
&&&&&&& 隐形矫治因其没有传统矫治过程中的钢丝和托槽,解决了传统矫治技术在口腔中的美观、清洁、操作且对牙周组织损伤的难题。然而它又以先进的三维数字化成像技术预知术后效果,应用智能化分析系统将牙齿移动数据更精确化,它几乎可称之为完美的矫治技术。&&&&&&&&隐形矫治适应症如下:牙列拥挤<4mm,轻度牙列间隙<4mm,不需进行矢状线关系调整正者,&个别牙浅反颌,牙弓狭窄,正畸后复发者,必须是恒牙期非骨性错颌者。&&&&&&& 在以上适应症的基础上智能化分析系统可将牙齿移动数据精确到0.1mm—0.4mm/步,扭转角度1度—5度/步,每两周更换一次矫形牙套,每4—6周复诊一次,牙套每天配戴不少于20小时,疗程一般需6—24月的一系列矫治过程。&&&&&&&&这样超精确的数字化操控技术往往会让人露出惊奇的目光去认真了解,随之就想验证一下它是不是这样的“神奇”。当然再先进的技术也是有弊端的,比如在进行轻度牙列拥挤矫正前,常需将拥挤牙齿进行适量的片切而获取所需的排列间隙,而我们传统的治疗技术并不需要,虽然市场上现在拥有很多高端的防龋设备与药品可是它确实是已经损伤了牙体组织,我们不是经常会提到在尽量减少牙体组织损伤的情况下将牙齿治疗的完美才叫完美吗?但仅仅是一个小于4mm的单纯的牙列拥挤就要损伤牙体的组织,我觉得这并不是太值得,但是那样精确的移动数据谁又能不心动呢? 下面我们在来看两张图片:图1在这上边我们可以清楚的看到矢状线的调整它们是没办法做到的。图2:&&&&&& 在这张图片上我们可以看到左侧牙套的唇面会有一些小的凸起,这些凸起是用树脂材料粘结在牙面上的固定附件,防止牙套脱位、松动而影响矫治效果用的。我觉得这些附件多多少少也是会影响一些患者自己摘戴的吧!大家觉得呢?&&&&& 最后就是加工费的问题,我想这也是每个消费者所想了解的问题吧!不过…其实加工费的问题我也不太清楚,只是知道个大概听说至少也得元吧!也许每个加工厂的价格会高低不等,但是也不会差很多的。&&&&& 通过以上的问题大家觉得隐形矫治技术是否适合临床使用呢?不过家庭条件真的很好的话,牙齿又适合这种技术的话,我觉得还是很不错的。
文章标题:隐形矫治技术是否适合于临床使用?(数字化正畸矫形技术)还没有帐号? 赶紧
在线252 小时
数字化矫正,“预”见你的美——数字化正畸时代来临牙齿矫正前,你是否很想看到矫正后的效果,期待会有怎样的变化?然而,去过很多家口腔医院咨询,都只是医生拿着一个石膏模型口述,听的是懵懵懂懂,两年后却没达到你想要的矫正效果。 牙齿矫正,如果你还停留在以往的口腔全景片和牙齿石膏模型上,矫治方案也仅凭医生个人经验判断,那你就OUT了。 800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__ca833ecad871c.png?306');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" > 像以前,医生拿在手里翻来覆去、看了又看的石膏模型,如今Ortholink优领数字化正畸平台集正畸资料管理、测量分析、模拟矫治方案排牙、专家指导和专业正畸培训等功能于一体,利用扫描技术建立3D数字化模型,让你在牙齿矫正之前就能看到矫治结束后的三维动画模拟。&& 同时,利用数字化技术,将检查、测量、分析、专家诊断、设计等环节融合在一起,分析全面、测量精准、专家丰富、治疗高效800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__cd946ba8e03a1.png?94');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" > 杭州口腔医院湖州分院—湖州地区首家引进Ortholink优领数字化正畸平台&& 目前,杭州口腔医院湖州分院作为湖州地区首家引进Ortholink优领数字化正畸平台的医院,始终走在口腔行业创新与技术的前端,极力打造数字化正畸、互联网线上会诊平台,集结业内众多专家资源,形成了具有强大正畸专家团队支持的资源宝库。800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__41e98a882821.png?145');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" >数字化矫正—从传统到数字800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__c4ed.png?156');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" >数字化矫正—从模糊到精确800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__175177_fce.png?101');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" >数字化矫正—从经验到精准8月25日美女主播小辣椒带你提前预见专属自己的美&& 8月25日美女主播小辣椒将映客直播(映客号:)带你走进数字化正畸时代,提前“预”见专属自己的美,届时特邀曾解密孙杨“鲨齿”变“男神”的陈丹鹏教授坐诊杭州口腔医院湖州分院,“数字化矫正 带你提前预见你的美。800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__a03e0c7f50d2f.png?88');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" > (陈丹鹏—优领董事长 正畸专家)________________________________________800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__3dbaa7fa9d8d.png?40');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" >&&800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__eaac9c5a536f.png?115');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" >________________________________________专家介绍800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__bb19ad2cb7561.jpg?206');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" >陈丹鹏教授世界冠军孙杨正畸医生主任医师医学博士研究生导师一牙董事长杭州口腔医院副院长昆明市口腔医院院长中华口腔医学会正畸专业委员会委员英国爱丁堡皇家外科学员正畸专科院士活动优惠:1.预约报名当日就诊优惠1000元(诊疗费9.5折+600元保持器)2.预约报名当日活动赠送正畸前后两次免费洁牙(价值600元)3.当天参加抽奖有机会送价值8000元陶瓷自锁托槽一副 800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__cf8.png?36');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" >报名方式:长按二维码报名 800) window.open('http://bbspic.nantaihu.com/pics/2017/Day__f74aefcdddc85.png?23');" style="max-width:801" onload="if(is_ie6&&this.offsetWidth>800)this.width=800;" >(预约咨询热线:400 003 0572)
