 务 所 , 普 半 ( Price Waterhouse ) 吴 永 逦 (Coopers&Lybrand),而成m。这G家~务所m历叱都可仔追溯b 19 丐纨。 关亍普华(Price Waterhouse) 1849 年, 普里斯 (Samuel Price) 在伢剂斯鼗嵊`已生涯。 1865 年, 普里斯不?豪里兮德 (William Holyland)及埃德温?半特豪斯(Edwin Waterhouse)建立了夯cm会`已~务所,豪里兮德在此T吊征 退出。1874 年,该~务所被羌绽锼埂ぐ胩睾浪构希Price, Waterhouse&Co.)。(“公叵(&Co.)” m称谀在征丽仔吊才被放弃)b 19 丐纨晚F,普半作为一家会`已~务所巫绉ǖ昧诵曳喊m觏可。为了应对英 国吴美国T闱速д拱m贸易兰系,在 1890 年,普半在纽约开办了一家分所。美国分所在此T吊行了高速 扩张。合邪m英国~务所乔在丌列颞帝国内部m主要国家丌断开办新m~务所。在每个国家都建立了独 立m兰系,这样就给予了当地夯锶死┱I地业务m强烈冲怠U庋瞻朐谌そ绨m扩张丌是通过国际范围 m重组,而是通过建立鹤骼枷蛋m联H完成m。 关亍永道(Coopers&Lybrand) 不普半一样,永逦合样可仔起源二 19 丐纨。在 1854 年,?库珀(William Cooper)在伢⒘俗 |m会`已~务所。七年吊,库珀m关三个兄弟乔加入了这家~务所,二是便改 普半永逦会`已~务所称 “库珀兄弟会`已~务所” (Cooper Brothers)。在 1898 年,罗伤?H?蒙哥马a(Rober H. Montgomery), ?M?莱兮德(William M. Lybrand),小亚当?A?罗斯(Adam A. Ross)吴m兄弟爱德半?罗斯在美国成 立了莱兮德-罗斯兄弟-蒙哥马a会`已~务所( Lybrand,Ross Brothers and Montgomery )。永逦 (Coopers&Lybrand)是二 1957 年由“库珀兄弟(Cooper Brothers&Co.)”、“莱兮德-罗斯兄弟-蒙哥 马a (Lybrand,Ross Brothers and Montgomery) 及一家吉为 ” “麦的哪-道 (McDonald,Currie and Co) ” m加拿大~务所而成m。在 1990 年,永逦在英国了 Deloitte Haskins&Sells。但是,关绝大多 Deloitte ~务所不 Touche Ross ,最织组建了“德勤(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu)”。 1907 年入加拿大,2 个人启起步,2007 年百年庆祝 5200 启工,分在加拿大 25 个地区。 普华与永道合并5 陋了在丐界主要城巯建立成启~务所仔外,普半吴永逦都在每个国家吸收当地m会`已~务所。这就寻致 在合一个国家m丌合地区产生更多m~务所达b关分范围m临界点,仍而能为速增长m跨国公叵提供朋 务,无e他在何处开展贸易。会`已~务所m成长合样b来自二丌断增长mg`雹求(尤关是绉历了 20 丐纨 20、30 年m大萧条T吊)吴日益复杂m纳税甲报me激。 为了一步a用大型会`已~务所m_模益,普半吴安达T(Arthur Andersen)曾在 1989 年商觐 ~宜,但最织没有达成ba。这主要是由二G者在重大顾域存在a益冲空(此处与合一会`已~务所丌得兼 弦黄笠蛋mg`吴妊滴瘢@纾泊T为 IBM 公叵提供强大m商务妊笪瘢瞻朐虻 IBM m g`已。在 1998 年,普半(Price Waterhouse)吴永逦(Coopers & Lybrand)为普半永逦(Price Waterhouse Coopers),使得新~务所成为一种丌合m联H,仔获ǜ蟀m_模益。在随吊m几 年里,普 半永逦吴 Grant Thornton T闱m课`仔夭m吮织。因为主要m大型会`已~务所正在丌断减少,新m 巫征难获得监管机极m批准。 在 2002 年,安然(Enron)~件、丐通(WorldCom)~件仔及随吊安达Tm倒闭,寻致美国证判交易 委启会(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)对g`已m独立提出了更为H苛m_定。随吊出台 m萨班斯-H邓估撤ㄎ (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) 便是上述_定m结果T一。 该法桅强诽了g`已m独立要求, _定核心g`必项不忖体妊滴癖K分离。 这寻致四大会`已~务所丌得丌剥离他m商务妊滴瘛 然而, ~务所m主要业务是在g`朋务T外,提供商业建a,诸如在税务及公叵k务顾域。1.3 普华永道中国分公司普半永逦中国大陆、香港、台湾及新加坡~务所巫根据各地适用m法徂b作运营。宥椋艄も┻B 14,000 人,关中包括B 620 吉夯锶恕7二仔下城巯:北京、香港、上海、新加坡、台北、重庆、中坜、大 违、幸州、杭州、新竣、高雄、澳门、南京、M波、青岛、深圳、苏州、台中、台南、天津、厦门及西安。1.4 普华永道主营业务/品牌1、俅证及企业妊笪瘛P颂灏ǎ贺k务报表g`、石油行业价值证分、全球扩展及私有化、内部掎c 朋务、内部g`朋务、颟陌管理、外包朋务等; 2、商业程序外包。兴体包括:k务及会`、应用流程、采购、人力资源、丌劢产管理等; 3、k务妊笪瘛P颂灏ǎ浩笠抵刈榕笪瘛⒅铝Χ行渭拔扌巫什龅劝m公叵价值妊笪竦龋 4、全球人力资源。兴体包括:全球人力资源览决谖Α⑷肆ψ试妊С值龋 5、管理妊笪瘛P颂灏ǎ汗崧浴⒓际崧浴⒆橄崧浴 绉营崧浴⒏脑崧缘取1.5 普华永道文化/价值观f守我他m价值观 与业执业;诚T绉营;维护公叵不宠户m声觋;尊重人;爱护环境;秉持社会lΩ校а鹤骶瘢 g规运作k;注重行为逦德标准 - 这些就是普半永逦精神,乔是普半永逦《行为准则》所要传递mT息。 这就是我m价值观, 乔就是我他m《行为准则》。 我他称T为 “普半永逦精神”。两袢眨宜砦χ匦绿嵝盐宜邪mK兰a益者兰二我他KT吴f 守m理忌。1.6 普华永道工作地点6 北京,重庆,大违,幸州,上海,M波,南京,杭州,深圳,苏州,天津,西安,厦门7 二、 普华永道 2013 校园招聘项目介绍2.1 普华永道 2013 校园招聘介绍仔下是普半永逦 2012 届校园招聘回顺,供参考 袍蕉 2011 年 9 月,二 9-10 月Х稚驹谙愀邸⑸虾!⑸钲凇⒈本⒛暇⒅厍臁⑶嗟骸⑺罩荨⑽靼病 M波及杭州等地各大高校S行了校园审觖会。主要招聘岗位为g`与启、税务与启、颟陌掎c启等职位。工作 地点D中国内地、香港、澳门及海外等地。 兰注大街网微博@应届生校园招聘,获ㄕ衅讣镜谝皇舟解悖http://weibo.com/yjsxyzp2.2 普华永道校园招聘流程2.3 普华永道面试技巧Online application Think before completing the form, present the information in a logical manner Read the questions very carefully, follow instructions Select your most pertinent skills and experience. Present these clearly Check for spelling and grammar mistakes Provide detailed contact information Written tests Check email regularly for invitation of test. Avoid missing online registration deadline Find out how to go to the test venue in advance. Arrive on time Stay relaxed and comfortable. Do not allow your anxiousness affect your performance Monitor time carefully. Do not just complete the easiest or hardest questions Assessment centre Actively interact with the group and work together to achieve the goals If you have any questions, do not be shy to ask before starting8 Take time to think and plan for the best approach. Do not go straight into an exercise Be yourself. Don't &act& or try to &role play& Make sure you know what your time limit is and incorporate that into your plan Final interview Engage in mock interviews with anyone who is prepared to help Always express yourself in an organised, logical and convincing manner Demonstrate your ability with support of your previous experience Listen to the questions carefully and answer precisely to the point Do not try to dominate the conversation or drag too long on just one topic9 三、 普华永道招聘常见问题解答3.1 普华永道校园招聘 FAQI. Recruitment process and criteria 1、What positions can I apply for? We are looking for graduates to join the Assurance, Risk & Controls Solutions, Tax and Consulting and Deals services. (For Beijing and Shanghai only): We are also looking for graduates to join the Actuarial team. Applications will be opened in September in Hong Kong and October in all China offices. Please visit our graduate recruitment website (www.pwchk.com/graduate or www.pwccn.com/graduate) for further details of our recruitment programme.2、What does PwC look for in a candidate? We are looking for bright people who have demonstrated excellent leadership, language and interpersonal skills, which may be developed through a vast range of different experiences and backgrounds that we offer. The criteria that we use to select graduates are: Demonstrate courage and integrity Acquire and apply commercial and technical expertise Manage projects and economics Be open minded, agile with change and practical Develop self and others through coaching Communicate with impact and empathy Be curious: learn, share and innovate Lead and contribute to team success Be passionate about client service Build and sustain relationship3、Does PwC hire students who don't have a business background? If so, are non-business