
那位高手能告诉我一下什么叫 BTB BTC CTC?急用 谢谢了_百度知道
那位高手能告诉我一下什么叫 BTB BTC CTC?急用 谢谢了
BTC(Business To Customer) 比如目前的淘宝商城 都是企业 要交纳执照 押金 登记证这类审核BTB(Business To Business) 企业对企业的销售模式比如阿里巴巴CTC(Customer To Customer) 个人销售,就是一般的淘宝小卖家单纯的买进卖出的行为。小卖家网店模式
企业对企业 企业对消费者 消费者对消费者
BTC(Business To Customer)是电子商务按交易对象分类中的一种,即表示商业机构对消费者的电子商务。这种形式的电子商务一般以网络零售业为主,主要借助于Internet开展在线销售活动。B2C模式是我国最早产生的电子商务模式,以8848网上商城正式运营为标志。B2C即企业通过互联网为消费者提供一个新型的购物环境——网上商店,消费者通过网络在网上购物、在网上支付。由于这种模式节省了客户和企业的时间和空间,大大提高了交易效率,特别对于工作忙碌的上班族,这种模式可以为其节省宝贵的时间。但是在网上出售的商品特征也非常明显,仅仅局限于一些特殊商品,例如图书、音像制品、数码类产品、鲜花、玩具等等。这些商品对购买者视、听、触、嗅等感觉体验要求较低,像服装、音响设备、香水需要消费者特定感官体验的商品不适宜在网上销售,当然,也不排除少数消费者就认定某一品牌某一型号而不需要现场体验就决定购买,但这样的消费者很少,尤其在我国产品质量管理体系并不完善,人们更愿意相信自己的体验感觉来决定是否购买。所以,到目前为止,B2C市场上成功的企业如当当、卓越,都是卖一些特殊商品的。目前B2C电子商务的付款方式是货到付款与网上支付相结合,而大多数企业的配送选择物流外包方式以节约运营成本。随着用户消费习惯的改变以及优秀企业示范效应的促进,网上购物用户迅速增长,2004年占整个互联网用户的5.4%,我国B2C电子商务市场规模到2004年底达到了45亿元,这种商业模式在我国已经基本成熟。 BTB(计)  BTB(Branch Target Buffer )分支目标缓冲  在Nehalem的指令拾取单元(instruction fetch unit)中包含有相关指令指针(relative instruction point,RIP),每个线程状态(thread context)各有一个。在指令拾取单元中还包含有分支预测器,用来预测下一条将被拾取的指令的RIP。对于分支预测器的很多细节,INTEL并没有公布,但它们是适合于工作在SMT模式的。并且Nehalem也将继续使用上一代的那些特殊的分支预测器,比如循环检测器(loop detector),间接预测器(indirect predictor)等。  当分支预测器选定一条分支时,分支目标缓冲(branch target buffer,BTB)就负责预测目标地址。Nehalem使用了2级BTB结构。作为参考,K10使用了一个有2K 项(entry)的BTB用于直接分支,和一个有512项的间接分支目标阵列(indirect branch target array)。Nehalem的两级BTB设计,非常适用于有大量指令代码的任务,例如数据库、ERP和其它的商业应用,通过提高分支预测准确度而提升性能和能效。INTEL没有发布详细的内部结构。下面作出一些有依据的猜测。  有两种可能。一是两个BTB使用同样的预测算法,而一个存取更小一点的历史文件,包含最近时间内所使用的分支RIP和目标RIP。在这种情况下,它们的关系就象L1缓存和L2缓存一样(因为分支目标也具有相当好的地址相关性)。举个例子,比如L1 BTB有256-512项,而更大的L2 BTB则有2K-8K项。如果分支RIP在L1 BTB中没有找到,然后就到L2 BTB中去找,以作出目标预测。  另一种可能(RWT认为这种可能性比较小)则是两级BTB使用不同的预测算法和不同的历史文件。比如L1 BTB使用简单而快速的算法和相对较小的历史文件,而L2 BTB则使用更慢但更准确的算法,而且被配置成是具有优先权的预测器。如果L2 BTB不同意L1 BTB的预测,则它可以撤消(override)L1 BTB的预测,去除掉流水线中错误拾取的指令,而从新预测的RIP处重新拾取指令。这种结构可能性不大,因为它的能效比较低下。对于这种预测器架构,通常的情况是L1和L2 BTB都独立的得出正确的分支目标——这就意味着在大多数的时间里,L2 BTB都是在浪费能源。而L1 BTB错误,L2 BTB是正确的情况,只占非常小的比例。  不过在更早一点的ANANDTECH的文章中有提到认为是第二种方式:通常会遇到这样的情况,L1 BTB作出预测是基于分支的类型,但实际上它并没有历史数据,这样准确度就很低。而L2 BTB有更多的历史数据,就可以提高准确度,而且L2 BTB可以在执行过程中就纠正(L1 BTB所给出的)错误预测,而避免性能损失(这就正是override的情况)。 CTC :Centralized Traffic Control System,调度集中。  调度集中是铁路调度中心对某一区段内的铁路信号设备进行集中控制、对列车运行直接指挥、管理的技术装备。   青藏铁路西哈段是中国铁路历史上第一条分散自律调度集中系统。  CTC基本功能:  ?? 列车运行实时显示及区段透明  ?? 车次号追踪及早晚点显示  ?? 列车到发点自动采集及实际运行图自动描绘  ?? 行车计划自动调整与下达  ?? 调度命令与阶段计划下达  ?? 列车速报、甩挂车作业及站存车信息  ?? 临台间信息交换及分界口信息显示  ?? 车站行车日志自动生成  ?? 车站站间透明及语音提示  ?? 列车作业和调车作业实现分散自律控制  ?? 信号设备集中自动控制  ?? 列车进路按计划自动排路   ?? 中间站调车作业纳入  ?? 无线列车进路预告   ?? 无线调度命令/行车凭证发送   ?? 进路智能冲突检测   ?? 站细数据库纳入集中控制   AVR单片机CTC模式中断:  比较输出模式:  CTC模式   l用于输出50%占空比的方波信号  l 用于产生准确的连续定时信号  “CTC”又称作四氯化碳(CCI4),是常用的服装干洗剂,也是修正液(又称涂改液)中的一种溶剂, 还是一种优良的灭火剂。
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。48小时排行CTC | myCFO
CTC | myCFO is a high touch, high service wealth consulting firm that delivers integrated solutions to ultra-affluent individuals, families and family offices.