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&&&&&&&&&士卓曼集团以 USD 150m 价格全资收购全球第二大隐形矫正品牌ClearCorrect,并通过加控股西班牙隐形矫正品牌 Geniova,以及全资收购齿科数字化解決方案提供商 Dental Wing,正式进入齿科数字化正畸的领域。
&&&&&&&&士卓曼集团以 USD 150m 价格全资收购全球第二大隐形矫正品牌ClearCorrect,并通过加控股西班牙隐形矫正品牌 Geniova,以及全资收购齿科数字化解決方案提供商 Dental Wing,正式进入齿科的领域。
&&&&&&&&据士卓曼集团首席执行官Marco Gadola分析,隐形矫正器的全球市场份额约15亿美元,隐适美约占70-80%市场份额,Clearcorrect 年销售额为3200万美元,仅占2-3%。另据隐适美公司2季度财报销售额达3.56亿美元,增长33%。
&&&&&&&&Straumann enters the orthodontics field and strengthens digital capabilities
&&&&&&&&Group acquires US-based ClearCorrect, a well-establishedprovider of clear-aligner tooth-correction solutions, for a total consideration of approx. USD 150m
&&&&&&&&38% stake in Geniova of Spain, an entrepreneurial pioneer of hybrid fast-aligner approach
&&&&&&&&Stake in Dental Wings, a leading developer and provider of CADCAM software and scanning technology, increased from 55% to 100%
&&&&&&&&Mike Rynerson, CEO of Dental Wings, rejoins Straumann to lead new Digital Business Unit as member of the Group&s Executive Management
&&&&&&&&Basel, 17 August 2017:The Straumann Group announced today that it has entered the attractive field of orthodontics by fully acquiring ClearCorrect, a well-established provider of full clear-aligner tooth-correction solutions. Straumann has also acquired a 38% stake in Geniova, a small entrepreneurial company in Spain, which has pioneered an innovative hybrid approach combining the advantages of clear-aligner systems with the benefits of conventional brackets.
&&&&&&&&Digital technology is at the core of both these businesses and is changing dentistry in general. To accelerate the development of digital platforms and equipment to support and link orthodontic, restorative and replacement dentistry Straumann is increasing its stake in Dental Wings Inc. from 55% to full ownership.
&&&&&&&&The transactions are expected to be completed by year-end and will be financed using the Group&s cash and treasury shares.
&&&&&&&&The Group also announced today that its deal to acquire a 35% stake in Rapid Shape GmbH, Germany has been completed. The latter is a leader in 3D-printing technologies and the Straumann-branded 3D-printers, which have been integrated into the CARES and Dental Wings workflows, are now entering limited market release.
&&&&&&&&Straumann is creating a global Digital Business Unit to bring these and its existing digital activities together and to accelerate their global expansion.
&&&&&&&&Marco Gadola, CEO of the Straumann Group,explained the rationale and timing of the deals:&Having come close to our goal of becoming a total solution provider in tooth replacement, we began looking into attractive complementary fields to see if we could create opportunities for further growth and synergies. Orthodontic treatments are often combined with implant procedures and we see many commonalities on the digital side & for example in scanning (intra- and extra-oral), designing (CAD) and 3D printing/additive manufacturing.