graduates treated differently or do they have fewer opportunities?10 Our philosophy is to hire the best people who share our vision - and not all of the best come to us with a business background or degree. Generally it is more demanding for non-accounting /business graduates as they need to work harder to acquire the professional qualification. Our new staff training programme provide the non-accounting graduates with the necessary accounting courses to put them on a par with the accounting graduates.4、Is my English / Putonghua proficiency a very important selection criteria? We wish to hire the graduates with good communication skills in both English and Chinese. However, this is only one of our assessment criteria.5、What types of questions will be asked during the interview? How should I prepare for the interview? Interviewers will ask different questions, usually focusing on your ability, skills and experience rather than on technical knowledge. Normally most questions will be related to what you have mentioned on your application form. The best way you can prepare for the interview is to do basic research on our firm and be able to articulate what skill sets the candidate have developed through work experience, extra curricular activities, study, sports etc. and how they are related to the firm.6、What is an Assessment Centre? An assessment centre is where a number of assessment tools are combined to test different aspects of the candidate's suitability for the post. Candidates will participate in group activities, discussions, business case studies and simulations, role-plays or presentation and 1-1 interview. Candidates will be assessed on the ability to get along with and influence future colleagues, to display leadership qualities, to generate ideas and to present them. Observers will watch the entire process and assess the overall contribution candidate make. your participation and not the quantity. Their scoring will be based on the quality of7、 Can I apply for the offices in other location? If yes, how can I attend the recruitment process in other location?11 Yes, you can select your preferred location in the application form.Please also select yourpreferred interview location in the application form so that we can recognise and help the interview arrangement. Normally you can choose the office nearest to your station as the interview location so that you don't need to travel a lot to attend the whole recruitment process. We also provide 2 options as the location in the application form. Normally we will put your 1st option as the priority and the 2nd option will only be considered when we couldn't find sufficient candidate through the 1st option. We will contact you to get your confirm before we transfer you to the 2nd option. Under current competitive market, we highly recommend you think carefully before making the decision on which office you would like to apply.8、Q: Can I apply for more than 1 line of service? We offer 2 lines of service options for you in the online application form. While normally we put your 1st option as the priority. The 2nd option will only be considered when there are no sufficient applicants from the 1st option. We will contact you to get your confirm before we transfer you to 2nd option. We highly recommend you to think carefully before making the decision on whichposition you would like to apply.II. Organisational agility 1、Can I gain exposure in other divisions / departments? Staff may be seconded to other divisions or departments for a short period to get a better understanding of the work they perform and gain different experience and exposure. However, this is based on division and department business needs.2、Is it possible to change from one service line to another within the firm? We promote the development of individual careers within PwC and are therefore provide opportunities for transferring to another line of service to gain additional experience. We have an internal HR OA portal where all the exiting openings are posted. You can check out the available opportunities and find out your interested one. This however, will not be considered until after one12 year and should be in line with the condition that the individual has the necessary aptitude and/or development potential as well as appropriate &business needs&.III. Firmwide policy 1、Do I need to work much overtime in PwC? Due to the nature of our professional service, it is necessary for our people to work overtime at certain times. Overtime will depend on the client, the practice area and the seasonal nature of some of our work. However, the firm recognises the need for junior staff to concentrate on their studies and we will always bear this in mind.2、How often will I be travelling on average? It depends on the project and the practice area of what you will do. In some line of services, little travel is required, while in other line of services extensive travel is required.IV. Examination support 1、Which exam syllabus should I sit? China: As a leading professional services firm, we expect our staff to achieve the professional qualification as soon as possible which in turn helping the firm to deliver high quality professional services. Depending on the business needs in each line of services and the individual's background, different lines of services recognise different qualifications. qualifications / examinations by each Los is: Line of services Assurance Assurance - RCS Qualification CICPA CICPA, CISA, CISSP, CIA, CISM An overview of the firm sponsoredConsulting and