We offer independent investment consulting and the comprehensive services of a multi-family office.
Carefully designed as a boutique, we provide our clients a suite of integrated wealth management services through an open architecture platform, ensuring we are not captive to any particular money manager, service provider or product. We are therefore able to assemble, customize and coordinate the best possible group of solutions for each and every client.
Vigilant advocacy, objectivity, transparency, collaboration and performance are our governing principles.
Investment Advisory Services
There are many global alternatives for wealthy individuals and families to choose from when searching for thoughtful investment advice, guidance and counsel.
Yet, discerning families soon realize few firms deliver advice and service with focus, objectivity or meticulous customization. Even fewer possess the depth of experience necessary to serve the unique needs of the ultra-affluent.
We have organized our firm to offer you the following distinctive capabilities:
Focus - Advising Individuals and families is our business.
Our selectivity in working with only ultra-affluent families enables us to deliver deeper, more tailored expertise to larger clients with a much more concentrated level of service.
Our focus on individuals and families also arms us with a keen understanding of one of the most important and pervasive investment planning variables: taxes.
Objectivity - Grounded in the belief that wealth is enhanced when managed holistically, our investment advisory team has a 30 year history of addressing each client’s unique investment and tax-related issues by combining dynamic investment research and integrated advice that is aligned with our clients’ interests.
Our unbiased approach as an organization distinguishes us from most of our peers, as we are paid only by our clients and serve as each client’s chief, independent advocate.
Customization - The architecture of each and every client’s family structure is unique and requires a custom approach to how we deliver.
To that end, clients may engage CTC | myCFO to serve as their own Chief Investment Officer, or to partner directly with their existing investment professionals and staff in an effort to enhance their existing capabilities.
Our clients may also retain, share or delegate some or all aspects associated with the management of their portfolios. In the end, the clients we serve select the optimal service model that best matches how they wish to manage and implement their own personal capital.
Experience – We have assembled an in-house team of investment advisors and research professionals that are seasoned veterans.
Our institutional memory and extensive network of investment contacts enables us to identify global, new and niche oriented managers that fulfill our clients’ customized investment strategies.
Family Office Services
Significant wealth brings with it many opportunities to enjoy a lifestyle that is independent, self-directed and secure. Yet, great wealth is also typically accompanied with complexity, risk and highly interdependent issues.
The Family Office Services platform of CTC | myCFO was custom built to assist you in navigating the myriad activities, decisions and professional relationships necessary to safeguard and grow your wealth.
We offer clients the following capabilities:
Acting as your outsourced family office, we can serve as the central hub for the management of your tax, philanthropic, wealth transfer, risk management, lifestyle and family financial reporting needs.
If you already have established your own family office, we partner and collaborate well with your existing team and advisors.
You can select from our broad range of services to augment or enhance your current capabilities.
If you are evaluating the merits of establishing your own private family office, retaining a multi-family office or pursuing elements of both approaches, we have the experience, knowledge and domain expertise to assist you in identifying the most appropriate structure.
Whether we help manage all or a part of your financial picture, our seasoned Family Office Services professionals deliver an integrated approach that seeks to unify all of your advisors and strategies towards a common goal of executing with one voice.
Capital Advisory Services
Our organization recognizes that few firms, if any, can satisfy your entire range of customized banking needs under their own roof.
As a result, the Capital Advisory Services Team of CTC | myCFO delivers a unique, advocacy based approach to customized banking.
Acting as your advocate, we offer objective advice on how to manage and optimize your financial assets and liabilities to help you achieve your wealth and lifestyle goals.
CTC | myCFO offers customized balance sheet and liquidity advice that centers on the following:
Debt Sourcing – We help you assess and select debt alternatives for personal and business needs, optimizing loan terms, conditions and cost.