&&&&&&&&Furthermore, customer groups are very similar as a growing number of general practices offer implants and clear-aligner solutions. ClearCorrect provides us with the technology, expertise and a strong footing in this field, while Geniova gives us access to an innovative treatment approach. In return, we offer a global distribution and marketing network, in addition to brand leverage, regional production locations and the power of Dental Wings in digital technology.
&&&&&&&&Our union with ClearCorrect and Dental Wings, our investments in Geniova and Rapid Shape, as well as our partnership with 3Shape all fit together and enable us to capture the exciting opportunities that the clear-aligner market offers. I am delighted that ClearCorrect&s entrepreneurial leadership team will stay with the company and partner with us in supporting customer and patient needs and in growing their business&.
&&&&&&&&Esthetic dentistry & a highly attractive field for Straumann
&&&&&&&&It is estimated that 75% of the teenage and adult population have misaligned teeth and require orthodontic treatment. The introduction of clear-aligner solutions as an alternative to conventional braces and brackets represented a milestone in addressing this need. Growing awareness, broader availability (e.g. through general dentists) and the increased importance of dental esthetics are key growth drivers for the global clear-aligner market, which is estimated to be worth close to CHF 1.5 billion and growing at a low double-digit-percentage rate. Of the three million orthodontic cases treated in the North America last year, approximately a quarter received clear-aligner solutions2. The penetration rate is lower in other countries, where the clear-aligner market is still emerging. This, combined with Straumann&s ability to leverage its global organization, offer incremental growth opportunities for both the Group and its partners.
&&&&&&&&New organization to coordinate and drive digital activities
&&&&&&&&Digital technology and workflows are increasingly prominent in all areas of modern dentistry including the aligner and tooth replacement businesses, as dentists and labs adopt technologies like computer-guided surgery, intraoral scanning, CADCAM restorations and 3D printing, which are digitally interconnected.
&&&&&&&&This underlines the importance of Dental Wings as a leading developer and provider of digital dentistry technologies. It also explains why the Straumann Group has built partnerships with other leading companies in the field including Rapid Shape (3D printing), 3Shape (scanning), and Amann Girrbach (in-lab and chairside mills). To bring them and the Group&s other digital activities closer together and to drive their global expansion, Straumann is creating a global Digital Business Unit under the leadership of Mike Rynerson, who rejoins the Group as amember of the Executive Management Board.
&&&&&&&&Mike Rynersonhas been CEO of Dental Wings for almost four years, during which time the company has almost tripled its revenue and profit. Previously, he spent five years at Straumann in Project Management, Business Development & Licensing, Intraoral Scanning Distribution, and finally as Head of Straumann&s &Dental Service Group& and Executive Liaison to Dental Wings. Prior to joining Straumann, he co-founded and held several managerial and executive positions in companies and start-ups in the field of 3D printing and CADCAM. Born in 1970, he is a US citizen and holds a Master&s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and an MBA from the Olin School of Business.
&&&&&&&&With its new set-up, portfolio and partnerships, the Straumann Group is in an excellent position to offer, expand and refine digitally-supported end-to-end solutions for general dentists and specialists.
&&&&&&&&About clear aligners
&&&&&&&&Clear aligners are an increasingly popular form of orthodontic treatment by virtue of their transparency, convenience, removability, efficiency, and the fact that they can be provided through both orthodontists and general dentists. They can be used from minor to major complexity cases, depending on the clinician's experience.
&&&&&&&&In ClearCorrect&s workflow, the dentist sends an intraoral scan or a conventional impression to the company, which designs an individual digital treatment plan based on the desired tooth position determined and the doctor&s prescription. This is used to produce a series of progressive models of the patient&s dental situation by 3D printing. Transparent thermoplastic aligners are produced from the models and sent to the dentist to complete the treatment. Each aligner is worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day for about two weeks to move teeth gently into the desired position.
&&&&&&&&Clear aligners simply clip over the patient&s teeth and are easy to remove, in contrast to conventional brackets, which are fixed to individual teeth and connected by wire.
&&&&&&&&About ClearCorrect
&&&&&&&&Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, ClearCorrect is a privately-held fast-growing company that generated sales of USD 32m in 2016, making it a well-established provider of clear-aligner tooth-correction solutions2. The company develops and produces high-quality easy-to-use solutions that are transparent, removable, comfortable, attractively priced, and used typically to treat minor to medium malocclusions. The majority of its customers are general dentists, who are served directly in North America or through sales agents in Australia, Israel, New Zealand and the UK. Having built its business with an internal sales team only, the company recently began to establish a field force to target new customers actively. Today the ClearCorrect employs a staff of approximately 200.