Deals CICPA Tax CICPA, CTA, ACCA, Legal, etc.13 Notes: 1. a) CICPA qualification is prime focus in Assurance. Given the nature of Assurance business,and the regulatory environment that prevails upon the professional accounting industry in this country, we expect all Chinese Nationals who have graduated from local universities to pursue the CICPA qualification. b)In assurance we ask people to register and pass CICPA exam as early as possible and they are required to pass two papers within their first two years to be promoted to Senior Associate. c)Acquiring CICPA qualification is one of the basic promotion prerequisites for a Senior Associate to move to the Manager grade. d)For individuals who may have graduated from overseas based universities and began or completed their professional qualification requirements abroad, the firm will recognise these professional qualifications but a parallel policy will apply to these individuals in terms of focus and obtaining qualification within a reasonable timeframe consistent with our request of local Chinese based staff pursuing the CICPA qualification. e)In RCS people is encouraged to take various examinations including both Accounting related Exams (i.e. CICPA) and Technical Examinations (i.e. CISA, CISSP). 2.a)In Consulting and Deals, given the wide range in professional services offered by our Consulting and Deals business across China, the required qualification specific to each Consulting and Deals Business Units (&BU&) varies. Required qualifications by BU are set out as below. b)The Consulting and Deals business also recognises some new joiners may have begun or completed other professional or overseas qualifications, which differ from those set out above. In these circumstances, Consulting and Deals will recognise these qualifications for qualification premium purpose provided it is deemed an Consulting and Deals BU recognised qualification set out in the Appendix II of Consulting and Deals Exam Policy. 3. In Tax, a range of professional examinations are recognised by the firm. CICPA or Certified Tax Agent (CTA) is viewed as essential in helping the staff's work performance. 4. In general, staffs are expected to acquire one professional qualification only.14 An exam briefing will be organised in late March / early April every year, sometimes upon your acceptance of the offer, to give you more details on the qualification recognised, how to choose different qualifications where appropriate, how many & which papers to be taken etc.Hong Kong: As a leading professional services firm, we expect our staff to achieve the professional qualification as soon as possible which in turn helping the firm to deliver high quality professional services. Depending on the business needs in each line of services and the individual's background, different lines of services recognise different qualifications. An overview is that: Line of services Assurance Assurance - RCS Qualification HKICPA, other accounting qualifications leading to HKICPA qualification HKICPA, CISA, CISSP, CIA, CISM, other accounting qualifications leading to HKICPA qualification Consulting and Deals HKICPA, CFA, CPV, other accounting qualifications leading to HKICPA qualification Tax Notes: 1.In general, staff is expected to acquire one professional qualification only. 2.For those who do not opt for the HKICPA but opt for the membership of a professional body which is a member of the IFAC, the common qualifications that are possessed by our staff are ACCA / AICPA / CPA Australia. 3.In RCS, a staff who attended a technical qualification and passed the HKICPA Module A (Financial Reporting) and Module C (Business Assurance) exams will also be recognised for qualification premium purpose. HKICPA, other accounting qualifications leading to HKICPA qualification15 4.In Consulting and Deals, given the wide range in professional services offered by our Consulting and Deals business, the required qualification specific to each Consulting and Deals Business Units (&BU&) varies. Required qualifications by BU are set out as below. An exam briefing will be organised in March / April every year, sometimes upon your acceptance of the offer, to give you more details on the qualification recognised, how to choose different qualifications where appropriate, how many & which papers to be taken etc.2、What kind of examination assistance will I receive? The firm is committed to provide support to staff in achieving the recognised qualification as soon as possible. In general, staff will be given time off for p and be supported by their career coach / examination advisor in the forms of experience sharing and coaching where appropriate. For those exams (CICPA, CTA, HKICPA) which are taking by the majority of our people, examination assistances may include in-house revision seminar / e- and etc. Again, details of examination assistance for different qualifications will be introduced during the exam briefing.3、Will my study / exam leave be taken off for client priorities? No. Once you are booked to attend study course or you are on study / exam leave, you are not expected to forego your studies for client matters. The firm wants our people to be qualified at the earliest possibility thus passing the professional exam are given high priority.V. Others16 1、What kind of industry exposure can I expect? You will have the opportunity to undertake a variety of tasks in the Information Communications, Technology, Financial Services, Utilities, Consumer & Industrial Products, and Real Estate and Services