
尊敬的客户:接郑州商品交易所(郑商函〔号)通知,经郑商所研究决定,根据《郑州商品交易所期货结算细则》第二十七条规定,经研究决定,自日起,苹果期货1807合约、1810合约、1811合约、1812合约、1901合约、1903合约、1905合约日内平今仓交易手续费调整为20元/手。我公司相关合约平今仓交易手续费的加收比例维持不变。如有任何疑问,请您拨打我公司客服电话:400-688-6896进行咨询。& & 特此通知。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&西部期货有限公司二〇一八年五月二十一日关于调整苹果期货相关合约交易手续费标准的通知
作者:& 来源:& 发表时间: 16:17:22& 点击:14
&自 2018 年 5 月 22日起,苹果期货合约日内平今仓交易手续费调整为21.50 元/手。
& & 特此通知。
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发布日期:<font color="#18-5-21 13:39:32&&字体大小: |
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
Dadi Futures Co.,Ltd was established in September 1995, with current registered capital of RMB 240 million &#97;nd business scope covering commodity futures brokerage, financial futures brokerage, futures investment consulting, &#97;nd CTA. Zhejiang Jihai Trading &#97;nd Development Co.,Ltd, the risk management subsidiary of the company ,has been established in April,2013, providing services like warehouse receipt service, cooperation hedging, basis trading &#97;nd pricing, etc.
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& & 根据郑商所发布的最新通知,自日起,苹果期货1807合约、1810合约、1811合约、1812合约、1901合约、1903合约、1905合约日内平今仓交易手续费将有所上调。
& &&请您提前做好风险防范工作,如有疑问请打客服热线。
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & 大地期货有限公司


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