&&&&&&&&Straumann is acquiring all outstanding shares in ClearCorrect Holdings, Inc., and its subsidiaries for a total consideration of approx. USD 150m.
&&&&&&&&About Geniova
&&&&&&&&Based in Madrid, Geniova Technologies S.L. is a young dynamic company which has pioneered an innovative hybrid aligner solution, combining the strength of fixed orthodontic appliances with the flexibility of removable, transparent clear aligners.
&&&&&&&&Their fast aligner system consists of transparent copings connected by a nickel-titanium wire. This design produces movement only in the teeth that need correction and allows the aligner to be removed easily when required.
&&&&&&&&To support Geniova&s expansion strategy, Straumann has provided a capital injection in return for a 38% stake in the company. The deal also includes the right to become the exclusive distributor of Geniova products.
&&&&&&&&About Dental Wings
&&&&&&&&Dental Wings Inc. is a leading provider of digital dentistry technologies. Its solutions cover the full digital workflow & from treatment-planning to final restoration including dental scanning, implant planning, prosthesis design, manufacturing, and communication among dental professionals. The company is privately owned, profitable and its staff of more than 160 achieved revenues of CAD 28m in 2016.
&&&&&&&&Founded in 2007, Dental Wings is headquartered in Montreal and has offices in Berlin, Chemnitz (D), Lyon (F), and Shenzhen (CN). Its products are distributed by leading dental companies in over 45 countries around the world. Its vision is to create the largest global network of digitally-enabled dental professionals, and equip them with diagnostic, design, and manufacturing tools that increase the efficacy, quality, and profitability of the services they provide to patients.
&&&&&&&&Straumann first invested in Dental Wings in 2011 by acquiring a 30% stake, which it increased to 55% in 2015. The total purchase consideration for the remaining 45% amounts to approx. CAD 50m.
&&&&&&&&About Rapid Shape
&&&&&&&&Headquartered in Germany, Rapid Shape specializes in the development and manufacture of high-end 3D-printing systems for additive manufacturing. As an innovation-leader in the field, Rapid Shape&s printers are based on proprietary technology which sets standards in terms of speed, reliability and precision. Rapid Shape&s solutions are optimized for dentistry, hearing-aid and jewellery applications. Precision, quality and a partnership-approach with its distribution, material and technology partners as well as extensive customer support are its hallmarks. Straumann has just acquired a 35% stake in Rapid Shape.
&&&&&&&&About Straumann
&&&&&&&&The Straumann Group (SIX: STMN) is a global leader in tooth replacement and orthodontic solutions that restore smiles and confidence. It unites global and international brands that stand for excellence, innovation and quality in replacement, corrective and digital dentistry, including Straumann, Instradent, Neodent, Medentika, etkon, ClearCorrect, Dental Wings, and other fully/partly owned companies and partners.
&&&&&&&&In collaboration with leading clinics, institutes and universities, the Group researches, develops, manufactures and supplies dental implants, instruments, CADCAM prosthetics, biomaterials and digital solutions for use in tooth replacement and restoration or to prevent tooth loss.
&&&&&&&&Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, the Group currently employs 4200 people worldwide (excluding ClearCorrect and Dental Wings) and its products, solutions and services are available in more than 100 countries through a broad network of distribution subsidiaries and partners.
&&&&&&&&1Orthodontics is the field of dentistry devoted to the prevention and correction of irregular teeth, using e.g. braces, brackets, aligners etc.
&&&&&&&&2Sources: Global Industry Analyst Inc.: Orthodontic Supplies/A global strategic business report 2016; internal estimates.
&&&&&&&&Straumann Holding AG, Peter Merian-Weg 12, 4002 Basel, Switzerland.
&&&&&&&&Phone : +41 (0)61 965 11 11 / Fax : +41 (0)61 965 11 01
&&&&&&&&Corporate Communication
&&&&&&&&Mark Hill: +41 (0)61 965 13 21
&&&&&&&&Thomas Konrad: +41 (0)61 965 15 46
&&&&&&&&Investor Relations
&&&&&&&&Fabian Hildbrand: +41 (0)61 965 13 27
&&&&&&&&This release contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect the current views of management. Such statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Straumann Group to differ materially from those expressed or implied in this release. Straumann is providing the information in this release as of this date and does not undertake any obligation to update any statements contained in it as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
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