industries.2、How would you describe the working relationships within the firm? The firm has always upheld an open door policy and coaching culture, the aim is to strengthen bonds between senior and junior staff. The firm has a friendly, open environment where people play as hard as they work. Everyone tries his or her best to contribute to the success of our business, and the firm doesn't take this effort for granted. We have undertaken a number of initiatives for our staff to show our appreciation.17 四、 普华永道职业发展&薪酬待遇4.1 普华永道职业发展How we develop our people Guidance right from the start At PwC, we believe in developing our people and shaping their career by offering them the best training, opportunities for specialisation, overseas assignments and above all, leveraging the knowledge and experience of our people around the world. Learning for you begins with a structured and comprehensive induction course, which allows you to settle in and meet your new colleagues. It is also the first part of a development framework that will help you build technical, business, personal and management skills throughout your career. On-the-job learning At PwC, you will never stop learning. In today's dynamic business environment, on-the-job training forms a vital part of your learning process. You will find yourself developing skills and acquiring knowledge, whether it is from the project you are working on or the people you are working with. In addition, we continue to support and develop your expertise through various self-learning programmes and other educational courses. There will always be something new to learn. Global opportunities We also offer a Global Deployment Programme. We have one of the largest Global Mobility programme in our profession and we send our high performers to gain overseas experience early in their careers. Each year, we send a number of staff on assignments, which last from three months to two years, to our offices overseas, including Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, the UK, and the US. Providing you with feedback Regular performance reviews will help you identify your strengths as well as areas to improve. With a counsellor, you will be able to discuss your career goals and in return, we will inform you on our expectations of you. You will agree your personal objectives before each assignment begins so that results can be discussed afterwards. How we reward excellence We reward excellence. Whatever special skills you might have, they will be recognised. Our financial rewards and performance-based remuneration are designed to be competitive and geared to attract, retain and motivate high performing individuals. recognise excellent contributions as we take your career seriously. Our benefits structure emphasises individual flexibility and choice, targeted at a broad spectrum of needs. Your list of benefits ranges from medical and insurance to provident fund, vacation and compensation leave because, we believe that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial. We strive to reward and4.2 普华永道薪酬待遇18 How we look after our people We not only look after your career development. At PwC, we believe in &work and life& balance, and we offer our staff various ways to develop themselves personally as well as professionally. We even have a dedicated programme for this, called &We Care&. Over the past year, we have undertaken a number of initiatives for our staff to show our appreciation, including: F Discount tickets to c Yoga and Tai Chi classes in various mainland China and Hong K Numerous sports and fun days such as our popular &PwC China Cup&; PwC Family Day in mainland C Stres Health talks (low back pain, proper sitting posture); Free influenza v and Focus group meetings to identify areas for improvement. Team building outside working hours We also believe in building relationships with your colleagues outside the office. There are many opportunities for you to join our corporate sports teams and compete on behalf of PwC. Basketball team - won the HKICPA Basketball Competition for the last thr Tennis team - reached the quarterfinals of the 2005 Corporate Patron Tennis League in Hong K Soccer and basketball teams in the mainland China which play matches against clients and Dragon Boat Championship - a great team building opportunity, and Table tennis team - represents the firm in the mainland China. 仔下为网友爆料,仅供参考: 我知逦去年(2011 年校招)I科 6000,研究生 6300,13 薪,物价一J在涨,今年会丌会有所增加呢? U:AC 园m是I科 6500 研究生 6800 税吊大约 5000 出央19 五、 普华永道校园招聘笔试经验童试内容:Verbal+Logical+Numerical(该三部分均为中+英诧作5.1 普华永道 2012 校招网申 openingquestion1. In PwC, we nurture a learning and development culture with the strong support of the efficient learning environment and coaching programmes. Please describe a specific achievement of you within a team and what you gained from it. Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation). 2. PwC sets priority on developing our people's project management skills in accordance with client expectations and professional standards. Please identify and a major activity/project you undertook and describe what it was and how you managed the project. Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation). 3. PwC aims to maintain high standards of professionalism. Please describe a situation when you were engaged in a task where you took a different approach or had a different opinion from others. Please share how this contributed to the team’s success. Your answer should not be more than 1000 character space (includes letters, space and punctuation).5.2 PWC 北京科技笔试题目及经验――2011 年 11 月 13 日开始呢扯点话吧,我是 11 月 9 床攀bm童试通知(我 10 月 5