Capital Asset Financing – We provide you with a full analysis of the cost and other considerations to help you plan for and finance capital asset acquisitions.
Monetization of Specialized Asset Classes – We help you leverage the value of assets to provide additional investment capital and/or liquidity.
In addition to advice regarding optimal use of financing, CTC | myCFO delivers depository advice and solutions that are best suited to your needs, including checking accounts, money market accounts and certificates of deposit. When your cash management needs extend beyond this offering set, we will partner with you to identify, tailor and implement enhanced strategies available within both the money and capital markets.
Fiduciary Advisory Services
The complexities and nuances of serving as a trustee, executor or administrator of an estate are many. The Fiduciary Advisory Services Team of CTC | myCFO delivers a full spectrum of trust and estate advice and service capabilities that combine our professionals’ financial, tax and administrative experience with the utmost objectivity, discretion and thoughtful administration.
Acting in a fiduciary capacity, our capabilities include:
Serving as a co-trustee or sole trustee of revocable and irrevocable trusts in either a full or directed trustee capacity
Serving as executor or personal representative, or appointed agent thereof, for estates
Serving as an objective advisor to individual fiduciaries, providing guidance regarding the prudent investment, tax and administrative aspects of trust and/or estate management
Whether we are managing a comprehensive or directed corporate fiduciary engagement, providing trust and estate administrative services or delivering guidance, advice and services to individual fiduciaries, CTC | myCFO professionals offer advice that is integrated within each of our clients’ comprehensive financial planning architectures.
BMO Delaware Trust Services
The wealth planning strategies of the ultra-affluent individuals and families we serve often touch on a number of complex, interrelated issues and structures.
When those planning circumstances involve the formation and/or administration of trusts, the old adage of “location, location, location” rings true.
The location or situs of a trust can have direct bearing upon the applicability of state income tax laws, trust investment and distribution flexibility, trust duration, beneficiary disclosure requirements, creditor protection and many other considerations.
While CTC | myCFO is fully committed to providing advice and access to all venues that assist in addressing these considerations, we are able to effectively address some of the more unique and sophisticated fiduciary needs of our clients through our Delaware based affiliate, the BMO Delaware Trust Company.
Some of the more notable advantages of selecting the trust-friendly State of Delaware for the establishment of a new trust or as a destination for moving an existing trust include:
Potential state income tax deferral and/or minimization, particularly for non-resident beneficiaries
Wealth preservation via perpetual trusts that hold personal property
Confidentiality in terms of the degree of disclosures to beneficiaries that are required
Investment flexibility and direction from third party advisors that enables a separation of investment duties from administrative functions
Distribution flexibility to treat different classes of beneficiaries equitably
Favorable creditor protection statutes, including spendthrift provisions, that mitigate unintended erosion of trust assets
To learn more about the BMO Delaware Trust Company, visit .
CTC | myCFO is a brand delivering family office services and investment advisory services through CTC myCFO, LLC, an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange C investment management services, trust, deposit and loan products and services through BMO Harris Bank N.A., a national ba and trust services through BMO Delaware Trust Company, a Delaware limited purpose trust company.
BMO Delaware Trust Company offers trust services only, does not offer depository, financing or other banking products, and is not FDIC insured.
Not all products and services are available in every state and/or location.
Family Office Services are not fiduciary services and are not subject to the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 or the rules promulgated thereunder.
Investment products and services:
CTC | myCFO also offers Family Office Services, including tax consulting services, through CTC myCFO, LLC. Family Office Services are not fiduciary services and are not subject to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 or the rules promulgated thereunder.
Capital Advisory Services is a division of CTC | myCFO. Capital Advisory Services are only offered by a division of BMO Harris Bank N.A. in its Chicago, IL and Milwaukee, WI locations. Banking deposit and loan products and services are provided by BMO Harris Bank N.A. and are subject to bank and credit approval. BMO Harris Bank N.A. Member FDIC. NMLS #401052
CTC | myCFO and its affiliates do not provide legal advice to clients. You should review your particular circumstances with your independent legal advisor.在相识此项今朝;你首先得承认, 我们的CTC百纳国际区块链资产生意业务, 俄语, 公司CRYP TRADE CAPITAL LTD代表团会见了Devcon2组织者,今朝公司支持土耳其语,相当于和中国市场第一人相助;可以或许拿到全球的第一手信息,她曾是上海师范大学博士,只要有比特币的生意业务存在;我们这个平台就有存在的代价; 你与我相助CTC,曾有区块链学术专家说过: 我们这一代人将很大概会幸运地经验人类汗青上两个最让人受惊的事件 ,20005年认识至今, 正如组织者先前声明的那样, 葡萄牙语,对外的汉语西席。
流畅无阻,说详细点,乐成必然属于你! 首先讲讲我们对CTC项目标前前后后;我能打仗到CTC,它提供了一个开放、hypermutable云平台生态系统扩展了区块链公司、财团和州, CTC区块链资产生意业务中国第一团队、CTC区块链资产生意业务中国第一团队 接待您来相识CTC百纳国际区块链资产生意业务,加我可索取相识;:33 (请备注:CTC) 制度
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