submit m),T前关实都丌抱 巳服了,所仔收bT吊还是半丽丽m窃喜了一下,我是非k绉类与业m,而D是巩距十万八千里m医孥护理与 业,所仔能收b通知,对我来是对我m觏可,我还是非开心m。 湎吕次揖涂我豢挝野m童试准备过程, 9 词b通知b网上甲请顽约, 仍 然吊开始准备, 俏 4 天牵 这F闱我还要在医w实[,所仔我准备童试m欠有陉,但是考试结束吊我自我感视还丌错,起码我没有 打酱油,至二过还是丌过,我衬芩确饫锎蠹腋以芤幌氯似妨耍~ PWC2011 年m童试然是行测逡辑+essay(作旅嫘颂蹇我豢巫急讣翱际怨蹋 1 行测逡辑部分,这里我合孥掏荐我去N公务启m行测\,还是有一定用处m,起码可仔练手;关次重要 m就是多N应届生m童绉,童绉里面征可能就有佝考试m题盛及U桅,我正好前一天N了前一批m童试题盛吴 U桅,所仔诧词理览吴├矸做m还可仔,提醒大家多兰注应届生,我这里丌一定我可仔考m征好啊,d 一寄托二童绉乔是丌太现实m,但是多N无害。 好了锣乱危衷谧一下我m童试题盛情辏20 第一题诧词理览:G个题盛,每个题盛G个小段落,兴体内容吴题盛及U桅eg里有一个非强大m楼主 巫绉给出了,大家可仔兴体NN去。 第事题├矸:然是巴篷吴登山包,及美国中国手机系统用户m饼状图,`算起来非简d,巴篷吴 登山包没什举难庙就是N一下d位;系统比较~个`算要抄紧恰 第三题图形掏理,这里我丌敢П砩蛾橛e,我自|做m丌咋样,蒙了一卉,巳服筒子他多练[一下,b了 考场可仔点做题。 2 作 我抽bm作馐⑹潜冉 hire an unexperienced worker with low salary or hire an experienced worker with high salary ?作厥地⒛眩鲎酝懈 155,建a大家准备詈每勺行纬勺|m一个模板,然 吊多找一下题库题盛练[找一下分e点,这个诜ㄊ嚎栈鳌 好了,忖体上就这举多了,关就丌赘述了,巳服可仔给我攒b人品,顸a AC 面!~5.3 普华永道求 AC 攒人品,11.3 笔经+tips――今天上午刚仍k大童试回来,丌好丌坏吧,作飧詹榱讼率蔷谷皇悄程饪庵邪m第事题,悲催m我没N~ 一版m题库,benevolence is more effective than violence to change people's minds, do you agree or disagree ?悲催m我m词汇量丌觏诃 benevolence,澈米置嫔喜拢拥免T就是吴 violence K对,二是仍 peace,communication 上去写,考完一查质 mercy。。。悲了个催m,淡定了。 题盛呢,吴eg上m人m都一样,中m V G组题,一组孥╂畚饣℃劭瓢m,一组 CRS 顷盛减少启工 流夭率m,征简d,乔歉辉!Vm N G组,一组登山包吴巴篷m,eg上有人要注意d位,但我特删 注意了下,貌似用处丌大,[┧愣跃秃茫d位上貌似没有陷阱。一组是美国吴中国手机使用情臧m,eg上 要注意人┴⒑希墒俏乙,这一点就算佝第一次做题乔征难丌注意b,给m是百分比,丌可能注意丌b 人┴⒑习m,所仔丌用太紧张,征简d,正去U就好。图形题,图形题我要范例还是没有改过来,用m还 是模题,但是没有改。。。所仔还是有问题m。。。大家丌要纠结,意忑意忑得了,删影响吊面m做题心情, 要KT自|。 图形题乔是G组, 第一组比较简d, 给了G个符窗m吨丿, 要掏断G个符窗m吨丿, 貌似有 TRUS。。 。 忖T照题盛去掏,应该没有问题,此处大约用去 1 分钟,一定在草纸上[结果用简明m符从c下,吊面 做题会简d,基I上退出符窗m意忑,吊面几逦题就征 easy 了,放松心情,剩下m 2 分钟绝对够用还有剩。第 事组就比较有难庙了,还是要现根据体面去掏断符窗m意丿,大约要用去 1 分钟~1 分卉,丌要慌,[结果c 下来,第一题征简d,事三题我m乔秦⑻涣耍懵ǎ坏蹂松瞎U桅,个人感视还是有巳服。忖T 在图形题m第事逦做完第一题大约呈R环种幼笫罚械谑绿庋杆倥堤`断,如果没有征m忑路,~举丽 懵斯U桅, 俅证自|还有 20 秒仔上去N最吊一逦题, 当然乔是用eg里巫有m tips, 先逅一个U桅, 再N题。 。 忖T删穸着。然吊就是作耍ㄓa还是准备下吧。 然吊 tips:首先建a自备`算器,虽然考官 alt+tab 可仔寻出`算器,但是征贶恰?墒怯纱擞 m合孥至恕白鞅住卑m诜āalt+tab 可仔退出考试环境,就是普通m PC 界面,所仔我Nb有合考场m合孥 半丽丽mI上 U 盘,copy 作睦镞~叨一个气啊。。。。丌过丌不小人为伍,D这种诜ú僮饔序┠埃 丌建a。然吊就是我个人m一点小心得,征多合孥抱,一b申脑上d词就丌会拼了,佝可仔切换b搜狗d入 法中ctrl+shift)注意一定要是中叮绻怯m话 shift 一下,然吊 ctrl+shift+E,就可仔入搜狗m21 英d入了,征简d,大家可仔现在自|m申脑上联系,这样至少可仔俅证拼写m准确率,就是标点m地谝 shift 切换b英 OK,祝大家童试都有好成绩,我虽然U得征一般,但是F往 AC 啊。。。。 每个人心中都有一家最喜欢m四大,而我m就是普半啊。。。。。去年就阴巩阳错m过了普半m童试,但 因为他是补招我]m是实[,他要应届生我丌是就这样错过了。。。虽然手上有关家m offer,但是依然 心仕普半,普半是我m NO.1 啊。。。。这就是个人情节吧。。。 绉历过四大m招聘流程,Om丌难,像我这样英诧平平,与业平平,所有都平平m人还是拿b了 offer,so be yourself 就好,戒者 be yourself you wanna be 就好,剩下m就是 enjoy 这个过程,他能觑佝觏诃b征 多仓佝尊敬m peer 吴 leader。祝大家都有好结果。5.4 普华永道 2012 校招广州最后一日的海笔――阅诺题 2 篇 个 4 题 每部分 3MINS 1. 基础知诃 ╂郯m好处 作用 问题有: 要孥好╂郯m原因 作者觏为~些人应该孥好╂ 基础知能被 高科技名 还有题忉c了 2. 一个顷盛 帮劣减少人启流夭 乔是有题忉c了 丌难 欠a够 丌要被干扰T息迷惑 就近原则 ╂ 2 图表 征多人过了 登山吴巴篷 还有手机适用 秤c得问题m碎片 : 闱就去了 1/3 图表算术都丌难 牵。。。。。。。。。。。。 是大问题 仔吊角练要速算术 D孥孥 2 位┢狗ㄘ鏊 我视得这个前m陉c 是要求我他伥算而丌是老老实实 算m 图形 因为╂圬⒑ 我一早就下功夫在图形掏断题 丌过这些吴 SHL m丌合 但是乔是有章法可觊 下边是我视得最有用m 乔是仍前人中获得 大家一定要搞懂 就什举都丌怕了 这个涤泄U桅 所仔 就算一开始丌会 照U桅倒掏 乔能明白忑路 我一下这些图形题m忑路 首先是要寺找K合m符 [出现K合符窗m图形发化k子放一起比较 比较发化前吊m丌合 然吊 如果 2 个k子m发化K合 比如: 2 个都出现第一个图形颜D改发 而这 2 个发化中都吨有合一个符
这个符匆庳褪 第一个图形颜D改发 这样找一个缺口 下一步就是找佝自|得出m巫知m符窗mk子 比较 这些k子 再一步步定位关符 一步步掏上去 征就可仔掏出m 骋幸桓鋈笨 骋凶帜d个意丿览开 问题潮⒁ 1 分钟丌b就全部逅择好 我是最吊 1 分钟才做完 4 题m 没有边掏边做 销售成I巩 手机某个系统不某个系统比较m巩额 征丌够 3 题撞m 因为都要算 ~些手机系统m人 要用百分比乒仔忖人┰ 2 个K减 算完一题 问题有: 顷盛盛m 启工会找诼评问题困难 一个句子m合意转换22 作 佝想要无绉验低薪m职位还是有绉验高薪m 对二这些商务类m非顸手 国外写e闯隼戳 一孥F 4 个月 4 门读 每门一篇
m INDIVIDUAL 一篇 ++ GROUP PROJECT 平均下来 每个月要写 2 篇 就是 2 礼拜搞掂一篇 征就写完 我是一边写一边y查m 然吊没有提早交卷 坐了坐 N了N 等有人交了再交 仔上 巳服有好结果 甲m丌是主流职位 因为丌是融k务系m 至今都没有什举消息 眼N机会^来^少 eg上 POST 出来m招聘^来^少 BBS 上^来^多签 OFFER m 帖子 开始征焦虑了http://pwc.dajie.com/discuss/topic/117247/detail5.5 武汉大学 PwC 笔试-武汉m童试貌似在全国算是比较晚m了。一线城巯m基I上巫绉行b AC 了。 童试地点在武大工孥部`算机孥w,机试,机器是戴尔m商用机。 童试分为 4 个环节:阅诺掏理、┳痔屠怼⑼夹畏⒒惶屠砦庑∽ 阅诺掏理:中G组题盛,每组 3 分钟牵G个段落,做 4 逦题盛。题盛丌难,抄住伟m要点基 I上就能览U问题。 ┳痔屠恚褐G组题盛,每组 3 分钟,N一张图表,做 4 逦题盛。题盛都是基Im四则运算,雹要一 些简dm商业诃。注意要抄住图表m逡辑兰系仔及N清楚题干问什举。第事组m吊G题稍难,`算量略大。 (对二阅诺吴┳郑蠹铱勺凶鲎 SHL m题盛) 图形发换掏理:中G组题盛,每组 3 分钟,每组均有一个独立m图形发换_则,做 4 逦题盛。一定要 注意G组题盛m逡辑发换是丌合m。题盛有点难庙,主要是每组m图形发换_则都丌合,每次都要先N,因此 有点儿耽诨恰 作河;I上就是仍绉兵作 30 题里随机抽m,T前准备准备就好了。陆峒照托福独立作 m结极p可。要求 250 字,30 分钟,a够了。注意拼写。(LZ 建a大家可仔用搜狗拼音d入法敦英跎 拼写错诨) 巳服都能拿b AC 通知,攒 RP 啊~~~ PS:附件里是绉兵作 30 题吴┳痔屠戆m例题,可仔参考一下http://pwc.dajie.com/discuss/topic/117248/detail5.6 【精华笔记】Pwc 笔试--11 年 10 月笔经整理――LZ考完吊更新: 我是今天下午2:20m场。。今天考m跟下面m完全一样。。。。。。。陋了作23 O感谁T前m学纸他啊~~~~~~~ LZ没考好呢,图形掏理我去!最吊一小问还是没来得及写,忉了先随便写个U桅上去----所仔墙羝 m话还是会忉ctricks!! 作野m题盛是----------- do u agree with the statement: a person should never make decisions alone. 普半还有童试举,是丌是没了,写下这些东西,仅供明年m学纸他参考参考了---------人品攒丌b了, O心没Щ铀剑。 原缦拢 这阵子N了eg好多朊友m童绉,感谁感谁。。。 下午G点卉考,在这T前,先[我砹酥诙嚯糜寻m童绉侠矗蠹乙豢佣N吧! (由二收集┝拷隙啵忻挥凶⒚靼嫒ǎsorry啦!!) 一、词诧理览(G大题,3分钟一大题,4小问---每做b最吊一小题m蚨蓟嵯儒烁龉U桅上去) 第一部分:前面有人提b过兰二孥生孥[╂郯m话题。 一G段: 第一段孥生孥[基础孥科征重要, 因为现在科技步日新月异, 这些新m科技征容易就被更新换了, 所仔基础孥科m孥[显得尤为重要。 第事段对二理工科m孥生来, 孥[╂鄯重要。 因为╂鄱远砉た瓢m关孥科起m作用非大。 孥╂劭勺卸土度遂m忑考能力。还特意提b孥概率统`可仔避克人他走bh胡合里面去。 c忆中m题盛:1、孥╂郯m好处:楼主逅m是可仔锻炼人m忑维能力,注意千万丌要吴孥概率统`m作 用混了;2、为什举孥[基础孥科重要;3、大孥生要好好孥[╂勖4、理科生为什举丌好好孥[╂郏 第事部分:兰二一个叨富乐凼簿侔m公叵掏幸CRS 第一段这个公叵征有顽见,掏出了这个CRS,盛m是帮劣启工提高沟通技巧,结极吊来诽查制 工是因为忑乖m情绪才会心神丌定 第事段这个CRS吴人力资源部丌合,这个CRSm根I盛m是为了减少启工m流夭率 题盛:1、有顽见m合丿词,楼主逅m是有先见T明m; 2、减少启工流夭率mK合表达;3、启工Cb问 题会找人力资源部门名?4、幸东企业最_这举做m原因是什举? 忖m来,这部分比较简d,诺明白了肯定是没问题m,乔枪挥 Verbal 第一篇是将绿D植物放在房闱中可仔带来氧气等作用,业主喜欢用绿右装颥多过关装颥物。 第事篇是吃素颡可仔\c各类疾病,但是会寻致有些营养缺夭 第三篇是温客应引起温庙发化 第四篇是科孥技术m上升吴绉济д拱m兰系 第亏篇是企业资源讼硎钦ㄋ蛎姘m做法 1、有一篇绿D植物做家装颥征好,因为化穸气,c造氧气什举m(有题),然吊因为这举好, 所仔征多人装颥m蛴绣嗽裾飧觯ㄓ刑猓 2、b现在科技д梗县⒌秘]入更多b研е校胁飞F缩短(有题),传统公叵m巯24 场地位b幔菜普饫锴怯幸惶猓┦簿侔m 3、还有一篇巩丌多主题,丌过是因为科技д梗d多公叵开始仔联H形k讼砟骋挥a什举m,大意 是这个,考点忉c了,丌好意忑 4、能源价格。什举现在油价屁高丌下,但是d多大公叵丌喜欢Nb这个,因为虽然高价格可仔短F 给公叵带来更多a润,但是仍长FN丌a二开采(这里附近有一题)。因为高油价寻致各政店会仔各种原因(比 如环俅问题,有题)收回开采权什举m。 5、中m┗队U庖黄夜厥凳钦髫⑷范òm。m内容是这G年中晨际员既┭杆偕仙诳 试阈邪裆衔诅и]过俄诧(有题),岱ú锇m地位。另外还提b最近中既┚缭觯缬`在三年吊报考 人┗嶷]过报考西班m人(有题)。 为什举我这篇丌确定呢?因为题盛m都是中谟⒐m地位如何如何,但是迈m是报考人 所仔H格来觖是NGm,但是有可仔能够仍报考人┑敝刑逑殖鲋m┗队堂仔此得出关地位m结e。 所仔究竟是在N吴YT闱逅择还是逅择NG我征犹豫,大家自|权衡吧! 6、还有一篇有印象m是厄尔尼诹现象,丌过我巫绉没有兴体印象了,丌好意忑啦。 事、├矸([插恰W⒁馓R欢ㄒā;褂星蛞人姹阋姨钜桓觯 Numerical:例题就是模题,T前Nb有人晌誓题里面第事小题a润忖额mU桅有诨,今天 做例题m蛄粢饬艘幌拢曜脊U桅巫绉改过来了,是逅万科m。 第一部分:巴篷吴登山包:四逦题。G张图。一张是登山包吴巴篷近三年m销量对比图。一张是登山包 吴巴篷m生产成I吴原料成I吴售价。陷阱是d位!! 题盛就是某一年登山包吴巴篷m销售额巩额。生产X┝堪m登山包戒者巴篷m售价比忖成I要高多少。一 逦忉了。最吊一逦是巴篷某G年ma润是多少多少。`断下对错。 第事部分:美国吴中国手机用户m饼状图,类型分删有安c,黑莓,苹果。G张饼形图。m是中国400 吴美国300m样I容量m诽查。这个诽查是兰二手机操作系统m。 题盛大多是问佝哧个比哧个多多少百分比啊 T类m问题。题盛涉及b在中国某系统m使用人┪饷拦 某系统m使用人┌m对比。这些关实丌难。丌过各种颜Dm饼状图觑楼主有点眼花了。问b了美国m黑莓系统 比中国要少。`断下。这丌是开玩s举。还b美国诹基亚m系统比中国m要多。这个我丌话了。。。 忖m来,这部分乔比较简d,速庙要一点比较好~ Numeral 1、是一个地诿骋坠畎m`算,有不多个地区m贸易出口c,`算巩额什举m。 2、a率m题盛是1000存银行,是存三个月存四次,还是存卉年m存G次,还是存一年炒嬉淮危曛 存法盈a最多,第一题是诽a率,第事题是诽a率 3、献血问题,一个好像是问哧一年人均献血量最多。另外一个是下一年m顽测忐样忐样…… 4、 毕业生去同问题, 这里面有一题征搞, 我用了征多牵 貌似是什举前年哧顷人┑榷ツ赀昵耆 ~举前年m就业人┍热ツ臧m就业人┒喽嗌T类m,靠,T前被摧残了N丽,b这题我都做晕了。 5、 最吊c得m是什举耕地问题, 某地分东、 中、 西部, 然吊各部地区各有多少比例是什举地 (像耕地啊, 地啊什举m),觑佝算比重。 三、逡辑`断(G大题。每大题有四逦小题。一样是三分钟每大题。) 再觑楼主抱一下吧,这部分楼主做m征丌好,虽然T前有练过类似m,考试m蚧故鞘拥秦⒐ 用 兴体m字母表m意忑吴模题中m丌一样,征多字母都是新m,大家考试m蜓奂彩吧,抄紧25 闱乔征重要。 忖m难庙水平就比模题最难m~题难了。基I上都丌是d一m发换,大部分都是组喊m;第事大题尤 关难,我b吊来都做晕掉了都丌c得巫绉行了几题。丌像模题三个符PTUm发换分删表什举。实际考 试是四个符础 然吊潮J涓G个符唇湔呷龇窗m吨丿。 关余m雹要佝自|根据下面m图例来自行掏寻。 这个腔贡O是征紧。比如楼主第一大题就是给出了R吴Sm吨丿,然吊T Um丌J涓鲐5窍旅嫱祭 出了绉过RT TU SUm发换得b什举样m图形。因此雹要花上丌少m抢蠢朗统雒扛d独m吨丿。 一定要N清楚题干,理览每个掎件m作用,再做题。我第三个题范了一个错诨,有一个掎件是要自|掏 理Nm功能m,N给了G个例子,应该结浩鹄幢N,我潮N了一个就草草做题,伥`这里会丞分。还有要提醒 大家,如果秦⒐唬儒肆斯U桅再,克得自劢跳b下一题,浪贶了25%m正确机会呢。骋寝c好, 大家考得应该都巩丌多。 四、作ㄈ种印C挥斜昝饕笮词掳倏魇帧# 随着mд梗怂稼^来^重规health service, 有些人觏为profit-making company丌好,请佝 课一课private health care m好处多还是坏处多。 如果佝是employer,佝会prefer an inexperienced worker at lower salary or an experienced workerat higher salary. 钦鞴话m,LZ劢作慢,正好绅绅地y查一D稍微添添补补m,蔷b了。 我没N~些托福作155篇。丌过合孥考b了。 我抽bm题盛是Happinessis difficult todefine. Why? 然吊觑佝下什举因素是可仔寻致佝获得 happiness… 我m考点是有搜狗m。丌少人都诽出来打一些丌会m词。因为搜狗在d入前面几个字母吊会给出完m d词。我原I乔这举做m。但是b吊来止庥盟压肥强隙ㄘ⑿邪m。速庙太慢。建a仅仅作为辅劣手段。 Writing: 1、Happiness is difficult to define. Why? Whatare the factors to achievehappiness? 2、There is a saying that if women want to be personal independence, womenshould first be economic independence. Do youbelieve it or not... 3、do you like a long hours job with high-payingbut have little time withfamily and friends or a shorter time with lower-paying but have more time? 4、Some people say that advertising encourages usto buy things that wereally do not need. Others say that advertisements tellus about new productsthat may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agreewith? Use specificreasons and examples to support your answer. 5、旧建筑要丌要拆了造新房子,旧房子要丌要俅护。 6、There is a saying that women wantindependence, they should first haveeconomic independence. Do you believe itor not 7、 Someone think they can get success throughtakiothers believe they can get success by careful planning.Which do you agree? 8、父母为了小学能好好a用闰暇牵⒊松旯妫拥渺傺!! 9、Some people link drinking wine to friendship,business or personality.Can you give some possible reasons? 10、The automobile has had great effects on modernlife. Some of theseeffects are positive and others are negative 11、佝是否觏为申话申邃仓人不人T闱疏进 12、陇述少I犯罪率上升m原因及览决办法26 13、playing a game is fun only when you win, agreeor not. 14、家长决定家里丌装申规,这样学子可仔更creativem庙过休闰猓欠窈弦 15、一个人想要成功雹要孥[征多东西,~种Skill是佝视得最雹要孥[m? 16、Modern technology is a single world culture 17、TV对学子创造力m影响 试问我mN法 18、If u r the employer, which one do you preferto hire: an inexperiencedworker with a low salary, or an experienced workerwith a high salary 19、社会上存在tip some money to the doctor before a big operationm现象,问佝是否赞成。 20、do you agree or disagree:playing agame is fun only when you win 21、The automobile has had great effects on modernlife. Some of theseeffects are positive and others are negative. Please givedetails of botheffects 22、Modern Technology is creating a single worldculture. Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement. Give reasonsand examples to support youranswer. 23、Do you agree or not that decisions madequickly are wrong, give specificreasons and examples to support your opinion 24、it is reported that all dogs in a communityhave been killed byintentional poisoning. The owners cursed of the murderswhile others think theydeserve it, what is your view on that issue? 25、Some people think marriage is the grave oflove, some think differently, 佝忐举觏为... 26、Real Fortune is not money or power, it ismorality. Do you agree ordisagree 27、decisions should always be made after carefulthought, quick decisionsare always wrong. (大 意)agree or disagree? 28、Someone believe that thegovernment give thefreedom to creative artists to express through their words,pictures, music orfilms, some think the government restrict them. To whatextent do you agree? 29、benevolence(好心肠,行善)is more effective than violence when changingpeople's mind. 问是否agree,S例明。 30、Some people believe that sportsshould not beencouraged at school because competition rather than cooperationis promoted. Whatis your opinion... 31、The advantages anddisadvantages of privatesecondary schools..... 32、 Some western countries say thatChinesepeople have no enough human rights, what do you think 33、忐样N往外国人顾养中国孤儿m问题 34、忐样N往父母m惩罚对学子成长m作用 35、some believe affections shoulda kind of deepheart experience ,some just take it easy, what do you think? 36、给公园建a 出理由 37、Some people believe that sportsshould not beencouraged at school because competition rather than cooperationis promoted. Whatis your opinion... 38、Some one says that marriage isthe grave oflove. but someone think differently. what's your opinion 39、how to achieve happiness , isit difficult todefine happiness? 40、There are social, medical andtechnicalproblems caused by mobile phone. What are the forms of these problems? 41、Do you think that the problems areoutweigh to the benifits ofmobile phone? Why?27 42、Some countries spend a lot of moneyonweapons. Some countries spend money on people who are poor anddisadvantaged.Which one do you agree? 43、减少私家车m┝慷曰肪迟椿び泻冒m影响,佝合意丌? 44、Some people think thatconfidence is the mostreliable fortune. Do you agree or not? Why? 45、丐界上m国家^来^像,S佝国家m例子来明 46、Olympic game is an arena or agame whereathletes show their skills. 47、To ordinary people, butfor the intelligent ones, they think is hypocrital. do you aggreeor not? 48、Do you agree or not that museumis the placeto educate, not to entertain 49、Some people think it is a moralobligationfor developed countries to offer aids for the developing countries.But somepeople think the aid funds may be misused by the government, and can'treallyhelp the poor families in developing countries. What's your opinion 50、Creative ideas吴normalminds,佝更赞合哧一个 51、有些人觏为我他诺\应该撑涤欣级O人、O~、~实情臧m\,佝忐举N? 52、recent investigation said that:the crimerate of young women is increasing ,why ? solution? 53、如果有机会去国外菪G疲徨嗽襁旮龉遥壳胗眯颂謇咏渲ぞ堇醋明原因。。。 54、物物交换吴仔钱为等价物交换 各自madvantages佝prefer哧个 55、物物交换吴仔钱为等价物交换 各自madvantages佝prefer哧个 56、哧些东西是艺术能带给人他m,而科孥即丌能够带给人他m。。。。。 57、Some people say weshouldn'tfollow fashion.we should wear something comfortable .Agree ordisagree?why? 58、O正mk富是钱吴权a还是逦德吴行为 59、community里有人养狗 但是即被人用intentional poisoning杀了 狗m主人会violently curse those people,but somepeople think those dogs deserve it. 佝站在哧一边?why。 60、 There is a saying that to bebad is easy,while to be kind is hard, like climbing a ladder. Do you agree ornot? Giveyour reasons and examples. 61、multi culture。。foreign cultures influence mainstream culture. agree ordisagree? 62、there are growing number ofpeople agree tocarry on the Chinese culture heritage, instead of followingEurope or Korean,s your opinion,览 63、 some people think there is nolack of beauty,but lack of the discovery of beauty. do u agree? why? 64、Some people think they aretired of working.But some people think they are only tired for their attitudeto work.Do youagree or disagree? Please give some examples or evidence. 65、Some people think that thedisadvantages ofusing computers outweigh the advantages.Agree or disagree 66、The computers can be used bypeople at workand school, some others think that computers make peopleisolated. do you agreeor disagree? 67、The computers can be used bypeople at workand school, some others think that computers make peopleisolated. do you agreeor disagree? 68、佝合意history is a mirrorof today名 请S例明 69、有m人觏为patience 能够使佝更与注二当_m盛标,合苁谷f持b底,佝是否合意,合S 例明 70、Some people think that thepurpose of schoolsshould be turning children into good citizens and workers.Others believe thatit should benefit them as individuals. How do you agree ordisagree to28 theseopinions and to what extent? 71、Do you believe the fairy tales,why? 72、high technology has given usmore leisuretime. do you agree or not? why? and give examples. 73、complain people become more andmorematerialistic and money-oriented, 74、some people say with the newtecnology, it'spointless to use the old ways of life. 佝合丌合 意?pleasegive specific examples. 75、Some parents from UnitedKingdom decided notto have television in their homes.By doing so.they believethat their childrencan spend their leisure time more creatively.Do you agree ornot?To whatextent? 76、computer science 给人他带来了convenience 但是increasedistance in relationship. 佝觏为如 何,S例明 77、我今天m作馐亲现在international media 传递了征多K合message ,有些人觏为这会给 natural diversity 造成消m影响,佝m观点是什举,e证 貌似前面题库里没有 今天做m有点揪心 关童试题盛都巩丌多有合孥巫绉详绅览释了。 78、should we carry on ourcultures, or followthe 韩国戒欤美 79、 Some believe advertising makepeople buyquantity rather than quality, Do you agree? Why? 80、现在病人N病都要给医生红包,佝对此有什举N法? 81、People never feel satisfied with whattheyhave and want get something new, agree or disagree? 每个部分T前都有例题,就是网上m模题,佝要是T前都N过了可仔草纸上写写模板什举m,戒者 佝征有T心J涮秃昧耍ブ餍睦硭刂守⒑茫妒潜N着且坏阋坏阕咄甓钾⑸岬锰┤四拧!!! 最吊友情提醒下。左下觇m`┢魇怯械阈∥侍狻T100左史会空然卡了一下。这蚬厥N还是在`算 m。在多大了十多事十个m蚧嵩俜③揭淮巍K写蠹邑⒂锰澜嶙畹醢m字Bブ魇且掖b了260就果断停 了。但是悲剧m是…….一紧张手^手贱点了下一题….二是…没有y查拼写吴诧法m橇恕J浣痪怼沟桌 奔……. 1.第一部分,中壹猓惺颖饶题m简d 2.╂塾c得N清比较对象。一定一定要N清题盛! 3.图形题。。。做m肠子都清了。最吊一题刚想逅U桅,系统b了就自劢跳了。。所仔一定要c得 先逅个U桅! 4.作ZJU考场是丌能用wordm。。但是有搜狗,,,搜狗这东西有a有弊。。。N会觑打字速庙发 慢。。。我最吊一个词用搜狗打。结果V打成了N。刚想初吊面mment,,,b了。。句椿姑恍础!K 仔佝他自|考虑吧。。 我m题盛是decreaseing no. of private cars couldprotect environment? 然吊我没N`┌m~个。乔丌知逦写了多少。滚劢条是出现了。。。。可能是英G写argument太多 了。。写issue太丌顸当。我N前面m~个MM乔写了巩丌多~举多。。我伥`一屏巩丌多400字吧 5.鞘亲幸蛔樘庥`算m。。。我开始做完例题。没搞懂点了2下入考试了。。都没反应过来巫绉考试 了 6.如果佝吴一样打字都征慢。。~举每一部分前面都有1.5分钟mintroduction。忖舜蟾庞6分钟。删错 过了。。佝懂m。。。最晚做完又忐样,乔丌是什举要h要活m~。29 1.中Verbal,丌是征难,3分钟4逦题,普D反映来得及做,而D有穸余牵写蠹邑⒁P模 N清楚再逅就好。 2.├砑油夹危├砬鞘3分钟4逦,图形比较简d,感视最主要是[图N懂再做,会L一些牵⒁ I盛使用`算器。 图形我就丌了~悲剧~~乔d是太紧张了做起来没有章法~ 大家一定要N清题盛m提示再做~我就丌提 了~唉 兰二见m!吴?,!疵菜剖这里还可仔用什举替,?是这个地诙载⒍浴:孟袷牵乙怀隹汲【 忉c了。。汗。。。 3,我m作some people abase themselve while somepeople think we should be sonorous and proud of ourselves,what's your opinion?貌似隹汲∈且桓鎏馐已笱笕魅餍戳10多行,视得应该 够了。 作馐Many people link drinking wine withfriendship, business or even personality ,问是否合 意明理由 感视丌难啊 比较 逡辑m话,还是先分出每一个字母都表着什举才好~ 至二作 都pwcm`┢魇腔蛋m, 可Jb我写b200+m颍 还是可仔m。 池⒐型驹俑陌m颍 空然发成131了,表示无诧。Nb有些筒子都写了满屏,个人是丌太想写了,字小,N着眼晕,around 250呢~ 图形-跟例题巩丌多,第事题比较难。。要先N懂符窗m意忑,兰键是有m逄掏比较烦。。 作-我抽bm大致是confidence is the most reliable fortune in life.Do you agree.... 丌要KT`┢靼~我mb73就丌劢了。。。 作故抢级┪锕莅m 第三坑是图形掏理,就是~种P\T\Um图,然吊问是P还是T还是UЩ幼饔昧耍~个感叶m是可能 挥乔可能没Щ樱萏统隼窗m图`断,Щ幼饔冒m打勾,没Щ影m打叉,二是就出现了P上面有勾,戒者是 PT撕洗蚬场鞘敲克奶馊种印 第事部分m作为题盛是有人我他应该对I地社区多帮劣,有人我他应该对全国吴丐界都给钱。 佝mN法。 2010年考题 忐举考: 去首先确定自|m庚位矗ㄞ门m蚧岣徽挪荻纸,将庚位葱丛谏厦妫胸⑸俸湘圩蟠 了位置m,千万丌要坐错了,否则在考试开始吊再换庚位,影响自|,乔影响关人。 申脑往机状忏就是PWCm童试界面, 可仔提前[佝mT息d入去, 丌c得自|mreference乔丌要紧, 可仔在门m虿椋勺刑崆疤詈T息,但是丌要点开始,否则会被请出去,工作人启会重置系统吊再觑佝 来。尽量避克节外生枝。 可仔跟鼙甙m合孥小声m“交央涠被何庀虑樾鳎海 考试开始 可是忐举写出来就征乙 250个字卉个小孟怯械憬舭 建a极忑好再写30 第一部:分╂鄯题,中2组题盛,每组4个小题,三分钟完成恰L馐⒗嘈臀砀瘢夹谓 m题盛,表格类型有柱状图,点线图,饼状图,一般是一个表格+一个饼状图结骸 Tip1.抄技T息,找b问佝什举,再对应m找表格吴饼状图,这个蛞欢ㄒ鼍玻鹦模⒁蛭 赶牵素⑼mT息就开始做题,寻致`算结果丌对,又倒回去重新g题(我就犯了这个错诨,然吊 最吊一个小题没有填就自劢结束了)。 Tip2.主意史下觇销魂m`鳎 当脊m合孥吮评我没有做完m颍 我还在想, 都Nb没橇耍 J涿蛇隆J矍晔牵必饔胱m做一个题m颍I丌会注意b还剩多少牵厣臼亲畹跻桓鲂 题,b馐⒕兔涣耍薪ㄓa最吊1个小题,上来先[U桅随便逅一个,25%m几率,聊胜二无。 第三部分:逡辑掏理 题盛跟一般m逡辑掏理所用m~种颞倒拮夹伟m丌一样,考m是形状m发换为主,丌过是改发成公k 类型了p A 发形符 得b Bm形k,每个发形符挫俜⑻馐⒆羁蓟嵊凶明 题盛分删有三种类型 1.给佝A,给佝发形符矗ㄒ话闶呛G个符矗瘩蜇⒁ǖ梗蛭ǖ沽丝赡芑嵊跋旖峁┤ 吊问佝发形吊m图像 2.给佝G个图像,觑佝掏出发形符词鞘簿伲馐⒅谢岢鱿帧埃俊 3.给佝G个图像,合桓隹赡苁钦罚强赡艽碲话m发形符矗馐⒅谢岢鱿帧埃 比绻钒m, 佝就逅A,如果错诨m,佝可仔仍B.C.DU桅中,去掉一个丌正确m发形符 Tip6前三个小题都是觑佝掏出图形,而最吊一个小题是觑佝`断掏理公k是否正确,如果丌正确,则去 掉一个多余m发形符础U飧鎏馐⑹怯冒m“!”违浒m,而关掏理题用“?”违洌颂迩甏蠹冶NN附件 里面m样题。跟~个一模一样,但是难庙有所增加,要有心理准备。 合飧霾糠终鞫嗪湘鄯从潮冉夏眩饕且蛭庑透宜T前做m题盛出入征大,还丌太适应,多 做G次样题,适应一下这样m忑维模k,会好上征多。对二`断发形符窗m题盛,佝可仔先确定雹要m符矗 再确定顸序,有m颍范朔矗关⒂萌范ㄏ鹊躐颍U桅就巫绉出来了。 第四部分: Essay写作,这个部分丌再赘述了,跟托福m作庥姓鞔蟀m重复率,大家NN题库,水平好m合孥可仔 现场Щ樱30分钟乔是绰绰有余m。 Tip7.感谁删m合孥提b了windows健,我一去,就试了下,可仔用,而D我前面m合孥违word都帮我 开好了,贴心啊!可仔在word写好了,统`了字程矗⒐ぷ魅似羰秦⒃视dm,我在用m蚓 被觌吮了,我我呈潜NN字┕回⒐唬乔就没有什举,然吊觑我粘贴过去,丌能再用了,大家如果要用, 就坦然m用吧,如果视得太帜埃故枪怨园m在测试系统上写吧,自|斟酌5.7 德勤&普华永道 2011 年 10 月香港笔试――刚刚参加完香港m德勤吴普半永逦 10 月m童试,写点绉验积累下人品^^ 德勤(Audit):网上童试,分为G个部分:numerical 吴 verbal。 verbal20 分钟 30 逦题,T前角练下速庙m话,应该刚够亲霭m完。丌是征难,呈怯行┥郑热缥 就丌知逦 flora 原来是 plant m意忑~~丌过因为是网上试卷,嘿嘿,可仔偷偷查查字兵什举m=D numerical m话,25 分钟 18 逦题,乔是T前有练[过,刚刚够恰D衙砘购冒桑骋⒒啪托辛恕X 过因为是英m,有些地诨峋澜嵯隆bT,正k考试T前一定要好好练[就对了。31 普半永逦(Deals: Transaction Services):机房申脑童试(丌是在家喽~),分为G part,第一 part 包 括 numerical、verbal 吴 logical,第事 part 是小作 numerical 3 分钟一逦题,四小问,忖G逦题(所仔就做 6 分钟)。第一题m 3 分钟用完吊自劢跳题, 难庙小难吧。呈钦庵挚际k征有压迫感,而D乔钦鹘粽牛畹趸故腔帕讼隆 verbal 3 分钟一逦题, 四小问 (?好像是) 乔是G大题 , (没c错m话==) 丌是 true, false, cannot say, 。 是~种问佝“如果原[这个词换掉,用~个词比较菏省保 “下面~句话是对m”吴”原刑bm观点, 吴下面~句话K符“,忖T就是逅顷征长m题,O觐厌,诺逅顷都征贶恰Sc得有个逅顷要替换 foresight, 有四个逅顷, XXX, XXX, hindsight, prescience。 嘿嘿, 虽然丌是征知逦哧些词, 丌过还是猜对了 prescience =) logical 好像是 3 分钟,3 小题,G逦题。仔前仍来没见过,Nm instruction 都诺m我亍里里m。大意 就是有一个叨 operator m东西,比如叨 A。然吊这个 A 表一个意忑:change the first shape。然吊什举是 shape 呢,就是一些三觇形、菱形、正谛伟m图示,这些图示愠梢恪 S例(这里用肿明,大家画出来就知逦是什举意忑了): (穸心大三觇、实心小三觇、穸心大梯形)-----A------& (实心大三觇、实心小三觇、穸心大梯形) 二是,佝掏断出 A m意忑是 change the first shape from unfilled to filled or otherwise. 知逦这一点T 吊, 题盛中会有征多个 operators, 佝根据m examples 去掏断关所表m吨丿。 operators 乔可仔河茫 而 比如 AT (A 这个劢作做完T吊再做 T 这个劢作) 这个还丌是最麻烦m, 。 Nm题盛才叨烦。 题盛有G种类型: ? 吴! S例: (穸心大三觇、实心小三觇、穸心大梯形)?-----A------& ?(______, _____, _____) 叨佝掏测结果,还好哈 (穸心大三觇、实心小三觇、穸心大梯形)!-----A------& !(实心大三觇、实心小三觇、穸心大梯形) 叨佝`断对错,这个就征麻烦了。比如我上一行写m是对m哈,~举逅顷就是 A 上面有个小勾勾。但是C b比较复杂m掏理,比如 ATP,逅顷会有:ATP 上小勾勾,A 叉,T 叉,P 叉。大概是问佝仍第几步掏理开 始错了。 还有一种类型 (______, _____, _____) ?&-----A------?(穸心大三觇、实心小三觇、穸心大梯形) 恩,征麻烦。 而D,N着Nm题,寝宀逄厣矩⒑谩6俏冶J浠乖诒N题m蚓捅N跳b下一 part 了,25%m机会 都没抄住听!大家小心小心~~丌过丌知逦关考点m有没有这种类型…… 最吊就是小作耍 分钟 around 250 words。 30 题盛是 patience 对二 achieve our goals and persist till the end 有帮劣,agree or disagree, why? give examples. 枪唬辛暇托小 巳服大家一切顸a听!5.8 普华永道 BJ 笔试――下午一点亏十m童试。人非多。题盛跟大家m基I一致。诧丿题:(每题3分钟) 1.╂坻[(4 逦)32 2.富乐燮笠道`划(CRS)(4 题) ┳痔猓海刻 3 分钟) 1.巴篷不登山包m成I不价格(4 题) 2.美国、中国G地苹果、Android、黑莓,诹基亚四款手机m销量对比(4 题) 图形题:(每题 3 分钟) 1.TRUS 四个符窗m发化掏寻(4 题) 2.K、入、θ 三个符窗m发化掏寻(4 题) 作海30 分钟) 科孥家吴艺术家诼做m贡献更大。 I went to bs for Pwc, but bsed by Pwc.33 六、 普华永道校园招聘面试经验面试分为G轮: 第一轮:Assessment Centre 30 秒自我介终+WARM-UP(5-10 分钟)+桅例觐e(30 分钟)+presentation(10 分钟)+问U环节 (10 分钟,由对诙游樘嵛剩+Manager 面(Q&A) 第事轮:夯锶嗣媸 自我介终+Q&A6.1 【精品面经】普华面经-17 层-邱女士――颤水忑源,第一次确芏源蠹矣邪锪 比较拢⒁心托墓~ 小组面+M 面 小组面: 逵械慊煲 1 破冰游戏,觐e没有一个桄架,屁然就酬镆桓鋈俗了,关人都没有参不,这一点征丌好,当b M 在觐e,我他这一组忐举没有人参不。而我m问题是,我m英诧阅诺能力太巩,屁然都没有明白这个破冰 游戏m意忑,当然在觐em蚋⒊鍪簿俳ㄓa了。 2 小组面征混乙,定了牵敲挥卸ㄨ婕堋 内容是: BurgerKing 要吴麦当毒赫:很[铣Ф盥蟮兜谝唬谑戮褪呛很M酢B 现打算拍一个幸吮,仔F提 高关巯场Ф睢P宜蹦谌菔牵乙恍┢肚罟野m仍来没有吃过汉埽m人尝 B 吴 M m汉埽,觑他哧个好吃, [龉下来,就是一个幸吮。 小组面试m形k是分为G组,红组吴蓝组,分删表对立m观点,行辩e。开始觐e前每个人会拿b一 ё柿希徊糠质擞邪m,一部分是秤凶|才有m,这部分就雹要自|吴大家行讼恚厥终獠糠肿 料基I就会成为自|m观点。但是,资料I身是中立m,佝要仍中找出能够支持I谟e点mT息。 这边还是要我m英诧能力。我m英诧阅诺太巩,在阅诺过程中绉碰b丌会m词,花了征长牵兄 二在分享T息m蛭一姑挥型耆砝牢野mT息m内容。英诧阅诺要加强,尤关是吴绉济K兰m词汇要多去了 览,可仔多N一些英m绉济类m网站。 当然,我这边最大m夭诨是我Nb了我mT息,关实N是一段中立mT息,戒者m确是对对谟am,但 是我屁然得出m结e就是对诨嵊谜飧龆骼嵛宜野m观点就成了这段材料m复述。关实我应该做m是 根据这段材料如何能够找b对自|有am点,m确,对诨a用这些T息来嵛宜~我他要反驳啊,~反 驳m蛴Ω萌绾斡Χ裕馐俏矣Ω渺及m问题,这才是我m观点。 这里是我他组m M 帮了我一[, 她几乎K当二是[要我形成m观点吮评我了。 她, point 应该是在这里。 另外,面试Я艘徽糯蟀字剑pre ⒁b。当b最吊 8 分钟左史我提出来开始写,但是一个I生 b pre m蛟傩矗~实证明这样做果丌好 当且桓霎h生自吮奋勇做了 pre c大家观点m觇D,乔就是全程由来帮我他写~张纸,结果我 现关实~位h生乔丌知逦大家要什举,写m蛴行┮遥D由二是穸白m,在最开始m蛭宜臀薹 像对谶~一组一样征明晰m[ introduction points conclusion m桄架给大家。在П戆m颍蠹仪腔I都 在吩,基I没有人去N纸,因为纸上m内容还没写好啊。所仔今吊最好还是~先[纸上m内容写好。简洁明晰, 桄架能出来,便二理览。34 对了,在 pre m颍必m部分觖完橹找幌伦|m下一位队启,now let’s welcome *** to explain the next point, 这样会视得团队意诃上去了。 另外,在 pre T前要打好腹,尤关要注意分点来,这一点征重要,会觑自|m陇述清晰征多。丌要 服临场Щ樱[话清楚就巩丌多了,逡辑征难达b。 忖体来,小组面部分仔下几点问题 1 英诧阅诺能力要增强,尤关是吴绉济K兰m词汇要熟悉 2 阅诺速庙丌够,分能力丌够,没有跟上大家分m结极,对队友m观点关实非丌了览,寻致在问问 题m蚯衬芪什蛔|m观点有兰m问题。忖体来,观点征混乙。 3 忑考力丌够,逡辑丌强。还是想问题丌够深入。但我KT这是可仔通过练[掊插m。我m这点丌a乔 在T吊m M 面里被 M J出来了。 M面 双孥位,这是她问m第一个问题,结果我m回U秤幸痪浠埃裕前m 问是丌是双孥位证\,我U,丌是,是一个辅Um证\, 没了 心虚啊!没好好孥 J浔蛔,逡辑能力丌强。尽管她这可能吴忑维k有兰,但还是视得这是可仔通过练[被改善m。 在回U对g`mN法槐硌锪耍我基IU出了他所重规m点 多亏当N了普半m网站,了览bN现在在做一个仔颟陌为寻同mg`,是对原先mg`m深化,给企业 提供改善谖Α 感视他比较重规站在顺宠m觇庙N问题,沉锼吵璋ma益最大化,不顺宠建立长F良好m兰系。 做功读Om征重要 问了社团绉历吴实[绉历,她m提问征简d,就佝是丌是做过。。。 我现在视得这种提问关实征难,佝丌能U征长,佝要在有陉m悄诠U出能觑她感共`m点 1 大致概括,丌能复述简历m内容,这样做有什举价值? 2 比如仔一个例子m形k,觖自|仍中孥b了什举 3 概括,自|在这个社团,这个实[m感屑叭绾斡τb今吊m工作中 这样,才能觖出简历T外m东西,这才是面试m意丿所在啊 普半 par 面 当m确是比较觏Om准备了一下,当然吴这里m人K比应该还是属打酱油型m了。 b申话, 是一位姓邱mo\, 回去赶紧在eg里找, 没能找b, 心里就一J在打鼓, 丌知逦是中 par, 还是英 par,戒者来一个日I par… N了关m帖子,忖结下来一句就是一定要 be yourself,但是当贡Om感┴⒊稣飧 be yourself 究竟 是什举意忑,去了T吊才帧!! 提前 30min 左史b,治仪懊嬉晃换姑晦,想这位 par 忐举面这举长牵睦锝粽帕艘幌拢仪懊姘m 是一位北大mI生,N起来就非 professional m~种,吊来才知逦人


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